/raid1/www/Hosts/bankrupt/CAR_Public/240202.mbx               C L A S S   A C T I O N   R E P O R T E R

              Friday, February 2, 2024, Vol. 26, No. 25


$38,916 IN US CURRENCY: Court Directs Filing of Discovery Plan
ACADIA LAPLACE: Suit Seeks to Certify Class of Non-Exempt Employees
ALLSTATE NORTHBROOK: Must File Class Cert Response by April 15
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY: Settlement in Qureshi Suit Gets Initial Nod
BAE SYSTEMS: Settlement Communication Bid to Class Members Tossed

BBI LOGISTICS: Filing of FLSA Notice to Plaintiffs Due July 8
BIMBO BAKERIES: Class Settlement in Botonis Suit Gets Initial Nod
BRETT DINOVI: Bid to Certify Class Denied w/o Prejudice as Untimely
CERTAINTEED LLC: Filing for Class Cert Bid Extended to Jan. 8, 2025
COLUMBIA RECYCLING: Filing for Class Certification Due July 8

CONTRACT LAND: Hollenkamp Sues Over Land Agent' Unpaid Overtime
CRASH CHAMPIONS: Fails to Provide Proper Wages, Maravilla Claims
DENISE HACKER: Strutton's Bid for Class Certification Tossed
EARTH BRANDS: Faces Morgan Suit Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
ELLIS HOSPITAL: Bid for Certificate of Appealability Nixed

EXPRESS SCRIPTS: Osterhaus Pharmacy Alleges Price Fixing Agreements
FCA US: Late Disclosed Expert Report Stricken in Nuwer Class Suit
HOME OIL: Parties Must File Dismissal Stipulation by Feb. 29
HOMESTREET BANK: McCracken Sues Over Unlawful Overdraft Fees
JD BYRIDER: Class Cert Bid Filing in Kirkland Extended to Feb. 26

LOS ANGELES, CA: Faces Levy Suit Over Unlawful Labor Practices
MERRILL GARDENS: Ct. Initially Approves Class Settlement in Ramirez
MIKE BLOOMBERG: Bid for Summary Judgment in Wood Suit Due March 15
NIKE INC: Appeals Denial of Motion to Stay in Cahill Suit
O & A LINE: Guerin Sues Over Unlawful Labor Practices

PACIFIC LUTHERAN: Website Inaccessible to Blind Users, Senior Says
PELICIA HALL: Bid to Restrict Access to Expert Report Denied
ROCKY TOP: Knoski Sues Over Restaurant Servers' Unpaid Wages
SAVINO DEL BENE: Faces Oliva Wage-and-Hour Class Suit in Calif.
SOLAR IMPULSE: Desrosiers Files Suit in Mass. Super. Ct.

SOUTHWESTERN HEALTH: Brumley Suit Removed to N.D. Texas
SPRINGS WINDOW: Tillapaugh Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
SSS EDUCATION INC: Bryant Suit Removed to D. New Jersey
ST. LOUIS ALTENHEIM: Joe Seeks Medication Technicians' Unpaid OT
TARGET CORPORATION: Kadi Suit Removed to C.D. California

TOPGOLF PAYROLL: Escamilla Suit Removed to C.D. California
TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTHCARE: Durgin Files Suit in D. Massachusetts
TRAVIS CREDIT UNION: Tercero Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
TRIMAC TRANSPORTATION: Castellanos Suit Removed to C.D. California
TRUSTED HEALTH: Fleming Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.

TVI INC: Hughes Suit Transferred to E.D. California
VICTORIA A. INTL: Erkan Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
WAG HOTELS INC: Piper Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
WALDORF ASTORIA: Blossom Suit Removed to C.D. California
WALGREENS COMPANY: Argueta Files Suit in E.D. California

WALMART INC: Butts-Lino Sues Over Racial Discrimination
WALTER AMARAL: Baker Sues Over Breaches of Fiduciary Duties
WESTERN SKIES VINEYARDS: Garcia Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION: Patterson Sues Over Unlawful Processing Fees
WILLIAMS & ASSOCIATES: Class Settlement in Alfonso Gets Final Nod

WILMINGTON, DE: Seeks Dismissal of NAACP Suit
YOUR SIGNATURE SUPPLEMENTS: Liou Files Suit in S.D. California
YOYO MOTIVATION: Fails to Pay Nursing Assistants' OT, Mickler Says

                        Asbestos Litigation


$38,916 IN US CURRENCY: Court Directs Filing of Discovery Plan
In the class action lawsuit captioned as United States of America
v. $38,916.00 IN U.S. CURRENCY, Case No. 4:21-cv-04113-SLD-JEH
(C.D. Ill.), the Hon. Judge Jonathan E. Hawley entered a standing
order as follows:

   -- Rule 16 scheduling conference

      The Court will set a Rule 16 scheduling conference
      30 days after the answer or other responsive pleading is
      The conference will generally be conducted by telephone.

   -- Discovery plan

      The discovery plan shall be filed with the Court at least
      calendar days before the Rule 16 scheduling conference.

   -- Waiver of the Rule 16 scheduling conference

      If the parties agree on all matters contained in the
      plan, then the parties may waive the Rule 16 scheduling
      conference. To do so, the parties shall indicate in the
      discovery that the parties agree upon all maters contained
      within the discovery plan, and they request that the Rule 16

      scheduling conference be cancelled.

   -- Failure of counsel to attend a scheduled telephone hearing

      For the convenience of counsel, the Court conducts most
      by telephone when possible. Counsel's failure to appear for a

      telephone hearing will be treated as a failure of counsel to

      appear for an in-person hearing.

   -- Discovery disputes brought to the Court's attention after the

      discovery deadline has already passed

      The parties may not raise a discovery dispute with the Court

      after the relevant discovery deadline has passed; all
      disputes must be brought to the Court's attention before the

      relevant discovery deadline passes. Any discovery disputes
      raised with the Court after the expiration of the relevant
      discovery deadline shall be deemed waived by the Court, even
      the parties agreed to conduct discovery after the relevant
      discovery deadline has passed. If the parties agree to
      discovery after the expiration of a deadline set by the
      they must still file a motion requesting that the Court move

      that deadline as agreed by the parties in order to avoid any

      subsequent discovery disputes being deemed waived.

   -- Settlement conferences and mediation

      The parties are encouraged to seek a settlement conference or

      mediation with a magistrate judge. Where parties request a
      settlement conference or mediation in a case referred to
      Hawley, Judge Hawley will conduct said conference or

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/4bjfvw3 at no extra charge.[CC]

ACADIA LAPLACE: Suit Seeks to Certify Class of Non-Exempt Employees
In the class action lawsuit captioned as AMY HAMM and JOYE WILSON,
on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v.
2:20-cv-01515-SM-DPC (E.D. La.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court to
enter an order certifying the following class under Fed. R. Civ. P.
23(a) and Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3):

   "All current and former hourly, non-exempt employees, providing

   patient care, including but not limited to nursing staff,
   nursing assistants, nurse aides, technicians, clerks, non-exempt

   therapists, or other employees with similar job duties employed
   any by Defendants at the River Place Behavioral Health Hospital
   any time until resolution of this action."

The Defendants failed to pay the Plaintiffs and putative class
members all nonovertime wages they earned for work done during
purported off-duty meal breaks and otherwise being effectively "on
call" during such periods. The claims thus arise under La. Civ.
Code Art.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3vQhVBK at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Carolyn H. Cottrell, Esq.
          Ori Edelstein, Esq.
          Robert E. Morelli, III, Esq.
          2000 Powell Street, Suite 1400
          Emeryville, CA 94608
          Telephone: (415) 421-7100
          Facsimile: (415) 421-7105
          E-mail: ccottrell@schneiderwallace.com

                - and -

          Joseph C. Peiffer, Esq.
          Daniel Centner, Esq.
          1519 Robert C. Blakes, Sr. Drive
          New Orleans, LA 70130
          Telephone: (504) 523-2434
          E-mail: JPeiffer@peifferwolf.com

ALLSTATE NORTHBROOK: Must File Class Cert Response by April 15
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MINERVA CHAVEZ
individually and on behalf of others similarly situated, v.
3:22-cv-00166-AJB-MMP (S.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia entered an order granting joint
motion regarding class certification briefing schedule as follows:

   1. The Defendant's deadline to file a              April 15,
      response to Plaintiff's motion for
      class certification, including
      declaration(s) of expert witness(es)
      in opposition to certification and
      objections, if any, to the
      qualifications or proposed testimony
       of the Plaintiff's expert witness, is:

   2. The Plaintiff's deadline to file a reply        May 30, 2024
      in support of her motion for class
      certification, including any rebuttal
      expert witness declaration(s) in support
      of class certification and objections,
      if any, to the qualifications or proposed
      testimony of Defendant's expert witness(es),

Allstate provides marine, fire, marine, business, credit, and
casualty insurance products and services to its clients.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3vFUHhD at no extra charge.[CC]

AMERICAN UNIVERSITY: Settlement in Qureshi Suit Gets Initial Nod
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Qureshi v. AMERICAN
UNIVERSITY, Case No. 1:20-cv-01141 (D.D.C., Filed May 1, 2020), the
Hon. Judge Christopher R Cooper entered an order denying as moot
motion to certify class.

In light of the notice of settlement and order granting motion for
preliminary approval of class action settlement agreement, the
motion to certify class is denied as moot.

The nature of suit states Diversity-Breach of Contract.

American University is a private federally chartered research
university in Washington, D.C.[CC]

BAE SYSTEMS: Settlement Communication Bid to Class Members Tossed
In the class action lawsuit captioned as FEDERICO CABRALES and
TYCHICUS STANISLAS, individually and on behalf of others similarly
situated, v. BAE SYSTEMS SAN DIEGO SHIP REPAIR, INC., a California
corporation; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Case No.
3:21-cv-02122-AJB-DDL (S.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge Anthony J.
Battaglia entered an order denying the following motions:

-- Defendant BAE Systems San Diego Ship Repair, Inc.'s Ex Parte
    Motion for Order Approving Supplemental Settlement
    to Class Members and Allowing Additional Time for

-- The Plaintiffs Federico Cabrales and Tychicus Stanislas's Ex
    application for the Court to not consider Defendant's Reply in

    support of its Ex Parte Motion for Order Approving Supplemental

    Settlement Communication to Class Members and Allowing
    Time for Consideration, or in the alternative, for leave to
file a
    sur-reply in response to Defendant's Reply.

BAE Systems is a provider of non-nuclear ship repairs,
modernization, conversion, and overhaul for government and
commercial customers.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3SaMGJc at no extra charge.[CC]

BBI LOGISTICS: Filing of FLSA Notice to Plaintiffs Due July 8
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DAVID LARSON, v. BBI
LOGISTICS, LLC, Case No. 2:23-cv-03633-MHW-KAJ (S.D. Ohio), the
Hon. Judge Kimberly A. Jolson entered a First Pretrial Conference
order as follows:

-- The parties shall exchange initial disclosures       Jan. 18,

-- Any motion to amend the pleadings or to join         Jan. 30,
    additional parties shall be filed by:

-- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) notice discovery     May 9,
    completed by:

-- The Plaintiff's motion for Court supervised          June 7,
    FLSA-notice to potential plaintiffs to be
    filed on or before:

-- The Defendant's opposition to Plaintiff's motion     July 8,
    for Court supervised FLSA-notice to potential
    plaintiffs to be filed on or before:

-- The Plaintiff's reply, if any, by:                   July 22,

The Plaintiff brings this case as a collective action on behalf of
himself and other similarly situated employees. The Plaintiff
alleges that Defendant failed to pay him and other similarly
situated employees overtime compensation in violation of the Fair
Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The Defendant denies Plaintiff's
allegations and asserts that Plaintiff and other similarly situated
employees were exempt from overtime requirements of the FLSA and/or
appropriately compensated pursuant to the requirements of the FLSA,
among other affirmative defenses.

BBI Logistics is a freight brokerage firm.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/4b54D4A at no extra charge.[CC]

BIMBO BAKERIES: Class Settlement in Botonis Suit Gets Initial Nod
In the class action lawsuit captioned as TIM BOTONIS and LIAM
PATRICK MEIKLE, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
situated, v. BIMBO BAKERIES USA, Inc., Case No.
2:22-cv-01453-DJC-DB (E.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge Daniel J.
Calabretta entered an order grating Plaintiffs' unopposed motion
for provisional class certification and
preliminary approval of settlement.

The Rule 23 class is provisionally certified, the Plaintiffs Tim
Botonis and Liam Patrick Meikle are appointed Class
Representatives, and Beeson, Tayer & Bodine, APC are appointed
Class Counsel.

Phoenix Class Action Administration Solutions is appointed as the
Settlement Administrator for this class action settlement.

The Settlement Agreement is preliminarily approved as fair,
reasonable, and adequate.

The parties' plan for notice to the class is the best notice
practicable and satisfies the due process concerns of Rule 23.

The deadline for Class Counsel's forthcoming motions and the date
of the fairness hearing has been set to account for any delay in
remailing notices to the class members under the procedures set
forth in the Settlement Agreement.

  Deadline for defendant to provide to       Fifteen (15) business

  Settlement Administrator all required      days from the date of

  information about the putative class       this order.

  Deadline for mailing of Notices by         Ten (10) business days

  the Settlement Administrator.              after receipt of the
                                             Class Data.

  Last day for Plaintiffs to request         May 11, 2024
  final approval of the settlement
  agreement, attorneys' fees, and
  incentive award, and submit the
  Settlement Administrator's

  Fairness Hearing Date.                     June 6, 2024

The Plaintiffs Tom Botonis and Liam Patrick Meikle worked for
Defendant Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. as a "Route Sales Professional"
and a "Transport Associate" respectively. The Defendant sells
products throughout California and has a Sacramento distribution
center out of where Plaintiffs work.

The Plaintiffs have filed a suit on behalf of both themselves and a
putative class of other similarly situated employees in which they
claim that Defendant failed to properly reimburse employees'
business expenses in violation of California Labor Code Labor Code
Section 2802, provide accurate itemized wage statements to
employees in violation of California Labor Code Sections 226 and
1174, and pay employee wages upon termination of employment in
violation of California Labor Code Sections 201–203.

The Plaintiffs' claims center on the failure to reimburse employees
for required usage of personal cell phones for business purposes.
Based on these same allegations, Plaintiffs also bring an unfair
competition and business practices claim as well as a PAGA claim.

Under the terms of the Settlement Agreement, the proposed class
consists of:

   "all current and former individuals who are or previously were
   employed by Defendant in California as Transport Associates or
   Route Sales Professionals or any associate doing similar work
   during the Class Period (i.e., May 10, 2018 to August 26,

   This includes but is not limited to employees with titles of
   "Bakery RSR; Commission Sales Representative; Relief Driver;
   Drivers; Relief Route Drivers; Route Relief; Route Sales
   Representative; Route Sales Representative-Express Routes; Route

   Sales Representatives; [and] Vacation Relief RSR."

   There are approximately 1,692 members of the proposed class. All

   members of the proposed class are eligible for reimbursement for

   use of personal cell phones.

A portion of the class (1,281 members from the total class) is also
eligible for a portion of the PAGA penalties assessed based on when
each class member was employed by Defendant and the duration of
that employment.

The parties have agreed to settle these claims for a Gross
Settlement Amount ("GSA") of $875,000 with no portion of the GSA
reverting to the Defendant (i.e., a "non-reversionary" settlement).

The proposed settlement includes a number of deductions from the
GSA before distribution to class members:

   (1) up to $130,000 in attorneys' fees;

   (2) up to $10,000 in litigation costs and expenses to Class

   (3) $5,000 to each named Plaintiff as a Class Representative

   (4) $7,500 to the California Labor and Workforce Development
       as the 75% portion owed as a result of the $10,000 PAGA
       penalty; and

   (5) a Settlement Administrator fee currently estimated at
       and capped at $15,000.

Bimbo Bakeries is the American corporate arm of the Mexican
multinational bakery product manufacturing company Grupo Bimbo.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 9, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/4b18X4Y at no extra charge.[CC]

BRETT DINOVI: Bid to Certify Class Denied w/o Prejudice as Untimely
In the class action lawsuit captioned as RACHEL ANN PHILBIN., v.
(D.N.J.), the Hon. Judge Christine P. O'Hearn entered an order
denying without prejudice as untimely the Plaintiff's Motion to
Certify Class.

The Court further ordered that this matter is referred to the
Magistrate Judge to address issues with respect to the previously
issued scheduling order.

Brett DiNovi provides behavioral consultation and leadership

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/48EPi9b at no extra charge.[CC]

CERTAINTEED LLC: Filing for Class Cert Bid Extended to Jan. 8, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as CHANTHA SVAY,
individually, and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
CERTAINTEED LLC, a limited liability corporation; and DOES 1
through 10, inclusive, Case No. 1:23-cv-00775-NODJ-EPG (E.D. Cal.),
the Hon. Judge Erica P. Grosjean entered an order granting joint
stipulation to modify scheduling order and directing clerk of court
to terminate Francisco Trejoramirez from the docket:

   1. The Defendant's responsive pleading deadline is extended from

      Jan. 12, 2024 to May 31, 2024.

   2. The discovery deadline concerning the merits of Plaintiff's
      individual claims and concerning class certification is
      from Sept. 20, 2024 to Nov. 22, 2024.

   3. The deadline concerning expert witness disclosures is
      from July 18, 2024 to Sept. 19, 2024.

   4. The deadline concerning rebuttal expert disclosures is
      from Aug. 19, 2024 to Oct. 21, 2024.

   5. The expert discovery deadline is extended from Sept. 18, 2024
      Nov. 20, 2024.

   6. The Plaintiff's class certification deadline is extended from

      Nov. 4, 2024 to Jan. 8, 2025.

   7. The March 4, 2024 Mid-Discovery Status Conference is vacated
      is reset for May 6, 2024 at 11 a.m.

CertainTeed is a North American manufacturer of building materials
for both commercial and residential construction.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3vFVbUZ at no extra charge.[CC]

COLUMBIA RECYCLING: Filing for Class Certification Due July 8
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Osvaldo de la Fuente and
Victor Hugo Tapia Romero, v. Columbia Recycling Corp. and Gold
Pond Corp., Case No. 4:22-cv-00256-WMR (N.D. Ga.), the Hon. Judge
William M. Ray, II entered an order modifying the Scheduling Order
as follows:

   a. The initial discovery period will             June 7, 2024
      expire on:

   b. The Plaintiffs' motion for class              July 8, 2024
      certification under Fed. R. Civ.
      P. 23 will be due on or before:

Columbia Recycling specializes in synthetic fiber extrusion and

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3Ss6JnZ at no extra charge.[CC]

CONTRACT LAND: Hollenkamp Sues Over Land Agent' Unpaid Overtime
CHRISTIAN HOLLENKAMP, individually and for others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. CONTRACT LAND STAFF, LLC, Defendant, Case
No. 7:24-cv-00007 (W.D. Tex., Jan. 10, 2024) seeks to recover
unpaid overtime wages and other damages from the Defendant under
the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Plaintiff Hollenkamp worked for CLS under a variety of job titles,
including Lead Agent, Acquisition Agent, and Right of Way Agent
from October 2017 until November 2020. He and the Putative Class
Members regularly worked more than 40 hours a week. But Hollenkamp
and the Putative Class Members never received overtime for hours
worked in excess of 40 hours in a single workweek, says the suit.

Contract Land Staff, LLC is an independent right of way and land
management consulting company.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Michael A. Josephson, Esq.
          Andrew W. Dunlap, Esq.
          Richard M. Schreiber, Esq.
          11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 3050
          Houston, TX 77046
          Telephone: (713) 352-1100
          Facsimile: (713) 352-3300
          E-mail: mjosephson@mybackwages.com

               - and -

          Richard J. (Rex) Burch, Esq.
          11 Greenway Plaza, Suite 3025
          Houston, TX 77046
          Telephone: (713) 877-8788
          Facsimile: (713) 877-8065
          E-mail: rburch@brucknerburch.com

CRASH CHAMPIONS: Fails to Provide Proper Wages, Maravilla Claims
JOSE MARAVILLA, on behalf of himself and others similarly situated,
Plaintiff v. CRASH CHAMPIONS, LLC; and DOES 1 to 100, inclusive,
Defendants, Case No. 24STCV00720 (Cal. Super., Los Angeles Cty.,
January 10, 2024) is a class action against the Defendants for
alleged unlawful labor practices and policies in violation of the
California Labor Code and the California Business and Professions

The Plaintiff brought this suit seeking unpaid wages and interest
thereon for Defendants' failure to pay wages for all hours worked
at minimum wage and all overtime hours worked at the overtime rate
of pay; failure to authorize or permit all legally required and/or
compliant meal periods or pay meal period premium wages; failure to
authorize or permit all legally required and/or compliant rest
periods or pay rest period premium wages; statutory penalties for
failure to provide accurate wage statements; statutory waiting time
penalties in the form of continuation wages for failure to timely
pay employees all wages due upon separation of employment;
injunctive relief and other equitable relief; reasonable attorneys'
fees pursuant to Labor Code Sections 218.5, 226(e) and 1194; costs;
and interest brought on behalf of himself and others similarly

The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendants as an hourly
non-exempt employee from 2017 until October 27, 2023.

Crash Champions, LLC provides automotive services. The Company
specializes in vehicle diagnosis, repair, and paint services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Joseph Lavi, Esq.
          Vincent C. Granberry, Esq.
          Jovahn Wiggins, Esq.
          Cassandra Castro, Esq.
          8889 W. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200
          Beverly Hills, CA 90211
          Telephone: (310) 432-0000
          Facsimile: (310) 432-0001
          E-mail: ilavi@lelawfirm.com

DENISE HACKER: Strutton's Bid for Class Certification Tossed
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DENNIS STRUTTON, et al.,
v. DENISE HACKER, et al., Case No. 4:23-cv-01134-SPM (E.D. Mo.),
the Hon. Judge Henry Edward Autrey entered an order as follows:

-- In accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 21, the
    plaintiff James Moller will be severed and dismissed from this


-- The plaintiff Dennis Strutton's motion to proceed in forma
    pauperis is denied due to plaintiff's failure to provide

-- Within 21 days of the date of this Order, the plaintiff Dennis
    Strutton shall pay the $402 filing fee.

-- The Plaintiff's failure to pay the filing fee will result in a
    dismissal of this action.

-- The plaintiff Dennis Strutton's motion for class certification

-- The Clerk of Court shall mail to plaintiff Dennis Strutton a
    Prisoner Civil Rights Complaint form.

-- Within 21 days of the date of this Opinion, Memorandum and
    plaintiff Dennis Strutton shall submit an amended complaint, on
    Court-provided form, in accordance with the instructions set

-- The plaintiff Dennis Strutton's official capacity claims
    defendants are dismissed at this time.

-- If the plaintiff Dennis Strutton fails to timely comply with
this Opinion, Memorandum and Order, the Court will dismiss this
action without prejudice and without further notice.

The Plaintiff Dennis Strutton, a civil detainee currently housed at
the Sexual Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Services Center
(SORTS) in Farmington, Missouri, brings this action pursuant to 42
U.S.C. section 1983.

The Plaintiff names the following as defendants in this action:
Denise Hacker (Chief Operating Officer, SORTS); Christopher
Chamberlain (Director of Security, SORTS); George Killian (Director
of Treatment, SORTS); Stacy Giggs (Program Director, SORTS);
Matthew Roach (Chief Financial Officer, SORTS). Plaintiff
additionally claims that he is suing "Several Does of the Sex
Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Services Facility." The
Plaintiff sues defendants in their individual and official

The Plaintiff Dennis Strutton alleges a plethora of claims against
the five defendants in this lawsuit. Although he claims that he is
asserting only eight claims in his complaint, each claim has
multiple subparts and several claims number multiple pages in

A copy of the Court's opinion, memorandum and order dated Jan. 10,
2024 is available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3tSBOI1
at no extra charge.[CC]

EARTH BRANDS: Faces Morgan Suit Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
PARADISE MORGAN, Plaintiff v. EARTH BRANDS INC., Defendant, Case
No. 150220/2024 (N.Y. Sup., New York Cty., January 9, 2024) is a
class action brought by the Plaintiff, on behalf of himself and all
other persons similarly situated visually-impaired and legally
blind individuals, after Defendant denied them full and equal
access to its website, www.earthbrands.earth, in violation of the
New York State Human Rights Law, the New York State Civil Rights
Law, and the New York City Human Rights Law.

According to the complaint, Earthbrands.earth provides to the
public a wide array of the goods, services, price specials,
employment opportunities and other programs. Yet, the website
contains thousands of access barriers that make it difficult if not
impossible for blind and visually-impaired customers to use the
website. In fact, the access barriers make it impossible for blind
and visually-impaired users to even complete a transaction on the
website, says the suit.

The Plaintiff seeks a permanent injunction to cause a change in
Exact Sciences' policies, practices, and procedures so that
Defendant's website will become and remain accessible to blind and
visually-impaired consumers. This complaint also seeks compensatory
damages to compensate Plaintiff for having been subjected to
alleged unlawful discrimination.

Earth Brands Inc. is a sustainable products company.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Dan Shaked, Esq.
          SHAKED LAW GROUP, P.C.  
          14 Harwood Court, Suite 415
          Scarsdale, NY 10583
          Telephone: (917) 373-9128
          E-mail: ShakedLawGroup@Gmail.com

ELLIS HOSPITAL: Bid for Certificate of Appealability Nixed
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DENISE DAVELLA,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
ELLIS HOSPITAL, INC., doing business as Ellis Medicine, Case No.
1:20-cv-00726-MAD-MJK (N.D.N.Y.), the Hon. Judge Mae A. D'Agostino
entered an order denying the Defendant's motion for a certificate
of appealability.

The Court further orders that the parties confer and submit to the
Court a joint proposed scheduling order in line with the
requirements set forth in the conclusion of the Court's August 21,

The Court agrees that if the Second Circuit were to reverse this
Court's conditional certification decision and abrogate the
two-step process, then the Court would have "to more closely
scrutinize the similarities between the putative collective
members" and if the Second Circuit affirmed this Court's decision,
"notice would issue to a larger group of putative collective

The Plaintiff filed a third amended complaint against Ellis
Hospital, alleging violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act
("FLSA") and New York Labor Law ("NYLL") for failure to pay full

On Dec. 14, 2022, Davella moved for conditional class
certification. The Defendant responded in opposition, and Davella
replied. On Aug. 21, 2023, the Court granted Davella's motion for
conditional class certification.

The Plaintiffs are non-exempt nurses who worked for Defendant and
allege that Defendant failed to compensate similarly situated
employees for work performed during unpaid meal periods
and while off-the-clock.

Ellis Hospital provides emergency, inpatient medical/surgical and
psychiatric care.

A copy of the Court's memorandum-decision and order dated Jan. 9,
2024 is available from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3O5fX6S
at no extra charge.[CC]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Carolyn Hunt Cottrell, Esq.
          Ori Edelstein, Esq.
          David Christopher Leimbach, Esq.
          Robert E. Morelli, III, Esq.
          John J. Nestico, Esq.
          2000 Powell Street, Suite 1400
          Emeryville, CA 94608

The Defendant is represented by:

          Michael D. Billok, Esq.
          Eric M. O'Bryan, Esq.
          268 Broadway, Suite 104
          Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

EXPRESS SCRIPTS: Osterhaus Pharmacy Alleges Price Fixing Agreements
INC., on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated,
formerly known as Express Scripts Holding Company, Defendants, Case
No. 2:24-cv-00039 (W.D. Wash., Jan. 9, 2024) seeks treble damages,
costs, attorneys' fees, and other monetary relief for Defendants'
engagement in a series of price-fixing agreements with
co-conspirators in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act.

This civil antitrust action arises out of Defendant Express
Scripts' horizontal conspiracies with each of direct competitors,
Prime Therapeutics LLC, Benecard Services, LLC, and Magellan Rx
Management, LLC, to fix pharmaceutical reimbursement rates and
related fees. These price-fixing agreements enable Prime, Benecard,
and Magellan to impose reimbursement rates and fees that are less
favorable to pharmacies than they otherwise would be, matching
Express Scripts' reimbursement rates and fees.

Through the unlawful agreements with Express Scripts, each
Co-Conspirator was able to reduce its reimbursement rates and raise
its fees to the levels of the more powerful Express Scripts. In
effect, the Co-Conspirators rented Express Scripts' market power,
the suit says.

Osterhaus Pharmacy, Inc., formerly operated as Osterhaus Pharmacy
and M&M Care, is a corporation that was organized under the laws of

Express Scripts, Inc. is one of the two largest pharmacy benefit
managers, managing pharmaceutical benefits for over 100 million
health-plan members.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Beth E. Terrell, Esq.
          Amanda M. Steiner, Esq.
          Blythe H. Chandler, Esq.
          936 N. 34th Street, Suite 300
          Seattle, WA 98103-8869
          Telephone: (206) 816-6603   
          E-mail: bterrell@terrellmarshall.com

               - and -

          Joseph M. Vanek, Esq.
          Paul E. Slater, Esq.
          Phil Cramer, Esq.
          Trevor K. Scheetz, Esq.
          Kathryn M. DeLong, Esq.
          55 W. Monroe Street, Suite 3200
          Chicago, IL 60603
          Telephone: (312) 641-3200
          E-mail: jvanek@sperling-law.com

               - and -  

          Steve D. Shadowen, Esq.
          Nicholas W. Shadowen, Esq.
          Kathryn Allen, Esq.
          1717 W. Sixth Street, Suite 370
          Austin, TX 78703
          Telephone: (855) 344-3298  
          E-mail: steve@hilliardshadowenlaw.com

               - and -

          Mark R. Cuker, Esq.
          CUKER LAW FIRM
          575 Pinetown Rd P.O. Box 1151
          Ft. Washington, PA 19034
          Telephone: (215) 531-8522
          E-mail: mark@cukerlaw.com

               - and -

          Joshua P. Davis, Esq.
          Julie A. Pollock, Esq.
          505 Montgomery Street, Suite 625
          San Francisco, CA 94111
          Telephone: (415) 906-0684      
          E-mail: jdavis@bm.net

               - and -

          Michael L. Roberts, Esq.
          Erich P. Schork, Esq.
          Kelly Rinehart, Esq.
          1920 McKinney Avenue, Suite 700
          Dallas, TX 75204
          Telephone: (501) 821-5575
          Email: mikeroberts@robertslawfirm.us

FCA US: Late Disclosed Expert Report Stricken in Nuwer Class Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JASON NUWER, et al., v.
FCA US LLC f/k/a CHRYSLER GROUP LLC, Case No. 0:20-cv-60432-AHS
(S.D. Fla.), the Hon. Judge Raag Singhal entered an order granting
the Defendant's motion to strike the Plaintiff's Late Disclosed
Expert Report and Fact Witnesses.

In Nov. 2023, a district court in Massachusetts tried a class
action brought against Defendant FCA US LLC which involved
virtually the same AHRs at issue in this case. Costa v. FCA US LLC,
Case No. 1:20-cv-11810 (D. Mass.). The Costa case is not a
surprise; the parties and the Court have cited to decisions from
the Costa court throughout this litigation. Plaintiff’s counsel
attended and observed the Costa trial.

The Plaintiff contends that he learned for the first time at the
Costa trial that FCA US LLC claims that AHR deployments do not
cause injuries. "As soon as the Costa trial concluded, the
Plaintiff's counsel began to search for FCA consumers who had
experienced inadvertent deployments in Class Vehicles and might
testify in this case.

FCA designs, engineers, manufactures, and sells vehicles.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3S95LLJ at no extra charge.[CC]

HOME OIL: Parties Must File Dismissal Stipulation by Feb. 29
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JESSICA HARPER, v. HOME
OIL COMPANY, INC., dba HOBO PANTRY, Case No. 1:23-cv-00453-RAH-KFP
(M.D. Ala.), the Hon. Judge R. Austin Huffaker, Jr. entered an
order as follows:

   1. All attendant deadlines and hearings, including the class
      certification deadline currently set for Jan. 15, 2024, are
      stayed but shall be reset, if necessary, pending further
      from the Court.

   2. Parties shall file a stipulation of dismissal by Feb. 29,

Home Oil distributes petroleum products.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/4932Z1K at no extra charge.[CC]

HOMESTREET BANK: McCracken Sues Over Unlawful Overdraft Fees
MATTHEW MCCRACKEN, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. HOMESTREET BANK, Defendant, Case
No. 24-2-00703-2 SEA (Wash. Super., King Cty., January 10, 2024) is
an action brought by the Plaintiff, individually and on behalf of
Class of all similarly situated consumers against Defendant
HomeStreet Bank, arising from routinely charging more than one
overdraft fee or non-sufficient funds fees on a single

According to the complaint, HomeStreet misleadingly and deceptively
misrepresents its fee practices, including in its own account
contracts. HomeStreet's improper scheme to extract funds from
account holders has victimized Plaintiff and thousands of other
similarly situated consumers. Unless enjoined, HomeStreet will
continue to engage in these schemes and will continue to cause
substantial injury to its consumers, says the suit.

Plaintiff McCracken is an individual and resident of Olympia,
Thurston County, Washington and has had a checking account with
HomeStreet Bank at all times material hereto.

HomeStreet Bank is a bank headquartered in Seattle, King County,
Washington with nearly $9 billion in assets and locations
throughout Washington, California, Utah, and Idaho.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Kim D. Stephens, Esq.
          Cecily C. Jordan, Esq.
          1200 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1700
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Telephone: (206) 682-5600
          Facsimile: (206) 682-2992    
          E-mail: stephens@tousley.com

               - and -

          Jeffrey D. Kaliel, Esq.
          Sophia G. Gold, Esq.
          1100 15th Street NW, 4th Floor
          Washington, DC 20005
          Telephone: (202) 350-4783
          E-mail: sgold@kalielgold.com

JD BYRIDER: Class Cert Bid Filing in Kirkland Extended to Feb. 26
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DEVYN KIRKLAND, v. JD
BYRIDER DFW TEXAS INC., Case No. 3:23-cv-01939-X (N.D. Tex.), the
Hon. Judge Brantley Starr entered an order as follows:

-- Denying the Defendant's Amended Motion to Dismiss.

-- Denying motion to stay discovery.

-- Granting the Plaintiff's motion to extend the deadline to
    a class until Feb. 26, 2024.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3SsR9bq at no extra charge.[CC]

LOS ANGELES, CA: Faces Levy Suit Over Unlawful Labor Practices
RASHELL LEVY, individually and on behalf of other persons similarly
DOES 1-50, Defendants, Case No. 24STCV00731 (Cal. Super., Los
Angeles Cty., January 10, 2024) arises from the Defendants' alleged
unlawful labor practices and policies in violation of the
California Labor Code and applicable Wage Orders of the Industrial
Welfare Commission.

Plaintiff Levy, on behalf of herself and other similarly situated
current and former employees of the District who have worked as
teachers assigned to students of the Berenece Carlson Home Hospital
School, brings this class action to recover unpaid wages earned and
due, retirement contributions owed, liquidated damages, penalties
and interest, reimbursements owing on expenses incurred, and
attorneys' fees, and costs, arising from the District's unlawful

The Plaintiff is a District teacher assigned to Carlson who has
worked as a teacher since August 2018.

The District is a public school district organized and existing
under the laws of the State of California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Dennis F. Moss, Esq.
          Ari E. Moss, Esq.
          Jeremy F. Bollinger, Esq.
          15300 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 207
          Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
          Telephone: (310) 982-2984
          Facsimile: (818) 963-5954
          E-mail: dennis@mossbollinger.com

MERRILL GARDENS: Ct. Initially Approves Class Settlement in Ramirez
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MARIA BUSTOS RAMIREZ, v.
MERRILL GARDENS, LLC, Case No. 1:22-cv-00542-SAB (E.D. Cal.), the
Hon. Judge Stanley A. Boone entered an order granting the
Plaintiffs' motion for and setting final approval hearing for May
29, 2024.

The following persons are conditionally certified as Class Members
solely for the purpose of entering a settlement in this matter:

   "All non-exempt employees of the Defendant who worked for
   in California during the Class Period (March 8, 2018 through the

   date upon which the Court grants preliminary approval of the

ILYM Group, Inc. is appointed to act as the Administrator, pursuant
to the terms set forth in the Agreement.

The Plaintiffs Maria Bustos Ramirez and Ramona Holguin are
appointed the Class Representatives and the representative of the
Settlement Class for settlement purposes only.

The Plaintiffs' Counsel, Moon Law Group, PC, Bohkour Law Group,
P.C., and Melmed Law Group are appointed Class Counsel.

The settlement of Plaintiffs' California Labor Code Private
Attorney General Act (PAGA) claim is fair and reasonable, and the
Court preliminarily approves the Settlement and release of that
claim as well as the PAGA Allocation in the amount of $85,000, to
be distributed and paid as 75% ($63,750) to the LWDA and as 25%
($21,250) to PAGA Employees.

The Plaintiffs primarily allege that Defendant did not provide
legally compliant meal periods and rest breaks, did not reimburse
employees for business expenses, did not compensate employees for
all time worked, and, as a result, wage statements provided to
employees were rendered inaccurate, final wages were not timely
paid, and the conduct violated the California's Private Attorneys
General Act of 2004 and California's Unfair Competition Law (UCL).

Merrill owns and operates senior living communities.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3U8DB6c at no extra charge.[CC]

MIKE BLOOMBERG: Bid for Summary Judgment in Wood Suit Due March 15
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DONNA WOOD, v. MIKE
BLOOMBERG 2020, INC., Case No. 1:20-cv-02489-LTS-GWG (S.D.N.Y.),
the Hon. Judge Gabriel W. Gorenstein entered an class certification
scheduling order as follows:

-- Any motion to "decertify" the Fair Labor          Jan. 16,
    Standards Act (FLSA) collective shall be
    filed by:

                      Any opposition is due:          March 1,

                           Any reply is due:          April 1,

-- Any motion for summary judgment (whether          March 15,
    partial or full) shall be filed by:

                Any opposition shall be due:          April 15,

                     Any reply shall be due:          April 30,

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3HyXvzL at no extra charge.[CC]

NIKE INC: Appeals Denial of Motion to Stay in Cahill Suit
Nike, Inc. filed an appeal from the District Court's Order dated
January 5, 2024 entered in the lawsuit entitled KELLY CAHILL, et
al., v. NIKE, INC., an Oregon Corporation, Case No.
3:18-cv-01477-JR, in the United States District Court for the
District of Oregon.

The Plaintiffs allege wage rate discrimination based on gender in
violation of the Equal Pay Act. The Plaintiffs further allege in
the complaint that the Defendant pays and promotes women less than
men at Nike Headquarters. The gender disparities occurred, and
continue to occur, because of specific employment policies or
practices that are developed and carried out in a workplace that is
hostile towards women and where the ultimate arbiters of these
policies or practices are a small group of high-level executives
who are majority male.

On Jan. 10, 2022, the Plaintiffs filed a motion for class
certification, which the Court denied through an Order entered by
Judge Marco A. Hernandez on Mar. 21, 2023.

On October 11, 2023, Magistrate Judge Jolie A. Russo presented
Findings & Recommendation that Media Intervenors' renewed motion to
unseal judicial records should be granted and the following
exhibits should be unredacted: Exhibit 46 to the Declaration of
Mengfei Sun in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Class
Certification; Exhibit 47 to the Declaration of Mengfei Sun in
Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification; Exhibit 48
to the Declaration of Mengfei Sun in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion
for Class Certification; Exhibit 51 to the Declaration of Mengfei
Sun in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification;
Exhibit 52 to the Declaration of Mengfei Sun in Support of
Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification; Paragraph 16 of the
Declaration of Byron Goldstein in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for
Class Certification; and Exhibit 9 to the Declaration of Byron
Goldstein in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Class

On January 5, 2024, the Court entered an Order adopting Magistrate
Judge Russo's Findings and Recommendation. Accordingly, the Court
GRANTED the Media Intervenors' Motion to Unseal Judicial Records.
The Court, therefore, DENIED that portion of Defendant's Motion to
Stay. The Court, however, GRANTED Defendant's alternative request
for a temporary 7-day stay to allow time for Defendant to seek a
stay from the Ninth Circuit directly.

The appellate case is captioned as Cahill, et al. v. NIKE, Inc.,
Case No. 24-165, in the United States Court of Appeals for the
Ninth Circuit, filed on January 9, 2024.[BN]

O & A LINE: Guerin Sues Over Unlawful Labor Practices
CAMILLE GUERIN and CAMILLE TORRES, individually and on behalf of
others similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. O & A LINE MANAGEMENT,
and DOES 1 through 25, inclusive, Defendants, Case No. 24STCV00704
(Cal. Super., Los Angeles Cty., January 10, 2024) arises from the
Defendants' alleged unlawful labor practices and policies in
violation of the California Labor Code and the California Business
and Professions Code.

The Plaintiffs allege the Defendants' failure to pay minimum and
overtime wages, failure to pay meal and rest period premiums,
failure to timely pay wages during employment, failure to provide
accurate wage statements, failure to timely pay final wages,
failure to reimburse necessary business expenses, and unfair

Plaintiffs Guerin and Torres worked for the Defendants from
December 2022 through June 2023 and from October 2021 through June
2023 as servers.

The Defendants are restauranteurs and hoteliers operating hotels
and restaurants and providing various services within, and maintain
employees throughout California, including in Los Angeles

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Jonathan M. Genish, Esq.
          Barbara DuVan-Clarke, Esq.
          Alexander K. Spellman, Esq.
          P.J. Van Ert, Esq.
          8383 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 745
          Beverly Hills, CA 90211
          Telephone: (310) 622-4278
          Facsimile: (855) 786-6356
          E-mail: jgenish@blackstonepc.com

PACIFIC LUTHERAN: Website Inaccessible to Blind Users, Senior Says
MILAGROS SENIOR, on behalf of herself and all other persons
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY,
Defendant, Case No. 1:24-cv-00220 (S.D.N.Y., January 10, 2024) is a
civil rights action against Defendant for its failure to design,
construct, maintain, and operate its interactive website,
https://www.plu.edu/, to be fully accessible to and independently
usable by Plaintiff and other blind or visually-impaired persons in
violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

According to the complaint, the Defendant deprives blind and
visually-impaired individuals the benefits of its online goods,
content, and services -- all benefits it affords nondisabled
individuals -- thereby increasing the sense of isolation and stigma
among those persons that Title III was meant to redress by failing
to make its website available in a manner compatible with computer
screen reader programs.

These access barriers on Defendant's website have deterred
Plaintiff from visiting Defendant's website and enjoying it equal
to sighted individuals because: Plaintiff was unable to use and
enjoy the website in the same manner as sighted individuals do,
preventing Plaintiff from using the website to purchase the PLU
Hydro Flask and to view the items and obtain information, says the

Pacific Lutheran University operates the PLU online retail store as
well as the PLU interactive website and advertises, markets, and
operates in the State of New York and throughout the United

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Michael A. LaBollita, Esq.
          Jeffrey M. Gottlieb, Esq.
          Dana L. Gottlieb, Esq.
          150 East 18th Street, Suite PHR
          New York, NY 10003
          Telephone: (212) 228-9795
          Facsimile: (212) 982-6284
          E-mail: Michael@Gottlieb.legal

PELICIA HALL: Bid to Restrict Access to Expert Report Denied
In the class action lawsuit captioned as ANDREW ALEXANDER, et al.,
on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v.
PELICIA E. HALL, et al., Case No. 4:20-cv-00021-SA-JMV (N.D.
Miss.), the Hon. Judge Jane M. Virden entered an order denying
consent motion to restrict Access to the Expert Report of Lenard
Vare (but, alternatively, Sua sponte ordering clerk's office to
seal for 30 days).

On this record, the court finds that the Unopposed Motion to
Seal/Restrict Access to the Expert Report of Lenard Vare does not
comply with Local Rule 79. Among its defects, the motion does not
explain why another procedure, such as redaction, will not suffice.

The motion does not specify the time period Defendants seek to have
the report maintained under seal. Additionally, the explanation for
why sealing is necessary -- stated safety concerns by the
Plaintiffs -– is overly broad and generic.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3SsbH2X  at no extra charge.[CC]

ROCKY TOP: Knoski Sues Over Restaurant Servers' Unpaid Wages
COLLEEN KNOSKI, individually, and on behalf of herself and all
other similarly situated current and former employees, Plaintiff v.
ROCKY TOP WAFFLES, LLC, Defendant, Case No. 3:24-cv-00006 (E.D.
Ten., Jan. 10, 2024) is brought against Defendant as collective
action under the Fair Labor Standards Act to recover unpaid minimum
wages and other damages owed to Plaintiff and other similarly
situated current and former tipped employees of Defendant.

Plaintiff Knoski has been employed by Defendant as a restaurant
server within this district during the applicable statutory
limitations' period of this action. She asserts that Defendant paid
her and similarly situated tipped employees the sub-minimum hourly
rate of pay for such non-tip producing work, instead of the FLSA's
required $7.25 per hour.

Rocky Top Waffles, LLC owns and operates more than 35 franchised
Waffle House restaurants in Tennessee.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gordon E. Jackson, Esq.
          J. Russ Bryant, Esq.
          James L. Holt, Jr., Esq.
          J. Joseph Leatherwood, IV, Esq.
          262 German Oak Drive
          Memphis, TN 38018
          Telephone: (901) 754-8001
          Facsimile: (901) 754-8524
          E-mail: gjackson@jsyc.com

SAVINO DEL BENE: Faces Oliva Wage-and-Hour Class Suit in Calif.
ESTEFANNY OLIVA, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. SAVINO DEL BENE U.S.A., INC., a New York
corporation; and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, Defendants, Case
No. 24STCV00777 (Cal. Super., Los Angeles Cty., Jan. 10, 2024)
arises from the Defendants' alleged unlawful labor policies and
practices in violation of the California Labor Code and the
California Business and Professions Code.

The Plaintiff alleges the Defendants' failure to pay minimum and
overtime wages, failure to provide rest and meal periods, failure
to pay all wages upon termination, failure to provide accurate wage
statements, and unfair competition.

The Plaintiff has been employed by Defendants as a non-exempt
employee in California.

SAVINO DEL BENE U.S.A., INC., a New York corporation, provides
freight forwarding and logistic services within the State of

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Michael Nourmand, Esq.
          James A. De Sario, Esq.
          8822 West Olympic Boulevard
          Beverly Hills, CA 90211
          Telephone: (310) 553-3600
          Facsimile: (310)553-3603

SOLAR IMPULSE: Desrosiers Files Suit in Mass. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Solar Impulse LLC.
case is styled as Treant Desrosiers, Anthony Santos, Nicholas
Rivera, on behalf of themselves and others similarly situated v.
Solar Impulse LLC, Gerard Mcgowan, Paul Bradley, Robert Finnegan,
Michael Cruz, Trevor Fiske, Case No. 2481CV00125 (Mass. Super. Ct.,
Middlesex Cty., Jan. 17, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Contract/Business Cases."

Solar Impulse Foundation -- https://solarimpulse.com/ -- has
organized these solutions into a search-engine for climate

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Eric J. Walz, Esq.
          92 State St.
          Boston, MA 02109

SOUTHWESTERN HEALTH: Brumley Suit Removed to N.D. Texas
The case captioned as Brian Brumley, individually and on behalf of
a class of similarly situated individuals v. SOUTHWESTERN HEALTH
RESOURCES, Case No. 23-20472 was removed from the District Court of
Dallas County, Texas, 192nd Judicial District, to the U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of Texas on Jan. 19, 2024, and
assigned Case No. 3:24-cv-00146-E.

The Plaintiff asserts causes of action for invasion of privacy;
violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and; unjust

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          MCGUIRE LAW, P.C.
          55 W. Wacker Drive, 9th Floor
          Chicago, IL 60601
          Phone: (312) 893-7002
          Email: eturin@mcgpc.com

               - and -

          WICKES LAW, PLLC
          5600 Tennyson Parkway, Ste. 205
          Plano, Texas 75024
          Phone: (972) 473-6900
          Email: pwickes@wickeslaw.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Amanda Harvey, Esq.
          1452 Hughes Rd Suite 200
          Grapevine, TX 76051
          Phone: (267) 930-1697
          Email: aharvey@mullen.law

SPRINGS WINDOW: Tillapaugh Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Springs Window
Fashions, LLC, et al. The case is styled as Philip Anthony
Tillapaugh, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated,
and the general public v. Springs Window Fashions, LLC, Sunsetter
Products, LP, Does 1 Through 50, Inclusive, Case No. CGC24611765
(Cal. Super. Ct., San Francisco Cty., Jan. 19, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Other Non-Exempt Complaints."

Springs Window Fashions, LLC --
https://www.springswindowfashions.com/ -- manufactures and
distributes home furnishing products. The Company produces products
such as blinds, shades, panels, and drapery hardware.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          David Keledjian, Esq.
          D.LAW, INC.
          880 E Broadway
          Glendale, CA 91205-1218
          Phone: 818-962-6465
          Fax: 818-962-6469
          Email: d.keledjian@d.law

SSS EDUCATION INC: Bryant Suit Removed to D. New Jersey
The case captioned as Sheila Bryant, individually and on behalf of
all other similarly situated v. SSS Education Inc. doing business
as: Jersey College, Case No. BER-L-06758-23 was removed from the
Superior Court, Law Division: Bergen County, to the U.S. District
Court for the District of New Jersey on Jan. 16, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 2:24-cv-00261-JXN-JBC to
the proceeding.

The nature of suit is stated as Other Personal Property for
Property Damage.

Jersey College -- https://www.jerseycollege.edu/ -- is a private
for-profit career college specializing in nursing education with
its main campus in Teterboro, New Jersey.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gary S. Graifman, Esq.
          135 Chestnut Ridge Road, Suite 200
          Montvale, NJ 07645
          Phone: (201) 391-7000
          Fax: (201) 307-1086
          Email: ggraifman@kgglaw.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Christopher Manley, Esq.
          Harris Samuel Freier, Esq.
          494 Broad Street
          Newark, NJ 07102
          Phone: (973) 535-4433
          Email: cmanley@genovaburns.com

ST. LOUIS ALTENHEIM: Joe Seeks Medication Technicians' Unpaid OT
Benita Joe, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated,
Plaintiff v. St. Louis Altenheim, and Malik St. Louis, LLC,
Defendants, Case No. 4:24-cv-00059 (E.D. Mo., Jan. 10, 2024) is a
class action against the Defendants for unpaid overtime
compensation, and related penalties and damages under the Missouri
Minimum Wage Law and the Fair Labor Standards Act.

The Plaintiff, collective action members, and putative collective
action members are similarly situated because they were denied the
statutorily required overtime premium for all hours worked over 40
hours in a work week, based on Defendants' common practice, policy,
or scheme of refusing to pay overtime premiums, says the suit.

Plaintiff Joe was employed by the Defendants to work as an
Certified Medication Technician at SLA's skilled nursing and
assisted living facility on September 12, 2023. On November 14,
Defendants terminated Plaintiff's employment for reasons unrelated
to her compensation.

St. Louis Altenheim is a nonprofit skilled nursing facility and
assisted living facility in Missouri.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Philip E. Oliphant, Esq.
          88 Union Avenue, 14th Floor
          Memphis, TN 38103
          Telephone: (901) 737-7740
          Facsimile: (901) 474-7926
          E-mail: poliphant@cronelawfirmplc.com

TARGET CORPORATION: Kadi Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case captioned as Bruno Kadi, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated v. TARGET CORPORATION, a Minnesota
corporation; and DOES 1 through 100, Inclusive, Case No.
CIVSB2328777 was removed from the Superior Court of the State of
California, County of San Bernardino, to the U.S. District Court
for the Central District of California on Jan. 16, 2024, and
assigned Case No. 5:24-cv-00095.

The Plaintiff's Complaint contains seven causes of action alleging:
failure to pay overtime wages; failure to pay sick leave; failure
to provide meal periods; failure to provide rest periods; failure
to pay all wages upon termination; failure to provide accurate wage
statements; and unfair competition.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Julie A Dunne, Esq.
          Matthew Riley, Esq.
          DLA PIPER LLP (US)
          4365 Executive Drive, Suite 1100
          San Diego, CA 92121-2133
          Phone: 858.677.1400
          Fax: 858.677.1401
          Email: julie.dunne@us.dlapiper.com

TOPGOLF PAYROLL: Escamilla Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case captioned as Robert Escamilla, individually, and on behalf
of all others similarly situated v. TOPGOLF PAYROLL SERVICES, LLC,
a limited liability company; TOPGOLF USA EL SEGUNDO, LLC, a limited
liability company; and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, Case No.
23STCV30085 was removed from the Superior Court of the State of
California for the County of San Diego, to the U.S. District Court
for the Central District of California on Jan. 17, 2024, and
assigned Case No. 2:24-cv-00426.

In the Complaint, Plaintiff alleges eight causes of action against
Defendants: Failure to Pay Minimum and Straight Time Wages; Failure
to Pay Overtime Wages; Failure to Provide Meal Periods; Failure to
Authorize and Permit Rest Periods; Failure to Timely Pay Final
Wages at Termination; Failure to Provide Accurate Itemized Wage
Statements; Failure to Indemnify Employees for Expenditures; and
Unfair Business Practices.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Michael J. Nader, Esq.
          Alexandra M. Asterlin, Esq.
          Paul M. Smith, Esq.
          500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2500
          Sacramento, CA 95814
          Phone: (916) 840-3150
          Facsimile: (916) 840-3159
          Email: michael.nader@ogletree.com

TRANSFORMATIVE HEALTHCARE: Durgin Files Suit in D. Massachusetts
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Transformative
Healthcare, LLC, et al. The case is styled as Daniel Durgin,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v.
Transformative Healthcare, LLC, Coastal Medical Transportation
Systems, LL, Case No. 1:24-cv-10137 (D.S.C., Jan. 18, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Other P.I.

Transformative Healthcare, LLC -- https://www.ths.health/ -- are
solely committed to providing the highest level of Evidence-Based
Mental Healthcare through a variety of treatment modalities and

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          David Pastor, Esq.
          63 Atlantic Avenue, 3rd Floor
          Boston, MA 02110
          Phone: (617) 742-9700
          Fax: (617) 742-9701
          Email: dpastor@pastorlawoffice.com

TRAVIS CREDIT UNION: Tercero Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Travis Credit Union,
et al. The case is styled as Oralia Tercero, on behalf of all
others similarly situated, and on behalf of the general public v.
Travis Credit Union, et al., Case No. 24CV000633 (Cal. Super. Ct.,
Sacramento Cty., Jan. 16, 2024).

Travis Credit Union -- https://www.traviscu.org/ -- offers checking
accounts, savings accounts, mortgages, car loans, credit cards and
other personal or business banking services.[BN]

TRIMAC TRANSPORTATION: Castellanos Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case captioned as Edwardo Castellanos, individually and on
behalf of all similarly situated individuals v. TRIMAC
23STCV27749 was removed from the Superior Court of the State of
California for the County of Los Angeles, to the U.S. District
Court for the Central District of California on Dec. 15, 2023, and
assigned Case No. 2:23-cv-10508.

The Complaint alleges eight causes of action: Minimum Wage
Violations; Overtime Violations; Meal Period Violations; Rest
Period Violations; Wage Statement Penalties; Waiting Time
Penalties; Work Expenditure Violations; and, Violation of Unfair
Competition Law.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Nisha Verma, Esq.
          Melonie S. Jordan, Esq.
          600 Anton Boulevard, Suite 2000
          Costa Mesa, CA 92626
          Phone: (714) 800-1400
          Facsimile: (714) 800-1499
          Email: verma.nisha@dorsey.com

TRUSTED HEALTH: Fleming Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Trusted Health, Inc.,
et al. The case is styled as Grace Fleming, individually and on
behalf of all other similarly situated aggrieved employees v.
Trusted Health, Inc., Does 1-50, Inclusive, Case No. CGC23611120
(Cal. Super. Ct., San Francisco Cty., Dec. 15, 2023).

The case type is stated as "Other Non-Exempt Complaints."

Trusted, Inc. -- https://www.trustedhealth.com/ -- is the leading
labor marketplace and workforce management platform for the
healthcare industry.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Eve H. Cervantez, Esq.
          177 Post St., Ste. 300
          San Francisco, CA 94108-4733
          Phone: 415-421-7151
          Fax: 415-362-8064
          Email: ecervantez@altber.com

TVI INC: Hughes Suit Transferred to E.D. California
The case captioned as Shea Hughes, on behalf of the State of
California, and others similarly situated and aggrieved v. TVI,
Inc., Case No. 3:23-cv-06699 was transferred from the U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of California, to the U.S. District
Court for the Eastern District of California on Jan. 19, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 2:24-cv-00250-WBS-AC to
the proceeding.

The nature of suit is stated as Jobs Civil Rights for Employment

TVI Pacific Inc. (TVI) -- https://www.tvipacific.com/ -- is a
Canadian resource company focused on the acquisition and
development of resource projects in the Asia Pacific region.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Chad Saunders, Esq.
          Zachary Miles Crosner, Esq.
          Brandon Kyle Brouillette, Esq.
          Jamie Kathryn Serb, Esq.
          CROSNER LEGAL P.C.
          9440 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 301
          Beverly Hills, CA 90210
          Phone: (310) 496-5818
          Email: chad@crosnerlegal.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Adam Y. Siegel, Esq.
          JACKSON LEWIS P.C.
          725 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2500
          Los Angeles, CA 90017
          Phone: (213) 689-0404
          Fax: (213) 689-0430
          Email: adam.siegel@jacksonlewis.com

VICTORIA A. INTL: Erkan Files ADA Suit in E.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Victoria A. Intl,
LLC. The case is styled as Nihal Erkan, on behalf of herself and
all others similarly situated v. Victoria A. Intl, LLC, Case No.
1:24-cv-00416 (E.D.N.Y., Jan. 19, 2024).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Victoria A. Intl, LLC is a leading import company in USA.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mars Khaimov, Esq.
          14749 71st Ave.
          Flushing, NY 11367
          Phone: (917) 915-7415
          Email: mars@khaimovlaw.com

WAG HOTELS INC: Piper Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Wag Hotels, Inc. The
case is styled as Jack Piper, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. Wag Hotels, Inc., Case No. CGC24611665
(Cal. Super. Ct., San Joaquin Cty., Jan. 16, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Business Tort."

Wag Hotels -- https://www.waghotels.com/ -- is a full service dog &
cat hotel featuring boarding, training, spa services and doggy

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          L. Timothy Fisher, Esq.
          BURSOR & FISHER, P.A.
          1990 N. California Blvd., Ste. 940
          Walnut Creek, CA 94596-3745
          Phone: 925-300-4455
          Fax: 925-470-2700

WALDORF ASTORIA: Blossom Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case captioned as Harmony Blossom, individual and behalf of all
others similarly situated v. WALDORF ASTORIA EMPLOYER, LLC, a
limited liability company; WALDORF ASTORIA MANAGEMENT, LLC, a
limited liability company; and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, Case
No. 23STCV27316 was removed from the Superior Court of the State of
California, County of Los Angeles, to the U.S. District Court for
the Central District of California on Dec. 15, 2023, and assigned
Case No. 2:23-cv-10510.

The Plaintiff filed an unverified Complaint which alleged eight
causes of action: failure to pay minimum wages; failure to pay
overtime compensation; failure to provide meal periods; failure to
authorize and permit rest breaks; failure to indemnify necessary
business expenses; failure to timely pay final wages upon
termination; failure to provide accurate itemized wage statements;
and unfair business practices.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Connie L. Chen, Esq.
          JACKSON LEWIS P.C.
          725 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2500
          Los Angeles, CA 90017-5408
          Phone: (213) 689-0404
          Facsimile: (213) 689-0430
          Email: connie.chen@jacksonlewis.com

WALGREENS COMPANY: Argueta Files Suit in E.D. California
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Walgreens Company.
The case is styled as Jessica Argueta, individually and on behalf
of all others similarly situated v. Walgreens Company, Case No.
1:24-cv-00072-JLT-CDB (E.D. Cal., Jan. 17, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Other Contract for Breach of

Walgreens -- http://www.walgreens.com/-- is an American company
that operates the second-largest pharmacy store chain in the United
States, behind CVS Health.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Kevin Cole, Esq.
          9701 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1000
          Beverly Hills, CA 90212
          Phone: (310) 861-7797
          Email: kevin@kjclawgroup.com

               - and -

          Robert Tauler, Esq.
          626 Wilshire Bvd, Ste 510
          Los Angeles, CA 90017
          Phone: (310) 590-3927
          Email: rtauler@taulersmith.com

WALMART INC: Butts-Lino Sues Over Racial Discrimination
Robynn Butts-Lino, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, and as representatives of other aggrieved
employees v. WALMART, INC., an Arkansas corporation; JANINE
CONTRERAS, an individual; and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, Case
No. 24STCV01384 (Cal. Super. Ct., Los Angeles Cty., Jan. 18, 2024),
is brought arising under the laws of the State of California and
the rules, regulations implementing said statutes and common law as
a result of racial discrimination, retaliation, and has protested
illegal activity in violation of various California Labor Codes on
the basis of race in violation of the California Fair Employment &
Housing Act (FEHA).

The Plaintiff noticed that the practice of assigning African
Americans less desirable schedules and the preferential treatment
the Latino employees received. She requested a better schedule, was
constantly denied her requested schedule, and complained to
CONTRERAS. In addition to the discriminatory practice of giving
African Americans less desirable schedules. Plaintiff, along with
the other African American Employees, were subjected to working on
less favorable cash registers. Plaintiff reported these practices
to CONTRERAS and the front-end team leads several times and
Plaintiff received no remedy nor was any effort shown to fix these

The Plaintiff was terminated. Defendant used the incident as
pretext to terminate Plaintiff. The reality of the situation is
that Plaintiff, along with the other African American employees,
were being discriminating against, and that Plaintiffs termination
was retaliation for reporting these discrimninatory practices she
was being subjected to. Defendant and its employees, supervisors,
and other agents, owed a legal duty to use due care in the
operation of its business establishment, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendant as a cashier and in the
apparel section.

WALMART, INC. has been a Arkansas corporation with the capacity to
sue and to be sued in California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gary R. Carlin, Esq.
          301 East Ocean Blvd., Suite 1550
          Long Beach, CA 90802
          Phone: (562) 432-8933
          Facsimile: (562)435-1656
          Email: garv@garvcarlinlaw.com

WALTER AMARAL: Baker Sues Over Breaches of Fiduciary Duties
Lewis Baker, Derivatively on Behalf of Nominal Defendant EDGIO,
INC., and others similarly situated v. WALTER AMARAL, DOUG BEWSHER,
1:24-cv-00408 (Jan. 19, 2024), is brought for the benefit of
nominal defendant Edgio, Inc. f/k/a Limelight Networks, Inc.
against certain current and former executive officers and members
of the Company's Board of Directors for, among other things,
breaching their fiduciary duties to the
Company and its stockholders by intentionally or recklessly making
or permitting the dissemination of materially false and misleading
statements and omissions regarding the Company's business,
operations, and prospects, unjust enrichment, waste of corporate
assets, and violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the
"Exchange Act").

On June 15, 2022, the Company completed a transaction with College
Parent, L.P. ("College Parent") pursuant to which the Company
acquired all of the outstanding shares of common stock of Edgecast
Inc. ("Edgecast"), a California corporation and an indirect,
wholly- owned subsidiary of College Parent (the "Edgecast
Transaction"). As a result, the Company changed its name from
Limelight Networks, Inc. ("Limelight") to Edgio, Inc. The Company
and its top executives repeatedly issued or permitted statements
concerning the sale of Open Edge equipment and financial reporting
related to Open Edge transactions.

On March 13, 2023, Edgio issued a press release announcing that it
would restate its previously issued financial statements for the
years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, as well as the quarterly
reports for fiscal 2022 and 2021, because its audit committee
"identified an error in the Company's historic accounting treatment
of Edgio's Open Edge solution." Edgio anticipated the restatements
would result in a "reduction to revenue of up to approximately
$23.0 million for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022,
up to approximately $16.7 million for the twelve-month period ended
December 31, 2021, and up to approximately $6.6 million for the
twelve-month period ended December 31, 2020." The Company further
advised that it expected "to disclose in its Form 10-K a material
weakness in the Company's design and operation of effective
internal controls over the accounting for the Impacted Open Edge
transactions in connection with the aforementioned restatement." In
response to this news, the price of Edgio common stock declined
$0.1597 per share, or 15.5%, to close at $0.8703 per share on March
13, 2023.

The Defendants breached their fiduciary duties by issuing, causing
the issuance of, and/or failing to correct the materially false and
misleading statements and omissions of material fact to the
investing public. As a result, the Individual Defendants caused the
Company's public statements to be materially false and misleading
at all relevant times. Specifically, Edgio and its top executives
made materially false and misleading statements, as well as failed
to disclose material adverse facts, about the true nature of the
Company's business, operations, and finances. Specifically, the
Individual Defendants failed, or caused the Company to fail, to
disclose that: the sale of Open Edge equipment should be
accounted as financing leases; there were material weaknesses in
the Company's internal controls over financial reporting related to
Open Edge transactions; as a result of the foregoing, the Company's
revenue had been overstated in certain periods; and (d) as a result
of the foregoing, positive statements about the Company's business,
operations, and prospects were materially misleading and/or lacked
a reasonable basis. Additionally, in breach of their fiduciary
duties, the Individual Defendants caused the Company to fail to
maintain adequate internal controls, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff is and has been a continuous shareholder of Edgio
common stock at all relevant times.

Walter Amaral has served as a member of the Board since 2007,
having served as Chairman of the Board from 2013 through 2021.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Seth D. Rigrodsky, Esq.
          Timothy J. MacFa11, Esq.
          Gina M. Sema, Esq.
          Vincent A. Licata, Esq.
          RIGRODSKY LAW, P.A.
          825 East Gate Boulevard, Suite 300
          Garden City, 11530
          Phone: (516) 683-3516
          Email: sdr@rl-legal.com

               - and -

          Joshua H. Grabar, Esq.
          One Liberty Place
          1650 Market Street, Suite 3600
          Philadelphia, PA 19103
          Phone: (267) 507-6085

WESTERN SKIES VINEYARDS: Garcia Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Western Skies
Vineyards, LLC. The case is styled as Agustin Garcia, an
individual, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated
v. Western Skies Vineyards, LLC, Case No. STK-CV-UOE-2024-0000524
(Cal. Super. Ct., San Joaquin Cty., Jan. 16, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Unlimited Civil Other Employment."

Western Skies Vineyards, LLC specialized wines, brandy, and brandy

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Megan E. Ross, Esq.
          1801 Century Park E., Ste. 850
          Los Angeles, CA 90067-2346
          Phone: 310-237-3890
          Email: megan@melmedlaw.com

WILDLIFE CONSERVATION: Patterson Sues Over Unlawful Processing Fees
NICOLE PATTERSON, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY,
Defendant, Case No. 1:24-cv-00171 (S.D.N.Y., Jan. 9, 2024) is
brought by the Plaintiff seeking relief individually, and on behalf
of all other non-member ticket purchasers for Defendant's Bronx Zoo
for actual and/or statutory damages, reasonable attorneys' costs
and fees, and injunctive relief under New York Arts and Cultural
Affairs Law.

According to the complaint, for over a year, the Defendant has been
nickel and diming non-member visitors of the Bronx Zoo on its
website in violation of the state law. Whenever a non-member
visitor selects an admission ticket on the website
https://bronxzoo.com/, she is quoted a fee-less price, only to be
ambushed by a $2 "processing fee" at checkout after clicking
through the various screens required to make a purchase. This cheap
trick has enabled Defendant to swindle substantial sums of money
from its customers, including Plaintiff, says the suit.

Wildlife Conservation Society is a 501(c)(3) non-governmental
organization headquartered in New York, New York.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Philip L. Fraietta, Esq.
          BURSOR & FISHER, P.A.
          1330 Avenue of the Americas, 32nd Floor
          New York, NY 10019
          Telephone: (646) 837-7150
          Facsimile: (212) 989-9163
          E-mail: pfraietta@bursor.com  

               - and -

          Stefan Bogdanovich, Esq.
          BURSOR & FISHER, P.A.
          1990 North California Blvd., Suite 940
          Walnut Creek, CA 94596
          Telephone: (925) 300-4455
          Facsimile: (925) 407-2700
          E-mail: sbogdanovich@bursor.com

WILLIAMS & ASSOCIATES: Class Settlement in Alfonso Gets Final Nod
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Katya Alfonso, v. Williams
& Associates d/b/a Williams Starbuck, Donald H. Williams, and Drew
J. Starbuck, Case No. 2:22-cv-00206-CDS-EJY (D. Nev.), the Hon.
Judge Cristina D. Silva entered an order granting final approval of
class action settlement and granting award for attorneys' fees,
costs, and incentive award.

Settlement Class Members:

Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3), this action is hereby finally
certified, for settlement purposes only, as a class action on
behalf of the following Class members:

  "All individuals who were sent an initial written communication
   defendants in an attempt to recover sums due between February
   2021, and February 28, 2022.

The plaintiff Katya Alfonso is the Class Representative; and
Alfonso's counsel, Gustavo Ponce and Mona Amini of Kazerouni Law
Group, APC, are
certified as Class Counsel.

Final Class Certification:

The court finds that the action satisfies the applicable
prerequisites for class action treatment under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23,
for settlement
purposes under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3).

Settlement Terms:

The Settlement Agreement, which has been filed with the court and
shall be deemed incorporated as if set forth herein, and the
proposed Settlement, are finally approved and shall be consummated
in accordance with the terms and provisions thereof, except as
amended by any order issued by this court. The material terms of
the Settlement Agreement include, but are not limited to, the

-- The Settlement Administrator shall pay each of the 80 Class
    Members, who did not timely submit an Opt-Out request excluding

    themselves from the Settlement, a Settlement Award in the sum
    $750.00 each from the Settlement Fund established by

-- The Settlement Administrator shall pay from the Settlement Fund

    the sum of $4,000.00 to the named Plaintiff or Class
    Representative, payable through Class Counsel, as an Incentive

    Award for bringing and participating in this action;

-- The Settlement Administrator shall be paid the sum of up to
    $10,000,00 by defendants for its costs and fees incurred for
    cost of notice and settlement administration and any amounts;

-- The Settlement Administrator shall pay to Class Counsel the sum
    $72,500.00 as attorneys' fees and costs incurred in litigating

    this action, in the manner specified in the Agreement.

A copy of the Court's order dated Jan. 9, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/48QRxGR at no extra charge.[CC]

WILMINGTON, DE: Seeks Dismissal of NAACP Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as NAACP Delaware; Lamotte
Johns; and Tranecka Charles, v. City of Wilmington; Wilfredo Campos
in his official capacity as Chief of Police, Wilmington Police
Department; and Michael Purzycki in his official capacity as Mayor
of the City of Wilmington, Case No. 1:23-cv-01205-GBW (D. Del.),
the Defendants ask the Court to enter an order dismissing all
counts pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) or, in
the alternative, to strike the class certification allegations
pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23.

A copy of the Defendants' motion dated Jan. 10, 2024 is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://bit.ly/3HtR7tM at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          John D. Hendershot, Esq.
          Kelly E. Farnan, Esq.
          Christine D. Haynes, Esq.
          Sara M. Metzler, Esq.
          920 N. King Street
          Wilmington, DE 19801
          Telephone: (302) 651-7700
          E-mail: hendershot@rlf.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Rosamaria Tassone-DiNardo, Esq.
          City/County Building, 9th Floor
          800 N. French Street
          Wilmington, DE 19801
          Telephone: (302) 576-2175

YOUR SIGNATURE SUPPLEMENTS: Liou Files Suit in S.D. California
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Your Signature
Supplements, LLC. The case is styled as Glenn Liou, on behalf of
himself and all others similarly situated v. Your Signature
Supplements, LLC, Case No. 3:24-cv-00102-RSH-VET (S.D. Cal., Jan.
16, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Personal Injury: Health
Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury Product Liability.

Your Signature Supplements, LLC --
https://yoursignaturesupplements.com/ -- offers All Natural
Holistic Supplements.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gregory S. Weston, Esq.
          1405 Morena Boulevard, Suite 201
          San Diego, CA 92110
          Phone: (619) 798-2006
          Fax: (480) 247-4553
          Email: greg@westonfirm.com

YOYO MOTIVATION: Fails to Pay Nursing Assistants' OT, Mickler Says
LISA MICKLER, individually, and on behalf of herself and other
similarly situated current and former employees, Plaintiff v. YOYO
3:24-cv-00038 (M.D. Tenn. January 10, 2024) is brought against
Defendant as a collective action under the Fair Labor Standards Act
to recover unpaid overtime compensation and other damages owed to
Plaintiff and other similarly situated employees.

Plaintiff, Lisa Mickler, has been employed by Defendant as a
certified nursing assistant during all times material to this
action. She asserts that Defendant violated the FLSA by failing to
pay her and those similarly situated for all hours worked over 40
per week within weekly pay periods at one and one-half rimes their
regular hourly rate of pay.

YoYo Motivation, Inc. provides in-home care for senior and disabled
adults who want to age in place, according to its website.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         J. Russ Bryant, Esq.
         James L. Holt, Jr., Esq.
         J. Joseph Leatherwood, IV, Esq.
         262 German Oak Drive
         Memphis, TN 38018
         Telephone: (901) 754-8001
         Facsimile: (901) 754-8524
         E-mail: gjackson@jsyc.com

                        Asbestos Litigation


S U B S C R I P T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

Class Action Reporter is a daily newsletter, co-published by
Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania,
USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Washington, D.C., USA.  Rousel Elaine T.
Fernandez, Joy A. Agravante, Psyche A. Castillon, Julie Anne L.
Toledo, Christopher G. Patalinghug, and Peter A. Chapman, Editors.

Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. ISSN 1525-2272.

This material is copyrighted and any commercial use, resale or
publication in any form (including e-mail forwarding, electronic
re-mailing and photocopying) is strictly prohibited without prior
written permission of the publishers.

Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but is not guaranteed.

The CAR subscription rate is $775 for six months delivered via
e-mail. Additional e-mail subscriptions for members of the same
firm for the term of the initial subscription or balance thereof
are $25 each. For subscription information, contact
Peter A. Chapman at 215-945-7000.

                   *** End of Transmission ***