Thursday, November 12, 2020, Vol. 22, No. 227
3M COMPANY: Bocek Alleges Injury From Exposure to PFAS
3M COMPANY: Brown Alleges Injury From Exposure to PFAS
3M COMPANY: Carthel Alleges Injury From Exposure to PFAS
3M COMPANY: Johnson Alleges Injury From Exposure to PFAS
A&P RESTAURANT: Emeterio Seeks FLSA Class Status
ALACHUA, FL: Profit Seeks to Certify Class of Pre-Trial Detainees
ALLSTATE FIRE: Louise Case Alleges Breach of Contract
ANTSUL-BWW: Perez Seeks Minimum, OT Wages for Tipped Employees
APPLE INC: Custodero Sues Over Illegal Casino-Style Machine Games
ARIZONA TILE: Mariscal Employment Suit Removed to C.D. California
ASIA PACIFIC: Faces Monegro Suit in S.D.N.Y. Over ADA Violation
AT&T CORP: Mosley-Lovings Appeals Ruling in FLSA Suit to 5th Cir.
B&M MANAGEMENT: Greenlaw Seeks OT Pay for Maintenance Staff
BAIRD DRYWALL: Conditional Class Cert. Bid Denied in Britt Suit
BANK OF NEW YORK: McLane Sues Over Foreclosure Redemption Process
BARRY SIEGEL: Ortiz Seeks to Certify Settlement Class
BLUE DIAMOND: Almond Breeze Brand Contains Fake Vanilla, Suit Says
BLUE DIAMOND: Almond Breeze Contains Fake Vanilla, Farve Claims
BMW OF NORTH AMERICA: Cars Have Battery Systems Defect, Kavon Says
BMW OF NORTH AMERICA: Kavon Sues Over Defective Car Battery
BMW: Spanier Files Securities Suit over ADR Price Drop
BONDED FILTER: Waterman Labor Suit Seeks OT Pay for Technicians
BRINKER INT'L: Faces Patti TCPA Suit Over Unwanted Text Messaging
C&J WELL: Faces Points Employment Suit in Calif. Superior Court
CAPITOL WATERTOWN: Bruske Suit Seeks Class Certification
CAREPARTNERS: Law Firms Commence Privacy Breach Class Action
CAREY LIMOUSINE: Misclassifies Drivers, Vega Suit Says
CARNIVAL CORP: Court Denies Bid to Certify Class in Archer Suit
CARSON SMITHFIELD: Faces Ortiz FDCA Suit in New Jersey
CITIMORTGAGE INC: Morton Sues Over Foreclosure Redemption Process
COLEMAN CO: Zachmann Sues Over Deceptive Labeling of Ice Coolers
COLGATE-PALMOLIVE: Website Inaccessible to Blind, Romero Suit Says
COLIN LEMAHIEU: Class Status Bid in Fabian Action Withdrawn
CONTINENTAL INSURANCE: Park Place Sues over COVID-19 Losses
COVETRUS INC: Indiana Electrical Alleges Breach of Fiduciary Duty
CUPERTINO ELECTRIC: Wittbecker Sues Over Meal & Rest Periods
CUSTOMER CONNEXX: Cadena FLSA Suit Seeks to Certify Two Classes
DENVER, CO: Homeless Out Loud Seeks Class Status
DIRECT LISTINGS: Fabricant Sues Over Unsolicited Phone Calls Ads
DIRECTAPPS INC: Faces Suttles Suit Over Illegal Background Check
DISNEY DTC: Website Inaccessible to Blind Users, Tenzer-Fuchs Says
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Lewis Suit Seeks to Certify Two Classes
DREXLER CONSTRUCTION: Faces Canales Wage-and-Hour Suit in E.D.N.Y.
EMPEREON MARKETING: Nutt Seeks Overtime Pay for Call Center Staff
EQUITY RESIDENTIAL: Modification of Class Cert. Order Sought
ESTATES LLC: Williams Suit Seeks to Certify Class & Subclass
EVOLUS INC: Faces Cox Suit Over 37% Drop in Share Price
FAMILY SOLUTIONS: Seeks to Decertify Employees Class
FANTASY GIRLS: Becker Seeks to Certify Class of Dancers
FANTASY GIRLS: Dorio Seeks to Certify Class of Dancers
FILTERS FAST: McCreary Suit Alleges Data Breach
FIRST AMERICAN FINANCIAL: Faces Floyd Suit Over Price Shares Drop
FLIGHT SERVICES: Court Denies Flores-Litman's Class Status Bid
FREEDOM MORTGAGE: Burress Sues Over Inaccurate Mortgage Statements
GAMA CONSTRUCTION: Braulio Sues Over Failure to Pay Overtime
GAMESTOP CORP: Faces Redmond Suit Over Unlawful Labor Practices
GEICO GENERAL: Milligan Appeals Order in Insurance Suit to 2nd Cir
GENERAL MOTORS: Faces Massie Suit in Calif. Over Personal Injury
GILLIG LLC: Tolentino Labor Suit Removed to N.D. California
GILLIG LLC: Tolentino Labor Suit Removed to N.D. California
GOM GRAPHICS: So Seeks Overtime Pay for Warehouse Staff
GOODVILLE MUTUAL: Mitchell Sues Over Breach of Insurance Policy
GOODWIN MANAGEMENT: Dahl Sues Over Deceptive Collection Letters
GOOGLE LLC: Dinerstein Appeals N.D. Ill. Ruling to 7th Circuit
GOOGLE LLC: Montoya Sues Over Money Lost to Online Gambling
GOOGLE LLC: Smith Sues over Money Lost to Illegal Gambling
HAWTHORNE HEALTHCARE: Daniels Sues Over Unpaid Wages for Nurses
HEWLETT-PACKARD: Fonseca Appeals S.D. Cal. Ruling to 9th Cir.
HFM INC: Bid to Certify Class in Brigati Suit Denied for Now
HFM INC: Brigati Suit Seeks to Certify Class of Golf Club Owners
HILTON WORLDWIDE: Germak Says Restaurant Service Fee "Unlawful"
HOMELAND SECURITY: Gatore Seeks to Certify FOIA Requesters Class
HOMES FOR INDEPENDENT: Bishop Sues Over Unpaid Overtime Wages
HORACE MANN: Fails to Pay Medical Expenses, MSP Recovery Claims
HOTS INC: Lofton Seeks Minimum & OT Wages for Exotic Dancers
HOUSE OF INTUITION: Website Inaccessible to Blind, Lucius Suit Says
HUDSON FULTON: Faces Hurtado Wage-and-Hour Suit in S.D.N.Y.
HUMANA AT HOME: Class Status Bid in Green Suit Denied
HUNGARY: Seeks D.C. Cir. Review of Federal Court Decision
HV OCCUPATIONAL: Rapp Suit Seeks to Certify Site Paramedics Class
INTERCEPT PHARMACEUTICALS: Chauhan Sues Over 8% Share Price Drop
J & Z FOOD: Faces Lara Wage-and-Hour Suit in S.D.N.Y.
J.B. PRITZKER: Clark Seeks to Certify Inmates Class
JJ'S ASIAN: Cruz Seeks Minimum & OT Wages for Restaurant Staff
JPMORGAN CHASE: Mehta Sues Over Common Shares Price Drop
KENNETH REES: Gibbs et al. Seek to Certify Settlement Class
KENNETH REES: Settlement Reached in Banks Litigation
KING OF FREIGHT: Wright Seeks Minimum & Overtime Pay
KROGER CO: Faces Brambila Suit Over Unlawful Labor Practices
LEXICON CONSULTING: Fails to Pay Minimum & OT Wages, Shamon Claims
LEXUS OF MANHATTAN: Watson Suit Seeks to Certify 3 TCPA Classes
LJUBLJANA INTER: Klein Sues Over Defective Vehicle Parts
LOANCARE LLC: Alvarez Suit Seeks to Certify FCCPA & FDUTPA Classes
LOOP INDUSTRIES: Bazzini Sues Over 32% Drop in Share Price
LPS SERVICES: Alleman Seeks to Certify Security Officers Class
M.S.T.A.S. LTD: Duran Sues Over Unpaid OT Wages and Retaliation
MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL: Germal Balks at Unlawful Food Service Fee
MATCO TOOLS: Fleming Suit Seeks to Certify Distributors Class
MB RYE: Ahn Sues Over Unlawful Labor Practices Under FLSA, NYLL
MDL 2836: Merck Appeals Ruling in Zetia Ezetimibe Antitrust Suit
MOBILE MINI DEALER: Daisy Appeals Ruling in TCPA Suit to 11th Cir.
MOBILEIRON INC: Bushansky Challenges Proposed $872M Sale to Ivanti
MOBIUS INC: Underpays Caregivers, Brignoni-Kann Suit Claims
NATIONAL PACKAGING: Guzman Suit Seeks Class Certification
NEOVASC INC: Faces Gonzalez Suit Over 42% Drop in Share Price
NHR HUMAN: Hernandez Seeks Collective Status for FLSA Suit
NIKE INC: Bunn ADA Class Suit Removed to N.D. California
NITIN & PARDEEP: Faces Camara Wage-and-Hour Suit in E.D.N.Y.
NORVAX LLC: Faces Hossfeld TCPA Suit Over Telemarketing Calls
NURIA'S RESTAURANTE: Hernandez Appeals FLSA Suit Order to 2nd Cir.
NUTRACEUTICAL WELLNESS: Blind Can't Access Website, Fischler Claims
NYC MEDICAL: Lawrence Seeks to Certify FLSA Collective Status
OAKLAND, CA: Class of Mobility-Disabled Renters Sought
OLE MEXICAN: Rodriguez Sues Over Deceptive Labeling of Tortillas
OP REALTY: Motion for Class Certification Denied in Liu Suit
ORGANIC PASTURES: Mislabels Dairy Products as Organic, Suit Says
OUT TECH: Voeks Alleges Abusive Debt Collection Practices
OXNARD, CA: Alvarez Suit Seeks Class Action Status
P & L INNOVATIONS: Chen Sues Over Unpaid Minimum & OT Wages
PACIFIC COAST ENERGY: Appeal Filed in Evergreen Capital Suit
PACIFIC MARITIME: Andrikos Seeks to Certify Class & Subclasses
PARTSBASE INC: Court Approves Settlement in Sullivan FLSA Suit
PEOPLE'S UNITED: Ianello Balks at Loan Discharge Fee
PEPPERIDGE: 'All Butter Loaf Cake' Label Deceptive, Kamara Says
PILGRIMS PRIDE: Bid to Dismiss Hogan Suit Pending
PIZZA ON STONE: Faces Velazquez Suit Over Tip Misappropriation
PORSCHE AG: Fajardo Alleges Emission System Cheating Scheme
PORSCHE CARS: Manipulates Emissions Testing Results, Schubert Says
PRECIGEN INC: Faces Chen Securities Suit Over Stock Price Drop
PREMIER PLUMBING: Class Certified in Wickles' Labor Suit
PREMIUM CONNECTION: Misclassifies Employees, Bonner Suit Claims
PREMIUM SEATS: Bryant Files Class Suit in S.D. Florida
PRESSED JUICERY: Settlement Classes Sought in Brooks Action
PROGRESSIVE DIRECT: Stedman Suit Seeks to Certify Insured Class
PULSE OPINION: Faces Perrong Suit Over Illegal Telemarketing Calls
RAM PAYMENT: Germinario Seeks Class Action Status
RASTELLI FOODS: Website Not Accessible to Blind, Angeles Claims
RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES: Bajjuri Sues Over 7% Drop in Share Price
RCM TECHNOLOGIES: Court Certifies Class of Hourly Employees
REQUIN: Delcid Seeks Restaurant Staff's Unpaid Minimum & OT Wages
RESQ MANUFACTURING: Grebe Files Labor Suit in Calif. State Court
RESTAURANT BRANDS: Warwick Pension Fund Sues Over Share Price Drop
RMP LLC: Ginsberg Sues Over Unfair Debt Collection Practices
S.A.S SERVICES: Faces Aroche Suit Over Unlawful Labor Practices
SABER HEALTHCARE: Class Certification Denied in Bartels Suit
SAFELITE FULFILLMENT: Austin Sues Over Unlawful Labor Practices
SENTINEL INSURANCE: Blushark Sues Over Denied COVID-19 Claims
SKANSKA KOCH: Court Okays Filing of Third Amended Complaint
SOC LLC: Darrough Employment Suit Removed to District of Nevada
SOUTHERN CONNECTIONS: Schion Suit Seeks to Recover Overtime Pay
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: Huntsman Suit Seeks to Certify Class
ST. TAMMANY PARISH: Louviere et al Seek to Certify Detainees Class
STAR NAIL: Fails to Pay Proper Wages to Nail Workers, Tian Claims
STATE FARM: Alissa's Flowers Appeals Order in Insurance Suit
STELLAR MANAGEMENT: Sanitation Workers Class Sought
SUNWORKS INC: Bruckner Balks at Merger Deal with Peck Company
TIDELANDS HEALTH: Sawyer Seeks to Certify Rule 23 Class
TRADITIONAL LOGISTICS: Daniels Balks at Race, Gender Bias
TRUMBULL INSURANCE: Goble Files Insurance Suit in S.D. Ohio
TUFTS UNIVERSITY: Bruckno Seeks Tuition Refund Over COVID Closure
UNIFIN INC: Faces Armstrong Suit in Indiana Over Debt Collection
UNITED STATES: Judgment in Prisoner Rights Suit Under Appeal
UNITED STATES: Milton Appeals Fed. Claims Judgment to Fed. Cir.
UNITED STATES: Second Cir. Appeal Filed in Onosamba-Ohindo Suit
UNIVERSAL HEALTH: Faces Graham Suit Over Ransomware Attack
UPS STORE: Schmoll Seeks Shipping Fee Refund for Unsent Packages
USAA GENERAL: Fails to Pay Full Car Insurance, Fuller Says
USAA LIFE: Appeals Spegele Insurance Case Ruling to Fifth Circuit
USAA: Allen et al. File Appeal in Texas Appeals Court
VAIL CORP: Kutz Seeks to Certify 401(k) Plan Beneficiaries Class
WALGREEN CO: Mejia Labor Suit Seeks to Certify Settlement Class
WARNER MUSIC: Faces Data Breach Class Action in New York
WARNER MUSIC: Fails to Properly Secure Customer Data, Watt Claims
WASTE PRO: Class Certification Denied in Hansen Suit
WEGMANS FOOD: Alexander Sues Over Deceptive Vanilla Labeling
WESTERN EXPRESS: Bedjan Employment Suit Removed to C.D. Calif.
WHIRLPOOL CORP: Redmon Says Dishwashers Can Leak, Damage Property
WILLIAMS COMPANIES: Seeks to Certify Inspectors Class
WILLIS TOWERS: Replies to Bid for Writ of Certiorari Due Today
WISCONSIN: Class OK'd in Suit over Inmates Serving Life Sentences
ZF ACTIVE: Adams Liability Suit Moved From E.D. Mich. to C.D. Cal.
ZILLOW GROUP: Court Grants Class Status in Securities Litigation
3M COMPANY: Bocek Alleges Injury From Exposure to PFAS
JAMES DESMOND BOCEK v. 3M COMPANY (f/k/a Minnesota Mining and
as successor-in-interest to The Ansul Company; UNITED TECHNOLOGIES
GE Interlogix, Inc.), Case No. 2:20-cv-03708-RMG (D.S.C., October
21, 2020), seeks damages for personal injury sustained by the
Plaintiff and by those similarly situated resulting from exposure
to aqueous film-forming foams containing the toxic chemicals
collectively known as per and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
AFFF is a specialized substance designed to extinguish
petroleum-based fires. AFFF has been used for decades by military
and civilian firefighters to extinguish fires in training and in
response to Class B fires.
According to the complaint, the Defendants collectively designed,
marketed, developed, manufactured, distributed, released, trained
users, produced instructional materials, promoted, sold, and/or
otherwise released into the stream of commerce AFFF with knowledge
that it contained highly toxic and bio persistent PFASs, which
would expose end users of the product to the risks associated with
PFAS binds to proteins in the blood of humans exposed to the
material and remains and persists over long periods of time. Due to
their unique chemical structure, PFAS accumulates in the blood and
body of exposed individuals. PFAS are highly toxic and carcinogenic
chemicals. PFAS includes perfluorooctanoic acid ("PFOA") and
perfluorooctane sulfonic acid ("PFOS") and related chemicals,
including those that degrade to PFOA and/or PFOS. The Defendants
knew, or should have known, that PFAS remain in the human body
while presenting significant health risks to humans, the Plaintiff
The Plaintiff seeks to recover compensatory and punitive damages
arising out of the permanent and significant damages sustained as a
direct result of exposure to the Defendants' AFFF products at
various locations during the course of the Plaintiff's training and
firefighting activities.
The Bocek case has been consolidated in MDL No. 2873, In Re:
Aqueous Film-Forming Foams Products Liability Litigation. The case
is assigned to the Hon. Judge Richard Gergel.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Gregory A. Cade, Esq.
Gary A. Anderson, Esq.
Kevin B. McKie, Esq.
2160 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Telephone: 205-328-9200
Facsimile: 205-328-9456
E-mail: gregc@elglaw.com
- and -
J. Edward Bell, III, Esq.
Gabrielle Anna Sulpizio, Esq.
219 Ridge Street
Georgetown, SC 25442
Telephone: 843-546-2408
Facsimile: 843-546-9604
E-mail: ebell@edbelllaw.com
3M COMPANY: Brown Alleges Injury From Exposure to PFAS
ALLEN PUSHAWN BROWN v. 3M COMPANY (f/k/a Minnesota Mining and
as successor-in-interest to The Ansul Company; UNITED TECHNOLOGIES
GE Interlogix, Inc.), Case No. 2:20-cv-03707-RMG (D.S.C., October
21, 2020), seeks damages for personal injury sustained by the
Plaintiff and by those similarly situated resulting from exposure
to aqueous film-forming foams containing the toxic chemicals
collectively known as per and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
AFFF is a specialized substance designed to extinguish
petroleum-based fires. AFFF has been used for decades by military
and civilian firefighters to extinguish fires in training and in
response to Class B fires.
According to the complaint, the Defendants collectively designed,
marketed, developed, manufactured, distributed, released, trained
users, produced instructional materials, promoted, sold, and/or
otherwise released into the stream of commerce AFFF with knowledge
that it contained highly toxic and bio persistent PFASs, which
would expose end users of the product to the risks associated with
PFAS binds to proteins in the blood of humans exposed to the
material and remains and persists over long periods of time. Due to
their unique chemical structure, PFAS accumulates in the blood and
body of exposed individuals. PFAS are highly toxic and carcinogenic
chemicals. PFAS includes perfluorooctanoic acid ("PFOA") and
perfluorooctane sulfonic acid ("PFOS") and related chemicals,
including those that degrade to PFOA and/or PFOS. The Defendants
knew, or should have known, that PFAS remain in the human body
while presenting significant health risks to humans, the Plaintiff
The Plaintiff seeks to recover compensatory and punitive damages
arising out of the permanent and significant damages sustained as a
direct result of exposure to the Defendants' AFFF products at
various locations during the course of the Plaintiff's training and
firefighting activities.
The Brown case has been consolidated in MDL No. 2873, In Re:
Aqueous Film-Forming Foams Products Liability Litigation. The case
is assigned to the Hon. Judge Richard Gergel.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Gregory A. Cade, Esq.
Gary A. Anderson, Esq.
Kevin B. McKie, Esq.
2160 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Telephone: 205-328-9200
Facsimile: 205-328-9456
E-mail: gregc@elglaw.com
- and -
J. Edward Bell, III, Esq.
Gabrielle Anna Sulpizio, Esq.
219 Ridge Street
Georgetown, SC 25442
Telephone: 843-546-2408
Facsimile: 843-546-9604
E-mail: ebell@edbelllaw.com
3M COMPANY: Carthel Alleges Injury From Exposure to PFAS
WILLIAM MYRON CARTHEL v. 3M COMPANY (f/k/a Minnesota Mining and
as successor-in-interest to The Ansul Company; UNITED TECHNOLOGIES
GE Interlogix, Inc.), Case No. 2:20-cv-03705-RMG (D.S.C., October
21, 2020), seeks damages for personal injury sustained by the
Plaintiff and by those similarly situated resulting from exposure
to aqueous film-forming foams containing the toxic chemicals
collectively known as per and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
AFFF is a specialized substance designed to extinguish
petroleum-based fires. AFFF has been used for decades by military
and civilian firefighters to extinguish fires in training and in
response to Class B fires.
According to the complaint, the Defendants collectively designed,
marketed, developed, manufactured, distributed, released, trained
users, produced instructional materials, promoted, sold, and/or
otherwise released into the stream of commerce AFFF with knowledge
that it contained highly toxic and bio persistent PFASs, which
would expose end users of the product to the risks associated with
PFAS binds to proteins in the blood of humans exposed to the
material and remains and persists over long periods of time. Due to
their unique chemical structure, PFAS accumulates in the blood and
body of exposed individuals. PFAS are highly toxic and carcinogenic
chemicals. PFAS includes perfluorooctanoic acid ("PFOA") and
perfluorooctane sulfonic acid ("PFOS") and related chemicals,
including those that degrade to PFOA and/or PFOS. The Defendants
knew, or should have known, that PFAS remain in the human body
while presenting significant health risks to humans, the Plaintiff
The Plaintiff seeks to recover compensatory and punitive damages
arising out of the permanent and significant damages sustained as a
direct result of exposure to the Defendants' AFFF products at
various locations during the course of the Plaintiff's training and
firefighting activities.
The Carthel case has been consolidated in MDL No. 2873, In Re:
Aqueous Film-Forming Foams Products Liability Litigation. The case
is assigned to the Hon. Judge Richard Gergel.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Gregory A. Cade, Esq.
Gary A. Anderson, Esq.
Kevin B. McKie, Esq.
2160 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Telephone: 205-328-9200
Facsimile: 205-328-9456
E-mail: gregc@elglaw.com
- and -
J. Edward Bell, III, Esq.
Gabrielle Anna Sulpizio, Esq.
219 Ridge Street
Georgetown, SC 25442
Telephone: 843-546-2408
Facsimile: 843-546-9604
E-mail: ebell@edbelllaw.com
3M COMPANY: Johnson Alleges Injury From Exposure to PFAS
PAUL GORDON JOHNSON v. 3M COMPANY (f/k/a Minnesota Mining and
as successor-in-interest to The Ansul Company; UNITED TECHNOLOGIES
GE Interlogix, Inc.), Case No. 2:20-cv-03761-RMG (D.S.C., October
26, 2020), seeks damages for personal injury sustained by the
Plaintiff and by those similarly situated resulting from exposure
to aqueous film-forming foams containing the toxic chemicals
collectively known as per and polyfluoroalkyl substances.
AFFF is a specialized substance designed to extinguish
petroleum-based fires. AFFF has been used for decades by military
and civilian firefighters to extinguish fires in training and in
response to Class B fires.
According to the complaint, the Defendants collectively designed,
marketed, developed, manufactured, distributed, released, trained
users, produced instructional materials, promoted, sold, and/or
otherwise released into the stream of commerce AFFF with knowledge
that it contained highly toxic and bio persistent PFASs, which
would expose end users of the product to the risks associated with
PFAS binds to proteins in the blood of humans exposed to the
material and remains and persists over long periods of time. Due to
their unique chemical structure, PFAS accumulates in the blood and
body of exposed individuals. PFAS are highly toxic and carcinogenic
chemicals. PFAS includes perfluorooctanoic acid ("PFOA") and
perfluorooctane sulfonic acid ("PFOS") and related chemicals,
including those that degrade to PFOA and/or PFOS. The Defendants
knew, or should have known, that PFAS remain in the human body
while presenting significant health risks to humans, the Plaintiff
The Plaintiff seeks to recover compensatory and punitive damages
arising out of the permanent and significant damages sustained as a
direct result of exposure to the Defendants' AFFF products at
various locations during the course of the Plaintiff's training and
firefighting activities.
The Johnson case has been consolidated in MDL No. 2873, In Re:
Aqueous Film-Forming Foams Products Liability Litigation. The case
is assigned to the Hon. Judge Richard Gergel.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Gregory A. Cade, Esq.
Gary A. Anderson, Esq.
Kevin B. McKie, Esq.
2160 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Telephone: 205-328-9200
Facsimile: 205-328-9456
E-mail: gregc@elglaw.com
- and -
J. Edward Bell, III, Esq.
Gabrielle Anna Sulpizio, Esq.
219 Ridge Street
Georgetown, SC 25442
Telephone: 843-546-2408
Facsimile: 843-546-9604
E-mail: ebell@edbelllaw.com
A&P RESTAURANT: Emeterio Seeks FLSA Class Status
In the class action lawsuit captioned as FRANCISCO EMETERIO, on
behalf of himself, Fair Labor Standards Act Collective Plaintiffs
(E.D.N.Y.), the Plaintiff will move the Court on February 7, 2021,
for an order:
1. conditionally certifying the FLSA claim as a
representative collective action pursuant to 29 U.S.C.
section 216(b)1 on behalf of Covered Employees:
"all current and former non-exempt employees (including
line cooks, cooks, food preparers, stock persons,
counterpersons, porters, dishwashers, food runners,
delivery persons, busboys, and servers), employed by
Defendants within the last six years";
2. approving Court-facilitated notice of this FLSA action
to Covered Employees, including a consent form (or
opt-in form) as authorized by the FLSA;
3. granting approval of the proposed FLSA notice of this
action and the consent form;
4. granting approval of the consent forms of opt-in
plaintiffs to be sent directly to the Plaintiff's counsel;
5. directing production in Excel format of names, Social
Security numbers, titles, compensation rates, dates of
employment, last known mailing addresses, email addresses
and all known telephone numbers of all Covered Employees
within 10 days of Court approval of conditional
6. posting of the notice, along with the consent forms in
each of Defendants' places of business where Covered
Employees are employed; and
7. equitable tolling of the FLSA statute of limitations until
such time that Plaintiff is able to send notice to
potential opt-in plaintiffs.
The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendants as a line cook at
Remedy Diner. He was employed from January 2010 to June 2019. He
suffered significant wage and hour violations. He also personally
observed other workers employed by the Defendants suffering from
the same policies. Specifically, he and all other non-exempt
employees suffered from the Defendants' policy of failing to pay
proper wages for all hours worked, including the proper overtime
thereof, due to the Defendants' improper time-shaving and rounding
policies, in violation of the FLSA, the complaint says.
Th Defendants collectively own and operate the two restaurants in
New York City: Remedy Diner and Jax Inn Diner.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for conditional collective
certification is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/3kxbb1d at no extra charge.[CC]
Attorney for the Plaintiff, FLSA Collective Plaintiffs, and the
Class are:
C.K. Lee, Esq.
148 West 24th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10011
Telephone: (212) 465-1188
Facsimile: (212) 465-1181
ALACHUA, FL: Profit Seeks to Certify Class of Pre-Trial Detainees
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Raymond A. Profit v.
Michelle Hart, et al., Case No. 1:20-cv-00246-AW-GRJ (N.D. Fla.),
Plaintiff asks the Court for an order certifying a class of:
"all pre-trial detainees that are or will be incarcerated at
the Alachua County Jail desiring yo carry-out , at a bare
minimal, the dietary laws of their religions."
The Plaintiff contends there are about 700 inmates incarcerated at
the Alachua County Jail. He adds that there are Jewish, Muslims,
and Christian inmates that are denied freedom to practice their
religion due to the policies of the jail.
Alachua County is a county located in the north central portion of
the U.S. state of Florida.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3efmJUJ at no
extra charge.
The Plaintiff appears pro se.[CC]
ALLSTATE FIRE: Louise Case Alleges Breach of Contract
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Allstate Fire and
Casualty Insurance Company. The case is styled as Louise Case,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v.
Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company, an Illinois
corporation, Case No. 1:20-cv-00834-MWM (S.D. Ohio, November 2,
The lawsuit alleges breach of insurance contract.
The case is assigned to Judge Matthew W. McFarland.
Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company operates as an
insurance firm. The Company offers auto, home, renters, condo,
motorcycle, life, and roadside insurance services. Allstate Fire
and Casualty Insurance serves customers in the United States.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Kevin C. Hulick, Esq.
Stuart E. Scott, Esq.
1001 Lakeside Avenue East, Suite 1700
Cleveland, OH 44114
Telephone: (216) 696-3232
Facsimile: (216) 696-3924
E-mail: khulick@spanglaw.com
ANTSUL-BWW: Perez Seeks Minimum, OT Wages for Tipped Employees
SARAH PEREZ, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
No. 521007/2020 (N.Y. Sup., Kings Cty., Oct. 28, 2020), seeks to
recover minimum wages, overtime compensation and other damages for
Plaintiff and his similarly situated co-workers -- all current and
former front-of-house tipped employees paid under full minimum wage
(Tipped Employees) -- who work or worked at the Buffalo Wild Wings
restaurant located at 1447 Richmond Ave., Staten Island, New York
10314 during the period commencing March 21, 2013 through June 3,
The Plaintiff contends that the Defendants applied a tip credit to
Tipped Employees' wages and paid Tipped Employees a reduced minimum
wage rate. He adds the Defendants, however, did not satisfy the
requirements under the New York Labor Law or the Fair Labor
Standards Act by which it could take a tip credit towards the
hourly rates paid to Tipped Employees.
Ms. Perez was employed by the Defendants as a bartender -- a Tipped
Employee -- from January 2013 through August 2019 in New York.
Antsul is part of the fast-food & quick-service restaurants
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Brian S. Schaffer, Esq.
Frank J. Mazzaferro, Esq.
28 Liberty Street, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Telephone: (212) 300-0375
The Defendants are represented by:
Adam E. Collyer, Esq.
77 Water Street, Suite 2100
New York, NY 10005
Telephone: (646) 783-1723
E-mail: Adam. Collyer@lewisbrisbois.com
APPLE INC: Custodero Sues Over Illegal Casino-Style Machine Games
FRANK CUSTODERO, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. APPLE, INC., Case No. 5:20-cv-01320-MAD-ATB (N.D.N.Y.,
October 22, 2020) is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and others
similarly situated to recover money lost to illegal gambling
pursuant to Section 5-421 of the New York General Obligations Law.
The complaint contends that the Defendant is profiting from illegal
gambling machine games that it sells in its App Store by allowing
customers to purchase games that are no more or no less than
casino-style slot machines, casino style table games, and other
common gambling games.
The Plaintiff downloaded and played one of these casino-style
gambling games. Prior to March of 2019, he downloaded Cash Frenzy.
During that month, he began purchasing coins through the app so he
could continue to play for a chance to win free coins that would
enable him to enjoy the game for a longer period of time. In the
three months prior to the filing of the complaint, he paid
$2,085.40 to Apple for the privilege of continuing to play the
illegal gambling game.
Apple Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets personal computers
and related personal computing and mobile communication devices
along with a variety of related software, services, peripherals,
and networking solutions. Apple sells its products worldwide
through its online stores, its retail stores, its direct sales
force, third-party wholesalers, and resellers.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Leonard F. Lesser, Esq.
355 Lexington Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Telephone: (212) 599-5455
Facsimile: (212) 599-5459
- and -
D. Frank Davis, Esq.
John E. Norris, Esq.
Wesley W. Barnett, Esq.
Dargan M. Ware, Esq.
The Bradshaw House
2154 Highland Avenue
Birmingham, AL 35205
Telephone: (205) 930-9900
Facsimile: (205) 930-9989
ARIZONA TILE: Mariscal Employment Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case styled EDGAR MARISCAL, individually, and on behalf of
other members of the general public similarly situated v. ARIZONA
TILE, LLC, an unknown business entity; and DOES 1 through 100,
inclusive, Case No. 30-2020-01160477-CU-OE-CXC, was removed from
the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of
Orange to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of
California on October 26, 2020.
The Clerk of Court for the Central District of California assigned
Case No. 8:20-cv-02071-JLS-KES to the proceeding.
The case arises from the Defendants' alleged violations of the
California Labor Code for unpaid overtime, unpaid meal and rest
periods premiums, unpaid minimum wages, unpaid final wages,
non-compliant wage statements, unreimbursed business expenses, and
unfair competition.
Arizona Tile, L.L.C. wholesales construction materials. The Company
offers granite, marble, limestone, travertine, slate and onyx slabs
and tile to commercial and residential sectors.[BN]
The Defendants are represented by:
Evan R. Moses, Esq.
Aaron H. Cole, Esq.
Andrew B. Levin, Esq.
400 South Hope Street, Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Telephone: (213) 239-9800
Facsimile: (213) 239-9045
E-mail: evan.moses@ogletree.com
ASIA PACIFIC: Faces Monegro Suit in S.D.N.Y. Over ADA Violation
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Asia Pacific Grocers
LLC. The case is captioned as Frankie Monegro, on behalf of himself
and all others similarly situated v. Asia Pacific Grocers LLC, Case
No. 1:20-cv-08963-VSB (S.D.N.Y., October 27, 2020).
The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990.
The case is assigned to Judge Vernon S. Broderick.
Asia Pacific Grocers LLC is a retail store company featuring a wide
variety of consumer Asian food products.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
David Paul Force, Esq.
285 Passaic Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Telephone: (201) 282-6500
E-mail: dforce@steinsakslegal.com
AT&T CORP: Mosley-Lovings Appeals Ruling in FLSA Suit to 5th Cir.
Plaintiff Tammy Mosley-Lovings filed an appeal from a court ruling
entered in the lawsuit entitled Tammy Mosley-Lovings v. AT&T Corp.,
et al., Case No. 3:18-CV-1145, in the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of Texas, Dallas.
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, the lawsuit
seeks to recover damages caused by the Defendants' failure to pay
for all time worked by Plaintiffs and the putative class, depriving
these employees of their earned straight time and overtime wages
under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
The appellate case is captioned as Tammy Mosley-Lovings v. AT&T
Corp., et al., Case No. 20-11119, in the US Court of Appeals for
the Fifth Circuit.[BN]
Plaintiff-Appellant Tammy Mosley-Lovings, Individually and on
Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated, is represented by:
Jimmy Derek Braziel, Esq.
1910 Pacific Avenue
Dallas, TX 75202
Telephone: (214) 749-1400
Facsimile: (214) 749 1010
E-mail: jdbraziel@l-b-law.com
Defendant-Appellee AT&T Services, Incorporated is represented by:
Karl G. Nelson, Esq.
2001 Ross Avenue
Dallas, TX 75201
Telephone: (214) 698-3203
Facsimile: (214) 571-2945
E-mail: knelson@gibsondunn.com
B&M MANAGEMENT: Greenlaw Seeks OT Pay for Maintenance Staff
DIETRICK GREENLAW, Individually and on Behalf of All Others
Case No. 4:20-cv-01286-DPM (E.D. Ark., Oct. 28, 2020), is a
collective action against the Defendant for violations of the
overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the
Arkansas Minimum Wage Act.
The Plaintiff seeks declaratory judgment, monetary damages,
liquidated damages, prejudgment interest, and a reasonable
attorney's fee and costs as a result of Defendant's failure to pay
proper overtime compensation under the FLSA and the AMWA.
The Plaintiff contends that he was employed by the Defendant as an
hourly-paid Maintenance Worker from October 2016 to October 2020.
He worked at Defendant's property in Little Rock. The Defendant
also employed other Maintenance Workers.
The Defendant manages properties throughout the southern United
States, including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Josh Sanford, Esq.
Tess Bradford, Esq.
One Financial Center
650 South Shackleford Road, Suite 411
Little Rock, AR 72211
Telephone: (501) 221-0088
Facsimile: (888) 787-2040
E-mail: josh@sanfordlawfirm.com
BAIRD DRYWALL: Conditional Class Cert. Bid Denied in Britt Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JOSEPH BRITT, on behalf of
himself and all others similarly situated, v. BAIRD DRYWALL &
ACOUSTIC, INC., Case No. 7:19-cv-00882-EKD-RSB (W.D. Va.), the Hon.
Judge Elizabeth K. Dillon entered an order:
1. denying the Plaintiffs' motion for conditional class
certification on behalf of:
"all past and present laborers of the Defendant Baird
Drywall & Acoustic, Inc. who, at any time from December
30, 2016 through the present, were hired through labor
brokers or sub-subcontractors to provide framing, drywall,
ceiling, or similar construction labor for the benefit of
the Defendant";
2. denying the Plaintiffs' motion for leave to file an
amended complaint with respect to the claims of Joseph
Britt and granting in all other respects;
3. dismissing with prejudice Britt's claims; and
4. directing the Plaintiffs to file an amended complaint that
is identical in all respects to the proposed amended
complaint, except that the claims of Joseph Britt are
5. directing the clerk to send a copy of this order to all
counsel of record.
The Court said, "Britt is not a proper party to this action, and as
a result, he is not similarly situated to any opt-in plaintiff.
Britt cannot cure this issue by filing an opt-in pursuant to
section 256(b). For these reasons, the court is constrained to deny
the motion for collective certification."
This action alleges that Baird violated the Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA) by not paying overtime and/or minimum wage to its
Baird is a sub-contractor that works with general contractors on
specific construction projects, including large ongoing projects at
Virginia Tech, Liberty University, Radford University, Lynchburg
College, Roanoke College, Washington & Lee University, Virginia
Military Institute, and Carilion Hospital in Roanoke. Baird
generally provides framing, drywall, and similar construction work.
The named plaintiff, Joseph Britt, was hired as a laborer for
A copy of the Court's Order denying motion for conditional class
certification is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/3oAOdZA at no extra charge.[CC]
BANK OF NEW YORK: McLane Sues Over Foreclosure Redemption Process
RONALD MCLANE, individually and on behalf of other similarly
situated persons v. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, Case No.
2:20-cv-02554-DDC-TJJ (D. Kan., November 6, 2020) is a class action
on behalf of individuals and entities seeking redress for the
Defendant's fraudulent and deceptive practices involving the manner
in which it purchases and then seeks reimbursement for hazard
insurance involving homes and residences that are the subject of
foreclosure proceedings, and which are ultimately "redeemed" by the
homeowners or their assignees.
The complaint contends that through a deceptive pattern and
practice going back years, the Defendant has charged individuals
who redeem their homes after foreclosure sales for a full year of
hazard insurance, even though just a small fraction of the
insurance is typically used, and even though insurance companies
will typically reimburse a purchaser for unused insurance. The
Defendant is unjustly enriching itself and misleading persons who
are at their most financially vulnerable -- homeowners including
the Plaintiff who just lost their homes in foreclosure proceedings
and are trying to struggle back and recover their homes.
The Bank of New York Mellon operates as an investment company. The
Company provides investment and wealth management, foreign
exchange, securities finance, capital markets, brokerage, asset,
and estate planning services. The Bank of New York Mellon serves
advisors, banks, and consultants worldwide.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Bradley T. Wilders, Esq.
Michael R. Owens, Esq.
Nichols Road, Ste. 200
Kansas City, MO 64112
Telephone: (816) 714-7100
E-mail: wilders@stuevesiegel.com
- and -
Paul D. Snyder, Esq.
Karen E. Snyder, Esq.
10995 Lowell Ave, Ste 710
Overland Park, KS 66210
Telephone: (913) 685-3900
E-mail: psnyder@snyderlawfirmllc.com
BARRY SIEGEL: Ortiz Seeks to Certify Settlement Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as ROBERTO ORTIZ, on behalf
of himself and all others similarly situated, v. BARRY I. SIEGEL
NJ, INC., and JOHN DOES 1-25, Case No. 2:18-cv-14959-MF (D.N.J.),
the Parties ask the Court for an order:
1. certifying a proposed Class for settlement purposes;
2. preliminarily approving the proposed Settlement Agreement;
3. directing notice to the Class; and
4. setting dates for opt-outs, objections, and a hearing
under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(c)(2).
The Plaintiff asserted a claim pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act ("FDCPA") against the Defendants in connection with
collection letters Siegel sent to the Plaintiff concerning a debt
owned by Retail Recovery Service, which the Plaintiff alleges
violated 15 U.S.C. section 1692 et seq. The Defendants deny all of
these factual allegations, the complaint says.
A copy of the joint motion for preliminary approval of class action
settlement is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/2HGSHgz at no extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Benjamin Wolf, Esq.
Joseph K. Jones, Esq.
375 Passaic Avenue, Suite 100
Fairfield, NJ 07004
Telephone: (973) 227-5900
Facsimile: (973) 244-0019
E-mail: bwolf@legaljones.com
Attorney for the Defendant Barry I. Siegel is:
Jeffrey Leonard, Esq.
One Riverfront Plaza, Suite 800
Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: (973) 792 8740
Facsimile: (973) 577 6261
Attorney for the Defendant Retail Recovery Service of NJ, Inc.,
Lawrence J. Bartel, Esq.
Three Logan Square, 1717 Arch Street, Suite 610
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Telephone: (215) 717-4022
E-mail: lbartel@grsm.com
BLUE DIAMOND: Almond Breeze Brand Contains Fake Vanilla, Suit Says
Stephen Bradshaw, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, v. Blue Diamond Growers, Case No. 1:20-cv-05125
(E.D.N.Y., Oct. 25, 2020), alleges that the Defendant, in violation
of the Food and Drug Administration regulations, misleads consumers
by representing that its Almond Breeze products contain "Vanilla"
when in fact it contains fake, artificial vanilla which provides
the vanilla taste, and the amount of real vanilla, if any, is trace
or de minimis.
Blue Diamond Growers manufactures, distributes, markets, labels and
sells blends of almond milk and coconut milk under the Almond
Breeze brand purporting to be flavored only with vanilla, as
indicated on the front label and ingredient list. The Product is
available to consumers from retail and online stores of
third-parties and is sold in cartons of 32 OZ and 64 OZ. The
relevant front label representations include "Unsweetened,"
"Vanilla," "Almond Breeze," "Almond Coconut Blend," "almondmilk
coconutmilk blend" and pictures of almonds and coconuts.
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews and Vanilla tahitenis Moore)
comes from an orchid plant that originated in Mexico where it was
first cultivated. The vanilla orchid produces a fruit pod, the
vanilla bean, which is the raw material for true vanilla
The Plaintiff purchased the Product on numerous occasions during
2019, including several times during the spring and summer of 2019,
at stores including ShopRite, 985 Richmond Ave, Staten Island, New
York. The Plaintiff was deceived by and relied upon the Product's
deceptive labeling.
The Plaintiff would not have purchased the Product in the absence
of the Defendant's misrepresentations and omissions.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Spencer Sheehan, Esq.
60 Cuttermill Rd., Ste. 409
Great Neck, NY 11021-3104
Telephone: (516) 268-7080
E-mail: spencer@spencersheehan.com
BLUE DIAMOND: Almond Breeze Contains Fake Vanilla, Farve Claims
ANGELA FARVE, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, v. BLUE DIAMOND GROWERS, Case No. 3:20-cv-07570 (N.D.
Cal., Oct. 28, 2020), alleges that Defendant indicated on the front
label and ingredient list of its Almond Breeze brand that the
product is flavored with vanilla. However, the statements are
neither true nor accurate, and Defendant is misleading its
consumers in violation of the Food and Drug Administration
regulations, the lawsuit contends.
Blue Diamond Growers manufactures, distributes, markets, labels and
sells blends of almond milk and coconut milk under the Almond
Breeze brand purporting to be flavored only with vanilla. The
Product is available to consumers from retail and online stores of
third-parties and is sold in cartons of 32 OZ and 64 OZ. The
relevant front label representations include "Unsweetened,"
"Vanilla," "Almond Breeze," "Almond Coconut Blend," "almondmilk
coconutmilk blend" and pictures of almonds and coconuts.
The representation as "Vanilla" is false, deceptive and misleading
because the Product contains fake, artificial vanilla which
provides the vanilla taste, and the amount of real vanilla, if any,
is trace or de minimis, the Plaintiff contends.
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews and Vanilla tahitenis Moore)
comes from an orchid plant that originated in Mexico where it was
first cultivated. The vanilla orchid produces a fruit pod, the
vanilla bean, which is the raw material for true vanilla
The Plaintiff purchased the Product at locations including Safeway,
699 Lewelling Blvd., she would not have purchased or paid more for
Product had she realized that much, if not all, of the vanilla
flavor came from non-vanilla plant sources, says the complaint.
The Plaintiff would not have purchased the Product in the absence
of the Defendant's misrepresentations and omissions.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jonathan Shub, Esq.
Kevin Laukaitis, Esq.
134 Kings Highway E Fl 2
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
Telephone: (856) 772-7200
Facsimile: (856) 210-9088
E-mail: jshub@shublawyers.com
- and -
Spencer Sheehan, Esq.
60 Cuttermill Rd Ste 409
Great Neck, NY 11021
Telephone: (516) 268-7080
Facsimile: (516) 234-7800
E-mail: spencer@spencersheehan.com
BMW OF NORTH AMERICA: Cars Have Battery Systems Defect, Kavon Says
ADAM KAVON, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated,
v. BMW OF NORTH AMERICA, LLC, Case No. 2:20-cv-09775 (C.D. Cal.,
Oct. 23, 2020), is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and on behalf
of all persons who purchased or leased in California certain
vehicles equipped with uniform and uniformly defective battery
systems designed, manufactured, distributed, warranted, marketed,
and sold or leased by the Defendant.
On September 15, 2020, the Plaintiff entered a lease agreement for
a new 2021 BMW X5 ("BMW X5"), manufactured by Manufacturer, Vehicle
Identification No. 5UXTA6C04M9D35662.
This action is brought to remedy violations of law in connection
with BMW's design, manufacture, marketing, advertising, selling,
warranting, and servicing of the Class Vehicles. The Class
Vehicles' battery systems have a serious design defect that causes
the battery system to be unreasonably dangerous, due to debris in
the manufacturing process of the Class Vehicles.
As a result, the Plaintiff and members of the proposed class have
been cautioned not to charge the battery under any circumstances,
nor should they use the vehicle in "sport" mode. There is no recall
for the defect, nor is there any fix offered by the Defendant.
The Plaintiff is an individual who purchased subject vehicle in the
State of California.
The Defendant is engaged in the manufacture, sale, and distribution
of motor vehicles and related equipment and services. The Defendant
is also in the business of marketing, supplying and selling written
warranties to the public at large through a system of authorized
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Todd M. Friedman, Esq.
Adrian R. Bacon, Esq.
Meghan E. George, Esq.
21550 Oxnard Street, Suite 780
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Telephone: (877) 206-4741
Facsimile: (866) 633-0228
E-mail: tfriedman@toddflaw.com
BMW OF NORTH AMERICA: Kavon Sues Over Defective Car Battery
ADAM KAVON, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated
v. BMW OF NORTH AMERICA, LLC, Case No. 2:20-cv-15475-KM-ESK
(D.N.J., November 2, 2020) arises from the Defendant's conduct of
manufacturing, distributing, warranting, marketing, and selling or
leasing vehicles equipped with uniform and uniformly defective
battery systems.
On or about September 15, 2020, the Plaintiff entered a lease
agreement for a new 2021 BMW X5, manufactured by Manufacturer,
Vehicle Identification No. 5UXTA6C04M9D35662 in the State of
According to the complaint, the Class vehicles' battery systems
have a serious manufacturing defect that causes the battery system
to be unreasonably dangerous, due to debris in the manufacturing
process of the vehicles. As a result, the Plaintiff and members of
the proposed class have been cautioned not to charge the battery
under any circumstances, nor should they use the vehicle in "sport"
mode. The complaint asserts that there is no recall for the
manufacturing defect, nor is there any fix offered by the
As a result of the Defendant's alleged misconduct, the Plaintiffs
and Class members were harmed and suffered actual damages, in that
the Class vehicles have manifested, and continue to manifest, the
battery system defect, and the Defendant has not provided a
permanent remedy for the defect, the suit says.
BMW of North America, LLC, markets and sells motor vehicles. The
Company offers vehicle accessories and interior and exterior parts,
apparel and accessories for men, women, and kids, as well as offers
vehicle financing and leasing services.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Ross H. Schmierer, Esq.
3000 Atrium Way, Suite 200
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
Telephone: (856) 259-4800
E-mail: ross@kazlg.com
- and -
Todd M. Friedman, Esq.
21550 Oxnard St., Suite 780
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
E-mail: tfriedman@toddflaw.com
BMW: Spanier Files Securities Suit over ADR Price Drop
MARK SPANIER, Individually and on behalf of all others similarly
2:20-cv-15081-CCC-MF (D.N.J., Oct. 27, 2020), is a class action
complaint brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and on behalf of the
persons or entities who purchased or otherwise acquired publicly
traded BMW securities from November 3, 2015 through September 24,
2020, inclusive (the Class Period).
The Plaintiff seeks to recover compensable damages caused by
Defendants' violations of the federal securities laws under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the Exchange Act).
On November 3, 2015, the Company released its quarterly results for
the third quarter ended September 30, 2015 (3Q15 Financials). The
3Q15 Financials stated that automobile sales in the US continued
their upward trend from the first half of the year and increased by
5%. On December 23, 2019, while the market was open, the Wall
Street Journal reported that the SEC was probing BMW's sales
practices. On this news, BMWYY ADRs fell $1.33 per American
Depositary Receipt (ADR), or nearly 6.87%, to close at $18.02 per
ADR on December 23, 2019, damaging investors. The same day, BAMXF
ADRs fell $1.25, or 1.5%, to close at $80.60.
On September 24, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
announced a settlement agreement with BMW regarding the
investigation. According to the SEC's order, from January 2015 to
March 2017, BMW US "used its demonstrator and service loaner
programs to boost reported retail sales volume and meet internal
targets, resulting in demonstrator and loaner vehicles accounting
for over one quarter of BMW [US]'s reported retail sales in this
period." On this news, BMWYY ADRs fell $0.51 per ADR, or
approximately 2.2%, to close at $23.07 per ADR on September 25,
2020, damaging investors. The same day, BAMXF ADRs fell $2.54, or
about 3.5%, to close at $68.91.
The Plaintiff contends that as a result of the Defendants' wrongful
acts and omissions, and the precipitous decline in the market value
of the Company's ADRs, Plaintiff and other Class members have
suffered significant losses and damages.
The Defendant BMW, together with its subsidiaries, purports to
develop, manufacture, and sell automobiles and motorcycles, and
spare parts and accessories worldwide. BMW is incorporated in
Germany and with headquarters in Munich, Germany. The Company's
ADRs trade over-the-counter on the OTC under the ticker symbols
"BMWYY" and "BAMXF." The Individual Defendants are Compamy's
officers and directors.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Laurence M. Rosen, Esq.
One Gateway Center, Suite 2600
Newark, NJ 07102
Telephone: (973) 313-1887
Facsimile: (973) 833-0399
E-mail: lrosen@rosenlegal.com
BONDED FILTER: Waterman Labor Suit Seeks OT Pay for Technicians
JOSEPH WATERMAN on behalf of themselves and other similarly
situated individuals, v. BONDED FILTER CO., LLC, Case No.
7:20-cv-09010 (S.D.N.Y., Oct. 27, 2020), is brought on behalf of th
Plaintiff and on behalf of other similarly situated, current and
former technicians who worked at BFC and who elect to opt into this
action pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act, alleging that they
are entitled to unpaid overtime wages from BFC for their work, and
liquidated damages pursuant to the FLSA and New York Labor Law.
The Plaintiff alleges that BFC paid him and its other technicians
in a straightforward manner. He and the other technicians, who were
not exempt from laws requiring the payment of overtime, received an
hourly wage for the hours they worked, which included the time they
spent driving from their homes to and from their assignments, up to
40 hours weekly and one and one-half times that wage for hours that
exceeded 40 hours per week.
The Plaintiff was employed by BFC as a technician from September
2015 to June 2020. He was based at his residence in Kingston, New
BFC provides preventative commercial HVAC maintenance services in
New York and throughout the United States. To provide these
services, BFC employs technicians in New York and in other states.
These technicians spend their days traveling from assignment to
assignment and performing maintenance at big box stores and other
commercial establishments.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jason L. Solotaroff, Esq.
90 Broad Street, 10 th Floor
New York NY 10004
Telephone: (212) 847-8315
BRINKER INT'L: Faces Patti TCPA Suit Over Unwanted Text Messaging
THOMAS PATTI individually and on behalf of all others similarly
GRILL, Case No. CACE-20-017897 (Fla. Cir. Broward Cty., Oct. 27,
2020), is a putative class action arising from the Defendant's
violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.
To promote its clothing sales company, the Defendant engages in
unsolicited text messaging with no regard for consumers' privacy
rights. Through this action, the Plaintiff seeks injunctive relief
to halt the Defendant's unlawful conduct.
The Plaintiff also seeks statutory damages on behalf of herself and
Class Members, and any other available legal or equitable remedies
resulting from the illegal actions of the Defendant.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Ignacio J. Hiraldo, Esq.
1200 Brickell Ave Suite 1950
Miami, FL 33131
E-mail: ijhiraldo@ijhlaw.com
Telephone: 786.496.4469
- and -
Seth M. Lehrman, Esq.
425 North Andrews Avenue, Suite 2
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Telephone: 954-524-2820
Facsimile: 954-524-2822
E-mail: seth@epllc.com
C&J WELL: Faces Points Employment Suit in Calif. Superior Court
A class action lawsuit has been filed against C&J Well Services,
Inc., et al. The case is captioned as Joshua Points and Jesse
Hernandez, individuals, on behalf of themselves and on behalf of
all persons similarly situated v. C&J Well Services, Inc., a
corporation, and Basic Energy Services LP, a Limited Partnership,
Case No. BCV-20-102483 (Cal. Super., Kern Cty., October 22, 2020).
The case type is stated as "other employment - civil unlimited".
A case management conference is set for April 26, 2021 before Judge
Thomas S. Clark.
C&J Well Services is a provider of well construction, well
completions and well services to the oil and gas industry.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
2255 Calle Clara
La Jolla, CA 92037-3107
Telephone: (858) 551-1223
Facsimile: (858) 551-1232
E-mail: norm@bamlawca.com
CAPITOL WATERTOWN: Bruske Suit Seeks Class Certification
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Ryea Bruske and Tamsyn
Bruske, On behalf of Themselves and all others similarly situated,
v. Capitol Watertown Sprechers, LLC, et al., Case No.
3:19-cv-00851-wmc (W.D. Wisc.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court for an
1. certifying Ryea Bruske as the class representative of the
following two opt-out subclasses:
(a) "all Tipped Employees of Sprecher Pub and Restaurants
for whom the Defendants claimed a tip credit against
the minimum wages owed to them"; and
(b) "all Tipped Employees of Sprecher Pub and Restaurants
for whom during one or more workweeks the Defendants
claimed a tip credit, and who either purchased or had
a deduction made from their cash wages for uniforms";
2. granting their motion for class certification; and
3. granting to them such other and further relief as the
Court deems just and proper.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/34DWfsC at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Yingtao Ho, Esq.
310 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 100MW
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Telephone: 414 271-4500
Facsimile: 414 271-6308
E-mail: yh@previant.com
CAREPARTNERS: Law Firms Commence Privacy Breach Class Action
Waddell Phillips PC, Schneider Law Firm PC, and Howie Sacks & Henry
LLP have commenced a proposed class action on behalf of the
hundreds of thousands of Ontarians whose personal information was
compromised in the 2018 CarePartners privacy breach.
CarePartners has an estimated 237,000 patients across Ontario, and
is a home healthcare service provider partner of the Local Health
Integration Network provincial health authorities.
On June 18, 2018, CarePartners announced that it had been subject
to a hack and privacy breach involving employee and patient
information. Subsequently, the cyber attackers who claimed
responsibility for the hack announced that they had been able to
steal virtually all of the data on CarePartners' servers, including
full employee records and medical files for CarePartners patients.
They claimed that CarePartners was utilizing vulnerable software
that had not been updated in years, and had failed to encrypt any
of the data on their servers.
CarePartners did not notify its patients about the breach until
after a national news broadcast revealed that the hackers had
provided reporters with stolen copies of private health records for
thousands of CarePartners' patients.
Cyber attacks on healthcare providers have become increasingly
common. The need to be hyper-vigilant and to ensure that security
measures are current is the expected standard.
"That none of the data extracted by the cyber attackers was
encrypted demonstrates just how unprepared CarePartners was to meet
the bare minimum of cyber security standards. Consistently updated
information protection tools, including strong encryption, are
essential in today's rapidly evolving technological world," said
Cary Schneider, a founding partner at Schneider Law Firm PC and
cyber breach specialist.
"Personal health information is the most sensitive type of personal
information, and corporations that store personal health
information must meet correspondingly high privacy protection
standards. CarePartners failed to do that, and its patients and
employees paid the price," says Paul Miller, a partner at Howie
Sacks & Henry LLP who specializes in class actions and mass torts.
The class action team is being led by Margaret Waddell, founding
partner of Waddell Phillips PC, who is recognized by multiple
lawyer ranking agencies as a leader in plaintiff-side class
actions, and has acted as class counsel on a number of prominent
cases. Waddell says, "CarePartners' lack of transparency regarding
the breach and the efforts it has made to retrieve and protect its
clients' most sensitive health information is egregious. Clients
have a right to know what has happened to their health records, and
why they were not properly protected."
Further information regarding the proposed class action will be
posted as it becomes available at
Tina Q Yang
Waddell Phillips PC
(647) 847-2294
tina@waddellphillips.ca [GN]
CAREY LIMOUSINE: Misclassifies Drivers, Vega Suit Says
Nikko Carlos Vega, v. Carey Limousine NY, Inc.; Carey
International, Inc.; Gary L. Kessler; Sally A. Snead; Ramon R.
Kamel, Mitchell Lahr and John Does No. 1 10, Case No. 1:20-cv-05121
(E.D.N.Y., Oct. 23, 2020), is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff
and on behalf of other persons similarly situated working for the
Defendants for unpaid wages, breach of contract damages, and other
The Plaintiff and similar drivers worked for Carey as drivers
throughout the New York City area. Throughout the relevant time
period, Carey has controlled the terms and conditions of the
Plaintiff's employment, and the employment of similarly situated
drivers, by directing which customers the drivers should pick up,
at what time, and at what location; and determining the work
schedule of Plaintiff and the other drivers by coercing drivers to
work specified days (including weekends) and nights, and for
specified lengths of time.
The lawsuit seeks payment of all unpaid overtime and minimum wage
compensation, together with liquidated damages and interest, and
the recovery of all unlawful deductions that Carey has taken from
the wages of the Plaintiff, pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards
Act and the New York State Labor Law. The Plaintiff also seeks
attorneys' fees and costs.
The Plaintiff contends that by willfully and unlawfully
misclassifying its drivers as "independent contractors", Carey has
denied them benefits that the law affords to employees. In
particular, Carey has failed to reimburse or indemnify drivers for
employment-related expenses and losses; taken wrongful deductions
from drivers' wages; coerced drivers to purchase necessary services
and items; failed to pay drivers' actual hours works, as required
by federal and New York Law. Upon information and belief, this
misclassification policy has been in effect since before the
relevant state and federal statutory periods.
Carey provide luxury car and limousine transportation services,
mainly in the New York City metropolitan area. Carey receives its
entire income and revenue through providing transportation
services, primarily through the proposed class of workers who drive
cars on its behalf.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Mohammed Gangat, Esq.
675 3rd Avenue, Suite 1810
New York, NY 10017
Telephone: (718) 669-0714
E-mail: mgangat@gangatllc.com
CARNIVAL CORP: Court Denies Bid to Certify Class in Archer Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Robert Archer, et al., v.
Carnival Corporation and Carnival PLC, et al., Case
No.2:20-cv-04203-RGK-SK (C.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge R. Gary
Klausner entered an order denying the Plaintiffs' Motion to Certify
The Plaintiffs were passengers aboard the Grand Princess when it
departed from San Francisco on February 21, 2020 bound for Hawaii.
Before February 21, the Grand Princess had been on a roundtrip
cruise from San Francisco to Mexico. The Mexico cruise departed on
February 11 and was scheduled to return to San Francisco on
February 21. At that time, the plan was for the Grand Princess to
off-load all but 62 passengers from the Mexico cruise and then
onboard the passengers for the Hawaii cruise. The problem, however,
was that some of the passengers on the Mexico cruise were infected
with SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19. This led to an
outbreak on the Grand Princess which resulted in numerous
individuals contracting COVID-19.
The Plaintiffs initiated this putative class action on April 8,
2020. The Plaintiffs filed a First Amended Complaint on June 2,
2020, a Second Amended Complaint (SAC) on August 14, 2020, and a
Third Amended Complaint (TAC) on October 2, 2020. The TAC 1s
brought against the Defendants Carnival Corporation, Carnival PLC,
and Princess Cruise Lines, Ltd. The TAC asserts four claims: (1)
negligence; (2) gross negligence; (3) negligent infliction of
emotional distress; and (4) intentional infliction of emotional
distress. All of the Plaintiffs' claims arise out of the COVID-19
outbreak on the Grand Princess -- a cruise ship operated by
Princess Cruises.
The Court has already found that the Plaintiffs' Motion for Class
Certification is barred by the Passage Contract. Thus, the Court
does not need to address whether the Plaintiffs satisfy the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure 23(a) or 23(b)(3) requirements for class
certification, or whether certification under Rule 23(c)(4) would
be appropriate, the Court says.
A copy of the Court's order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/2TkKv81 at no extra charge.[CC]
CARSON SMITHFIELD: Faces Ortiz FDCA Suit in New Jersey
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Carson Smithfield,
LLC, et al. The case is styled as ANGEL ORTIZ, on behalf of himself
and all others similarly situated v. CARSON SMITHFIELD, LLC and
JOHN DOES 1 through 25, Case No. 1:20-cv-14829-RMB-KMW (D.N.J.,
October 22, 2020).
The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Fair Debt
Collection Act.
The case is assigned to Judge Renee Marie Bumb.
Carson Smithfield, LLC is a debt collection agency located in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Ben A. Kaplan, Esq.
280 Prospect Ave. 6G
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Telephone: (201) 803-6611
Facsimile: (877) 827-3394
E-mail: ben@chulskykaplanlaw.com
CITIMORTGAGE INC: Morton Sues Over Foreclosure Redemption Process
KIETH MORTON, individually and on behalf of other similarly
situated persons v. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Case No.
2:20-cv-02556-DDC-KGG (D. Kan., November 6, 2020) is a class action
on behalf of individuals and entities seeking redress for
CitiMortgage's fraudulent and deceptive practices involving the
manner in which it purchases and then seeks reimbursement for
hazard insurance involving homes and residences that are the
subject of foreclosure proceedings, and which are ultimately
"redeemed" by the homeowners or their assignees, including the
The complaint contends that through a deceptive pattern and
practice going back years, the Defendant has charged individuals
who redeem their homes after foreclosure sales for a full year of
hazard insurance, even though just a small fraction of the
insurance is typically used, and even though insurance companies
will typically reimburse a purchaser for unused insurance. The
Defendant is unjustly enriching itself and misleading persons who
are at their most financially vulnerable -- homeowners who just
lost their homes in foreclosure proceedings and are trying to
struggle back and recover their homes.
CitiMortgage Inc. of Missouri provides refinancing and investment
products. The Company sells mortgage through retail, online, and
correspondent channels and offers home mortgage refinance loan, bad
credit debt consolidation loans, and online mortgage information.
CitiMortgage serves customers worldwide.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Bradley T. Wilders, Esq.
Michael R. Owens, Esq.
Nichols Road, Ste. 200
Kansas City, MO 64112
Telephone: (816) 714-7100
E-mail: wilders@stuevesiegel.com
- and -
Paul D. Snyder, Esq.
Karen E. Snyder, Esq.
10995 Lowell Ave, Ste 710
Overland Park, KS 66210
Telephone: (913) 685-3900
E-mail: psnyder@snyderlawfirmllc.com
COLEMAN CO: Zachmann Sues Over Deceptive Labeling of Ice Coolers
MICHAEL ZACHMAN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. THE COLEMAN COMPANY INC., Defendant, Case
No. 7:20-cv-09146-VB (S.D.N.Y., October 31, 2020) is a class action
complaint brought against the Defendant for its alleged violations
of the Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act under New York
General Business Law, breach of express warranty, negligent
misrepresentation, fraud, and unjust enrichment.
The Plaintiff alleges the Defendants of engaging in a deceptive
business practice in marketing, advertising and promotion of a line
of ice coolers labeled "1 Day" through "7 Days" that has caused
injury to him and other similarly situated consumers.
According to the complaint, the Plaintiff has purchased the
Defendant's "5 Day Ice" cooler expecting the product to perform as
described by its label. However, the product did not perform as
represented on the labeling and advertising, which were designed to
encourage consumers to purchase the products and misled reasonable
consumers into purchasing the products. The Plaintiff would not
have purchased the product if he had known the truth about the
misrepresentations and omissions.
The Coleman Company, Inc. manufactures, markets and sells ice
coolers under the "Coleman" brand name throughout the U.S. [BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Spencer Sheehan, Esq.
60 Cuttermill Rd. Ste. 409
Great Neck, NY 11021-5101
Tel: (516) 268-7080
E-mail: spencer@spencersheehan.com
- and –
James Chung, Esq.
136 39th Ave #40
Flushing, NY 11354
Tel: (718) 461-8808
E-mail: jchung_77@msn.com
COLGATE-PALMOLIVE: Website Inaccessible to Blind, Romero Suit Says
JOSUE ROMERO, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY, Case No. 1:20-cv-09216
(S.D.N.Y., November 3, 2020) arises from the Defendant's failure to
design and operate its Website to be fully accessible to and
independently usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or
visually-impaired people in violation of their rights under the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Mr. Romero alleges that during his visits to the Website,
hum.colgate.com, the last occurring in October 2020, he encountered
multiple access barriers that denied him full and equal access to
the facilities, goods and services offered to the public and made
available to the public; and that denied him the full enjoyment of
the facilities, goods and services of the Website.
The Plaintiff contends that the Defendant has engaged in acts of
intentional discrimination and seeks a permanent injunction to
cause a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices,
and procedures so that the Defendant's Website will become and
remain accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers.
Colgate-Palmolive Company is a smart electronic toothbrush company,
and owns and operates the said Website.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Joseph H. Mizrahi, Esq.
300 Cadman Plaza West, 12th Fl.
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Telephone: (929) 575-4175
Facsimile: (929) 575-4195
E-mail: Joseph@cml.legal
COLIN LEMAHIEU: Class Status Bid in Fabian Action Withdrawn
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JAMES FABIAN, v. COLIN
LEMAHIEU, ET.AL., Case No. 4:19-cv-00054-YGR (N.D. Cal.), the Hon.
Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers entered an order:
1. allowing the Plaintiff Fabian to withdraw without
prejudice to remaining a putative class member;
2. withdrawing without prejudice the current pending motion
for class certification;
3. allowing Intervenor Alec Otto -- selected by the
intervenors and Fabian as the named plaintiff -- to
substitute as the plaintiff in lieu of the plaintiff
Fabian; and
4. denying the request for leave to file a second amended
complaint given the nature of the allegations and its
untimeliness relative to the progress of the case.
The Court said, "The plaintiff Otto shall file within seven days of
this Order a supplement to the complaint to provide new allegations
parallel to paragraphs 183 to 196 of the operative complaint
setting forth the details of Intervenor Otto's transactions in a
manner similar to that of plaintiff Fabian. No other amendments
shall be allowed. The Defendants shall answer such supplemental
allegations within seven days of the filing of the supplement. by
all others is otherwise denied. Within seven days of the filing of
the defendants' response, the parties shall jointly file a proposed
schedule resetting the deadlines in this matter permitting fact
discovery of Otto, as well as the briefing schedule on an
anticipated renewed motion for class certification."
A copy of the Court's Order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/3mBnVEv at no extra charge.[CC]
CONTINENTAL INSURANCE: Park Place Sues over COVID-19 Losses
PARK PLACE HOSPITALITY, LLC, Individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated, v. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Case
No. 1:20-cv-06403 (N.D. Ill., Oct. 28, 2020), alleges that the
Defendant denied coverage for COVID-19 losses and expenses under
its issued commercial property insurance policy to the Plaintiff.
Park Place owns and operates a hotel, restaurant, lounge and
banquet and meeting facilities in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Park
Place's Policy has a policy period of June 1, 2019 to June 19,
2020. The insured property is located at 11600 West Park Place,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Policy provides coverage for "direct
physical loss of or damage to real property at a location directly
caused by a Covered Peril."
According to the complaint, beginning in March 2020, the Plaintiff
was forced to incur restoration and extra expenses as well as
suspend the business operations at its hotel, restaurant, lounge
and banquet and meeting facilities due to the presence of a microbe
-- SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19. This microbe caused Plaintiff to suffer
significant losses and incur significant expenses. The Plaintiff
timely filed a claim for its losses and expenses on March 26, 2020.
Plaintiff's claim was denied by CNA on June 5, 2020.
The Plaintiff sustained direct physical loss of or damage to items
of property located at its premises and direct physical loss of and
damage to its premises described in the Policy as a result of the
presence of COVID-19 particles and/or the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Continental Insurance Company is an Illinois corporation with its
principal place of business in Cook County. The Defendant issues
and sells insurance policies.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Marvin A. Miller, Esq.
Andrew Szot, Esq.
115 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2910
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: (312) 332-3400
E-mail: mmiller@millerlawllc.com
- and -
Robert G. Methvin, Jr., Esq.
James M. Terrell, Esq.
Courtney C. Gipson, Esq.
2201 Arlington Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Telephone: (205) 939-0199
Facsimile: (205) 939-0399
E-mail: rgm@mtattorneys.com
COVETRUS INC: Indiana Electrical Alleges Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Indiana Electrical Workers Pension Trust Fund, IBEW, directly on
behalf of itself and all other similarly situated stockholders of
and BENJAMIN WOLIN, Case No. 2020-0923 (Del. Ch., Oct. 28, 2020),
is a Verified Stockholder Class Action Complaint brought of behalf
of the Indiana Electrical Workers Pension Trust Fund and on behalf
of all other similarly situated stockholders of Covetrus against
the Defendants for breaches of fiduciary duty.
The lawsuit alleges breaches of fiduciary duty by the Covetrus
board of directors in connection with (a) permitting private equity
firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice to vote certain of its shares of
common stock in support of the Company's pending preferred stock
conversion proposal in clear violation of NASDAQ Listing Rules; and
(b) failing to disclose all material information to stockholders
regarding such proposal.
The Plaintiff seeks an order preventing the Company from convening
the November 17, 2020 stockholder vote on the Second Conversion
unless and until (a) the Previously Converted Shares are stripped
of their ability to vote in favor of the Second Conversion; and (b)
the Covetrus Board discloses all material information to the
Company's public stockholders to allow them to make an informed
decision regarding whether to approve the Second Conversion.
The Plaintiff is a stockholder of Covetrus and has owned Covetrus
common stock.
Covetrus is a global animal-health technology and services company
dedicated to empowering veterinary practice partners to drive
improved health and financial outcomes. The Individual Defendants
are directors of the company.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jeremy Friedman, Esq.
David Tejtel, Esq.
493 Bedford Center Road, Suite 2D
Bedford Hills, NY 10507
Telephone: (888) 529-1108
- and -
Michael J. Barry, Esq.
John C. Kairis, Esq.
123 Justison Street, 7th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Telephone: (302) 622-7000
CUPERTINO ELECTRIC: Wittbecker Sues Over Meal & Rest Periods
ROY WITTBECKER, on behalf of himself, and all others similarly
situated, and the general public, v. CUPERTINO ELECTRIC, INC., a
Delaware corporation; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Case No.
20CV371987 (Cal. Super., Santa Clara Cty, Oct. 23, 2020), alleges
that the Defendants have failed to:
-- provide meal and rest periods or pay premium wages for
missed meal and/or rest periods;
-- pay at least minimum wage for all hours worked; and
-- pay overtime wages at the correct rate in violations of the
Labor Code.
The Plaintiff worked for the Defendants as a non-exempt, hourly
employee from March 6, 2019 until July 8, 2019.
Cupertino is a privately owned electrical engineering and
construction company headquartered in San Jose, California.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Shaun Setareh, Esq.
Thomas Segal, Esq.
Farrah Grant, Esq.
Nolan Dilts, Esq.
315 S. Beverly Drive, Suite 315
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Telephone (310) 888-7771
Facsimile (310) 888-0109
E-mail: shaun@setarehlaw.com
farrah@setarehlaw. com
CUSTOMER CONNEXX: Cadena FLSA Suit Seeks to Certify Two Classes
In the class action lawsuit captioned as CARIENE CADENA and ANDREW
GONZALES, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
situated, v. CUSTOMER CONNEXX LLC; ARCA, INC.; and DOES 1 through
50, inclusive,, Case No. 2:18-cv-00233-APG-DJA (D. Nev.), the
Plaintiffs ask the Court for an order certifying these Classes:
Nevada Class:
"all hourly paid call center employees employed by the
Defendants in the state of Nevada at any time during the
alleged relevant time period"; and
Wages Due And Owing Class:
"all members of the NEVADA CLASS who are former employees."
This is an employment wage and hour class action based upon the
Defendants alleged failure to pay its non-exempt employees' wages
for all the work completed off the clock and/or improperly rounded
off their time for pay purposes in violations of the Fair Labor
Standard Act. The Plaintiffs contend that the Defendants maintain
and enforce two core policies that forced non-exempt hourly call
center employees to perform work off-the-clock before and after
their shifts: (1) the Defendants' Timekeeping Policy and (2) the
Defendants' Rounding Policy.
Customer Connexx is a human-focused, technology-driven organization
working to connect customers with solutions. ARCA offers a full
array of appliance recycling and change-out services.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/34AmgZJ at no
extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs and the putative class are:
Mark R. Thierman, Esq.
Joshua D. Buck, Esq.
Leah L. Jones, Esq.
Joshua R. Hendrickson, Esq.
7287 Lakeside Drive
Reno, NE 89511
Telephone: (775) 284-1500
Facsimile: (775) 703-5027
E-mail: mark@thiermanbuck.com
The Defendants are represented by:
Paul T. Trimmer, Esq.
Veronica T. Von Grabow, Esq.
300 South Fourth Street, Suite 900
Las Vegas, NV 89101
E-mail: trimmerp@jacksonlewis.com
DENVER, CO: Homeless Out Loud Seeks Class Status
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DENVER HOMELESS OUT LOUD,
et al., on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated,
v. DENVER, COLORADO, et al., Case No. 1:20-cv-02985-WJM-SKC (D.
Colo.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court for an order granting
provisional certification of these classes of individuals:
1. All involuntarily unhoused individuals living in Denver,
Colorado during the COVID-19 pandemic; and
2. All persons in the City and County of Denver whose
personal belongings may in the future be taken or
destroyed without due process on account of Denver's,
and/or its officials' and representatives', decision to
clear away an encampment of unhoused person(s) by seizing
and/or discarding the property found there without
adequate notice.
These classes easily satisfy the requirements of Rule 23. Indeed,
the record evidence demonstrate common and continuing violation of
the Constitution impact hundreds of members of the proposed class
in exactly the same way: (1) all are exposed to a significantly
increased risk contracting COVID-19, (2) all have their property
taken and destroyed, and (3) all have their property seized without
notice, says the complaint.
The Defendants include are MAYOR MICHAEL HANCOCK, in his individual
capacity; GOVERNOR JARED POLIS, in his individual and official
capacities; BOB MCDONALD, in his individual capacity; MURPHY
ROBINSON, in his individual and official capacities; KRISTIN
BRONSON, in her individual and official capacities; ENVIRONMENTAL
HAZMAT SERVICES; LIEUTENANT MIKE CODY, in his individual capacity;
SERGEANT ANTHONY MARTINEZ, in his individual capacity; SERGEANT.
BRIAN CONOVER, in his individual capacity; CORPORAL MARK MOORE, in
his individual capacity; OFFICER THANARAT PHUVHAPAISALKIJ, in his
individual capacity; OFFICER ROP MONTHATHONG, in his individual
capacity; OFFICER CHRIS RANDALL, in his individual capacity;
OFFICER DAVID HUNTER, in his individual capacity; OFFICER TOBY
WILSON, in his individual capacity; OFFICER JON UDLAND, in his
individual capacity; OFFICER DAVID MARTINEZ, in his individual
capacity; OFFICER WALLACE SAM, in his individual capacity; OFFICER
JAMES HARVEY, in his individual capacity; OFFICERS DARREN ULRICH,
in his individual capacity; OFFICER MALLORY LUTKIN, in her
individual capacity; CORPORAL ANDREW GASPAROVIC, in his individual
capacity; TROOPER J.P. BURT, in her/his individual capacity;
TROOPER JOSEPH DIRNBERGER, in his individual capacity; TROOPER
DARCE WEIL, in her individual capacity; TROOPER WILLIAM CALDWELL,
in his individual capacity; TROOPER KEVIN RAE, in his individual
capacity; TROOPER COLIN DAUGHERTY, in his individual capacity;
TROOPER VICTOR SARGENTI, in his individual capacity; TROOPER DAVID
DINKEL, in his individual capacity; TROOPER DOUG KLINE, in his
individual capacity; TROOPER GREGORY DAVEY, in his individual
capacity; TROOPER JEREMY HARRINGTON, in his individual capacity;
RUSTY SANCHEZ, in his individual capacity; TROOPER PATRICK
WILLIAMS, in his individual capacity; TROOPER JACOB CLEVELAND, in
his individual capacity; TROOPER CRYSTAL CRENSHAW, in her
individual capacity; TROOPER RYAN A. VOSS, in his individual
capacity; TROOPER UMAIR CHEEMA, in his individual capacity; TROOPER
NATHAN HARDY, in his individual capacity; TROOPER GEOFFREY KEELING,
in his individual capacity; TROOPER HAAS E. PRATT, in his
individual capacity; TROOPER NICHOLAS TRUJILLO, in his individual
capacity; TROOPER TY SIMCOX, in his individual capacity; TROOPER
SEAN MCCALL, in his individual capacity; TROOPER HEIDI JEWETT, in
her individual capacity; TROOPER BRANDON NOVY, in his individual
capacity; TROOPER KYLE ROSS, in his individual capacity; TROOPER
ALEC W. BARKLEY, in his individual capacity; TROOPER BRYAN LARREAU,
in his individual capacity; TROOPER THOMAS MAJOR, in his individual
capacity; TROOPER JONATHAN STRICKLAND, in his individual capacity;
JOHN & JANES BOES 1-75, in their individual capacities; JOHN &
JANES DOES 1-75, in their individual capacities; JOHN & JANES FOES
1-75, in their individual capacities; JOHN & JANES JOES 1-75, in
their individual capacities; JOHN & JANES LOES 1-75, in their
individual capacities; and JOHN & JANES MOES 1-75, in their
individual capacities.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for provisional class
certification is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/37uX7BR at no extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
David A. Lane, Esq.
Darold W. Killmer, Esq.
Andy McNulty, Esq.
Reid Allison, Esq.
1543 Champa St. Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202
Telephone: (303) 571-1000
Facsimile: (303) 571-1001
E-mail: dlane@kln-law.com
DIRECT LISTINGS: Fabricant Sues Over Unsolicited Phone Calls Ads
TERRY FABRICANT, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. DIRECT LISTINGS, LLC and DOES 1 through 10,
inclusive, and each of them, Defendant, Case No. 2:20-cv-10005
(C.D. Cal., October 30, 2020) is a class action complaint brought
against the Defendants for their alleged negligent and willful
violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.
According to the complaint, the Defendant placed multiple calls to
the Plaintiff's cellular telephone number ending in -1083 beginning
in or around May 2018 in an attempt to promote its services. The
Defendant allegedly used an "automatic telephone dialing system"
(ATDS) without obtaining the Plaintiff's "prior express consent" to
receive calls using an ATDS or an artificial or prerecorded voice
on his cellular telephone number that was registered to the
National Do-Not-Call Registry on or around June 4, 2008.
The Plaintiff claims that he was harmed by the Defendant's
unsolicited calls by causing him to incur certain charges or
reduced telephone time for which he had already paid, and invading
his privacy.
Direct Listings, LLC is an online marketing company. [BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Todd M. Friedman, Esq.
Adrian R. Bacon, Esq.
Meghan E. George, Esq.
Tom E. Wheeler, Esq.
21550 Oxnard St., Suite 780
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Tel: (323) 306-4234
Fax: (866) 633-0228
E-mail: tfriedman@toddflaw.com
DIRECTAPPS INC: Faces Suttles Suit Over Illegal Background Check
MARK SUTTLES, on behalf of himself, all others similarly situated
v. DIRECTAPPS, INC., a Delaware corporation; EDGE SOLUTIONS &
CONSULTING, INC., a California corporation; DIRECT TECHNOLOGY, a
business entity of unknown form; LAUNCH CONSULTING GROUP, business
entity of unknown form; AVERRO, business entity of unknown form;
and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Case No. RG20077606 (Cal. Super.,
Alameda Cty., October 22, 2020) arises from the Defendants' failure
to comply with the disclosure and authorization requirements of the
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendants routinely acquire
consumer, investigative consumer and/or consumer credit reports to
conduct background checks on the Plaintiff and other prospective,
current and former employees and use information from credit and
background reports in connection with their hiring process without
providing proper disclosures and obtaining proper authorization in
compliance with the law. Additionally, the Defendants' disclosure
contained extraneous and superfluous language that does not consist
solely of the disclosure as required by the FCRA and/or is not
clear and conspicuous.
The Defendants provide consulting services.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Shaun Setareh, Esq.
David Keledjian, Esq.
315 South Beverly Drive, Suite 315
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Telephone: (310) 888-7771
Facsimile: (310) 888-0109
E-mail: shaun@setarehlaw.com
DISNEY DTC: Website Inaccessible to Blind Users, Tenzer-Fuchs Says
MICHELLE TENZER-FUCHS, on behalf of herself and all others
similarly situated v. DISNEY DTC, LLC, d/b/a disney.family.com,
Case No. 2:20-cv-05386 (E.D.N.Y., November 5, 2020) arises from the
Defendant's violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the
New York State Human Rights Law, and the New York City Human Rights
Law after failing to design and operate its Website to be fully
accessible to and independently usable by the Plaintiff and other
blind or visually-impaired people.
According to the complaint, during the Plaintiff's visits to the
Website, disney.family.com, the last occurring in October of 2020,
she encountered multiple access barriers which effectively denied
her the full enjoyment of the goods and services of the Website.
She visited the Defendant's Website with the intention of browsing
and attempting to purchase Disney memorabilia for herself and her
grandchildren. Despite her efforts, however, she was denied a
shopping experience similar to that of a sighted individual due to
the Website's lack of a range of features and accommodations, which
effectively barred her from being able to make her desired
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendant has engaged in acts of
intentional discrimination, thus seeks a permanent injunction to
initiate a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices,
and procedures so that the Defendant's Website will become and
remain accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers.
Disney DTC, LLC, d/b/a disney.family.com, is a retailer of Disney
memorabilia. The Company is an online retailer of Disney-themed
products, clothing, experiences, and adventures.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jonathan Shalom, Esq.
105-13 Metropolitan Avenue
Forest Hills, NY 11375
Telephone: (718) 971-9474
E-mail: Jonathan@ShalomLawNY.com
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Lewis Suit Seeks to Certify Two Classes
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KAYLA DIONNE LEWIS, et
15-352-RBW (D.C.), the Plaintiff asks the Court for an order:
a. certifying following classes:
The Illegal Hold Class:
Each person who:
(1) in the period beginning three years before the date of
filing of the original complaint in this case and
going forward until the case is terminated;
(2) was arrested without a warrant and charged with one or
more "D.C. Code offenses" but no offenses described in
D.C. Code section 23-1322(b)(2), (3), or (4), or D.C.
Code section 23-1325;
(3) was, after their Initial Appearance in Superior Court
of the District of Columbia, detained on a " Gerstein
perfection hold" pursuant to D.C. Code section 23-
(4) was held more than 48 hours after arrest without a
probable cause determination; and
(5) was held pursuant to the District's policy or custom
of holding Gerstein perfection hold arrestees more
than 48 hours from time of arrest without providing a
probable cause determination before a neutral
magistrate.; and
The Illegal Strip Search Class:
Each person who:
(1) in the period beginning three years before the date of
filing of the original complaint in this case and going
forward until the case is terminated;
(2) was arrested without a warrant and appeared in the
Superior Court for an Initial Appearance on "minor"
offenses such as "District offenses" and misdemeanors
not involving an allegation of drugs, weapons, or
violence, and no other offenses;
(3) was, after the Initial Appearance in Superior Court of
the District of Columbia, detained on a Gerstein
perfection hold;
(4) was then admitted to the DC Jail though the person
could have been held in an area outside the general
population of the DC Jail or CTF; and
(5) upon entry to the DC Jail, pursuant to the DC Jail's
official policy of automatically strip-searching every
prisoner who enters the DC Jail, was subjected to a
strip search not based on individualized reasonable
suspicion or probable cause that they were concealing a
weapon or other contraband.
b. appointing themselves -- Mary Kenion, Dwayne Howard,
Rollie Montgomery, Rodney Hamilton, and Tyrell Barkley as
Class Representatives; and
c. appointing William Claiborne and Sean R. Day as Class
A copy of the Plaintiff's renewed motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/37JXQPw at no
extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs and the classes are:
William Claiborne, Esq.
717 D Street, N.W., Ste 300
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: 202-824-0700
E-mail: claibornelaw@gmail.com
- and -
Sean R. Day, Esq.
7474 Greenway Center Dr Ste 150
Greenbelt MD 20770-3524
Telephone: 301 220 2270
E-mail: Sean@DayInCourt.Net
DREXLER CONSTRUCTION: Faces Canales Wage-and-Hour Suit in E.D.N.Y.
themselves and others similarly situated v. ROBERT DREXLER, DREXLER
CORP., Case No. 2:20-cv-05378 (E.D.N.Y., November 5, 2020) arises
from the Defendants' alleged violations of the Fair Labor Standards
Act and the New York Labor Law.
The Plaintiffs brought this action against the Defendants for: (i)
unpaid wages for overtime work performed, (ii) unpaid spread of
hours wages for each day they worked 10 or more hours, (iii)
liquidated damages for failure to pay overtime premium and spread
of hours pay, (iv) liquidated damages for failure to furnish a
notice and acknowledgment at the time of hiring, (v) attorneys'
fees, (vi) interest, and (vii) all costs and disbursements
associated with the complaint.
Mr. Canales was employed by the Defendants as a construction
worker/laborer from about July 2017 to October 2017.
Mr. Mendez is employed by the Defendants as a construction
worker/laborer from about 2015 to the present.
Mr. Juarez is also employed by the Defendants as a construction
worker/laborer from about 2016 to the present.
Drexler Construction Corp., Drexler Corp. and Drexler Land
Development Corp. are construction companies specializing in
residential and commercial: blacktop, concrete, pavers,
foundations, drainage, stoops, driveways, parking lots, patios,
stone veneers, pools, and violation removals.[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Marcus Monteiro, Esq.
91 N. Franklin Street, Suite 108
Hempstead, NY 11550
Telephone: (516) 280-4600
Facsimile: (516) 280-4530
E-mail: mmonteiro@mflawny.com
EMPEREON MARKETING: Nutt Seeks Overtime Pay for Call Center Staff
ALISHA NUTT, individually, and on behalf of others similarly
situated v. EMPEREON MARKETING, LLC, Case No. 6:20-cv-01029 (W.D.
Tex., Nov. 4, 2020) is a class action complaint arising from the
Defendant's willful violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and
the Texas common law.
The Plaintiff contends that she and the putative Class members, who
have worked for Empereon in call centers throughout the United
States have not been paid for all hours worked in violation of
state and federal law. Since she and the putative Class members
routinely worked in excess of 40 hours per workweek, due to
Empereon's unlawful company-wide policies, they were not been paid
overtime of at least one and one-half their regular rates for all
hours worked in excess of 40 hours per workweek, she adds.
The Plaintiff worked as a call center employee at the Defendant's
Waco, Texas location.
Empereon Marketing, LLC provides contact center services.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Charles W. Branham, III, Esq.
302 N. Market Street, Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75202
Telephone: (214) 722-5990
Facsimile: (214) 722-5991
E-mail: tbranham@dobslegal.com
- and -
Jason T. Brown, Esq.
Nicholas Conlon, Esq.
Lotus Cannon, Esq.
111 Town Square Place, Suite 400
Jersey City, NJ 07310
Telephone: (877) 561-0000
Facsimile: (855) 582-5297
E-mail: jtb@jtblawgroup.com
EQUITY RESIDENTIAL: Modification of Class Cert. Order Sought
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JAVANNI MUNGUIA-BROWN,
and on behalf of others similarly situated, v. EQUITY RESIDENTIAL,
a real estate investment trust, ERP OPERATING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP,
PARTNERSHIP, Case No. 4:16-cv-01225-JSW (N.D. Cal.), the Plaintiffs
will move the Court on January 22, 2021, for an order under Federal
Rule of Civil Procedure 23 modifying the existing class
certification order.
The Plaintiffs will ask the Court to modify the order to:
1. certify a Standard Late Fee Injunctive Relief Class
pursuant to Rule 23(b)(2):
"all Equity Residential tenants in California from
September 3, 2010 through 75 days before the commencement
of trial who were charged and/or paid one or more late
fee(s) under Equity Residential's standard late fee
provision: 5% of the outstanding balance owed (capped at
5% of the total amount of monthly recurring charges) or
$50, whichever is greater"
2. appoint Standard Late Fee class member and proposed
Plaintiff Shannah Smith as a representative of that class.
3. change the end date of the existing Standard Late Fee
Class from October 23, 2017 (the date of class
certification) to 75 days before the commencement of
4. appoint Ms. Smith as an additional class representative
of that Class;
5. include in both of these Classes and the previously
certified Woodland Park Preexisting Lease Class tenants
who paid the challenged late fees that the Defendants
charged to another tenant living in their unit.
6. approve previously-used notice program for issuing notice
to the expanded monetary relief classes under Rule 23(b)
On September 3, 2014, the Plaintiffs filed this action in Alameda
County Superior Court to challenge the late fee that the Defendants
uniformly assess against their California residential tenants for
late payment of rent, contending that the late fee is a liquidated
damages provision that violates California Civil Code section 2
1671(d). Thereafter, the Defendants removed the case to federal
court under 28 U.S.C. section 3 1332(d). On October 23, 2017, the
Court certified two classes pursuant to Rule 23(b)(3): the Standard
Late Fee Class and the Woodland Park Preexisting Lease Class.
The Standard Late Fee Class, which the Plaintiffs seek to modify
with this motion, is defined as follows:
"all Equity Residential tenants in California from September
3, 2010 until the date of class certification who were
charged one or more late fee(s) under Equity Residential's
standard late fee provision: 5% of the outstanding balance
owed (ca[pp]ed at 5% of the total amount of monthly recurring
charges) or $50, whichever is greater.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion to modify class certification
order is available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/2Tiofvv
at no extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs and the Certified Classes are:
Jason H. Tarricone, Esq.
Margaret McBride, Esq.
1861 Bay Road
East Palo Alto, CA 94303
Telephone: (650) 326-6440
Facsimile: (866) 688-5204
E-mail: jason@clsepa.org
- and -
Linda M. Dardarian, Esq.
Andrew P. Lee, Esq.
Anne P. Bellows, Esq.
Katharine L. Fisher, Esq.
300 Lakeside Drive, Suite 1000
Oakland, CA 94612
Telephone: (510) 763-9800
Facsimile: (510) 835-1417
E-mail: ldardarian@gbdhlegal.com
- and -
Craig Nicholas, Esq.
Alex Tomasevic, Esq.
225 Broadway, 19th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (619) 325-0492
Facsimile: (619) 325-0496
E-mail: craig@nicholaslaw.org
ESTATES LLC: Williams Suit Seeks to Certify Class & Subclass
In the class action lawsuit captioned as BRIAN C. WILLIAMS, et al.,
v. THE ESTATES LLC, et al., Case No. 1:19-cv-01076-CCE-JLW
(M.D.N.C.), the Plaintiffs Brian C. Williams, Maricol Yunaira Tineo
de Leon and Jairo Vensrique ask the Court for an order:
1. certifying a National Sherman Act Class defined as:
"all persons and entities whose properties were sold
through foreclosure proceedings at which a Member of the
Estates was the high bidder and at which the Estates
placed the bid deposit on their behalf";
2. certifying a North Carolina Subclass defined as:
"all persons and entities whose properties were sold
through foreclosure proceedings in North Carolina at which
a Member of the Estates was the high bidder and at which
the Estates placed the bid deposit on their behalf who
have standing to bring North Carolina state law claims";
3. appointing JC White Law Group PLLC and Blue LLP as co-
Class Counsel.
The Plaintiffs commenced this action on October 18, 2019. The
Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants conspired to rig bids at
public foreclosure sales in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman
Antitrust Act and North Carolina's common law prohibition against
unjust enrichment.
The Estates LLC is a company that tracks distressed properties in
any given state.
A copy of the Plaintiff's renewed motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3dVrlim at no
extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs Maricol Yunaira Tineo De Leon and
Jairo Vensrique Leon Da Costa are:
James C. White, Esq.
100 Europa Drive, Suite 401
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Telephone: (919) 246-4676
Facsimile: (919) 246-9113
E-mail: jwhite@jcwhitelaw.com
- and -
Dhamian A. Blue, Esq.
205 Fayetteville Street, Suite 300
Raleigh, NC 27601
Telephone: (919) 833-1931
Facsimile: (919) 833-809
E-mail: dab@bluellp.com
EVOLUS INC: Faces Cox Suit Over 37% Drop in Share Price
CLINTON COX, Individually and On Behalf of All Others Similarly
SILVERNAIL, Case No. 1:20-cv-09053 (S.D.N.Y., Oct. 28, 2020) seeks
to recover damages under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
arising from the Defendants' issuance of false and misleading
statements resulting to the precipitous decline in the market value
of the Company's securities.
The lawsuit is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and a class
consisting of all persons and entities other than the Defendants
that purchased or otherwise acquired Evolus securities between
February 1, 2019 and July 6, 2020, both dates inclusive.
Beginning in February 2019, Evolus embarked on a public campaign to
hype the market right before the commercial launch of its sole
leading product Jeuveau. To secure an aggressive growth and rapid
influx of revenue, Defendants disseminated dozens of public
statements in which they promoted Jeuveau as a proprietary
formulation of the botulinum toxic type A complex, purportedly
developed by Korean bioengineering company Daewoong through years
of clinical research and millions of dollars' worth of investment
in research and development. Among other things, Evolus promised
investors that it would attain the number two U.S. market position
within twenty-four months of launch.
According to the complaint, throughout the Class period, the
Defendants made materially false and misleading statements, and
failed to disclose material adverse facts about the Company's
business, operational, and compliance policies. Specifically, the
Defendants made false and/or misleading statements and failed to
disclose to investors that: (i) the real source of botulinum toxin
bacterial strain as well as the manufacturing processes used to
develop Jeuveau originated with and were misappropriated from
Medytox; (ii) sufficient evidentiary support existed for the
allegations that Evolus misappropriated certain trade secrets
relating to the botulin toxin strain and the manufacturing
processes for the development of Jeuveau; (iii) as a result, Evolus
faced a real threat of regulatory and/or court action, prohibiting
the import, marketing, and sale of Jeuveau; which in turn (iv)
seriously threatened Evolus' ability to commercialize Jeuveau in
the U.S. and generate revenue; and (v) any revenues generated from
the sale of Jeuveau were based on Evolus’ unlawful activities,
including the misappropriation of trade secrets and secret
manufacturing processes belonging to Allergan and Medytox.
As a result, the news caused a precipitous and immediate decline in
the price of Evolus shares, which fell 37% over the course of two
trading days, to close at $3.35 per share on July 8, 2020, on
unusually high trading volume. Following the news of the
International Trade Commission's Initial Final Determination and
the subsequent price drop of Evolus' common shares, several
securities analysts downgraded Evolus' rating and significantly
lowered the Company's price target, the suit says.
Evolus, Inc. is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Newport
Beach, California. The Company operates as a medical aesthetics
company, and develops, produces, and markets clinical neurotoxins
for the treatment of aesthetic concerns.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jeremy A. Lieberman, Esq.
J. Alexander Hood II, Esq.
600 Third Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: (212) 661-1100
Facsimile: (212) 661-8665
E-mail: jalieberman@pomlaw.com
- and -
Patrick V. Dahlstrom, Esq.
10 South La Salle Street, Suite 3505
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: (312) 377-1181
Facsimile: (312) 377-1184
E-mail: pdahlstrom@pomlaw.com
- and -
Peretz Bronstein, Esq.
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600
New York, NY 10165
Telephone: (212) 697-6484
Facsimile: (212) 697-7296
E-mail: peretz@bgandg.com
FAMILY SOLUTIONS: Seeks to Decertify Employees Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JAMAL STEPHENSON, et al.,
1:18-cv-02017-PAB (N.D. Ohio), the Defendants ask the Court for an
order to decertify the class conditionally certified under 29
U.S.C. section 216(b).
The Court previously granted conditional certification of a class
consisting of:
"individuals employed by Family Solutions in the QMHS position
from September 16, 2016 through September 16, 2019."
This lawsuit was filed on September 4, 2018. The Court
conditionally certified the Class on September 16, 2019.
The Defendants claim that the Plaintiffs are not similarly situated
for purposes of their Fair Labor Standards Act claims because: (1)
the QMHS position is unique and different for each employee; (2)
there exist many material defenses to each proposed class
member’s claim; and (3) judicial fairness supports
A copy of the Defendants' motion to decertify class is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/31XoAbz at no extra
The Defendants are represented by:
Donald G. Slezak, Esq.
David A. Campbell, Esq.
1375 E. 9th Street, Suite 2250
Cleveland, OH 44114
Telephone: (216) 298-1262
Facsimile: (216) 344-9421
E-mail: david.a.campbell@lewisbrisbois.com
FANTASY GIRLS: Becker Seeks to Certify Class of Dancers
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MARLONESHA BECKER,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
KAMY KESHMIRI, an individual; JAMY KESHMIRI, an individual; FANTASY
GIRLS, LLC, a Nevada limited liability corporation; DOE MANAGERS
1-3; and DOES 4-100, inclusive, Case No. 3:19-cv-00602-LRH-WGC (D.
Nev.), the Plaintiff asks the Court for an order conditionally
certifying this matter as a collective action and allowing notice
of this action to be sent to:
"dancers who have performed at the the Defendants' club
Fantasy Girls in the past three years."
The Plaintiffs contend that the Defendants misclassified them and
other dancers as independent contractors when, in fact, the dancers
are Defendants' employees under federal law. As a result of this
misclassification, they allege that the Defendants have violated
the Fair Labor Standards Act by failing to pay dancers any wages
(minimum or overtime), requiring dancers to pay kickback fees in
order to work, and forcing dancers to "tip out" ineligible
employees, management and back to the club as well.
The Plaintiffs worked as exotic dancers at Fantasy Girls, an adult
entertainment venue in Reno, Nevada. The club is owned and operated
by Fantasy Girls, LLC.
On August 24, 2020, Marlonesha Becker brought this action seeking
to recover wages owed to her and other dancers who have been
classified as independent contractors at Fantasy Girls under the
FLSA. Between January 21, 2020, and March 30, 2020, Beverly Flynn,
Brooklyn Devenport, Kirsten Discipulo, and Joye Jackson joined this
action as opt in plaintiffs.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class conditional
certification is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/31GqJbG at no extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
John P. Kristensen, Esq.
12540 Beatrice Street, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Telephone: (310) 507-7924
Facsimile: (310) 507-7906
E-mail: john@kristensenlaw.com
- and -
David C. O'Mara, Esq.
311 E. Liberty Street
Reno, NV 89501
Telephone: 775-323-1321
Facsimile: 775-323-4082
E-mail: david@omaralaw.net
FANTASY GIRLS: Dorio Seeks to Certify Class of Dancers
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KAREN DORIO, an
individual; QUIANNA HUNT, an individual; and SARA KELLY, an
individual, v. KAMY KESHMIRI, an individual; JAMY KESHMIRI, an
individual; FANTASY GIRLS, LLC, a Nevada limited liability
corporation; DOE MANAGERS 1-3; and DOES 4-100, inclusive, Case No.
3:20-cv-00482-LRH-WGC (D. Nev.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court for
an order conditionally certifying this matter as a collective
action and allowing notice of this action to be sent to:
"dancers who have performed at the the defendants' club
Fantasy Girls in the past three years."
The Plaintiffs contend that the Defendants misclassified them and
other dancers as independent contractors when, in fact, the dancers
are Defendants' employees under federal law. As a result of this
misclassification, the Plaintiffs allege that Defendants have
violated the Fair Labor Standards Act by failing to pay dancers any
wages (minimum or overtime), requiring dancers to pay kickback fees
in order to work, and forcing dancers to "tip out" ineligible
employees, management and back to the club as well.
The Plaintiffs Karen Dorio, Quianna Hunt, and Sara Kelly worked as
exotic dancers at Fantasy Girls, an adult entertainment venue in
Reno, Nevada. The club is owned and operated by Fantasy Girls, LLC,
Kamy Keshmiri, and Jamy Keshmiri.
On August 24, 2020, the Plaintiffs brought this action seeking to
recover wages owed to them and other dancers who have been
classified as independent contractors at Fantasy Girls under the
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for conditional certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3otkmlR at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
John P. Kristensen, Esq.
12540 Beatrice Street, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Telephone: (310) 507-7924
Facsimile: (310) 507-7906
E-mail: john@kristensenlaw.com
- and -
David C. O'Mara, Esq.
311 E. Liberty Street
Reno, NV 89501
Telephone: 775-323-1321
Facsimile: 775-323-4082
E-mail: david@omaralaw.net
FILTERS FAST: McCreary Suit Alleges Data Breach
JENNIFER McCREARY, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated, v. FILTERS FAST LLC, Case No. 3:20-cv-00595 (W.D.N.C.,
Oct. 27, 2020), asserts claims under the North Carolina Unfair and
Deceptive Trade Practices Act ("UDTPA") relating to a data breach.
On August 25, 2020, the electronic data security company RapidSpike
published a blog post entitled "Filter Company Allowed 3.4 Million
Customers to Shop on Hacked Site." The blog post stated that
"Filters Fast knowingly allowed approximately 3.4 Million customers
to shop on their compromised website for over 5 months, in a
year-long data breach."
Filters Fast customers across the United States have suffered real
and imminent harm as a direct consequence of the Defendant's
conduct, which includes: (a) refusing to take adequate and
reasonable measures to ensure its data systems were protected; (b)
refusing to take available steps to prevent the breach from
happening; and (c) failing to disclose to its customers the
material fact that it did not have adequate computer systems and
security practices to safeguard customers' personal and financial
information; and (d) failing to provide timely and adequate notice
of the data breach.
According to the complaint, the injuries suffered by the Plaintiff
and the proposed Classes as a direct result of the Data Breach
include: a. Unauthorized charges on their payment card accounts; b.
Theft of their personal and financial information; and c. Costs
associated with the detection and prevention of identity theft and
unauthorized use of their financial accounts.
On July 4, 2020, the Plaintiff claims that she purchased
replacement Maytag appliance water filters from Defendant's
website, order number XXXX3926. She used one of her credit cards to
make this purchase. Subsequent to making this purchase, she
received a letter dated August 18, 2020 entitled Notice of Data
Breach from the Defendant.
The Plaintiff contends that she would not have used her credit card
to make purchases from the Filters Fast website -- indeed, she
would not have shopped with Filters Fast at all during the period
of the data breach -- had Filters Fast disclosed that it lacked
adequate computer systems and data security practices to safeguard
customers' personal and financial information from theft, and that
it was subject to an ongoing data breach at the time she made her
purchases. Filters Fast also failed to provide her with timely and
accurate notice of the data breach, she adds.
FiltersFast.com sells a variety of home filtration products. The
company is based in North Carolina, and according to SimilarWeb,
the company averages approximately 574,190 website visitors each
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Joel Rhine, Esq.
Martin A. Ramey, Esq.
1612 Military Cutoff Rd., Suite 300
Wilmington, NC 28403
Telephone: (910) 772-9960
Facsimile: (910) 772-9062
E-mail: jrr@rhinelawfirm.com
- and -
Gary E. Mason, Esq.
David Lietz, Esq.
5101 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Suite 305
Washington, DC 20016
Telephone: (202) 640-1160
E-mail: gmason@masonllp.com
FIRST AMERICAN FINANCIAL: Faces Floyd Suit Over Price Shares Drop
JAMES FLOYD, Individually and on behalf of all others similarly
MARK E. SEATON, Case No. 2:20-cv-09781 (C.D. Cal., Oct. 25, 2020),
is a federal securities class action on behalf of a class
consisting of all persons and entities other than the Defendants
who purchased or otherwise acquired the publicly traded securities
of First American from February 17, 2017 through October 22, 2020,
both dates inclusive.
The Plaintiff seeks to recover compensable damages caused by
Defendants' violations of the federal securities laws and to pursue
remedies under Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.
On February 17, 2017, when First American filed an annual report on
Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
announcing the Company's financial and operating results for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2016 (the "2016 10-K"). The 2016
10-K was signed by the Defendants Gilmore and Seaton.
On October 22, 2020, First American filed a quarterly report on
Form 10-Q with the SEC, announcing that the Company had received a
Wells Notice regarding its massive security breach, stating, in
pertinent part:
"Currently, governmental agencies are examining or
investigating certain of the Company's operations. These
exams and investigations include two investigations initiated
in connection with the information security incident that
occurred during the second quarter of 2019, one being
conducted by the SEC enforcement staff and the other by the
New York Department of Financial Services."
On this news the price of First American shares fell approximately
$4.83 per share, or 9%, to close at $46.75 per share on October 22,
As a result of the Defendants' wrongful acts and omissions, and the
decline in the market value of the Company's securities, Plaintiff
and other Class members have suffered significant losses and
damages, the Plaintiff contends.
The Plaintiff purchased the Company's securities at artificially
inflated prices during the Class Period and was damaged upon the
revelation of the alleged corrective disclosure.
The Defendant First American is a Fortune 500 company with over
18,000 employees and over $5 billion in revenue. Through its
subsidiaries, First American provides financial services through
its title insurance and services segment and its specialty
insurance segment. Dennis J. Gilmore has been the Chief Executive
Officer and a Director of First American during the Class Period.
Mark E. Seaton has been the Chief Financial Officer and Executive
Vice President of First American during the Class Period.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Laurence M. Rosen, Esq.
355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2450
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Telephone: (213) 785-2610
Facsimile: (213) 226-4684
E-mail: lrosen@rosenlegal.com
FLIGHT SERVICES: Court Denies Flores-Litman's Class Status Bid
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MARIAM FLORES-LITMAN,
FLIGHT SERVICES & SYSTEMS, LLC, Case No. 5:20-cv-00346-FB-RBF (W.D.
Tex.), the Hon. Judge Richard B. Farrer entered an order:
1. denying without prejudice Flores-Litman's motion for
conditional certification; and
2. dismissing as moot Litman's motion for approval and
distribution of notice and for disclosure of contact
The Court said, "Even applying the most lenient standard for
conditional certification, Flores-Litman has failed to show
certification of a national class is warranted at this stage.
Specifically, Flores-Litman hasn't shown that the proposed class
members are "similarly situated in terms of job requirements and
similarly situated in terms of payment provisions." Although she
generically contends that "all salaried operations managers perform
the same type of work and are subject to the same corporate
policies and procedures." Flores-Litman's personal knowledge
concerning the duties of other Operations Managers was limited to
the San Antonio Airport. At the same time, FSS has produced ample
evidence demonstrating that the job requirements and duties of
Operations Managers differ depending on the particular airline and
airports serviced. For example, the Portland Operations Manager
handles many human resources and financial duties, while neither
Flores-Litman nor the Boston Operations Manager performed these
type of functions."
Flight Services & Systems, LLC is an aviation service company
headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, founded in 2000.
A copy of the Court's order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/31wlHyi at no extra charge.[CC]
FREEDOM MORTGAGE: Burress Sues Over Inaccurate Mortgage Statements
JAMES BURRESS, on behalf of himself and the putative class v.
FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION, a New Jersey corporation, Case No.
1:20-cv-15242-NLH-AMD (D.N.J., Oct. 30, 2020) arises from the
Defendant's practice of sending periodic mortgage statements to
borrowers such as the Plaintiff, where the statements include
misleading and patently conflicting recitations of the "amount
due," in violation of the Truth in Lending Act.
On September 29, 2014, Mr. Burress entered into a mortgage
promissory note with the Defendant to finance the purchase of his
residence located at 1990 Wellbourne Drive NE, Apt. 2, Atlanta,
Georgia. Since entering into the mortgage, Freedom Mortgage has
allegedly sent mortgage statements to Mr. Burress that were
nonsensical and provided false and misleading disclosures
concerning the amount due on the mortgage on a repeated basis.
According to the complaint, the Defendant disclosed inconsistent
amounts of $407.36 and $417.60 that were each due on December 1,
As a result of the nonsensical and misleading mortgage statements
from the Defendant, on or about June 4, 2020, Mr. Burress sent a
"request for information" or "qualified written request" by
certified mail to the Defendant pursuant to the Real Estate
Settlement Procedures Act. As of the date hereof, Freedom Mortgage
has failed to respond to the Plaintiff's request, as it is required
to pursuant to RESPA.
Based in New Jersey, Freedom Mortgage Corporation engages in the
business of originating home purchase loans, including refinancing
of such loans, to the members of the public at large
The Plaintiff is represented by:
David J. DiSabato, Esq.
Lisa R. Considine, Esq.
196 Santiago Avenue
Rutherford, NJ 07070
Telephone: (201) 762-5088
Facsimile: (973) 453-0338
E-mail: ddisabato@disabatolaw.com
- and -
Robert W. Murphy, Esq.
1212 SE 2nd Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
Telephone: (954) 763-8660
Facsimile: (954) 763-8607
E-mail: rwmurphy@lawfirmmurphy.com
GAMA CONSTRUCTION: Braulio Sues Over Failure to Pay Overtime
HOLGUIN BRAULIO, individually and on behalf of all other similarly
situated current and former employees, Plaintiff v. GAMA
individually, Defendants, Case No. 3:0-cv-00940 (M.D. Tenn.,
October 30, 2020) is a collective action complaint brought against
the Defendant for their alleged willful violation of the Fair Labor
Standards Act.
The Plaintiff, who was employed by the Defendants as a construction
worker, alleges that the Defendants have a practice of failing to
record all of the hours worked by him and other similarly situated
construction workers. Thus, despite regularly working over 40 hours
per week, they were only compensated by the Defendants for the
unrecorded overtime work at only their regular hourly rate of pay
via personal check and/or cash.
Gama Construction Company Inc. is a company that provides
construction services, owned by Manuel Raul Gonzales Varela. [BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
J. Russ Bryant, Esq.
Robert E. Turner, Esq.
Nathaniel A. Bishop, Esq.
Robert E. Morelli, III, Esq.
262 German Oak Drive
Memphis, TN 38018
Tel: (901) 754-8001
Fax: (901) 754-8524
E-mail: rbryant@jsyc.com
- and –
Nina H. Parsley, Esq.
400 Professional Park Drive
Goodlettsville, TN 37072
Tel: (615) 851-1776
Fax: (615) 859-7033
E-mail: nina@poncelaw.com
GAMESTOP CORP: Faces Redmond Suit Over Unlawful Labor Practices
GLORIA REDMOND, on behalf of herself and all those similarly
situated v. GAMESTOP CORPORATION, Case No. RG20077059 (Cal. Super.,
Alameda Cty., Oct. 15, 2020) is a representative action brought
pursuant to the California Private Attorneys General Act ("PAGA"),
California Labor Code, arising from the Defendant's unlawful labor
The Plaintiff brings this PAGA action on behalf of herself and
similarly situated retail store employees who (1) were not paid
minimum wages or overtime wages for work performed off-the-clock
and/or at the correct rate of pay; (2) did not receive meal and
rest periods to which they were entitled by law; (3) did not
receive accurate, itemized wage statements; and (4) were not timely
paid all wages due to them, including at termination or upon
separation of employment; and (5) were not reimbursed for necessary
business expenses.
Plaintiff Redmond was employed by the Defendant as a non-exempt
store employee in Oakland, California.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jahan C. Sagafi, Esq.
One California Street, 12th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94ll1
Telephone: (415) 638-8800
Facsimile: (415) 638-8810
E-mail: jsagafi@outtengolden.com
- and -
Gregg I. Shavitz, Esq.
Tamra C. Givens, Esq.
951 Yamato Rd. Suite 285
Boca Raton, FL 3343l
Telephone: (561) 447-8888
Facsimile: (561) 447-8831
E-mail: gshavitz@shavitzlaw.com
- and -
Michael J. Palitz, Esq.
800 3rd Avenue, Suite 2000
New York, NY 10022
Telephone: (800) 616-4000
Facsimile: (561) 447-8831
GEICO GENERAL: Milligan Appeals Order in Insurance Suit to 2nd Cir
Plaintiff Lorena M. Milligan filed an appeal from the District
Court's Opinion and Order dated September 30, 2020, in the lawsuit
styled Milligan v. Geico General Insurance Company, et al., Case
No. 16-cv-240, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District
of New York (Central
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, the lawsuit
seeks to recover actual, consequential, and punitive damages,
equitable and declaratory relief, costs and reasonable attorneys'
fees under GEICO Policies and New York Law.
The appellate case is captioned as Milligan v. Geico General
Insurance Company, et al., Case No. 20-3726, in the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.[BN]
Plaintiff-Appellant Lorena M. Milligan, individually and on behalf
of all others similarly situated, is represented by:
Sharon Almonrode, Esq.
950 West University Drive
Rochester, MI 48307
Telephone: (248) 841-2200
Facsimile: (248) 652-2852
E-mail: ssa@millerlawpc.com
Defendants-Appellees GEICO General Insurance Company and CCC
Information Services Inc. are represented by:
Michael P. Versichelli, Esq.
926 RXR Plaza
Uniondale, NY 11556
Telephone: (516) 357-3000
E-mail: michael.versichelli@rivkin.com
- and -
Blake Denton, Esq.
885 3rd Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Telephone: (212) 906-1200
E-mail: blake.denton@lw.com
GENERAL MOTORS: Faces Massie Suit in Calif. Over Personal Injury
A class action lawsuit has been filed against General Motors
Company, et al. The case is captioned as Dakotah Massie and Neil
Manglani, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. General Motors Company and Decibel Insight, Inc., Case
No. Decibel Insight, Inc. (E.D. Cal., November 4, 2020).
The nature of suit is stated as P.I.: Other filed pursuant to the
Diversity-Personal Injury.
General Motors Company, commonly referred to as General Motors, is
an American multinational corporation headquartered in Detroit that
designs, manufactures, markets, and distributes vehicles and
vehicle parts, and sells financial services, with global
headquarters in Detroit's Renaissance Center.[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Joel Dashiell Smith, Esq.
Lawrence Timothy Fisher, Esq.
1990 North California Blvd., Suite 940
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Telephone: (925) 300-4455
Facsimile: (925) 407-2700
E-mail: jsmith@bursor.com
GILLIG LLC: Tolentino Labor Suit Removed to N.D. California
MEGAN VOEKS, Individually, and as Representative of the Estate of
JULIE VOEKS, and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. OUT
2:20-cv-01613-BHL (E.D. Wis. October 22, 2020) arises from the
Defendant's violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,
the Wisconsin Consumer Act, and the state common law.
On or around April 23, 2020 the Defendant mailed to the Plaintiff a
debt collection letter addressed to "Julie Francis Voeks" regarding
an alleged debt owed to "Select Medical Corporation." The alleged
debts were incurred as the result of a transaction for personal
medical services with an agreement to defer payment.
According to the complaint, the Plaintiff received an envelope
containing a window hole or a transparent, "glassine" window
displaying her name and address and the Defendant's return address.
Also printed immediately below the Defendant's return address and
in bold italic font, is the language, "PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL."
The use of such extraneous text on an envelope containing a dunning
letter, or visible on the front of the envelope through a window is
a violation of the federal and state laws.
Out Tech., Inc., d/b/a Bureau of Account Management, is engaged in
the business of a collection agency, using the mails and telephone
to collect consumer debts originally owed to others.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
John D. Blythin, Esq.
Mark A. Eldridge, Esq.
Jesse Fruchter, Esq.
Ben J. Slatky, Esq.
3620 East Layton Avenue
Cudahy, WI 53110
Telephone: (414) 482-8000
Facsimile: (414) 482-8001
E-mail: jblythin@ademilaw.com
GILLIG LLC: Tolentino Labor Suit Removed to N.D. California
The case styled Ronald Tolentino, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. Gillig, LLC, a limited liability
company, Case No. RG20073930, was removed from the Superior Court
of the State of California for the County of Alameda to the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of California on October
22, 2020.
The Clerk of Court for the Northern District of California assigned
Case No. 3:20-cv-07427-AGT to the proceeding.
The lawsuit arises from employment-related issues.
Gillig, LLC is an American designer and manufacturer of buses. The
company headquarters, along with its manufacturing operations, is
located in Livermore, California.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Kane Moon, Esq.
Allen Victor Feghali, Esq.
Enzo Dalgat Nabiev, Esq.
1055 West Seventh Street, Suite 1880
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Telephone: (213) 232-3128
Facsimile: (213) 232-3125
E-mail: kane.moon@moonyanglaw.com
The Defendant is represented by:
Michael Walter Warren, Esq.
William Faulkner, Esq.
50 West San Fernando Street, 10th Floor
San Jose, CA 95113-2303
Telephone: (408) 279-8700
Facsimile: (408) 279-3244
E-mail: mwarren@mcmanislaw.com
- and -
Craig Martin, Esq.
Matt D. Basil, Esq.
300 N. LaSalle
Chicago, IL 60654
Telephone: (312) 728-9024
Facsimile: (312) 728-9199
E-mail: cmartin@willkie.com
GOM GRAPHICS: So Seeks Overtime Pay for Warehouse Staff
YONG U. ("KEVIN") SO, individually and on behalf of all similarly
situated persons v. GOM GRAPHICS, INC., Case No. 1:20-cv-04335-LMM
(N.D. Ga., October 22, 2020) alleges that the Defendant failed to
pay him and the Class members overtime for some or all of their
work activities in excess of eight hours per day and 40 hours per
week in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendant as a warehouse employee
providing general warehouse duties from February 2018 through July
7, 2020.
GOM Graphics, Inc. is a Georgia corporation that manufactures many
various types of signs including traditional lighted outdoor signs
and liquid emitting diode signs.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Steven J. Strelzik, Esq.
5 Concourse Parkway - Suite 3000
Atlanta, GA 30328
Telephone: (770) 730-2515
Facsimile: (770) 392-3303
E-mail: sstrelzik@sjslawga.com
GOODVILLE MUTUAL: Mitchell Sues Over Breach of Insurance Policy
JESSICA MITCHELL, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated, v. GOODVILLE MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANY, Case No. 201001979
(Philadelphia Ct. Com. Pl., Oct. 27, 2020), alleges that Goodville
denied rental coverage available under the Transportation Expense
provisions of an insurance policy, without making the required
determination of the amount of time reasonably required to replace
the insured vehicle.
The Plaintiff contends that Goodville processed, adjusted, and
handled all Transportation Expenses claims under the Policies in
the same manner, resulting in the denial of rental coverage. She
adds that Goodville terminated her Transportation Expense benefits
without making a determination of the amount of time reasonably
required to replace her vehicle. As a result of Goodville's breach,
she claims that she is entitled to recover the remaining $510 of
Transportation Expense benefits under the Policy.
In March 2017, there was in full force and effect an automobile
insurance policy between Ms. Mitchell and Goodville, Policy No.
213478 (the "Policy"). The Policy provided, among other benefits,
insurance coverage for the use of Ms. Mitchell's automobile, a 2008
Honda Civic. On March 29, 2017 at approximately 8:15 A.M., Ms.
Mitchell was involved in an automobile collision in Pennsylvania.
The loss was a covered loss under the Policy, the complaint says
This action is brought individually and as a class action pursuant
to the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure. Ms. Mitchell seeks to
represent all members of the following class of all persons, since
at least six years prior to the filing of this Complaint, who have
been policyholders of automobile insurance policies sold in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the Defendant that have provided
Transportation Expense coverage, who have made a claim to the
Defendant for Transportation Expense coverage as a result of a
total loss of a vehicle damaged in a covered accident.
The Plaintiff is an adult individual residing at 24 Pogue Avenue,
Rising Sun, Maryland.
Goodville Mutual is an insurance company registered and existing
under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Richard M. Ochroch, Esq.
Brett N. Benton, Esq.
Andrew R. Ochroch, Esq.
318 S. 16th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Telephone: (215) 735-2707
Facsimile: (215) 790-0491
E-mail: rochroch@ochroch-law.com
- and -
Marc. P. Weingarten, Esq.
James A. Barry, Esq.
601 Walnut Street, Suite 720 East
170 S. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Telephone: (215) 893-0100
Facsimile: (215) 893-3333
E-mail: mweingarten@lockslaw.com
GOODWIN MANAGEMENT: Dahl Sues Over Deceptive Collection Letters
WILLIAM DAHL and RET DAHL, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. GOODWIN MANAGEMENT, INC. and
3:20-cv-03294-N (N.D. Tex., October 30, 2020) is a class action
complaint brought against the Defendants for their alleged
engagement in debt collection activities against the Plaintiff and
the putative class in violations of the Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act (FDCA) and Texas Debt Collection Act (TDCA).
According to the complaint, the Plaintiffs have received collection
letters from Defendant Goldwin on or about April 1, 2019 attempting
to collect an alleged debt owed to Quail Creek HOA in sum of
$5,385.00. However, the collection letters received by the
Plaintiffs were false, deceptive and misleading because aside from
the fact that the Plaintiffs do not owe Quail Creek HOA $5,385.00,
Defendant Goodwin attempted to collect an amount from the
Plaintiffs that was not authorized by agreement or law.
Defendant Goodwin allegedly violated FDCA and TDCA because it
failed to post a debt collection bond with the Texas Secretary of
State's office, and falsely credit reported the status of the
consumer debt with an inaccurate status, dates, and amounts to the
consumer reporting agencies.
Goodwin Management, Inc. and Manning & Meyers Attorneys at Law are
collection agencies. [BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Shawn Jaffer, Esq.
13601 Preston Rd., Suite E750
Dallas, TX 75240
Tel: (214) 494-1668
Fax: (469) 669-0786
E-mail: Shawn@jaffer.law
GOOGLE LLC: Dinerstein Appeals N.D. Ill. Ruling to 7th Circuit
Plaintiff Matt Dinerstein filed an appeal from a court ruling
issued in his lawsuit entitled Matt Dinerstein v. Google, LLC, et
al., Case No. 1:19-cv-04311, in the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, Judge Rebecca
R. Pallmeyer of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District
of Illinois, Eastern Division, (i) granted the motions to dismiss
filed by Defendants The University of Chicago, The University of
Chicago Medical Center, and Google, and (ii) terminated as moot the
University's motion to strike the class allegations.
In 2017, the Defendants began a research partnership in which they
used machine-learning techniques to create predictive health models
aimed at reducing hospital readmissions and anticipating future
medical events. As part of the research, the University disclosed
to Google the "de-identified" electronic health records of all
adult patients treated at its hospital from Jan. 1, 2010 through
June 30, 2016. Plaintiff Matt Dinerstein was an inpatient at the
University in June 2015 and, asserting a variety of state-law
claims, commenced the lawsuit pursuant to the Class Action Fairness
Act on behalf of all patients whose medical information was
disclosed for the Defendants' research.
The amended class action complaint alleges that Mr. Dinerstein had
two separate hospital stays as a patient at the University's
hospital in June 2015. Each stay lasted for a few days, and the
Plaintiff paid premiums and other fees to health insurers who
provided coverage for the treatment and services he received.
During his stays at the hospital and throughout 2015, Mr.
Dinerstein maintained an account with Defendant Google and used a
smartphone with Google applications on it, which, he alleges,
collected and transmitted to Google his geolocation information.
Also during these stays, the University generated and maintained
health records for the Plaintiff, which included such sensitive
information as his demographic data, vital signs, diagnoses,
procedures, and prescriptions. He received two forms relevant to
this sensitive information: the Admission and Outpatient Agreement
and Authorization form, and the Notice of Privacy Practices.
In May 2017, Google announced that it had partnered with the
University to use "machine learning" to identify patients' health
problems and predict future medical events. To conduct the study,
the University transferred electronic health records ("EHRs") to
Google. The transfer was made pursuant to a December 2016 Data Use
Agreement ("DUA") under which the University would transfer to
Google the EHRs of every patient, age 18 or older, who used the
University's outpatient, inpatient, or emergency services between
Jan. 1, 2010 and June 30, 2016. Google has submitted a patent
application for a system that aggregates EHR data and uses machine
learning on those records to predict future medical events.
According to the amended complaint, by submitting the patent
application in 2017, Google demonstrated its clear intent to
commercialize the University's medical records prior to obtaining
The Plaintiff alleges that while Google retains all rights to the
software created using the EHRs, the DUA granted the University a
perpetual license to use that software. Google disputes this
characterization of the DUA. In fact, it is not apparent to the
court what exactly has been granted to the University. The DUA
grants to the University, for internal non-commercial research
purposes, a nonexclusive, perpetual license to use the Trained
Models and Predictions created by Google. The Trained Model refers
to the model created via machine learning conducted on the EHRs,
and Predictions are the results of the model's computations.
The appellate case is captioned as Matt Dinerstein v. Google, LLC,
et al., Case No. 20-3134, in the US Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit.
The briefing schedule in the Appellate Case is set as follows:
-- Transcript information sheet is due by November 16, 2020;
-- Appellant's brief is due on or before December 14, 2020 for
Matt Dinerstein.[BN]
Plaintiff-Appellant MATT DINERSTEIN, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated, is represented by:
Alexander Glenn Tievsky, Esq.
350 N. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60654
Telephone: (312) 589-6370
E-mail: atievsky@edelson.com
Defendants-Appellees GOOGLE, LLC, a Delaware limited liability
CENTER are represented by:
Jeffrey T. Norberg, Esq.
1776 Ash Street
Northfield, IL 60093
Telephone: (847) 441-9100
E-mail: jnorberg@nealmcdevitt.com
- and -
Michael G. Rhodes, Esq.
101 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone: (415) 693-2181
E-mail: rhodesmg@cooley.com
- and -
Brian D. Sieve, Esq.
300 N. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60654-3406
Telephone: (312) 862-2000
E-mail: brian.sieve@kirkland.com
GOOGLE LLC: Montoya Sues Over Money Lost to Online Gambling
ERICA MONTOYA, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, v. GOOGLE, LLC and GOOGLE PAYMENT CORP., Case No.
1:20-cv-01098 (D.N.M., Oct. 23, 2020), seeks to recover money lost
to illegal gambling pursuant to Section 44-5-1 of the New Mexico
Statutes, 2018.
According to the complaint, Google promotes, enables and profits
from games downloaded from its Google Play Store and played by
numerous New Mexico residents that constitute illegal gambling
under the statutory law and the strong public policy of the state
of New Mexico.
Montoya, an adult, resides in Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
Google, LLC is an American multinational technology company that
specializes in Internet-related services and products, which
include online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud
computing, software, and hardware. Google Payment Corp. provides
in-app payment processing services to Android app developers and
Android users, collecting a 30% commission on most in-app purchases
such as the ones made the basis of this lawsuit.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Joseph P. Kennedy, Esq.
1000 2nd Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Telephone: (505) 244-1400
Facsimile: (505) 244-1406
E-mail: jpk@civilrightslaw.com
- and -
D. Frank Davis, Esq.
John E. Norris, Esq.
Wesley W. Barnett, Esq.
Dargan M. Ware, Esq.
The Bradshaw House
2154 Highland Avenue
Birmingham, AL 35205
Telephone: (205) 930-9900
Facsimile: (205) 930-9989
E-mail: fdavis@davisnorris.com
GOOGLE LLC: Smith Sues over Money Lost to Illegal Gambling
EDGAR SMITH, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, v. GOOGLE, LLC and GOOGLE PAYMENT CORP., Case No.
2:20-cv-00194-KS-MTP (S.D. Miss., Oct. 21, 2020), seeks to recover
money lost to illegal gambling pursuant to Section 87-1-5 of the
Code of Mississippi.
According to the complaint, Google promotes, enables and profits
from games downloaded from its Google Play Store and played by
numerous Mississippi residents that constitute illegal gambling
under the statutory law and the strong public policy of the state
of Mississippi.
Smith, an adult, resides in Forrest County, Mississippi. The
Plaintiff seeks to represent a class pursuant to Rule 23(b)(3) of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Google, LLC is an American multinational technology company that
specializes in Internet-related services and products, which
include online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud
computing, software, and hardware. Google Payment Corp. provides
in-app payment processing services to Android app developers and
Android users, collecting a 30% commission on most in-app purchases
such as the ones made the basis of this lawsuit.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Christopher J. Weldy, Esq.
105 North College Street
Brandon, MI 39042
Telephone: (601) 624-7460
Facsimile: (866)900-4850
E-mail: Chris@WeldyLawFirm.com
HAWTHORNE HEALTHCARE: Daniels Sues Over Unpaid Wages for Nurses
MYKEISHA DANIELS, individually, and on behalf of others similarly
California limited partnership; VERNON HEALTHCARE CENTER, LLC, a
California limited partnership; BRIUS MANAGEMENT CO., a California
corporation; BRIUS, LLC, a California limited partnership; and DOES
1 through 50, inclusive, Case No. 20STCV39895 (Cal. Super., Los
Angeles Cty., Oct. 16, 2020) arises from the Defendants' unlawful
labor practices in violations of the California Labor Code.
The Plaintiff brought this action to recover from the Defendants
penalties from unpaid wages earned and due, including but not
limited to unpaid and illegally calculated overtime and minimum
wages compensation, illegal meal and rest period policies, failure
to maintain required records, failure to provide accurate itemized
wage statements, failure to timely pay wages during employment,
failure to indemnify employees for necessary expenditures and/or
losses incurred in discharging their duties.
In or around July 2015, the Plaintiff was hired as an hourly,
non-exempt certified nurse assistant for Hawthorne Healthcare until
July 2016. In or around August 2016, the Plaintiff was hired as an
hourly, non-exempt certified nurse assistant for Brius Management
and Brius LLC at their Las Flores Convalescent Hospital facility
until December 2017. In or around December 2017, the Plaintiff was
hired as an hourly, and is a current non-exempt licensed vocational
nurse for Vernon Healthcare.
The Defendants are healthcare institutions in the U.S.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Matthew J. Matern, Esq.
Mikael H. Stahle, Esq.
Neil M. Larsen, Esq.
1230 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 200
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Telephone: (310) 531-1900
Facsimile: (310) 531-1901
E-mail: mmatern@maternlawgroup.com
HEWLETT-PACKARD: Fonseca Appeals S.D. Cal. Ruling to 9th Cir.
Plaintiff Bryant Fonseca filed an appeal from a court ruling
entered in the lawsuit styled BRYANT FONSECA, an individual, on
behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, and on behalf
of the general public, Plaintiffs, v. HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, a
Delaware Corporation; HP ENTERPRISE SERVICES, LLC, a Delaware
Limited Liability Company; HP, Inc., a Delaware corporation; and
DOES 1-100, inclusive, Defendants, Case No. 3:19-cv-01748-GPC-MSB,
in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California,
San Diego.
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, the complaint
contained seven counts: (1) Disparate Treatment; (2) Disparate
Impact; (3) Wrongful Termination In Violation Of Public Policy; (4)
Failure To Prevent Discrimination; (5) Violation of the Cartwright
Act; (6) Violation of California Bus. & Prof. Code 16600; and (7)
Unfair Competition.
The Plaintiff alleges that HP eliminated the jobs of older,
age-protected employees in order to begin replacing them with
younger employees. According to the Plaintiff, the U.S. Workforce
Reduction (WFR) plan disproportionately targeted older,
age-protected employees, and older employees were almost never
rehired pursuant to the Preferential Rehire Period provided for in
the WFR Plan. The Plaintiff further alleges that HP and non-party
3D Systems Inc. had entered into a "no poach" agreement that
prevented the Plaintiff and other employees from obtaining
employment at 3D Systems. The Plaintiff also asserts that the WFR
Plan restrained HP employees' ability to work for competitors
because of (1) its requirement that WFR Plan participants employees
notify management if they accept a job offer with a competitor in
order to receive severance pay, (2) the provision in the summary
Plan Description of the WFR Plan that states that acceptance of a
position with a competitor during the redeployment period would
render them ineligible for severance pay, and (3) the Rehire Policy
incorporated in the WFR Plan that renders "employees who left the
company, in May 2012 or later, through a workforce reduction
The appellate case is captioned as Bryant Fonseca v.
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Com, et al., Case No. 20-56161, in the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
The briefing schedule in the Appellate Case is set as follows:
-- Appellant Bryant Fonseca Mediation Questionnaire is due on
November 12, 2020;
-- Transcript shall be ordered by December 4, 2020;
-- Transcript is due on January 4, 2021;
-- Appellant Bryant Fonseca opening brief is due on February 12,
-- Appellees Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Company, et al.
answering brief is due on March 15, 2021; and
-- Appellant's optional reply brief is due 21 days after service
of the answering brief.[BN]
Plaintiff-Appellant BRYANT FONSECA, an individual, on behalf of
himself and all others similarly situated, and on behalf of the
general public, is represented by:
Tyler Belong, Esq.
430 Nutmeg Street
San Diego, CA 92103
Telephone: (619) 238-4720
E-mail: tbelong@hoguebelonglaw.com
- and -
Martin Nebrida Buchanan, Esq.
655 West Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (619) 238-2426
E-mail: martin@martinbuchanan.com
ENTERPRISE SERVICES, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company; and
HP, INC., a Delaware corporation, are represented by:
Meryl C. Maneker, Esq.
Valerie Phan, Esq.
Claudette G. Wilson, Esq.
402 West Broadway, Suite 1600
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (619) 236-9600
E-mail: mmaneker@wilsonturnerkosmo.com
HFM INC: Bid to Certify Class in Brigati Suit Denied for Now
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Brigati, et al., v. HFM,
Inc. et al., 2:20-cv-14208 Case No. (S.D. Fla.), the Hon. Judge
Jose E. Martinez entered an order denying without prejudice a
Motion to Certify Class.
The Court said it cannot rule on the Motion to Certify Class until
it resolves the Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint. The Plaintiffs
may refile their motion for class certification within seven days
of the Court's Order on the Motion for Leave to Amend Complaint.
The Court acknowledges the parties timely filed the Motion to
Certify Class, pursuant to the Scheduling Order, and as such, the
motion will be considered timely if it is refiled.[CC]
HFM INC: Brigati Suit Seeks to Certify Class of Golf Club Owners
In the class action lawsuit captioned as STEVE BRIGATI, PAUL
PEARCE, AND GARY SCARAFONI, on behalf of themselves and all others
similarly situated, v. HFM, INC., a Florida for profit corporation,
and WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, a Massachusetts nonprofit
corporation, Case No. 2:20-cv-14208-JEM (S.D. Fla.), the Plaintiffs
ask the Court for an order:
1. certifying a class consisting of:
"all owners of master or equity golf memberships at the
Legacy Golf & Tennis Club, Inc., which formerly was known
as The Reserve Golf & Tennis Club, Inc."; and
2. appointing their counsel as class counsel.
The Plaintiffs own equity golf memberships in the Legacy Golf and
Tennis Club in Port St. Lucie, Florida. The Plaintiffs seek to
enforce their rights, and the rights of other similarly situated
people, to own and operate the Club in accord with the Plan for the
Offering of Memberships in the Legacy Golf and Tennis Club, Inc.
dated September 1, 1996.
The Defendant Worcester Polytechnic Institute ("WPI") owns
Defendant HFM, Inc. ("HFM"), and HFM owns the Club. Through HFM,
WPI controls the Club. The sole purpose of the Club is to operate a
private club for the exclusive pleasure and recreation of its
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3e1mXyB at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Elaine Johnson James, Esq.
P.O. Box 31512
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420
Telephone: (561) 245-1144
Facsimile: (561) 244-9580
E-mail: ejames@elainejohnsonjames.com
HILTON WORLDWIDE: Germak Says Restaurant Service Fee "Unlawful"
LAURA MARIE GERMAK, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
1:20-cv-24511 (S.D. Fla., Nov. 2, 2020) arises from the Defendants'
unlawful inclusion of an automatic, mandatory gratuity or service
charge of approximately 18% to 20% of the charges for food and
beverages without providing the statutorily required notice; and/or
presenting the notice of an automatic gratuity or service charge in
small, hard to read type.
According to the complaint, on October 8, 2020, the Plaintiff dined
at the Allison Bar at the Hilton Cabana Miami Beach hotel, located
in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida. The Plaintiff contends that
when she was presented with a restaurant bill, she noticed that an
automatic, mandatory service charge of 20% was included with the
charges for food and beverage on the check, under the subtotal for
the meal items. The Plaintiff did not see any notice on the
restaurant's menu she reviewed that an automatic gratuity or
service charge of any amount would be added to the customer's
The Defendants' conduct violated the Florida Statute 509.214,
and/or the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 8A-110.1(1)
for the properties in Miami-Dade County, and the Florida Unfair
Deceptive Trade Practices Act, the suit says.
Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc., RLJ Cabana Miami Beach, LLC, and
RLJ Cabana Miami Beach Lessee, LLC own, operate, manage, franchise
and/or control food service establishments or contain food service
establishments in the state of Florida, including the Hilton Cabana
Miami Beach.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
David M. Marco, Esq.
55 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: (312) 546-6539
Facsimile: (888) 418-1277
E-mail: dmarco@smithmarco.com
- and -
John Soumilas, Esq.
1600 Market Street, Suite 2510
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Telephone: (215) 735-8600
Facsimile: (215) 940-8000
E-mail: jsoumilas@consumerlawfirm.com
- and -
Lewis J. Saul, Esq.
29 Howard Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10013
Telephone: (212) 376-8450
Facsimile: (212) 376-8447
E-mail: lsaul@lewissaul.com
HOMELAND SECURITY: Gatore Seeks to Certify FOIA Requesters Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as RICA GATORE, ET AL, v.
1:15-cv-00459-RBW (D.C.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court for an order
certifying a class of:
"all persons who, from October 2012 through December 2017,
made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the
entire Assessment of their asylum office, but were not given
the factual portions thereof."
The Plaintiffs contend that the Defendant DHS has treated a large
number of FOIA requesters in exactly the same way. DHS has
wrongfully withheld the entire asylum office assessment from all
requesters, from October 2012 through December 2017, the Plaintiffs
From October 2012 through December 2017, DHS had a policy and
practice of providing no part of the asylum office assessment, in
response to FOIA requests by asylum applicants. On October 27,
2020, the plaintiffs filed an amended complaint, adding 35 new
individuals. The first new plaintiff is Alemu Dinedge, whose
Eleventh Cause of Action begins of that complaint. Then follow 34
more individuals. The 35th new plaintiff is Tigiest Beyene, whose
47th Cause of Action begins of that complaint. Catholic Charities
is no longer a plaintiff. The "individual plaintiffs" who file this
motion are the plaintiffs from the 11th through the 47th cause of
action. Earlier in this litigation, the plaintiffs filed a motion
for class certification under Rule 23(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure. That motion was denied. Now, 35 new plaintiffs
file a motion for class certification, under Rule 23(b)(3).
Homeland Security is the U.S. federal executive department
responsible for public security, roughly comparable to the interior
or home ministries of other countries.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/34D1lpa t no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
David L. Cleveland, Esq.
1220 L Street NW No. 100
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: 202 812-8684
E-mail: 1949.david@gmail.com
HOMES FOR INDEPENDENT: Bishop Sues Over Unpaid Overtime Wages
CHENEY BISHOP, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
20-cv-1670 (E.D. Wis., November 5, 2020) arises from the
Defendant's alleged violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and
the Wisconsin's Wage Payment and Collection Laws.
The complaint alleges that the Defendant operated (and continues to
operate) an unlawful compensation system that deprived and failed
to compensate the Plaintiff and all other current and former
hourly-paid, non-exempt employees for all hours worked and work
performed each workweek, including at an overtime rate of pay for
each hour worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek, by: (1)
shaving time from employees' weekly timesheets for pre-shift,
post-shift, and in-shift hours worked and/or work performed in a
non-neutral manner and to the detriment of said employees and to
the benefit of the Defendant; and (2) failing to compensate said
employees for daily rest breaks and/or meal periods during which
they were not completely relieved of duty or free from work for at
least 30 consecutive minutes.
In approximately November 2011, the Plaintiff began working for the
Defendant as an hourly-paid, non-exempt employee in the state of
Wisconsin. During Plaintiff's employment with the Defendant, she
worked in various hourly-paid, non-exempt positions, such as direct
support professional, scheduler, program specialist, and
independent living assistant. The Plaintiff is still currently
employed by the Defendant.
Homes for Independent Living of Wisconsin LLC is headquartered in
Dousman, Wisconsin, and is a privately-owned company that provides
residential and community-based services for adults with
The Plaintiff is represented by:
James A. Walcheske, Esq.
Scott S. Luzi, Esq.
David M. Potteiger, Esq.
235 N. Executive Drive, Suite 240
Brookfield, WI 53005
Telephone: (262) 780-1953
Facsimile: (262) 565-6469
E-mail: jwalcheske@walcheskeluzi.com
HORACE MANN: Fails to Pay Medical Expenses, MSP Recovery Claims
COMPANY, Case No. 1:20-cv-24419-KMW (S.D. Fla., Oct. 27, 2020),
alleges that the Defendants have systematically and uniformly
failed to honor Plaintiffs' primary payer obligations under the
Medicare Secondary Payer provisions of the Social Security Act (the
"MSP Law"), by failing to pay for or reimburse medical expenses
resulting from injuries sustained in automobile and other accidents
(the "accident-related medical expenses").
As a result of Defendants' misconduct, those accident-related
medical expenses were paid by Medicare Advantage Organizations, as
well as first tier and downstream actors who ultimately paid for
Medicare beneficiaries' accident-related medical expenses pursuant
to risk-sharing agreements authorized under 42 U.S.C. section
1395w-22(b)(4). Further, the Defendants have also failed to
reimburse the Plaintiffs and the Class Members for accident-related
medical expenses upon entering into settlements with Medicare
beneficiaries. As a result, the cost of those accident-related
medical expenses has been borne by Medicare and MA Plans to the
detriment of the Medicare Trust Funds and the public, says the
Pursuant to their contractual obligations with their insureds, and
under state law, the Defendants are to provide coverage for their
insureds' accident-related medical expenses on a "no-fault" basis
(that is, without reference to or regard for whether the insured
caused the accident in question). In the case of automobile and
other accidents specifically involving Enrollees of MA Plans,
Defendants are considered primary plans under the MSP Law.
The Plaintiffs contend that they and the class are entitled to be
paid or reimbursed at industry standard rates by the defendant
primary payers.
The Defendants are auto and/or other liability insurers that
provide either no-fault or med-pay insurance to their customers,
including Medicare beneficiaries enrolled under Part C of the
Medicare Act (the "Enrollees").[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
John H. Ruiz, Esq.
Michael O. Mena, Esq.
2701 S. LeJeune Road, 10th Floor
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Telephone: (305) 614-2222
E-mail: jruiz@msprecoverylawfirm.com
- and -
Francesco Zincone, Esq.
Eduardo Bertran Esq.
J. Alfredo Armas, Esq.
4960 SW 72nd Avenue, Suite 206
Miami, FL 33155
Telephone: (305) 661-2021
E-mail: fzincone@armaslaw.com
HOTS INC: Lofton Seeks Minimum & OT Wages for Exotic Dancers
CHALLES LOFTON, On Behalf of Herself and All Others Similarly
FRANK CATROPPA SR., and KIMBERLY MILLS individually, Case No.
3:20-cv-05107-MDH (W.D. Mo., Nov. 4, 2020) alleges that the
Defendants required the Plaintiff and a class of similarly situated
individuals to work as exotic dancers at their adult entertainment
club, but refused to compensate them at the applicable minimum wage
and denied them overtime compensation.
The Plaintiff contends that the Defendants misclassified dancers,
including her, as independent contractors. Her only compensation
was in the form of tips from club patrons. In fact, the Defendants
required her to pay a "stage fee" in order to work in the club.
Essentially, the Defendants took money from the Plaintiff under the
premise that they must pay to use the club's space to make money.
The Plaintiff was also required to share her tips with the
Defendants and employees who do not customarily receive tips
outside of a valid tip pool, the suit says.
Plaintiff Challes Lofton is an individual residing in Neosho,
Missouri. She worked for the Defendants in Jane, Missouri
consistently from December 2016 to October 2019.
Defendant Hots, Inc. is a Missouri for-profit corporation believed
to be doing business as Hot's Gentleman's Club in Jane, Missouri at
36 Palomino Drive, Jane, Missouri.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jack McInnes, Esq.
1900 W. 75th Street, Suite 220
Prairie Village, KS 66208
Telephone: (913) 220-2488
Facsimile: (913) 347-7333
E-mail: jack@mcinnes-law.com
- and -
David W. Hodges, Esq.
Tina E. Gutierrez, Esq.
4409 Montrose Blvd., Suite 200
Houston, TX 77006
Telephone: (713) 523-0001
Facsimile: (713) 523-1116
E-mail: dhodges@hftrialfirm.com
HOUSE OF INTUITION: Website Inaccessible to Blind, Lucius Suit Says
(S.D. Fla., October 22, 2020) is an action brought pursuant to the
Americans with Disabilities Act, alleging that the Defendant failed
to construct its Website to be fully accessible to and
independently usable by the Plaintiff and other similarly situated
blind or visually-impaired people.
According to the complaint, the Plaintiff attempted to access
and/or utilize the Defendant's Website located at
https://houseofintuitionla.com/ but was unable to, and she
continues to be unable to enjoy full and equal access to the
Website and/or understand the content therein because numerous
portions of the Website do not interface with and are not readable
by Screen Reader Software.
The Plaintiff has suffered, and continues to suffer frustration and
humiliation as the result of the discriminatory conditions present
at the Defendant's website. By continuing to operate its Website
with discriminatory conditions, the Defendant contributes to the
Plaintiff's sense of isolation and segregation and deprives the
Plaintiff the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services,
facilities, privileges and/or accommodations available to the
general public, the suit says.
House of Intuition, Inc. is a metaphysical shop aimed at helping
people achieve healing, transformation, empowerment and personal
The Plaintiff is represented by:
J. Courtney Cunningham, Esq.
8950 SW 74th Court, Suite 2201
Miami, FL 33156
Telephone: (305) 351-2014
E-mail: cc@cunninghampllc.com
HUDSON FULTON: Faces Hurtado Wage-and-Hour Suit in S.D.N.Y.
VOLQUEZ ROMEL individually and on behalf of others similarly
MINTER, and THOMAS BOSCO, Case No. 1:20-cv-09133 (S.D.N.Y., Oct.
30, 2020) arises from the Defendants' unlawful labor practices and
policies in violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New
York Labor Law.
The Plaintiffs allege that the Defendant failed to pay appropriate
minimum wage and overtime compensation for any of the hours that
they worked, failed to pay an additional hour's pay for each day
their spread of hours exceeded 10 hours, failed to provide notice
and recordkeeping requirements of the NYLL, failed to provide
accurate wage statements, and failed to pay on a regular weekly
The Plaintiffs further assert, pursuant to the Wage Theft
Prevention Act, New York Labor Law Section 198(1-b)-(1-d), that the
Defendants violated the same New York Labor Law, and that the
Plaintiffs should be awarded statutory damages, injunctive relief,
and such other relief available by law.
Plaintiff Hurtado was employed by the Defendants from approximately
April 24, 2014 until on or about December 2016, from approximately
January 2018 until on or about March 2019, and from approximately
September 2019 until on or about November 26, 2019 as a line cook
at the Defendants' bar and grill.
Plaintiff Peguero was employed by the Defendants from approximately
2012 until on or about September 21, 2019 as a dishwasher, a food
preparer, and a line cook at the Defendants' bar and grill.
Plaintiff De La Rosa was employed by the Defendants from
approximately September 2017 until on or about December 11, 2019 as
a dishwasher, a line cook, and a sous chef at the Defendants' bar
and grill.
Hudson Fulton Corp. owns, operates and/or controls a bar and grill
in the Inwood section of Manhattan in New York City under the name
"Indian Road Cafe."[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Joshua S. Androphy, Esq.
87 Walker Street, Floor 2
New York, NY 10013
Telephone: (212) 620-0938
E-mail: jandrophy@m-t-law.com
HUMANA AT HOME: Class Status Bid in Green Suit Denied
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Molly Green v. Humana At
Home, Inc., Case No. e 1:16-cv-07586-AJN-BCM (S.D.N.Y.), the Hon.
Judge Alison J. Nathan entered an order:
1. administratively denying Green's motion for class
certification, without prejudice to re-filing after
the proposed settlement in Kinkead v. Humana at Home,
Inc., 15-cv-1637 (JAM) has been approved or rejected
by the Kinkead court;
2. granting Humana's letter motion to stay; and
3. denying as moot the proposed amici's motion to file a
brief in opposition to class certification and Humana's
letter motion for oral argument.
The Court said, "This action is stayed and all pending deadlines
and conferences are adjourned sine die. The parties shall file a
joint status report once the Kinkead settlement has been approved
or rejected or by December 21, 2020, whichever comes earlier. On
October 21, 2020, Humana At Home notified the Court of a settlement
in principle in Kinkead v. Humana at Home, Inc., 15-cv-1637 (JAM),
a class action presenting similar claims proceeding in the U.S.
District Court for the District of Connecticut. The class in
Kinkead substantially overlaps with the proposed class in this
case, and it appears likely that a final judgment in Kinkead may
preclude some or all of Green's class claims."
A copy of the Court's Order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/3mkqElM at no extra charge.[CC]
HUNGARY: Seeks D.C. Cir. Review of Federal Court Decision
Magyar Allamvasutak Zrt. and Republic of Hungary have taken an
appeal from the District Court's Order entered in the lawsuit
styled Rosalie Simon, et al., v. Republic of Hungary, et al., Case
No. 1:10-cv-01770-BAH, in the U.S. District Court for the District
of Columbia.
On March 11, 2020, the Hon. Judge Beryl A. Howell entered an order
denying the Defendants' motion to dismiss. Judge Howell said, "The
plaintiffs' Second Amended Complaint sufficiently alleges, in
claims asserting genocidal takings of property from Hungarian Jews
between 1941 and 1945, that each defendant, Hungary and MAV,
commingled that expropriated property in the country's treasury and
thereby continue to possess such property to sustain their
commercial activities, including Hungary's debt offerings and
military purchases in the United States, and MAV's agent's
commercial activities in the United States. These allegations
suffice to satisfy the FSIA's expropriation exception and overcome
the default grant of sovereign immunity to the defendants.
Accordingly, the plaintiffs' claims may go forward against the
The appellate case is captioned as Rosalie Simon; Helen Herman;
Charlotte Weiss; Helena Weksberg; Tzvi Zelikovitch; Rose Miller;
Magda Kopolovich Bar-Or; Zehava (Olga) Friedman; Yitzhak
Pressburger; Alexander Speiser; Ze'ev Tibi Ram; Vera Deutsch Danos;
Ella Feuerstein Schlanger, Individually, for themselves and for all
others similarly situated; Moshe Perel; Yosef Yogev, In His
Capacity As Heir At Law to Tzvi Zelikovitch, Deceased; Esther
Zelikovitch, In Her Capacity As Heir At Law to Tzvi Zelikovitch,
Deceased; and Asher Yogev, In His Capacity As Heir At Law To Tzvi
Zelikovitch, Deceased, the Plaintiffs-Appellees, v. Republic of
Hungary and Magyar Allamvasutak Zrt., (MAV ZRT.), the
Defendants-Appellants, Case No. 20-7025, in the United States Court
of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
Twelve of the plaintiffs allege they were transported in 1944 by
Defendants MAV and/or RCH from their homes in Hungary to labor or
death camps in various countries as part of the Nazi-led assault on
the Jewish people.[BN]
* * *
The parties are also involved in an appeal before the U.S. Supreme
Court over the issue:
"Whether a district court may abstain from exercising
jurisdiction under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act for reasons
of international comity, in a matter in which former Hungarian
nationals have sued the nation of Hungary to recover the value of
property lost in Hungary during World War II but the plaintiffs
made no attempt to exhaust local Hungarian remedies."
In the Supreme Court case, the Republic of Hungary filed a petition
for a writ of certiorari in May 2019. The High Court is scheduled
to hear argument on December 7, 2020.
Information on the Supreme Court case is available at
The Plaintiffs-Appellees Rosalie Simon; Helen Herman; Charlotte
Weiss; Helena Weksberg; Tzvi Zelikovitch; Rose Miller; Magda
Kopolovich Bar-Or; Zehava (Olga) Friedman; Yitzhak Pressburger;
Alexander Speiser; Ze'ev Tibi Ram; Vera Deutsch Danos; Ella
Feuerstein Schlanger, Individually, for themselves and for all
others similarly situated; Moshe Perel; Yosef Yogev, In His
Capacity As Heir At Law to Tzvi Zelikovitch, Deceased; Esther
Zelikovitch, In Her Capacity As Heir At Law to Tzvi Zelikovitch,
Deceased; and Asher Yogev, In His Capacity As Heir At Law To Tzvi
Zelikovitch, Deceased, are represented by:
Charles Samuel Fax, Esq.
7979 Old Georgetown Road, Suite 400
Bethesda, MD 20814
- and -
Paul G. Gaston, Esq.
1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 607
Washington, DC 20006
Telephone: 202 296-5856
- and -
David H. Weinstein, Esq.
100 South Broad Street, Suite 705
Philadelphia, PA 19110
Telephone: 215 545-7200
- and -
Marc Zell, Esq.
34 Ben Yehuda Street, 15th Floor
Telephone: 011-972-2-633-6300
The Defendants-Appellants Republic of Hungary and Magyar
Allamvasutak Zrt., (MAV ZRT.), are represented by:
Konrad L. Cailteux, Esq.
767 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10153
Telephone: 212 310-8000
HV OCCUPATIONAL: Rapp Suit Seeks to Certify Site Paramedics Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as CHRISTIAN RAPP, on behalf
of himself and all others similarly situated, v. HV OCCUPATIONAL
HEALTH ADVISORS OF AMERICA, LLC, a Texas limited liability company;
(D. Colo.), the Plaintiff asks the Court for an order granting
conditional collective action certification and court-approved
notice to a collective of:
"all Site Paramedics (regardless of the actual title bestowed
upon them) who worked for HV at any time during the last
three years plus any period of tolling."
The Plaintiff contends HV closely controls the details of its Site
Paramedics' work, including their assigned work locations,
schedules, pay rates, and job duties. Site Paramedics regularly
work more than 40 hours per workweek but do not receive any
overtime compensation. The Plaintiff alleges HV systematically
deprives its hard-working Site Paramedics, including him, of
overtime wages in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
HV specifically has a company-wide policy of routinely requiring
Site Paramedics to work well in excess of 40 hours per workweek
using pay practices which are divorced from the actual number of
hours worked, he adds.
HV provides medical and safety services to general contractors at
construction sites across the United States. To perform these
services, HV employs Site Paramedics that it sends to its
customers' worksites.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for conditional certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3mjjYEj at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Paul F. Lewis, Esq.
Michael D. Kuhn, Esq.
Andrew E. Swan, Esq.
620 North Tejon Street, Suite 101
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Telephone: (719) 694-3000
E-mail: plewis@lks.law
INTERCEPT PHARMACEUTICALS: Chauhan Sues Over 8% Share Price Drop
RAKESH CHAUHAN, Individually and On Behalf of All Others Similarly
SANDIP S. KAPADIA, Case No. 1:20-cv-05377 (E.D.N.Y., November 5,
2020) seeks to recover damages under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 arising from the Defendants' issuance of false and misleading
statements resulting to the precipitous decline in the market value
of the Company's securities.
The lawsuit is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and a class
consisting of all persons and entities other than the Defendants
that purchased or otherwise acquired Intercept securities between
September 28, 2019 and October 7, 2020, both dates inclusive.
Intercept's lead product candidate is Ocaliva (obeticholic acid
(OCA)), a farnesoid X receptor agonist used for the treatment of
primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), a rare and chronic liver
disease, in combination with ursodeoxycholic acid in adults. The
Company is also developing OCA for various other indications,
including nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
In 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted accelerated
approval of Ocaliva for treating PBC. Then, in late 2017, both
Intercept and the FDA issued warnings concerning the risk of
overdosing patients with the drug, and multiple reports of severe
liver injuries and deaths linked with its use.
Despite these concerns, the Defendants continued to tout Ocaliva
sales and purported benefits, and its potential indication for
treating various other medical conditions. For example, just two
years later, in September 2019, Intercept submitted a New Drug
Application (NDA) to the FDA for OCA to treat patients with liver
fibrosis due to NASH.
According to the complaint, throughout the Class Period, the
Defendants made materially false and misleading statements
regarding the Company's business, operational and compliance
policies. Specifically, the Defendants made false and/or misleading
statements and/or failed to disclose that: (i) Defendants
downplayed the true scope and severity of safety concerns
associated with Ocaliva's use in treating PBC; (ii) the foregoing
increased the likelihood of an FDA investigation into Ocaliva's
development, thereby jeopardizing Ocaliva's continued marketability
and the sustainability of its sales; (iii) any purported benefits
associated with OCA's efficacy in treating NASH were outweighed by
the risks of its use; (iv) as a result, the FDA was unlikely to
approve the Company's NDA for OCA in treating patients with liver
fibrosis due to NASH; and (v) as a result of all the foregoing, the
Company's public statements were materially false and misleading at
all relevant times.
On June 29, 2020, Intercept issued a press release announcing that
the FDA had issued a Complete Response Letter (CRL) rejecting the
Company's NDA for Ocaliva for the treatment of liver fibrosis due
to NASH. Then, on October 8, 2020, news outlets reported that
Intercept was "facing an investigation from the FDA over the
potential risk of liver injury in patients taking Ocaliva,
[Intercept's] treatment for primary biliary cholangitis, a rare,
chronic liver disease." On this news, Intercept's stock price fell
$3.30 per share, or 8.05%, to close at $37.69 per share on October
8, 2020, the suit says.
Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. manufactures and markets
biopharmaceutical products. The Company focuses on the development
and commercialization of therapeutics to treat chronic liver
diseases utilizing proprietary bile acid chemistry. Intercept
Pharmaceuticals serves patients throughout the United States.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jeremy A. Lieberman, Esq.
J. Alexander Hood II, Esq.
600 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: (212) 661-1100
Facsimile: (917) 463-1044
E-mail: jalieberman@pomlaw.com
- and -
Patrick V. Dahlstrom, Esq.
10 South La Salle Street, Suite 3505
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: (312) 377-1181
Facsimile: (312) 377-1184
E-mail: pdahlstrom@pomlaw.com
J & Z FOOD: Faces Lara Wage-and-Hour Suit in S.D.N.Y.
JORGE LARA, individually and on behalf of others similarly situated
Case No. 1:20-cv-09152 (S.D.N.Y., November 2, 2020) arises from the
Defendants' unlawful labor and practices in violations of the Fair
Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor Law.
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendants failed to pay appropriate
minimum wage and overtime compensation for the hours that he
worked, failed to maintain accurate recordkeeping of the hours
worked, failed to provide an accurate wage statement, and required
him to pay, without reimbursement, the costs and expenses for
purchasing and maintaining equipment and "tools of the trade"
required to perform his job, further reducing his wages in
violation of the FLSA and NYLL.
The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendants from approximately May
3, 2020 until on or about September 5, 2020 as a laborer and a
J & Z Food Mart and Supermarket Inc. owns, operates, or controls a
supermarket, located in Bronx, New York under the name "Al-Aqsa
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Michael Faillace, Esq.
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4510
New York, NY 10165
Telephone: (212) 317-1200
Facsimile: (212) 317-1620
J.B. PRITZKER: Clark Seeks to Certify Inmates Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as RICO CLARK, SHELBY TURNER,
3:20-cv-01133-SPM (S.D. Ill.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court for an
order certifying a class consisting of over 2,000 other inmates
housed at Menard Correctional Center.
Menard Correctional Center, known prior to 1970 as Southern
Illinois Penitentiary, is an Illinois state prison located in the
town of Chester in Randolph County, Illinois. It houses
maximum-security and high medium-security adult males.
Jay Robert "J. B." Pritzker is the 43rd Governor of Illinois.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification dated Oct.
28, 2020 is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/2TDn2z2 at no extra charge.
The Plaintiffs appear pro se.[CC]
JJ'S ASIAN: Cruz Seeks Minimum & OT Wages for Restaurant Staff
MARCOS CRUZ and ELOY MARTINEZ BAUTISTA, individually and on behalf
of others similarly situated, v. JJ'S ASIAN FUSION INC. (D/B/A JJ'S
FUSION), ZI JIE LIN , and HU DOE, Case No. 1:20-cv-0512 (E.D.N.Y.,
Oct. 23, 2020), seeks to recover unpaid minimum and overtime wages
pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and the New York
Labor Law.
The Plaintiffs contend that they worked for the Defendants in
excess of 40 hours per week, without appropriate minimum wage,
overtime, and spread of hours compensation for the hours that they
worked. Rather, the Defendants failed to maintain accurate
recordkeeping of the hours worked and failed to pay the Plaintiffs
appropriately for any hours worked, either at the straight rate of
pay or for any additional overtime premium.
The Plaintiffs are former employees of Defendants JJ's Asian Fusion
Inc. They were employed as a cook and a delivery worker at the
The Defendants own, operate, or control an Asian fusion
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Michael Faillace, Esq.
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4510
New York, NY 10165
Telephone: (212) 317-1200
Facsimile: (212) 317-1620
JPMORGAN CHASE: Mehta Sues Over Common Shares Price Drop
KAUSHAL MEHTA, Individually and on behalf of all others similarly
and MARIANNE LAKE, Case No. 1:20-cv-05124 (E.D.N.Y., Oct. 24,
2020), is a class action on behalf of persons or entities who
purchased or otherwise acquired publicly traded JPMorgan securities
between February 23, 2016 and September 23, 2020, inclusive,
seeking to recover compensable damages caused by the Defendants'
violations of the federal securities laws under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934.
On February 23, 2016, the Company filed its annual report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2015 with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) (the "2015 10-K"). The 2015 10-K was
signed by the Defendants Dimon and Lake. The 2015 10-K contained
signed certifications pursuant to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
("SOX") by the Defendants Dimon and Lake attesting to the accuracy
of financial reporting, the disclosure of any material changes to
the Company's internal controls over financial reporting, and the
disclosure of all fraud.
On September 29, 2020, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
(CFTC) formally announced that it had ordered JPMorgan to pay $920
million to settle the spoofing and manipulation charges. According
to the order, the Company failed to monitor its employees and
ignored multiple red flags. The Company also provided the CFTC with
misleading information.
From approximately January 1, 2009 until December 31, 2015, traders
at the Company manipulated the prices of precious metals futures
and options contracts using a technique called "spoofing" whereby
traders placed electronic orders to buy and sell such futures
contracts with the intent to cancel those orders before execution.
Such spoof orders injected materially false and illegitimate
signals of supply and demand into the market and were intended to
induce other market participants to trade against Defendants'
genuine orders (i.e., orders that Defendants did want to execute).
The Precious Metals Desk and Treasuries Desk traders, on behalf of
JPMorgan, placed bids and offers for certain gold, silver,
platinum, palladium, Treasury note, and Treasury bond futures
contracts traded on Commodity Exchange, Inc. ("COMEX"), the New
York Mercantile Exchange ("NYMEX"), and the Chicago Board of Trade
("CBOT"), which are futures exchanges and Designated Contract
Markets owned and operated by CME Group Inc. ("CME"). JPMorgan
traders placed hundreds of thousands of orders to buy or sell
futures contracts with the intent to cancel them before execution,
intentionally sending false signals of supply or demand designed to
deceive market participants into executing against other orders
they wanted filled.
As a result of the Defendants' wrongful acts and omissions, and the
precipitous decline in the market value of the Company's common
shares, Plaintiff and other Class members have suffered significant
losses and damages.
JPMorgan purports to operate as a financial services company
worldwide. The Individual Defendants are officers and directors of
the Company.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Phillip Kim, Esq.
Laurence M. Rosen, Esq.
275 Madison Ave., 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: (212) 686-1060
Facsimile: (212) 202-3827
E-mail: pkim@rosenlegal.com
KENNETH REES: Gibbs et al. Seek to Certify Settlement Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DARLENE GIBBS, et. al., on
behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v. KENNETH
REES, Case No. 3:20-cv-00717-MHL (E.D. Va.), the Plaintiffs Darlene
Gibbs, Stephanie Edwards, Lula Williams, Patrick Inscho, Lawrence
Mwethuku, Kimetra Brice, Earl Browne, Jill Novorot, India Banks,
Alicia Patterson, JoAnn Griffiths and Jeri Brennan ask the Court
for an order:
1. granting preliminary approval of the class settlement;
2. granting certification of a settlement class:
"all persons within the United States to whom Great Plains
has lent money; all persons within the United States to
whom Plain Green had lent money prior to June 1, 2016; and
all persons within the United States who received a cash
advance from Mobiloans prior to May 6, 2017";
3. appointing Class Counsel the law firms of Kelly Guzzo PLC,
and Tycko & Zavareei LLP; and
4. approving form and manner of notice.
-- The Consideration Provided To The Settlement Class
Under The Settlement Agreement.
Generally, Class Members are eligible for cash
payments. The Plaintiffs achieved the proposed
settlement in the face of substantial defenses,
including substantial Rule 23 defense leverage.
Plaintiffs also recognized that Rees faced multiple
actions, threatening both the options and resources
available for Class Settlement. Nevertheless,
Plaintiffs were able to negotiate a settlement
structure that will provide real benefits to consumers
nationwide in the form of cash payments to Class
Members. The Defendant Rees will pay $3,302,00.00 for
distribution to the Class Members. In addition to the
payment of $3,302,000.00 cash, the Rees Defendants will
also transfer all right, title, interest and possession
of the 924,495 NYSE-traded stock shares of Elevate
Credit, Inc. they own. The shares will be held and
liquidated for the benefit of the consumer Class by the
TFLT pursuant to the Plan and the Class Action
Settlement. Alternately, Rees is permitted to
substitute an additional cash payment of $4,003,063.35.
(The Rees Defendants shall have until the date of the
Preliminary Approval Order to make this election).
Consumers are eligible to receive a financial benefit
in the form of a cash payment, the Rees Defendants will
either surrender Elevate shares or pay $4,003,063.35
into the TFLT, and Rees will continue to cooperate in
the pending actions. The total cash value of the
settlement is $7,305,063.35, and the continued
cooperation of Rees in the pending in the pending
matters will serve to promote the fair resolution of
the remaining cases.
-- Attorneys' Fees and Expenses; Service Award.
Class Counsel shall make an application to the Court
for an award for attorneys' fees, costs, and class
administration expenses in an amount not to exceed the
acumulative 33% of the Monetary Consideration. The
Parties have agreed that the award of attorneys' fees
and costs will be paid out of the Settlement Fund in
the amount approved by the Court. The Plaintiffs will
also apply for a service award for their role as Class
Representatives to compensate each Plaintiff for
his/her effort in prosecuting this case, including
retaining counsel, assisting in discovery, and keeping
abreast of the litigation. Service awards will be
sought in an amount not to exceed $7,500 for each of
the Class Representatives and the Gringas Plaintiffs.
The Parties have agreed that the Named Plaintiff
service awards will be paid out of the Monetary
Consideration in the amount approved by the Court.
The litigation arises from alleged violations of state and federal
laws related to high interest online loans involving now-settled
Think Finance. The Defendant here is the former President of Think
The Court has already approved a groundbreaking class settlement
that resulted in Think Finance and others: (1) repaying over $53
million in cash; and (2) forgiving more than $380 million of debt
owed by consumers who took out loans with Plain Green, Great
Plains, and MobiLoans, the complaint says.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for preliminary approval of class
action settlement is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/3e0uMoe at no extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Leonard A. Bennett, Esq.
Craig C. Marchiando, Esq.
763 J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 1-A
Newport News, VA 23601
Telephone: (757) 930-3660
Facsimile: (757) 930-3662
E-mail: lenbennett@clalegal.com
- and -
Kristi C. Kelly, Esq.
Andrew J. Guzzo, Esq.
Casey S. Nash, Esq.
3925 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 202
Fairfax, VA 22030
Telephone: (703) 424-7572
Facsimile: (703) 591-0167
E-mail: kkelly@kellyguzzo.com
- and -
Anna C. Haac, Esq.
1828 L Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC. 20036
Telephone: (202) 973-0900
Facsimile: (202) 973-0950
E-mail: ahaac@tzlegal.com
KENNETH REES: Settlement Reached in Banks Litigation
In class action lawsuit captioned as INDIA BANKS, et. al., on
behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v. KENNETH
REES, Case No. 3:20-cv-00716-MHL (E.D. Va.), the Plaintiffs Darlene
Gibbs, Stephanie Edwards, Lula Williams, Patrick Inscho, Lawrence
Mwethuku, Kimetra Brice, Earl Browne, Jill Novorot, India Banks,
Alicia Patterson, JoAnn Griffiths and Jeri Brennan ask the Court
for an order:
1. grating preliminary approval of the class settlement;
2. granting certification of a settlement class:
"all persons within the United States to whom Great Plains
has lent money; all persons within the United States to
whom Plain Green had lent money prior to June 1, 2016; and
all persons within the United States who received a cash
advance from Mobiloans prior to May 6, 2017";
3. appointing Class Counsel the law firms of Kelly Guzzo PLC,
and Tycko & Zavareei LLP; and
4. approving form and manner of notice.
-- The Consideration Provided To The Settlement Class
Under The Settlement Agreement.
Generally, Class Members are eligible for cash
payments. The Plaintiffs achieved the proposed
settlement in the face of substantial defenses,
including substantial Rule 23 defense leverage.
Plaintiffs also recognized that Rees faced multiple
actions, threatening both the options and resources
available for Class Settlement. Nevertheless,
Plaintiffs were able to negotiate a settlement
structure that will provide real benefits to consumers
nationwide in the form of cash payments to Class
Members. The Defendant Rees will pay $3,302,00.00 for
distribution to the Class Members. In addition to the
payment of $3,302,000.00 cash, the Rees Defendants will
also transfer all right, title, interest and possession
of the 924,495 NYSE-traded stock shares of Elevate
Credit, Inc. they own. The shares will be held and
liquidated for the benefit of the consumer Class by the
TFLT pursuant to the Plan and the Class Action
Settlement. Alternately, Rees is permitted to
substitute an additional cash payment of $4,003,063.35.
(The Rees Defendants shall have until the date of the
Preliminary Approval Order to make this election).
Consumers are eligible to receive a financial benefit
in the form of a cash payment, the Rees Defendants will
either surrender Elevate shares or pay $4,003,063.35
into the TFLT, and Rees will continue to cooperate in
the pending actions. The total cash value of the
settlement is $7,305,063.35, and the continued
cooperation of Rees in the pending in the pending
matters will serve to promote the fair resolution of
the remaining cases.
-- Attorneys' Fees and Expenses; Service Award.
Class Counsel shall make an application to the Court
for an award for attorneys' fees, costs, and class
administration expenses in an amount not to exceed the
acumulative 33% of the Monetary Consideration. The
Parties have agreed that the award of attorneys' fees
and costs will be paid out of the Settlement Fund in
the amount approved by the Court. The Plaintiffs will
also apply for a service award for their role as Class
Representatives to compensate each Plaintiff for
his/her effort in prosecuting this case, including
retaining counsel, assisting in discovery, and keeping
abreast of the litigation. Service awards will be
sought in an amount not to exceed $7,500 for each of
the Class Representatives and the Gringas Plaintiffs.
The Parties have agreed that the Named Plaintiff
service awards will be paid out of the Monetary
Consideration in the amount approved by the Court.
The litigation arises from alleged violations of state and federal
laws related to high interest online loans involving now-settled
Think Finance. The Defendant here is the former President of Think
The Court has already approved a groundbreaking class settlement
that resulted in Think Finance and others: (1) repaying over $53
million in cash; and (2) forgiving more than $380 million of debt
owed by consumers who took out loans with Plain Green, Great
Plains, and MobiLoans, the complaint says.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for preliminary approval of class
action settlement is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/31Dz9jW at no extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Leonard A. Bennett, Esq.
Craig C. Marchiando, Esq.
763 J. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 1-A
Newport News, VA 23601
Telephone: (757) 930-3660
Facsimile: (757) 930-3662
E-mail: lenbennett@clalegal.com
- and -
Kristi C. Kelly, Esq.
Andrew J. Guzzo, Esq.
Casey S. Nash, Esq.
3925 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 202
Fairfax, VA 22030
Telephone: (703) 424-7572
Facsimile: (703) 591-0167
E-mail: kkelly@kellyguzzo.com
- and -
Anna C. Haac, Esq.
1828 L Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC. 20036
Telephone: (202) 973-0900
Facsimile: (202) 973-0950
E-mail: ahaac@tzlegal.com
KING OF FREIGHT: Wright Seeks Minimum & Overtime Pay
HEATHER WRIGHT, Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly
Situated, v. KING OF FREIGHT LLC, Case No. 4:20-cv-01283-LPR (E.D.
Ark., Oct. 27, 2020), is a collective action complaint against the
Defendant for violations of the minimum wage and overtime
provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA), and the minimum
wage and overtime provisions of the Arkansas Minimum Wage Act
According to the complaint, the Defendant directly hired Freight
Brokers to work on its behalf, paid them wages and benefits,
controlled their work schedules, duties, protocols, applications,
assignments and employment conditions, and kept at least some
records regarding their employment. The Plaintiff contends that she
and other Freight Brokers regularly worked hours for which they
were not paid. She adds that she is not allowed to clock in before
8:00 am and is required to clock out around 5:00 pm, but she is
also required to respond to calls from customers and the Defendant
to books loads at all hours of the day or night. The Plaintiff
estimates she worked around five to ten hours which went unrecorded
and uncompensated each week.
The Plaintiff seeks a declaratory judgment, monetary damages,
liquidated damages, prejudgment interest, and a reasonable
attorney's fee and costs as a result of the Defendant's failure to
pay proper minimum wages and overtime compensation under the
FLSA and the AMWA.
King of Freight was founded in 2008. The company's line of business
includes the arranging of transportation of freight and cargo.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Blake Hoyt, Esq.
Josh Sanford, Esq.
One Financial Center
650 South Shackleford Road, Suite 411
Little Rock, AR 72211
Telephone: (501) 221-0088
Facsimile: (888) 787 204O
E-mail: josh@sanfordlawfirm
KROGER CO: Faces Brambila Suit Over Unlawful Labor Practices
MARY E. BRAMBILA on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated v. THE KROGER COMPANY, an Ohio corporation; RALPHS GROCERY
COMPANY, an Ohio corporation; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive,
Case No. RG20078001 (Cal. Super., Alameda Cty., October 27, 2020)
arises from the Defendants' alleged violations of the California
Labor Code and the California Business and Professions Code.
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendants have failed to pay
overtime wages at the correct rate; failed to pay overtime wages by
refusing to include all applicable remuneration in calculating the
regular rate of pay; ailed to provide meal and rest periods; foiled
to pay at least minimum wage for all hours worked; failed to pay
premium wages for missed meal and/or rest periods; failed to
provide accurate written wage statements; and failed to pay all
final wages following separation of employment.
The Plaintiff worked for the Defendants as a non-exempt, hourly
employee beginning four years prior to the fi1ing of the action
until judgment is entered.
The Kroger Company, or simply Kroger, is an American retail company
founded by Bernard Kroger in 1883 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ralphs Grocery Company is an American supermarket chain in Southern
California. The largest subsidiary of Cincinnati-based Kroger, it
is the oldest such chain west of the Mississippi River.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented byL
Shaun Setareh, Esq.
David Keledjian, Esq.
315 S. Beverly Drive, Suite 315
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Telephone: (310) 888-7771
Facsimile: (310) 888-0109
E-mail: shaun@setarehlaw.com
LEXICON CONSULTING: Fails to Pay Minimum & OT Wages, Shamon Claims
ATHIR SHAMON, individually and on behalf of all employees similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. LEXICON CONSULTING, INC., and DOES 1 through
10, inclusive, Defendants, Case No. 5:20-cv-02275 (C.D. Cal.,
October 30, 2020) is a collective action complaint brought against
the Defendants for their alleged failure to pay minimum and
overtime wage compensation in violations of the Fair Labor
Standards Act.
The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendant from on or about
January 2015 through January 2020 to perform duties at Fort Irwin
in the city of Barstow, California as a non-exempt hourly paid
cultural advisor/role player for members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
The Plaintiff contends that he spent more time performing duties
for the Defendant than he was actually compensated for because the
Defendant had a policy and practice of not recording his hours
worked and just merely assumed a set amount of time which he would
be assigned to participate in roleplaying exercises. Specifically,
the Plaintiff was required to drive approximately three hours per
day from the barracks to training exercises, and back to the
barracks, but he was not compensated for the time he spent
traveling. As a result, the Defendant failed to pay the Plaintiff
his lawfully earned minimum wages and overtime compensation at one
and one-half times his regular rate of pay for all the hours he
worked over 40 per workweek.
Lexicon Consulting, Inc. provides consulting services. [BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Kevin Mahoney, Esq.
Joshua D. Klein, Esq.
249 E. Ocean Blvd., Suite 814
Long Beach, CA 90802
Tel: (562) 590-5550
Fax: (562) 590-8400
E-mail: kmahoney@mahoney-law.net
LEXUS OF MANHATTAN: Watson Suit Seeks to Certify 3 TCPA Classes
In the class action lawsuit captioned as BRIAN WATSON, DANIEL
individually, and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
LEXUS OF MANHATTAN, Case No. 1:20-cv-04572-LGS (S.D.N.Y.), the
Plaintiffs ask the Court for an order certifying the following
-- Automatic Telephone Dialing System (ATDS) Class:
"all Honda of Manhattan customers within the United
States that were sent text messages from Lexus of
Manhattan, using the Zipwhip texting platform, stating
"Can I text you regarding maintenance of your Honda
vehicle," or an identical variant thereof, within four
years of the filing of this action";
-- National Do Not Call Registry (NDNCR) Class:
"all Honda of Manhattan customers within the United
States that were sent text messages from Lexus of
Manhattan, using the Zipwhip texting platform, whom were
registered on the National Do Not Call List more than
thirty-two days before receiving messages from Lexus,
stating "Can I text you regarding maintenance of your
Honda vehicle," or an identical variant thereof, within
four years of the filing of this action"; and
-- Internal Do Not Call (IDNC) Class:
"all Honda of Manhattan customers within the United
States that were sent text messages from Lexus of
Manhattan, using the Zipwhip texting platform, stating
"Can I text you regarding maintenance of your Honda
vehicle," or an identical variant thereof, while Lexus
failed to institute procedures to maintain a list of
persons who requested not to receive telemarketing calls,
within four years of the filing of this action."
This action arises from the the Defendant's allged violation of the
Telephone Consumer Protection Act ("TCPA"). The Plaintiffs filed an
initial Complaint on June 18, 2020, alleging that Defendant
violated various provisions of the TCPA by sending text
solicitations to customers of Honda of Manhattan.
Lexus of Manhattan sells and services LEXUS vehicles in the greater
New York NY area.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/2JdL3uB at no
extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs and the Proposed Classes, are:
Daniel Zemel, Esq.
Elizabeth Apostola, Esq.
1373 Broad St., Suite 203-C
Clifton, NJ 07013
Telephone: (862) 227-3106
E-mail: dz@zemellawllc.com
LJUBLJANA INTER: Klein Sues Over Defective Vehicle Parts
ALLISON KLEIN, Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly
Situated v. Ljubljana Inter Auto d.o.o., a Slovenian Corporation,
Dr. Ing. h.c.F. PORSCHE AG, a German corporation, and PORSCHE CARS
NORTH AMERICA, INC., a Delaware corporation, Case No. 2:20-cv-10079
(C.D. Cal., November 2, 2020) arises from the Defendants'
misrepresentations about their vehicles' engine and suspension
without disclosing that they suffer from design defects, in
violation of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, the Song-Beverly
Consumer Warranty Act, the Consumer Legal Remedies Act, and the
California Unfair Competition Law.
According to the complaint, Ms. Klein purchased in December 2016 a
model year 2017 Macan S from a Porsche franchised car dealership in
Los Angeles County. The car had an initial in-service date (the
date of first registration for use on public roads) of April 2016,
and an original MSRP of approximately $66,000. The purchase comes
with a window sticker affixed to the window of the vehicle. Ms.
Klein alleges that the window stickers are misleading to consumers
because they misrepresent the nature of Porsche's product. None of
the advertisements reviewed or representations received by Ms.
Klein and members of the Class contained any disclosure that the
vehicles suffer from two distinct sets of defects, the engine
defect and the suspension defect, that will require that each Macan
be repaired multiple times during its useful life at the expense of
the vehicle's owner.
As a result of Porsche's misrepresentations and concealment of the
engine leaks and suspension defects, the Plaintiff and the Class
have suffered significant damages. These include but are not
limited to significant costs incurred to repair the leaks, loss of
use for the vehicles over the course of the lengthy repair process,
and depreciation in the value of the vehicles as a result of them
suffering from the defects.
The Porsche Macan is a five-door luxury crossover SUV built and
assembled in Leipzig, Germany by Defendant Porsche AG, utilizing
certain parts furnished by Defendant Ljubljana, and distributed in
the United States by Defendant Porsche NA.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Filippo Marchino, Esq.
Carlos X. Colorado, Esq.
Thomas E. Gray, Esq.
625 Fair Oaks Ave, Suite 390
South Pasadena, CA 91030
Telephone: (213) 599-3380
Facsimile: (213) 599-3370
E-mail: FM@XLAWX.com
LOANCARE LLC: Alvarez Suit Seeks to Certify FCCPA & FDUTPA Classes
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DONNA ALVAREZ, on behalf
of herself and all others similarly situated, v. LOANCARE LLC, a
Virginia corporation, Case No. 1:20-cv-21837-CMA (S.D. Fla.), the
Plaintiff asks the Court for an order:
1. certifying Florida Classes under Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure 23(a), 23(b)(3), and/or (b)(2):
Florida's Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA) CLASS:
"all persons who are borrowers or co-borrowers on a
residential mortgage loan owned or serviced by LoanCare on
property located in Florida who, since May 1, 2018,
LoanCare charged, collected, or attempted to collect a
processing fee for making a mortgage payment over the
phone or online"; and
Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (FDUTPA)
"all persons who are borrowers or co-borrowers on a
residential mortgage loan owned or serviced by LoanCare on
property located in Florida who, since May 1, 2016,
LoanCare charged, collected, or attempted to collect a
processing fee for making a mortgage payment over the
phone or online"
Excluded from the Florida Classes are LoanCare and its
officers, directors, affiliates, legal representatives,
and employees, any governmental entities, any judge,
justice, or judicial officer presiding over this matter
and the members of their immediate families and judicial
2. appointing herself as Class Representative; and
3. appointing The Moskowitz Law Firm PLLC as Class Counsel.
There is no dispute that since May 1, 2015, LoanCare has charged
over 74,153 Florida borrowers more than $6.3 million in processing
fees for the exact, same illegal processing fee. These fees are
issued on homeowners for paying their mortgages by phone or via the
website, however, these fees are unauthorized by all class member
mortgages, and under Florida law. The sole purpose of these new
charges is to provide LoanCare with a secret profit center to
collect millions of dollars from their customers, says the
LoanCare is a national provider of full service subservicing and
interim subservicing to the mortgage industry.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/2TweWbz at no
extra charge.[CC]
Counsel for Plaintiff and the Class are:
Adam M. Moskowitz, Esq.
Joseph M. Kaye, Esq.
Barbara C. Lewis, Esq.
2 Alhambra Plaza, Suite 601
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Telephone: (305) 740-1423
E-mail: adam@moskowitz-law.com
LOOP INDUSTRIES: Bazzini Sues Over 32% Drop in Share Price
MICHELLE BAZZINI, Individually and On Behalf of All Others
NELSON GENTILETTI, Case No. 7:20-cv-09031 (S.D.N.Y., Oct. 28, 2020)
seeks to recover damages under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
arising from the Defendants' issuance of false and misleading
statements resulting to the precipitous decline in the market value
of the Company's securities.
The lawsuit is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and entities that
purchased or otherwise acquired Loop securities between September
24, 2018 and October 12, 2020, inclusive.
According to the complaint, throughout the Class period, the
Defendants made materially false and/or misleading statements, as
well as failed to disclose material adverse facts about the
Company's business, operations, and prospects. Specifically,
Defendants failed to disclose to investors that: (i) Loop
scientists were encouraged to misrepresent the results of Loop's
purportedly proprietary process; (ii) Loop did not have the
technology to break PET down to its base chemicals at a recovery
rate of 100%; (iii) as a result, the Company was unlikely to
realize the purported benefits of Loop's announced partnerships
with Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited and thyssenkrupp
Industrial Solutions AG; and (iv) as a result of the foregoing, the
Defendants' positive statements about the Company's business,
operations, and prospects were materially misleading and/or lacked
a reasonable basis.
On October 13, 2020, Hindenburg Research published a report
alleging, among other things, that "Loop's scientists, under
pressure from CEO Daniel Solomita, were tacitly encouraged to lie
about the results of the company's process internally." The report
also stated that "Loop's previous claims of breaking PET down to
its base chemicals at a recovery rate of 100% were 'technically and
industrially impossible,'" according to a former employee.
Moreover, the report alleged that "Executives from a division of
key partner Thyssenkrupp, who Loop entered into a 'global alliance
agreement' with in December 2018, told us their partnership is on
'indefinite' hold and that Loop 'underestimated' both costs and
complexities of its process," the suit says.
On this news, the Company's stock price allegeldy fell $3.78 per
share, or over 32%, to close at $7.83 per share on October 13,
2020, thereby damaging investors.
Loop Industries, Inc. is a technology company that purports to own
proprietary technology that depolymerizes no- and low-waste PET
plastic and polyester fiber. The resulting material is used to
create PET resin for food-grade packaging.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jeremy A. Lieberman, Esq.
J. Alexander Hood II, Esq.
600 Third Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: (212) 661-1100
Facsimile: (212) 661-8665
E-mail: jalieberman@pomlaw.com
- and -
Patrick V. Dahlstrom, Esq.
10 South La Salle Street, Suite 3505
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: (312) 377-1181
Facsimile: (312) 377-1184
E-mail: pdahlstrom@pomlaw.com
- and -
Peretz Bronstein, Esq.
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600
New York, NY 10165
Telephone: (212) 697-6484
Facsimile: (212) 697-7296
E-mail: peretz@bgandg.com
LPS SERVICES: Alleman Seeks to Certify Security Officers Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as SASHA ALLEMAN, on behalf
of herself and others similarly situated, v. LPS SERVICES, LLC,
Case No. 2:20-cv-04830-MHW-EPD (S.D. Ohio), the Plaintiff asks the
Court for an order:
a. conditionally certifying this case as a Fair Labor
Standards Act (FLSA) collective action under 29 U.S.C.
section 216(b) against the Defendant on behalf of
Plaintiff and others similarly situated:
"all present and former full-time hourly security
officers, and those with similar duties but other titles,
employed by the Defendant during the period of September
15, 2017 through the final disposition of this matter";
b. directing that notice be sent by United States mail and
email to the conditionally certified class;
c. directing the parties to jointly submit within 14 days a
proposed notice informing such present and former
employees of the pendency of this collective action and
permitting them to opt into the case by signing and
submitting an opt-in and consent form;
d. directing the Defendant to provide within 14 days a Roster
of such present and former employees that includes such
employees' full names, their dates of employment, and
their last known home addresses and personal email
addresses, and their last telephone numbers;
e. directing Defendant to file with the Court a Declaration
within 7 days that the produced Roster fully complies with
the Court's Order;
f. directing that the notice, in the form approved by the
Court, be sent to such present and former employees within
14 days of the Plaintiff's receipt of the Roster, using
the home and email addresses listed in the Roster;
g. providing that duplicate copies of the notice may be sent
in the event new, updated, or corrected mailing addresses
or email addresses are found for one or more of such
present or former employees; and
h. permitting Counsel for the Plaintiff to contact via
telephone any putative class member whose notice is
returned as undeliverable.
The Plaintiff and others similarly situated were employed as
non-exempt hourly security officers. The Defendant has a
company-wide policy and practice of not paying the Plaintiff and
similarly situated employees for all work performed which results
in unpaid overtime, says the complaint.
The Defendant provides "full-service private security" in
Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Florida.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for conditional certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/2HE0fAb at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Robi J. Baishnab, Esq.
Hans A. Nilges, Esq.
Shannon M. Draher, Esq.
34 N. High St., Ste. 502
Columbus, OH 43215
Telephone: (614) 824-5770
Facsimile: (330) 754-1430
E-mail: rbaishnab@ohlaborlaw.com
M.S.T.A.S. LTD: Duran Sues Over Unpaid OT Wages and Retaliation
CYNTHIA DURAN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
and DAVID KUBE in his individual and official capacity, Case No.
1:20-cv-09228 (S.D.N.Y., November 3, 2020) arises from the
Defendants' unlawful labor policies and practices in violations of
the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor Law.
The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendants as a Spanish- speaking
customer service representative. Ms. Duran began her employment on
or around March of 2017 and presently resides in Jersey City, New
Jersey. She was employed by the Defendants in New York, New York.
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendants failed to pay her and the
Class members overtime premium compensation for hours worked in
excess of 40 hours per week, failed to furnish wage notices and
accurate wage statements, made unlawful deductions for necessary
headset equipment, and engaged in unlawful retaliation after she
made complaints that she was not paid overtime premiums as required
by the FLSA.
M.S.T.A.S. Ltd., also known as Stat Medical Answering Service, is a
medical answering service with call centers located in New York,
New York and Portsmouth, Virginia.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Farva Jafri, Esq.
50 Evergreen Row
Armonk, NY 10504
Telephone: (800) 593-7491
Facsimile: (224) 228-6721
- and -
Christopher Q. Davis, Esq.
Rachel M. Haskell, Esq.
80 Broad St, Suite 703
New York, NY 10004
Telephone: (646) 430-7930
Facsimile: (646) 349-2504
MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL: Germal Balks at Unlawful Food Service Fee
LAURA MARIE GERMAK, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
AVENUE LLC, Case No. 1:20-cv-24533 (S.D. Fla., Nov. 3, 2020) arises
from the Defendants' unlawful inclusion of an automatic, mandatory
gratuity or service charge of approximately 20 percent of the
charges for food and beverages without providing the statutorily
required notice and/or presenting the notice of an automatic
gratuity or service charge in small, hard to read type.
According to the complaint, on October 8, 2020, the Plaintiff dined
at the Donna Mare restaurant at the Cadillac Hotel & Beach Club,
located in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida. The Plaintiff
contends that when she was presented with a restaurant bill, she
noticed that an automatic, mandatory service charge of 20 percent
was included with the charges for food and beverage on the check,
under the subtotal for the meal items. The Plaintiff did not see
any notice on the restaurant's menu she reviewed that an automatic
gratuity or service charge of any amount would be added to the
customer's check.
The Defendants' conduct violated the Florida Statute 509.214,
and/or the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances, Sec. 8A-110.1(1)
for the properties in Miami-Dade County, and the Florida Unfair
Deceptive Trade Practices Act, the suit says.
Marriott International, Inc., owns, operates, manages, franchises
and/or controls approximately 483 hotel properties in the state of
Florida, including the Cadillac Hotel & Beach Club in Miami Beach,
HHLP Miami Beach Associates, LLC, owns the property located at 3925
Collins Avenue in Miami Beach, Florida, where the Cadillac Hotel &
Beach Club is located.
HHLP Miami Beach Lessee, LLC, operates, manages and/or controls
food service establishments in Florida, including the Cadillac
Hotel & Beach Club. HHLP Miami Beach Lessee, LLC, maintains a Hotel
license in connection with operations of the Cadillac Hotel & Beach
3921 Collins Avenue LLC owns, operates, manages and/or controls
food service establishments in Florida, including the Cadillac
Hotel & Beach Club. 3921 Collins Avenue LLC maintains Permanent
Food Service licenses in connection with operations of the Cadillac
Hotel & Beach Club.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
David M. Marco, Esq.
55 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: (312) 546-6539
Facsimile: (888) 418-1277
E-mail: dmarco@smithmarco.com
- and -
John Soumilas, Esq.
1600 Market Street, Suite 2510
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Telephone: (215) 735-8600
Facsimile: (215) 940-8000
E-mail: jsoumilas@consumerlawfirm.com
- and -
Edward A. Coleman, Esq.
29 Howard Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10013
Telephone: (212) 376-8450
Facsimile: (212) 376-8447
E-mail: ecoleman@lewissaul.com
MATCO TOOLS: Fleming Suit Seeks to Certify Distributors Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JOHN FLEMING, on behalf of
himself and all others similarly situated, v. MATCO TOOLS
CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation; NMTC, INC. d/b/a MATCO TOOLS,
a Delaware corporation, FORTIVE CORPORATION, a Delaware
corporation; and DOES 1-20, inclusive, Case No. 3:19-cv-00463-WHO
(N.D. Cal.), the Plaintiff will move the Court on February 3, 2021
for an order certifying the following Class under Rule 23(b)(3) of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure:
"all persons who signed franchise Distributor Agreements in
the State of California and personally operated a Mobile
Store at any time within four years preceding the filing
of this action."
The Plaintiff alleges that by classifying Distributors as
independent contractors, Matco has avoided its obligations under
California's labor protection laws. The Distributors have been
denied overtime compensation for the overtime hours they have
worked, reimbursement for necessary expenses they have incurred in
operating their Mobile Stores, and meal and rest breaks required by
California law. Distributors are also owed statutory penalties for
the numerous violations.
Mr. Fleming worked as a Matco Tools Distributor from July of 2012
to December 2018. Like all Matco California Distributors, he was
classified as an independent contractor and bought his job by
paying a franchise fee and signing a Distributorship Agreement.
Under that agreement, Fleming was required to purchase a large
inventory of tools from Matco which he was then obliged to sell to
Matco's customers.
Matco -- a tool manufacturer and distributor -- makes its money
through the sale of tools to Distributors, while distributors' sole
compensation is the difference between the amount they pay Matco
for the tools and the receivables they are able to collect from
Matco's customers.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/31vFBts at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Peter Rukin, Esq.
Jessica Riggin, Esq.
Valerie Brender, Esq.
1939 Harrison Street, Suite 290
Oakland, CA 94612
Telephone: (415) 421-1800
Facsimile: (415) 421-1700
E-mail: prukin@rukinhyland.com
- and -
Craig M. Nicholas, Esq.
Alex Tomasevic, Esq.
Shaun Markley, Esq.
225 Broadway, 19th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (619) 325-0492
Facsimile: (619) 325-0496
E-mail: cnicholas@nicholaslaw.org
MB RYE: Ahn Sues Over Unlawful Labor Practices Under FLSA, NYLL
KYONG HO AHN, on her own behalf and on behalf of others similarly
situated v. MB RYE METRO NAIL, INC. d/b/a Rye Metro Nails; SUN
YOUNG KIM a/k/a Cindy Kim, Case No. 7:20-cv-09198 (S.D.N.Y.,
November 3, 2020) arises from the Defendants' unlawful labor
policies and practices in violations of the Fair Labor Standards
Act and the New York Labor Law.
The Plaintiff alleges the Defendants have willfully, maliciously,
and intentionally committed widespread violations of the FLSA and
NYLL as they failed to pay minimum wage for each hour worked and
overtime compensation for all hours worked over 40 each workweek,
failed to provide meal periods, failed to keep weekly payroll
records, failed to provide time of hire wage notice, and failed to
provide wage statements.
From on or about March 5, 2018 to August 23, 2020, the Plaintiff
was employed by the Defendants to work as a nail salon worker in
Rye, New York.
MB Rye Metro Nail, Inc., d/b/a Rye Metro Nails, is a nail salon
company located in Rye, New York.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
John Troy, Esq.
Aaron Schweitzer, Esq.
41-25 Kissena Boulevard Suite 103
Flushing, NY 11355
Telephone: (718) 762-1324
MDL 2836: Merck Appeals Ruling in Zetia Ezetimibe Antitrust Suit
Defendants Merck & Co., Inc., et al., filed an appeal from a court
ruling entered in the multidistrict litigation styled In re ZETIA
District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia at Norfolk.
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, Judge Rebecca
Beach Smith of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Virginia, Norfolk Division, (i) granted the Merck Defendants'
Motion to Dismiss the Direct Purchaser Plaintiffs (DPPs)' and the
Retailer Plaintiffs' Amended Complaints; and (ii) granted in part
and denied in part the Glenmark Defendants' Motion to Dismiss the
Direct Purchaser Plaintiffs (DPPs)' and the Retailer Plaintiffs'
Amended Complaints.
The matters before the Court are Motions to Dismiss filed by the
Merck Defendants and the Glenmark Defendants against the DPPs' and
the Retailer Plaintiffs' Amended Complaints.
The Merck Defendants' Motion to Dismiss New Claims and Allegations
in Direct Purchaser Plaintiffs' Amended Consolidated Class Action
Complaint, to which the Glenmark Defendants joined in, seeks
dismissal of the DPPs' Amended Complaint to the extent DPPs seek to
recover under federal law for alleged overcharges on purchases made
from any entity other than Glenmark or Merck.
The Glenmark Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Retailer Plaintiffs'
Amended Complaints, seeks dismissal of the Retailer Plaintiffs'
Amended Complaints in their entirety because they are founded on
the existence of an implausible conspiracy involving Merck,
Glenmark, and Par that is not supported by well-pled factual
allegations, or, in the alternative, dismissal for lack of standing
insofar as they seek damages flowing from the Retailers Plaintiffs'
purchases of generic Zetia from Par, as well as dismissal of the
Retailer Plaintiffs' per se claim in Count One with prejudice
consistent with the Court's Aug. 9, 2019 opinion.
The appellate case is captioned as FWK HOLDINGS, LLC; CESAR
CASTILLO, INC., individually and on behalf of all those similarly
SITUATED; CITY OF PROVIDENCE, RI, on its own behalf and on behalf
of all others similarly situated; LAW ENFORCEMENT HEALTH BENEFITS
WELFARE FUND, on behalf of itself and all others similarly
individually and on behalf of all those similarly situated; THE
and all others similarly situated; RITE AID CORPORATION; RITE AID
Defendants-Appellants, Case No. 20-2184, in the in the United
States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.[BN]
MOBILE MINI DEALER: Daisy Appeals Ruling in TCPA Suit to 11th Cir.
Plaintiff Daisy, Inc. filed an appeal from a court ruling entered
in the lawsuit entitled Daisy, Inc. v. Mobile Mini Dealer, Inc., et
al., Case No. 2:20-cv-00017-SPC-MRM, in the U.S. District Court for
the Middle District of Florida.
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter on January 16,
2020, the lawsuit challenges the Defendants' practice of sending
unsolicited facsimiles, in violation of the Telephone Consumer
Protection Act of 1991.
The Defendants have sent, and continue to send, unsolicited
advertisements via facsimile transmission in violation of the TCPA,
including to those advertisements sent to the Plaintiff. The fax
promotes the availability and quality of the Defendants' property,
goods, or services.
The appellate case is captioned as Daisy, Inc. v. Mobile Mini
Dealer, Inc., et al., Case No. 20-14017, in the United States Court
of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.
The briefing schedule in the appellate case is set as follows:
-- Appellant's Certificate of Interested Persons was due on or
before November 9, 2020 as to Appellant Daisy, Inc.; and
-- Appellee's Certificate of Interested Persons is due on or
before November 23, 2020 as to Appellees.[BN]
Plaintiff-Appellant DAISY, INC., a Florida corporation,
individually and as the representative of a class of
similarly-situated persons, is represented by:
Ross M. Good, Esq.
Ryan Michael Kelly, Esq.
3701 Algonquin Rd Ste 500
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Telephone: (847) 368-1500
E-mail: rgood@andersonwanca.com
Defendants-Appellees MOBILE MINI DEALER, INC., an Arizona
corporation; MOBILE MINI, INC., a Delaware corporation; and MOBILE
MINI I, INC. are represented by:
Jason Daniel Joffe, Esq.
777 S Flagler Dr Ste 1900 W
West Palm Beach, FL 33401-6198
Telephone: (561) 650-7200
E-mail: jason.joffe@squirepb.com
- and -
Petrina A. McDaniel, Esq.
1230 Peachtree St NE Ste 1700
Atlanta, GA 30309
Telephone: (678) 272-3207
E-mail: petrina.mcdaniel@squirepb.com
MOBILEIRON INC: Bushansky Challenges Proposed $872M Sale to Ivanti
and RISHI BAJAJ, Case No. 5:20-cv-07675 (N.D. Cal., Oct. 30, 2020)
is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and all others similarly
situated stockholders, arising from a proposed transaction pursuant
to which MobileIron will be acquired by Ivanti, Inc.
On September 28, 2020, MobileIron issued a press release announcing
that it had entered into an agreement and plan of merger dated
September 26, 2020 to sell MobileIron to Ivanti. Under the terms of
the agreement, each holder of MobileIron common stock will receive
$7.05 in cash for each share of MobileIron common stock they own.
The proposed transaction is valued at approximately $872 million.
On October 26, 2020, MobileIron filed a Schedule 14A Definitive
Proxy Statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The
Proxy Statement, which recommends that MobileIron stockholders vote
in favor of the proposed transaction, allegedly omits or
misrepresents material information concerning, among other things:
(i) the Company's financial projections and the data and inputs
underlying the financial valuation analyses that support the
fairness opinion provided by the Company's financial advisor,
Barclays Capital Inc.; (ii) Barclays' potential conflicts of
interest; and (iii) the background of the proposed transaction. The
Defendants authorized the issuance of the false and misleading
Proxy Statement in violation of Sections 14(a) and 20(a) of the
Exchange Act.
In short, unless remedied, MobileIron's public stockholders will be
irreparably harmed because the Proxy Statement's material
misrepresentations and omissions prevent them from making a
sufficiently informed voting or appraisal decision on the proposed
transaction. The Plaintiff seeks to enjoin the stockholder vote on
the proposed transaction unless and until such Exchange Act
violations are cured, the suit says.
Based in Mountain View, California, MobileIron Inc. develops and
distributes software platforms for mobile devices. The Company
provides software tools for device management, activity
intelligence, and security. MobileIron offers its products and
services worldwide.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Joel E. Elkins, Esq.
9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Telephone: (310) 208-2800
Facsimile: (310) 209-2348
- and -
Richard A. Acocelli, Esq.
1500 Broadway, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Telephone: (212) 682-3025
Facsimile: (212) 682-3010
MOBIUS INC: Underpays Caregivers, Brignoni-Kann Suit Claims
The case, LILIANA BRIGNONI-KANN, on behalf of herself and all
others similarly situated, Plaintiff v. MOBIUS INCORPORATED d/b/a
ASSISTING HANDS HOME CARE, Defendants, Case No. 1:20-cv-06480 (N.D.
Ill., October 30, 2020) arises from the Defendants' alleged
violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Illinois Minimum
Wage Law for their failure to pay the Plaintiff and
similarly-situated caregivers overtime wages.
The Plaintiff asserts that the Defendants willfully failed to pay
him and other similarly situated caregivers' overtime at the
correct overtime rate in accordance with the FLSA overtime
provisions Section 7 and IMWL overtime provisions Section 105/4a.
The Defendants allegedly manipulated their hourly rate and hours
they worked on their pay stub to give them the appearance that they
were receiving overtime pay.
Moreover, the Defendants failed to accurately record the actual
hours worked by the Plaintiff and other similarly-situated
Mobius Incorporated and Chicago Senior Care provide personal
caregiving services to elderly or infirm individuals in their
homes. [BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Douglas M. Werman, Esq.
Maureen A. Salas, Esq.
Michael M. Tresnowski, Esq.
77 West Washington St., Suite 1402
Chicago, IL 60602
Tel: (312) 419-1008
NATIONAL PACKAGING: Guzman Suit Seeks Class Certification
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Libna Guzman On behalf of
herself and all others similarly situated, v. National Packaging
Services, Corporation, Case No. 19CV1722 (E.D. Wisc.), the
Plaintiff asks the Court for an order:
1. certifying herself as the class representative of the
following three opt-out subclasses:
(a) "all hourly non-exempt employees of NPS Corp. Who
received shift premium pay for some but not all hours
worked during at least one week during the time
period of November 22, 2017 to the present";
(b) "all hourly non-exempt employees of NPS Corp. Who
received annual bonus pay during the time period of
November 22, 2017 to the present"; and
(c) "all hourly non-exempt employees of NPS Corp. who
worked on a holiday either during a workweek in which
he or she received shift premium pay for some but not
all of her hours worked during the week; or during a
year in which he or she received an annual bonus";
2. granting her motion for class certification; and
3. granting such other and further relief.
National Packaging manufactures miscellaneous converted paperboard
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/31Uyhrj at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Yingtao Ho, Esq.
310 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 100MW
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Telephone: 414 271-4500
Facsimile: 414 271-6308
E-mail: yh@previant.com
NEOVASC INC: Faces Gonzalez Suit Over 42% Drop in Share Price
ANDRE LUIS GONZALEZ, Individually and On Behalf of All Others
CLARK, Case No. 1:20-cv-09313 (S.D.N.Y., November 5, 2020) seeks to
recover damages under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 arising
from the Defendants' issuance of false and misleading statements
resulting to the precipitous decline in the market value of the
Company's securities.
The lawsuit is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and all persons
and entities that purchased or otherwise acquired Neovasc
securities between November 1, 2019 and October 27, 2020,
According to the complaint, in December 2018, the Company filed a
Q-Sub submission to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that
contained safety and efficacy results from Neovasc's clinical
studies of its products for cardiovascular diseases, including the
Tiara technology and the Reducer, as well as supporting data from
peer-reviewed journals. On February 20, 2019, Neovasc announced
that, despite "Breakthrough Device Designation," the FDA review
team recommended that the Company collect further pre-market
blinded data prior to submitting a Pre-Market Approval (PMA)
On November 1, 2019, the Company announced that it would submit a
PMA application for the Reducer without gathering further evidence,
against the FDA's recommendation. Neovasc claimed that "the
clinical evidence already available will be sufficient to not
further delay the availability of this Breakthrough medical device
for the treatment of U.S. patients."
On October 28, 2020, before the market opened, the Company
announced that an FDA advisory panel voted overwhelmingly against
the safety and effectiveness of the Reducer. The panel noted
concerns with the Company's clinical data, including "that the lack
of blinding assessment made the primary endpoint difficult to
interpret." As a result, the panel reached a consensus "that
additional premarket randomized clinical data was necessary."
On this news, the Company's share price fell $0.77, or 42%, to
close at $1.06 per share on October 28, 2020, on unusually heavy
trading volume.
The complaint alleges that throughout the Class period, the
Defendants made materially false and/or misleading statements, as
well as failed to disclose material adverse facts about the
Company's business, operations, and prospects. Specifically,
Defendants failed to disclose to investors: (1) that the results of
COSIRA, Neovasc's clinical study for the Reducer, contained
imbalances in missing information present in the control group
versus the treatment group, including significant missing
information for secondary endpoints but none for the primary
endpoint; (2) that the imbalance in missing information indicated
that control subjects were aware of their treatment assignment (not
blinded) and less inclined to participate in additional data
collection; (3) that blinding is critical when studying a
placebo-responsive condition such as angina; (4) that the lack of
blinding assessment made the primary endpoint difficult to
interpret; (5) that, as a result of the foregoing, the FDA was
reasonably likely to require additional premarket clinical data;
(6) that, as a result, the Company's PMA for Reducer was unlikely
to be approved without additional clinical data; and (7) that, as a
result of the foregoing, Defendants' positive statements about the
Company's business, operations, and prospects were materially
misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis.
Neovasc Inc. operates as a medical device company. The Company
develops and markets products for the transcatheter treatment of
mitral valve disease. Neovasc serves customers in Canada and the
United States.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Gregory B. Linkh, Esq.
230 Park Ave., Suite 530
New York, NY 10169
Telephone: (212) 682-5340
Facsimile: (212) 884-0988
E-mail: glinkh@glancylaw.com
- and -
Robert V. Prongay, Esq.
Charles H. Linehan, Esq.
Pavithra Rajesh, Esq.
1925 Century Park East, Suite 2100
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Telephone: (310) 201-9150
Facsimile: (310) 201-9160
- and -
Howard G. Smith, Esq.
3070 Bristol Pike, Suite 112
Bensalem PA 19020
Telephone: (215) 638-4847
Facsimile: (215) 638-4867
NHR HUMAN: Hernandez Seeks Collective Status for FLSA Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JOSE ORTEGA HERNANDEZ, on
behalf of themselves, Fair Labor Standards Act Collective
Plaintiffs and the Class, v. NHR HUMAN RESOURCES, LLC, NEW HOLLAND
GROSSMAN, and JEREMY SALZBERG, Case No. 1:20-cv-03109-PGG-DCF
(S.D.N.Y.), the Plaintiff will move the Court for an order:
1. granting conditional certification of the FLSA claim as
a representative collective action pursuant to 29 U.S.C.
section 216(b) on:
"all current and former non-exempt employees, including
all porters, handymen, supers, and maintenance persons
employed by Defendants on or after the date that is six
years before the filing of the Complaint";
2. approving the distribution of the notice of this FLSA
action to Covered Employees, and including a consent
form (or opt-in form) as authorized by the FLSA;
3. approving the proposed FLSA notice of this action and the
consent form;
4. approving the consent forms of opt-in plaintiffs to be
sent directly to Plaintiff's counsel;
5. directing the Defendants, within 10 days of the Court's
Order, to produce in Excel format the names, social
security numbers, titles, compensation rates, dates of
employment, last known mailing addresses, email addresses
and all known telephone numbers of all Covered Employees;
6. approving the posting of the notice, along with the
consent forms, in the Defendants' places of business where
Covered Employees are employed, by Plaintiff's counsel at
any time during regular business hours; and
7. approving equitable tolling of the FLSA statute of
limitations (1) between the dates of March 20, 2020 and
July 6, 2020, (2) between from July 28, 2020 to September
4, 2020, and (3) until such time that the Plaintiff is
able to send notice to potential opt-in plaintiffs.
On April 17, 2020, the Plaintiff filed a Class and Collective
Action Complaint against the Defendants, seeking unpaid wages under
the Fair Labor Standards Act and New York Labor Law (NYLL). The
Plaintiff brought the FLSA claims on behalf of himself and all
non-exempt construction workers employed by the Defendants within
the last six years before the filing of the Complaint. The
Complaint seeks to recover damages because the Defendants (1)
failed to pay Covered Employees the proper wages due to time
shaving, including overtime compensation under the FLSA and NYLL,
(2) failed to pay a spread of hours premium, (3) failed to provide
statutory notice as required by NYLL.
The Plaintiff was hired December 10, 2018 by the Defendants to work
and maintain the Defendants' various buildings and apartments. He
was employed until October 11, 2019. During his employment by the
Defendants, he Plaintiff suffered from wage and hour violations. He
also personally observed other workers employed at Defendants
suffering from the same policies, says the complaint.
The Defendants operate and manage a series of buildings and
apartment sites across New York under the trade name "New Holland
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for conditional collective
certification is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/35uKWSY at no extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Plaintiff, FLSA Collective Plaintiffs and the
Class are:
C. K. Lee, Esq.
148 West 24th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10011
Telephone: (212) 465-1188
Facsimile: (212) 465-1181
NIKE INC: Bunn ADA Class Suit Removed to N.D. California
The case styled CALI BUNN, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. NIKE, INC., an Oregon corporation, Case No.
CGC20585683, was removed from the Superior Court of the State of
California for the County of San Francisco to the U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of California on October 22, 2020.
The Clerk of Court for the Northern District of California assigned
Case No. 3:20-cv-07403 to the proceeding.
The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act, the California Unruh Act, and the California
Disabled Persons Act.
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendant has implemented a
company-wide policy applicable to all of its stores in California
and throughout the United States of requiring its employees to wear
masks when assisting customers. The Defendant's employees comply
with that policy. The Defendant provides its employees with masks
featuring the Nike trademark swoosh. However, the masks that Nike
provides its employees are made of opaque cloth or other material
that covers the employees' mouths and block their facial
expressions, and therefore interfere with the ability of Nike's
deaf and hard of hearing customers, including the Plaintiff and all
those similarly situated to her, to hear and/or communicate with
those Nike employees.
Nike, Inc. designs, develops, and markets athletic footwear,
apparel, equipment, and accessory products for men, women, and
children. The Company sells its products worldwide to retail
stores, through its own stores, subsidiaries, and
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Michael Rubin, Esq.
177 Post St., Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94108
Telephone: (415) 421-7151
Facsimile: (415) 362-8064
E-mail: mrubin@altber.com
The Defendant is represented by
Austin Schwing, Esq.
555 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-0921
Telephone: (415) 393-8210
Facsimile: (415) 374-8458
E-mail: aschwing@gibsondunn.com
NITIN & PARDEEP: Faces Camara Wage-and-Hour Suit in E.D.N.Y.
JOSE ANTONIO LIRA CAMARA, individually and on behalf of others
similarly situated v. NITIN & PARDEEP CORPORATION (D/B/A KING OF
No. 1:20-cv-05390 (E.D.N.Y., November 6, 2020) arises from the
Defendants' alleged violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and
the New York Labor Law.
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendants failed to pay appropriate
minimum wage, overtime, and spread of hours compensation for the
hours that he worked, failed to maintain accurate recordkeeping,
failed to provide wage statement provisions, and failed to
reimburse the costs and expenses for purchasing and maintaining
equipment and "tools of the trade" required to perform his job.
Mr. Lira was employed by the Defendants as a laborer and a cleaner
at the restaurant located in Bellerose Manor, New York from
approximately 2011 until on or about September 30, 2020.
Nitin & Pardeep Corporation owns, operates, or controls an Indian
restaurant in Bellerose Manor, New York under the name "King of
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Michael Faillace, Esq.
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4510
New York, NY 10165
Telephone: (212) 317-1200
Facsimile: (212) 317-1620
NORVAX LLC: Faces Hossfeld TCPA Suit Over Telemarketing Calls
ROBERT HOSSFELD and CHRIS BILEK, individually and on behalf of
others similarly situated v. NORVAX, LLC and GOHEALTH, LLC, Case
No. 1:20-cv-06566 (N.D. Ill., Nov. 4, 2020) contends that the
Defendants promote and market their merchandise, in part, by
placing autodialed telemarketing or prerecorded-voice calls to
wireless phone users, in violation of the Telephone Consumer
Protection Act.
The Plaintiffs allege that they received autodialed or
prerecorded-voice calls from the Defendants, attempting to sell
health related goods and services, in the past four years. Neither
Plaintiff requested or otherwise consented to receive such calls,
and Plaintiff Hossfeld's number was on the National Do Not Call
Registry when he received them. The Plaintiffs seek money damages
and injunctive relief for themselves and other similarly situated
GoHealth sells UnitedHealthcare insurance policy.[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Alexander H. Burke, Esq.
Daniel J. Marovitch, Esq.
909 Davis St., Suite 500
Evanston, IL 60201
Telephone: (312) 729-5288
E-mail: aburke@burkelawllc.com
NURIA'S RESTAURANTE: Hernandez Appeals FLSA Suit Order to 2nd Cir.
Plaintiffs Orosco Hernandez, et al., filed an appeal from the
District Court's Electronic Text Order dated October 9, 2020,
entered in the lawsuit entitled YOHANA ABIGAIL OROSCO HERNANDEZ,
No. 18-cv-6577, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District
of New York (Brooklyn).
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, the lawsuit
seeks minimum wage and overtime compensation under the Fair Labor
Standards Act and New York Labor Law.
According to the complaint, the Defendants own, operate, or control
two restaurants, located at 151-28 81 Street Howard Beach, New
York, 11414 under the name "Nuria's Restaurant". The Plaintiffs
have been employed as a waitress, waiter, cook, and dishwasher at
the restaurants located at 138-16 Jamaica Ave, Jamaica, NY 11435
and 89-52 146 th St, Jamaica, NY 11435.
The Plaintiffs have worked for Defendants in excess of 40 hours per
week, without appropriate minimum wage, overtime, and spread of
hours compensation for the hours that they have worked. Rather,
Defendants have failed to maintain accurate recordkeeping of the
hours worked and failed to pay Plaintiffs appropriately for any
hours worked, either at the straight rate of pay or for any
additional overtime premium. Further, Defendants have failed to pay
Plaintiffs the required "spread of hours" pay for any day in which
they have had to work over 10 hours a day, the lawsuit says.
The appellate case is captioned as Orosco Hernandez v. Nuria's
Restaurante Salvadoren, Case No. 20-3796, in the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.[BN]
Plaintiffs-Appellants Yohana Abigail Orosco Hernandez, individually
and on behalf of others similarly situated; Juana Garcia Reyes,
individually and on behalf of others similarly situated; and Marlon
E. Hernandez, individually and on behalf of others similarly
situated, are represented by:
Jordan Edward Gottheim, Esq.
60 East 42nd Street
New York, NY 10165
Telephone: (631) 921-5568
E-mail: jgottheim@faillacelaw.com
Defendants-Appellees Nuria's Restaurante Salvadoreno Inc., DBA
Nuria's Restaurant; Vina Del Mar Restaurant Salvadoreno, Corp., DBA
Via Del Mar Restaurant; Nuria Reyes; and Donald Oviedo are
represented by:
Daniel Knox, Esq.
1 Penn Plaza
New York, NY 10119
Telephone: (212) 239-1114
Facsimile: (917) 398-1217
NUTRACEUTICAL WELLNESS: Blind Can't Access Website, Fischler Claims
BRIAN FISCHLER, Individually and on behalf of all other persons
similarly situated v. NUTRACEUTICAL WELLNESS, INC., d/b/a Nutrafol,
Case No. 1:20-cv-08817-AJN (S.D.N.Y., October 22, 2020) asserts
claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the New York
State Human Rights Law and the New York City Human Rights Law for
the Defendant's failure to design, construct, maintain, and operate
its Website to be fully accessible to and independently usable by
the Plaintiff and other blind or visually-impaired people.
According to the complaint, during the Plaintiff's visits to the
Website, www.nutrafol.com, the last occurring on or about October
21, 2020, Mr. Fischler encountered multiple access barriers that
denied him the enjoyment of the facilities, goods, and services of
the Website, as well as to the goods and services of the
Defendant's meal delivery and nutritional counseling services.
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendant has engaged in acts of
intentional discrimination and seeks a permanent injunction to
cause the Defendant to change its corporate policies, practices,
and procedures so that its Website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers.
Nutraceutical Wellness, Inc. offers medicinal products. The Company
provides nutraceutical supplement for hair growth for men and
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Christopher H. Lowe, Esq.
Douglas B. Lipsky, Esq.
420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1830
New York, NY 10017-6705
Telephone: (212) 392-4772
E-mail: chris@lipskylowe.com
NYC MEDICAL: Lawrence Seeks to Certify FLSA Collective Status
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KEYLEE LAWRENCE, COURTNEY
BRACCIA, BRIA WARNER, and WENDY ROSADO Individually and On Behalf
of All Others Similarly Situated, v. NYC MEDICAL PRACTICE, P.C.
d/b/a Goals Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery and SERGEY VOSKIN, M.D.,
Case No. 1:18-cv-08649-GHW (S.D.N.Y.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court
for an order:
1. certifying the case as a collective action, pursuant to
29 U.S.C. section 216(b) of the Fair Labor Standards Act,
consisting of:
"all current and former receptionists and patient
coordinators employed by NYC MEDICAL PRACTICE, P.C. d/b/a
Goals Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery ("GOALS") and/or
predecessor companies from September 25, 2015 who were not
paid overtime compensation at a rate of 1.5 times their
regular rate of pay, for all hours in a workweek in excess
of 40";
2. directing the defendants to provide to the plaintiffs,
within 10 days following the date of the Order to be
entered herein, the names, addresses, phone numbers, email
addresses, dates of employment and job positions/titles of
all for all individuals within the definition of the FLSA
collective action, in readable digital form in Microsoft
Excel or Microsoft Word format;
3. approving the form and content of the Notice of Lawsuit
with Opportunity to Join;
4. directing the plaintiffs, within 14 days following the
defendants' disclosure of the collective contact
information, to distribute and transmit the Notice of
Lawsuit with Opportunity to Join and Consent to Sue to all
individuals within the definition of the FLSA collective
action, by first class U.S. Mail and electronically by
personal and business email;
5. approving and setting a 60-day period, to begin on the
date that the Notice of Lawsuit with Opportunity to Join
and Consent to Sue is first sent, for each individual
within the definition of the FLSA collective action, to
opt in to the case; and
6. providing for such other relief as the Court deems just
and proper.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for certification of the
collective FLSA Action is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/3e5QGGn at no extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Steven Bennett Blau, Esq.
Shelly A. Leonard, Esq.
23 Green Street, Suite 105
Huntington, NY 11743
Telephone: (631) 458-1010
E-mail: sblau@blauleonardlaw.com
OAKLAND, CA: Class of Mobility-Disabled Renters Sought
In the class action lawsuit captioned as IAN SMITH and MITCH
JESERICH, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
situated, v. CITY OF OAKLAND, a public entity, Case No.
4:19-cv-05398-JST (N.D. Cal.), the Plaintiffs will move the Court
on December 16, 2020, for an order:
1. certifying the proposed Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
23(b)(2) class of:
"all Oakland renters who have mobility disabilities and
thus need accessible rental units in the City of Oakland;"
2. appointing themselves as class representatives; and
3. appointing their counsel, Disability Rights Advocates and
Public Interest Law Project, as class counsel.
The Plaintiffs, suing under the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and corresponding California law, have requested that the
City reasonably modify its Rent Adjustment Program ("RAP") to
encompass accessible units built after the current January 1, 1983
cut-off date for City rent control -- a request the City has
denied. The Plaintiffs seek only to ensure that they and other
class members get what the City's nondisabled renters already have:
a meaningful opportunity to access the protections from excessive
rent increases that the Program provides, without having to endure
the hardship of life in an inaccessible unit as a condition of
coverage, the complaint says.
The City of Oakland's RAP, colloquially known as "rent control,"
provides tens of thousands of City tenants with stability and
protection from displacement, by setting a limit on how much the
rent for their homes can increase each year. However, people with
disabilities who need accessible housing have been denied an equal
opportunity to access these same protections for decades, because
few if any of the City's rent-controlled units are accessible.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3mlDRKZ at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Sean Betouliere, Esq.
Thomas Zito, Esq.
Shira Tevah, Esq.
2001 Center Street, Fourth Floor
Berkeley, CA 94704-1204
Telephone: (510) 665-8644
Facsimile: (510) 665-8511
- and -
Michael Rawson, Esq.
Craig Castellanet, Esq.
Melissa A. Morris, Esq.
449 15th Street, Suite 301
Oakland, CA 94612
Telephone: (510) 891-9794
Facsimile: (510) 891-9727
OLE MEXICAN: Rodriguez Sues Over Deceptive Labeling of Tortillas
JUAN DE DIOS RODRIGUEZ, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. OLE MEXICAN FOODS, INC., Case No.
5:20-cv-02324 (C.D. Cal., November 6, 2020) contends that the
Defendant has marketed and sold its La Banderita tortilla products
with labeling, packaging, and advertising that lead consumers to
believe that the products are made in Mexico, when in fact, they
are not. For the Defendant to accomplish this, the products use the
Mexican flag on the front and center of the package, Spanish
phrases like "El Sabor de Mexico!" (meaning "A taste of Mexico"),
and a logo that displays the Mexican flag with the word
The tortilla products referred in the case are La Banderita Burrito
Grande, La Banderita Sabrosisimas Corn, La Banderita Sabrosísimas
Flour, and La Banderita Whole Wheat Fajita.
Because of this, consumers value tortilla products that are
authentically made in Mexico. Had Plaintiff and other consumers
known that the products were not made in Mexico, they would not
have purchased the products or would have paid significantly less
for them. As a result, the Plaintiff and other consumers have
suffered an injury-in-fact due to the Defendant's deceptive
practices, the suit alleges.
Ole Mexican Foods, Inc. manufactures and sells Mexican food
products. The Company offers corn tortillas, bread, cheese,
tostadas, sausages, cheese dip, snacks, pastry, and other food
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Benjamin Heikali, Esq.
Ruhandy Glezakos, Esq.
Joshua Nassir, Esq.
10866 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1470
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Telephone: (424) 256-2884
Facsimile: (424) 256-2885
E-mail: bheikali@faruqilaw.com
OP REALTY: Motion for Class Certification Denied in Liu Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MAOHUI LIU, LELAN XIONG,
6:19-cv-02041-GAP-LRH (M.D. Fla.), the Hon. Judge Gregory A.
Presnell entered an order denying the Plaintiffs' motion to certify
a class consisting of:
"more than 100 Chinese citizens who purchased property from
and leased property to Defendants."
The Court said, "The putative class members here clearly have
strong interests in controlling the course of litigation as
virtually the entire class has commenced a direct suit against
Defendants. A class action is not the superior mechanism to resolve
the claims of the putative class members because nearly the entire
class has filed individual lawsuits against Defendants. Therefore,
the Plaintiffs have failed to satisfy Rule 23(b)(3)."
The Plaintiffs are 34 individuals who reside in China and executed
condo purchase and leasing agreements with the Defendants. The
Plaintiffs allege breach of contract, fraud in the inducement,
unjust enrichment, breach of the duty of good faith and fair
dealing, and violations of the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade
Practices Act.
The Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants coordinated with Chinese
realty firms to sell condos to the putative class members based on
the representation that the Defendants would lease back the condos.
The Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants ceased making lease
payments in late 2017. The Plaintiffs seek recover damages stemming
from the alleged breach of the lease agreements and alleged fraud
perpetuated by the Defendants.
A copy of the Court's Order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/31Ofa24 at no extra charge.[CC]
ORGANIC PASTURES: Mislabels Dairy Products as Organic, Suit Says
Mark Nilchian, Individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, v. Organic Pastures Dairy Company LLC, Case No.
30-2020-01166856-CU-MC-CXC-ROA (Cal. Super., Orange Cty., Oct. 23,
2020), challenges the Defendant's deceptive advertising and
business practices with regard to false and misleading promotion of
its raw dairy products, including "Cream Top - whole Raw Milk";
"Original Raw Kefir"; "Gold Raw Kefir", in violations of the
California's Consumer Legal Remedies Act, the California's False
Advertising Law, and the California's Unfair Competition Law.
The Plaintiff contends that based on the false and misleading
advertisements, he and others similarly situated purchased the
Defendant's mislabeled product.
The Defendant falsely and misleadingly promotes its milk products
as being organic and from pasture fed cows. In reality, the
Defendant's milk comes from cows that do not have a 100% organic
diet and thus the milk is not organic. Furthermore, the
Defendant's cows are fed 60-70% on imported, non-organic hay
instead of grazing from a pasture, as Defendant misleads the
consumer to believe, the complaint says.
The Plaintiff resides in the City of Anaheim, California.
The Defendant manufactures and/or distributes various products,
including several types of dairy products.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Abbas Kazerounian, Esq.
Nicholas R. Barthel, Esq.
245 Fischer Avenue, Unit D1
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Telephone: (800) 400-6808
Facsimile: (800) 520-5523
E-mail: ak@kazlg.com
OUT TECH: Voeks Alleges Abusive Debt Collection Practices
MEGAN VOEKS, Individually, and as Representative of the Estate of
JULIE VOEKS, and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. OUT
2:20-cv-01613-BHL (E.D. Wis. October 22, 2020) arises from the
Defendant's violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,
the Wisconsin Consumer Act, and the state common law.
On or around April 23, 2020, the Defendant mailed to the Plaintiff
a debt collection letter addressed to "Julie Francis Voeks"
regarding an alleged debt owed to "Select Medical Corporation." The
alleged debts were incurred as the result of a transaction for
personal medical services with an agreement to defer payment.
According to the complaint, the Plaintiff received an envelope
containing a window hole or a transparent, "glassine" window
displaying her name and address and the Defendant's return address.
Also printed immediately below the Defendant's return address and
in bold italic font, is the language, "PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL."
The use of such extraneous text on an envelope containing a dunning
letter, or visible on the front of the envelope through a window is
a violation of the federal and state laws.
Out Tech., Inc., d/b/a Bureau of Account Management, is a
collection agency that uses mails and telephone to collect consumer
debts originally owed to others.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
John D. Blythin, Esq.
Mark A. Eldridge, Esq.
Jesse Fruchter, Esq.
Ben J. Slatky, Esq.
3620 East Layton Avenue
Cudahy, WI 53110
Telephone: (414) 482-8000
Facsimile: (414) 482-8001
E-mail: jblythin@ademilaw.com
OXNARD, CA: Alvarez Suit Seeks Class Action Status
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JOSE ALVAREZ; KAREEM
and all others similarly situated, v. CITY OF OXNARD, a California
municipality; and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, Case No.
2:19-cv-08044-PSG-JC (C.D. Cal.), the Plaintiffs will move the
Court on December 21, 2020, for an order:
1. certifying this action as a class action
2. determining that class treatment is appropriate under
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3) as common issues
of law and fact predominate over any individual issues
and the class action method is superior to individual
3. certifying the following Class and Subclasses:
The Class:
"all current and former non-exempt employees of the City
of Oxnard covered by the Memorandum of Understanding
between the City of Oxnard and the International Union
of Operating Engineers, Local No. 501, AFL-CIO, for the
period of August 5, 2015 through the date of class
certification who worked standby"; and
"all current and former non-exempt employees of the City
of Oxnard covered by the Memorandum of Understanding
between the City of Oxnard and the International Union
of Operating Engineers, Local No. 501, AFL-CIO, for the
period of August 5, 2015 through the date of class
certification who worked standby from August 5, 2015 to
January 22, 2019";
4. finding themselves to be adequate representatives of the
class members and certifying them as the class
5. finding their counsel, namely David P. Myers, Jason
Hatcher, and Morgan B. Good, of The Myers Law Group,
A.P.C., as adequate class counsel and certifying them as
class counsel; and
6. authorizing their Counsel to send Class Notice pursuant to
Rule 23 (in a form to be approved by the Court after a
conference with counsel for the Defendant). The Notice
shall permit class members to opt-out of the class if they
so desire within 30 days of the mailing of the notice by
sending a written request signed by the class member which
lists the class member's full name, address, telephone
number, and last four digits of the class member's social
security number. Notice shall be provided to the class via
U.S. Mail to the last known address reflected on the
Defendant's records. The Defendant shall cooperate with
Class Counsel in preparing a computerized mailing list as
The Plaintiffs allege the City promises Contractual Controlled
Standby (CCS) Pay, under the Memorandum of Understandings (MOU),
when the Plaintiffs and Class members were (i) required to carry a
cell phone at which they could be reached and (ii) expected to
report to work within 30 minutes or less for standby shifts. CCS
Pay constitutes minimum wage or overtime pay when applicable.
However, the Plaintiffs allege the City breached its promise by
only paying $1.25 per standby hour when Plaintiffs and the Class
were required to (i) carry a cell phone where he/she could be
reached and (ii) expected to report to work within 30 minutes or
The Plaintiffs and the Class Members worked in the Public Works
Department for the City. They performed essential and emergency
services in the Fleet, Facilities, Parks, and/or Street Divisions
for the City of Oxnard.
Oxnard is a seaside city west of Los Angeles, in California.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3oyHyit at no
extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs, on behalf of themselves and all
others similarly situated, are:
David P. Myers, Esq.
Jason Hatcher, Esq.
Morgan Good, Esq.
9327 Fairway View Place, Suite 100
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Telephone: (909) 919-2027
Facsimile: (888) 375-2102
E-mail: dmyers@myerslawgroup.com
P & L INNOVATIONS: Chen Sues Over Unpaid Minimum & OT Wages
YANG CHEN, on his own behalf and on behalf of others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. P & L INNOVATIONS, INC., d/b/a Mugu D/b/a
Jen's Chinese Food; CHUN MEI LI a/k/a Chunmei Li, a/k/a Chun Mei
Li, and a/k/a Chunmei Li Wang, JUN MIN WANG a/k/a Junmin Wang,
Defendants, Case No. 2:20-cv-05264 (E.D.N.Y., November 1, 2020) is
a collective action complaint brought against the Defendants for
their alleged intentional and willful violations of the Fair Labor
Standards Act and the New York Labor Law.
The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendants as a deliveryman from
on or about December 3, 2005 to April 3, 2019.
According to the complaint, the Plaintiff was not exempt under the
federal and state laws requiring employers to pay employees'
overtime. However, the Defendants failed to pay the Plaintiff and
similarly situated employees at least the New York minimum wage for
each hour worked and their lawfully earned overtime compensation at
one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours
worked over 40 in a given workweek.
In order to mitigate liability for their wage violations, the
Defendants willfully failed to keep full and accurate records. In
addition, the Defendants also failed to furnished any notice of
their use of tip credit and to provide the Plaintiff and other
similarly situated employees with time of hire notice reflecting
their true rates of pay and payday as well as paystub.
P & L Innovations, Inc. is a Chinese restaurant owned and operated
by Chun Me Li and Jun Min Wang. [BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
John Troy, Esq.
Aaron Schweitzer, Esq.
41-25 Kissena Blvd., Suite 103
Flushing, NY 11355
Tel: (718) 762-1324
PACIFIC COAST ENERGY: Appeal Filed in Evergreen Capital Suit
Defendant Pacific Coast Energy Company filed an appeal from a court
ruling entered in the lawsuit entitled Evergreen Capital Management
v. Pacific Coast Energy Company, et al., Case No.
2:20-cv-07561-MWF-AGR, in the U.S. District Court for the Central
District of California, Los Angeles.
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, the case was
removed from the Superior Court of the State of California for the
County of Los Angeles to the U.S. District Court for the Central
District of California on August 20, 2020.
The lawsuit asserts claims for breach of contract against the
Trustee and breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair
dealing against PCEC, on behalf of Trust Unitholders of Pacific
Coast Oil Trust (the "Trust").
The complaint alleges that PCEC has improperly deprived the Trust
and Trust Unitholders of revenue by incorrectly calculating current
asset retirement obligations ("ARO") based on future oil and well
abandonment costs in violation of GAAP and industry practices. The
lawsuit further contends that the Trustee has been grossly
negligent by taking inadequate actions to respond to PCEC's
The appellate case is captioned as Evergreen Capital Management v.
Pacific Coast Energy Company, et al., Case No. 20-80151, in the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.[BN]
Plaintiff-Respondent EVERGREEN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC, Individually
and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated, is represented by:
John T. Jasnoch, Esq.
600 W. Broadway, Suite 3300
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (619) 233-4565
Facsimile: (619) 233-0508
E-mail: jjasnoch@scott-scott.com
Defendant-Petitioner PACIFIC COAST ENERGY COMPANY LP is represented
Elizabeth Price Foley, Esq.
David Boris Rivkin, Esq.
1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: (202) 861-1619
E-mail: efoley@bakerlaw.com
- and -
William Wayne Oxley, Esq.
11601 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1400
Los Angeles, CA 90025-0509
Telephone: (310) 442-8894
Facsimile: (310) 820-8859
E-mail: woxley@bakerlaw.com
PACIFIC MARITIME: Andrikos Seeks to Certify Class & Subclasses
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Evagelos Andrikos, Bryant
Burns, Michael Olvera, Paul Ruiz, and Jerry Vrbanovic, on behalf of
themselves and other similarly situated non-exempt former and
INC. And DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, Case No. 2:19-cv-10421-GW-J
(E.D. Cal.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court for an order:
1. certifying a Class comprised of and defined as:
"all current and former hourly employees who performed
work for any or all of the defendants at any of the ports
in California and were paid on an hourly basis from August
22, 2015, to the present"; and
2. certifying the following subclasses:
A. Reporting Time Subclasses.
"all Casuals who reported to a Dispatch 16 Hall on one
or more days during the class period, did not get
assigned a job on one or more of those days, and were
not paid Reporting Time wages."
(1) Casuals at the Long Beach Dispatch Hall;
(2) Casuals at the San Francisco, San Diego, Stockton,
Port Hueneme or West Sacramento Dispatch Halls.
B. Pre-Shift Wages Subclasses:
"all Longshoremen, Casuals and Marine Clerks who
reported to a Dispatch Hall on one or more days during
the class period, received a job assignment, and then
had to travel to the work location from the Dispatch
Hall, and were not paid wages for the time spent
waiting for the job assignment or traveling to the job
(1) Longshoremen at the Long Beach Dispatch Hall;
(2) Longshoremen at the San Francisco, San Diego,
Stockton, Port Hueneme or West Sacramento Dispatch
(3) Casuals at the Long Beach Dispatch Hall;
(4) Casuals at the San Francisco, San Diego, Stockton,
Port Hueneme or West Sacramento Dispatch Halls;
(5) Marine Clerks at the Long Beach Dispatch Hall.
C. Mileage Reimbursement Subclasses.
"all Longshoremen, Casuals and Marine Clerks who
reported to a Dispatch Hall on one or more days during
the class period, received a job assignment, and then
had to drive to the work location from the Dispatch
Hall, and were not reimbursed for mileage expenses."
(1) Longshoremen at the Long Beach Dispatch Hall;
(2) Longshoremen at the San Francisco, San Diego,
Stockton, Port Hueneme or West Sacramento Dispatch
(3) Casuals at the Long Beach Dispatch Hall;
(4) Casuals at the San Francisco, San Diego, Stockton,
Port Hueneme or West Sacramento Dispatch Halls;
(5) Marine Clerks at the Long Beach Dispatch Hall.
D. Wage Statement Subclass:
"all hourly employees who worked for the defendants
during the class period and received an itemized wage
statement during the class period.
E. Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC) Card
Expense Subclass:
"all employees who worked for the defendants during
the class period, who paid a fee for a TWIC card in
order to gain admittance to a port, and who were not
F. Unfair Competition Subclass:
"all employees from Subclasses A, B, C, D, or E who
suffered damage as a result of any of those specific
claims."; and
G. Terminated Employee Waiting Time Subclass:
"all employees from Subclasses A, B, C or D who
suffered damages as a result of any of those specific
claims and as a result of that were not properly paid
all wages on termination or within hours thereof."
The Plaintiffs' proposed class is a group of 21,761 hourly
employees who work at California ports for the Defendants.
PMA is the agent of other 33 defendants, which they refer to as
"member companies," and on their behalf PMA negotiates collective
bargaining agreements with the respective dockworker unions and
then manages the work force as described infra. These member
companies employ the class members to work at various ports
throughout California.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/2HF5ek4 at no
extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Representative Plaintiffs: Evagelos Andrikos,
Bryant Burns, Michael Olvera, Paul Ruiz and Jerry Vrbanovic are:
Heather McMillan, Esq.
Daniel P. Stevens, Esq.
Lizeth Perales, Esq.
335 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Telephone: (714) 730-1000
Facsimile: (714) 730-1067
E-mail: heather@scmclaw.com
PARTSBASE INC: Court Approves Settlement in Sullivan FLSA Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as SEAN SULLIVAN, et al., v.
PARTSBASE, INC., et al., Case No. 9:20-cv-80630-DMM (S.D. Fla.),
the Hon. Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks entered an order:
1. approving the Settlement Agreement, including the separate
Mutual General Release and settlement amount for
attorneys' fees and costs, as a fair, adequate and
reasonable settlement of the claims at issue;
2. dismissing this action with prejudice;
3. directing the Clerk of Court to close this case; and
4. denying as moot all pending motions.
The Court finds that the Parties' Settlement Agreement, including
the separate Mutual General Release, reflects a reasonable
compromise over contested litigation to resolve bona fide disputes
under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Pursuant to the Parties'
request, the Court will retain jurisdiction for a period of 60 days
to enforce the terms of their Settlement Agreement.
The Plaintiff initiated this action on April 13, 2020, alleging
violations of overtime provisions of the FLSA. Four opt-in
Plaintiffs have since joined the lawsuit.
A copy of the Court's Order approving settlement and dismissing
case is available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/2Jgt1rD
at no extra charge.[CC]
PEOPLE'S UNITED: Ianello Balks at Loan Discharge Fee
CRISTINA M. IANELLO, Individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. PEOPLE'S UNITED FINANCIAL, INC., Case No.
20-2471B (Mass. Super., Suffolk Cty., Oct. 28, 2020) arises from
the Defendant's unlawful issuance of loan payoff statements on
Massachusetts mortgage loans.
On May 20, 2020, Ms. Ianello made a written request asking People's
United to provide a written payoff statement for her loan for June
12, 2020 for property address 2 Old Jarvis A venue, Holyoke,
Massachusetts. The written request asked People's United to specify
an amount certain as of June 12, 2020 which will pay off any and
all indebtedness secured by the mortgage.
According to the complaint, the Defendant provided a payoff
statement to the Plaintiff that did not comply with Massachusetts
law because, among other things, the statement included a CSC
Discharge Fee.
As a result of the foregoing unfair and deceptive acts and
practices, and the willful and intentional conduct of the
Defendant, the Plaintiff and the Class incurred damages which
include but are not limited to the additional amount of money that
the Defendant charged, collected, recovered or required to pay in
order for the Plaintiff and the Class to obtain a discharge.
People's United Financial, Inc. is an American bank holding company
that owns People's United Bank. The bank operates 403 branches in
Connecticut, southeastern New York State, Massachusetts, Vermont,
Maine, and New Hampshire.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jeffrey S. Morneau, Esq.
273 State Street, 2nd Floor
Springfield, MA 01103
Telephone: (413) 455-1730
Facsimile: (413) 455-1594
E-mail: jmorneau@cmolawyers.com
PEPPERIDGE: 'All Butter Loaf Cake' Label Deceptive, Kamara Says
Hawa Kamara, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, v. Pepperidge Farm, Incorporated, Case No. 1:20-cv-09012
(S.D.N.Y., Oct. 28, 2020), alleges that the Pepperidge Farm brand
contains shortening ingredient other than Butter as prominently
displayed on the Product's front label.
According to the complaint, Pepperidge manufactures, distributes,
markets, labels and sells crackers purported to be made only with
butter as a shortening ingredient under its Pepperidge Farm brand.
The Product is available to consumers from retail and online stores
of third-parties and is sold in sizes including boxes of 9.75 OZ
and the crackers are prominently and exclusively identified and
described as "Golden Butter -- Crackers [lower left corner]" and
"distinctively delicious crackers."
The Plaintiff contends that the representations as "All Butter Loaf
Cake" are misleading because butter is not the sole shortening
ingredient in the Product. Though the Product contains butter, it
also contains vegetable oils, as shortening ingredients. She adds
that the Defendant's branding and packaging of the Product is
designed to -- and does -- deceive, mislead, and defraud her and
As a result of the false and misleading labeling, the Product is an
sold at a premium price, approximately no less than $2.64 for 9.75
OZ, excluding tax, compared to other similar products represented
in a non-misleading way, and higher than the price of the Product
if it were represented in a non-misleading way.
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendant sold more of the Product
and at higher prices than it would have in the absence of this
misconduct, resulting in additional profits at the expense of
consumers like her.
Hawa Kamara purchased the Product on one or more occasions, during
the relevant period, including 2019 and 2020, at stores including
but not necessarily limited to, Target, 112 W 34th St, New York,
and among other times, purchased the Product between June and
October 2020.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Spencer Sheehan, Esq.
60 Cuttermill Rd Ste 409
Great Neck, NY 11021-3104
Telephone: (516) 260-7080
Facsimile: (516) 234-7800
E-mail: spencer@spencersheehan.com
PILGRIMS PRIDE: Bid to Dismiss Hogan Suit Pending
Pilgrim's Pride Corporation said in its Form 10-Q Report filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 29, 2020, for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2020, that the motion to
dismiss the complaint in the putative class action suit initiated
by Patrick Hogan remains pending.
On October 10, 2016, Patrick Hogan, acting on behalf of himself and
a putative class of persons who purchased shares of the company's
(PPC's) stock between February 21, 2014 and October 6, 2016, filed
a class action complaint in the U.S. District Court for the
District of Colorado against PPC and its named executive officers.
The complaint alleges, among other things, that PPC’s Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings contained statements that
were rendered materially false and misleading by PPC's failure to
disclose that (1) PPC colluded with several of its industry peers
to fix prices in the broiler-chicken market as alleged in the In re
Broiler Chicken Antitrust Litigation, (2) its conduct constituted a
violation of federal antitrust laws, (3) PPC's revenues during the
class period were the result of illegal conduct and (4) that PPC
lacked effective internal control over financial reporting.
The complaint also states that PPC's industry was anticompetitive
and seeks compensatory damages.
On April 4, 2017, the Colorado Court appointed another stockholder,
George James Fuller, as lead plaintiff. On May 11, 2017, the
plaintiff filed an amended complaint, which extended the end date
of the putative class period to November 17, 2017.
PPC and the other defendants moved to dismiss on June 12, 2017, and
the plaintiff filed its opposition on July 12, 2017. PPC and the
other defendants filed their reply on August 1, 2017. On March 14,
2018, the Colorado Court dismissed the plaintiff's complaint
without prejudice and issued final judgment in favor of PPC and the
other defendants.
On April 11, 2018, the plaintiff moved for reconsideration of the
Colorado Court's decision and for permission to file a Second
Amended Complaint. PPC and the other defendants filed a response to
the plaintiff's motion on April 25, 2018.
On November 19, 2018, the Colorado Court denied the plaintiff's
motion for reconsideration and granted plaintiff leave to file a
Second Amended Complaint.
On June 8, 2020, the plaintiff filed a Second Amended Complaint
against the same defendants, based in part on the Indictment.
On July 31, 2020, defendants filed a motion to dismiss the Second
Amended Complaint pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure. Plaintiffs filed an opposition to the motion to
dismiss on August 31, 2020, and defendants filed their reply on
September 20, 2020. The Court's decision on the motion to dismiss
is pending.
Pilgrim's Pride Corporation engages in the production, processing,
marketing, and distribution of fresh, frozen, and value-added
chicken products in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe,
and Mexico. The company was founded in 1946 and is headquartered in
Greeley, Colorado. Pilgrim's Pride Corporation is a subsidiary of
PIZZA ON STONE: Faces Velazquez Suit Over Tip Misappropriation
JAVIER VELAZQUEZ and RAMIRO TORRES, on behalf of themselves and all
others similarly situated, v. PIZZA ON STONE, LLC d/b/a ADRIENNE'S
individually, and FRANK CASANO, individually, Case No.
1:20-cv-09087 (S.D.N.Y., Oct. 29, 2020), seeks to recover minimum
wages, tip misappropriation, unlawful deductions, and other damages
for the Plaintiffs and their similarly situated co-workers,
consisting of servers, runners, bussers, bartenders, barbacks, and
delivery workers, who work or have worked at Adrienne's Pizzabar
located at 54 Stone Street, New York, New York.
Owned and operated by Pizza on Stone, LLC, Peter Poulakakos, Nick
Angelis, and Frank Casano, Adrienne's Pizzabar has been a New York
City staple since its inception in 2004. Adrienne's Pizzabar is a
part of HPH Restaurant Group, a management group, which includes
well-known New York City restaurants such as, Pier A, Oyster House
at Pier A, Underdog, Harry's Italian, Harry's Cafe and Steak,
Nicks's Pizzabar, Ulysses' Folk House, Bathtub Gin, The Dead
Rabbit, Le District, The Growler, and Vintry Wine & Whiskey.
The Plaintiffs contend that despite Adrienne's Pizzabar's emphasis
on being an all-encompassing restaurant service, the Defendants
have failed to properly compensate Tipped Workers who work or have
worked for them throughout the relevant time period. The Defendants
paid them and other Tipped Workers at or below the "tipped" minimum
wage rate.
The Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants have not satisfied the
strict requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act and/or the
New York Labor Law by which they could take a tip credit towards
the hourly rates paid to Tipped Workers.[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Armando A. Ortiz, Esq.
David J. Sack, Esq.
28 Liberty Street, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Telephone: (212) 300-0375
PORSCHE AG: Fajardo Alleges Emission System Cheating Scheme
VORISEK, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated,
and VOLKSWAGEN AG, Case No. 3:20-cv-07473-JCS (N.D. Cal., Oct. 23,
2020), is a class action complaint exposing emissions and fuel
economy cheating scheme within the Volkswagen corporate family.
As with the "Clean Diesel" cases and the "Audi CO2" gasoline cases
that followed, the Plaintiffs allege that the Defendants
manipulated testing results for a decade's worth of Porsche-branded
vehicles sold in the United States, causing those vehicles to emit
more pollution and obtain worse fuel economy on the road than in
regulatory testing, the complaint says.
The broad strokes of this latest scheme were first published in the
German press reports, which revealed that the German regulatory
agency (KBA) was investigating Porsche for manipulating the
emissions systems of certain vehicles.
Following the reports, the Plaintiffs conducted their own extensive
investigation and expert testing that both confirms and expands
upon publicly reported allegations. This investigation has revealed
an extensive scheme implemented with the common goal of
artificially decreasing emissions test results and increasing fuel
economy results to evade fleet-wide and vehicle-specific emissions
regulations and to deceive Plaintiffs and the Class about the true
nature of Porsche's vehicles.
The Plaintiffs' investigation shows that this scheme manifested in
at least three ways, and affects hundreds of thousands of Porsche
vehicles sold in the United States.
The three prongs of the scheme are:
-- The Defendants physically altered the hardware (the gears
connecting the drive 27 shaft and rear axle) and
manipulated the software of testing vehicles, rendering
such vehicles different from the vehicles actually produced
and sold to consumers.
-- The Defendants installed secret software in certain
vehicles' Electronic Control Unit ("ECU") that again caused
the vehicles to run cleaner and obtain better fuel economy
during testing than during real-world driving.
-- The Defendants falsely attested that certain vehicles'
high-performance driving mode, known as Sport Plus, met
emissions requirements, when in reality, the vehicles
exceeded legal limits of certain pollutants in Sport Plus
mode, and thus were illegal to import or sell in the United
This manipulation was deceptive, illegal, and material to
regulators and consumers alike. The scheme was also devised by the
same companies, in the same time period, and in the same places as
the "Clean Diesel" and "Audi CO2" emissions and fuel economy fraud,
to which this plot bears a striking resemblance, the Plaintiff
Through this action, the Plaintiffs and the proposed Class seek to
enjoin Porsche's deceptive conduct and recover the economic damages
it caused.
Porsche AG designs, develops, manufacturers, and sells luxury
automobiles. Porsche AG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of VW AG.
Porsche AG engineered, designed, developed, manufactured, and
installed the software on the Class Vehicles and exported these
vehicles with the knowledge and understanding that they would be
sold throughout the United States. Porsche AG also reviewed and
approved the marketing and advertising campaigns designed to sell
the Porsche-branded Class Vehicles.
Porsche America is a Delaware corporation with its principal place
of business located at 1 Porsche Drive, Atlanta, Georgia. Porsche
America is a wholly-owned U.S. subsidiary of Porsche AG, and it
engages in business, including the advertising, marketing and sale
of Porsche automobiles, in all 50 states.
Volkswagen AG ("VW AG") is a German corporation with its principal
place of business in Wolfsburg, Germany. VW AG is one of the
largest automobile manufacturers in the world, and is in the
business of designing, developing, manufacturing, and selling
automobiles. VW AG is the parent corporation of Porsche AG.[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Elizabeth J. Cabraser, Esq.
Kevin R. Budner, Esq.
Phong-Chau G. Nguyen, Esq.
David S. Stellings, Esq.
Wilson M. Dunlavey, Esq.
Kara I. McBride, Esq.
275 Battery Street, 29th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111-3339
Telephone: 415 956-1000
Facsimile: 415 956-1008
E-mail: ecabraser@lchb.com
PORSCHE CARS: Manipulates Emissions Testing Results, Schubert Says
Richard Schubert, individually, and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, v. PORSCHE CARS NORTH AMERICA, INC., DR. ING.
H.C. F. PORSCHE AG, INC., and VOLKSWAGEN AG, Case No. 3:20-cv-07589
(N.D. Cal., Oct. 28, 2020), alleges that the Defendants have
manipulated federal and California emissions testing for Porsche
cars in the U.S. market.
The Plaintiff contends that despite Volkswagen's promises to "come
clean" and to be honest about its past mistakes in 2015, its
subsidiary Porsche apparently persisted in concealing its
emission-testing deception for its high-end 911 and Panamera
Five years after the 2015 scandal surrounding Volkswagen Group's
installation of "Defeat Devices" in Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche
diesel vehicles that unlawfully concealed from regulators and
consumers the true and illegally-high levels of pollutants these
vehicles emitted, and following the discovery of a similar device
in Audi gasoline vehicles, another "Defeat Device" embedded in
numerous Porsche vehicles during emissions testing has just come to
light. New reporting reveals that Porsche deliberately modified the
transmissions of test vehicles so that they emitted fewer
pollutants during testing than the actual cars it sold to consumers
would emit during normal use, says the complaint.
As a direct and proximate result of Porsche's breach, the Plaintiff
Schubert and Class members have been damaged. They reasonably
relied on Porsche's warranty in purchasing and continuing to drive
Class Vehicles. They were unaware of Porsche's emissions-testing
manipulation. Had they known the truth, they would not have acted
as they did. They would not have purchased vehicles whose high
performance was only made possible through emissions fraud, or
would have paid less for them, the Plaintiff alleges.
Porsche is a German automobile manufacturer specializing in
high-performance sports cars, SUVs and sedans.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Lesley E. Weaver, Esq.
555 12th Street, Suite 1600
Oakland, CA 94607
Telephone: (415) 445-4003
Facsimile: (415) 445-4020
E-mail: lweaver@bfalaw.com
- and -
Jayne Conroy, Esq.
Jason 'Jay' Barnes, Esq.
112 Madison Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: (212) 784-6400
Facsimile: (212) 213-5949
E-mail: Jconroy@simmonsfirm.com
PRECIGEN INC: Faces Chen Securities Suit Over Stock Price Drop
GANG CHEN, Individually and on behalf of all others similarly
KIRK, and RICK L. STERLING, Case No. 5:20-cv-07442 (N.D. Cal., Oct.
23, 2020), is a federal securities class action on behalf of a
class consisting of all persons and entities other than Defendants
that purchased or otherwise acquired the Company's securities
between May 10, 2017 and March 2, 2020, both dates inclusive.
The Plaintiff seeks to recover compensable damages caused by the
Defendants' violations of the federal securities laws and to pursue
remedies under Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.
The Class Period begins on May 10, 2017, when the Company filed a
Form 8-K with the SEC which announced the Company's financial and
operating results for the quarter ending March 31, 2017 (the "May
On March 2, 2020, during after-market hours, the Company filed a
Form 10-K with the SEC, reporting the Company's financial and
operating results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2019
(the "2019 10-K"). The 2019 10-K stated the following regarding the
SEC's investigation:
"In October 2018, the Company received a subpoena from the
Division of Enforcement of the SEC informing the Company
of a non-public, fact-finding investigation concerning the
Company's disclosures regarding its methane bioconversion
Following the filing of the 2019 Form 10-K, the Company's stock
price fell $0.67 per share, or 17.14%, to close at $3.24 per share
on March 3, 2020. On September 25, 2020, the SEC announced
Cease-and-Desist Order.
As a result of the Defendants' wrongful acts and omissions, and the
decline in the market value of the Company's securities, the
Plaintiff and other Class members (The Plaintiffs) have suffered
significant losses and damages. The Plaintiffs did not discover,
and a reasonably diligent plaintiff would not have discovered,
facts sufficient to adequately plead the Defendants' scienter until
after the publication of the Cease-and-Desist Order on September
25, 2020, the Plaintiff contends.
The Plaintiff purchased the Company's securities at artificially
inflated prices during the Class Period and was damaged upon the
revelation of the alleged corrective disclosure.
Precigen operates in the synthetic biology field and creates
biologically-based products. On February 1, 2020, the Company
changed its name to "Precigen, Inc." and its stock symbol to
"PGEN." The Individual Defendants are officers of the Company.BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jennifer Pafiti, Esq.
Jeremy A. Lieberman, Esq.
J. Alexander Hood II, Esq.
Patrick V. Dahlstrom, Esq.
1100 Glendon Avenue, 15th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Telephone: (310) 405-7190
E-mail: jpafiti@pomlaw.com
- and -
Peretz Bronstein, Esq.
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600
New York, NY 10165
Telephone: (212) 697-6484
Facsimile: (212) 697-7296
E-mail: peretz@bgandg.com
PREMIER PLUMBING: Class Certified in Wickles' Labor Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DANIEL WICKLES, on behalf
of himself and others similarly situated, v. PREMIER PLUMBING AND
LEAK, LLC, and KENNETH MOON, Case No. 1:20cv44-RH-GRJ (N.D. Fla.),
the Hon. Judge Robert L. Hinkle entered an order granting the
plaintiff's motion to conditionally certify a class consisting of:
"Plumbers' assistants and plumbers who were employed by
Premier Plumbing and Leak, LLC, during the period from
January 1, 2018 to the present."
The Court said, "This order grants Mr. Wickles's motion and
conditionally certifies a collective class on the claim that he was
not properly paid overtime (count one in the amended complaint).
The class includes plumbers' assistants and plumbers employed by
Premier Plumbing and Leak, LLC going back to 2018. Mr. Wickles
asserts the period should go back further, to at least three years
before the date of this order. But the affidavits of other
employees indicate Premier Plumbing has only been in existence
since 2018, and Mr. Wickles was hired that year. The durational
period for the class with be from January 1, 2018 to the present.
The attorneys must confer on the contents of notice to potential
class members and on the procedures for giving notice, including
any need for further disclosures on the identity of potential class
members. By November 13, 2020, the parties must file a joint report
on these issues -- or, in the absence of agreement, unilateral
This case arises under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The plaintiff
was a plumber's assistant and plumber who alleges his former
employer failed to properly pay him for overtime in violation of
the FLSA.
Mr. Wickles alleges he was constructively discharged later for
complaining about FLSA violations. Mr. Wickles says he did not
receive overtime compensation for the work he performed in excess
of 40 hours in a week.
Premier Plumbing provides residential and commercial plumbing in
Greater Gainesville and Surrounding areas.
A copy of the Court's Order conditionally certifying class is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3juDWdN at no
extra charge.[CC]
PREMIUM CONNECTION: Misclassifies Employees, Bonner Suit Claims
CHARLES B. BONNER, individually and on behalf of others similarly
BLOHM, Defendants, Case No. 2:20-cv-00271 (S.D. Tex., November 1,
2020) brings this complaint against the Defendants for their
alleged failure to pay overtime in violation of the Fair Labor
Standards Act.
The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendants as a full time thread
representatives from approximately January 12 to June 2019.
According to the complaint, the Plaintiff and other similarly
situated employees were improperly misclassified by the Defendants
as independent contractors. Instead of paying them overtime at the
rate of one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all
the hours they worked over 40, the Defendants paid them on a
straight-time-for-overtime plan or the same hourly rate regardless
of the numbers of hours they worked per week.
Premium Connection Services, Inc. provides oilfield services. Darel
Blohm is the President and director. [BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Michael K. Burke, Esq.
2362-I Bering Dr.
Houston, TX 77057
Tel: (713) 553-7930
E-mail: mkbpllc@gmail.com
PREMIUM SEATS: Bryant Files Class Suit in S.D. Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Premium Seats USA,
LLC. The case is captioned as Amanda Bryant, an individual, on
behalf of herself and all others similarly situated v. Premium
Seats USA, LLC, Case No. 20-cv-62187-AHS (S.D. Fla., October 27,
The case is assigned to Judge Raag Singhal.
Premium Seats USA, LLC is a privately owned, licensed ticket agency
featuring an online ticket exchange for sports, concert and theater
tickets across the U.S.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Gary F. Lynch, Esq.
Jamisen Etzel, Esq.
Nicholas Anthony Colella, Esq.
1133 Penn Avenue, 5th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Telephone: (412) 322-9243
E-mail: glynch@carlsonlynch.com
PRESSED JUICERY: Settlement Classes Sought in Brooks Action
In the class action lawsuit captioned as VALERIE BROOKS,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
PRESSED JUICERY, INC. a Delaware corporation; and Does 1 to 10,
inclusive, Case No. 2:19-cv-01687-KJM-CKD (E.D. Cal.), the
Plaintiff will move the Court on December 11, 2020, for an order:
1. preliminarily approving the proposed Amended Class Action
Settlement Agreement;
2. certifying the two settlement classes:
Nationwide Class:
"all individuals who (a) have a disability as that term is
defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the
"ADA" 42 U.S.C. section 12102, and similar state and local
disability laws, and (b) have accessed the Website and
Mobile Applications, and (c) have been denied equal access
as a result of their disability"; and
California Class:
"all individuals in the State of California who (a) have
a disability, as that term is defined under the ADA and
similar state and local disability laws, and (b) have
accessed the Website and Mobile Applications, and (c) have
been denied equal access as a result of their disability";
3. appointing Wilshire Law Firm as class counsel of these
4. appointing herself as class representative, all
conditioned on the Court’s final approval of the
Settlement Agreement;
5. approving the proposed Notice of Proposed Settlement of
Class Action and Fairness Hearing and Claim Form;
6. approving the method of notice, among other places, the
Settlement Agreement; and
7. establishing a date and time for a hearing on final
approval of the Settlement Agreement and its fairness and
the preceding submission of any objections or notices of
intent to appear at such a hearing.
The Amended Settlement provides:
-- for a $112,500 settlement fund to be paid by Defendant,
which fund will, after deductions for attorneys' fees,
litigation costs, and a service award for the Class
-- for an enhancement award of $2,500 for the Plaintiff as
the Class Representative to be paid from the $112,500
settlement fund; and
-- that Class Counsel may seek approval of attorneys' fees and
taxable costs in the amount of $35,000, payable to
Class Counsel from the $112,500 settlement fund if
approved by the Court.
This action was filed in this district on August 28, 2019, alleging
violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the
Unruh Act based on the Defendant's website --
https://www.pressedjuicery.com -- allegedly not being fully or
equally accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers in
violation of the ADA.
The Plaintiff purports to be a visually-impaired and legally blind
person who requires screen-reading software to read website content
using her computer. She alleges she encountered access barriers on
the Website, which denied her "full and equal access" and continues
to deter her from accessing the Website.
The Defendant sells cold-pressed juices and other products, which
it advertises via the Website, mobile applications and at its brick
and mortar stores located in several states throughout the United
A copy of the Joint motion for conditional certification of
settlement classes is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/3kBkHAF at no extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Bobby Saadian, Esq.
Thiago M. Coelho, Esq.
3055 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Telephone: (213) 381-9988
Facsimile: (213) 381-9989
E-mail: bobby@wilshirelawfirm.com
The Defendant is represented by:
Arlene K. Kline, Esq.
Zoe J. Bekas, Esq.
601 W. Fifth Street, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Telephone: (213) 688-9500
Facsimile: (213) 627-6342
E-mail: arlene.kline@akerman.com
PROGRESSIVE DIRECT: Stedman Suit Seeks to Certify Insured Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JOEL STEDMAN, on behalf of
himself and all others similarly situated; KAREN JOYCE, on behalf
of herself and all others similarly situated, v. PROGRESSIVE DIRECT
INSURANCE CO., a foreign automobile insurance company, Case No.
2:18-CV-1254 RSL (W.D. Wash.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court for an
order certifying a class of:
"all insured, as defined within Progressive's Automobile
Policy, and all third-party beneficiaries of such coverage,
under any Progressive insurance policy effective in the state
of Washington between July 24, 2012 and the present, for whom
Progressive limited or terminated benefits, or denied
coverage based, even in part, upon its determination that its
insured or beneficiary had reached "maximum medical
improvement" or a "fix and stabled" condition."
The Plaintiff seeks to certify the Class to correct the class-wide
harm that resulted from Progressive's systematic practice of
applying the MMI-standard to limit PIP benefits to hundreds of its
Washington policyholders and third-party claimants.
This action arises from the Defendant Progressive bad faith
application of Maximum Medical Improvement ("MMI") to adjust
personal injury claims, in violation of the Washington
Administrative Code.
Progressive and its associated entities insure more than sixteen
million drivers across the United States.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/35Ehzxs at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Duncan C. Turner, Esq.
Mark A. Trivett, Esq.
19929 Ballinger Way NE, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98155
Telephone: (206) 621-6566
E-mail: dturner@badgleymullins.com
- and -
Randall C. Johnson Jr., Esq.
PO Box 15881
Seattle, WA 98115
Telephone: (206) 890-0616
E-mail: rcjj.law@gmail.com
- and -
Daniel R. Whitmore, Esq.
6840 Fort Dent Way, No. 210
Tukwila, WA 98188
Telephone: (206) 329-8400
E-mail: dan@whitmorelawfirm.com
The Defendant is represented by:
Paul G. Karlsgodt, Esq.
Casi D. Collignon, Esq.
Justin T. Winquist, Esq.
James Raymond Morrison, Esq.
1800 California Street, No. 4400
Denver, CO 80202
Telephone: 303-861-0600
E-mail: ccollignon@bakerlaw.com
PULSE OPINION: Faces Perrong Suit Over Illegal Telemarketing Calls
ANDREW PERRONG, individually and on behalf of a class of all
persons and entities similarly situated v. PULSE OPINION RESEARCH,
LLC, Case No. 2:20-cv-05284-JP (E.D. Pa., October 22, 2020) arises
from the Defendant's conduct of sending prerecorded message
automated calls to phone numbers, including the Plaintiff, which is
prohibited by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.
According to the complaint, the Plaintiff never consented to
receive such calls, which were placed to him for polling purposes.
Because polling campaigns generally place calls to hundreds of
thousands or even millions of recipients en masse, the Plaintiff
brings this action on behalf of a proposed nationwide class of
other persons who received illegal automated calls from or on
behalf of Defendant.
Pulse Opinion Research, LLC is in the business of conducting
polling and proving associated research services.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
G. Clinton Kelley, Esq.
304 Ross Street, 7th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Telephone: (412) 454-5599
E-mail: gckesq@gmail.com
- and -
Anthony I. Paronich, Esq.
350 Lincoln Street, Suite 2400
Hingham, MA 02043
Telephone: (508) 221-1510
E-mail: anthony@paronichlaw.com
RAM PAYMENT: Germinario Seeks Class Action Status
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JUNE GERMINARIO, on behalf
of herself and all other class members similarly situated, v. Ram
Payment, L.L.C. t/a Reliant; Account Management; Reliant Account
Management, L.L.C. (CA); Reliant Account Management, L.L.C. (IN);
Account Management Systems, L.L.C.; Reliant Account Management
Systems, L.L.C.; GS Associated Holdings, L.L.C.(CA) a/k/a GS
Holdings, L.L.C.; GS Associated Holdings L.L.C. (AZ) a/k/a GS
Holdings, L.L.C.; WST Management, L.L.C.; Austin Co. L.L.C.;
Reliant Management Services, L.L.C.; Stephen Chaya; Gregory
Winters, Scott Austin, Stephen Chaya Trust Agreement; Active Debt
Solutions, L.L.C. f/k/a Active Debt Solutions, Inc. d/b/a Guardian
Legal Center; Paralegal Support Group, L.L.C. f/k/a Paralegal Staff
Support, L.L.C.; John Doe(s) 1-100, said name of John Doe(s) being
fictitious, Case No. 1:20-cv-12130-NLH-JS (D.N.J.), the Plaintiff
asks the Court for an order pursuant to Federal Rules Civil
Practice 23:
1. certifying this matter as a class action and designating a
2. appointing himself as representative of the class; and
3. designating his counsel as class counsel and providing for
submission and approval of appropriate and timely notice
to class members upon receipt of list of the names and
addresses of all class members to be provided by the
Reliant Account Management is a neutral third party payment
processing company.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/2HEKGIs at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Joseph M. Pinto, Esq.
720 East Main Street, Suite 1C
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Telephone: (856) 727-1777
E-mail: Jfpolino@prodigy.net
The Defendants are represented by:
Shaji M. Eapen, Esq.
2025 Lincoln Highway, Suite 200
Edison, NJ 08818
RASTELLI FOODS: Website Not Accessible to Blind, Angeles Claims
JENISA ANGELES, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated v. RASTELLI FOODS DTC, LLC, Case No. 1:20-cv-08968-MKV
(S.D.N.Y., October 27, 2020) arises from the Defendant's violation
of the Americans with Disabilities Act due to its failure to design
and operate its Website to be fully accessible to and independently
usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or visually-impaired
According to the complaint, on multiple occasions, the last
occurring in October of 2020, Ms. Angeles visited the Defendant's
Website, www.rastellis.com, to make a purchase. Despite her
efforts, however, she was denied a shopping experience similar to
that of a sighted individual due to the Website's lack of a variety
of features and accommodations, which effectively barred her from
being able to determine what specific products were offered for
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendant has engaged in acts of
intentional discrimination, thus seeks a permanent injunction to
cause a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices,
and procedures so that its Website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers.
Rastelli Foods DTC, LLC is a meat and seafood distribution company
that owns and operates the Website.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
David P. Force, Esq.
285 Passaic Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Telephone: (201) 282-6500
Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
E-mail: dforce@steinsakslegal.com
RAYTHEON TECHNOLOGIES: Bajjuri Sues Over 7% Drop in Share Price
Pranay K. Bajjuri, Individually and on Behalf of All Others
Similarly Situated v. Raytheon Technologies Corporation F/K/A
Raytheon Company; Thomas A. Kennedy; Anthony F. O’Brien; and
Michael J. Wood, Case No. 4:20-cv-00468-JAS (D. Ariz., Oct. 30,
2020) seeks to recover compensable damages under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 arising from the Defendants' issuance of false
and misleading statements resulting to the precipitous decline in
the market value of the Company's securities.
The lawsuit is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and other persons
or entities, who purchased or otherwise acquired publicly traded
Raytheon securities between February 10, 2016 and October 27, 2020,
From February 10, 2016, the start of the Class period, the Company
published a series of annual reports on Form 10-K with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. The latest one was on February
12, 2020, where the Company published its annual report for the
year ended December 31, 2019. In a section signed by Individual
Defendants, the 2019 annual report stated the Company's internal
control over financial reporting: "Based on its assessment,
management has concluded that the Company maintained effective
internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019,
based on criteria in Internal Control - Integrated Framework,
issued by the COSO in 2013." The report further provided
information regarding the Company's Integrated Defense Systems and
Missile Systems segments.
According to the complaint, the statements were materially false
and/or misleading because they misrepresented and failed to
disclose the following adverse facts pertaining to the Company's
business, operational and financial results, which were known to
the Defendants or recklessly disregarded by them. Specifically, the
Defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to
disclose that: (1) Raytheon had inadequate disclosure controls and
procedures and internal control over financial reporting; (2)
Raytheon had faulty financial accounting; (3) as a result, Raytheon
misreported its costs regarding Raytheon Company's Missiles &
Defense business since 2009; (4) as a result of the foregoing,
Raytheon was at risk of increased scrutiny from the government; (5)
as a result of the foregoing, Raytheon would face a criminal
investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice; and (6) as a
result, the Defendants' public statements were materially false
and/or misleading at all relevant times.
On this news, the price of Raytheon shares fell $4.19 per share, or
7%, to close at $52.34 per share on October 28, 2020, on unusually
heavy trading volume, damaging investors.
The market for Raytheon securities promptly digested current
information regarding the Company from all publicly available
sources and reflected such information in the prices of the
securities, and the Plaintiff and the members of the Class are
entitled to a presumption of reliance upon the integrity of the
market, the suit says.
Raytheon Technologies Corporation operates as an aircraft
manufacturing company. The Company focuses on technology offerings
and engineering teams to deliver innovative solutions such as
aerostructures, avionics, interiors, mechanical systems, mission
systems, aircraft engines, power and control systems, radars,
software, and other products.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Richard G. Himelrick, Esq.
Seventh Floor Camelback Esplanade II
2525 E. Camelback Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Telephone: (602) 255-6000
E-mail: rgh@tblaw.com
- and -
Phillip Kim, Esq.
Laurence M. Rosen, Esq.
275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: (212) 686-1060
E-mail: pkim@rosenlegal.com
RCM TECHNOLOGIES: Court Certifies Class of Hourly Employees
In the class action lawsuit captioned as RHONDA HUBBARD, v. RCM
TECHNOLOGIES (USA), INC., Case No. 4:19-cv-06363-YGR (N.D. Cal.),
the Hon. Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers entered an order:
1. granting the Plaintiff's motion for class certification;
2. certifying a class consisting of:
"all non-exempt hourly employees employed by RCM
Technologies (USA), Inc. in California who, at any time
within four years prior to the filing of this lawsuit
through the date of class certification, worked one or
more workweeks in which they were paid overtime and
received a weekly per diem or stipend";
3. appointing the plaintiff Rhonda Hubbard as the
representative of the certified class; and
4. appointing Matthew B. Hayes and Kye D. Pawlenko of Hayes
Pawlenko LLP as class counsel for the certified class.
The Court said, "Given the size and geographic diversity of the
proposed class, numerosity is satisfied. The named plaintiff
represents that she worked travel nurse assignments for defendant
in California, for which she received per diem payments that were
conditioned on her working a certain number of hours and that were
prorated based on hours worked. She further represents that she
worked overtime and had the value of her per diem payments excluded
from the regular rate used to calculate her overtime pay. Her
claims are typical of the class. The adequacy factor is met. The
predominance and superiority requirements are satisfied.
Accordingly, the motion for class certification is granted."
A copy of the Court's order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/3dOlhrT at no extra charge.[CC]
REQUIN: Delcid Seeks Restaurant Staff's Unpaid Minimum & OT Wages
themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. MICHAEL
Defendants, Case No. 8:20-cv-03167-TDC (D. Md., October 30, 2020)
is a collective and class action complaint brought against the
Defendants for their alleged violations of the Fair Labor Standards
Act, the District of Columbia Minimum Wage Act Revision Act, and
the District of Columbia Wage Payment and Collection Law.
The Plaintiffs worked as a runner, pastry chef, and bartender at
the Defendants' Requin restaurant.
According to the complaint, Defendant Isabella filed for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection for its Mike Isabella Concept restaurant in
September 2018 amid widespread and well-publicized financial
turmoil affecting his restaurant group. At the time of Isabella's
Chapter 11 filing, it was publicly reported that some of his
restaurant employees' checks had bounced in the weeks leading up to
the filing.
Although the Defendants gave the Plaintiffs assurances that its
Requin restaurant branch remained successful, would remain open for
business and their wages would continue to be paid, the Plaintiffs
started experiencing interruptions in their regular receipt of
wages, tips, and accompanying paystubs through a payroll service on
or around November 2018. The Plaintiffs began receiving checks from
a debtor in possession BallKap, LLC account that did not reflect
employee tax withholding, did not include any detail for hours
worked and rate of pay, and did not breakout wages and tips.
Moreover, some of the paychecks received by the Plaintiffs and
other Requin employees did not fully pay their wages and tips
earned, some were returned for insufficient funds, and others were
returned marked as unauthorized. Subsequently on or about December
22, 2018, Requin was permanently shut down by the Defendants
without prior notice to the Plaintiffs, following its landlord's
filing of eviction lawsuit in D.C. Superior Court due to unpaid
rent for the May to December 2018 time period.
The Plaintiffs assert that the Defendants failed to pay them and
those similarly situated for work performed before the shutdown,
thereby failing to pay them their lawfully earned minimum and
overtime wages.
Michael Isabella is a celebrity chef, who owned and managed Requin,
as part of his Mike Isabella Concepts restaurant group. Johannes
Allender was the co-owner and Chief Financial Officer of Requin.
Taha Ismail was the Beverage Director of Requin, an executive
officer and co-owner of certain affiliates of Requin. Dhiandra
Olson was the Assistant General Manager of Requin. [BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Daniel A. Katz, Esq.
Hannah E.M. Lieberman, Esq.
700 14th Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: (202) 319-1000
Fax: (202) 319-1010
E-mail: Daniel_Katz@washlaw.org
- and –
Lindsey Strang Aberg, Esq.
Ricardo S. Camposanto, Esq.
Michelle E. Divelbiss, Esq.
Patrick B. Shaw, Esq.
950 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004
Tel: (202) 912-4700
E-mail: lstrang@axinn.com
RESQ MANUFACTURING: Grebe Files Labor Suit in Calif. State Court
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Resq Manufacturing.
The case is styled as Michael Grebe v. Does 1-100, on behalf of
other members of the general public similarly situated; and Resq
Manufacturing, a California corporation, Case No.
34-2020-00287116-CU-OE-GDS (Cal. Super., Sacramento Cty., Oct. 16,
The lawsuit arises from employment-related issues.
Resq Manufacturing is a custom cable assembly and
electro-mechanical manufacturing company based in Sacramento,
The Plaintiff is represented by Douglas Han, Esq.
RESTAURANT BRANDS: Warwick Pension Fund Sues Over Share Price Drop
on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. RESTAURANT BRANDS
LLC, Case No. 655686/2020 (N.Y. Sup., New York Cty., October 26,
2020) alleges that the Defendants failed to disclose adverse facts
resulting to the decline in the market value of the Company's
securities -- in violation of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
The Plaintiff's claims are solely strict liability and negligence
claims for violations of the said law relating to Restaurant
Brands' secondary public offering (SPO) commenced on or about
August 12, 2019 of 24,000,000 common shares at a price of $73.50
and Restaurant Brands' secondary public offering commenced on or
about September 5, 2019 of 16,690,717 common shares at a price of
$75.10. The action is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff and a
Class of all persons or entities who purchased or otherwise
acquired Restaurant Brands' common shares pursuant and/or traceable
to the Company's Shelf Registration Statement issued in connection
with the SPOs, and who were damaged thereby.
According to the complaint, at the time of the SPOs, Restaurant
Brands was engaging in a growth strategy sometimes referred to as
the "Winning Together" plan, which encompassed three pillars: (1)
restaurant experience; (2) product excellence; and (3) brand
communications. The Shelf Registration Statement told investors
that "increasing restaurant sales and profitability are critical"
to the Company's success. To obtain that success, the Company
employed, among other things, new product offerings and a loyalty
program called Tims Rewards that sought to increase customer
traffic and as a result, increase sales.
However, at the time of the offerings, the discounting associated
with Tims Rewards was not being offset by customer traffic and
purchases, exacerbated by failed product offerings, and was
negatively affecting the Company's sales and its ability to compete
effectively. The Company would admit after the Offerings, through
which the Company's controlling stockholders 3G Capital Partners,
Ltd. and 3G Restaurant Brands Holdings LP offloaded almost 10% of
its holdings in Restaurant Brands stock, that the discounting
through its Tims Rewards program and weak lunch food offerings had
a negative impact on sales, the suit says.
As a result of these undisclosed adverse facts, Restaurant Brands'
stock allegedly plummeted, falling from its offering prices of
$73.50 and $75.10 to close at $55.41 per share on October 26,
Restaurant Brands International Inc. is a quick service restaurant
company with restaurants located in the United States and more than
one hundred other countries and is incorporated and headquartered
in Canada.
3G Capital Partners Ltd. is a global investment firm.
3G Restaurant Brands Holdings LP is an affiliate company of 3G
Capital Partners.
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC operates as an investment management
company. The Company offers wealth management, capital markets,
investment banking, research, trading, recapitalizations, equities
valuations, and financial advisory services.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Jonathan Gardner, Esq.
Alfred L. Fatale III, Esq.
Lisa Strejlau, Esq.
Anna Menkova, Esq.
140 Broadway
New York, NY 10005
Telephone: (212) 907-0700
Facsimile: (212) 818-0477
E-mail: jgardner@labaton.com
- and -
Guillaume Buell, Esq.
1 Lincoln Street
Boston, MA 02111
Telephone: (617) 531-3933
E-mail: gbuell@tenlaw.com
- and -
Joseph Brennan, Esq.
33 College Hill Road, Suite 15-E
Warwick, RI 02886
Telephone: (401) 827-0100
Facsimile: (401) 823-1400
E-mail: Jbrennan810@gmail.com
RMP LLC: Ginsberg Sues Over Unfair Debt Collection Practices
Sholom Ginsberg, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. RMP, LLC, and John Does 1-25, Case No.
3:20-cv-14783-BRM-ZNQ (D.N.J., Oct. 21, 2020) seeks damages and
declaratory relief pursuant to the Fair Debt Collections Practices
The Plaintiff alleges that some time prior to February 14, 2020, an
obligation was allegedly incurred to two separate non-parties:
University of Minnesota Physicians, and M Health Clinic and
Surgery. The alleged debts were incurred as financial obligations
that were primarily for personal, family or household purposes and
are therefore each a "debt" as that term is defined by FDCPA,
specifically for personal medical services.
According to the letter received by the Plaintiff, U of M
Physicians and M Health Clinic and Surgery placed the accounts with
the Defendant to collect the alleged debt. The letter fails to
identify the amount owed to each of the two creditors. The letter
further implies that interest is accruing on the debt although no
interest is actually being collected or intended to be collected.
The Plaintiff is unable to evaluate how much is truly being alleged
as the correct balance, is being misled at to the total owed, and
cannot properly evaluate the offers of settlement.
As a result of the Defendant's deceptive, misleading and unfair
debt collection practices, the Plaintiff has been damaged, the suit
RMP, LLC is a debt collection agency located in Sartell,
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Eliyahu Babad, Esq.
285 Passaic Street
Hackensack, NJ, 07601
Telephone: (201) 282-6500
Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
S.A.S SERVICES: Faces Aroche Suit Over Unlawful Labor Practices
HECTOR AROCHE, as an individual and on behalf of all other
aggrieved employees v. S.A.S SERVICES GROUP, INC., a California
corporation, and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Case No. 20STCV41986
(Cal. Super., Los Angeles Cty., Nov. 2, 2020) arises from the
Defendants' unlawful labor practices and policies in violations of
the California Labor Code.
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendants failed to (1) pay all
wages due, including minimum, regular, and overtime wages as a
result of their policy of improperly paying its non-exempt hourly
employees; (2) provide meal periods or compensation in lieu
thereof; (3) provide rest periods or compensation in lieu thereof;
(4) provide accurate itemized wage statements; (5) pay wages upon
ending employment to terminated or resigned employees; and (6)
indemnify for necessary expenditures.
The Plaintiff seeks penalties pursuant to Labor Code section 2608
et seq., the Private Attorneys General Act of 2004 in connection
with the Defendants' Labor Code violations.
Mr. Aroche was employed by the Defendants from on or about April
2016 through March 16, 2020, in the County of Los Angeles as a
baggage handler, wheelchair assistant, security and as a provision
S.A.S Services Group, Inc. is a California-based airline and
airport ground services handling company.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Kevin Mahoney, Esq.
Atoy H. Wilson, Esq.
249 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 814
Long Beach, CA 90802
Telephone: (562) 590-5550
Facsimile: (562) 590-8400
E-mail: kmahoney@mahoney-law.net
SABER HEALTHCARE: Class Certification Denied in Bartels Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as WILLIAM H. BARTELS,
behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v. SABER
STEELE CREEKE, Case No. 5:16-CV-283-BO (E.D.N.C.), the Hon. Judge
Terrence W . Boyle entered an order:
1. denying the Plaintiffs' motion to certify class:
2. granting the Defendants' partial motion to dismiss and
for judgment on the pleadings; and
3. dismissing the claims against Gabriel Manor and the
Crossings; and
4. granting the Defendants' motion to seal and the
parties' consent motion to amend the scheduling order.
The Court said, "The plaintiffs do not satisfy the [FRCP] Rule
23(b)(3) predominance inquiry, and individualized issues outweigh
any common issues that the plaintiff identifies. Specifically,
individualized issues regarding injury predominate over any common
questions because there is no reliable means of providing
class-wide injury. The staffing levels varied significantly across
the class period, and state regulators performing inspections found
staffing levels to be appropriate except on three occasions. The
Plaintiffs will have to determine what the staffing of the facility
was during each shift and on each day of each putative class
member's residency. Individualized issues will further abound, as
the plaintiffs must show what the needs of the residents were at
any given time in order to show that those needs were net met. The
putative class members were subject to individualized care plans,
which changed frequently. The Court will need to individually
assess each care place for each resident of the facility to
determine what the needs of the residents were at any given time
and whether those needs were adequately met. Therefore, plaintiffs'
motion for class certification must be denied."
In April 2016, the plaintiffs filed this action in Franklin County
Superior Court as a putative class action alleging claims arising
from the Defendants' failure to comply with their contractual and
statutory obligations to provide assisted living services that meet
the needs of the residents. The plaintiffs that remain in the case
are Joseph Pfohl, executor of the estate of Bernice Pfohl, and
Edward Bartels, executor of the estate of Jeanne Bartels. Ms. Pfohl
and Ms. Bartels were residents of Franklin Manor.
A copy of the Court's Order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/37EFjUW at no extra charge.[CC]
SAFELITE FULFILLMENT: Austin Sues Over Unlawful Labor Practices
WILLIE AUSTIN, JR., an individual, on behalf of himself and on
behalf of all persons similarly situated v. SAFELITE FULFILLMENT,
INC., a Corporation; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Case No.
CGC-20-587314 (Cal. Super., San Francisco Cty., Oct. 21, 2020)
arises from the Defendants' unlawful labor practices and policies
in violations of the California Labor Code and the California
Business and Professions Code.
The Plaintiff alleges the Defendants' failure to pay minimum and
overtime wages, failure to provide meal periods, failure to provide
rest periods, failure to provide accurate wage statements, failure
to reimburse for required expenses and unfair competition in
violation of California labor laws.
The Plaintiff has been employed by the Defendants since April of
2016 as a non-exempt employee.
Safelite Fulfillment, Inc. is an American provider of vehicle glass
repair, replacement, and calibration services and insurance claims
management company.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Norman B. Blumenthal, Esq.
Kyle R. Nordrehaug, Esq.
Aparajit Bhowmik, Esq.
Nicholas J. De Blouw, Esq.
2255 Calle Clara
La Jolla, CA 92037
Telephone: (858) 551-1223
Facsimile: (858) 551-1232
SENTINEL INSURANCE: Blushark Sues Over Denied COVID-19 Claims
3:20-cv-01593-KAD (D. Conn., October 22, 2020) is brought on behalf
of the Plaintiff and all others similarly situated arising from the
Defendant's denial of coverage for business losses caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic.
The Plaintiff is a small business that purchased the Defendant's
insurance policy and made premium payments for a policy that, in
the event of a catastrophe requiring a shutdown of business
operations, would require the Defendant to honor its contractual
obligation to provide coverage. In March 2020, the Plaintiff was
forced to close its digital marketing business pursuant to the
closure orders of the state due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to the complaint, in response to the business
interruption claims filed by the Plaintiff and thousands of other
class members resulting from the pandemic, the Defendant has
systematically denied and continues to deny and refuse to provide
payment for insurance claims for coverage for similar losses and
expenses by insureds holding policies that are, in all material
respects, identical. The Defendant's decision to not provide
coverage and/or its decision to refuse to pay claims under the
common policy forms issued to the Plaintiff and the putative class
members constitutes a breach of contract and provides it with the
right to seek a declaratory judgment on behalf of itself and the
class members establishing that it is entitled to receive the
benefit of the insurance coverage it purchased and for
indemnification of the business losses it has sustained.
Sentinel Insurance Company, Ltd. operates as an insurance company.
The Company provides property and casualty insurance services.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Kenneth Rosenthal, Esq.
One Audubon Street, 3d Floor
New Haven, CT 06511
Telephone: (203) 915-4235
Facsimile: (203) 306-3286
E-mail: krosenthal@gs-lawfirm.com
- and -
Dominic J. Aprile, Esq.
One Airport Road, P.O. Box 2043
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Telephone: (732) 363-0666
Facsimile: (732) 363 9864
E-mail: daprile@bathweg.com
- and -
Adam M. Moskowitz, Esq.
Adam A. Schwartzbaum, Esq.
2 Alhambra Plaza, Suite 601
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Telephone: (305) 740-1423
E-mail: adam@moskowitz-law.com
- and -
William F. "Chip" Merlin, Jr.
777 S. Harbour Island Blvd., Suite 950
Tampa, FL 33602
Telephone: (813) 229-1000
Facsimile: (813) 229-3692
E-mail: cmerlin@MerlinLawGroup.com
SKANSKA KOCH: Court Okays Filing of Third Amended Complaint
In the class action lawsuit captioned as ANTHONY CORTESE,
individually and on behalf of others similarly situated, v. SKANSKA
1:20-cv-01632-LJL (S.D.N.Y.), the Hon. Judge Lewis J. Liman entered
an order:
1. granting the motion to file Third Amended Complaint; and
2. dismissing without prejudice the currently pending motions
to dismiss and motion for conditional collective action
The Court said, "The Plaintiffs shall file the Third Amended
Complaint no later than October 23, 2020. The Defendants shall have
14 days from the date of the entry of this Order to file their
answers, motions to dismiss, and/or motion for conditional
collective action certification.
The proposed Third Amended Complaint seeks to add five named
Plaintiffs, James Kearney, Daniel Julio, John Siciliano, Jeffrey
Brooks, and Mark Leyble. The Proposed Plaintiffs were all iron
workers who were members of a different union than Cortese, the
Iron Workers Local Union No. 11, based out of Bloomfield, New
The Plaintiff Cortese is a union crane operator who was employed in
2015 to work on the Bayonne Bridge "Raise the Roadway Plan"
construction project ("Bayonne Bridge Project") by the Skanska
Koch-Kiewit JV ("SKKJV"). Cortese is also a member of the
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 825, based out of
Springfield, New Jersey. He worked on the Bayonne Bridge Project
for five months, including on the New York City side of that
SKKJV was the general contractor on the Bayonne Bridge Project
pursuant to a joint venture with the Port Authority of New York
A copy of the Court's Order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/3mnIrZq at no extra charge.[CC]
SOC LLC: Darrough Employment Suit Removed to District of Nevada
The case styled GENE DARROUGH, an individual, on behalf of himself
and all others similarly situated v. SOC, LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company; SOC-SMG, INC., a Nevada corporation; DAY &
ZIMMERMANN, INC., a Maryland corporation; and DOES 1-20, inclusive,
Case No. A-20-822215-C, was removed from the Nevada Eighth Judicial
District Court in Clark County to the U.S. District Court for the
District of Nevada on October 21, 2020.
The Clerk of Court for the District of Nevada assigned Case No.
2:20-cv-01951-APG-BNW to the proceeding.
The Plaintiff seeks compensatory and punitive damages relating to
his employment by SOC for security services provided in Iraq.
SOC LLC offers security management services to its clients. The
Company staffs and trains military, police, and corporate
personnel. SOC LLC also provides services including base operation,
camp engineering and construction, vehicle and aircraft
maintenance, supply management, facility repair, port and airfield
operations, and communication support.[BN]
The Defendants are represented by:
Jennifer K. Hostetler, Esq.
3993 Howard Hughes Parkway, Ste. 600
Las Vegas, NV 89169
Telephone: (702) 949-8200
Facsimile: (702) 949-8378
E-mail: jhosteteler@lrrlaw.com
- and -
Tara M. Lee, Esq.
Scott Lerner, Esq.
701 Thirteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-3807
Telephone: (202) 626-3600
Facsimile: (202) 639-9355
E-mail: tara.lee@whitecase.com
SOUTHERN CONNECTIONS: Schion Suit Seeks to Recover Overtime Pay
Virgil Schion, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, v. Southern Connections & Services, Inc., Case No.
3:20-cv-03266-S (N.D. Tex., Oct. 27, 2020), is a civil action
brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the
Portal-to-Portal Act, seeking damages for the Defendant's failure
to pay Plaintiff time and one-half the regular rate of pay for all
hours worked over 40 during each seven day workweek while working
for the Defendant paid on an hourly basis.
The Plaintiff files this lawsuit individually and as an FLSA
collective action on behalf of all similarly situated current and
former employees of Defendant while paid on an hourly basis who,
like Plaintiff, were not paid time and one-half their respective
regular rates of pay for all hours worked over 40 in each seven day
workweek in the time period of three years preceding the date this
lawsuit was filed and forward
The Plaintiff worked for Defendant in 2018. He was employed as a
caser in connection with its provision of oil and gas related
casing services. He earned an hourly rate of approximately $23.00
per hour. He alleges that when he worked more than 40 hours per
week, which happened frequently, the Defendant compensated him at
his hourly-rate only (straight time) and never compensated him at
time and one-half his regular rate of pay in violation of the
Southern Connections offers drilling and completions rigs services
all across the state of Texas and surrounding states.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Melinda Arbuckle, Esq.
Ricardo J. Prieto, Esq.
11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1515
Houston, TX 77046
Telephone: (713) 621-2277
Facsimile: (713) 621-0993
E-mail: marbuckle@eeoc.net
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES: Huntsman Suit Seeks to Certify Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JAYSON HUNTSMAN, on behalf
of himself and all others similarly situated, v. SOUTHWEST AIRLINES
CO., Case No. 4:19-cv-00083-PJH (N.D. Cal.), the Plaintiff will
move the Court on January 27, 2021, for an order:
1. certifying a class of:
"current or former employees of Southwest Airlines Co.
who, during their employment with Southwest at any time
from October 10, 2004 through the date of judgment in
this action, have taken short-term military leave from
their employment with Southwest (i.e., military leave
that lasted 14 days or fewer) and were subject to a
collective bargaining agreement, except for employees
subject to the agreement between Southwest and
Transport Workers Union Local 550 covering
2. appointing himself as Representative of the Class; and
3. appointing his counsel Michael J. Scimone of Outten &
Golden LLP and R. Joseph Barton of Block & Leviton LLP
as Co-Lead Class Counsel and Plaintiff's other counsel
as additional Class Counsel.
The Plaintiff brought this action on behalf of himself and
similarly-situated Southwest employees, alleging that Southwest's
policy of refusing to provide paid leave for periods of short-term
military service violates USERRA because Southwest provides paid
leave for other comparable short-term absences from work.
The Plaintiff Jayson Huntsman is a pilot for Southwest Airlines Co.
who served in the Air Force Reserves from 2012 to 2020.
Southwest is a major American airline headquartered in Dallas,
Texas, and is the world's largest low-cost carrier.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/37zrDuf at no
extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Plaintiff and the Proposed Class are:
Michael Scimone, Esq.
Michael Christopher Danna, Esq.
685 Third Avenue, 25th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Telephone: (212) 245-1000
Facsimile: (646) 509-2060
E-mail: mscimone@outtengolden.com
- and -
R. Joseph Barton, Esq.
Vincent Cheng, Esq.
1735 20th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
Telephone: (202) 734-7046
Facsimile: (617) 507-6020
E-mail: jbarton@blockesq.com
- and -
Matthew Z. Crotty, Esq.
905 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 409
Spokane, WA 99201
Telephone: (509) 850-7011
E-mail: matt@crottyandson.com
- and -
Peter Romer-Friedman, Esq.
1900 L Street NW, Ste 312
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: (202) 888-1741
E-mail: peter@guptawessler.com
- and -
Thomas G. Jarrard, Esq.
1020 N. Washington Dr.
Spokane, WA 99201
Telephone: (425) 239-7290
ST. TAMMANY PARISH: Louviere et al Seek to Certify Detainees Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KEVIN LOUVIERE, TERRY
official and individual capacity; RODNEY J. STRAIN, in his official
and individual capacity; GREG LONGINO, in his official and
individual capacity; and LACEY KELLY, in her official and
individual capacity, Case No. 2:20-cv-01840-WBV-DPC (E.D. La.), the
Plaintiff asks the Court for an order certifying a class of:
"all detainees who have been or will be placed into the
custody of the St. Tammany Parish Jail and were detained
for at least two consecutive days in holding cells."
The class period commences when this practice began, including but
not limited to the time period commencing on March 22, 2019, and
extends to the date on which St. Tammany Parish is enjoined from,
or otherwise ceases, enforcing its policy, practice and custom of
refusing to abide by appropriate detention and housing standards to
all pre-trial detainees admitted to the St. Tammany Parish Jail and
held in the intake and/or holding cell area. Specifically excluded
from the class are Defendant and any and all of its respective
affiliates, legal representatives, heirs, successors, employees or
The Plaintiffs also seek an order:
1. appointing themselves as Class Representatives; and
2. appointing Jacob Litigation, the Glorioso Law Firm, and
Romanucci & Blandin, LLC as Class Counsel pursuant to Fed.
R. Civ. P. 23(g).
The Plaintiffs represent a class of more than 5,000 men who were
detainees held in the holding cells at St. Tammany Jail from March
22, 2019 until the present. As detainees, in the holding cells at
St. Tammany Jail, detainees were held in deplorable conditions and
experienced egregious, severe and demeaning violations of their
constitutional rights, says the complaint.
The Plaintiffs filed claims alleging violations of their 14th
Amendment Rights under Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3jJSaHA at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Maria B. Glorioso, Esq.
Vincent J. Glorioso, Jr., Esq.
2716 Athania Parkway
Metairi, LA 70002
Telephone: (504) 569-9999
Facsimile: (504) 569-9022
E-mail: maria@gtorts.com
- and -
Devon M. Jacob, Esq.
P.O. Box 837
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055-0837
Telephone: (717) 796-7733
E-mail: djacob@jacoblitigation.com
- and -
Antonio M. Romanucci, Esq.
Bhavani K. Raveendran, Esq.
Nicolette A. Ward, Esq.
Ian P. Fallon, Esq.
321 N. Clark Street, Suite 900
Chicago, IL 60654
Telephone: (312) 458-1000
Facsimile: (312) 458-1004
E-mail: aromanucci@rblaw.net
STAR NAIL: Fails to Pay Proper Wages to Nail Workers, Tian Claims
BAOQUAN TIAN, on his own behalf and on behalf of others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. STAR NAIL SALON, INC., YOUNG HEE KANG a/k/a
Younghee Kang a/k/a Young H. Kang, and SUNG KOOK KANG a/k/a Sung K.
Kang a/k/a Seungkook Kang a/k/a Sam Kang, Defendants, Case No.
2:20-cv-05263 (E.D.N.Y., November 1, 2020) brings this collective
action complaint against the Defendants for their alleged willful
violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor
The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendant as a nail worker from
on or about June 24, 2020 to July 16, 2020.
The Plaintiff asserts that the Defendants failed to:
-- pay him at least the New York minimum wage for each hour
worked as well as "spread of hours" premium for everyday in which
he worked over 10 hours;
-- pay him his lawfully earned overtime compensation at one
and one-half times his regular rate of pay for all hours worked
over 40 in a given workweek;
-- keep full and accurate records of his hours and wages in
order to mitigate liability for their wage violations;
-- furnish any notice of their use of tip credit; and
-- provide him and other similarly situated employees with
time of hire notice reflecting true rates of pay and payday.
Star Nail Salon, Inc. provides nail services. The individual
Defendants are officers, directors, managers and/or majority
shareholders or owners of the corporate Defendant. [BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
John Troy, Esq.
Aaron Schweitzer, Esq.
41-25 Kissena Blvd., Suite 103
Flushing, NY 11355
Tel: (718) 762-1324
STATE FARM: Alissa's Flowers Appeals Order in Insurance Suit
Plaintiff Alissa's Flowers, Inc. filed an appeal from the District
Court's Memorandum Order and final Judgment dated October 22, 2020,
entered in the lawsuit entitled ALISSA'S FLOWERS, INC.,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
No. 20-4093-CV-C-BCW, in the U.S. District Court for the Western
District of Missouri - Jefferson City.
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter on June 18,
2020, the lawsuit seeks to remedy disparity, and seeks damages and
other relief on behalf of the Plaintiff and all similarly situated
entities, who were overcharged premiums during the COVID-19
According to the complaint, while insurers offer billions of
dollars in insurance premium relief to automotive policyholders,
they are offering no premium relief to businesses that are
experiencing a similar reduction in exposure. The Plaintiff
contends that despite a comparable drop in insurable conduct,
insurers have not offered any sort of premium relief to businesses,
even though they also have experienced a substantial reduction in
business and exposure due to COVID-19.
Like thousands of other businesses across the United States, the
Plaintiff's operations have been and continue to be disrupted by
government restrictions related to the novel coronavirus, SARS
CoV-2, which causes the infectious disease COVID-19, according to
the complaint.
On October 22, 2020, the District Court granted the Defendant's
motion to dismiss under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1) and 12(b)(6).
State Farm argues the court lacks jurisdiction over the Plaintiff's
claims because it failed to exhaust administrative remedies before
filing its complaint. State Farm also argues that the Plaintiff
fails to state a claim for which relief may be granted because the
Plaintiff does not articulate a cognizable theory for an excessive
rate that violates Missouri law.
The appellate case is captioned as Alissa's Flowers, Inc. v. State
Farm Fire & Casualty Co., Case No. 20-3340, in the United States
Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.
The briefing schedule in the Appellate Case is set as follows:
-- Transcript is due on or before December 16, 2020;
-- Appendix is due on December 28, 2020;
-- BRIEF APPELLANT, Alissa's Flowers, Inc. is due on December
28, 2020; and
-- Appellee brief is due 30 days from the date the court issues
the Notice of Docket Activity filing the brief of appellant.[BN]
Plaintiff-Appellant Alissa's Flowers, Inc. is represented by:
Matthew V. Bartle, Esq.
David Louis Marcus, Esq.
116 W. 47th Street, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64112
Telephone: (816) 256-4614
Facsimile: (816) 222-0534
E-mail: mbartle@bmlawkc.com
- and -
Matthew L. Dameron, Esq.
Eric L. Dirks, Esq.
Courtney Marie Stout, Esq.
1100 Main Street, Suite 2600
Kansas City, MO 64105
Telephone: (816) 945-7135
Facsimile: (816) 945-7118
E-mail: matt@williamsdirks.com
Defendant-Appellee State Farm Fire & Casualty Company is
represented by:
James F. Bennett, Esq.
Robert F. Epperson, Jr., Esq.
Michael J. Kuhn, Esq.
James G. Martin, Esq.
7733 Forsyth Boulevard, Suite 1900
Saint Louis, MO 63105-0000
Telephone: (314) 889-7300
E-mail: jbennett@dowdbennett.com
STELLAR MANAGEMENT: Sanitation Workers Class Sought
In class action lawsuit captioned as DAVID CHAVEZ and VINCENT
SLAUGHTER, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
No. 3:19-cv-01353-JCS (N.D. Cal.), the Plaintiff will move the
Court on December 4, 2020, for an order, pursuant to the Fair Labor
Standards Act, for conditional certification to proceed as a
collective action and facilitate notice to the following proposed
"all current and former hourly, non-exempt employees of
Stellar Management Group VII, LLC; Stellar Management Group,
Inc. d/b/a QSI Quality Service Integrity; The Vincit
Company, LLC d/b/a The Vincit Group and Vincit Enterprises
in the United States during the time period three years
prior to March 13, 2019, until the resolution of this
action ("Sanitation Workers")";
The Plaintiff seeks to redress the Defendants' failure to satisfy
its obligations under the FLSA, by denying them and other
"similarly situated" Sanitation Workers their non-waivable rights
to overtime and minimum wage.
Stellar was founded in 1994. The Company's line of business
includes the wholesale distribution of electrical appliances,
television and radio sets.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for conditional certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3dUeMEf at no
extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the Plaintiffs, and the Putative Class and
Collective, are:
Carolyn H. Cottrell, Esq.
Ori Edelstein, Esq.
Michelle S. Lim, Esq.
2000 Powell Street, Suite 1400
Emeryville, CA 94608
Telephone: (415) 421-7100
Facsimile: (415) 421-7105
E-mail: ccottrell@schneiderwallace.com
SUNWORKS INC: Bruckner Balks at Merger Deal with Peck Company
(N.D. Cal., Oct. 23, 2020), is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff
and on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated against
Sunworks and the members of Sunworks' Board of Directors for their
violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
The suit seeks to enjoin a vote on a proposed transaction, pursuant
to which Sunworks will be acquired by The Peck Company Holdings,
Inc. through its wholly owned subsidiary Peck Mercury, Inc. (Merger
On August 10, 2020, Sunworks and Peck issued a joint press release
announcing that had entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger
dated August 10, 2020, to sell Sunworks to Peck. Under the terms of
the Merger Agreement, each holder of Sunworks common stock will
receive 0.185171 shares of Peck common stock for each share of
Sunworks common stock that they own. Upon closing of the Proposed
Transaction, Sunworks stockholders will own approximately 36.54%,
and Peck stockholders will own approximately 63.46%, of the
combined company.
On October 15, 2020, Sunworks filed a Definitive Proxy Statement on
Schedule 14A 19 ("Proxy Statement") with the SEC. The Proxy
Statement, which recommends that Sunworks stockholders vote in
favor of the Proposed Transaction, omits or misrepresents material
information concerning, among other things: (i) the Company's and
Peck's financial projections, which are wholly omitted from the
Proxy Statement; (ii) the data and inputs underlying the financial
valuation analyses that support the fairness opinion provided by
the Company's financial advisor, Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt LLP;
and (iii) HCVT's and Company insiders' potential conflicts of
interest. The Plaintiff contends that the Defendants authorized the
issuance of the false and misleading Proxy Statement in violation
of Sections 14(a) and 20(a) of the Exchange Act.
The Plaintiff alleges that unless remedied, Sunworks' public
stockholders will be irreparably harmed because the Proxy
Statement's material misrepresentations and omissions prevent them
from making a sufficiently informed voting decision on the Proposed
Transaction. The Plaintiff seeks to enjoin the stockholder vote on
the Proposed Transaction unless and until such Exchange Act
violations are cured.
The Plaintiff is, and has been a continuous stockholder of
The Defendant Sunworks is a premier provider of high-performance
solar power systems. Sunworks' common stock trades on the
NASDAQ Capital Market under the ticker symbol "SUNW." The
Individual Defendants are directors of the Company.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Joel E. Elkins, Esq.
9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Telephone: 310 208 2800
Facsimile: 310 209 2348
E-mail: jelkins@weisslawllp.com
TIDELANDS HEALTH: Sawyer Seeks to Certify Rule 23 Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Carole Ann Sawyer, On
Behalf of Herself and All Others Similarly Situated, v. Tidelands
Health ASC, LLC, Case No. 2:19-cv-01612-SAL-MHC (D.S.C.), the
Plaintiff asks the Court for an order:
1. certifying a class consisting of the following individuals
pursuant Federal Rule 23 (b)(3) of Civil Procedure:
"all former employees who during the period of June 4,
2016 and continuing through the entry of judgment in this
case, had their wages reduced due to financial obligations
owed to Tidelands Health ASC, LLC for medical services for
themselves or other family members for whom the employee
was the guarantor";
2. appointing herself as class representative; and
3. appointing her counsel, Marybeth Mullaney, as class counsel.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification under Rule
23 is available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/2TfDYvd at
no extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Marybeth Mullaney, Esq.
652 Rutledge Ave Suite A
Charleston, SC 29403
Telephone: (843) 588-5587
Facsimile: (843) 593-9334
E-mail: marybeth@mullaneylaw.net
TRADITIONAL LOGISTICS: Daniels Balks at Race, Gender Bias
SAMUEL DANIELS, on behalf of himself and a class of others
Kentucky limited liability company; RCS TRANSPORTATION, LLC, d/b/a
limited liability company, Case No. 4:20-cv-00869-RK (W.D. Mo.,
Oct. 28, 2020) is an employment action based upon and arising under
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The Plaintiff began his employment with the Defendants in
approximately early 2018 as a casual driver. All class members are
similarly situated to the Plaintiff in that they are Black
employees of the Defendants who were passed over for the
opportunity to transition into working as full-time employees in
favor of other non-Black employees.
The Plaintiff alleges that the Defendants engaged in a pattern and
practice of discriminating against Black casual drivers; failed to
make good faith efforts to establish and enforce policies to
prevent illegal discrimination against casual drivers, including
race and/or sex discrimination under Title VII; and failed to
properly train or otherwise inform their supervisors and employees
concerning their duties and obligations under the civil rights
laws, including Title VII.
Traditional Logistics and Cartage, LLC; RCS Transportation, LLC;
and Valiant Management and Holdings, LLC provide management, IT
system support, loss prevention services which includes but not
limited to safety training, quality training, as well as auditing
and claims investigation.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
M. Katherine Paulus, Esq.
Joshua P. Wunderlich, Esq.
5821 NW 72nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64151
Telephone: (816) 581-4040
Facsimile: (816) 741-8889
E-mail: m.paulus@cornerstonefirm.com
TRUMBULL INSURANCE: Goble Files Insurance Suit in S.D. Ohio
A class action has been filed against Trumbull Insurance Company.
The case is captioned as John Goble, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. Trumbull Insurance Company, Case
No. 2:20-cv-05577-SDM-CMV (S.D. Ohio, October 26, 2020).
The lawsuit arises from insurance-related issues pursuant to
Diversity-Insurance Contract.
The case is assigned to Judge Sarah D. Morrison.
Trumbull Insurance Company operates as an insurance company. The
Company provides fire and casualty insurance services.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Stephen G. Whetstone, Esq.
P.O. Box 6
2 N. Main Street, Unit 2
Thornville, OH 43076
Telephone: (740) 785-7730
Facsimile: (740) 205-8898
E-mail: steve@whetstonelegal.com
TUFTS UNIVERSITY: Bruckno Seeks Tuition Refund Over COVID Closure
CARMEN BRUCKNO, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated v. TUFTS UNIVERSITY, Case No. 1:20-cv-11940-RWZ (D. Mass.,
Oct. 28, 2020) seeks refund of the tuition and fees paid for
academic semesters at the University, which moved to online
learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 10, 2020, Tufts announced that it was canceling in-person
classes due to the pandemic. After its March 2020 announcement,
Tufts canceled three days of classes, and moved substantially all
of the remaining classes online. Many classes were canceled for the
rest of the semester, and not taught even online. In either case,
students like Plaintiff were forced to forego the remaining
semester of promised in-class instruction.
According to the complaint, Tufts has failed to apportion the
burden in an equitable manner or consistent with its obligations as
an educational institution while the effects of the COVID-19 crisis
are shared by all individuals and institutions across the U.S. The
Plaintiff and the putative Class contracted and paid for a robust
education and full experience of academic life on Tufts's campus;
remote online learning cannot provide the same value as in-person
As a result, Tufts has financially damaged the Plaintiff and the
putative Class members. The Plaintiff brings this suit because she
and the Class members did not receive the full value of the
services for which they paid. They lost the benefit of their
bargain and/or suffered out-of-pocket loss. They are entitled to
recover compensatory damages, trebling where permitted, and
attorneys' fees and costs, the suit says.
The Plaintiff was enrolled as a full-time student for the Spring
2020 academic semester at Defendant Tufts University.
Tufts University is one of the private universities in the U.S.,
providing higher education in the arts, sciences, medicine,
engineering, law and diplomacy, and management, among other
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Christopher M. Lefebvre, Esq.
Consumer & Family Law Center of
Claude F. Lefebvre | Christopher M. Lefebvre, PC
PO Box 479
Pawtucket, RI 02862
Telephone: (401) 728-6060
Facsimile: (401) 728-6534
E-mail: chris@lefebvrelaw.com
- and -
Yvette Golan, Esq.
2000 M Street, NW, Suite #750-A
Washington, D.C. 20036
Telephone: (866) 298-4150
Facsimile: (928) 441-8250
E-mail: ygolan@tgfirm.com
UNIFIN INC: Faces Armstrong Suit in Indiana Over Debt Collection
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Unifin Inc. The case
is captioned as Dana Armstrong, also known as: Dana Below,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v.
Unifin Inc., Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, and John Does 1-25,
Case No. 2:20-cv-00379-PPS-JPK (N.D. Ind., Oct. 21, 2020).
The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Fair Debt
Collection Practices Act.
The case is assigned to Judge Philip P. Simon.
Unifin Inc. is an Illinois-based debt collector.
Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC provides financial services. The
Company offers payment rewards, bankruptcy claims, and debt
collection services. Jefferson Capital Systems serves clients in
the States of Minnesota and Illinois.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Yaakov Saks, Esq.
285 Passaic St
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Telephone: (201) 282-6500 x101
Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
E-mail: ysaks@steinsakslegal.com
UNITED STATES: Judgment in Prisoner Rights Suit Under Appeal
Movant Andrew S. Mackey filed an appeal from the District Court's
Text Order dated September 30, 2020, and Judgment dated October 20,
2020, entered in the lawsuit entitled DIANTHE MARTINEZ-BROOKS et
al., Plaintiffs, v. D. EASTER & MICHAEL CARVAJAL, Defendants, Case
No. 20-cv-569, in the U.S. District Court for the District of
Connecticut (New Haven).
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter on July 21,
2020, Judge Michael P. Shea of the U.S. District Court for the
District of Connecticut (i) denied the Respondents' motion to
dismiss under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1); and (ii) granted in part
and denied in part the motion for temporary restraining order.
On March 27, 2020, Congress gave federal prison officials an
extraordinary tool to confront the extraordinary threat posed by
the novel coronavirus within prison walls: the authority to
transfer any federal inmate from prison to confinement in his or
her home. A week later, the Attorney General of the United States
urged the Director of the Bureau of Prisons ("BOP") to "maximize"
the use of that tool as soon as possible, stating in an April 3
memorandum that given the speed with which the disease has spread
through the general public, and the Bureau's profound obligation to
protect the health and safety of all inmates, it is clear that time
is of the essence.
The Attorney General's memo was triggered by an outbreak of
COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, at the
Danbury Federal Correctional Institution ("FCI Danbury"), a low
security prison in Danbury, Connecticut, and two other federal
prisons; the memo directed the BOP to immediately review all
inmates who have COVID-19 risk factors for potential placement in
home confinement, "starting with inmates incarcerated at FCI
Danbury and the other two facilities.
On April 27, the inmates ("Petitioners") filed a petition for writ
of habeas corpus under 28 U.S.C. Section 2241 against the Warden of
FCI Danbury and the Director of the Bureau of Prisons
("Respondents"). They sought to represent a class consisting of all
inmates in the men's prison and the two women's prisons making up
FCI Danbury, as well as a "medically vulnerable" subclass
consisting of those inmates with COVID-19 risk factors.
They alleged that the only effective way to minimize the potential
devastation from COVID-19 in BOP facilities generally and FCI
Danbury in particular is to downsize immediately the incarcerated
population and, for the prisoners who remain at the institution, to
undertake aggressively the detection, prevention, and treatment
measures that public health and medical experts have recommended,
including effective social distancing. They further alleged that
the Respondents were violating the Eighth Amendment by failing to
use the BOP's available statutory authority to reduce the
population of FCI Danbury to mitigate the severe risk posed by
COVID-19, and by failing to take adequate safety measures to
protect inmates during the outbreak.
The appellate case is captioned as Martinez-Brooks v. Easter, Case
No. 20-3733, in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Respondent-Appellee D. Easter, Warden of Federal Correctional
Institution at Danbury, in their individual capacities, is
represented by:
Sandra Slack Glover, Esq.
Connecticut Financial Center
157 Church Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Movant-Appellant Andrew S. Mackey of Danbury, CT, appears pro se.
UNITED STATES: Milton Appeals Fed. Claims Judgment to Fed. Cir.
Plaintiffs Virginia and Arnold Milton filed an appeal from a Court
Judgment dated September 10, 2020, entered in the lawsuit entitled
Case Nos. 1:17-cv-01235-LAS, 1:17-cv-09002-LAS, in the U.S. Court
of Federal Claims.
The action arises under the takings clause of the Fifth Amendment
to the United States Constitution. The Plaintiffs, on behalf of
themselves and the Class members, seek, inter alia, just
compensation well in excess of $10,000.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers owns and operates the Addicks and
Barker reservoirs, which were built in the 1940s to protect against
flooding in downtown Houston, Texas and the Houston Ship Channel.
The taking commenced on or about August 28, 2017, when the
government intentionally opened the Addicks and Barker reservoirs
to release Hurricane Harvey rain water thereby flooding Buffalo
Bayou out of its banks, which inundated, destroyed, damaged and/or
devalued the Plaintiffs' and Class members' homes, businesses,
buildings, structures, equipment, real, and personal property
located downstream from the reservoirs along Buffalo Bayou.
The inundation of, destruction of, substantial damage to and/or
devaluation of the Plaintiffs' and Class Members' homes,
businesses, buildings, structures, equipment, and other real and
personal property was the natural, direct and probable consequence
of the Government releasing flood water from the reservoirs into
Buffalo Bayou on or about August–September 2017, the suit
The appellate case is captioned as VIRGINIA MILTON, and, ARNOLD
MILTON, on Behalf of Themselves and All Other Similarly Situated
Persons, Plaintiffs-Appellants v. UNITED STATES,
Defendant-Appellee, Case No. 21-1131, in the United States Court of
Appeals for the Federal Circuit.[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Rand P. Nolen, Esq.
2800 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 4000
Houston, TX 77056
Telephone: (713) 621-7944
Facsimile: (713) 621-9638
E-mail: rand_nolen@fleming-law.com
UNITED STATES: Second Cir. Appeal Filed in Onosamba-Ohindo Suit
Defendant Jeffrey Searls, in his official capacity as the Acting
Administrator of the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility, filed an
appeal from the District Court's Order dated September 2, 2020,
entered in the lawsuit styled Onosamba-Ohindo v. Barr, Case No.
20-cv-290, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of
New York (Buffalo).
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, the Hon. Judge
Elizabeth A. Wolford entered an order:
1. granting in part and denying in part the Respondents'
motion to dismiss:
the claims of the Subclass Petitioner and the claims of
the putative class and subclass members detained at the
RCC are dismissed without prejudice, all Respondents aside
from Jeffrey Searls are dismissed without prejudice, and
Respondents' motion is denied as to Class Petitioner's due
process claims and INA claim;
2. granting in part and denying in part the Petitioners'
motion for class certification, and the Court otherwise
reserves decision:
Specifically, the Court certifies the Pre-Hearing Class,
which is defined as follows:
"all individuals currently detained at the Buffalo
Federal Detention Facility under section 1226(a) who
will have a custody hearing before the Batavia or
Buffalo Immigration Courts.";
The motion is denied without prejudice as moot to the
extent it seeks class certification regarding any
putative class member detained at the RCC, including
the claims of Subclass Petitioner. The Court reserves
decision on whether it will certify the Putative Post-
Hearing Class, and a separate Text Order shall be
issued setting forth a briefing schedule on that
aspect of the class certification motion;
3. granting in part and denying in part the Petitioners'
motion for a preliminary injunction:
Specifically, the Court grants a preliminary injunction as
to the constitutional claims of the Pre-Hearing Class and
orders that all members of the Pre-Hearing Class must
receive a bond hearing wherein the government bears the
burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that
the individual is a danger to the community or flight
risk, and where the IJ must consider non-bond alternatives
to detention or, if setting a bond, ability to pay. The
Court otherwise denies the motion for a preliminary
injunction, including to the extent relief is sought by
the Putative Post-Hearing Class and the Subclass
4. directing the parties to confer within seven days of the
date of this Decision and Order to develop a plan for the
a. developing instructions to all IJs in Batavia and
Buffalo Immigration Courts who conduct section 1226(a)
bond hearings to inform them of the requirements of
this Decision and Order; and
b. developing a notice, in English, Spanish, and any other
language deemed appropriate by the parties, summarizing
the requirements of this Decision and Order for
distribution to the Pre-Hearing Class members; and
5. directing the parties within ten days to provide a status
report to the Court detailing the agreed-upon plan for the
matters discussed above, after which the Court will, if
necessary, issue an updated order.
The Petitioners/plaintiffs filed a petition for a writ of habeas
corpus under 28 U.S.C. section 2241 and complaint for declaratory
and injunctive relief, purportedly on behalf of themselves and all
other persons similarly situated. At the time the Petition was
filed, the Petitioners were both civil immigration detainees held
under 8 U.S.C. section 1226(a) pending their removal proceedings.
The Petitioners sought class certification; a declaratory judgment
that the "actions, practices, policies, and/or omissions" of
defendants/respondents William Barr, the United States Department
of Justice, James McHenry, the Executive Office for Immigration
Review, Matthew Albence, Chad F. Wolf, and Jeffrey Searls violate
the Immigration and Nationality Act and its implementing
regulations, the Administrative Procedure Act, and the Fifth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; a declaratory judgment that
each class member is entitled to a custody hearing at which the
government bears the burden to justify continued detention by
proving by clear and convincing evidence that the detained
individual is a danger to others or a flight risk; and an order
stating that each class member must be released unless provided
with such a custody hearing.
The appellate case is captioned as Onosamba-Ohindo v. Barr, Case
No. 20-3712, in the United States Court of Appeals for the Second
Plaintiffs-Appellees Junior Onosamba-Ohindo, on behalf of himself
and all others similarly situated; and Antonio Lopez Agustin, on
behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, are
represented by:
Megan Sallomi, Esq.
125 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
Telephone: (212) 607-3399
Defendant-Appellant Jeffrey Searls, in his official capacity as the
Acting Administrator of the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility, is
represented by:
Tiffany H. Lee, Esq.
138 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14202
Telephone: (716) 843-5731
UNIVERSAL HEALTH: Faces Graham Suit Over Ransomware Attack
Barry K. Graham and Angela Morgan, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated, v. UNIVERSAL HEALTH SERVICE, INC.,
Case No. 2:20-cv-05375 (E.D. Pa., Oct. 28, 2020), is a class action
complaint against the Defendant for its failure to properly secure
and safeguard protected health information as defined by the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA"), medical
information, and other personally identifiable information
(collectively, "PHI"), for failing to comply with industry
standards for the protection of that PHI, as well as failing to
provide accurate and adequate notice to Plaintiffs and other Class
Members that their PHI had been compromised and precisely what
types of information was compromised.
On September 28, 2020, the Defendant announced that its "IT Network
across Universal Health Services (UHS) facilities is currently
offline, due to an IT security issue." However, an individual
familiar with the company's response efforts said the attack (not
issue) "looks and smells like ransomware."
As a result of the Defendant's failure to implement and follow
appropriate security procedures, the Plaintiffs' and Class Members'
PHI has been compromised. The Plaintiffs and Class Members now face
a substantial increased risk of identity theft. Consequently, the
Defendant's current and former customers have had to spend, and
will continue to spend, significant time and money in the future to
protect themselves due to the Defendant's failures, the complaint
The Defendant has more than 400 locations, primarily in the United
States, and in 2019 generated net revenues of $11.4 billion -- an
increase of 5.6% over the prior fiscal year. In 2019, the Defendant
expended $634 million investing in equipment, facility expansions
and renovations.
The Plaintiffs seek orders requiring the Defendant to fully and
accurately disclose the nature of the information that has been
compromised and to adopt reasonably sufficient security practices
and safeguards to prevent incidents like the disclosure in the
The Plaintiffs also claim for negligence, invasion of privacy,
breach of implied contract, unjust enrichment, breach of fiduciary
duty, and breach of confidence.[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Kevin Clancy Boylan, Esq.
John A. Yanchunis, Esq.
Ryan J. Mcgee, Esq.
Francesca Kester, Esq.
201 N. Franklin Street, 7th Floor
Tampa, FL 33602
Telephone: (813) 223-5505
Facsimile: (813) 223-5402
E-mail: kboylan@forthepeople.com
- and -
William 'Billy' Peerce Howard, Esq.
4030 Henderson Boulevard
Tampa, FL 33629
Telephone: (813) 500-1500
Facsimile: (813) 435-2369
E-mail: Billy@TheConsumerProtectionFirm.com
UPS STORE: Schmoll Seeks Shipping Fee Refund for Unsent Packages
HARRY SCHMOLL, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. THE UPS STORE, INC. and MSM PSM LLC d/b/a The UPS Store
#5445, Case No. CAM-L-003476-20 (N.J. Super., Camden Cty., October
21, 2020) arises from the Defendants' uniform, company-wide policy
of categorically and groundlessly refusing to refund the shipping
fees paid by the Plaintiff and the class of packages that never
arrive at the intended location.
The Plaintiff seeks a declaration that the Defendants' no-refund
policy violates the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act and the New
Jersey Uniform Declaratory Judgment Act, an injunction enjoining
the Defendants from continuing their no-refund policy, and a full
refund of all shipping fees paid to the Defendants to ship packages
that were never delivered.
The UPS Store, Inc. operates as a franchisor of centers
specializing in postal and communication services. The Company
offers mailbox rentals, parcel shipping and receiving, cable grams,
stamps, and packaging. The UPS Store serves customers in North
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Stephen P. DeNittis, Esq.
Joseph A. Osefchen, Esq.
Shane T. Prince, Esq.
525 Route 73 North, Suite 410
Marlton, NJ 08053
Telephone: (856) 797-9951
E-mail: sdenittis@denittislaw.com
USAA GENERAL: Fails to Pay Full Car Insurance, Fuller Says
KEDEN FULLER, Individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. USAA GENERAL INDEMNITY COMPANY, Case No. 0:20-cv-62237
(S.D. Fla., November 3, 2020) is brought on behalf of the Plaintiff
and a class of USAA first party total loss insureds for USAA's
failure to pay amounts due under the Car Replacement Assistance
(CRA) endorsement of the Defendant's policy of insurance.
Mr. Fuller entered into a private passenger auto physical damage
policy agreement to be insured by the Defendant under policy form
5100FL(02) which was in full force and effect on July 22, 2019. The
policy provided physical damage coverage for Mr. Fuller's 2011 BMW
5 Series, VIN WBAFR7C5XBC805275. He also purchased from USAA a "Car
Replacement Assistance Endorsement" on form A402FL(01).
According to the complaint, on or about July 22, 2019, the
Plaintiff's insured vehicle was involved in a collision that
rendered the vehicle a total loss. The Plaintiff was entitled to
recover the actual cash value (ACV) for his total loss under the
policy with USAA, as well as a "separate" and "additional" CRA
payment in the amount of 20% of ACV to assist with replacing the
vehicle. Instead of issuing the CRA payment to the Plaintiff as
required by the policy, USAA issued two payments to the company
servicing the retail installment contract for Carvana LLC.
The complaint says the Defendant improperly withholds payments to
the Plaintiff and Class members on the grounds that such payments
are collateral proceeds under the Uniform Commercial Code of
Florida and all 50 states. The Defendant profits and benefits
from its practice of paying the CRA to lienholders because the
lienholders are willing to accept less for the actual cash value of
the vehicle if the lienholders get the CRA, which is 20% over and
above the actual cash value, the suit says.
As a result, the Plaintiff was damaged by the breach of the policy
by USAA's failure to pay him full CRA of $2,948.74.
USAA General Indemnity Company is a Texas-based insurance
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Tracy L. Markham, Esq.
2800 N 5th Street, Suite 302
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Telephone: (904) 794-7005
Facsimile: (904) 794-7007
E-mail: tlm@southernatlanticlaw.com
- and -
Christopher B. Hall, Esq.
400 Galleria Parkway, Suite 1150
Atlanta, GA 30339
Telephone: (404) 876-8100
Facsimile: (404) 876-3477
E-mail: chall@hallandlampros.com
USAA LIFE: Appeals Spegele Insurance Case Ruling to Fifth Circuit
Defendant USAA Life Insurance Company filed an appeal from a Court
ruling entered in the lawsuit entitled ROY C. SPEGELE, individually
and on behalf of all others similarly situated v. USAA LIFE
INSURANCE COMPANY, Case No. 5:17-CV-967, in the U.S. District Court
for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio.
As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter on Jan. 7,
2020, the Plaintiff moved the Court for an order certifying the
case as a class action under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(2), 23(b)(3),
and/or 23(c)(4):
"all persons who own or owned a Universal Life 3 and/or a
Universal Life 4 life insurance policy issued or administered
by USAA Life Insurance Company, or its predecessors in
interest, that was active as of March 1999.
Alternatively, the Plaintiff sought certification of a class of:
"all persons who own or owned a New York-issued Universal Life
3 and/or a Universal Life 4 life insurance policy issued or
administered by USAA Life Insurance Company, or its
predecessors in interest, that was active as of March 1999."
Excluded from the alternative class are: USAA; any entity in
which USAA has a controlling interest; any of the officers,
directors, or employees of USAA; the legal representatives,
heirs, successors, and assigns of USAA; anyone employed with
Plaintiff's counsel's firms; and any Judge to whom this case is
assigned, and his or her immediate family. Also excluded from
the Class are policies issued by USAA Life Insurance Company of
New York.
The appellate case is captioned as Roy Spegele v. USAA Life
Insurance Company, Case No. 20-50909, in the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit.[BN]
Plaintiff-Respondent Roy C. Spegele, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated, is represented by:
David A. Hickey, Esq.
460 Nichols Road
Kansas City, MO 64112
Telephone: (816) 714-7100
E-mail: hickey@stuevesiegel.com
- and -
Angelica M. Ornelas, Esq.
601 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94108-0000
Telephone: (451) 981-4800
E-mail: amo@girardgibbs.com
- and -
John Joseph Schirger, Esq.
4520 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64111
Telephone: (816) 561-6500
- and -
Larry R. Veselka, Esq.
717 Texas Avenue
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: (713) 221-2325
Defendant-Appellant USAA Life Insurance Company is represented by:
Robert Nathan Hochman, Esq.
1 S. Dearborn Street
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: (312) 853-7000
E-mail: rhochman@sidley.com
USAA: Allen et al. File Appeal in Texas Appeals Court
An appellate case has been filed by Stephanie Allen, et al. against
United Services Automobile Association, et. al., in the Texas Court
of Appeals.
The appellate case is captioned as Stephanie Allen, Mark Allen, as
Individuals, and Absolute Life Wellness Center, Inc as Texas
Professional Services Corporation, on behalf of themselves and for
all other similarly situated, the Appellants vs. United Services
Automobile Association; USAA Casualty Insurance Company; USAA
General Indemnity Company; Garrison Property And Casualty Insurance
Company; and USAA County Mutual Insurance, the Appellees, Case No.
03-20-00204-CV (Texas Court of Appeals).
The United Services Automobile Association is a San Antonio-based
Fortune 500 diversified financial services group of companies
including a Texas Department of Insurance-regulated reciprocal
The Appellants are represented by:
Jarrett Stone, Esq
Paul Colley Jr., Esq
The Appellees are represented by:
Patrick Kemp, Esq.
E-mail: pkemp@smsm.com
Austin, TX
Telephone: 512 370 1235
Facsimile: 512 476 7832
VAIL CORP: Kutz Seeks to Certify 401(k) Plan Beneficiaries Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DEBRA KURTZ, individually,
and as representative of a Class of Participants and Beneficiaries,
on Behalf of the Vail Resorts 401(k) Retirement Plan, v. THE VAIL
CORPORATION, Case No. 1:20-cv-00500-RBJ (D. Colo), the Plaintiff
asks the Court for an order certifying a class of:
"all participants and beneficiaries of the Vail Resorts
401(k) Retirement Plan from beginning six years before the
commencement of this action through the date of judgment,
excluding the Defendant or any participant/beneficiary who is
a fiduciary to the Plan."
The Plaintiff Debra Kurtz was employed by Vail Corporation and was
a participant in the Plan. Vail sponsors the Plan and is a Plan
fiduciary. As of December 31, 2018, the Plan had 8,276 participants
and assets of over $300 million.
The case focuses on Vail's mismanagement of the 401(k) Plan. Both
liability and damages can be proven by common evidence. The legal
standard is also common. The duty of prudence embedded in ERISA
requires plan fiduciaries act "for the exclusive purpose" of
providing benefits to participants and diligently monitoring,
managing, and defraying plan expenses -- a crucial duty, as costs
directly reduce investment returns in the plan participants'
accounts, says the complaint.
Vail is an American mountain resort company.
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for class certification is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3krbKtp at no
extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Mark J. Tamblyn, Esq.
Edward A. Wallace, Esq.
55 West Monroe, Suite 3300
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: (312) 346-2222
Facsimile: (312) 346-0022
E-mail: eaw@wexlerwallace.com
- and -
J. Mark Baird, Esq.
Beth Doherty Quinn, Esq.
2036 East 17th Avenue
Denver, CO 80206
Telephone: (303) 813-4500
Facsimile: (303) 813-4501
E-mail: jmb@bairdquinn.com
- and -
Greg F. Coleman, Esq.
Arthur Stock, Esq.
Ryan P. McMillan, Esq.
800 S. Gay Street, Suite 1190
Knoxville, TX 37929
Telephone: (865) 247-0080
Facsimile: (865) 522-0049
E-mail: greg@gregcolemanlaw.com
- and -
Charles Crueger, Esq.
Benjamin Kaplan, Esq.
4532 North Oakland Avenue
Whitefish Bay, WI 53211
Telephone: (414) 210-3868
Facsimile: (414) 433-4544
E-mail: cjc@cruegerdickinson.com
- and -
Jordan Lewis, Esq.
4473 N.E. 11th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
Telephone: (954) 616-8995
Facsimile: (954) 206-0374
E-mail: jml@jml-lawfirm.com
WALGREEN CO: Mejia Labor Suit Seeks to Certify Settlement Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as LUCAS MEJIA on behalf of
himself and others similarly situated, v. WALGREEN CO., et al.,
Case No. 2:19-cv-00218-WBS-AC (E.D. Cal.), the Plaintiff will move
the Court on November 30, 2020, for an order:
1. granting preliminary approval of the proposed class action
settlement, including the amount of the settlement; the
amount and methodology pertaining to distributions to the
class; the procedure for giving notice to class members;
the procedure for allowing class members to opt out of the
settlement; the procedure for submitting claims; and the
amounts allocated to incentive payments, attorney fees and
costs, and administrative costs;
2. provisionally certifying the proposed Class for settlement
purposes only:
"any current or former hourly non-exempt employees who
worked at any of Defendants' California distribution
centers at any time from November 6, 2014 to June 2,
3. approving the form and content of the class notice and
directing the distribution of the class notice;
4. appointing Joseph Lavi and Jordan D. Bello of Lavi &
Ebrahimian, LLP and Sahag Majarian II of the Law Offices
of Sahag Majarian II as Class Counsel;
5. appointing himself as Class Representative;
6. appointing CPT Group, Inc. as claims administrator; and
7. setting a Final Approval Hearing and hearing on Class
Counsel's Attorney Fees and Cost award and Class
Representative Services Award for a date on or after April
19, 2021 or as soon thereafter as is acceptable and
convenient to the Court.
Settlement Summary:
a. Maximum Settlement Fund:
The maximum settlement payment by the Defendants is
$4,500,000. This is a non-claims made and non-
reversionary settlement which shall include: payment to
Class Members, court approved Class Counsel Fees and
Costs, an approved Class Representative Enhancement for
his service as class representative, approved
Settlement Administration Costs, and the Private
Attorneys General Act (PAGA) Payment.
b. Class Counsel's Fees and Costs:
Pursuant to the settlement, Class Counsel can request
a payment of up to $1,500,000, one-third of the
settlement, for fees and up to $15,000 in costs.
c. Class Representative Enhancement:
The Plaintiff and Class Counsel will request a service
award in the amount of $7,500 for Plaintiff as payment
for his time, effort, and assumption of risk in
pursuing the litigation.
d. Settlement Administration Costs:
The parties have agreed to retain CPT Group, Inc. as
the "Settlement Administrator" and Plaintiff will
request Settlement Administration Costs not to exceed
the amount of $35,000.
e. PAGA Payment:
The Parties have agreed to allocate $150,000 to PAGA
penalties with $112,500 be paid to the LWDA as 75% of
the PAGA allocation and $37,500 to be distributed to
the Class.
f. Net Settlement Amount:
After deducting approved attorneys' fees and costs, an
approved Class Representative Enhancement, approved
Settlement Administration Costs, PAGA Payment from the
Maximum Settlement Fund; the remaining funds or "Net
Settlement Amount" is to be distributed to all Class
Members who do not opt out.
g. Calculation of Individual Settlement Payment:
The Net Settlement Amount will be paid to all Class
Members who do not exclude themselves pro rata based on
the number of workweeks each Class Member worked for
Defendants during the Class Period (i.e., "Compensable
Workweeks") compared to the total Compensable Workweeks
worked by all Class Members based on Defendants'
h. No-Reversion Of Uncashed Funds:
All settlement payment checks to Class Members shall be
valid for 180 days.
i. Release Based on the Claims Alleged in the Operative
The class release provides that upon disbursement of
the settlement, Class Members who do not exclude
themselves from the settlement release all "Released
Claims" from November 6, 2014 to June 2, 2020.
On November 6, 2018, the Plaintiff filed this class action in the
Superior Court for the County of Yolo alleging that the Defendants
failed to pay wages to employees at the applicable minimum wage or
overtime rate for all hours worked, failed to provide legally
compliant meal periods to employees, failed to provide rest
periods, failed to provide complete and accurate wage statements in
violation of the California Labor Code, and failed to timely pay
final wages to employees after separation of employment. The
Plaintiff filed a first amended complaint on January 18, 2019
adding a cause of action for civil penalties pursuant to the
Private Attorneys General Act of 2004 (PAGA) based on the foregoing
alleged misconduct. On February 4, 2019, the Defendants removed the
matter to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
California. The Defendants deny the allegations and contend that
they properly and timely compensated employees with all legally
required wages, provided employees with legally compliant meal and
rest periods, and provided employees with legally compliant wage
A copy of the Plaintiff's motion for preliminary approval of class
action settlement is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/2TLImm9 at no extra charge.[CC]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Joseph Lavi, Esq.
Jordan D. Bello, Esq.
8889 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 200
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Telephone: (310) 432-0000
Facsimile: (310) 432-0001
E-mail: jlavi@lelawfirm.com
- and -
Sahag Majarian II, Esq.
18250 Ventura Boulevard
Tarzana, CA 91356
Telephone: (818) 609-0807
Facsimile: (818) 609-0892
E-mail: sahagii@aol.com
WARNER MUSIC: Faces Data Breach Class Action in New York
Jake Holland, writing for Bloomberg Law, reports that credit card
numbers, shipping addresses, and unencrypted names are among the
personal identifiable information allegedly stolen from Warner
Music Group Corp. customers when the entertainment and record label
conglomerate suffered a data breach over the spring and summer,
according to a class action lawsuit filed against the company.
Plaintiffs Levi Combs and Esteban Trujillo, both of whom purchased
goods from Warner Music Group's websites earlier this year, allege
the company acted negligently and invaded customers' privacy when
third parties gained unauthorized access to purchasers'
information, according to their complaint filed Sept. 11 in the
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. [GN]
WARNER MUSIC: Fails to Properly Secure Customer Data, Watt Claims
NOAH WATTS, individually and on behalf of all similarly situated
persons v. WARNER MUSIC GROUP CORP., Case No. 1:20-cv-08644-LJL
(S.D.N.Y., Oct. 16, 2020) arises from the Defendant's failure to
properly secure and safeguard personal identifiable information
(PII) of customers, including the Plaintiff and class members, who
purchased merchandise through the Defendant's operated Websites.
On or about September 2, 2020, the Defendant began notifying
various state Attorneys General about a data breach that occurred
on many of its Websites between April 25, 2020 and August 5, 2020.
The notice stated that "an unauthorized third party had compromised
a number of US-based e-commerce Websites Warner Music operates,"
and that the data breach allowed the "unauthorized third party" to
acquire PII that Warner Music customers entered into one or more of
the affected Websites' e-commerce platforms.
According to the complaint, the PII was compromised due to the
Defendant's negligent and/or careless acts and omissions and the
failure to protect customers' data. In addition to the Defendant's
failure to prevent the data breach, the Defendant failed to detect
the breach for almost four months, and when it did discover, it
took at least a month to report it to the affected consumers and
the states' Attorneys General.
As a result of the delayed response, the Plaintiff and Class
members had no idea their PII had been compromised, and that they
were, and continue to be, at significant risk of identity theft and
various other forms of personal, social, and financial harm, the
suit says.
Warner Music Group Corp. is an American multinational entertainment
and record label conglomerate headquartered in New York City.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
William B. Federman, Esq.
10205 N. Pennsylvania
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
Telephone: (405) 235-1560
Facsimile: (405) 239-2112
E-mail: wbf@federmanlaw.com
- and -
Cornelius P. Dukelow, Esq.
320 South Boston Avenue, Suite 1130
Tulsa, OK 74103
Telephone and Facsimile: (918) 588-3400
E-mail: cdukelow@abingtonlaw.com
WASTE PRO: Class Certification Denied in Hansen Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DANIEL HANSEN,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
(D.S.C.), the Hon. Judge David C. Norton entered an order denying
without prejudice the following motions:
-- the plaintiff Daniel Hansen's motion to certify class; and
-- the defendant Waste Pro of South Carolina, Inc.'s motion
to exceed discovery limits
The Court said, "At a hearing on the motions, held October 16,
2020, Hansen agreed to redefine the proposed class under his South
Carolina Payment of Wages Act claim pending his receipt of certain
records held by Waste Pro SC. As such, the court denies the motion
to certify without prejudice and permits Hansen to refile the
motion after he refines the definition of the proposed class. Based
on the status of the motion to certify class, the parties did not
present oral argument with respect to the motion to exceed
discovery limits. As such, the court denies the motion without
prejudice and permits Waste Pro SC to refile the motion in the
event that it finds warranted discovery more extensive than that
permitted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure."
A copy of the Court's Order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/2J9rHqk at no extra charge.[CC]
WEGMANS FOOD: Alexander Sues Over Deceptive Vanilla Labeling
Syuzanna Alexander, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. Wegmans Food Markets, Inc., Case No.
7:20-cv-09148 (S.D.N.Y., November 1, 2020) arises from the
Defendant's misleading front label representations of its product,
in violation of the Maryland Consumer Protection Act, the New York
General Business Law and the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act.
The Defendant manufactures, distributes, markets, labels and sells
organic almond milk under its Wegmans brand purporting to taste
like vanilla and be flavored exclusively and/or predominantly from
vanilla beans.
The Plaintiff alleges that the product's front label representation
as "Vanilla" is false, deceptive and misleading because the product
is not flavored predominantly from vanilla beans, which means it
lacks the vanilla taste expected by consumers. Though the product's
front label only references "Vanilla," the ingredient list
identifies "Natural Vanilla Flavor With Other Natural Flavors."
As a result of the false and misleading labeling, the product is
sold at a premium and higher price, approximately no less than
$4.29 per 64 OZ, excluding tax, compared to other similar products
represented in a non-misleading way, the suit says.
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. owns and operates a chain of grocery
stores. The Company offers products such as meat, seafood, deli,
baked goods, health supplements, herbal remedies, pharmacy
products, and wines. Wegmans Food Markets serves customers in the
United States.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Spencer Sheehan, Esq.
60 Cuttermill Rd., Ste. 409
Great Neck, NY 11021-3104
Telephone: (516) 268-7080
Facsimile: (516) 234-7800
E-mail: spencer@spencersheehan.com
WESTERN EXPRESS: Bedjan Employment Suit Removed to C.D. Calif.
The case styled NORA BEDJAN, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. WESTERN EXPRESS, INC.; a California
Corporation, and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Case No.
CIVDS2016078, was removed from the Superior Court of the State of
California for the County of San Bernardino to the U.S. District
Court for the Central District of California on October 22, 2020.
The Clerk of Court for the Central District of California assigned
Case No. 5:20-cv-02223 to the proceeding.
The lawsuit arises from employment-related issues in violations of
the California Labor Code and the California Business and
Professions Code.
Western Express, Inc. provides transportation solutions. The
Company offers truckload van, dedicated fleet, flatbed
transportation, expedited truck and rail, and logistics services.
Western Express serves customers in the United States.[BN]
The Defendants are represented by:
Richard D. Marca, Esq.
Jeff T. Olsen, Esq.
Ankit H. Bhakta, Esq.
3750 University Avenue, Suite 610
Riverside, CA 92501
Telephone: (951) 274-7777
Facsimile: (951) 274-7770
E-mail: Richard.Marca@varnerbrandt.com
WHIRLPOOL CORP: Redmon Says Dishwashers Can Leak, Damage Property
CHRISTOPHER REDMON, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION, Case No. 1:20-cv-06626 (N.D.
Ill., November 6, 2020) alleges that the Defendant designed,
manufactured, distributed, marketed, and sold certain dishwashers
with a uniform defect that can and has caused the dishwashers to
leak and damage consumers' cabinetry, flooring and other property.
The dishwashers were and are equipped with a pump motor diverter
shaft seal oriented incorrectly, accelerating degradation of the
seal and creating a buildup of debris that prevents the shaft seal
spring from properly sealing the diverter shaft and sump. As a
result of this uniform defect involving the failure of the diverter
shaft seal to seal off water between the diverter shaft and sump,
the Plaintiff's and Class members' dishwashers experience
significant leakage through the shaft seal, flowing out of the
dishwasher, damaging cabinetry, flooring, and other property.
The Defendant knew or should have known that the Class dishwashers
have a defectively designed and/or manufactured sump and diverter
motor pump assembly yet failed to disclose the defect to the
Plaintiff and Class members at the time of purchase or thereafter
and continued to manufacture the dishwashers in the same defective
manner, the suit says.
The lawsuit alleges violation of the Illinois Consumer Fraud and
Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
Whirlpool Corporation is an American multinational manufacturer and
marketer of home appliances, headquartered in Benton Charter
Township, Michigan.[BN]
The Plaintiff is represented by:
Edward A. Wallace, Esq.
Tyler J. Story, Esq.
55 West Monroe Street, Suite 3300
Chicago, IL 60603
Telephone: (312) 346-2222
E-mail: eaw@wexlerwallace.com
- and -
Gregory F. Coleman, Esq.
Rachel Soffin, Esq.
800 S. Gay Street, Suite 1100
Knoxville, TN 37929
Telephone: (865) 247-0080
Facsimile: (865) 522-0049
E-mail: arthur@gregcolemanlaw.com
- and -
Harper T. Segui, Esq.
Daniel K. Bryson, Esq.
900 W. Morgan Street
Raleigh, NC 27603
Telephone: (919) 600-5000
E-mail: dan@whitfieldbryson.com
WILLIAMS COMPANIES: Seeks to Certify Inspectors Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JEFF SCHWOERER and HERBERT
STERLING III, Individually and for Others Similarly Situated, v.
THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC., Case No. 5:20-cv-00375-PRW (W.D.
Okla.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court for an order:
1. granting conditional certification of and authorizing
notice be sent to:
"all Inspectors employed by, or working on behalf of,
Williams who were classified as independent contractors
and paid a day rate with no overtime at any time in the
last 3 years (the "Day Rate Inspectors");
2. approving the Notice and Consent forms;
3. authorizing their proposed notice methods;
4. directing Williams to produce each Day Rate Inspector's
contact information to the Plaintiffs' Counsel within 10
days; and
5. authorizing a 60-day notice period for the Day Rate
Inspectors to join the case.
The Plaintiffs allege that they and the Day Rate Inspectors are
regularly working more than 40 hours per week, but never received
any overtime compensation in violation of the Fair Labor Standards
Act. Williams's illegal day rate pay practice is widespread and
systematically applied to themselves and the Day Rate Inspectors,
the Plaintiffs add.
The Williams Companies, Inc., is an American energy company based
in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Its core business is natural gas processing and
transportation, with additional petroleum and electricity
generation assets.
A copy of the Plaintiffs' opening motion for conditional
certification is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/34ju8yR at no extra charge.[CC]
Attorneys for the plaintiffs and the putative class members are:
Michael A. Josephson, Esq.
Andrew W. Dunlap, Esq.
Taylor A. Jones, Esq.
11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 3050
Houston, TX 77046
Telephone: 713-352-1100
Facsimile: 713-352-3300
E-mail: mjosephson@mybackwages.com
- and -
Richard J. (Rex) Burch, Esq.
8 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1500
Houston, TX 77046
Telephone: 713-877-8788
Facsimile: 713-877-8065
E-mail: rburch@brucknerburch.com
- and -
Michael Burrage, Esq.
512 N. Broadway Ave., Ste. 300
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Telephone: 405-516-7800
Facsimile: 405-516-7859
E-mail: mburrage@whittenburragelaw.com
WILLIS TOWERS: Replies to Bid for Writ of Certiorari Due Today
Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company said in its Form 10-Q
Report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2020, that the responses to
the petitions for a writ of certiorari are due by November 12,
The Company has been named as a defendant in 15 similar lawsuits
relating to the collapse of The Stanford Financial Group
('Stanford'), for which Willis of Colorado, Inc. acted as broker of
record on certain lines of insurance.
The complaints in these actions generally allege that the
defendants actively and materially aided Stanford's alleged fraud
by providing Stanford with certain letters regarding coverage that
they knew would be used to help retain or attract actual or
prospective Stanford client investors.
The complaints further allege that these letters, which contain
statements about Stanford and the insurance policies that the
defendants placed for Stanford, contained untruths and omitted
material facts and were drafted in this manner to help Stanford
promote and sell its allegedly fraudulent certificates of deposit.
The 15 actions are as follows:
- Troice, et al. v. Willis of Colorado, Inc., et al., C.A. No.
3:9-CV-1274-N, was filed on July 2, 2009 in the U.S. District Court
for the Northern District of Texas against Willis Group Holdings
plc, Willis of Colorado, Inc. and a Willis associate, among others.
On April 1, 2011, plaintiffs filed the operative Third Amended
Class Action Complaint individually and on behalf of a putative,
worldwide class of Stanford investors, adding Willis Limited as a
defendant and alleging claims under Texas statutory and common law
and seeking damages in excess of $1 billion, punitive damages and
On May 2, 2011, the defendants filed motions to dismiss the Third
Amended Class Action Complaint, arguing, inter alia, that the
plaintiffs' claims are precluded by the Securities Litigation
Uniform Standards Act of 1998 ('SLUSA').
On May 10, 2011, the court presiding over the Stanford-related
actions in the Northern District of Texas entered an order
providing that it would consider the applicability of SLUSA to the
Stanford-related actions based on the decision in a separate
Stanford action not involving a Willis entity, Roland v. Green,
Civil Action No. 3:10-CV-0224-N ('Roland'). On August 31, 2011, the
court issued its decision in Roland, dismissing that action with
prejudice under SLUSA.
On October 27, 2011, the court in Troice entered an order (i)
dismissing with prejudice those claims asserted in the Third
Amended Class Action Complaint on a class basis on the grounds set
forth in the Roland decision discussed above and (ii) dismissing
without prejudice those claims asserted in the Third Amended Class
Action Complaint on an individual basis. Also on October 27, 2011,
the court entered a final judgment in the action.
On October 28, 2011, the plaintiffs in Troice filed a notice of
appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
Subsequently, Troice, Roland and a third action captioned Troice,
et al. v. Proskauer Rose LLP, Civil Action No. 3:09-CV-01600-N,
which also was dismissed on the grounds set forth in the Roland
decision and on appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit, were consolidated for purposes of briefing and oral
Following the completion of briefing and oral argument, on March
19, 2012, the Fifth Circuit reversed and remanded the actions. On
April 2, 2012, the defendants-appellees filed petitions for
rehearing en banc. On April 19, 2012, the petitions for rehearing
en banc were denied. On July 18, 2012, defendants-appellees filed a
petition for writ of certiorari with the United States Supreme
Court regarding the Fifth Circuit's reversal in Troice. On January
18, 2013, the Supreme Court granted the company's petition.
Opening briefs were filed on May 3, 2013, and the Supreme Court
heard oral argument on October 7, 2013. On February 26, 2014, the
Supreme Court affirmed the Fifth Circuit's decision.
On March 19, 2014, the plaintiffs in Troice filed a Motion to Defer
Resolution of Motions to Dismiss, to Compel Rule 26(f) Conference
and For Entry of Scheduling Order.
On March 25, 2014, the parties in Troice and the Janvey, et al. v.
Willis of Colorado, Inc., et al. action discussed below stipulated
to the consolidation of the two actions for pre-trial purposes
under Rule 42(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. On March
28, 2014, the Court 'so ordered' that stipulation and, thus,
consolidated Troice and Janvey for pre-trial purposes under Rule
On September 16, 2014, the court (a) denied the plaintiffs' request
to defer resolution of the defendants' motions to dismiss, but
granted the plaintiffs' request to enter a scheduling order; (b)
requested the submission of supplemental briefing by all parties on
the defendants' motions to dismiss, which the parties submitted on
September 30, 2014; and (c) entered an order setting a schedule for
briefing and discovery regarding plaintiffs’ motion for class
certification, which schedule, among other things, provided for the
submission of the plaintiffs' motion for class certification
(following the completion of briefing and discovery) on April 20,
On December 15, 2014, the court granted in part and denied in part
the defendants' motions to dismiss. On January 30, 2015, the
defendants except Willis Group Holdings plc answered the Third
Amended Class Action Complaint.
On April 20, 2015, the plaintiffs filed their motion for class
certification, the defendants filed their opposition to plaintiffs'
motion, and the plaintiffs filed their reply in further support of
the motion.
Pursuant to an agreed stipulation also filed with the court on
April 20, 2015, the defendants on June 4, 2015 filed sur-replies in
further opposition to the motion. The Court has not yet scheduled a
hearing on the motion.
On June 19, 2015, Willis Group Holdings plc filed a motion to
dismiss the complaint for lack of personal jurisdiction. On
November 17, 2015, Willis Group Holdings plc withdrew the motion.
On March 31, 2016, the parties in the Troice and Janvey actions
entered into a settlement in principle.
- Ranni v. Willis of Colorado, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 9-22085, was
filed on July 17, 2009 against Willis Group Holdings plc and Willis
of Colorado, Inc. in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of Florida.
The complaint was filed on behalf of a putative class of Venezuelan
and other South American Stanford investors and alleges claims
under Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (and
Rule 10b-5 thereunder) and Florida statutory and common law and
seeks damages in an amount to be determined at trial.
On October 6, 2009, Ranni was transferred, for consolidation or
coordination with other Stanford-related actions (including
Troice), to the Northern District of Texas by the U.S. Judicial
Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (the 'JPML'). The defendants have
not yet responded to the complaint in Ranni. On August 26, 2014,
the plaintiff filed a notice of voluntary dismissal of the action
without prejudice.
- Canabal, et al. v. Willis of Colorado, Inc., et al., C.A. No.
3:9-CV-1474-D, was filed on August 6, 2009 against Willis Group
Holdings plc, Willis of Colorado, Inc. and the same Willis
associate named as a defendant in Troice, among others, also in the
Northern District of Texas.
The complaint was filed individually and on behalf of a putative
class of Venezuelan Stanford investors, alleged claims under Texas
statutory and common law and sought damages in excess of $1
billion, punitive damages, attorneys' fees and costs.
On December 18, 2009, the parties in Troice and Canabal stipulated
to the consolidation of those actions (under the Troice civil
action number), and, on December 31, 2009, the plaintiffs in
Canabal filed a notice of dismissal, dismissing the action without
- Rupert, et al. v. Winter, et al., Case No. 2009C115137, was filed
on September 14, 2009 on behalf of 97 Stanford investors against
Willis Group Holdings plc, Willis of Colorado, Inc. and the same
Willis associate, among others, in Texas state court (Bexar
The complaint alleges claims under the Securities Act of 1933,
Texas and Colorado statutory law and Texas common law and seeks
special, consequential and treble damages of more than $300
million, attorneys' fees and costs.
On October 20, 2009, certain defendants, including Willis of
Colorado, Inc., (i) removed Rupert to the U.S. District Court for
the Western District of Texas, (ii) notified the JPML of the
pendency of this related action and (iii) moved to stay the action
pending a determination by the JPML as to whether it should be
transferred to the Northern District of Texas for consolidation or
coordination with the other Stanford-related actions.
On April 1, 2010, the JPML issued a final transfer order for the
transfer of Rupert to the Northern District of Texas. On January
24, 2012, the court remanded Rupert to Texas state court (Bexar
County), but stayed the action until further order of the court. On
August 13, 2012, the plaintiffs filed a motion to lift the stay,
which motion was denied by the court on September 16, 2014.
On October 10, 2014, the plaintiffs appealed the court's denial of
their motion to lift the stay to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Fifth Circuit. On January 5, 2015, the Fifth Circuit consolidated
the appeal with the appeal in the Rishmague, et ano. v. Winter, et
al. action, and the consolidated appeal, was fully briefed as of
March 24, 2015. Oral argument on the consolidated appeal was held
on September 2, 2015. On September 16, 2015, the Fifth Circuit
affirmed. The defendants have not yet responded to the complaint in
- Casanova, et al. v. Willis of Colorado, Inc., et al., C.A. No.
3:10-CV-1862-O, was filed on September 16, 2010 on behalf of seven
Stanford investors against Willis Group Holdings plc, Willis
Limited, Willis of Colorado, Inc. and the same Willis associate,
among others, also in the Northern District of Texas.
The complaint alleges claims under Texas statutory and common law
and seeks actual damages in excess of $5 million, punitive damages,
attorneys' fees and costs.
On February 13, 2015, the parties filed an Agreed Motion for
Partial Dismissal pursuant to which they agreed to the dismissal of
certain claims pursuant to the motion to dismiss decisions in the
Troice action and the Janvey action.
Also on February 13, 2015, the defendants except Willis Group
Holdings plc answered the complaint in the Casanova action. On June
19, 2015, Willis Group Holdings plc filed a motion to dismiss the
complaint for lack of personal jurisdiction. Plaintiffs have not
opposed the motion.
- Rishmague, et ano. v. Winter, et al., Case No. 2011CI2585, was
filed on March 11, 2011 on behalf of two Stanford investors,
individually and as representatives of certain trusts, against
Willis Group Holdings plc, Willis of Colorado, Inc., Willis of
Texas, Inc. and the same Willis associate, among others, in Texas
state court (Bexar County).
The complaint alleges claims under Texas and Colorado statutory law
and Texas common law and seeks special, consequential and treble
damages of more than $37 million and attorneys' fees and costs.
On April 11, 2011, certain defendants, including Willis of
Colorado, Inc., (i) removed Rishmague to the Western District of
Texas, (ii) notified the JPML of the pendency of this related
action and (iii) moved to stay the action pending a determination
by the JPML as to whether it should be transferred to the Northern
District of Texas for consolidation or coordination with the other
Stanford-related actions.
On August 8, 2011, the JPML issued a final transfer order for the
transfer of Rishmague to the Northern District of Texas, where it
is currently pending.
On August 13, 2012, the plaintiffs joined with the plaintiffs in
the Rupert action in their motion to lift the court's stay of the
Rupert action. On September 9, 2014, the court remanded Rishmague
to Texas state court (Bexar County), but stayed the action until
further order of the court and denied the plaintiffs’ motion to
lift the stay.
On October 10, 2014, the plaintiffs appealed the court’s denial
of their motion to lift the stay to the Fifth Circuit. On January
5, 2015, the Fifth Circuit consolidated the appeal with the appeal
in the Rupert action, and the consolidated appeal was fully briefed
as of March 24, 2015. Oral argument on the consolidated appeal was
held on September 2, 2015. On September 16, 2015, the Fifth Circuit
affirmed. The defendants have not yet responded to the complaint in
- MacArthur v. Winter, et al., Case No. 2013-07840, was filed on
February 8, 2013 on behalf of two Stanford investors against Willis
Group Holdings plc, Willis of Colorado, Inc., Willis of Texas, Inc.
and the same Willis associate, among others, in Texas state court
(Harris County).
The complaint alleges claims under Texas and Colorado statutory law
and Texas common law and seeks actual, special, consequential and
treble damages of approximately $4 million and attorneys' fees and
On March 29, 2013, Willis of Colorado, Inc. and Willis of Texas,
Inc. (i) removed MacArthur to the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of Texas and (ii) notified the JPML of the
pendency of this related action. On April 2, 2013, Willis of
Colorado, Inc. and Willis of Texas, Inc. filed a motion in the
Southern District of Texas to stay the action pending a
determination by the JPML as to whether it should be transferred to
the Northern District of Texas for consolidation or coordination
with the other Stanford-related actions. Also on April 2, 2013, the
court presiding over MacArthur in the Southern District of Texas
transferred the action to the Northern District of Texas for
consolidation or coordination with the other Stanford-related
On September 29, 2014, the parties stipulated to the remand (to
Texas state court (Harris County)) and stay of MacArthur until
further order of the court (in accordance with the court's
September 9, 2014 decision in Rishmague (discussed above)), which
stipulation was 'so ordered' by the court on October 14, 2014. The
defendants have not yet responded to the complaint in MacArthur.
Florida suits:
On February 14, 2013, five lawsuits were filed against Willis Group
Holdings plc, Willis Limited and Willis of Colorado, Inc. in
Florida state court (Miami-Dade County), alleging violations of
Florida common law. The five suits are: (1) Barbar, et al. v.
Willis Group Holdings Public Limited Company, et al., Case No.
13-05666CA27, filed on behalf of 35 Stanford investors seeking
compensatory damages in excess of $30 million; (2) de Gadala-Maria,
et al. v. Willis Group Holdings Public Limited Company, et al.,
Case No. 13-05669CA30, filed on behalf of 64 Stanford investors
seeking compensatory damages in excess of $83.5 million; (3) Ranni,
et ano. v. Willis Group Holdings Public Limited Company, et al.,
Case No. 13-05673CA06, filed on behalf of two Stanford investors
seeking compensatory damages in excess of $3 million; (4)
Tisminesky, et al. v. Willis Group Holdings Public Limited Company,
et al., Case No. 13-05676CA09, filed on behalf of 11 Stanford
investors seeking compensatory damages in excess of $6.5 million;
and (5) Zacarias, et al. v. Willis Group Holdings Public Limited
Company, et al., Case No. 13-05678CA11, filed on behalf of 10
Stanford investors seeking compensatory damages in excess of $12.5
On June 3, 2013, Willis of Colorado, Inc. removed all five cases to
the Southern District of Florida and, on June 4, 2013, notified the
JPML of the pendency of these related actions. On June 10, 2013,
the court in Tisminesky issued an order sua sponte staying and
administratively closing that action pending a determination by the
JPML as to whether it should be transferred to the Northern
District of Texas for consolidation and coordination with the other
Stanford-related actions.
On June 11, 2013, Willis of Colorado, Inc. moved to stay the other
four actions pending the JPML's transfer decision. On June 20,
2013, the JPML issued a conditional transfer order for the transfer
of the five actions to the Northern District of Texas, the
transmittal of which was stayed for seven days to allow for any
opposition to be filed. On June 28, 2013, with no opposition having
been filed, the JPML lifted the stay, enabling the transfer to go
On September 30, 2014, the court denied the plaintiffs' motion to
remand in Zacarias, and, on October 3, 2014, the court denied the
plaintiffs' motions to remand in Tisminesky and de Gadala Maria. On
December 3, 2014 and March 3, 2015, the court granted the
plaintiffs’ motions to remand in Barbar and Ranni, respectively,
remanded both actions to Florida state court (Miami-Dade County)
and stayed both actions until further order of the court.
On January 2, 2015 and April 1, 2015, the plaintiffs in Barbar and
Ranni, respectively, appealed the court's December 3, 2014 and
March 3, 2015 decisions to the Fifth Circuit. On April 22, 2015 and
July 22, 2015, respectively, the Fifth Circuit dismissed the Barbar
and Ranni appeals sua sponte for lack of jurisdiction. The
defendants have not yet responded to the complaints in Ranni or
On April 1, 2015, the defendants except Willis Group Holdings plc
filed motions to dismiss the complaints in Zacarias, Tisminesky and
de Gadala-Maria. On June 19, 2015, Willis Group Holdings plc filed
motions to dismiss the complaints in Zacarias, Tisminesky and de
Gadala-Maria for lack of personal jurisdiction.
On July 15, 2015, the court dismissed the complaint in Zacarias in
its entirety with leave to replead within 21 days. On July 21,
2015, the court dismissed the complaints in Tisminesky and de
Gadala-Maria in their entirety with leave to replead within 21
days. On August 6, 2015, the plaintiffs in Zacarias, Tisminesky and
de Gadala-Maria filed amended complaints (in which, among other
things, Willis Group Holdings plc was no longer named as a
defendant). On September 11, 2015, the defendants filed motions to
dismiss the amended complaints. The motions await disposition by
the court.
- Janvey, et al. v. Willis of Colorado, Inc., et al., Case No.
3:13-CV-03980-D, was filed on October 1, 2013 also in the Northern
District of Texas against Willis Group Holdings plc, Willis
Limited, Willis North America Inc., Willis of Colorado, Inc. and
the same Willis associate.
The complaint was filed (i) by Ralph S. Janvey, in his capacity as
Court-Appointed Receiver for the Stanford Receivership Estate, and
the Official Stanford Investors Committee (the 'OSIC') against all
defendants and (ii) on behalf of a putative, worldwide class of
Stanford investors against Willis North America Inc.
Plaintiffs Janvey and the OSIC allege claims under Texas common law
and the court’s Amended Order Appointing Receiver, and the
putative class plaintiffs allege claims under Texas statutory and
common law. Plaintiffs seek actual damages in excess of $1 billion,
punitive damages and costs.
As alleged by the Stanford Receiver, the total amount of collective
losses allegedly sustained by all investors in Stanford
certificates of deposit is approximately $4.6 billion.
On November 15, 2013, plaintiffs in Janvey filed the operative
First Amended Complaint, which added certain defendants
unaffiliated with Willis. On February 28, 2014, the defendants
filed motions to dismiss the First Amended Complaint, which
motions, other than with respect to Willis Group Holding plc's
motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction, were granted
in part and denied in part by the court on December 5, 2014.
On December 22, 2014, Willis filed a motion to amend the court's
December 5 order to certify an interlocutory appeal to the Fifth
Circuit, and, on December 23, 2014, Willis filed a motion to amend
and, to the extent necessary, reconsider the court’s December 5
order. On January 16, 2015, the defendants answered the First
Amended Complaint.
On January 28, 2015, the court denied Willis's motion to amend the
court's December 5 order to certify an interlocutory appeal to the
Fifth Circuit. On February 4, 2015, the court granted Willis’s
motion to amend and, to the extent necessary, reconsider the
December 5 order.
On March 25, 2014, the parties in Troice and Janvey stipulated to
the consolidation of the two actions for pre-trial purposes under
Rule 42(a) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. On March 28,
2014, the Court 'so ordered' that stipulation and, thus,
consolidated Troice and Janvey for pre-trial purposes under Rule
On January 26, 2015, the court entered an order setting a schedule
for briefing and discovery regarding the plaintiffs' motion for
class certification, which schedule, among other things, provided
for the submission of the plaintiffs' motion for class
certification (following the completion of briefing and discovery)
on July 20, 2015.
By letter dated March 4, 2015, the parties requested that the court
consolidate the scheduling orders entered in Troice and Janvey to
provide for a class certification submission date of April 20, 2015
in both cases.
On March 6, 2015, the court entered an order consolidating the
scheduling orders in Troice and Janvey, providing for a class
certification submission date of April 20, 2015 in both cases, and
vacating the July 20, 2015 class certification submission date in
the original Janvey scheduling order.
On November 17, 2015, Willis Group Holdings plc withdrew its motion
to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction.
On March 31, 2016, the parties in the Troice and Janvey actions
entered into a settlement in principle.
- Martin v. Willis of Colorado, Inc., et al., Case No. 201652115,
was filed on August 5, 2016, on behalf of one Stanford investor
against Willis Group Holdings plc, Willis Limited, Willis of
Colorado, Inc. and the same Willis associate in Texas state court
(Harris County).
The complaint alleges claims under Texas statutory and common law
and seeks actual damages of less than $100,000, exemplary damages,
attorneys' fees and costs.
On September 12, 2016, the plaintiff filed an amended complaint,
which added five more Stanford investors as plaintiffs and seeks
damages in excess of $1 million. The defendants have not yet
responded to the amended complaint in Martin.
- Abel, et al. v. Willis of Colorado, Inc., et al., C.A. No.
3:16-cv-2601, was filed on September 12, 2016, on behalf of more
than 300 Stanford investors against Willis Group Holdings plc,
Willis Limited, Willis of Colorado, Inc. and the same Willis
associate, also in the Northern District of Texas.
The complaint alleges claims under Texas statutory and common law
and seeks actual damages in excess of $135 million, exemplary
damages, attorneys' fees and costs.
On November 10, 2016, the plaintiffs filed an amended complaint,
which, among other things, added several more Stanford investors as
plaintiffs. The defendants have not yet responded to the complaint
in Abel.
The plaintiffs in Janvey and Troice and the other actions above
seek overlapping damages, representing either the entirety or a
portion of the total alleged collective losses incurred by
investors in Stanford certificates of deposit, notwithstanding the
fact that Legacy Willis acted as broker of record for only a
portion of time that Stanford issued certificates of deposit. In
the fourth quarter of 2015, the Company recognized a $70 million
litigation provision for loss contingencies relating to the
Stanford matters based on its ongoing review of a variety of
factors as required by accounting standards.
On March 31, 2016, the Company entered into a settlement in
principle for $120 million relating to this litigation and
increased its provisions by $50 million during that quarter.
The settlement is contingent on a number of conditions, including
court approval of the settlement and a bar order prohibiting any
continued or future litigation against Willis related to Stanford,
which may not be given. Therefore, the ultimate resolution of these
matters may differ from the accrued amount. The Company continues
to dispute the allegations and, to the extent litigation proceeds,
to defend the lawsuits vigorously.
- Settlement
On March 31, 2016, the Company entered into a settlement in
principle, as reflected in a Settlement Term Sheet, relating to the
Stanford litigation matter. The Company agreed to the Settlement
Term Sheet to eliminate the distraction, burden, expense and
uncertainty of further litigation. In particular, the settlement
and the related bar orders described below, if upheld through any
appeals, would enable the Company (a newly-combined firm) to
conduct itself with the bar orders' protection from the continued
overhang of matters alleged to have occurred approximately a decade
ago. Further, the Settlement Term Sheet provided that the parties
understood and agreed that there is no admission of liability or
wrongdoing by the Company.
The Company expressly denies any liability or wrongdoing with
respect to the matters alleged in the Stanford litigation.
On or about August 31, 2016, the parties to the settlement signed a
formal Settlement Agreement memorializing the terms of the
settlement as originally set forth in the Settlement Term Sheet.
The parties to the Settlement Agreement are Ralph S. Janvey (in his
capacity as the Court-appointed receiver (the 'Recei') for The
Stanford Financial Group and its affiliated entities in
receivership (collectively, 'Stanford')), the Official Stanford
Investors Committee, Samuel Troice, Martha Diaz, Paula
Gilly-Flores, Punga Punga Financial, Ltd., Manuel Canabal, Daniel
Gomez Ferreiro and Promotora Villa Marina, C.A. (collectively,
'Plaintiffs'), on the one hand, and Willis Towers Watson Public
Limited Company (formerly Willis Group Holdings Public Limited
Company), Willis Limited, Willis North America Inc., Willis of
Colorado, Inc. and the Willis associate referenced above
(collectively, ‘Defendants’), on the other hand.
Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, the parties agreed to
settle and dismiss the Janvey and Troice actions (collectively, the
'Actions') and all current or future claims arising from or related
to Stanford in exchange for a one-time cash payment to the Receiver
by the Company of $120 million to be distributed to all Stanford
investors who have claims recognized by the Receiver pursuant to
the distribution plan in place at the time the payment is made.
The Settlement Agreement also provides the parties' agreement to
seek the Court's entry of bar orders prohibiting any continued or
future litigation against the Defendants and their related parties
of claims relating to Stanford, whether asserted to date or not.
The terms of the bar orders therefore would prohibit all
Stanford-related litigation described above, and not just the
Actions, but including any pending matters and any actions that may
be brought in the future. Final Court approval of these bar orders
is a condition of the settlement.
On September 7, 2016, Plaintiffs filed with the Court a motion to
approve the settlement. On October 19, 2016, the Court
preliminarily approved the settlement. Several of the plaintiffs in
the other actions above objected to the settlement, and a hearing
to consider final approval of the settlement was held on January
20, 2017, after which the Court reserved decision. On August 23,
2017, the Court approved the settlement, including the bar orders.
Several of the objectors appealed the settlement approval and bar
orders to the Fifth Circuit. Oral argument on the appeals was heard
on December 3, 2018, and, on July 22, 2019, the Fifth Circuit
affirmed the approval of the settlement, including the bar orders.
On August 5, 2019, certain of the plaintiff-appellants filed a
petition for rehearing by the Fifth Circuit en banc (the
On August 19, 2019, the Fifth Circuit requested a response to the
Petition. On August 29, 2019, the Receiver filed a response to the
Petition. On December 19, 2019, the Fifth Circuit granted the
Petition (treating it as a petition for panel rehearing), withdrew
its July 22, 2019 opinion, and substituted a new opinion that also
affirmed the approval of the settlement, including the bar orders.
On January 2, 2020, certain of the plaintiff-appellants filed
another petition for rehearing by the Fifth Circuit en banc (the
'Second Petition'), in which the other plaintiff-appellants joined.
On January 21, 2020, the Fifth Circuit denied the Second Petition.
On June 19, 2020, the plaintiff-appellants filed petitions for writ
of certiorari with the United States Supreme Court. On September
10, 2020, the Supreme Court requested responses to the petitions
for writ of certiorari, which are currently due by November 12,
The Company will not make the $120 million settlement payment until
the settlement is not subject to any further appeal.
Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company operates as an
advisory, broking, and solutions company worldwide. Its Human
Capital and Benefits segment provides actuarial support, plan
design, and administrative services for traditional pension and
retirement savings plans; plan management consulting, broking, and
administration services for health and group benefit programs; and
benefits outsourcing services. The company is based in London,
WISCONSIN: Class OK'd in Suit over Inmates Serving Life Sentences
In the class action lawsuit captioned as CARLOS KING, THADDEUS
behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v. STEVEN
LANDREMAN, Acting Chairperson and Commissioner of the Wisconsin
Parole Commission; DANIELLE LACOST, Commissioner of the Wisconsin
Parole Commission; DOUGLAS DRANKIEWICZ, Commissioner of the
Wisconsin Parole Commission; KEVIN CARR, Secretary-Designee of the
Wisconsin Department of Corrections; and MARK HEISE, Director of
the Bureau of Classification and Movement, in their official
capacities, Case No. 3:19-cv-00338-jdp (W.D. Wisc.), the Hon. Judge
James D. Peterson entered an order:
1. granting the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification
under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(2);
2. certifying a class of:
"all persons serving life sentences, or a term of at least
470 months, for crimes committed when they were children
under the age of 18 in the custody of Wisconsin DOC and
who are now, or will be, eligible for release under parole
3. approving the following lawyers as class counsel: Avery
Gilbert, Emma Smith Shakeshaft, Gregory T. Everts, Heather
Holden Brooks, Issa Kohler-Hausmann, Laurence J. Dupuis,
Martha Jahn Snyder, Patrick J. Proctor-Brown. R. Timothy
Muth, Stephanie M. Moon, and Amy Lynn Lenz;
4. giving the Plaintiffs until November 3, 2020, to show
cause why Carlos King, Thaddeus Karow, and Craig Alan
Sussek shouldn't be dismissed from the case.
The Court said, "The Plaintiffs may face an uphill battle in
showing that the Defendants' standard for evaluating parole
decisions violates the Eighth Amendment, the Sixth Amendment, and
the Due Process Clause. But the court is persuaded that the
plaintiffs' claims can be resolved collectively rather than
one-by-one. So the court will grant the plaintiffs' motion for
class certification under Rule 23(b)(2)."
The Plaintiffs seek to represent a class of Wisconsin prisoners who
committed crimes as minors and are serving life sentences with the
possibility of parole. Plaintiffs contend that the standard the
state uses for making their parole decisions violates their right
to be free from cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth
Amendment, their right to due process under the Fourteenth
Amendment, and their right to have a jury determine facts that will
increase their mandatory maximum or minimum sentence under the
Sixth Amendment. They move for certification of a class under
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(2).
The Wisconsin Parole Commission is the final authority for granting
discretionary paroles or early release from prison for sentences
handed down for crimes committed before Dec. 31, 1999. The
Commission conducts interviews with eligible inmates sentenced to
the custody of the DOC. A commissioner meets with an inmate
individually and makes an independent decision on the possibility
of a grant.
A copy of the Court's Opinion and Order is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/2ThZ8sD at no extra charge.[CC]
ZF ACTIVE: Adams Liability Suit Moved From E.D. Mich. to C.D. Cal.
The case styled Barry Adams, Larae Angel, Bobbi Jo Birk-LaBarge,
John Colbert, Brian Collins, Dorothy Cooks, Gersen Damens, Joy
Davis, James Dean, Dylan DeMoranville, Tiffany Ecklor, Tatiana
Gales, Ricky Gerischer, Costanza Gonzalez, Lawrence Graziano, Paul
Huitzil, Danny Hunt, Richard Kintzel, James Kneup, Steve Laveaux,
Deloras McMurray, Carl Miller, Ravichandran Namakkal, Michael
Nearing, Burton Reckles, John Robinson, Donna Ronan, Remigiusz
Rundzio, John Sancomb, Dan Sutterfield, and Lore VanHouten, on
behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated v. ZF Active
Safety and Electronics US LLC, ZF Passive Safety Systems US Inc, ZF
Automotive US Inc., ZF TRW Automotive Holdings Corp., ZF North
America Inc., ZF Holdings B.V., ZF Friedrichshafen AG,
STMicroelectronics N.V., STMicroelectronics International N.V.,
Stmicroelectronics Inc., Hyundai Motor Co Ltd., Hyundai Motor
America Inc., Hyundai Mobis Co Ltd., Mobis Parts America LLC, Kia
Motors Corporation, KIA Motors America, FCA U.S., LLC, Fiat
Chrysler Automobiles N.V., Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota Motor
North America Inc., Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North
America, Inc., TOYOTA MOTOR SALES U.S.A. INC., Honda Motor Co.
Ltd., American Honda Motor Co. Inc., Honda of America Mfg Inc.,
Honda R&D Co. Ltd., Honda R&D Americas, LLC, Mitsubishi Motors
Corporation, and Mitsubishi Motors North America Inc., Case No.
4:20-cv-12699, was transferred from the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of Michigan to the U.S. District Court for the
Central District of California on October 21, 2020.
The Clerk of Court for the Central District of California assigned
Case No. 2:20-cv-09668-JAK-PLA to the proceeding.
The lawsuit asserts product liability claims involving motor
The case is assigned to Judge John A. Kronstadt.
The Defendants are engaged in the automotive market business across
the U.S.[BN]
The Plaintiffs are represented by:
Gretchen Freeman Cappio, Esq.
1201 Third Avenue, Suite 3200
Seattle, WA 98101
Telephone: (206) 623-1900
Facsimile: (206) 623-3384
E-mail: gcappio@kellerrohrback.com
ZILLOW GROUP: Court Grants Class Status in Securities Litigation
In the class action lawsuit RE ZILLOW GROUP, INC. SECURITIES
LITIGATION, Case No. 2:17-cv-01387-JCC (W.D. Wash.), the Hon. Judge
John C. Coughenour entered an order:
1. granting the Plaintiffs' motion for class certification
and denying the Defendants' motions to strike;
2. certifying a class of:
"all persons who purchased or otherwise acquired Zillow
securities between November 17, 2014 and August 8, 2017,
both dates inclusive, excluding Defendants herein, the
officers and directors of the Company, at all relevant
times, members of their immediate families and their legal
representatives, heirs, successors or assigns and any
entity in which Defendants have or had a controlling
2. appointing Jo Ann Offutt, Raymond Harris, and Johanna Choy
as representatives of the class;
3. appointing The Rosen Law Firm, P.A. as class counsel; and
4. directing the parties to meet and confer on the form and
manner of providing notice, and within 60 days of the
entry of this order, submitting their proposal for notice
to the class to the Court for approval.
The Court is not aware of any other action brought on behalf of
members of the putative class and the parties do not identify any.
Moreover, the class will include a significant number of members
and where that many identical complaints would have to be filed,
"it is superior to concentrate claims through a class action in a
single forum." Finally, the Court does not see any particular
management difficulties with this case proceeding as a class
action. The Plaintiffs have met the superiority requirement of
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3), the Court says.
The Plaintiffs bring this putative securities fraud class action
against Zillow Group, Inc. and against Spencer Rascoff and Kathleen
Phillips, Zillow's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer/Chief Legal Officer during the proposed class period. The
thrust of their claims is that Zillow misrepresented its compliance
with the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), 12 U.S.C.
section 2601, 2607, and that the Plaintiffs and other similarly
situated investors acquired Zillow's securities at inflated prices
during the class period. The Plaintiffs allege that even though the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau began investigating Zillow for
6 RESPA violations in 2015, Zillow did not disclose that fact to
investors until May 4, 2017, and even then, downplayed the
seriousness of the situation.
Zillow Group is an American online real estate database company
that was founded in 2006.
A copy of the Court's Order is available from PacerMonitor.com at
https://bit.ly/35FBFHu at no extra charge.[CC]
Class Action Reporter is a daily newsletter, co-published by
Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania,
USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Washington, D.C., USA. Rousel Elaine T.
Fernandez, Joy A. Agravante, Psyche A. Castillon, Julie Anne L.
Toledo, Christopher G. Patalinghug, and Peter A. Chapman, Editors.
Copyright 2020. All rights reserved. ISSN 1525-2272.
This material is copyrighted and any commercial use, resale or
publication in any form (including e-mail forwarding, electronic
re-mailing and photocopying) is strictly prohibited without prior
written permission of the publishers.
Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but is not guaranteed.
The CAR subscription rate is $775 for six months delivered via
e-mail. Additional e-mail subscriptions for members of the same
firm for the term of the initial subscription or balance thereof
are $25 each. For subscription information, contact
Peter A. Chapman at 215-945-7000.
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