/raid1/www/Hosts/bankrupt/CAR_Public/241204.mbx               C L A S S   A C T I O N   R E P O R T E R

              Wednesday, December 4, 2024, Vol. 26, No. 243


21 MAIN NORTH: Seeks to Stay Briefing in Class Cert Bid Response
A-PLUS CARE: Reid Wins Bid to Certify FLSA Collective
ACNE CORP: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Isakov Alleges
ALIGNMENT HEALTHCARE: Dabney Labor Suit Settlement for Court Nod
ALL AMERICAN: Murphy Sues Over Unlawful Notary Fees

ALLEVIATE TAX: Scofield Files TCPA Suit in D. Colorado
ALLSTATE FIRE: Dorazio Loses Bid for Class Certification
ALLSTATE INSURANCE: Hossfeld Files TCPA Suit in E.D. Texas
ALTICOR INC: Garcia Seeks Final Approval of Settlement
ALTRIA GROUP: Class Cert Bids Deadline Modified to June 20, 2025

ALUMNI CLUB: Kulinski Sues Over Unlawfully Misappropriated Tips
AMERICAN RED: Faces HDPAC Class Suit Over Earthquake Donations
AMERIFLIGHT LLC: Bid to Certify Class & Collective Partly OK'd
ANCIENT ORGANICS: Seeks to Strike Effingers' Class Cert Reply
ATLAS ENERGY: Faces Securities Suit Over Company Reorganization

BASSFORD REMELE: Dingman Appeals Remand Bid Denial to 8th Circuit
BEACHBODY CO: Continues to Defend Reilly Class Suit
BELSTAFF NORTH: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Agnone Says
BOSS PET: Schultz Sues Over Blind Users' Equal Access to Website
BRAIN DEAD: Website Inaccessible to the Bind, Jones Suit Alleges

BRIGHTHOUSE LIFE: Continues to Defend Kennedy Class Suit
BRIGHTHOUSE LIFE: Continues to Defend Martin Class Suit
CALIFORNIA STATE: Must File Class Cert Opposition by Jan. 29, 2025
CAMMILLA WAMSLEY: Plaintiffs Must File Class Cert Reply by Dec. 9
CELSIUS HOLDINGS: Artificially Inflated Stock Price, Shelby Claims

CENGAGE LEARNING: Court Likely to Certify Settlement Class
CENTRUS ENERGY: Faces Raps Over Off-Site Contamination
CHRIS REYKDAL: Settlement in ND Suit Gets Initial Approval
CIGNA CORP: Filing for Class Cert Bid in Stewart Due March 28, 2025
CITIGROUP GLOBAL: Loomis Seeks More Time to File Class Cert Reply

COLGATE PALMOLIVE: Denny Files Suit in M.D. Florida
COMERICA BANK: Sparkman Seeks to Unseal Sealed Docs
COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE: Rios Suit Removed to N.D. California
CONTINENTAL RESOURCES: Continues to Defend Shareholder Class Suit
CORSA COAL: Fails to Pay All Time Worked, Killinger Suit Alleges

COUGAR CORP: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Agostini Alleges
CREDIT SUISSE: Seeks to Decertify Class in Antitrust Suit
CREDIT SUISSE: Seeks to File Memo Under Seal in Antitrust Suit
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Must Oppose Renewed Class Cert Bid By Dec. 6
DOMINICK R. DALE: Faces Snyder Class Suit Over Legal Malpractice

ENSURETY VENTURES: Radvansky Sues Over Unlawful Telemarketing Calls
ERIC EMMERICH: Benitez-Diaz Bid for Class Certification Tossed
EVERCOMMERCE INC: Continues to Defend Vladimir Gusinsky Class Suit
FARMERS UNION: McBrayer Files Suit in Okla. Dist. Ct.
FAST PACE: Appeals Final Approval of Hutchinson Suit Settlement

GARDA CL NORTHWEST: Class Settlement in Gann Suit Gets Initial Nod
GCP WW: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Fernandez Alleges
GRAFTECH INTERNATIONAL: Continues to Defend Stockholder Class Suit
GRAND DESIGN: Nowak Sues Over Recreational Vehicles' Frame Defect
HAYWARD HOLDINGS: Faces Consolidated Suit Over SEC Disclosures

HF MANAGEMENT: Moore Sues Over Unlawful Compensations
HSBC BANK: Oral Argument Set for Jan. 3, 2025 in Ni Class Suit
JEREMY BARR: Thurston Files Suit in M.D. Florida
JETBLUE AIRWAYS: Faces Antitrust Suit in Various Courts
JOHNSON, TN: Must File Supplement in Class Suit

KEYBANK NA: Hernandez Sues Over Unlawful Discrimination
KNIGHT-SWIFT TRANSPORTATION: Seeks to Modify Briefing Schedule
KONICA MINOLTA: Fails to Pay OT Wages, Marquinhos Suit Alleges
LANCASTER GENERAL: Class Cert Oral Argument Rescheduled to Dec. 11
LATICO TRAINING: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Fernandez Says

LIGHT & WONDER INC: Continues to Defend Casino Queen Class Suit
LIGHT & WONDER INC: Continues to Defend Giuliano Class Suit
LIGHT & WONDER INC: Continues to Defend Tonkawa Tribe Class Suit
LOANDEPOT INC: Continues to Defend Kearns Class Suit in California
LUCY COOPER'S: Faces Foley Suit Over Minimum Wage Violations

LYFT INC: Settlement Hearing Scheduled for Feb. 6
MACY'S INC: Paya Sues Over False or Misleading Discount
MATCH GROUP INC: Continues to Defend Bardaji Securities Class Suit
MATCH GROUP INC: Continues to Defend Candelore Class Suit in Calif.
MATCH GROUP INC: Continues to Defend Oksayan Class Suit in Calif.

MDL 2992: Defendants Can File Class Cert Memo Under Seal
MIANSAI INC: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Hernandez Says
MISSION CEVICHE: Bid for Conditional Collective Certification OK'd
NATIONAL POTATO: Pattermann Sues Over Unlawful Conspiracy & Fixing
NCH HEALTHCARE: McFalls Bid for Leave to File Class Cert Reply OK'd

NE LLC: Doner Seeks to Certify FLSA Restaurant Server Collective
NEW YORK, NY: Fact Discovery in Greene Suit Due April 11, 2025
NEWELL BRANDS: Amended Complaint Deadline Extended to Dec. 20
NTC MARKETING: Seper Consumer Suit Removed to S.D. Ill.
OLIN CORP: Miami Products Appeals Denial of Class Suit Settlements

ONEPOINT PATIENT: Howey Sues Over Failure to Secure PII & PHI
PAC HOUSING: Class Expert Disclosure Cutoff in Hills Due Dec. 13
PACS GROUP: New Orleans Employees' Sues Over False Statements
PERFORMANCE FOOD: Faces Lemon Suit Over Unpaid Military Leave
POPULAR INC: Final Settlement Deal Hearing Set for Jan. 27, 2025

PRIMECARE MEDICAL: Stafford Seeks to Certify Issue-Based Class
PUTTHUTT NEWPORT: Nixon Sues Over Unpaid Compensations
REAL TIME: Jimenez Files FDCPA Suit in M.D. North Carolina
RO HEALTH LLC: Wilson Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
ROBINHOOD: Must Depose Plaintiff's Experts by Feb. 14, 2025

ROMEO POWER: Class Distribution Order Entered in Securities Suit
RUSS' HOLDING: Kahl Sues Over Unlawful Underpayment
SAGE THERAPEUTICS: Faces Securities Suit Over IPO
SASALA DINING USA: Quintal Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
SCHNADER HARRISON: Bennett Seeks More Time for Class Cert Filing

SHIFT4 PAYMENTS: Continues to Defend Securities Suit in PA
SHOALS TECHNOLOGIES: Continues to Defend Securities Suit in TN
SIEMENS MOBILITY: Class Cert Filing Reset to March 6, 2025
SIENNA MARKETING: Matiatos Seeks to Recover OT Wages Under FLSA
SIG SAUER: Must Oppose Class Cert Bid by Jan. 8, 2025

STATE FARM: Violates No-Fault Insurance Act, Brown Suit Alleges
STUMPTOWN COFFEE: Picon Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
TARGET CORPORATION: Payton Sues Over Deceptive Practices
TASTE BUDS DELI: Marquez Sues Over Unpaid Minimum, Overtime Wages
TRANSAMERICA LIFE: Class Cert Filing in Holdco Extended to Dec. 18

UNITED STATES: Plaintiffs Seek to Maintain Docs Publicly Available
UNLIMITED PIZZA: Bid for Conditional Status Due March 28, 2025
UPS STORE: Class Cert Conference in McLaren Set for Dec. 17
USHEALTH ADVISORS: Bid to Dismiss First Amended Complaint Tossed
WALMART INC: Discriminates Black Customers, Brewster Alleges

WAYNE COUNTY, MI: Plaintiffs Have Until Dec. 13 to File Class Reply
WILMINGTON TRUST: Class Cert Bid Filing Due Dec. 23
WISCONSIN: Robillard "GPS" Suit Seeks to Certify Class Action
WOOL & PRINCE: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Battle Alleges
WUTECH CALIFORNIA: Acuna Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.

XCEL ENERGY: Parker Seeks Class Cert Bid Deadlines Extension
XTO ENERGY: Kriley Seeks to Certify Class
ZARBEE'S INC: Plaintiffs' Class Cert Reply Due Feb. 25, 2025
ZOOMINFO TECHNOLOGIES: Subsidiary Continues to Defend Class Suit


21 MAIN NORTH: Seeks to Stay Briefing in Class Cert Bid Response
In the class action lawsuit captioned as WILLIAM FORTNER, and
AUTUMN MCMANUS, individually and on behalf of themselves and all
other similarly situated, v. 21 MAIN NORTH BEACH, LLC, a South
Carolina limited liability company, and LOVIN' OVEN CATERING OF
SUFFOLK, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Case No.
4:24-cv-05893-JD (D.S.C.), the Defendants ask the Court to enter an
order staying briefing in response to Plaintiffs' motion for
conditional certification of FLSA Collective Action until 14 days
after the Court rules on the Defendants' pending partial motion to
dismiss and motion for more definite statement.

Staying the briefing related to Plaintiffs' Collective Motion is
warranted here. All three factors weigh in favor of granting the
proposed stay.

  -- First, staying a response to Plaintiffs' Collective Motion
     be judicially economical because Defendants' pending Motion
     potentially change all Counts of the Complaint, and could lead
     dismissal of at least two of the collectives Plaintiffs seek
     conditionally certify.

  -- Second, Defendants would be prejudiced if the briefings were
     stayed because Defendants would be required to respond to
     Plaintiffs’ Collective Motion without fully understanding
     Complaint, knowing which Counts remain in the lawsuit and
     the benefit of discovery.

  -- Finally, neither Plaintiffs, nor the putative class, will
     prejudice by the granting of this Motion.

The Defendants' motion, if granted would be dispositive on Counts I
and II of the complaint and impact Plaintiffs' collective motion's
proposed certification under Counts I and II.

Further, the Defendants' motion, if granted, would impact the
allegations encompassing all the classes the Plaintiffs seek to
certify in their Collective Motion.

Because the Defendants' motion challenges every Count in
Plaintiffs' complaint and seeks dismissal of two Counts, resolution
of Defendants’ Motion is necessary before addressing Plaintiffs'
Collective Motion.

On Oct. 15, 2024, the Plaintiffs filed an eleven count
Collective/Class Action Complaint for Damages and Demand for Jury
Trial alleging the Defendants violated the Fair Labor Standards Act
("FLSA"), and the South Carolina Payment of Wages Act, and seeking
to represent servers and bartenders previously or currently
employed by the Defendants in various 29 U.S.C. section 216(b)
opt-in collectives and Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 opt-out classes.

21 Main is a stand-alone prime steakhouse, sushi bar and upscale
dining establishment.

A copy of the Defendants' motion dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=dlm1hJ at no extra

The Defendants are represented by:

          John F. Connell, Jr., Esq.
          Matthew T. Scully, Esq.
          H. Carlton Hilson, Esq.
          BURR & FORMAN LLP
          104 South Main Street, Suite 700
          Greenville, SC 29601
          Telephone: (864) 271-4940
          Facsimile: (864) 271-4015
          E-mail: jconnell@burr.com

A-PLUS CARE: Reid Wins Bid to Certify FLSA Collective
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Louise Reid, individually
and on behalf of all other persons similarly situated, v. A-Plus
Care HHC Inc. et al., Case No. 1:23-cv-01163-JPC-SDA (S.D.N.Y.),
the Hon. Judge Stewart Aaron entered an order granting the
Plaintiff's motion to "certify" an FLSA collective.

In addition, it is recommended that Plaintiff's motion for Rule 23
class certification be denied. If the District Court issues a
decision adopting the undersigned's recommendation regarding class
certification, the Plaintiff shall file a revised proposed notice
limited to the FLSA collective no later than seven days after the
District Court's decision.

Accordingly, the Court finds that Plaintiff has made a "modest
factual showing" that she and other and potential opt-in plaintiffs
"together were victims of a common policy or plan that violated the

The Plaintiff filed her Complaint in this action on February 10,

The Plaintiff Louise Reid brings this action against the Defendants
for alleged violations of the minimum wage and overtime provisions
of the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA"), and the New York Labor
Law ("NYLL").

Reid contends that she never was paid more than 13 hours of her
24-hour live in shifts because Defendants always subtracted three
hours of meal breaks and eight hours for sleep per 24-hour shift,
even when she did not receive three one-hour meal breaks and eight
hours of sleep, including at least five hours of uninterrupted
sleep. (

Plaintiff asks the Court to “certify” a collective action under
the FLSA “consisting of home
health aides who were employed by Defendants at any time during the
period February 10, 2017
through [the date of certification] and who worked at least one
24-hour shift during the period
for which they were not paid [ ] minimum wages for all hours worked
and/or one and one half
times their regular wage rate for their hours worked over 40 in a
week . . . assuming they were
entitled to 24 hours of pay for their 24-hour live in shifts.”

The Plaintiff Reid was a home health aide employed by the
Defendants from Oct. 7, 2020 until Oct. 7, 2021 and then on Jan. 7,

A-Plus Care is a licensed home care agency providing home care
services to the New York Metropolitan area.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 27, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=QdKgTy at no extra

ACNE CORP: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Isakov Alleges
SIMON ISAKOV, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. Acne Corp., Case No. e 1:24-cv-09008 (S.D.N.Y., Nov.
25, 2024) alleges that Acne failed to design, construct, maintain,
and operate their website, https://www.acnestudios.com, to be fully
accessible to and independently usable by Plaintiff and other blind
or visually-impaired persons in violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

According to the complaint, Acnestudios.com provides to the public
a wide array of the goods, services, price specials and other
programs offered by Acne. Yet, Acnestudios.com contains significant
access barriers that make it difficult if not impossible for blind
and visually-impaired customers to use the website. In fact, the
access barriers make it impossible for blind and visually-impaired
users to even complete a transaction on the website. Thus, Acne
excludes the blind and visually-impaired from the full and equal
participation in the growing Internet economy that is increasingly
a fundamental part of the common marketplace and daily living.

The Plaintiff browsed and intended to make an online purchase of
jeans on Acnestudios.com. Despite his efforts, however, Plaintiff
was denied a shopping experience like that of a sighted individual
due to the Website's lack of a variety of features and
accommodations. Unless Defendant remedies the numerous access
barriers on its website, Plaintiff and Class members will continue
to be unable to independently navigate, browse, use, and complete a
purchase on Acnestudios.com.

Because Defendant's website, Acnestudios.com, is not equally
accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers, it violates
the ADA. Plaintiff seeks a permanent injunction to cause a change
in Acne's policies, practices, and procedures to that Defendant's
website will become and remain accessible to blind and
visually-impaired consumers. This complaint also seeks compensatory
damages to compensate Class members for having been subjected to
unlawful discrimination, says the suit.

Acnestudios.com is a commercial website that offers products and
services for online sale. The online store allows the user to view
luxury apparel, footwear, and accessories, make purchases, and
perform a variety of other functions.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Asher Cohen, Esq.
          Telephone: (718) 914-9694
          Brooklyn, NY 11234
          2377 56th Dr,
          E-mail: acohen@ashercohenlaw.com

ALIGNMENT HEALTHCARE: Dabney Labor Suit Settlement for Court Nod
Alignment Healthcare, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2024, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 29, 2024, that on
August 15, 2023, the company entered into a tentative settlement of
a purported class action lawsuit captioned "Dabney v. Alignment
Healthcare USA, LLC," in consideration of an aggregate payment of
$913. The settlement of this matter is subject to approval by
Orange County Superior Court which is expected in the fourth
quarter of 2024.

On April 27, 2022, a former employee of the company alleged that
the company failed to provide hourly employees with required meal
and rest breaks or pay such workers a premium equal to an hour of
pay for missed meal or rest breaks. Discovery in the matter
commenced on June 8, 2022. On September 2, 2022, the court granted
a stay of proceedings and discovery in anticipation of mediation
scheduled this August.

Alignment Healthcare, Inc. is a health care platform that is
purpose-built to provide seniors with high quality, affordable care
with a vastly improved consumer experience.

ALL AMERICAN: Murphy Sues Over Unlawful Notary Fees
Gerald Murphy and Robyn Murphy, individually and on behalf of those
similarly situated v. ALL AMERICAN TITLE AGENCY, INC., Case No.
1:24-cv-02025-JPW (M.D. Pa., Nov. 21, 2024), is brought about
Defendant's practice of charging and collecting notary fees that
exceed the fees a notary public may charge under applicable State

American Title established a company policy of overcharging,
collecting, and receiving fees for notary public services in excess
of the fees fixed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. The inflated $125 notary fee in the Closing
Disclosure Plaintiffs received was a misrepresentation by

Residential mortgage lenders require the borrower or purchaser to
use the services of a notary public in connection with the
settlement of the mortgage loan. A reasonable consumer inherently
expects fees for settlement services listed in a Closing Disclosure
to be bona fide and proper in amount.

The Plaintiffs' mortgage lender required them to use, and
Plaintiffs had no choice but to use, the services of a notary
public in connection with the settlement of their residential
mortgage loan. Defendant by its conduct lead Plaintiffs to assume
the $125 notary fee was bona fide and proper. Plaintiffs and
members of the class relied on Defendant to, and assumed Defendant
would, follow Pennsylvania law in providing notarial services, says
the complaint.

The Plaintiffs acquired the Defendants services.

All American Title Agency, Inc. is an Ohio corporation.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          D. Aaron Rihn, Esq.
          707 Grant Street, Suite 125
          Pittsburgh, PA 15219
          Phone: 412-281-7229
          Fax: 412-281-4229
          Email: arihn@peircelaw.com

               - and -

          Jonathan F. Andres, Esq.
          1127 Hoot Owl Rd.
          St. Louis, MO 63005
          Phone: 636-633-1208
          Email: andres@andreslawpc.com

ALLEVIATE TAX: Scofield Files TCPA Suit in D. Colorado
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Alleviate Tax LLC.
The case is styled as Shane Scofield, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. Alleviate Tax LLC, Case No.
1:24-cv-03231-DDD-KAS (D. Colo., Nov. 21, 2024).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act for Restrictions of Use of Telephone

Alleviate Tax -- https://alleviatetax.com/ -- is a privately-owned
tax resolution company.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Andrew Roman Perrong, Esq.
          2657 Mt. Carmel Ave
          Glenside, PA 19038
          Phone: (215) 225-5529
          Fax: (888) 329-0305
          Email: a@perronglaw.com

ALLSTATE FIRE: Dorazio Loses Bid for Class Certification
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Brian Dorazio, v. Allstate
Fire and Casualty Insurance Company, Case No. 2:23-cv-00017-KML (D.
Ariz.), the Hon. Judge Krissa Lanham entered an order denying the
motion for class certification and motions to seal.

The Court further entered an order that no later than Dec. 4, 2024,
the Plaintiff shall file a motion for class certification and
motion to seal.

Based on the present record, none of the statements in the motion
for class certification merit sealing. Large portions of the
attachments likewise fail to merit sealing. For example, one
attachment is a 97-page deposition of Allstate's Rule 30(b)(6)

It is not plausible that it should be sealed in its entirety.
Another attachment includes medical records of a minor. (Doc.
55-6.) Those medical records are subject to sealing, but that
attachment also includes documents, such as a police report, that
are not subject to sealing.

The parties must confer and significantly reduce the amount of
information they seek to file under seal. Plaintiff must then file
a renewed motion for class certification and a renewed motion to
seal. That renewed motion should seek to seal only the select
portions of documents or attachments that may properly be filed
under seal.

Allstate offers auto, home, renters, condo, motorcycle, life, and
roadside insurance services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=uTdc4n at no extra

ALLSTATE INSURANCE: Hossfeld Files TCPA Suit in E.D. Texas
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Allstate Insurance
Company, et al. The case is styled as Robert Hossfeld, Wes Newman,
Individually and on behalf of others similarly situated v. Allstate
Insurance Company, BRAINSTORM XX, LLC, d/b/a www.ROBOCALLS.CASH,
Case No. 4:24-mc-00142 (E.D. Tex., Nov. 21, 2024).

The Allstate Corporation -- https://www.allstate.com/ -- is an
American insurance company, headquartered in Glenview, Illinois
since 2022.[BN]

The Plaintiffs appears pro se.

The Defendant is represented by:

          James Emery Rogers, Esq.
          1300 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 2500
          Houston, TX 77056
          Phone: (713) 968-3861
          Fax: (713) 960-1527
          Email: james.rogers@akerman.com

ALTICOR INC: Garcia Seeks Final Approval of Settlement
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JOSHUA GARCIA, ANDREA P.
BRANDT and HOWARD HART, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, v. ALTICOR, INC., THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF
DOES 1-30,Case No. 1:20-cv-01078-PLM-PJG (W.D. Mich.), the
Plaintiffs ask the Court to enter an order:

   1. Granting final approval to the class action settlement in
      action on the terms of the Class Action Settlement
      fully executed on July 1, 2024, and previously filed with the

      Court on July 1, 2024;

   2. Certifying the Class as defined in the July 10, 2024,
      Preliminary Approval Order;

   3. Appointing Plaintiffs as Class Representatives and
      Counsel as Class Counsel under FED. R. CIV. 23(g);

   4. Finding that the manner in which the Settlement Class was
      notified of the Settlement was the best practicable under the

      circumstances and adequately informed the Settlement Class
      members of the terms of the Settlement, how to lodge an
      objection and obtain additional information; and

   5. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just

Alticor owns and manages manufacturing and distribution

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=bh9KRs at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Mark K. Gyandoh, Esq.
          CAPOZZI ADLER, P.C.
          312 Old Lancaster Road
          Merion Station, PA 19066
          Telephone: (610) 890-0200
          Facsimile: (717) 233-4103
          E-mail: markg@capozziadler.com

ALTRIA GROUP: Class Cert Bids Deadline Modified to June 20, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DOUGLAS J REECE, et al.,
v. ALTRIA GROUP, INC., et al., Case No. 3:20-cv-02345-WHO (N.D.
Cal.), the Hon. Judge William Orrick entered an order modifying
case schedule as follows:

  Expert disclosure:                      Jan. 20, 2025

  Expert rebuttal:                        March 20, 2025

  Close expert discovery:                 May 20, 2025

  Deadline for class cert motions:        June 20, 2025

  Oppositions and Daubert motions:        July 28, 2025

  Replies and Daubert oppositions:        Sept. 8, 2025

  Daubert replies:                        Sept. 22, 2025

  Hearing on class cert and Dauberts:     Oct. 9, 2025

Altria Group manufactures and sells smokeable and oral tobacco

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 26, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=lBxly8 at no extra

ALUMNI CLUB: Kulinski Sues Over Unlawfully Misappropriated Tips
Kerry Kulinski, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
No. 2:24-cv-01512-BHL (E.D. Wis., Nov. 21, 2024), is brought
pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA") and the Wisconsin
Wage Payment and Collection Laws ("WWPCL") to recover unlawfully
misappropriated tips.

The Defendants established and imposed a tip pool upon Defendants'
service workers, yet Defendants improperly failed to distribute all
of the incoming tips to Defendants' food service workers. The
Defendants required their food service workers to pay a portion of
their incoming tips to Defendants in order to make up for cash
register "shortages" and/or other lost or stolen sums of money or
property. The managers with whom Defendants required their food
service workers to share tips had managerial duties. The Plaintiff
and all other hourly-paid, tipped, non-exempt employees were
subject to Defendant's same pay policies and practices, says the

The Plaintiff was hired by the Defendants into the position of
Server/Bartender on August 3, 2024.

The Alumni Club Tavern & Eatery is an entity doing business in the
State of Wisconsin.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Peter A. Stanford, Esq.
          Annie T. Stanford, Esq.
          225 East Fairmount Avenue
          Milwaukee, WI 53217
          Phone: (414) 276-8269
          Fax: (414) 276-2868
          Email: PAS@StanfordLawOffices.com

AMERICAN RED: Faces HDPAC Class Suit Over Earthquake Donations
THE AMERICAN RED CROSS, et al., Case No. 1:24-cv-24617-CMA (S.D.
Fla., Nov. 25, 2024) is a class action complaint filed on behalf of
two distinctive classes:

    (1) the Class of Beneficiaries, comprising at least 2 million
        individuals residing in Haiti and the United States who
        were personally victimized by the earthquake(s) in Haiti,
        including those who lost property or loved ones and were
        intended recipients of over five hundred million dollars
        raised by the defendants; and

    (2) the Class of Donors, consisting of thousands of individuals

        in the United States and worldwide who donated over 500
        million dollars to the Defendants from 2010 to 2024
        specifically to aid earthquake victims in Haiti.

According to the complaint, days after the 2010 earthquake the
named Defendants moved swiftly to create a platform to raise money.
In the ensuing days and weeks, the Defendants used pictures of the
devastating damage in Port-Au-Prince to raise money from donors all
over the world.

Within a few weeks the Defendants raised millions of dollars, and
in total from the period 2010 through 2024, they raised in excess
500 million dollars.

This money was supposed to be spent in Haiti, rebuilding roads,
hospitals, schools, and helping victims of the earthquakes.
Instead, the defendants misused the funds to pay exorbitant,
unjustified salaries to their CEOs and executives, enabling them to
live extravagant lifestyles while the intended beneficiaries of the
donations suffered from hunger, poverty, and disease.

The Plaintiffs consist of individuals who are members of the class
of beneficiaries, having directly suffered from the devastation of
the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and for whom the Defendants raised
funds, as well as members of the class of donors, who contributed
money to the Defendants under the belief that their donations would
be used for the stated purpose of aiding the victims.

FONTILUS, and ERIC PLACIDE (On behalf of themselves and all other
similarly situated donors and beneficiaries).

Official Capacity as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the American
Red Cross, CLIFF HOLTZ, (in his capacity as president and Chief
Executive Officer of American Red Cross), BONNIE MCELVEEN-HUNTER
(Individually and her official capacity as chairwoman of the Board
of directors of the American Red Cross), THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF
THE INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS, in their capacity as Board Members),
capacity as members of the board of directors), THE BOARD OF
official capacity as members of the Board of Directors), JOHN DOE
1-100 (being subsidiaries, and/or subcontractors of RED

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Wil Morris, Esq.
          MORRIS LEGAL, PC
          2800 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 530
          Miami, FL 33137
          Telephone: (305) 444-3437
          Facsimile: (305) 444-3457

AMERIFLIGHT LLC: Bid to Certify Class & Collective Partly OK'd
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KATHLEEN FREDERICKS,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
AMERIFLIGHT, LLC, Case No. 3:23-cv-01757-X (N.D. Tex.), the Hon.
Judge Brantley Starr entered an order granting the motion for
Ameriflight to file an amended answer with a counterclaim and
granting in part the motion to certify a class and collective.

-- The Court certifies for the penalty claim a class of Beechcraft
    pilots who flew less than 12 months of revenue generating
    for Ameriflight (or $10,000 for those who left after 12 months
    before 18).

-- The Court also certifies a collective for the Fair Labor
    Act (FLSA) claims for pilots with a repayment agreement who
    employment with Ameriflight before the term of the repayment
    was complete.

-- The Court concludes that the restraint claim flunks Rule
    23(b)(3)’s requirement that common questions predominate.

Pilot Kathleen Fredericks agreed to work for Ameriflight, LLC
(Ameriflight) and repay training costs if she left before a
predetermined time.

She left early, began making payments, and then brought two claims
against Ameriflight under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and
two claims under state law.

Ameriflight is a charter airline operator.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=HirA7n at no extra

ANCIENT ORGANICS: Seeks to Strike Effingers' Class Cert Reply
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KELLY EFFINGER and KEEFE
STEVERNU, individually, and on behalf of those similarly situated,
v. ANCIENT ORGANICS, a California corporation, Case No.
3:22-cv-03596-AMO (N.D. Cal.), the Defendant will move the Court on
Feb. 13, 2025, for an order striking the Plaintiff Kelly Effinger's
reply in support of class certification.

Ancient Organics notes that the hearing on the Motion for Class
Certification is set for Feb. 20, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. But the
Court's scheduling notes show that date is now blocked off. As a
matter of efficiency, Ancient Organics requests the Court continue
hearing on this related Motion until Feb. 20, 2025.

The more opportunities they get, the more Counsel prove that they
are inadequate attorneys to represent the putative class. Ancient
Organics respectfully requests the Court strike the untimely Reply,
and deny the Motion for Class Certification.

Ancient specializes in producing organic ghee using traditional

A copy of the Defendant's motion dated Nov. 27, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=cbcn4Z at no extra

The Defendant is represented by:

          Jacob M. Harper, Esq.
          James H. Moon, Esq.
          Peter K. Bae, Esq.
          Katelyn A. Feliciano, Esq.
          350 South Grand Avenue, 27th Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90071
          Telephone: (213) 633-6800
          Facsimile: (213) 633-6899
          E-mail: jacobharper@dwt.com

ATLAS ENERGY: Faces Securities Suit Over Company Reorganization
Atlas Energy Solutions Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2024, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 29, 2024, that on
July 2, 2024, Patrick Ayers, a purported shareholder, filed a
derivative and class action complaint in the Delaware Court of
Chancery against certain current and former directors of the
company and certain of its affiliates.

The complaint asserts claims of breach of fiduciary duty related to
the corporate reorganization that changed the company's "Up-C"
structure to a customary "C" corporation. The complaint seeks
unspecified damages from the defendants for the plaintiff
individually and on behalf of the company and other former Class A
common stockholders as well as an award of attorneys' fees and

Atlas Energy Solutions Inc. is a holding company and the ultimate
parent company of Atlas Sand Company, LLC which is a producer of
locally sourced 100 mesh and 40/70 sand used as a proppant during
the well completion process.

BASSFORD REMELE: Dingman Appeals Remand Bid Denial to 8th Circuit
DAVID DINGMAN, et al. are taking an appeal from a court order
denying their motion to remand the lawsuit entitled David Dingman,
et al., individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiffs, v. Bassford Remele, PA, et al., Defendants,
Case No. 0:24-cv-03675-ECT, in the U.S. District Court for the
District of Minnesota.

The Plaintiffs brought this class action complaint against the
Defendants for alleged violations of the Racketeer Influenced and
Corrupt Organizations Act.

On Sept. 20, 2024, the Plaintiffs filed a motion to remand the case
to state court.

On Sept. 23, 2024, the Defendants filed a motion to dismiss.

On Nov. 12, 2024, Judge Eric C. Tostrud denied the Plaintiffs'
motion to remand. The Defendants' motion to dismiss for failure to
join a necessary party was denied without prejudice.

The appellate case is captioned David Dingman, et al. v. Bassford
Remele, PA, et al., Case No. 24-3365, in the United States Court of
Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, filed on November 21, 2024.

The briefing schedule in the Appellate Case states that:

   -- Appellant's Appeal Transcript is due on or before December
31, 2024;

   -- Appellant's Brief is due on January 10, 2025;

   -- Appellant's Appendix is due on January 10, 2025; and

   -- Appellee's Brief is due 30 days from the date the court
issues the Notice of Docket Activity filing the brief of appellant.

Plaintiffs-Appellants DAVID G. DINGMAN, et al., individually and on
behalf of all others similarly situated, are represented by:

          Douglas J. Nill, Esq.
          150 S. Sixth Street, Suite 1850
          Minneapolis, MN 55402
          Telephone: (612) 573-3669

                  - and -
          John Charles Weisensell, Esq.
          23 S. Main Street, Suite 301
          Akron, OH 44308
          Telephone: (330) 434-1000

Defendants-Appellees Bassford Remele, PA, et al. are represented

          William Lawrence Davidson, Esq.
          LIND & JENSEN
          901 Marquette Avenue, S., Suite 1900
          Minneapolis, MN 55402
          Telephone: (612) 746-0147

                  - and -
          Michael M. Lafeber, Esq.
          2200 IDS Center
          80 S. Eighth Street
          Minneapolis, MN 55402
          Telephone: (612) 977-8472

                  - and -
          Ryan Falconer Bracklin, Esq.
          Suzanne Louise Jones, Esq.
          David Schooler, Esq.
          GORDON & REES
          80 S. Eighth Street, Suite 3850
          Minneapolis, MN 55402
          Telephone: (612) 202-0411
                     (651) 253-9951
                     (612) 364-1742

                  - and -
          Ryan T. Brown, Esq.
          GORDON & REES
          One N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1600
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Telephone: (312) 980-6762

BEACHBODY CO: Continues to Defend Reilly Class Suit
Beachbody Company Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that
Company continues to defend itself from the Reilly class suit.

On June 14, 2024, Bryan Reilly on behalf of himself and similarly
situated current and former stockholders of Forest Road Acquisition
Corp., which later became the Beachbody Company, Inc., filed a
verified class action complaint (the "Reilly Action") against the
former directors and officers of Forest Road, as well as Forest
Road Acquisition Sponsor LLC, Forest Road Company LLC, Zach Tarica,
and Jeremy Tarica alleging claims for breach of fiduciary duty in
connection with the merger among Forest Road, The Beachbody
Company, Inc., and Myx in 2021.

The lawsuit also brought claims against the Company, Kevin Meyer,
and The Raine Group LLC alleging aiding and abetting breach of
fiduciary duty, and against the former Forest Road directors and
officers, the Forest Road Sponsor Defendants, Raine, and Meyer for
unjust enrichment.

The Company also have certain indemnification obligations as to
some or all of the former Forest Road directors and Raine as to
certain claims.

The Reilly Action generally alleges that the proxy that Forest Road
issued prior to the Merger contained numerous material
misstatements and omissions that impaired the Forest Road
stockholders' ability to make an informed decision regarding
whether to redeem their stock in connection with the Merger.

The plaintiff also asserts that the Merger was a conflicted
transaction because the Forest Road Sponsor Defendants and the
former Forest Road directors were incentivized to close the Merger
even if it was a value-decreasing transaction for Forest Road's
public stockholders.

As to the Company, Meyer, and Raine, the complaint alleges that
these defendants aided and abetted the Forest Road defendants'
disclosure violations.

The Company denies the allegations in the complaint, believe they
are without merit, and intend to vigorously defend itself in this

The Beachbody Company, Inc. is a subscription health and wellness
company and the creator of some of the world's most popular fitness

BELSTAFF NORTH: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Agnone Says
PASQUALE AGNONE, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. Belstaff North America, Inc, Case No. 2:24-cv-08194
(E.D.N.Y., Nov. 26, 2024) sues the Defendant for its failure to
design, construct, maintain, and operate their website,
https://www.extrabutterny.com, to be fully accessible to and
independently usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or
visually-impaired persons, pursuant to the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

The Defendant is denying blind and visually impaired persons
throughout the United States with equal access to services Extra
Butter provides to their non-disabled customers through its
website, the suit contends. The Plaintiff seeks a permanent
injunction to cause a change in Extra Butter's policies, practices,
and procedures so that the Defendant's website will become and
remain accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers. This
complaint also seeks compensatory damages to compensate Class
members for having been subjected to unlawful discrimination, says
the suit.

Mr. Agnone is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who
requires screen-reading software to read website content using his

Belstaff.com provides to the public a wide array of services, price
specials and other programs offered by Belstaff North America.
Belstaff North America specializes in clothing, footwear and
motorcycle gear including pants, hoodies, jackets, jumpers, shirts,
tops, belts, hats, bags, shoes, jeans.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Uri Horowitz, Esq.
          14441 70th Road
          Flushing, NY 11367
          Telephone: (718) 705-8706
          Facsimile: (718) 705-8705
          E-mail: Uri@Horowitzlawpllc.com

BOSS PET: Schultz Sues Over Blind Users' Equal Access to Website
RICHARD SCHULTZ, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. BOSS PET PRODUCTS, INC., Defendant, Case No.
1:24-cv-12049 (N.D. Ill., November 22, 2024) is a class action
against the Defendant for violations of Title III of the Americans
with Disabilities Act, declaratory relief, and negligent infliction
of emotional distress.

According to the complaint, the Defendant has failed to design,
construct, maintain, and operate its website to be fully accessible
to and independently usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or
visually impaired persons. The Defendant's website,
www.petedge.com, contains access barriers which hinder the
Plaintiff and Class members to enjoy the benefits of its online
goods, content, and services offered to the public through the
website. The accessibility issues on the website include, but not
limited to: incorrectly formatted lists, ambiguous link texts,
changing of content without advance warning, inaccessible drop-down
menus, inaccurate alt text on graphics, redundant links where
adjacent links go to the same URL address, and the requirement that
transactions be performed solely with a mouse, says the suit.

The Plaintiff and Class members seek permanent injunction to cause
a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and
procedures so that the Defendant's website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals.

Boss Pet Products, Inc. is a company that sells online goods and
services, doing business in Illinois. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
       Paul Camarena, Esq.
       1016 W. Jackson, No. 32
       Chicago, IL 60607
       Telephone: (630) 534-2527
       Email: northandsedgwicklaw@gmail.com

BRAIN DEAD: Website Inaccessible to the Bind, Jones Suit Alleges
CLAY LEE JONES, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. BRAIN DEAD AMUSEMENTS, LLC, Case No. 1:24-cv-09069
(S.D.N.Y., Nov. 26, 2024) alleges that the Defendant failed to
design, construct, maintain, and operate Defendant’s website,
www.wearebraindead.com, to be fully accessible to and independently
usable by Plaintiff and other blind or visually-impaired people in
violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The Defendant's website is not equally accessible to blind and
visually impaired consumers; therefore, Defendant is in violation
of the ADA. The Plaintiff now seeks a permanent injunction to cause
a change in Defendant’s corporate policies, practices, and
procedures so that Defendant's Website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers.

The Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who
requires screen-reading software to read website content using the

The Defendant is a company that owns and operates the Website,
offering features which should allow all consumers to access the
goods and services and by which the Defendant ensures the delivery
of such goods throughout the United States, including New York

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Mark Rozenberg, Esq.
          STEIN SAKS, PLLC
          One University Plaza, Suite 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Telephone: (201) 282-6500
          Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
          E-mail: mrozenberg@steinsakslegal.com

BRIGHTHOUSE LIFE: Continues to Defend Kennedy Class Suit
Brighthouse Life Insurance Co. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report
for the quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that
Company continues to defend itself from the Kennedy class suit in
the United States District Court for the District of

Kennedy v. Progress Software Corporation, et al. (U.S. District
Court, District of Massachusetts, filed October 3, 2023). BHF has
been named as a defendant in a purported class action lawsuit. The
action relates to a data security incident at an alleged
third-party vendor, PBI Research Services ("PBI"), and allegedly
involves the MOVEit file transfer system that PBI uses in its
provision of services ("MOVEit Incident").

As it relates to BHF, Plaintiff seeks to certify a subclass of
persons whose private information was allegedly maintained by BHF
and accessed or acquired in relation to the MOVEit Incident.
Plaintiff alleges, among other things, that BHF negligently chose
to utilize PBI to store and transfer Plaintiff's and purported
class members' private information despite PBI’s use of the
MOVEit software which Plaintiff contends contained security

The complaint asserts claims against BHF for negligence, negligence
per se, and unjust enrichment, and Plaintiff seeks declaratory and
injunctive relief, damages, attorneys' fees and prejudgment

BHF intends to vigorously defend this matter.

Brighthouse is a provider of annuities and life insurance in the
United States.

BRIGHTHOUSE LIFE: Continues to Defend Martin Class Suit
Brighthouse Life Insurance Co. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report
for the quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that
Company continues to defend itself from the Martin class suit in
the United States District Court for the Southern District of New

Lawrence Martin v. Brighthouse Life Insurance Company (U.S.
District Court, Southern District of New York, filed April 6,
2021). Plaintiff has filed a purported class action lawsuit against
Brighthouse Life Insurance Company. Plaintiff is the owner of a
universal life insurance policy issued by Travelers Insurance
Company, a predecessor to Brighthouse Life Insurance Company.

Plaintiff seeks to certify a class of similarly situated owners of
universal life insurance policies issued or administered by
defendants and alleges that cost of insurance charges were based on
improper factors and should have decreased over time due to
improving mortality but did not. Plaintiff alleges, among other
things, causes of action for breach of contract, breach of the
covenant of good faith and fair dealing, and unjust enrichment.
Plaintiff seeks to recover compensatory damages, attorney's fees,
interest, and equitable relief including a constructive trust.

Brighthouse Life Insurance Company filed a motion to dismiss in
June 2021, which was denied in February 2022. Brighthouse Life
Insurance Company of NY, a subsidiary of Brighthouse Life Insurance
Company, was initially named as a defendant when the lawsuit was
filed, but was dismissed as a defendant, without prejudice, in
April 2022.

The Company intends to vigorously defend this matter.

Brighthouse is a provider of annuities and life insurance in the
United States.

CALIFORNIA STATE: Must File Class Cert Opposition by Jan. 29, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Fisk, et al., v. Board of
Trustees of the California State University, et al., Case No.
3:22-cv-00173 (S.D. Cal., Filed Feb. 7, 2022), the Hon. Judge Todd
W. Robinson entered an order setting briefing schedule.

-- The Defendants shall file their opposition on or before Jan.
    2025, and Plaintiffs may file their optional reply, if any, on
    before Feb. 19, 2025.

-- As noted in Section III.A.2 of Judge Robinson's Standing Order
    Civil Cases, "[a]n opposing party's failure timely to file an
    opposition to any motion may be construed as consent to the
    granting of the motion pursuant to Civil Local Rule

The nature of suit stares Title IX Educational Amendments 1992 --
Sex Discrimination.

The CSU system is officially incorporated as The Trustees of the
California State University, and is headquartered in Long Beach,

CAMMILLA WAMSLEY: Plaintiffs Must File Class Cert Reply by Dec. 9
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KHOSHIMJON SOBIRJANOV, et
al., v. CAMMILLA WAMSLEY, et al. Case No. 2:24-cv-04129-PD (E.D.
Pa.), the Hon. Judge Paul S. Diamond entered an order granting
Plaintiffs' consent motion.

The Plaintiffs' shall file a reply to Defendant's response in
opposition to the motion for class certification no later than Dec.
9, 2024.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=gNXeas at no extra

CELSIUS HOLDINGS: Artificially Inflated Stock Price, Shelby Claims
itself and all others similarly situated, Plaintiff v. CELSIUS
No. 9:24-cv-81472-RLR (S.D. Fla., November 22, 2024) is a class
action against the Defendants for violations of Sections 10(b) and
20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5
promulgated thereunder.

According to the complaint, the Defendants made materially false
and misleading statements regarding Celsius' business, operations,
and prospects in order to trade Celsius common stock at
artificially inflated prices between February 29, 2024, and
September 4, 2024. Specifically, the Defendants failed to disclose
to investors that when PepsiCo, Inc. (Pepsi) took over as Celsius'
primary distributor, it loaded up on Celsius product inventory
throughout the first year of their partnership, exponentially
growing Celsius' 2023 revenues by another more than 100 percent in
just one year to $1.318 billion during 2023. However, this was a
one-time stock up that did not represent Pepsi's ongoing demand for
Celsius product. As such, the 2023 stock up caused Celsius to
mislead investors, over-represent then-present demand for its
Celsius' products, and conceal a massive glut of inventory in
Pepsi's warehouses for which Celsius already had recognized
revenues once shipped to Pepsi.

As a result of the Defendants' fraudulent statements and omissions,
the Plaintiff and similarly situated investors who had purchased
Celsius common stock at artificially inflated prices during the
Class Period have sustained economic losses, says the suit.

Shelby Township Police & Fire Retirement System is a public pension
fund based in Shelby, Michigan.

Celsius Holdings, Inc. is a beverage company headquartered in
Florida. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Robert J. Robbins, Esq.
         225 NE Mizner Boulevard, Suite 720
         Boca Raton, FL 33432
         Telephone: (561) 750-3000
         Email: rrobbins@rgrdlaw.com

                 - and -

         Samuel H. Rudman, Esq.
         Mary K. Blasy, Esq.
         58 South Service Road, Suite 200
         Melville, NY 11747
         Telephone: (631) 367-7100
         Email: srudman@rgrdlaw.com

                 - and -

         Thomas C. Michaud, Esq.
         79 Alfred Street
         Detroit, MI 48201
         Telephone: (313) 578-1200
         Email: tmichaud@vmtlaw.com

CENGAGE LEARNING: Court Likely to Certify Settlement Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DOUGLAS BERNSTEIN, ELAINE
as personal representative of THE ESTATE OF ALISON CLARKE-STEWART,
on behalf of themselves and others similarly situated, v. CENGAGE
LEARNING, INC., Case No. 1:19-cv-07541-ALC-SLC (S.D.N.Y.), the Hon.
Judge Andrew Carter, Jr. entered an order, pursuant to Federal Rule
of Civil Procedure 23(e), that:

   1. The capitalized terms used herein shall have the meanings set

       forth in the Agreement.

   2. Pursuant to Rule 23(e)(1)(B)(i), the Court finds that it will

      likely be able to approve the Settlement under Rule 23(e)(2),

      and therefore preliminarily approves the Settlement as set
      in the Agreement, including the releases contained therein,
      being fair, reasonable and adequate to the Settlement Class
      based on the relevant factors under Rule 23(e)(2) and City of

      Detroit v. Grinnell Corporation, 495 F.2d 448, 463 (2d Cir.
      1974), subject to the right of any Settlement Class Member to

      challenge the fairness, reasonableness, or adequacy of the
      Agreement and to show cause, if any exists, why a final
      dismissing the Action against Defendant, and ordering the
      release of the Author Released Claims and Cengage Released
      Claims against the Released Parties, should not be entered
      due and adequate notice to the Settlement Class as set forth
      the Agreement and after a hearing on final approval.

   3. The Court finds that the Agreement was entered into at arm's

      length by highly experienced counsel with the assistance of a

      mediator and is sufficiently within the range of
      that notice of the Agreement should be given as provided in

   4. The Court finds that the proposed plan of allocation,
      as Exhibit 3 to the Declaration of Chanler A. Langham, is
      sufficiently fair and reasonable that notice of the
      plan should be given as provided in the Notice.

   5. Pursuant to Rule 23(e)(1)(B)(ii), the Court also finds that
      will likely be able to certify the Settlement Class,

      "All authors of royalty-bearing works who entered into a
      publishing agreement with Cengage Learning, Inc., or one of
      predecessors-in-interest, and whose royalty-bearing works
      (a) been sold as a component of a MindTap product and have
      assigned a Digital Royalty Allocation other than 100%; or (b)

      been available on Cengage Unlimited" for purposes of judgment
      the proposal under Rule 23(b)(3).

Cengage Learning, Inc. provides learning solutions.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=csjl9c at no extra

CENTRUS ENERGY: Faces Raps Over Off-Site Contamination
Centrus Energy Corp. disclosed in its Form 10-K report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2024, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 29, 2024, that it is
facing a complaint seeking damages for alleged off-site
contamination allegedly resulting from activities on the Portsmouth
Gaseous Diffusion Plant.

On May 26, 2019, the company and other contractors who have
operated facilities at the Portsmouth site were named as defendants
in a class action complaint filed by Ursula McGlone, Jason McGlone,
Julia Dunham, and K.D. and C.D., minor children by and through
their parent and natural guardian Julia Dunham in the U.S. District
Court in the Southern District of Ohio, Eastern Division.

The plaintiffs are seeking to represent a class of all current or
former residents within a seven-mile radius of the Portsmouth and
all students and their parents at the Zahn's Corner Middle School
from 1993 to present. The complaint was amended on December 10,
2019, and on January 10, 2020 to add additional plaintiffs and new
claims. On July 31, 2020, the court granted in part and denied in
part the defendants' motion to dismiss the case. The court
dismissed ten of the fifteen claims and allowed the remaining
claims to proceed to the next stage of the litigation process. On
August 18, 2020, the plaintiffs filed a motion for leave to file a
third amended complaint and notice of dismissal of three of the
individual plaintiffs. On March 18, 2021, the plaintiffs filed a
motion for leave to file a fourth amended complaint to add new
plaintiffs and allegations. On March 19, 2021, the court granted
their motion for leave to amend the complaint to include
Price-Anderson Act and eight other state law claims.

On May 24, 2021, the company and the other defendants filed their
motion to dismiss the complaint. On March 31, 2022, the court
granted the company's motion in part by dismissing claims brought
on behalf of the minor children but allowed the other claims to
proceed. As such, the discovery stage of litigation is continuing.
On April 28, 2022, the company and the other defendants filed their
answer to a fourth amended complaint.

Centrus Energy Corp. (www.centrusenergy.com) supplies nuclear fuel
for use in nuclear power plants and works to develop and deploy
advanced centrifuge technology to produce enriched uranium for
commercial and government uses, including for national security.

CHRIS REYKDAL: Settlement in ND Suit Gets Initial Approval
In the class action lawsuit captioned as N.D., et al., v. CHRIS
REYKDAL, et al., Case No. 2:22-cv-01621-LK-MLP (W.D. Wash.), the
Hon. Judge Lauren King entered an order granting the Plaintiffs'
unopposed third motion for preliminary approval of class action
settlement and for certification of settlement class.

   1. The Court provisionally certifies the following Class for
      purpose of settlement:

      "All students who were exited from special education services

      due to age before their 22nd birthday between Nov. 11, 2020
      the present."

   2. The Class satisfies the four prerequisites of Federal Rule of

      Civil Procedure 23(a) (numerosity, commonality, typicality,

   3. The Class also satisfies the requirements of Federal Rule of

      Civil Procedure 23(b)(2).

   4. The Court appoints E.A. and N.D., by and through their
      respective guardians, as Class Representatives.

   5. The Court appoints Susman Godfrey LLP and Cedar Law PLLC as
      Class Counsel.

   6. The Court preliminarily approves the Settlement Agreement and

      the terms set forth therein.

   7. The Court preliminarily approves the (1) reimbursement to the

      guardians of E.A. for up to $60,000 in documented expenses
      incurred to provide him with private educational and related

      support services since he was exited from the Selah School
      District, and (2) reimbursement or direct payment to the
      guardians of N.D. for up to $150,000 in documented expenses
      educational services.

   8. The Court preliminarily approves the attorney’s fees and
      payment of $440,000.

The Plaintiffs filed this putative class action alleging that
Washington's law that ends special education services at the end of
the school year during which a student turns 21 violates the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA").

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=DEPVod at no extra

CIGNA CORP: Filing for Class Cert Bid in Stewart Due March 28, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Stewart, et al., v. CIGNA
Corporation, et al., Case No. 3:22-cv-00769 (D. Conn., Filed June
10, 2022), the Hon. Judge Omar A. Williams entered an order on
motion for extension of time:

-- All discovery shall be completed on or        Feb. 20, 2024

-- The parties are free to set and amend any interim discovery
    deadlines without the court's approval provided such deadlines
    not postdate the deadline for all discovery.

-- The Plaintiffs' motion for class              March 28, 2025
    certification shall be submitted
    on or before:

-- The Defendant's response thereto shall        May 29, 2025
    be filed on or before:

-- Any reply in support of the motion shall      June 27, 2025
    be submitted on or before:

The nature of suit states E.R.I.S.A. -- Employee Benefits.

Cigna is an American multinational managed healthcare and insurance
company based in Bloomfield, Connecticut.[CC]

CITIGROUP GLOBAL: Loomis Seeks More Time to File Class Cert Reply
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Loomis Sayles Trust
Company LLC, v. Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Case No.
1:22-cv-06706-LGS (S.D.N.Y.), the Plaintiff asks the Court to enter
an order granting a 30-day extension of the deadline to file its
reply in support of its motion for class certification, appointment
of class representative, and appointment of class counsel
("Plaintiff’s Class Certification Motion") to Jan. 10, 2024.

-- LSTC's reply is currently due on December 11, 2024.

-- LSTC submits there are compelling reasons for granting this

-- LSTC received Citigroup's Memorandum of Law in Opposition to
    Plaintiff’s Class Certification Motion including the Expert
    Declaration of Professor Bruce A. Green in the late hours of
    Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024.

-- Professor Green was retained on behalf of Citigroup to provide
    expert opinion on professional ethics including whether
    counsel Foley Hoag LLP has a conflict of interest in serving as

    class counsel in this action.

Citigroup has indicated that it takes no position with respect to
LSTC’s request. This is LSTC’s first request for an extension
with respect to Plaintiff’s Class Certification Motion. LSTC’s
extension request will not alter any other deadlines in this
action. We thank the Court for its attention to this request.

Citigroup provides banking and financial services.

A copy of the Plaintiff's motion dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=P75i07 at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Matthew C. Baltay, Esq.
          FOLEY HOAG LLP
          155 Seaport Blvd.
          Boston, MA 02210
          Telephone: (617) 832-1262
          E-mail: MBaltay@foleyhoag.com

COLGATE PALMOLIVE: Denny Files Suit in M.D. Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Colgate Palmolive
Company, et al. The case is styled as Shana Denny, on behalf of
herself and all others similarly situated v. Colgate Palmolive
Company, Tom's of Maine, Inc., Case No. 6:24-cv-02129-WWB-RMN (M.D.
Fla., Nov. 21, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Other Fraud.

The Colgate-Palmolive Company --
https://www.colgatepalmolive.com/en-us -- commonly known as
Colgate-Palmolive, is an American multinational consumer products
company headquartered on Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, New

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          William Charles Wright, Esq.
          Kelly Amanda Mata, Esq.
          515 N. Flagler Drive Suite 350
          West Palm Beach, FL 33401
          Phone: (425) 395-7786
          Email: wright@carsonnoel.com

COMERICA BANK: Sparkman Seeks to Unseal Sealed Docs
In the class action lawsuit captioned as PAULA SPARKMAN, on behalf
of herself and all others similarly situated, v. COMERICA BANK, a
foreign corporation, and CONDUENT STATE & LOCAL SOLUTIONS, INC., a
foreign corporation, Case No. 4:23-cv-02028-DMR (N.D. Cal.), the
Plaintiff asks the Court to enter an order that either:

   (1) directs the clerk to unseal the sealed documents filed with
       motion for class certification and her unredacted class
       certification brief, or

   (2) directs the clerk to maintain the documents under seal.

The Defendants designated documents produced in discovery as
"confidential." Plaintiff is filing copies of these documents in
support of her motion for class certification and has quoted some
of them in her brief.

The documents Defendants seek to have sealed are attached as
Exhibits 6, 7, 10-12, 14, 16-24, 26-29, and 40-42 to the
Declaration of Blythe H. Chandler in support of this motion to

While the Plaintiff does not agree with all of the confidentiality
designations, she is filing them under seal in compliance with
Stipulated Protective Order and Civil Local Rule 79-5(f).

The Plaintiff is also filing under seal an unredacted version of
her brief because it quotes from documents that Defendants
designated confidential.

Because the Defendants have designated confidential the materials
Plaintiff is filing under seal, it is Defendants' burden to
demonstrate compelling reasons to maintain them under seal.

Comerica is an American financial services company.

A copy of the Plaintiff's motion dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=WLagwp at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Beth E. Terrell, Esq.
          Blythe H. Chandler, Esq.
          Jasmin Rezaie-Tirabadi, Esq.
          936 North 34th Street, Suite 300
          Seattle, WA 98103-8869
          Telephone: (206) 816-6603
          E-mail: bterrell@terrellmarshall.com
                - and -

          Sophia M. Rios, Esq.
          8241 La Mesa Blvd., Suite A
          La Mesa, CA 91942
          Telephone: (619) 489-0300
          E-mail: srios@bm.net

                - and -

          Daniel A. Schlanger, Esq.
          60 East 42nd Street, 46th Floor,
          New York, NY 10165
          Telephone: (212) 500-6114
          E-mail: dschlanger@consumerprotection.net

COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE: Rios Suit Removed to N.D. California
The case styled as Ignacio Rios, as an individual and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE, LLC, a
California limited liability company; and DOES 1 through 100,
inclusive, Case No. 24CV003969 was removed from Superior Court of
the State of California for the County of Monterey, to the United
States District Court for the Northern District of California on
Nov. 21, 2024, and assigned Case No. 5:24-cv-08243-VKD.

The Complaint pleads the following seven purported causes of action
against Defendant: Failure to Pay All Minimum Wages Owed; Failure
to Pay all Overtime Wages Owed; Failure to Provide Meal Periods;
Failure to Authorize and Permit Rest Periods; Failure to Provide
Accurate Itemized Wage Statements; Failure to Indemnify All
Necessary Business Expenses; and Unfair Competition.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Blake R. Bertagna, Esq.
          695 Town Center Drive, Seventeenth Floor
          Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1924
          Phone: (714) 668-6200
          Facsimile: (714) 979-1921
          Email: blakebertagna@paulhastings.com

CONTINENTAL RESOURCES: Continues to Defend Shareholder Class Suit
Continental Resources Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for
the quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that
Company continues to defend itself from a consolidated shareholder
class suit in the United States District Court for the District of
Oklahoma County.

In April 2023, three separate putative class action lawsuits were
consolidated under the caption In re Continental Resources, Inc.
Shareholder Litigation, Case No. CJ-2022-4162, in the District
Court of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma (the "Consolidated Action"). In
the Consolidated Action, the plaintiffs, on behalf of themselves
and all other similarly situated former shareholders of the
Company, allege that Mr. Hamm, certain trusts established for the
benefit of Mr. Hamm and/or his family members, and the Company's
other directors breached their fiduciary duties in connection with
the take-private transaction and seek: (i) monetary damages; (ii)
the costs and expenses associated with the lawsuits; and (iii)
other equitable relief.

The defendants continue to vigorously defend themselves against
these claims.

Continental Resources, Inc. is into the production of crude oil and
natural gas based in Oklahoma.

CORSA COAL: Fails to Pay All Time Worked, Killinger Suit Alleges
WILLIAM KILLINGER, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
Case No. 3:24-cv-00279 (W.D. Pa., Nov. 25, 2024) challenges the
Defendants' policies and practices that violated the Fair Labor
Standards Act and the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act.

Specifically, the Plaintiff alleges that he and similarly situated
coal miners were not paid for all time worked at the beginning and
end of their shift, including for time spent donning and doffing
required clothing and equipment that occurred when they were
required to be on Defendants' premises and that was and is integral
and indispensable to their principal activities of coal mining.

The Plaintiff also alleges that he and similarly situated coal
miners were paid production bonuses that were not incorporated into
the regular rate of pay for purposes of overtime compensation.

Corsa is the sole shareholder of Wilson Creek Holdings, Inc., which
is the sole member of Wilson Creek. Wilson Creek Holdings, Inc. is
a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware with its
principal place of business in Friedens, Pennsylvania.

Wilson Creek is the sole member of Maryland Energy Resources, LLC,
a limited liability company organized under the laws of Delaware,
with its principal place of business in Friedens, Pennsylvania.

The Defendants own and operate coal mines in Somerset County,
Pennsylvania, and in bordering Garrett County, Maryland, employing
over 300 employees.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Sarah R. Schalman-Bergen, Esq.
          Krysten L. Connon, Esq.
          729 Boylston Street, Suite 2000
          Boston, MA 02116
          Telephone: (617) 994-5800
          Direct: (267) 256-9973
          E-mail: ssb@llrlaw.com

               - and -

          Shannon M. Draher, Esq.
          7034 Braucher Street, NW, Suite B
          North Canton, OH 44720
          Telephone: (330) 470-4428
          Facsimile: (330) 754-1430
          E-mail: sdraher@ohlaborlaw.com

COUGAR CORP: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Agostini Alleges
LUNIQUE AGOSTINI, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated, v. Cougar Corporation, Case No. 1:24-cv-09059 (S.D.N.Y.,
Nov. 26, 2024) alleges that Cougar failed to design, construct,
maintain, and operate their website,
https://www.berettagalleryusa.com, to be fully accessible to and
independently usable by Plaintiff and other blind or
visually-impaired persons in violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

Berettagalleryusa.com provides to the public a wide array of the
goods, services, price specials and other programs offered by
Cougar. Yet, Berettagalleryusa.com contains significant access
barriers that make it difficult if not impossible for blind and
visually-impaired customers to use the website. In fact, the access
barriers make it impossible for blind and visually-impaired users
to even complete a transaction on the website. Thus, Cougar
excludes the blind and visually-impaired from the full and equal
participation in the growing Internet economy that is increasingly
a fundamental part of the common marketplace and daily living, says
the suit.

The Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who
requires screen-reading software to read website content using her

The Plaintiff uses the terms "blind" or "visually-impaired" to
refer to all people with visual impairments who meet the legal
definition of blindness in that they have a visual acuity with
correction of less than or equal to 20 x 200. Some blind people who
meet this definition have limited vision; others have no vision.

Based on a 2010 U.S. Census Bureau report, approximately 8.1
million people in the United States are visually impaired,
including 2.0 million who are blind, and according to the American

Foundation for the Blind's 2015 report, approximately 400,000
visually impaired persons live in the State of New York.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gabriel A. Levy, Esq.
          GABRIEL A. LEVY, P.C.
          Telephone: (347) 941-4715
          Manhasset, NY 11030
          1129 Northern Blvd, Suite 404
          E-mail: Glevyfirm@gmail.com

CREDIT SUISSE: Seeks to Decertify Class in Antitrust Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF
PLANS MASTER TRUST, on behalf of itself and all others similarly
CITIGROUP INC., and ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, Case No. 1:11-cv-05450
(S.D.N.Y.), the Defendants ask the Court to enter an order
decertifying the class previously certified in this case as to Bank
of America and JPMorgan.

The Bank of America and JPMorgan request oral argument on this
motion at a time and date convenient to the Court.

Credit Suisse is a global investment bank and financial services
firm founded and based in Switzerland.

A copy of the Defendants' motion dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=PUbpUZ at no extra

The Defendants are represented by:

          Arthur J. Burke, Esq.
          Paul S. Mishkin, Esq.
          Sheila R. Adams James, Esq.
          Patrick W. Blakemore, Esq.
          450 Lexington Avenue
          New York, NY 10017
          Telephone: (212) 450-4000
          Facsimile: (212) 450-4800
          E-mail: arthur.burke@davispolk.com

                - and -

          Alan C. Turner, Esq.
          Rachel S. Sparks Bradley, Esq.
          Abram J. Ellis, Esq.
          425 Lexington Avenue
          New York, NY 10017
          Telephone: (212) 455-2000
          Facsimile: (212) 455-2502
          E-mail: aturner@stblaw.com

CREDIT SUISSE: Seeks to File Memo Under Seal in Antitrust Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, et al., v. Credit Suisse AG, et al., Case No.
1:11-cv-05450-NRB (S.D.N.Y.), the Defendants ask the Court to enter
an order granting permission to file under seal the memorandum of
law and accompanying materials in support of both (1) Credit
Suisse, NatWest, and UBS's opposition to Plaintiffs' Oct. 4, 2024,
motion for class certification (ECF No. 4190); and (2) Bank of
America and JPMorgan's motion for class decertification
(collectively "Defendants' Class Certification Briefing').

The Defendants' Class Certification Briefing contains a substantial
amount of material that has been designated Confidential or Highly
Confidential pursuant to the Amended Stipulation and Protective
Order, dated May 12, 2016, including commercially sensitive
business information of Defendants. If such information were to be
made publicly available, Defendants and others could be

A copy of the Defendants' motion dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=Dugr0O at no extra

The Defendants are represented by:

          Jefferson E. Bell, Esq.
          200 Park Avenue
          New York, NY 10166-0193
          Telephone: (212) 351-2395
          E-mail: jbell@gibsondunn.com

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Must Oppose Renewed Class Cert Bid By Dec. 6
In the class action lawsuit captioned as NB, et al., v. DISTRICT OF
COLUMBIA, et al., Case No. 1:10-cv-01511 (D.D.C., Filed Sept. 7,
2010), the Hon. Judge Richard J. Leon entered an order on motion to
modify set/reset deadlines:

-- The Defendant shall file any opposition to the plaintiffs'
    Renewed Motion for Class Certification by Dec. 6, 2024.

-- The Plaintiffs shall file any reply by Jan. 13, 2025.

The nature of suit states Civil Rights.[CC]

DOMINICK R. DALE: Faces Snyder Class Suit Over Legal Malpractice
on behalf of all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. DOMINICK
R. DALE, ESQ., individually, and THE LAW OFFICE OF DOMINICK R.
DALE, ESQ., Defendants, Case No. 1:24-cv-08940 (S.D.N.Y., November
22, 2024) is a class action against the Defendants for violation of
New York Judiciary Law Section 487 and legal malpractice.

The case arises from the Defendants' alleged engagement in a
fraudulent scheme designed to strip small businesses and their
individual owners out of their last remaining cash by using a
network of companies and law firms to target financially vulnerable
merchants leading them to believe they may receive debt-relief
services, while providing little, if any, debt-relief services (in
exchange for illegal fees and false claims of legal assistance).
The Defendants have conspired with debt relief companies to
indirectly solicit merchants through so-called litigation insurance
programs, wherein the debt relief company solicits and signs up the
client, and then shares their fee directly with the Defendants. As
a direct result of this financial motivation, the Defendants file
cookie-cutter pleadings, including verified answers and oppositions
to motions for summary judgment, without ever speaking to the
client. The Plaintiff and the Class have suffered damages as a
result of the Defendants' misconduct.

Shoreline Appraisal Services Inc. is a provider of appraisal
services, with its principal place of business in Indiana.

The Law Office of Dominick R. Dale, Esq. is a law firm based in
Forest Hills, New York. [BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:                
         Shane R. Heskin, Esq.
         810 Seventh Avenue, Suite 500
         New York, NY 10019
         Telephone: (212) 244-9500
         Email: heskins@whiteandwilliams.com

                 - and -

         Ariel Bouskila, Esq.
         Steven Berkovitch, Esq.
         1545 US 202 Suite 101
         Pomona, NY 10970
         Telephone: (212) 729-1477
         Email: ari@Bblawpllc.com

ENSURETY VENTURES: Radvansky Sues Over Unlawful Telemarketing Calls
David Radvansky, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
3:24-cv-00221-TCB (N.D. Ga., Nov. 21, 2024), is brought alleging
that the Defendant made telemarketing calls to the Plaintiff and
other putative class members despite not having the requisite
consent to contact those individuals who, like the Plaintiff, were
listed on the National Do Not Call Registry.

Telemarketing calls are intrusive. A great many people object to
these calls, which interfere with their lives, tie up their phone
lines, and cause confusion and disruption on phone records. Faced
with growing public criticism of abusive telephone marketing
practices, Congress enacted the Telephone Consumer Protection Act
of 1991.

Because telemarketing calls typically use technology capable of
generating thousands of similar calls per day, the Plaintiff sues
on behalf of a proposed nationwide class of other persons who
received similar calls. A class action is the best means of
obtaining redress for the Defendant's illegal telemarketing and is
consistent both with the private right of action afforded by the
TCPA and the fairness and efficiency goals of Rule 23 of the
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff's telephone number is on the National Do Not Call
Registry and has been since September of 2021.

Omega offers auto warranty services and relies on telemarketing
calls to promote those services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Steven H. Koval, Esq.
          3575 Piedmont Rd NE
          15 Piedmont Center Suite 120
          Atlanta, GA 30305
          Phone: (404) 513-6651
          Email: Steve@KovalFirm.com

               - and -

          Anthony I. Paronich, Esq.
          PARONICH LAW, P.C.
          350 Lincoln Street, Suite 2400
          Hingham, MA 02043
          Phone: (617) 485-0018
          Fax: (508) 318-8100
          Email: anthony@paronichlaw.com

ERIC EMMERICH: Benitez-Diaz Bid for Class Certification Tossed
In the class action lawsuit captioned as ALBERTO BENITEZ-DIAZ,
3:24-cv-00369-wmc (W.D. Wis.), the Hon. Judge William Conley
entered an order that:

   1. The joint petition filed by Alberto Benitez-Diaz, Cesar M.
      Serrano-Nieto, Jairo Salazar-Dominguez, Jose Deras-Lopez, and

      Salvador Alamilla is denied.

   2. The motion for class certification is also denied.

   3. This case is dismissed with prejudice.

Accordingly, petitioners fail to show that their sentences have
been calculated unlawfully in such a way that violates the
Constitution. Because they are not entitled to relief under 28
U.S.C. section 2241, their joint petition must be denied.

Representing themselves, petitioners Alberto Benitez-Diaz, Cesar M.
Serrano-Nieto, Jairo Salazar-Dominguez, Jose Deras-Lopez, and
Salvador Alamilla seek federal habeas corpus relief under 28 U.S.C.
section 2241 from the calculation of their sentences by the United
States Bureau of Prisons ("BOP").

Specifically, petitioners contend that they have been denied time
credits under the First Step Act, 18 U.S.C. section 3632(d)(4)(A),
based on their status as deportable prisoners in violation of their
right to due process and equal protection of the laws.

They have also filed a motion for class certification of other BOP
prisoners who are deportable and who have been denied these time
credits, which would shorten the length of their imprisonment.

Petitioners are currently confined at the Federal Correctional
Institution in Oxford, Wisconsin ("FCI-Oxford").

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=WnpQD1 at no extra

EVERCOMMERCE INC: Continues to Defend Vladimir Gusinsky Class Suit
EverCommerce Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that
Company continues to defend itself from the Vladimir Gusinsky class
suit in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware.

On January 31, 2024, plaintiff Vladimir Gusinsky Revocable Trust
filed a putative class action lawsuit in the Court of Chancery of
the State of Delaware against the Company, members of its Board and
the other parties to its sponsor stockholders agreement, dated June
30, 2021, Providence Strategic Growth II L.P., Providence Strategic
Growth II-A L.P., SLA Eclipse Co-Invest, L.P., and SLA CM Eclipse
Holdings, L.P. (collectively, the "Sponsor Stockholders"),
captioned Vladimir Gusinsky Revocable Trust v. Eric Remer, Penny
Baldwin, et. al., Case No. 2024-0077 (Del Ch.).

The complaint generally alleges violations of Section 141(a) of the
Delaware General Corporation Law by providing the Sponsor
Stockholders with a veto right over the Board's ability to hire or
fire the Company's Chief Executive Officer on the basis that it
unlawfully limits the Board's authority to manage the business and
affairs of the Company.

The plaintiff seeks declaratory judgment that the CEO Approval
Right is invalid and void, other declaratory and equitable relief
for the class and/or the Company, attorneys' and experts' witness
fees and other costs and expenses, and other equitable relief.

On June 14, 2024, the Company filed its opening brief in support of
its Motion to Dismiss, and on July 15, 2024, Plaintiff opposed that

On July 16, 2024, the court entered a stipulation and order
dismissing the director defendants from the action. On August 29,
2024, the remaining defendants, the Company and Sponsor
Stockholders, filed their reply in support of the Motion to
Dismiss, and pursuant to a stipulation between the parties,
Plaintiff filed a sur-reply on September 26, 2024, which Defendants
filed a response to on October 10, 2024. On October 15, 2024,
Defendants filed a Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter
Jurisdiction, arguing that the claims alleged are not ripe for

The Company believes it has meritorious defenses to the claims of
the plaintiff and members of the class and any liability for the
alleged claims is not currently probable and the potential loss or
range of loss is not reasonably estimable.

Headquartered in Denver, CO, EverCommerce is a publicly traded
corporation that provides software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions
for small- and medium-sized businesses. [BN]

FARMERS UNION: McBrayer Files Suit in Okla. Dist. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Farmers Union
Hospital Association, et al. The case is styled as Robert McBrayer,
on behalf of minor child T.N.T., and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. Farmers Union Hospital Association, Great
Plains Regional Medical Center, Case No. CJ-2024-00118 (Okla. Dist.
Ct., Oklahoma Cty., Nov. 21, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Civil Relief More Than $10,000:
Negligence General."

Farmers Union Hospital Association provides health care services to
patients who meet certain criteria under its charity policy without
charge or amounts less than established rates.[BN]

FAST PACE: Appeals Final Approval of Hutchinson Suit Settlement
FAST PACE MEDICAL CLINIC PLLC is taking an appeal from a court
order granting the Plaintiff's motion for final approval of
settlement and for attorneys' fees and expenses in the lawsuit
entitled Christy Hutchinson, et al., individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs, v. Fast Pace Medical
Clinic PLLC, Defendant, Case No. 3:22-cv-00511, in the U.S.
District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee.

As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, the complaint
is brought against the Defendant for failure to pay overtime wages
in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

On Oct. 9, 2024, the Plaintiffs filed an unopposed motion for final
approval of a class action settlement and for approval of service
payments, attorneys fees, and costs, and incorporated memorandum of

On Oct. 30, 2024, Judge William L. Campbell, Jr. entered an Order
granting the Plaintiff's motion for final approval of the
settlement and for attorneys' fees and expenses in the amount of
$616,666.6794. The Court approved: (a) the Service Payments in the
amount of $7,000 to each of Named Plaintiffs Christy Hutchinson,
Christina Courtney, and Karen Harris, as provided in the Settlement
Agreement; (b) the proposed attorneys' fees and costs of Class
Counsel, in the amount of $616,666.67; and (c) the proposed payment
to the Settlement administrator for its expenses in administering
the Settlement, in the amount of $24,000.00.

The case was dismissed with prejudice.

The appellate case is captioned Christy Hutchinson, et al. v. Fast
Pace Medical Clinic PLLC, Case No. 24-6045, in the United States
Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, filed on November 21, 2024.

Plaintiffs-Appellees CHRISTY HUTCHINSON, et al., individually and
on behalf of all others similarly situated, are represented by:

          Nicholas Conlon, Esq.
          BROWN, LLC
          111 Town Square Place, Suite 400
          Jersey City, NJ 07310
          Telephone: (877) 561-0000

                  - and -
          Justin Glenn Day, Esq.
          800 S. Gay Street, Suite 1100
          Knoxville, TN 37929
          Telephone: (866) 252-0878

Defendant-Appellant FAST PACE MEDICAL CLINIC PLLC is represented

          Ryan P. Durham, Esq.
          P.O. Box 357
          Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
          Telephone: (931) 762-7167

                  - and -
          J. Stanton Hill, Esq.
          2155 Heritage Drive, N.E.
          Atlanta, GA 30345
          Telephone: (727) 709-8845

                  - and -
          Gerald Leonard Maatman, Jr., Esq.
          DUANE MORRIS
          190 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 3700
          Chicago, IL 60603
          Telephone: (312) 499-6710

GARDA CL NORTHWEST: Class Settlement in Gann Suit Gets Initial Nod
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JASON GANN, on his own
behalf and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v. GARDA CL
NORTHWEST d/b/a GARDAWORLD, Case No. 1:21-cv-02069-RM-STV (D.
Colo.), the Parties ask the Court to enter an order granting joint
motion for preliminary approval of class action settlement:

   1. Certify a stipulated class action under the Colorado Minimum

      Wages of Workers Act (the "CMWWA") C.R.S. sections 8-6-101 et

      seq. (as implemented by the Colorado Minimum Wage Order (the

      "MWO") 7 CCR 1103-1 and the Colorado Overtime and Minimum
      Standards Order (the "COMPS") 7 CCR 1103-1 (2020)) and Fed.
      Civ. P. 23 defined as:

      TERMINAL FROM JUNE 28, 2015 TO DEC. 31, 2020."

   2. Grant preliminary approval to the Parties' Settlement
      and Notice (Exhibit 1); and

   3. Set a final fairness hearing at the Court's earliest
      at least 60 days after the date on which the Court grants

The settlement provides that Defendants will make a single payment
of $142,000.00, less any Reduction Amount as defined infra, into a
Settlement Fund to be administered by a Class Administrator to
compensate Plaintiff and the Members of the Class who do not
opt-out for their damages, inclusive of attorney fees and costs and
incentive awards to the representative Plaintiff.

Garda was founded in 1983. The Company's line of business includes
providing detective, guard, and armored car services.

A copy of the Parties' motion dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=TQ3ql8 at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Brandt Milstein, Esq.
          2400 Broadway, Suite B
          Boulder, CO 80304
          Telephone: (303) 440-8780
          E-mail: brandt@milsteinturner.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Leah Capritta, Esq.
          1801 California Street, Suite 5000
          Denver, CO 80202
          Telephone: (303) 974.6466
          E-mail: Leah.Capritta@hklaw.com

GCP WW: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Fernandez Alleges
FELIPE FERNANDEZ, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. GCP WW HOLDCO, LLC, Case No. 1:24-cv-09006 (S.D.N.Y.,
Nov. 25, 2024) alleges that the Defendant failed to design,
construct, maintain, and operate Defendant's website,
www.workworld.com, to be fully accessible to and independently
usable by Plaintiff and other blind or visually-impaired people in
violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The Defendant's denial of full and equal access to and enjoyment of
the goods, benefits, and services of the Website, has caused
Plaintiff to suffer an injury in fact due to Plaintiff's inability
to purchase outdoor apparel, which is a concrete and particularized
injury, and is a direct result of Defendant's conduct.

The Plaintiff now seeks a permanent injunction to cause a change in
Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and procedures so that
Defendant's Website will become and remain accessible to blind and

visually-impaired consumers.

The Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who
requires screen-reading software to read website content using the
computer. The Plaintiff uses the terms "blind" or
"visually-impaired" as Plaintiff's central visual acuity with
correction is less than or equal to 20/200.

GCP WW HOLDCO, LLC operates the website that provides retail store
services like clothing, headgear, footwear, and work safety
equipment image mark.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Rami Salim, Esq.
          STEIN SAKS, PLLC
          One University Plaza, Suite 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Telephone: (201) 282-6500
          Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
          E-mail: rsalim@steinsakslegal.com

GRAFTECH INTERNATIONAL: Continues to Defend Stockholder Class Suit
GrafTech International Ltd. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for
the quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that the
Company continues to defend itself from stockholder class suit in
the United States District Court for the Northern District of

On January 25, 2024, a stockholder of the Company filed a class
action complaint on behalf of a putative class consisting of
purchasers of GrafTech common stock between February 8, 2019 and
August 3, 2023 in the United States District Court for the Northern
District of Ohio. The complaint names the Company, certain past and
present executive officers, and three entities associated with
Brookfield Corporation and its affiliates as defendants. The
complaint alleges that certain public filings and statements made
by the Company contained material misrepresentations or omissions
relating to the circumstances before and after the prior temporary
suspension of the Company's graphite electrode facility located in
Monterrey, Mexico, in September 2022.

The complaint seeks unspecified compensatory damages, costs and
expenses, and unspecified equitable or injunctive relief.

On May 15, 2024, the Court appointed the University of Puerto Rico
Retirement System as the lead plaintiff.

On October 7, 2024, the plaintiff filed an amended complaint. At
this stage of the proceedings, it is too early to determine if the
matter would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse
effect on its financial condition.

Graffech is a global manufacturer of graphite electrode products
headquartered in Brookl5m Heights, Ohio.

GRAND DESIGN: Nowak Sues Over Recreational Vehicles' Frame Defect
JOHN P. NOWAK, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
INC., Defendants, Case No. 3:24-cv-00950 (N.D. Ind., November 22,
2024) is a class action against the Defendants for violations of
the Kentucky Consumer Protection Act and breach of implied

The case arises from the Defendants' design, manufacturing,
marketing, promotion, and sale of Solitude and Momentum fifth wheel
recreational vehicles with alleged frame defect. According to the
complaint, the frame failure occurs when a vehicle's frame,
designed to be flexible enough to absorb road shocks, bends beyond
its intended limits, cracks the walls and other sections of the
vehicle, and separates from the trailer's body. Untreated, the
vehicle could end up deemed unroadworthy, totaled, and/or
compromise the safety of passengers as well as others on the road.
Despite the Defendants' knowledge of the defect, they never
disclosed it to the Plaintiff and Class members. As a result, the
Plaintiff and the Class suffered economic damages.

Winnebago Industries, Inc. is a manufacturer of recreational
vehicles, with its principal place of business in Minnesota.

Grand Design RV, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Winnebago
Industries, with its principal place of business in Middlebury,
Indiana. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Fred Schultz, Esq.
         520 N. Walnut Street
         Bloomington, IN 47404
         Telephone: (812) 336-4357
         Facsimile: (812) 336-5615
         Email: fred@greeneschultz.com

                 - and -

         Stephen J. Herman, Esq.
         Lance C. McCardle, Esq.
         Jason W. Burge, Esq.
         Maggie M. Daly, Esq.
         201 St. Charles Avenue, 46th Floor
         New Orleans, LA 70170
         Telephone: (504) 586-5252
         Facsimile: (504) 586-5250
         Email: sherman@fishmanhaygood.com

HAYWARD HOLDINGS: Faces Consolidated Suit Over SEC Disclosures
Hayward Holdings, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q report for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2024, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 29, 2024, that on
August 2, 2023, a securities class action complaint was filed in
the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey
against the Company and certain of its current directors and
officers (Kevin Holleran and Eifion Jones) and MSD Partners and
CCMP Capital Advisors, LP on behalf of a putative class of
stockholders who acquired shares of its common stock between March
2, 2022 and July 27, 2022.

Action is captioned "City of Southfield Fire and Police Retirement
System vs. Hayward Holdings, Inc., et al.," Case No.
2:23-cv-04146-WJM-ESK. On December 19, 2023, the Court issued a
ruling consolidating this with another securities class action
under the City of Southfield docket and appointing a lead
plaintiff. In a consolidated class action complaint filed March 4,
2024, the Securities Class Action alleged on behalf of a putative
class of stockholders who acquired shares of our common stock
between October 27, 2021 and July 28, 2022, among other things,
that the Company and certain of its current directors and officers
violated Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 by, among other things, making materially false or misleading
statements regarding inventory, growth, and demand trends and the
Company’s financial projections for 2022. The complaints seek
unspecified monetary damages on behalf of the putative classes and
an award of costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’
fees. On October 2, 2024, the Court issued an Opinion and Order
dismissing the consolidated class action complaint and granted the
lead plaintiff leave to file an amended complaint within 30 days.

The complaint alleges, among other things, that the company and
certain of its current directors and officers violated Sections
10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by, among
other things, making materially false or misleading statements
regarding growth and demand trends following its initial public
offering in March 2021. The complaints seek unspecified monetary
damages on behalf of the putative classes and an award of costs and
expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

Hayward Holdings, Inc. is a global designer and manufacturer of
pool and outdoor living technology with seven manufacturing
facilities worldwide, which are located in North Carolina,
Tennessee, Rhode Island, Spain (three) and China, and other
facilities in the United States, Canada, France and Australia.

HF MANAGEMENT: Moore Sues Over Unlawful Compensations
Ashton Moore, individually, and on behalf of others similarly
limited liability company, Case No. 1:24-cv-08868 (S.D.N.Y., Nov.
21, 2024), is brought arising from the Defendant's willful
violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA"), the New York
Minimum Wage Act ("NYMWA"), the New York Payment of Wages Act
("NYPOW"), and N.Y.C.R.R. ("NYCRR"), The Pennsylvania Minimum Wage
Act and Pennsylvania Wage Payment and Collection Law,
("Pennsylvania Wage Acts"), and for breach of contract and unjust

The Defendant violated the FLSA, state wage-and-hour law, and
common law by systematically failing to compensate its CSRs for
compensable work tasks completed before and after their scheduled
shifts and during their unpaid meal periods, when they were not
logged into Defendant's timekeeping system. This timekeeping
procedure resulted in CSRs not being paid for all overtime hours
worked, overtime gap time when associated with unpaid overtime, and
in non- overtime workweeks for regular hours.

More specifically, Defendant failed to compensate CSRs for the
substantial time they spent turning on and booting up their
computer and computer systems prior to clocking into Defendant's
timekeeping system and when returning from their meal periods;
reviewing emails; documenting call assessments; closing all work
applications and systems they used during their shift;
disconnecting from Defendant's server; and shutting down their
computer after their last fielded call for the shift concluded and
after clocking out of Defendant's timekeeping system, says the

The Plaintiff was employed by the Defendant as a CSR with the job
title of Medicare Care Coordinator.

The Defendant has "grown into New York's largest not-for-profit
health insurer, offering high-quality, affordable plans to fit
every life stage, including Medicaid plans, Medicare Advantage
plans, long-term care plans, Qualified Health plans, and Essential

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Jonathan Bernstein
          2108 Yardley Road
          Yardley, PA 19067
          Phone: 917-693-7245
          Email: jb@lijblaw.com

               - and -

          Kevin J. Stoops, Esq.
          Alana A. Karbal, Esq.
          One Town Square
          Southfield, MI 48076
          Phone: (248) 355-0300
          Email: kstoops@sommerspc.com

HSBC BANK: Oral Argument Set for Jan. 3, 2025 in Ni Class Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KELLY NI, on behalf of
herself, FLSA Collective Plaintiffs, and the Class, v. HSBC BANK
USA, N.A., Case No. 1:23-cv-00309-AS-KHP (S.D.N.Y.), the Hon. Judge
Katharine Parker entered an order scheduling an Oral Argument for
Jan. 3, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom 17D, 500 Pearl Street, New
York, New York.

HSBC Bank offers personal banking, wealth management, loans,
savings accounts, leasing, retirement plans, investment management,
and insurance services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=npwsLE at no extra

JEREMY BARR: Thurston Files Suit in M.D. Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Jeremy Barr, et al.
The case is styled as John Edward Thurston, Wendall Hall, on behalf
of themselves and all other similarly situated v. Jeremy Barr,
President of Recovery Solutions; Jarad Anderson, Recovery Solutions
employer Facility Administrator; Cynthia Noblett, Business Office
Manager and Employee for Recovery Solutions at FCCC; Case No.
2:24-cv-01070-JLB-NPM (M.D. Fla., Nov. 21, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Prisoner Civil Rights.

Jeremy Barr, President -- https://recoverysolutions.us/our-team/ --
joined in 2011 and has led the growth of Recovery Solutions from 6
locations in 3 states to 70+ locations in 10 states).[BN]

The Plaintiffs appear pro se.

JETBLUE AIRWAYS: Faces Antitrust Suit in Various Courts
Jetblue Airways Corporation disclosed in its Form 10-Q for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2024, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 29, 2024, that it is
facing a consolidated antitrust suit in various courts.

In December 2022 and February 2023, four putative class actions
lawsuits were filed in the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of New York and the United States District Court
for the District of Massachusetts, respectively, alleging that its
northeast alliance arrangement with the American Airlines Group
Inc. violates Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act.

Among other things, plaintiffs seek monetary damages on behalf of a
putative class of direct purchasers of airline tickets from JetBlue
and American and, depending on the specific case, other airlines on
flights to or from concerned airports from July 16, 2020 through
the present. Plaintiffs in these actions also seek to enjoin this
arrangement. JetBlue moved to dismiss the claims.

In September 2024, the court issued its Decision and Order denying
JetBlue's motion to dismiss the consolidated civil class action
cases pending in said court.

JetBlue Airways Corporation provides air transportation services
across the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America, Canada, and

JOHNSON, TN: Must File Supplement in Class Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JANE DOE, et. al., v.
JOHNSON CITY, TENNESSEE, et al., Case No. 2:23-cv-00071-TRM-JEM
(E.D. Tenn.), the Hon. Judge Travis McDonough entered an order
directing the Defendants to file a supplement

   (1) explaining why the Court should decline to follow Sixth
       precedent, and

   (2) advising the Court whether they wish to persist in their
       to disallow Plaintiffs' use of the Daigle Report when moving

       for class certification.

The Defendants shall file their supplement on or before Dec. 1,

In their briefing, the Defendants neglect to cite a single case
discussing how the Rules of Evidence apply to class certification.
Notably, the Sixth Circuit has held that "evidentiary proof need
not amount to admissible evidence" at the class-certification
The Defendants also failed to address this in their reply briefing
after Plaintiffs explicitly discussed Lyngaas.

The Defendants filed their motion to disallow use of Eric Daigle's
report ("the Daigle Report") on October 31, 2024.

On Nov. 5, 2024, the Court denied Plaintiffs' motion for class
certification as moot, as the issue of class certification will be
decided following the Court's resolution of Plaintiffs' motion to
amend their complaint.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=nmx6aS at no extra

KEYBANK NA: Hernandez Sues Over Unlawful Discrimination
Roberto Roca Hernandez, an individual, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated v. KEYBANK N.A. d/b/a GRADFIN (D. Colo.,
Nov. 21, 2024), Case No. 1:24-cv-03236-MEH (D. Colo., Nov. 21,
2024), is brought against GradFin for unlawful discrimination in
violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, seeking to represent
members of the Class who were and are unable to access Defendant's
credit products and refinancing services because of their

The Defendant GradFin follows a policy of denying full access to
credit products and refinancing services to applicants on the basis
of their alienage, including those who have Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals ("DACA") status. The Defendant's violations have
inflicted harm on Plaintiff, and the Class he seeks to represent,
including but not limited to, access to credit products and
refinancing with unfavorable terms and conditions, and emotional

The Plaintiffs were victims of the Defendant's discrimination.

GradFin offers financial products and services, including student
loans, personal loans, mortgages, and credit cards.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Thomas A. Saenz, Esq.
          Luis L. Lozada, Esq.
          634 South Spring Street, 11th Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90014
          Phone: (213) 629-2512
          Facsimile: (213) 629-0266
          Email: tsaenz@maldef.org

KNIGHT-SWIFT TRANSPORTATION: Seeks to Modify Briefing Schedule
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Robert Hagins and Tommie
Woodard, individually and on behalf of the Knight-Swift
Transportation Retirement Plan, v. Knight-Swift Transportation
Holdings, Inc., Case No. 2:22-cv-01835-ROS (D. Ariz.), the
Defendant asks the Court to enter an order granting the unopposed
motion to modify briefing schedule regarding the Plaintiffs' motion
for class certification

The Defendant has made good faith efforts to comply with the
briefing deadline established by the Court. However, counsel for
the Defendant, Wesley E. Stockard, who would serve as Defendant's
lead trial counsel should this matter proceed to trial, has
experienced subsequent family emergencies that necessitate
additional time for Defendant to prepare and file its opposition to
Plaintiffs' motion for class certification.

The Parties have agreed to an additional fourteen days for the
Defendant to prepare and file its opposition to Plaintiffs' motion
for class Certification. This would extend Defendant's deadline
from Nov. 27, 2024, to Dec. 11, 2024.

Additionally, the Parties have agreed Plaintiffs' deadline to
prepare and file a reply to Defendant's anticipated opposition to
Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification be extended from Dec.
18, 2024, to Jan. 10, 2025.

The Plaintiffs filed a motion for class certification on Oct. 23,

The Parties filed a Stipulation and Joint Motion for Briefing
Regarding Plaintiffs' motion for class certification on Nov. 1,

Knight-Swift is a publicly traded, American motor carrier holding

A copy of the Defendant's motion dated Nov. 26, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=HrZZqH at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Michael C. McKay, Esq.
          MCKAY LAW, LLC
          5635 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 117
          Scottsdale, AZ 85250
          Telephone: (480) 681-7000
          Facsimile: (480) 348-3999
          E-mail: mmckay@mckaylaw.us

                - and -

          Marc R. Edelman, Esq.
          MORGAN & MORGAN, P.A.
          201 N. Franklin Street, Suite 700
          Tampa, FL 33602
          Telephone: (813) 223-5505
          E-mail: MEdelman@forthepeople.com

                - and -

          Brandon J. Hill, Esq.
          Luis A. Cabassa, Esq.
          1110 N. Florida Avenue, Suite 300
          Tampa, FL 33602
          Telephone: (813) 224-0431
          E-mail: bhill@wfclaw.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Mark Ogden, Esq.
          Melissa L. Shingles, Esq.
          Wesley E. Stockard, Esq.
          Rachel Kaercher, Esq.
          James S. Fielding, Esq.
          Bradley Crowell, Esq.
          2425 East Camelback Road, Suite 900
          Phoenix, AZ 85016
          Telephone: (602) 474-3600
          Facsimile: (602) 926-8949
          E-mail: MOgden@littler.com

KONICA MINOLTA: Fails to Pay OT Wages, Marquinhos Suit Alleges
ALEXANDRE MARQUINHOS, on behalf of himself and all other similarly
ABC CORPS. 1-10, and JOHN/JANE DOES 1-10, Case No.
2:24-cv-10717-MEF-JSA (D.N.J., Nov. 25, 2024) alleges that the
Plaintiff and the putative collective and class action members were
not paid the appropriate amount of overtime compensation as
required under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and the New
Jersey Wage and Hour Law and seeks to recover significant economic
damages as a result of Defendants' violations of the statutes.

The Plaintiff was employed by Konica Minolta as an IT Systems
Engineer, as part of its All Covered Assurance program.

Konica is a Japanese multinational technology company, with its
U.S. headquarters located at 100 Williams Drive, in the Borough of
Ramsey, in the County of Bergen, in the State of New Jersey.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Ravi Sattiraju, Esq.
          50 Millstone Road
          Building 300, Suite 202
          East Windsor, NJ 08520
          Telephone: (609) 469-2110
          Facsimile: (609) 228-5649
          E-mail: rsattiraju@s-tlawfirm.com

               - and -

          Evan Silagi, Esq.
          75 Livingston Avenue
          Roseland, NJ 07068
          Telephone: (973) 325-7800
          Facsimile: (973) 325-7930
          E-mail: esilagi@blkgg.com

LANCASTER GENERAL: Class Cert Oral Argument Rescheduled to Dec. 11
In the class action lawsuit captioned as ST. LUKE'S HEALTH NETWORK,
LANCASTER GENERAL HOSPITAL, et al., Case No. 5:18-cv-02157-JLS
(E.D. Pa.), the Hon. Judge Jeffrey Schmehl entered an order that:

-- The oral argument on Plaintiffs' motion for class
    previously scheduled for Dec. 10, 2024, is rescheduled to
    Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. in the courtroom of the

    undersigned at The Gateway Building, 201 Penn Street, 5th
    Reading, Pennsylvania.

Lancaster is a regional hospital located in Lancaster,
Pennsylvania. It is part of the University of Pennsylvania Health

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=2S7Oae at no extra

LATICO TRAINING: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Fernandez Says
FELIPE FERNANDEZ, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. LATICO TRAINING CORP., Case No. 1:24-cv-09009
(S.D.N.Y., Nov. 25, 2024) alleges that Defendant failed to design,
construct, maintain, and operate Defendant's website,
www.laticoleathers.com, to be fully accessible to and independently
usable by Plaintiff and other blind or visually-impaired people in
violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The Plaintiff was injured when Plaintiff attempted multiple times,
most recently on April 18, 2024 to access Defendant's Website from
Plaintiff's home in an effort to shop for Defendant's products, but
encountered barriers that denied the full and equal access to
Defendant’s online goods, content, and services. Specifically,
the Plaintiff wanted to purchase the Bianca Tote/crossbody bag. The
Plaintiff wished to purchase this product because he was looking
for a versatile and stylish bag to give as gift to his Mother. He
sought a high-quality leather item that could serve as a practical
yet fashionable accessory for everyday use.

The Plaintiff seeks a permanent injunction to cause a change in
Defendant’s corporate policies, practices, and procedures so that
Defendant’s Website will become and remain accessible to blind
and visually-impaired consumers.

Defendant is a company that owns and operates the Website, offering
features which should allow all consumers to access the goods and
services and by which Defendant ensures the delivery of such goods
throughout the United States, including New York State.

The Defendant's Website offers products and services for online
sale and general delivery to the public. The Website offers
features which ought to allow users to browse for items, access
navigation bar descriptions, inquire about pricing, and avail
consumers of the ability to peruse the numerous items offered for

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Rami Salim, Esq.
          STEIN SAKS, PLLC
          One University Plaza, Suite 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Telephone: (201) 282-6500
          Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
          E-mail: rsalim@steinsakslegal.com

LIGHT & WONDER INC: Continues to Defend Casino Queen Class Suit
Light & Wonder Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that
Company continues to defend itself from the Casino Queen class suit
in the United States District Court for the Northern District of

On April 2, 2021, Casino Queen, Inc. and Casino Queen Marquette,
Inc. filed a putative class action complaint in the United States
District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against L&W,
Bally Technologies, Inc. and LNW Gaming, Inc., f/k/a Bally Gaming,
Inc. In the complaint, the plaintiffs assert federal antitrust
claims arising from the defendants' procurement of particular U.S.
patents. The plaintiffs allege that the defendants used those
patents to create an allegedly illegal monopoly in the market for
automatic card shufflers sold or leased in the United States.

The plaintiffs seek to represent a putative class of all persons
and entities that directly purchased or leased automatic card
shufflers within the United States from the defendants, or any
predecessor, subsidiary, or affiliate thereof, at any time between
April 1, 2009, and the present. The complaint seeks unspecified
money damages, which the complaint asks the court to treble, the
award of plaintiffs' costs of suit, including attorneys' fees, and
the award of pre-judgment and post-judgment interest. On June 11,
2021, the defendants filed a motion to dismiss plaintiffs'
complaint, which the court denied on May 19, 2022. Discovery closed
on December 1, 2023. On February 16, 2024, the defendants filed a
motion for summary judgment, which is pending. Also on February 16,
2024, plaintiffs filed a motion for partial summary judgment and a
motion for class certification, which are pending.

The Company is currently unable to determine the likelihood of an
outcome or estimate a range of reasonably possible losses, if any.
It believes that the claims in the lawsuit are without merit, and
intends to vigorously defend against them.

Light & Wonder, Inc. is a cross-platform global games company with
a focus on content and digital markets which includes supplying
game content and gaming machines, casino-management systems and
table game products and services to licensed gaming entities;
providing social casino and other mobile games, including casual
gaming, to retail customers; and providing a comprehensive suite
of digital gaming content, distribution platforms, player account
management systems, as well as various other iGaming content and

LIGHT & WONDER INC: Continues to Defend Giuliano Class Suit
Light & Wonder Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that
Company continues to defend itself from the Giuliano class suit in
the United States District Court for the Northern District of

On September 4, 2020, Alfred T. Giuliano, as liquidation trustee
for RIH Acquisition NJ, LLC d/b/a The Atlantic Club Casino Hotel
filed a putative class action complaint in the United States
District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against L&W,
Bally Technologies, Inc. and LNW Gaming, Inc., f/k/a Bally Gaming,
Inc. In the complaint, the plaintiffs assert federal antitrust
claims arising from the defendants' procurement of particular U.S.
patents. The plaintiffs allege that the defendants used those
patents to create an allegedly illegal monopoly in the market for
automatic card shufflers sold or leased in the United States.

The plaintiffs seek to represent a putative class of all persons
and entities that directly purchased or leased automatic card
shufflers within the United States from the Defendants, or any
predecessor, subsidiary, or affiliate thereof, at any time between
April 1, 2009, and the present.

The complaint seeks unspecified money damages, which the complaint
asks the court to treble, the award of plaintiff's costs of suit,
including attorneys' fees, and the award of pre-judgment and
post-judgment interest. On September 8, 2020, Rancho's Club Casino,
Inc., d/b/a Magnolia House Casino filed a putative class action
complaint in the United States District Court for the Northern
District of Illinois against L&W, Bally Technologies, Inc. and LNW
Gaming, Inc., f/k/a Bally Gaming, Inc. In the complaint, the
plaintiff asserts federal antitrust claims arising from the
defendants’ procurement of particular U.S. patents.

The plaintiff alleges that the defendants used those patents to
create an allegedly illegal monopoly in the market for automatic
card shufflers sold or leased in the United States. The plaintiff
seeks to represent a putative class of all persons and entities
that directly purchased or leased automatic card shufflers within
the United States from the defendants, or any predecessor,
subsidiary, or affiliate thereof, at any time between April 1,
2009, and the present.

The complaint seeks unspecified money damages, which the complaint
asks the court to treble, the award of plaintiff's costs of suit,
including attorneys' fees, and the award of pre-judgment and
post-judgment interest.

On October 29, 2020, the trial court consolidated the Giuliano and
Rancho's Club Casino matters. On October 30, 2020, the plaintiffs
in the consolidated action filed a first amended consolidated
complaint. On November 9, 2020, the defendants filed a motion to
dismiss the plaintiffs' first amended consolidated complaint, and
also filed a motion to compel arbitration of plaintiff Alfred T.
Giuliano's individual claims. On May 19, 2022, the Illinois
district court granted defendants' motion to compel arbitration;
stayed all proceedings in the lawsuit pending resolution of the
arbitral process; and accordingly dismissed all pending motions
without prejudice.

On May 31, 2022, defendants filed a motion to lift the stay of the
lawsuit for the limited purpose of amending the court's May 19,
2022 order to confirm that plaintiff Alfred T. Giuliano must
proceed to arbitration on an individual basis rather than a
class-wide basis. On June 10, 2022, plaintiff Alfred T. Giuliano
filed a notice of voluntary dismissal without prejudice, and the
court therefore denied as moot defendants' motion to lift the stay
in an order entered on March 28, 2023.

The Company is currently unable to determine the likelihood of an
outcome or estimate a range of reasonably possible losses, if any.
It believes that the claims in the consolidated lawsuit are without
merit, and intends to vigorously defend against them.

Light & Wonder, Inc. is a cross-platform global games company with
a focus on content and digital markets which includes supplying
game content and gaming machines, casino-management systems and
table game products and services to licensed gaming entities;
providing social casino and other mobile games, including casual
gaming, to retail customers; and providing a comprehensive suite
of digital gaming content, distribution platforms, player account
management systems, as well as various other iGaming content and

LIGHT & WONDER INC: Continues to Defend Tonkawa Tribe Class Suit
Light & Wonder Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that
Company continues to defend itself from the Tonkawa Tribe class
suit in the United States District Court for the District of

On September 3, 2020, the Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
d/b/a Tonkawa Enterprises filed a putative class action complaint
in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada
against L&W, Bally Technologies, Inc. and LNW Gaming, Inc., f/k/a
Bally Gaming, Inc.

On October 5, 2020, the plaintiff filed a first amended complaint
to add Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians and the Umpqua
Indian Development Corp., d/b/a Seven Feathers Casino as a
plaintiff. On October 26, 2020, the plaintiffs filed a second
amended complaint. In the complaint, the plaintiffs assert federal
antitrust claims arising from the defendants' procurement of
particular U.S. patents.

The plaintiffs allege that the defendants used those patents to
create an allegedly illegal monopoly in the market for card
shufflers sold or leased to regulated casinos in the United States.

The plaintiffs seek to represent a putative class of all regulated
United States casinos directly leasing or purchasing card shufflers
from the defendants on or after April 1, 2009.

The complaint seeks unspecified money damages, the award of
plaintiff's costs of suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees and
expert fees, and the award of pre-judgment and post-judgment

On November 19, 2020, the defendants filed a motion to dismiss
plaintiffs' second amended complaint or, in the alternative, to
compel arbitration of plaintiffs' claims.

On November 20, 2020, Plaintiffs filed a motion for partial summary
judgment, seeking a finding that defendants are collaterally
estopped from re-litigating issues litigated in the 2018 litigation
versus Shuffle Tech International Corp., Aces Up Gaming, and
Poydras-Talrick Holdings. On August 27, 2021, the Nevada district
court entered an order transferring the lawsuit to the United
States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

On May 19, 2022, the Illinois district court granted defendants'
motion to compel arbitration of plaintiffs' individual claims;
stayed all proceedings in the lawsuit pending resolution of the
arbitral process; and accordingly dismissed all pending motions
without prejudice as moot.

The Company is currently unable to determine the likelihood of an
outcome or estimate a range of reasonably possible losses, if any.
It believes that the claims in the lawsuit are without merit, and
intend to vigorously defend against them.

Light & Wonder, Inc. is a cross-platform global games company with
a focus on content and digital markets which includes supplying
game content and gaming machines, casino-management systems and
table game products and services to licensed gaming entities;
providing social casino and other mobile games, including casual
gaming, to retail customers; and providing a comprehensive suite of
digital gaming content, distribution platforms, player account
management systems, as well as various other iGaming content and

LOANDEPOT INC: Continues to Defend Kearns Class Suit in California
loanDepot Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the quarterly
period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that Company continues to
defend itself from the Kearns class suit in the United States
District Court for the Central District of California.

In June 2022, a putative class action lawsuit was filed against the
Company, captioned Jeffrey Kearns v. loanDepot.com, LLC, in the
United States District Court for the Central District of
California. The plaintiff thereafter amended his complaint twice,
on August 26, 2022, and October 3, 2023, respectively. The Second
Amended Complaint asserts claims under the Telephone Consumer
Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. 227, alleging the Company sent
prerecorded voice calls to cellular telephones without express
written consent.

The SAC seeks actual and statutory damages under the TCPA,
injunctive relief, and attorneys' fees and costs. On October 23,
2023, loanDepot filed its answer to the SAC.

On January 26, 2024, plaintiff filed his motion for class
certification. The motion has been fully briefed and was set for
hearing on June 21, 2024, however, the Court took the hearing off
the calendar and advised that it would make its ruling on the

The Company believes it has substantial defenses to this lawsuit
and it continues to vigorously defend against it.

loanDepot, Inc. is an Irvine, California-based nonbank holding
company which sells mortgage and non-mortgage lending products.[BN]

LUCY COOPER'S: Faces Foley Suit Over Minimum Wage Violations
MACI FOLEY, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated
v. LUCY COOPER'S, LLC (a/k/a Lucy Cooper's Texas Ice House, Case
No. 5:24-cv-01356 (W.D. Tex., Nov. 25, 2024) asserts individual and
collective action Fair Labor Standards Act claims against the
Defendant for minimum wage and tip payment violations, for
individual FLSA unpaid overtime wage claims and minimum wage claims
relative to off-the-clock work training the Defendant's employees,
and for individual FLSA retaliation claims against Defendant.

The Plaintiff was employed by Defendant at its bar/restaurant in
San Antonio, Texas as a tipped employee. At times relevant,
Defendant purported to pay Plaintiff $2.13 per hour on a tip credit

Allegedly, the Defendant kept tips that were earned by Plaintiff
and the putative collective action members to cover cash register
shortages, amounts for meals and/or beverages that should have been
paid by customers, full menu price amounts for employee meals, and
amounts for work uniforms.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Allen R. Vaught, Esq.
          VAUGHT FIRM, LLC
          1910 Pacific Ave., Suite 9150
          Dallas, TX 75201
          Telephone: (972) 707-7816
          Facsimile: (972) 591-4564
          E-mail: avaught@txlaborlaw.com

LYFT INC: Settlement Hearing Scheduled for Feb. 6


This Document Relates to:

Lead Case No. 4:20-cv-09257-HSG


Exhibit D

Hon. Haywood S. Gilliam, Jr.




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the parties to the above-captioned
shareholder derivative action, (formerly captioned Chenoy v.
Zimmer, Case No. 4:20-cv-09257 (N.D. Cal.)), as well as the parties
to the shareholder derivative actions titled Mehta v. Green, Case
No. 4:20-cv-09364 (N.D. Cal.); Hong Kok v. Green, Case No.
3:20-cv-09272 (N.D. Cal.); and Shuman v. Green, Case No.
4:21-cv-01263 (N.D. Cal.) (collectively, the "Federal Derivative
Actions"), have reached an agreement to settle the derivative
claims brought on behalf of and for the benefit of Lyft.

The terms of the settlement are set forth in a Stipulation of
Settlement dated July 23, 2024 (the "Stipulation").  This notice
should be read in conjunction with, and is qualified in its
entirety by reference to, the text of the Stipulation, which has
been filed with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District
of California.  A link to the text of the Stipulation and the
full-length Notice of Pendency and Proposed Settlement of
Shareholder Derivative Action may be found on the "Investors" page
of Lyft's website at https://investor.lyft.com.

Under the terms of the Stipulation, as a part of the proposed
Settlement, Lyft has adopted and/or will adopt certain corporate
governance reforms, which all parties agree confer substantial
benefits upon Lyft.

In light of the substantial benefits conferred upon Lyft by
Plaintiffs' Counsel's efforts, the Company's insurers shall pay
Plaintiffs' Counsel's attorney's fees, costs, and expenses of
$700,000, subject to Court approval.

A hearing will be held on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.
PST, before the Honorable Haywood S. Gilliam, Jr. at the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of California, Oakland
Courthouse, Courtroom 2, 4th Floor, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland,
California 94612 (the "Settlement Hearing"), at which the Court
will determine whether to approve the settlement.  The Court may,
in its discretion, change the date and/or time of the Settlement
Hearing without further notice to you.  The Court also has reserved
the right to hold the Settlement Hearing telephonically or by
videoconference without further notice to you.  If you intend to
attend the Settlement Hearing, please consult the Court's calendar
and/or Lyft's website,  https://investor.lyft.com for any change in
the date, time, or format of the Settlement Hearing.

Any Lyft shareholder has a right, but is not required, to appear
and to be heard at the Settlement Hearing, providing that he, she,
or it is a shareholder of record or beneficial owner of Lyft common
stock and was a shareholder of record or beneficial owner of Lyft
common stock as of July 23, 2024.  Any Lyft shareholder who
satisfies this requirement may enter an appearance through counsel
of such shareholder's own choosing and at such shareholder's own
expense, or may appear on their own.  However, you shall not be
heard at the Settlement Hearing unless, no later than Monday,
January 13, 2025, you have filed with the Court a written notice of
objection containing the following information:

1. Your name, legal address, and telephone number;
2. The case name and number (In re Lyft Inc. Derivative Litigation,
Case No. 4:20-cv-09257);
3. Proof of being a Lyft shareholder currently and as of July 23,
4. The date(s) you acquired your Lyft shares;
5. A statement of each of each objection being made;
6. Notice of whether you intend to appear at the Settlement Hearing
(you are not required to appear); and
7. Copies of any papers you intend to submit to the Court, along
with the names of any witness(es) you intend to call to testify at
the Settlement Hearing and the subject(s) of their testimony.

If you wish to object to the proposed Settlement, you must file the
written objection described above with the Court on or before
Monday, January 13, 2025.  All written objections and supporting
papers must be filed with the Clerk of the Court, U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of California, 450 Golden Gate
Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 and served by that date upon each of
the following Settling Parties' counsel:

Counsel for Plaintiffs:

Timothy Brown
767 Third Avenue, Suite 2501
New York, NY 10017


Gregory M. Nespole
33 Whitehall Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Counsel for Nominal Defendant Lyft, Inc. and Defendants Logan
Green, John Zimmer, Brian Roberts, Prashant (Sean) Aggarwal,
Jonathan Christodoro, Ben Horowitz, Valerie Jarrett, David Lawee,
Hiroshi Mikitani, Ann Miura-Ko, and Mary Agnes (Maggie)

Andrew B. Clubok
555 Eleventh Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004


Colleen C. Smith
12670 High Bluff Drive
San Diego, CA 92130


Only shareholders who have filed and delivered valid and timely
written notices of objection will be entitled to be heard at the
Settlement Hearing unless the Court orders otherwise. If you fail
to object in the manner and within the time prescribed above you
shall be deemed to have waived your right to object (including the
right to appeal) and shall forever be barred, in this proceeding or
in any other proceeding, from raising such objection(s).

Inquiries may be made to Plaintiffs' Counsel: The Brown Law Firm,
P.C., 767 Third Avenue, Suite 2501, New York, NY 10017, telephone:
(516) 922-5427; Levi & Korsinsky, LLP, 33 Whitehall Street, 17th
Floor, New York, NY 10004, telephone: (213) 363-7500.


Dated: November 4, 2024                 


MACY'S INC: Paya Sues Over False or Misleading Discount
Golnaz Paya, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. MACY'S INC., Case No. 2:24-cv-10065 (C.D. Cal., Nov.
21, 2024), is brought seeking to hold Macy's accountable for its
unfair, deceptive, and unlawful policy of displaying false or
misleading discount or "sale" prices in violation of the
California's Consumer Legal Remedies Act ("CLRA").

With the sheer volume of online products being offered, consumers
rely on accurate pricing to make informed decisions. Unfortunately,
many retailers engage in deceptive and misleading practices by
advertising products as "sales" or "markdowns" by showing
significantly inflated "reference prices" or "regular prices" that
are rarely, if ever, actually charged. These fake reference prices
fool consumers into thinking they are getting a great deal at the
"sale" price, when in fact, they have merely been tricked by the
retailer, and in reality the consumer is paying the same amount, or
even more than, the usual price of the item.

Macy's has engaged in just such a deceptive pricing scheme. Macy's
advertises perpetual or near perpetual discounts on many of its
products, supposedly offering discounts of up to 70% off Macy's
self-created, fictitious reference prices. Macy's represents to
consumers that its reference price is the "regular" or "normal"
price of the item, which functions as a new and inflated reference
point from which consumers discount their "savings" on various

Macy's reference prices are false because Macy's rarely, if ever,
offers the products for the reference price. Instead, the inflated
reference prices allow Macy's to continually advertise "sale"
events and product discounts in order to induce consumers into
purchasing products. In reality, the "sale" price is the price at
which Macy's regularly sells the product, but the consumer has been
tricked into thinking she found a great discount. Macy's practice
of falsely inflating reference prices in order to give the illusion
of higher value, bigger discounts, and a false sense of time
pressure, constitutes false advertising, and is an unfair and
deceptive practice under the CLRA, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff purchased falsely discounted products on Macy's

Macy's operates a website, www.Macy's.com, by which Macy's
advertises and sells its goods in California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Kyle McLean, Esq.
          Lisa R. Considine, Esq.
          David J. DiSabato, Esq.
          Leslie Pescia, Esq.
          745 Fifth Ave, Suite 500
          New York, NY 10151
          Phone: 212-532-1091
          Facsimile: 646-417-5967
          Email: kmclean@sirillp.com

MATCH GROUP INC: Continues to Defend Bardaji Securities Class Suit
Match Group Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Bardaji securities
class suit in the federal district court of Delaware.

On March 6, 2023, a Match Group shareholder filed a complaint in
federal district court in Delaware against Match Group, Inc., its
Chief Executive Officer, its former Chief Executive Officer, and
its President and Chief Financial Officer seeking to recover
unspecified monetary damages on behalf of a class of acquirers of
Match Group securities between November 3, 2021 and January 31,
2023. See Leopold Riola Bardaji v. Match Group, Inc. et al, No.
1:23-cv-00245-UNA (District of Delaware).

The complaint alleges that Match Group, Inc. misrepresented and/or
failed to disclose that its Tinder business was not effectively
executing on its new product initiatives; as a result, Tinder was
not on track to deliver its planned product initiatives in 2022;
and therefore, Match Group, Inc.'s statements about its Tinder’s
business, product initiatives, operations, and prospects lacked a
reasonable basis.

On July 24, 2023, lead plaintiff Northern California Pipe Trades
Trust Funds filed an amended complaint. The amended complaint added
allegations regarding misrepresentations relating to Match Group's
acquisition of Hyperconnect and the business' subsequent
integration and performance. On September 20, 2023, defendants
filed a motion to dismiss. On July 12, 2024, the court granted
defendants' motion to dismiss without prejudice.

The Company believes it has strong defenses to the allegations in
this lawsuit and will defend vigorously against them.

Match Group, LLC is an American internet and technology company
headquartered in Dallas, Texas. [BN]

MATCH GROUP INC: Continues to Defend Candelore Class Suit in Calif.
Match Group Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Candelore class suit in
the state court of California.

On May 28, 2015, a putative state-wide class action was filed
against Tinder in state court in California. See Allan Candelore v.
Tinder, Inc., No. BC583162 (Superior Court of California, County of
Los Angeles). The complaint principally alleges that Tinder
violated California's Unruh Civil Rights Act by offering and
charging users over a certain age a higher price than younger users
for subscriptions to its premium Tinder Plus service.

On July 15, 2024, the court granted Plaintiff’s motion to certify
a class based upon California Tinder Plus and Tinder Gold
subscribers age 29 and over.

The Company believes that it has strong defenses to the allegations
in the Candelore lawsuit and will continue to defend vigorously
against it.

Match Group, LLC is an American internet and technology company
headquartered in Dallas, Texas. [BN]

MATCH GROUP INC: Continues to Defend Oksayan Class Suit in Calif.
Match Group Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that the
Company continues to defend itself from the Oksayan class suit in
the Northern District of California.

On February 14, 2024, a putative class action lawsuit was filed
against Match Group, Inc. in the Northern District of California by
six plaintiffs from California, New York, Georgia, and Florida.
Among other things, Plaintiffs allege that the Tinder, Hinge, and
The League apps are designed to be "addictive" in violation of
various consumer protection, product liability, negligence, and
other laws. Plaintiffs claim that these services’ business models
and features addict unsuspecting users, leading to increased
depression, loneliness, among other things. Plaintiffs further
allege that Tinder, Hinge, and The League failed to warn them of
the risks of addiction and that the apps are engaging in fraudulent
business practices by marketing their apps in a misleading way.

Plaintiffs seek monetary damages, as well as injunctive relief
(implementing warnings, discontinuing certain marketing campaigns,
providing resources).

On June 10, 2024, plaintiffs filed an amended complaint, and on
July 22, 2024, the Company filed a motion to compel plaintiffs'
claims to arbitration. Plaintiffs filed a second amended complaint
on August 12, 2024, and it filed a motion to dismiss on September
18, 2024.

It believes that it has strong defenses to the allegations in this
lawsuit and will defend vigorously against them.

Match Group, LLC is an American internet and technology company
headquartered in Dallas, Texas. [BN]

MDL 2992: Defendants Can File Class Cert Memo Under Seal
In the class action lawsuit re Bank of America California
Unemployment Benefits Litigation, Case No. 3:21-md-02992-GPC-MSB
(S.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge Gonzalo Curiel entered an order
granting Defendant's motion to seal the following:

-- Portions of Defendant's memorandum of points and authorities
    opposition to Plaintiffs' motion for class certification;

-- Portions of the index of exhibits;

-- Portions of the declaration of Laura G. Brys in support of
    Defendant's opposition to Plaintiffs' motion for class
    certification; and

-- Portions of the expert and fact report/declarations submitted
    Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9; and

-- Exhibits 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
    32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 51, 58, 59, 60,

    61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82,

    84, 85, 86, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 112, 113,

    114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, and 122 in their entirety.

Bank of America operates as a financial holding company.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=LtgrYx at no extra

MIANSAI INC: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Hernandez Says
TIMOTHY HERNANDEZ, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. MIANSAI, INC., Case No. 1:24-cv-08185 (E.D.N.Y., Nov.
25, 2024) alleges that the Defendant failed to design, construct,
maintain, and operate the Defendant's website, www.miansai.com, to
be fully accessible to and independently usable by Plaintiff and
other blind or visually-impaired people in violation of the
Americans with Disabilities Act.

The complaint alleges that the Defendant's website is not equally
accessible to blind and visually impaired consumers; therefore,
Defendant is in violation of the ADA. The Plaintiff now seeks a
permanent injunction to cause a change in the Defendant's corporate
policies, practices, and  procedures so that the Defendant's
Website will become and remain accessible to blind and
visually-impaired consumers.

The Defendant is a company that owns and operates the Website,
offering features which should allow all consumers to access the
goods and services and by which Defendant ensures the delivery of
such goods throughout the United States, including New York State.

The Defendant's Website offers products and services for online
sale and general delivery to the public. The Website offers
features which ought to allow users to browse for items, access
navigation bar descriptions, inquire about pricing, and avail
consumers of the ability to peruse the numerous items offered for

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Rami Salim, Esq.
          STEIN SAKS, PLLC
          One University Plaza, Suite 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Telephone: (201) 282-6500
          Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
          E-mail: rsalim@steinsakslegal.com

MISSION CEVICHE: Bid for Conditional Collective Certification OK'd
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DANIELA FLORES, on behalf
of herself, FLSA Collective Plaintiffs and the Class, v. MISSION
MIGUEL YARROW, Case No. 1:24-cv-03626-AS (S.D.N.Y.), the Hon. Judge
Arun Subramanian entered an order granting the motion for
conditional collective certification.

-- The proposed consent form and proposed notice are both
    and they may be distributed to Covered Employees by mail,
    or text message. Consent forms for opt-in plaintiffs may be
    directly to plaintiff's counsel.

-- All that is required for conditional certification is a "modest

    factual showing" that plaintiffs “and potential opt-in
    'together were victims of a common policy or plan that violated

    the law.' This is a "low standard of proof" that Flores has
    clearly met.

-- As for Flores's request to have defendants produce "in Excel
    format the names, social security numbers, titles, compensation

    rates, dates of employment, last known mailing addresses, email

    addresses and all known telephone numbers of all Covered
    Employees," this request is granted in part.

-- The Court declines to approve production of the Social Security
numbers for the potential collective action members before [Flores]
has demonstrated, with specificity, the necessity of such sensitive

Mission Ceviche is a ceviche restaurant in the Upper East Side, New
York City, specializing in authentic Peruvian cuisine.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 26, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=QkEVwl at no extra

NATIONAL POTATO: Pattermann Sues Over Unlawful Conspiracy & Fixing
Katie Pattermann, Mykayla Page, Fernando Marcelo Lopez, Joann
Champagne, Mallory Flannery, Laura Ann Owens, and Todd Jones, on
behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated v. NATIONAL
CO.; J.D. Irving, Limited (JDI) d/b/a CAVENDISH FARMS, and
CAVENDISH FARMS, INC., Case No. 1:24-cv-12031 (), is brought
antitrust case on behalf of end user purchasers of frozen potato
products against NPPB, a major trade association, and the four
largest processors of potatoes--Lamb Weston, McCain Foods, JRS and
Cavendish (the "potato cartel")--for entering into an unlawful
conspiracy to raise, stabilize, fix and/or otherwise manipulate the
prices in the market for the frozen potatoes in the United States
(the "Relevant Market").

The Defendants have entered a conspiracy to artificially raise
prices in the Relevant Market by using conduits to price-fixing,
such as potato price data aggregation services (namely, Circana,
LLC's "PotatoTrac") and collective action through trade
associations like NPPB. Armed with the same access to each other's
data on pricing and other sensitive information, as well as with a
direct line of communication to each other, the potato cartel moves
prices skyward in lockstep--harming all purchasers of potatoes in
the process. During the conspiracy period, a former senior director
for McCain Foods stated that McCain was essentially unwilling to
compete with Lamb Weston on significant portions of the FPP market
(the price of battered French fries), stating "the higher ups"
advised against it. Indeed, JRS's director of sales stated that,
when customers threatened to switch to another member of the potato
cartel that "we knew but we weren't worried about it."

As a result of the foregoing, Plaintiffs bring this Action, on
behalf of themselves and all other end user indirect purchasers who
bought FPPs from January 1, 2021 through the present. Plaintiffs
and Class members seek actual and treble damages, declaratory and
injunctive relief--specifically, injunctive relief ending the
potato cartel's conduct, disgorgement of profits into a
constructive trust under the doctrine of unjust enrichment,
reasonable costs and attorneys' fees, pre- and post-judgment
interest and any other relief this Court deems just and proper,
says the complaint.

The Plaintiffs are indirect purchasers of FPPs during the Class
Period and paid supracompetitive prices.

National Potato Promotion Board d/b/a Potatoes USA is a business
entity with its principal place of business located in Denver,

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Elizabeth A. Fegan, Esq.
          Michael von Klemperer, Esq.
          Georgia Zacest, Esq.
          150 S. Wacker Dr., 24th Floor
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Phone: 312-741-1019
          Email: Beth@feganscott.com

               - and -

          J. Barton Goplerud, Esq.
          5015 Grand Ridge Drive, Suite 100
          West Des Moines, IA 50265
          Phone: (515) 223-4567
          Email: goplerud@sagwlaw.com

NCH HEALTHCARE: McFalls Bid for Leave to File Class Cert Reply OK'd
In the class action lawsuit captioned as LAUREN MCFALLS,
individually, and on behalf of all others similarly situated and
the Proposed Rule 23 Class, v. NCH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, INC. and
(M.D. Fla.), the Hon. Judge Kyle Dudek entered an order that:

   1. McFalls' motion for leave to file a reply in support of
      Plaintiff's motion for class certification is granted.

   2. By Dec. 4, 2024, McFalls must file a reply brief that
      the Court's concerns about the proposed class and whether it

      includes members who have not suffered cognizable damages
      Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (FDUTPA);

   3. McFalls must also address the question of numerosity if the
      Court were to limit the class to nurses who have incurred a
      to NCH by leaving the program early and either paid the debt
      a portion of it) or remain liable to NCH for the fee.

   4. Within seven days of receiving McFalls' reply brief, NCH must

      file a supplemental brief addressing her arguments and the
      Court's concerns above.

The class appears overbroad—it includes members who may not have
a claim under FDUTPA because they have not paid anything, nor have
an outstanding debt to NCH. The Court cannot tell whether the
proposed class will satisfy Rule 23 if it excludes nurses who
completed their two-year commitment (and thus owe nothing) or had
their fee

McFalls is a registered nurse. In May 2021, she accepted a position
in NCH's Specialty Fellowship Program. McFalls left NCH after
eleven months. So NCH deducted $477.90 from her final paycheck and
refused to pay out "35 hours of accrued paid time off in the amount
of $897.91." NCH then forwarded the outstanding balance of the
Fellowship Program fee to a debt collector.

McFalls wants to certify a class action for her claims under
Florida's Declaratory Judgment Act—Florida Statute section
86.011—and Florida's Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices
Act—Florida Statute section 501.204. The proposed class would
consist of:

    "all nurses who are or were subject to NCH's Specialty
    Program Employment Agreement and the training repayment
    therein at any point from July 31, 2019, through trial."

NCH Healthcare is a not-for-profit, healthcare system.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=6L0SJt at no extra

NE LLC: Doner Seeks to Certify FLSA Restaurant Server Collective
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MELANIE DONER, and MAGGY
MATA, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v.
J GILBERTS NE, LLC, a Texas limited liability Company, and LANDRYS
PAYROLL, INC., a Texas Corporation, Case No. 8:24-cv-00325-JFB-MDN
(D. Neb.), the Plaintiffs asks the Court to enter an order:

-- conditionally certifying the following collectives of similarly

    situated Restaurant servers and bartenders pursuant to Section

    216(b) of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA):

    Server Collective:

    "All servers who worked for Defendants at their Omaha,
    location during the previous three (3) years who were paid a
    direct cash wage of less than federal minimum wage."

    Bartender Collective:

    "All bartenders who worked for Defendants at their Omaha,
    Nebraska, location during the previous three (3) years who were

    paid a direct cash wage of less than federal minimum wage";

-- appointing Plaintiffs' counsel1 as counsel for the Collectives;


-- providing relief set forth within the attached Proposed Order.

The Plaintiffs submit that this Court should conditionally certify
the Server Collective and the Bartender Collective, and approve
notice to be delivered to all servers and bartenders employed at
the Restaurant owned by Defendants during the previous 3 years.

The Plaintiffs surpass the lenient burden for conditional
certification with evidence demonstrating that all servers and
bartenders who are/were employed at the Restaurant are similarly
situated because they:

    (i) performed substantially similar duties within the past
       (3) years; (

   (ii) worked at the same Restaurant in Omaha, Nebraska;

  (iii) worked under the same management at the Restaurant; and

   (iv) were all subject to the same unlawful wage and hour

The Plaintiffs Doner and Mata worked for Defendants at the same
Restaurant in Omaha, Nebraska, during overlapping timeframes: Doner
worked for the Defendants as a server from sometime in 2021 through
April 2024, and Mata worked for the Defendants as a bartender from
July 2022 to sometime in March 2024.

J. Gilberts is an upscale casual steakhouse.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=lHqHkD at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Jordan Richards, Esq.
          Patrick Solberg, Esq.
          1800 SE 10th Ave. Suite 205
          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
          Telephone: (954) 871-0050
          E-mail: jordan@jordanrichardspllc.com

NEW YORK, NY: Fact Discovery in Greene Suit Due April 11, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as STEVEN GREENE; GIOVANNA
AYU; and NEIL AMITABH, individually and on behalf of all others
JANE DOES No. 1-40,Case No. 1:21-cv-05762-LAP (S.D.N.Y.), the Hon.
Judge Loretta Preska entered an amended scheduling order as

   1. All fact discovery allowed by the Court at this stage shall
     completed no later than April 11, 2025

   2. The parties will conduct discovery on the merits of the
      Plaintiffs' purported class claims if and only if the Court
      grants plaintiffs anticipated motion for class

New York City comprises 5 boroughs sitting where the Hudson River
meets the Atlantic Ocean.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=7h58RB at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Jonathan C. Moore, Esq.
          Luna Droubi, Esq.
          Jody L. Yetzer, Esq.
          99 Park Avenue, PH/26the Floor
          New York, NY 10016
          Telephone: (212) 490-0400
          E-mail: JMoore@BLHNY.com

                - and -

          Marinda van Dalen, Esq.
          Ruth Lowenkron, Esq.
          151 West 30th St. 11th Floor
          New York, NY 10001-4017
          Telephone: (212) 244-4664
          E-mail: mvandalen@nylpi.org

                - and -

          P. Jenny Marashi, Esq.
          930 Grand Concourse #1E
          Bronx, NY 10451
          Telephone: (917) 703-1742
          E-mail: marashi.legal@gmail.com

                - and -

          Justin Ormand, Esq.
          599 Lexington Avenue
          New York, NY 10022-6069
          Telephone: (212) 848-4000

The Defendants are represented by:

          Alan H. Scheiner, Esq.
          100 Church Street, Rm. 3-174
          New York, NY 10007
          Telephone: (212) 356-2344

NEWELL BRANDS: Amended Complaint Deadline Extended to Dec. 20
In the class action lawsuit captioned as TINAMARIE BARRALES,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
NEWELL BRANDS INC., Case No. 1:24-cv-03025-MLB (N.D. Ga.), the
Plaintiff asks the Court to enter an order extending the schedule
as follows:

    -- Amended Complaint due:                  Dec. 20, 2024

    -- Motion to dismiss due:                  Jan. 14, 2025

    -- Opposition to motion to dismiss due:    Feb. 4, 2025

    -- Reply due:                              Feb. 25, 2025

Counsel for the Plaintiff has met and conferred with counsel for
the Defendant, and the Defendant does not oppose the motion.

The plaintiff filed her class action complaint on July 8, 2024, and
served the Defendant on Oct. 7, 2024.

On Oct. 22, 2024, the Defendant filed an unopposed motion to extend
its deadline to respond to the Complaint by 23 days, to Nov. 20,
2024, which the Court granted the same day.

On Nov. 20, 2024, the Defendant moved to dismiss the Complaint
pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1) and (6).

Newell offers housewares, home furnishings, office supplies, tools
and hardware, and hair accessories.

A copy of the Plaintiff's motion dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=dXuJXd at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          George V. Granade, Esq.
          REESE LLP
          8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 515
          Los Angeles, CA 90211
          Telephone: (310) 393-0070
          E-mail: ggranade@reesellp.com

NTC MARKETING: Seper Consumer Suit Removed to S.D. Ill.
The case styled KATHERINE SEPER, on behalf of herself and all
others similarly situated v. NTC MARKETING INC., Case No. 24LA1405,
was removed from the Circuit Court of St. Clair County, Illinois,
to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois on
November 22, 2024.

The Clerk of Court for the Southern District of Illinois assigned
Case No. 3:24-cv-02516 to the proceeding.

The case arises from the Defendant's alleged false, deceptive, and
misleading advertising, labeling, and marketing of its Libby's
brand Chunk Pineapple and Sliced Pineapple products.

NTC Marketing Inc. is a company that produces and distributes
fruits, doing business in Illinois. [BN]

The Defendant is represented by:                
         Robert P. Berry, Esq.
         16150 Main Circle Drive, Suite 120
         St. Louis, MO 63107
         Telephone: (314) 480-5881
         Facsimile: (314) 480-5884
         Email: rberry@berrysilberberg.com

OLIN CORP: Miami Products Appeals Denial of Class Suit Settlements
MIAMI PRODUCTS & CHEMICAL COMPANY, et al. have filed an appeal in
their lawsuit entitled Miami Products & Chemical Company, et al.,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
Plaintiffs, v. Olin Corporation, et al., Defendants, Case No.
1:19-CV-00385, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District
of New York.

As previously reported in the Class Action Reporter, the case
arises from the collusive and concerted restraint of trade in
sodium hydroxide, commonly known as Caustic Soda, by the Defendants
-- all of whom are direct competitors and leading manufacturers of
Caustic Soda in the United States -- during a period spanning from
at least October 1, 2015, to the present, under the antitrust

Caustic Soda is a commodity chemical sold in solid and liquid forms
that is produced as a co-product of chlorine production from the
electrolysis of brine or salt water. Caustic Soda is consumed by
customers in a variety of industries, including paper, pulp and
cellulose; chemical production; soaps and detergents; aluminum;
food processing; water treatment; textiles; mineral oils;
recycling; and pharmaceuticals. The Defendants are estimated to
control at least 90% of the domestic supply of Caustic Soda.

From approximately 2012 until the fourth quarter of 2015, Caustic
Soda prices were either declining or flat, and industry margins
were poor, given industry overcapacity and flat demand. These
conditions motivated the Defendants to conspire and combine to
restrict domestic supply; to fix, raise, maintain, and stabilize
the price at which Caustic Soda was and continues to be sold; and
to allocate customers in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act,
asserts the complaint.

On Apr. 25, 2022, the Plaintiffs filed a motion to certify class,
which the Court denied through an Order entered by Judge Elizabeth
A. Wolford on Dec. 28, 2023.

On August 14, 2023, a motion for preliminary approval of settlement
with Defendant Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A. by Amrex
Chemical Co., Inc., Main Pool and Chemical Co., Inc., Miami
Products & Chemical Co., Midwest Renewable Energy, LLC, Perry's Ice
Cream Company, Inc., Vandemark Chemical, Inc. was filed in court
but Judge Wolford denied the Motion on June 24, 2024.

On July 8, 2024, an amended motion for for preliminary approval of
settlements with Defendants Formosa Plastics Corporation U.S.A.,
Westlake Corporation, and Shintech Incorporated by Perry's Ice
Cream Company, Inc., Vandemark Chemical, Inc. was filed by direct
purchaser plaintiffs.

On October 29, 2024, Judge Wolford issued an order denying the
Amended Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval.

The appellate case is captioned In Re: Caustic Soda Antitrust
Litigation, Case No. 24-3001, in the United States Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit, filed on November 12, 2024.

The question presented reads: In an unprecedented and extraordinary
series of class certification denial orders, did the district court
err in denying preliminary approval of settlements and
certification of a fully known settlement class on grounds of
ascertainability, typicality and predominance, contrary to In re
Am. Int'l. Grp., Inc. Sec. Litig., 689 F.3d 229, 242-43 (2nd Cir.
2012) (reversing denial of settlement class), and contrary to the
purpose of Rule 23, where the settlements were achieved before the
district court denied certification of a litigation class defined
identically to the settlement class, where the preliminary approval
motions were unopposed, and where the settling defendants had
stipulated to the settlement class definition and composition?

Plaintiffs-Petitioners MIAMI PRODUCTS & CHEMICAL COMPANY, et al.,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, are
represented by:
          Robert N. Kaplan, Esq.
          Gregory K. Arenson, Esq.
          Elana Katcher, Esq.
          800 Third Ave., 38th Floor
          New York, NY 10022
          Telephone: (212) 687-1980
          Email: rkaplan@kaplanfox.com

                  - and -
          Solomon B. Cera, Esq.
          C. Andrew Dirksen, Esq.
          CERA LLP
          201 California St., Suite 1240
          San Francisco, CA 94111
          Telephone: (415) 777-2230
          Email: scera@cerallp.com

                  - and -
          Marco Cercone, Esq.
          R. Anthony Rupp III, Esq.
          Arthur N. Bailey, Esq.
          1600 Liberty Building
          424 Main Street
          Buffalo, NY 14202
          Telephone: (716) 854-3400
          Facsimile: (716) 332-0336
          Email: cercone@rupppfalzgraf.com

                  - and -
          Samuel Issacharoff, Esq.
          40 Washington Square South
          New York, NY 10012
          Telephone: (212) 998-6580
          Email: si13@NYU.edu

Defendants-Respondents OLIN CORPORATION, et al. are represented

            Brian P. Crosby, Esq.
            Timothy J. Graber, Esq.
            Melissa M. Morton, Esq.
            69 Delaware Avenue, Suite 900
            Buffalo, NY 14202
            Email: bcrosby@gmclaw.com

                    - and -

            Steven E. Bizar, Esq.
            George G. Gordon, Esq.
            Julia Chapman, Esq.
            John McC1am, Esq.
            David Costigan, Esq.
            Agnese Nadalini, Esq.
            DECHERT LLP
            Three Bryant Park
            1095 Avenue of the Americas
            New York, NY 10036
            Telephone: (212) 698-3500
            Facsimile: (212) 698-3599
            Email: steven.bizar@dechert.com

                    - and -

            Corey W. Roush, Esq.
            J. Matthew Schmitten, Esq.
            787 Seventh Avenue
            New York, NY 10019
            Email: corey.roush@sidley.com

                    - and -

            Stephen A. Sharkey, Esq.
            The Avant Building, Suite 900
            200 Delaware Avenue
            Buffalo, NY 14202
            Telephone: (716) 416-7051
            Facsimile: (716) 416-7351
            Email: ssharkey@bsk.com

ONEPOINT PATIENT: Howey Sues Over Failure to Secure PII & PHI
Ryan Howey, individually, and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. OnePoint Patient Care, Case No. 2:24-cv-03265-DJH (D.
Ariz., Nov. 21, 2024), is brought against Defendant for its failure
to properly secure and safeguard Plaintiff's personally identifying
information ("PII") and personal health information ("PHI").

The Defendant began sending out notice letters to its customers,
stating that Defendant learned of the data breach on August 8,
2024. The letter indicates that, on August 15, 2024, Defendant
learned that an unauthorized third party acquired some information
from its network between August 6 and August 8, 2024. Based on
Plaintiff's and Class Members' beliefs, Defendant is the entity
with primary responsibility for this Data Breach.

The Defendant failed to adequately protect Plaintiff's and Class
Members' PII/PHI––and failed to even encrypt or redact this
highly sensitive information. This unencrypted, unredacted PII/PHI
was compromised due to Defendant's negligent and/or careless acts
and omissions and its utter failure to protect its customers'
sensitive data. Hackers targeted and obtained Plaintiff's and Class
Members' PII/PHI because of its value in exploiting and stealing
the identities of Plaintiff and Class Members. The present and
continuing risk to victims of the Data Breach will remain for their
respective lifetimes.

The Defendant disregarded the rights of Plaintiff and Class Members
by intentionally, willfully, recklessly, or negligently failing to
ensure that Defendant had adequate and reasonable safeguards and
measures in place to protect the PII/PHI of Plaintiff and Class
Members after that information was transferred and entrusted to it
in the regular course of business, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff provided his PII/PHI to Defendant in order to obtain
goods and/or services at Defendant's pharmacy in Salt Lake City,

OnePoint is a hospice-dedicated pharmacy and pharmacy benefits
manager (PBM) headquartered in Tempe, Arizona.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Andrew J. Shamis, Esq.
          SHAMIS & GENTILE, P.A.
          14 NE 1st Ave, Suite 705
          Miami, FL 33132
          Phone: (305) 479-2299
          Email: ashamis@shamisgentile.com

               - and -

          Andrew W. Ferich, Esq.
          AHDOOT & WOLFSON, PC
          201 King of Prussia Road, Suite 650
          Radnor, PA 19087
          Phone: (310) 474-9111
          Facsimile: (310) 474-8585
          Email: aferich@ahdootwolfson.com

               - and -

          Jeff Ostrow, Esq.
          One West Las Olas Blvd., Suite 500
          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
          Phone: 954-525-4100
          Email: ostrow@kolawyers.com

PAC HOUSING: Class Expert Disclosure Cutoff in Hills Due Dec. 13
In the class action lawsuit captioned as ALVIN HILLS, et al., V.
PAC HOUSING GROUP, LLC, et al, Case No. 2:23-cv-05740-BWA-KWR (E.D.
La.), the Hon. Judge Barry Ashe entered an order granting the
parties' joint motion to extend discovery cutoff.

The Court further entered an order that the Court's previous orders
extending and setting certain class certification deadlines are
amended as follows:

                Item                   Deadline

  Class Fact Deposition, and Class    Dec. 13, 2024
  Expert Disclosure Cutoff:

  Class Expert Discovery Cutoff:      Jan. 6, 2025

PAC is a provider of affordable homes and asset management

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=EcIirz at no extra

PACS GROUP: New Orleans Employees' Sues Over False Statements
New Orleans Employees' Retirement System, individually and on
behalf of all others similarly situated v. PACS GROUP, INC., JASON
1:24-cv-08882 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 21, 2024), is brought asserting both
strict liability claims under the Securities Act of 1933 (the
"Securities Act") and fraud-based claims under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"), arising from Defendants'
materially false and misleading statements and omissions to
investors regarding PACS' rapid growth and profitability, primarily
driven by the Company's manipulation of billing practices that
exploited taxpayer-funded programs.

The Securities Act Defendants are liable for materially false and
misleading statements contained in the SPO Materials. Plaintiff
expressly excludes and disclaims any allegation that could be
construed as alleging fraud or intentional reckless conduct as to
the Securities Act claims.

The Class Period statements and SPO Materials were materially false
and misleading because they falsely represented the factors driving
the Company's revenues, profits, and growth while failing to
disclose the following adverse facts: that PACS inflated its
Medicare revenues by misclassifying lower-acuity patients as
high-acuity patients that required skilled care in violation of the
COVID Waiver rules, thereby securing higher reimbursement rates;
that after the expiration of the COVID Waiver, PACS inflated its
revenues by fraudulently billing for unnecessary treatments and for
services never provided to patients; that PACS' historical
revenues, competitive advantages, and growing market share were the
result of systemic, improper, unethical, and/or illegal practices,
and, thus, unsustainable; that PACS' risk disclosures were
materially false and misleading because they characterized adverse
facts that had already materialized as mere possibilities; and as a
result of the foregoing, Defendants' positive statements about the
Company's business, operations, and prospects were materially false
and/or misleading or lacked a reasonable basis.

As a result of these materially false and misleading statements and
omissions PACS' securities traded at artificially high prices
during the Class Period. Defendants took advantage of these
artificially high prices and profited enormously by selling
hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of PACS stock through the
IPO and SPO.

The truth about PACS' illicit practices, heightened regulatory
risks, unsustainable revenues, and other undisclosed issues began
to emerge on November 4, 2024, when Hindenburg Research
("Hindenburg") published a report concerning PACS (the "Hindenburg
Report"). This report detailed several allegations against the
Company, including evidence of PACS' misuse of COVID waivers to
inflate Medicare reimbursements as well as other unsustainable
revenue practices which misrepresented the Company's financial
health to investors. On this news, PACS' share price dropped $11.93
per share, or 27.8 percent, to close at $31.01 per share on
November 4, 2024. Despite this report, and as discussed infra, the
extent of the Company's reliance on unsustainable and potentially
unlawful practices to drive revenue growth was not fully disclosed
to the public.

Then, on November 6, 2024, before the opening of trading, the
Company announced that it would delay the release of its
third-quarter 2024 financial results. PACS stated that the
postponement was due to the Company's Audit Committee conducting an
investigation into recent third-party allegations concerning its
reimbursement and referral practices. PACS also disclosed that it
had received civil investigative demands from the federal
government regarding these practices, which it stated may or may
not have been related to the recent third-party report. On this
news, PACSs share price dropped $11.45 per share, or 38.8 percent,
to close at $18.09 per share on November 6, 2024. As a result of
these disclosures, the prices of PACS securities dropped
significantly causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damages to
the Company's investors, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff purchased or otherwise acquired PACS securities
during the Class Period.

PACS is one of the largest operators of skilled nursing facilities
("SNFs") and post-acute care facilities in the United States.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Francis P. McConville, Esq.
          Connor C. Boehme, Esq.
          140 Broadway
          New York, NY 10005
          Phone: (212) 907-0700
          Facsimile: (212) 818-0477
          Email: fmcconville@labaton.com

PERFORMANCE FOOD: Faces Lemon Suit Over Unpaid Military Leave
TIMOTHY LEMON, Individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP, INC. (PFG), Case No.
1:24-cv-12149 (N.D. Ill., Nov. 25, 2024) is a class action under
the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, on
behalf of all current and former full-time employees of PFG who
took short-term military leave from PFG since 2004 and did not
receive compensation and/or paid leave from PFG during such
short-term military leave.

According to the complaint, PFG has violated 38 U.S.C. section
4316(b) by paying compensation to PFG employees who take leave for
non-military reasons, such as vacation, sick leave, and casual
leave but not providing any compensation to PFG servicemember
employees who take short-term military leave.

Due to PFG's violations, the Plaintiff and other servicemembers
employed by PFG have received less compensation than they would
have received had PFG provided them with pay during their
short-term military leave on an equal basis as employees who took
other comparable forms of non-military leave.

The action seeks: (a) a declaration that PFG violated USERRA by
failing to provide Class Members with pay during their short-term
military leave despite providing pay for comparable forms of leave;
(b) an order requiring PFG to pay servicemembers on short-term
military leave as it does to comparable forms of leave; and (c) an
order requiring PFG to recalculate and pay compensation to
Plaintiff and other members of the Class consistent with USERRA.

Plaintiff Lemon was employed as a full-time truck driver for PFG
since June of 2018. Mr. Lemon was also a horizontal construction
engineer in the U.S. Army National Reserves, where he served from
2015 until 2020.

PFG is one of the largest food distributors and suppliers in North
America, with more than 150 locations in North America.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

           Bryan Paul Thompson, Esq.
           Robert W. Harrer, Esq.
           Seth McCormick, Esq.
           650 Warrenville Road, Suite 100
           Lisle, IL 60532
           Telephone: (312) 858-3239
           E-mail: bryan.thompson@cclc-law.com

                - and -

           Glenn A. Danas, Esq.
           Christina M. Le, Esq.
           CLARKSON LAW FIRM, P.C.
           22525 Pacific Coast Highway
           Malibu, CA 90265
           Telephone: (213) 788-4050
           E-mail: gdanas@clarksonlawfirm.com

                - and -

           Jamie K. Serb, Esq.
           Zachary M. Crosner, Esq.
           CROSNER LEGAL, PC
           9440 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 301
           Beverly Hills, Ca 90210
           Telephone: (866) 276-7637
           E-mail: jamie@crosnerlegal.com

POPULAR INC: Final Settlement Deal Hearing Set for Jan. 27, 2025
Popular Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the quarterly
period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that the United States
District Court for the Southern District of New York sets final
settlement agreement hearing for Lipsett class suit on January 27,

Popular was named as a defendant on a putative class action
complaint captioned Lipsett v. Popular, Inc. d/b/a Banco Popular,
filedon January 31, 2022 before the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York, seeking damages, restitution and

Similar to the claims set forth in the aforementioned Golden
complaint, Plaintiff alleged breach of contract, violations of the
covenant of good faith and fair dealing and unjust enrichment, as a
result of Popular's purported practice of charging OD Fees
ontransactions that, under plaintiffs’ theory, do not overdraw
the account.

The complaint further alleged that Popular assessed ODFees over
authorized transactions for which sufficient funds are held for

On May 2, 2024, the parties reached a settlement in principle on a
class-wide basis.

On July 25, 2024, the parties filed before the Court a motion for
preliminary approval of the settlement agreement, and, on July 26,
2024, the Court issued an order grantingpreliminary approval of the
settlement agreement.

The Court scheduled the final approval hearing of the settlement
agreement for January 27, 2025.

Popular, Inc. is a diversified, publicly-owned financial holding
company subject to the supervision and regulation of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Corporation has
operations in Puerto Rico, the mainland United States and the U.S.
and British Virgin Islands.

PRIMECARE MEDICAL: Stafford Seeks to Certify Issue-Based Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as BRYAN STAFFORD, Executor
of the Estate of THOMAS FLEENOR, JR., et al., v. PRIMECARE MEDICAL,
INC., et al., Case No. 5:22-cv-00405 (S.D.W. Va.), the Plaintiffs
ask the Court to enter an order granting certification of an
issue-based class pursuant to Rule 23(c).

Additionally, the Plaintiffs seek certification of a class pursuant
to Rule 23(a) and (b) based upon the satisfaction of all necessary

PrimeCare offers a customized health care program that includes
medical, mental health, dental, pharmacy, laboratory, nursing
services, risk management, etc.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=Q60wVk at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Stephen P. New, Esq.
          Emilee B. Wooldridge, Esq.
          430 Harper Park Drive
          Beckley, WV 25801
          Telephone: (304) 250-6017
          Facsimile: (304) 250-6012
          E-mail: steve@newtaylorlaw.com

                - and -

          Amanda J. Taylor, Esq.
          115 1/2 S. Kanawha St.
          Beckley, WV 25801
          Telephone: (304) 894-8733
          Facsimile: (681) 245-6236
          E-mail: amanda@thtwv.com

                - and -

          Timothy Lupardus, Esq.
          275 Bearhole Road
          Pineville, WV 24874
          Telephone: (304) 732-0250
          E-mail: office@luparduslaw.com

                - and -

          Zachary Whitten, Esq.
          Pineville, WV 24874

                - and -

          Robert Dunlap, Esq.
          208 Main Street
          Beckley, WV 25801
          Telephone: (304) 255-4762
          E-mail: robertdunlapesq@gmail.com

PUTTHUTT NEWPORT: Nixon Sues Over Unpaid Compensations
Jasmine Nixon, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
2:24-cv-00201-DCR (E.D. Ky., Nov. 21, 2024), is brought against the
Defendant's violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA") as
a result of unpaid compensations and unlawful retaliation.

The Plaintiff was required to report to work two hours before
Defendant Par 3 opened, and during that time, cleaned the dining
area and bathrooms. At no point was Plaintiff paid above the tip
credit. On September 3 or 4, Plaintiff raised her concerns that
this practice violated the FLSA to Defendant Tiffany Loutsenhizer,
Defendants' General Manager. Defendant Loutesenhizer immediately
retaliated against Plaintiff by removing Plaintiff from the work
schedule. Plaintiff was terminated on September 19, 2024, says the

The Plaintiff was employed as a bartender/server.

PAR 3 is an Idaho limited liability company.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Samantha B. Isaacs (0100414)
          4270 Ivy Pointe Blvd., Suite 225
          Cincinnati, OH 45245
          Phone: (513) 797-2859
          Fax: (513) 943-6669-fax
          Email: sbl@finneylawfirm.com

REAL TIME: Jimenez Files FDCPA Suit in M.D. North Carolina
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Real Time
Resolutions, Inc. The case is styled as Daniel Jimenez, Deborah
Jimenez, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated
v. Real Time Resolutions, Inc., Case No. 1:24-cv-00979-UA-LPA
(M.D.N.C., Nov. 21, 2024).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Fair Debt
Collection Practices Act.

Real Time Resolutions -- https://www.realtimeresolutions.com/ -- is
a full-service loan servicing and recovery company specializing in
mortgage, auto, student, credit card, and other consumer

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          John F. Scarbrough, Esq.
          141 Union Street South
          Concord, NC 28025
          Phone: (704) 782-3112
          Email: johnscarbrough@fspa.net

RO HEALTH LLC: Wilson Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against RO Health, LLC. The
case is styled as Mirian Wilson, an individual, on behalf of
herself and all others similarly situated and as a private attorney
general pursuant to the Private Attorneys General Act v. RO Health,
LLC, Case No. STK-CV-UOE-2024-0016340 (Cal. Super. Ct., San Joaquin
Cty., Nov. 21, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Unlimited Civil Other Employment."

Ro Health -- https://rohealth.com/ -- is a leading provider of
school district healthcare services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Peter R. Dion-Kindem, Esq.
          PETER R. DION-KINDEM, P.C.
          3856 Davids Rd.
          Agoura Hills, CA 91301-3642
          Phone: 818-883-4900
          Email: peter@dionkindemlaw.com

ROBINHOOD: Must Depose Plaintiff's Experts by Feb. 14, 2025
In the class action lawsuit re Robinhood Order Flow Litigation,
Master File No. 4:20-cv-09328-YGR, Case No. 4:20-cv-09328-YGR (N.D.
Cal.), the Hon. Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers entered an order
setting the following schedule for Plaintiff's renewed motion for
class certification.

-- The parties shall focus the renewed briefing and supplemental
    expert reports on the results of Plaintiff's expert's
    representative sample model, and the parties may incorporate by

    reference their prior class certification briefing and expert
    reports to avoid repetition of prior factual background and

-- The Defendants shall disclose the unique customer
    numbers no later than Dec. 6, 2024.

-- Plaintiff shall move for class certification (10-page limit)
    disclose his supplemental expert report in support of class
    certification no later than Jan. 23, 2025.

-- The Plaintiff shall disclose his expert's computer model and
    data on which it relies (other than that produced by
    no later than Jan. 28, 2025.

-- The Defendants shall depose Plaintiff's experts no later than
    14, 2025.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=WlxtW4 at no extra

ROMEO POWER: Class Distribution Order Entered in Securities Suit
In the class action lawsuit re Romeo Power Inc. Securities
Litigation, Case No. 1:21-cv-03362-LGS (S.D.N.Y.), the Hon. Judge
Lorna Schofield entered a class distribution order.

By Dec. 6, 2024, the claimants with disputed claims may respond to
the relevant portion of the Plaintiffs' motion in a letter not to
exceed three pages, to be sent to Plaintiffs' counsel who shall
then file any such letters on the docket. Plaintiffs shall provide
those claimants with notice of this order.

Romeo Power is an energy technology company delivering
electrification solutions for commercial applications.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=4Os5Hj at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Kara M. Wolke, Esq.
          Joseph D. Cohen, Esq.
          Melissa C. Wright, Esq.
          Gregory B. Linkh, Esq.
          1925 Century Park East, Suite 2100
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Telephone: (310) 201-9150
          E-mail: kwolke@glancylaw.com

RUSS' HOLDING: Kahl Sues Over Unlawful Underpayment
Linda Kahl, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated
v. RUSS' HOLDING CORPORATION, Case No. 1:24-cv-01246 (W.D. Mich.,
Nov. 21, 2024), is brought implicating the Defendants' violations
of the Fair Labor Standards Act's ("FLSA") tip-credit and
subsequent underpayment of their employees at the federally and
mandated minimum wage rate.

The Defendants pay their tipped employees, including servers, below
the minimum wage rate by taking advantage of the tip credit
provisions of the FLSA. Under the tip-credit provisions, an
employer of tipped employees may, under certain circumstances, pay
those employees less than the minimum wage rate by taking a "tip
credit" against the employer's minimum wage obligations from the
tips received from customers.

As a result of these violations, Defendants lost the ability to use
the tip credit and therefore must compensate Plaintiff and all
similarly situated workers at the full minimum wage rate,
unencumbered by the tip credit, and for all hours worked. In other
words, Defendants must account for the difference between the wages
paid to Plaintiff and all similarly situated workers and the
minimum wage rate, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff worked for Defendants at Russ' Restaurant as a

The Defendants operate at least 12 restaurants under the trade name
"Russ' Restaurants" in Michigan.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Robert B. Kapitan, Esq.
          Anthony J. Lazzaro, Esq.
          The Heritage Building, Suite 250
          34555 Chagrin Boulevard
          Moreland Hills, OH 44022
          Phone: 216-696-5000
          Facsimile: 216-696-7005
          Email: robert@lazzarolawfirm.com

SAGE THERAPEUTICS: Faces Securities Suit Over IPO
Sage Therapeutics, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q for the
quarterly period ended September 30, 2024, filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on October 29, 2024, that on
August 28, 2024, named plaintiff Darren Korver filed a purported
federal securities class action lawsuit in the Southern District of
New York against the company and individuals, Barry E. Greene and
Kimi Iguchi.

The complaint in the Securities Class Action alleges violations of
U.S. securities laws under Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated
thereunder and seeks an as-yet unspecified amount of damages
allegedly sustained by parties who purchased Sage stock between
April 12, 2021 and July 23, 2024, as well as applicable attorneys'
fees and costs.

Sage Therapeutics, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company pioneering
solutions in brain health medicines.

SASALA DINING USA: Quintal Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Sasala Dining USA
Inc., et al. The case is styled as Santos Quintal, an individual,
on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated v. Sasala
Dining USA INC., Masao Kuribara, an individual, DOES 1 TO 10
INCLUSIVE, Case No. CGC24620002 (Cal. Super. Ct., San Francisco
Cty., Nov. 21, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Other Non-Exempt Complaints."

Sasala Dining USA is a cozy restaurant nestled in the heart of San
Francisco, California, offering a diverse menu of international

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Jose M. Herrera, Esq.
          100 Pine Street, Suite 1250
          San Francisco, CA 94111
          Phone: 415-745-3219
          Email: jherrera@hhemploymentlaw.com

SCHNADER HARRISON: Bennett Seeks More Time for Class Cert Filing
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Bennett v. Schnader
Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP et al., Case No. 2:24-cv-00592-JMY (E.D.
Pa.), the Plaintiff asks the Court to enter an order extending the
class certification briefing deadline to Dec. 23, 2024.

-- Assuming the parties' term sheet is fully executed, the parties

    will notify the Court and request further modification of the
    Scheduling Order to set a deadline for a motion for preliminary

    approval of the settlement and for the related and unopposed
    motion for class certification that is necessitated by the

-- In the event the term sheet is not signed, Plaintiff will file
    motion for class certification on Dec. 23, 2024. Neither party

    will be prejudiced by this request, which will help lead to the

    orderly resolution of this action.

Schnader is a full-service law firm.

A copy of the Plaintiff's motion dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=iHYekF at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:
          Adam H. Garner, Esq.
          One Penn Center
          1617 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 550
          Philadelphia, PA 19103
          Telephone: (215) 645-5955
          Facsimile: (215) 645-5960
          E-mail: adam@garnerltd.com

SHIFT4 PAYMENTS: Continues to Defend Securities Suit in PA
Shift4 Payments Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for the
quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that the
Company continues to defend itself from consolidated securities
class suit in the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania.

On August 18, 2023, a shareholder filed a putative securities class
action against the Company and certain of its current and former
executive officers in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania, captioned O’Meara v. Shift4 Payments,
Inc., et al., Case No. 5:23-cv-03206-JFL (the "O'Meara Action").
Plaintiff O’Meara seeks to represent purchasers of the Company's
securities between November 10, 2021 and April 18, 2023.

On October 13, 2023, another shareholder represented by the same
law firm as O'Meara filed a similar complaint against the same
defendants in the Court, captioned Baer v. Shift4 Payments, Inc.,
et al., Case No. 5:23-cv-03969-JFL (the "Baer Action").

Plaintiff Baer seeks to represent purchasers of the Company's
securities between June 5, 2020, and April 18, 2023. Both
complaints allege violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated
thereunder, based on allegedly false and misleading statements
about the Company's business, operations, and compliance policies,
and both seek unspecified damages.

On October 19, 2023, Plaintiff Baer filed a motion to consolidate
the O'Meara Action and the Baer Action and appoint Baer as lead

On November 3, 2023, the Court consolidated the O'Meara and Baer
Actions and appointed Plaintiff Baer as the lead plaintiff in the
consolidated action. Lead Plaintiff Baer and Plaintiff O'Meara
filed an amended complaint on January 5, 2024, purportedly brought
on behalf of purchasers of the Company's securities between June 5,
2020 and April 18, 2023, and alleging violations of Sections 10(b)
and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5
promulgated thereunder, based on allegedly false and misleading
statements about the Company's business, operations, and compliance

The Company moved to dismiss the consolidated amended complaint on
February 19, 2024.

The Court granted the Company's motion to dismiss on August 14,
2024, with leave to amend.

Lead Plaintiff Baer filed a second amended complaint on September
3, 2024, alleging violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated
thereunder purportedly on behalf of purchasers of the Company's
securities between June 5, 2020 and October 21, 2022.

The Company filed a motion to dismiss on October 1, 2024.

A hearing is not yet scheduled on the Company’s motion to

The Company disputes the allegations in the above-referenced
matters, intends to defend the matters vigorously, and believes
that the claims are without merit.

SHIFT4 PAYMENTS, INC. provides payment processing solutions. The
Company offers software for transaction and money transfer
activities. [BN]

SHOALS TECHNOLOGIES: Continues to Defend Securities Suit in TN
Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report
for the quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that
Company continues to defend itself from consolidated securities
class suit in the United States District Court for the Middle
District of Tennessee, Nashville Division.

On March 21, 2024, a purported stockholder filed a putative
securities class action against the Company and certain of its
current and former executive officers in the United States District
Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, Nashville Division,
captioned Westchester Putnam Counties Heavy & Highway Laborers
Local 60 Benefits Fund v. Shoals Technologies Group, Inc., et al.

The complaint alleges violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the
Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder, based on
allegedly false and misleading statements and omissions relating to
the wire insulation shrinkback matter.

The complaint seeks unspecified monetary damages, recovery of fees
and costs, and other relief that the court may find appropriate.

On May 8, 2024 and May 15, 2024, respectively, similar class action
complaints were filed in the same court against the Company and
certain current and former officers, but these complaints also
named as defendants the Company's Board of Directors, and the
selling shareholders and underwriters of the Company's secondary
public offering.

While the allegations are largely similar to the first complaint,
these new complaints also alleged violations of Sections 11,
12(a)(2) and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933.

These cases were captioned Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement
System v. Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. and Kissimmee Utility
Authority Employees Retirement Plan v. Shoals Technologies Group,

On May 24, 2024, all of these cases were consolidated into one
action captioned In re Shoals Technologies Group, Inc. Securities

Plaintiff Erste Asset Management GmbH has been appointed Lead
Plaintiff, and the court has entered a schedule for motion to
dismiss briefing.

Although the Company intends to vigorously defend against these
claims, there is no guarantee that the Company will prevail.

Based in Portland, TN, Shoals Technologies provides EBOS products
for solar energy projects in the United States. It sells solar
products principally to engineering, procurement, and construction
firms that build such solar energy projects. [BN]

SIEMENS MOBILITY: Class Cert Filing Reset to March 6, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Keopadubsy v. Siemens
Mobility, Case No. 2:20-cv-01412 (E.D. Cal., July 13, 2020), the
Hon. Judge Kimberly J. Mueller entered an order resetting motion to
certify class for March 6, 2025.

-- Mr Keopadubsy filed motion to certify class for March 18,

-- The filing party is reminded to submit a Proposed Order in Word

    Format to kjmorders@caed.uscourts.gov pursuant to Judge
    Civil Standing Order.

The nature of suit states Civil Rights -- Employment.

Siemens Mobility, part of Siemens AG, provides rail traffic
technology that helps transform the everyday for everyone.[CC]

SIENNA MARKETING: Matiatos Seeks to Recover OT Wages Under FLSA
SPIRIDON MATIATOS, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
CAPITAL SOLUTIONS, Case No. 1:24-cv-09028 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 25, 2024)
seeks to recover unpaid overtime and unpaid minimum wage
compensation for Plaintiff and his similarly situated co-workers
who have worked for the Defendant in New York as Associate Business
Finance Loan Brokers, referred here as Cold Callers.

The Defendant's business is premised on hiring Cold Callers whose
primary purpose is to call as many businesses as possible and
market Defendant's services and products. The Defendant's services
and products include but are not limited to credit card processing,
Merchant Cash Advance consolidation, term loans, working capital,
SBA loans, AR factoring, hard money, and bridge loans. While
employed by the Defendant, the Plaintiff and similarly situated
Cold Callers consistently worked over 40 hours per week without
receiving premium overtime pay for all hours worked, says the

Throughout the relevant period, it was the Defendant's policy to
deprive Plaintiff and similarly situated Cold Callers of their
earned overtime wages in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act
and the New York Labor Law.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Troy L. Kessler, Esq.
          Jocelyn Small, Esq.
          534 Broadhollow Road, Suite 275
          Melville, NY 11747
          Telephone: (631) 499-9100
          E-mail: tkessler@kesslermatura.com

SIG SAUER: Must Oppose Class Cert Bid by Jan. 8, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Glasscock v. Sig Sauer,
Inc., Case No. 6:22-cv-03095 (W.D. Mo., Filed April 18, 2022), the
Hon. Judge M. Douglas Harpool entered an order granting motion to
amend/correct as follows.

-- The Defendant shall designate class certification experts and
    its opposition brief to Plaintiff's motion for class
    on or before Jan. 28, 2025

-- The Plaintiff shall file his reply brief to his motion for
    certification on or before Feb. 25. 2025.

The nature of suit states Torts -- Personal Property -- Other

SIG Sauer is a Swiss brand name of firearms originally manufactured
in Neuhausen am Rheinfall.[CC]

STATE FARM: Violates No-Fault Insurance Act, Brown Suit Alleges
ABIGAIL M. BROWN, individually and on behalf of all other similarly
1:24-cv-01263 (W.D. Mich., Nov. 26, 2024) is a class action brought
by the Plaintiff on behalf of all individuals who received
allowable expenses in the form of family provided/non-agency
provided attendant care benefits under Mich. Comp. Laws section
500.3101, et seq., the Michigan Automobile No-Fault Insurance Act.

The No-Fault Act, subsection 3107(1)(a) provides that an injured
person is entitled to recover what are known as "allowable
expenses" consisting of "all reasonable charges incurred for
reasonably necessary products, services and accommodations for an
injured person's care, recovery or rehabilitation." Court decisions
have made it clear that in-home attendant care rendered by family,
friends, and neighbors of the injured person are compensable
allowable expenses under the No-Fault Act. This No-Fault benefit
lets injured accident victims hire outside help or employ family
members, so that the injured person can remain in the home
environment rather than be institutionalized.

The suit only involves the reasonable value of family
provided/non-agency provided attendant care benefits. There is no
issue as to whether the care was reasonably necessary or related to
the motor vehicle accident; whether the charge was actually
incurred, adequately supported or timely filed; nor any other
common defense to a No-Fault claim.

To be sure, the Defendant no-fault insurers have (1) approved all
the no-fault claims for attendant care benefits, (2) for all class
members, (3) for the entirety of the class period, and (4)
Defendants have issued payment on the claims, albeit at an improper
and unreasonably low rate.

Plaintiff Brown, a resident and citizen of Kent County Michigan and
is providing attendant care benefits to her husband, Larry R.
Brown, Jr.

Larry R. Brown, Jr. was injured in an automobile accident and his
PIP claim, No. 22-27H8-98, was adjusted and paid by State Farm.
Larry R. Brown, Jr. was prescribed attendant care that exceeds 40
hours per week, and Plaintiff provided her husband's attendant
care, at over 40 hours per week.

STATE FARM is a reciprocal insurance exchange and thus an
unincorporated association.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Jason J. Thompson, Esq.
          One Towne Square, 17th Floor
          Southfield, MI 48076
          Telephone: 248.355.0300
          E-mail: jthompson@sommerspc.com

               - and -

          Nicholas S. Andrews, Esq.
          LISS & ANDREWS, P.C.
          39400 Woodward Avenue, Suite 200
          Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
          Telephone: (248) 647-9700
          E-mail: nandrews@lissfirm.com

               - and -

          E. Powell Miller, Esq.
          Dennis A. Lienhardt, Esq.
          950 West University Drive, Suite 300
          Rochester, MI 48307
          Telephone: (248) 841-2200
          E-mail: epm@millerlawpc.com

               - and -

          Robert M. Giroux, Esq.
          28588 Northwestern Highway, Suite 100
          Southfield, MI 48034
          Telephone (248) 531-8665
          E-mail: rgiroux@greatmiattorneys.com

STUMPTOWN COFFEE: Picon Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
Yelitza Picon, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated v. Stumptown Coffee Corp., Case No. 1:24-cv-08904
(E.D.N.Y., Nov. 21, 2024), is brought against the Defendant for
their failure to design, construct, maintain, and operate their
website to be fully accessible to and independently usable by
Plaintiff and other blind or visually-impaired persons.

The Defendant is denying blind and visually impaired persons
throughout the United States with equal access to the goods and
services Comer Table Restaurants provides to their non-disabled
customers through https://www.stumptowncoffee.com (hereinafter
"Stumptowncoffee.com" or "the website"). Defendant's denial of full
and equal access to its website, and therefore denial of its
products and services offered, and in conjunction with its physical
locations, is a violation of Plaintiffs rights under the Americans
with Disabilities Act (the "ADA").

Because Defendant's website, Stumptowncoffee.com, is not equally
accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers, it violates
the ADA. Plaintiff seeks a permanent injunction to cause a change
in Stumptown Coffee's policies, practices, and procedures to that
Defendant's website will become and remain accessible to blind and
visually-impaired consumers. This complaint also seeks compensatory
damages to compensate Class members for having been subjected to
unlawful discrimination, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who
requires screen-reading software to read website content using the

Stumptowncoffee.com is a commercial website that offers products
and services for online sale.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gabriel Levy, Esq.
          GABRIEL A. LEVY, P.C.
          1129 Northern Blvd., Suite 404
          Manhasset, NY 11030
          Phone: +1 347-941-4715
          Email: glevy@glpcfirm.com

TARGET CORPORATION: Payton Sues Over Deceptive Practices
Jonathan Payton, individually and of behalf of all others similarly
situated v. TARGET CORPORATION, Case No. 1:24-cv-08116 (E.D.N.Y.,
Nov. 21, 2024), is brought under New York General Business Law
seeking to redress these deceptive practices of Defendant that have
caused thousands of consumers to pay a premium and considerably
more for their allegedly unlocked iPhones than they should
otherwise have paid.

The Defendant engages in a class bait-and-switch deceptive
marketing scheme aimed at consumers hoping to purchase an iPhone
that is compatible with any phone carrier. Defendant lures
consumers into purchasing an iPhone that is advertised as
"Unlocked" when in reality the phone is locked. Because the iPhones
are actually locked, the phone contains certain software and
antennae that are tied to a specific carrier, like AT&T or Verizon,
requiring consumers to pay an additional fee to unlock the phone
for use with other carriers.

Because the monetary damages suffered by each customer are small
compared to the much higher cost a single customer would incur in
trying to challenge Defendant's unlawful practices, it makes no
financial sense for an individual customer to bring his or her own
lawsuit. Thus, only through a class action can Defendant's injured
customers remedy this ongoing wrongdoing. With this class action,
Plaintiff seeks to put an end to Defendant's unfair business
practices and hold them accountable for the damages it has caused
to consumers and continues to cause, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff decided to purchase an unlocked iPhone during the
busy shopping season of 2023.

Target is an American retail corporation that operates a chain of
discount department stores.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Ross H. Schmierer, Esq.
          48Wall Street, Suite 1100
          New York, NY 10005
          Phone: (800) 400-6808
          Fax: (800) 520-5523
          Email: ross@kazlg.com

               - and -

          Todd M. Friedman, Esq.
          Adrian Bacon, Esq.
          21550 Oxnard St., Suite 780
          Woodland Hills, CA 91367
          Email: tfriedman@toddflaw.com

TASTE BUDS DELI: Marquez Sues Over Unpaid Minimum, Overtime Wages
David Conde Marquez, individually and on behalf of others similarly
SANCHEZ, DELIA SANCHEZ, and ABDO N YAFAI, Case No. 1:24-cv-08114
(E.D.N.Y., Nov. 21, 2024), is brought for unpaid minimum and
overtime wages pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
("FLSA"), and for violations of the N.Y. Labor Law (the "NYLL"),
and the "spread of hours" and overtime wage orders of the New York
Commissioner of Labor codified (herein the "Spread of Hours Wage
Order"), including applicable liquidated damages, interest,
attorneys' fees and costs.

The Plaintiff worked for Defendants in excess of 40 hours per week,
without appropriate overtime and spread of hours compensation for
the hours that he worked. Rather, Defendants failed to maintain
accurate recordkeeping of the hours worked and failed to pay the
Plaintiff appropriately for any hours worked, either at the
straight rate of pay or for any additional overtime premium.
Further, Defendants failed to pay the Plaintiff the required
"spread of hours" pay for any day in which he had to work over 10
hours a day. Furthermore, Defendants failed to pay the Plaintiff
wages on a timely basis.

The Defendants have failed to provide timely wages to the Plaintiff
Defendants' conduct extended beyond the Plaintiff to all other
similarly situated employees. The Defendants maintained a policy
and practice of requiring the Plaintiff and other employees to work
in excess of 40 hours per week without providing the overtime
compensation required by federal and state law and regulations,
says the complaint.

The Plaintiff was employed as a deli worker and cashier at the

The Defendants own, operate, or control a deli, located in Queens,
New York under the name "Taste Buds Deli."[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Catalina Sojo, Esq.
          CSM LEGAL, P.C.
          60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4510
          New York, NY 10165
          Phone: (212) 317-1200
          Facsimile: (212) 317-1620

TRANSAMERICA LIFE: Class Cert Filing in Holdco Extended to Dec. 18
In the class action lawsuit captioned as BOAGF HOLDCO LP, LAWRENCE
Case No. 1:23-cv-00032-CJW-MAR (N.D. Iowa), the Hon. Judge Mark
Roberts entered an order extending the class certification
deadlines as follows:

-- The Plaintiffs' class certification expert           Dec. 18,
    reports and motion for class certification:

-- The Defendant's class certification expert           Jan. 22,
    reports and resistance to class certification:

-- The Plaintiffs' rebuttal class certification         Feb. 19,
    expert reports and reply in support of class

-- All other deadlines remain unchanged.

Transamerica offers life, health, and dental insurance.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=fiEBWD at no extra

UNITED STATES: Plaintiffs Seek to Maintain Docs Publicly Available
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JOSEFINA DOE; ISABELA DOE;
behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, and THE
Department of Homeland Security, in his official capacity; PATRICK
J. LECHLEITNER, Acting Director of ICE, in his official capacity;
DANIEL A. BIBLE, Executive Associate Director of ICE's Enforcement
and Removal Operations, in his official capacity; CAMMILLA WAMSLEY,
Field Office Director for the ICE Philadelphia Field Office, in her
official capacity; FRANCIS KEMP, Assistant Field Office Director
for the ICE Philadelphia Field Office, in his official capacity,
Case No. 3:24-cv-00259-PLD (W.D. Pa.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court
to enter an order permitting certain publicly available documents
previously electronically filed to be maintained as such on the
public docket.

Because there exists good cause in favor of permitting the current
public versions of the declarations and exhibits to be maintained
in redacted form, the Plaintiffs request that the Court grant this
unopposed motion and direct the Clerk to maintain ECF Nos. 2-4,
2-5, 2- 8, 2-9, 2-10, 2-11, 2-12 in redacted form.

The confidential information contained in these exhibits
constitutes information that would reveal the identity of certain
Plaintiffs, non-party witnesses, and class members and would
violate their privacy. The redactions are limited to protect those
privacy interests.

On Sept. 11, 2024, the Individual Plaintiffs filed a Motion for
Class Certification and Appointment of Class Counsel.

On Oct. 31, 2024, this matter was transferred from the District of
New Jersey to this Court.

The Class Certification Motion attached nine (9) declarations and
associated exhibits. Six (6) declarations and associated exhibits
were filed under seal.

United States Department of Homeland Security is the U.S. federal
executive department responsible for public security.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=GT5yBu at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

Pro Bono Counsel for Plaintiffs

          Shira Wisotsky, Esq.
          Raquiba Huq, Esq.
          Zoe Burke, Esq.
          Emily Thorton, Esq.
          100 Metroplex Drive, Suite 402
          Edison, NJ 08818-1357
          Telephone: (732) 572-9100

                - and -

          Gavin J. Rooney, Esq.
          Alexander Shalom, Esq.
          Natalie J. Kraner, Esq.
          Naomi D. Barrowclough, Esq.
          Anish Patel, Esq.
          Ruth Zimmerman, Esq.
          1251 Avenue of the Americas
          New York, NY 10020
          Telephone: (212) 262-6700
          Facsimile: (212) 262-7402

                - and -

          Tiffany J. Lieu, Esq.
          Philip L. Torrey, Esq.

UNLIMITED PIZZA: Bid for Conditional Status Due March 28, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as REUBEN WEST, v. UNLIMITED
PIZZA POTENTIAL, INC., et al., Case No. 1:22-cv-00007-JPH (S.D.
Ohio), the Hon. Judge Jeffery Hopkins entered a scheduling order as

  Deadline for FLSA conditional class           March 28, 2025
  certification motion:

  Deadline for Rule 23 class certification      Dec. 19, 2025

  Deadline for motions directed to the          To be filed no
  pleadings, deadline for motions to amend      than 60 days after
  pleadings and/or add parties:                 close of the FLSA
                                                notice period.

  Deadline for amended joint discovery plan:    To be filed within
                                                days of the Court's

                                                ruling on Rule 23

  Telephone status conference:                  To be set within 30

                                                days of the Court's

                                                ruling on Rule 23

This Court will set the following deadlines after receiving the
parties' amended joint discovery plan: expert disclosure(s) and
report(s), rebuttal expert disclosure(s) and report(s), disclosure
of non-expert (fact) witness(es), discovery, and dispositive

Unlimited Potential is a local pizzeria, offering a variety of
pizza options to its customers.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=2bXgfR at no extra

UPS STORE: Class Cert Conference in McLaren Set for Dec. 17
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MCLAREN v. THE UPS STORE,
INC., et al., Case No. 1:21-cv-14424 (D.N.J., Filed July 30, 2021),
the Hon. Judge Edward S. Kiel entered an order as follows:

-- The Clerk's Office is directed to terminate the motion docketed
    entry no.133.

-- There will be an in-person conference on Dec. 17, 2024, at
    a.m. in Courtroom 3C to address class certification discovery

-- The parties should meet and confer prior to this conference (by

    telephone or video conference) and attempt to refine and
    the issues in dispute and counsel shall establish an ESI

The nature of suit states Torts -- Personal Property -- Other

The UPS Store is a franchised subsidiary of United Parcel Service
which provides.[CC]

USHEALTH ADVISORS: Bid to Dismiss First Amended Complaint Tossed
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DAVID KRAEMER,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
USHealth Advisors, LLC, a Texas company, Case No. 3:24-cv-00275-DWD
(S.D. Ill.), the Hon. Judge David Dugan entered an order denying
the motion to dismiss Plaintiff's first amended class action
complaint under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).

The stay of discovery is lifted. The Final Pretrial Conference and
Jury Trial are reset for Nov. 5, 2026, at 10:00 a.m., and Nov. 16,
2026, at 9:00 a.m., respectively. Within 21 days, the parties are
DIRECTED to meet, confer, and report on a proposed scheduling and
discovery order, which shall be submitted to
DWDpd@ilsd.uscourts.gov for the Court’s review. The parties are
also directed to use the correct form for the proposed scheduling
and discovery order.

The Court the allegations of the First Amended Class Action
Complaint, on the whole and viewed in Plaintiff's favor, plausibly
state a claim to relief under section 227(c)(5) and section

Plaintiff defines the proposed classes as follows:

    Do Not Call Registry Class:

    "All persons in the United States who from four years prior to
    filing of this action through trial (1) Defendant, or an agent

    calling on behalf of the Defendant, called/texted more than one

    time, (2) within any 12-month period, (3) where the person's
    telephone number had been listed on the National Do Not Call
    Registry for at least thirty days, (4) for substantially the
    reason that Defendant called/texted Plaintiff."

    Internal Do Not Call Registry Class:

    "All persons in the United States who from four years prior to
    filing of this action through class certification (1) the
    Defendant called/texted more than one time, (2) within any 12
    month period (3) for substantially the same reason Defendant
    called/texted Plaintiff, (4) including at least once after the

    person requested that they stop calling and/or sending text

USHealth Advisors markets and sells health insurance plans to
consumers in the United States.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=RrWH7o at no extra

WALMART INC: Discriminates Black Customers, Brewster Alleges
Nekeeya Brewster and Raymond Brewster, et al. v. Walmart Inc., a
foreign for-profit corporation, Case No. 3:24-cv-01227-BJD-PDB
(M.D. Fla., Nov. 26, 2024) is a class action complaint arising from
Walmart alleged discrimination against Black customers.

According to the complaint, Walmart security and related personnel
profile Black customers who have done nothing wrong based on little
or no evidence other than their race. The Brewsters, the proposed
class representatives, bring this matter on their own behalf and on
behalf of the Proposed Class. The Proposed Class is defined as
Black customers of Walmart over the past two years that have been
discriminated against by Walmart and/or Walmart employees via
security-related profiling based upon their race.

In 2022, Walmart was found liable for profiling Michael Mangum, a
Black man at a Walmart in Wood Village, Oregon. A jury found that
Walmart security followed Mangum around the store even though a
subsequent police report found that "Mr. Mangum was not acting
violently, did not seem drunk or high, and told the [911] operator,
'he just keeps checking me out.'"

CNN reported that the reporting police department Shift Commander
said deputies on his shift had become "extremely frustrated with a
pattern of behavior that they had identified" in the Walmart
employee calling 911 to report "dangerous active situations such as
customers physically assaulting him or loss prevention employees or
other Walmart employees while trying to steal and then the deputies
determining that that never actually happened," says the suit.

Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation that
operates a chain of hypermarkets (also called supercenters),
discount department stores, and grocery stores in the United States
and 23 other countries.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Rory J. Diamond, Esq.
          Charles T. Douglas, Jr.
          Jeremiah Blocker, Jr.
          100 Southpark Blvd, Suite 414
          Saint Augustine, Florida 32086
          Telephone: (800) 705-5457
          E-mail: rory@dhclawyers.com

WAYNE COUNTY, MI: Plaintiffs Have Until Dec. 13 to File Class Reply
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JUDY FLUMERFELT, FRANCES
themselves and all those similarly situated, v. COUNTY OF WAYNE,
RICHARD SOLLARS, in his official and individual capacities, JEFFERY
BAUM, in his official and individual capacities, SHADY AWAD REALTY
4:22-cv-10067-FKB-CI (E.D. Mich.), the Hon. Judge F. Kay Behm
entered an order that:

   -- The Plaintiffs have until Dec. 13, 2024, to reply in support
      their motion for class certification.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=sLoWg4 at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Daniel J. Pifko, Esq.
          MCALPINE PC
          3201 University Dr., Suite 200
          Auburn Hills, MI 48326
          Telephone: (248) 373-3700
          E-mail: dpifko@mcalpinelawfirm.com

                - and -

          Scott F. Smith, Esq.
          30833 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 200
          Farmington Hills, MI 48334
          Telephone: (248) 302-7181
          E-mail: smithsflaw@gmail.com

The Defendant are represented by:

          Nasseem S. Ramin, Esq.
          400 Renaissance Center
          Detroit, MI 48243
          Telephone: (313) 568-5326
          E-mail: nramin@dykema.com

                - and -

          Thomas P. Bruetsch, Esq.
          211 W. Fort Street, Suite 1410
          Detroit, MI 48226
          Telephone: (313) 774-1000

WILMINGTON TRUST: Class Cert Bid Filing Due Dec. 23
In the class action lawsuit captioned as MARLOW HENRY, on behalf of
the BSC Ventures Holdings, Inc. Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and
on behalf of a class of all other persons similarly situated, v.
Case No. 1:19-cv-01925-JLH (D. Del.), the Hon. Judge entered a
class certification order as follows:

-- The deadline for Plaintiff to file a              Dec. 23,
    motion for class certification is:

-- The deadline for Defendants to file a response is 30 days after

    Plaintiff files his motion for class certification.

-- The deadline for Plaintiff to file a reply is 15 days after
    Defendants file their response.

-- All other deadlines of the Dec. 12, 2023, Scheduling Order
    62) shall remain the same.

Wilmington is a provider of international corporate and
institutional services, investment management, and private

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=mEwFVS at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          David A. Felice, Esq.
          2961 Centerville Road, Suite 302
          Wilmington, DE 19808
          Telephone: (302) 504-6333
          E-mail: dfelice@baileyglasser.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Albert H. Manwaring, IV, Esq.
          Kirsten A. Zeberkiewicz, Esq.
          Delaware Avenue, Suite 1500
          Wilmington, DE 19899
          Telephone: (302) 888-6868
          E-mail: amanwaring@morrisjames.com

                - and -

          Kevin J. Connors, Esq.
          Nemours Building
          1007 N. Orange St., Suite 600
          Wilmington, DE 19801
          Telephone: (302) 552-4302
          E-mail: kjconnors@mdwcg.com

WISCONSIN: Robillard "GPS" Suit Seeks to Certify Class Action
In the class action lawsuit captioned as SEAN ROBILLARD and SARA
DOMRES, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, v. GRACE KNUTSON, in her individual capacity and official
capacity as Director of Sex Offender Programs for the Wisconsin
Department of Corrections, Case No. 2:24-cv-01077-JPS (E.D. Wis.),
the Plaintiffs ask the Court to enter an order:

-- certifying this case as a class action on behalf of all persons

    currently or in the future who are subject to GPS monitoring by

    the Wisconsin Department of Corrections who are on extended
    supervision (e.g., parole or another form of criminal
    supervision); and

-- appointing the undersigned attorneys as class counsel.

Because the named Plaintiffs are prepared to vigorously pursue
class-wide relief and because they are represented by competent and
experienced counsel, they satisfy Rule 23(a)(4)’s adequacy

The Plaintiffs seek to represent a class of similarly situated
persons who are subject to the Department's policy and practice and
therefore at risk of being wrongfully arrested and detained due to
the Department's policy

The Plaintiffs, individually and on behalf of others similarly
situated, challenge the constitutionality of the Wisconsin
Department of Corrections' policy of issuing arrest warrants on the
weekends for individuals on extended supervision who are suspected
of having tampered with their GPS monitors without taking
reasonable measures to confirm whether the suspected tampering
alert is related to an equipment malfunction.

The Plaintiffs allege that the Department's policy violates the
Fourth Amendment.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Nov. 27, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=vIe6h4 at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Adele D. Nicholas, Esq.
          5707 W. Goodman Street
          Chicago, IL 60630
          Telephone: (847) 361-3869
          E-mail: adele@civilrightschicago.com

                - and -

          Mark G. Weinberg, Esq.
          3612 N. Tripp Avenue
          Chicago, IL 60641
          Telephone: (773) 283-3913
          E-mail: mweinberg@sbcglobal.net

WOOL & PRINCE: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, Battle Alleges
ANDRE BATTLE v. Wool & Prince, Inc., Case No. 1:24-cv-12199 (N.D.
Ill., Nov. 26, 2024) is a class action on behalf of the Plaintiff
and all other persons similarly situated against Wool & Prince for
failure to design, construct, maintain, and operate their website,
https://woolandprince.com, to be fully accessible to and
independently usable by Plaintiff and other blind or
visually-impaired persons in violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

The Plaintiff uses the terms "blind" or "visually-impaired" to
refer to all people with visual impairments who meet the legal
definition of blindness in that they have a visual acuity with
correction of less than or equal to 20 x 200. Some blind people who
meet this definition have limited vision; others have no vision.

Woolandprince.com provides to the public a wide array of the goods,
services, price specials and other programs offered by Wool &
Prince. Yet, Woolandprince.com contains significant access barriers
that make it difficult if not impossible for blind and
visually-impaired customers to use the website.

In fact, the access barriers make it impossible for blind and
visually-impaired users to even complete a transaction on the
website. Thus, Wool & Prince excludes the blind and
visually-impaired from the full and equal participation in the
growing Internet economy that is increasingly a fundamental part of
the common marketplace and daily living, says the suit.

Based on a 2010 U.S. Census Bureau report, approximately 8.1
million people in the United States are visually impaired,
including 2.0 million who are blind, and according to the American

Foundation for the Blind’s 2015 report, approximately 400,000
visually impaired persons live in the State of Illinois.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Uri Horowitz, Esq.
          14441 70th Road
          Flushing, NY 11367
          Telephone: (718) 705-8706
          Facsimile: (718) 705-8705
          E-mail: Uri@Horowitzlawpllc.com

WUTECH CALIFORNIA: Acuna Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against WUTECH CALIFORNIA
INC., et al. The case is styled as Joseph Isaac Acuna, Jr. on
behalf of all others similarly situated v. WUTECH CALIFORNIA INC.,
Case No. 24STCV30802 (Cal. Super. Ct., Los Angeles Cty., Nov. 21,

The case type is stated as "Other Employment Complaint Case
(General Jurisdiction)."

Wutech California Inc was founded in 2005. The company is located
in Arcadia and incorporated in California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Ginzburg Daniel, Esq.
          13428 Maxella Ave, # 984
          Marina del Rey, CA 90292-5620
          Phone: 424-251-8405

XCEL ENERGY: Parker Seeks Class Cert Bid Deadlines Extension
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DONNIE PARKER d/b/a SPRING
CREEK RANCH, Individually and on Behalf of all Others Similarly
2:24-cv-00078-Z-BV (N.D. Tex.), the Plaintiff asks the Court to
enter the modified class-certification schedule as follows:

                                   Current         Proposed
                                   Deadline        Deadline

  Close of Class Certification    Jan. 17, 2025    Feb. 14, 2025

  Plaintiff's Initial             Nov. 27, 2024    Dec. 18, 2024
  Designation of Experts

  Defendants' Responsive          Dec. 13, 2024    Jan. 17, 2025
  Designation of Experts

  Rebuttal Experts on Class       Dec. 27, 2024    Jan. 31, 2025

  Motion for Class                Jan. 31, 2025    Feb. 28, 2025

  Response to Motion for Class    Feb. 28, 2025    March 28, 2025

  Reply in Support of Motion      March 21, 2025   April 18, 2025
  for Class Certification

In the event that the mediation does not resolve Plaintiff’s
individual claim, the Parties will not be prejudiced by the
modification proposed, as it would delay briefing on class
certification by only approximately four weeks.

Xcel offers wind, solar, biomass, hydro, and other renewable energy

A copy of the Plaintiff's motion dated Nov. 22, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=jQu7Mk at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Derek Potts, Esq.
          J. Ryan Fowler, Esq.
          Michael P. Mitchell, Esq.
          3737 Buffalo Speedway, Suite 1900
          Houston, TX 77098
          Telephone: (713) 963.8881
          Facsimile: (713) 583.5388
          E-mail: dpotts@potts-law.com

                - and -

          Matthew W. Sherwood, Esq.
          Attorneys at Law
          605 South Fillmore, Suite #530
          Amarillo, TX 79101
          Telephone: (806) 223.4388
          E-mail: msherwood@mwlawfirm.com

XTO ENERGY: Kriley Seeks to Certify Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DOUGLAS KRILEY, et al., v.
XTO ENERGY INC., Case No. 2:20-cv-00416-CBB (W.D. Pa.), the
Plaintiffs ask the Court to enter an order granting their motion
for class certification pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 23(a), 23(b)(3)
and 23(b)(2).

  1. Each representative plaintiff has an oil and gas lease that is

     being and/or has been operated and administered by defendant

  2. For the reasons set forth in Plaintiffs' Brief in Support of
     Amended Motion for Class Certification, which is incorporated

     herein, the prerequisites for class certification contained in

     Fed.R.Civ.P. 23(a) and 23(b)(3) have been satisfied for the
     following class for Count I of the Amended Complaint:

    "Every individual and entity who possessed a royalty ownership

    interest in an oil and gas lease with XTO covering oil and gas

    interests at any time during the period of limitations (a) who

    received one or more royalty payments from XTO; (b) whose oil
    gas lease covered gas that was or is gathered on the Jefferson,

    Forward or AK Steel gathering segments of the Mountain
    system in Butler County, Pennsylvania, and (c) whose oil and
    lease states that XTO is to pay Lessor as a royalty, for the
    native gas and casinghead gas or other gaseous substances
    (including shale gas), produced from said land and sold or used

    beyond the well or for the extraction of gasoline or other
    product, an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the sales

    proceeds actually received by Lessee from the sale of such
    production, less fifteen percent (15%) of all "Post Production

    Costs," and less fifteen percent (15%) of any and all taxes,
    including production, severance, and ad valorem taxes.

    As used in this provision, Post Production Costs shall include,

    without limitation, (i) all losses of produced volumes (whether
    use as fuel, line loss, flaring, venting or otherwise) and (ii)

    all costs actually incurred by Lessee from and after the
    to the point of sale, including, without limitation, all
    gathering, dehydration, compression, treatment, processing,
    marketing, and transportation costs incurred in connection with

    the sale of such production.

    Lessor acknowledges and agrees that this lease (i) expressly
    provides that the Lessor shall bear part of the costs incurred

    between the wellhead and the point of sale, (ii) identifies
    particularity the specific deductions Lessee intends to take
    the royalty, and (iii) indicates the method of calculating the

    amount to be deducted from the royalty for Post Production
    Costs[.] or includes essentially identical language.

    The class for Count I excludes: the United States of America
    the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

XTO Energy is an American energy company and subsidiary of

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=iT71lU at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          David A. Borkovic, Esq.
          411 Seventh Ave, Suite 1200
          Pittsburgh, PA 15219
          Telephone: (412) 261-6400

ZARBEE'S INC: Plaintiffs' Class Cert Reply Due Feb. 25, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as KRYSTAL LOPEZ and DAMANY
BROWNE, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, v. ZARBEE'S, INC., Case No. 3:22-cv-04465-CRB (N.D.
Cal.), the Hon. Judge Charles Breyer entered an order setting class
certification deadlines as follow:

                 Event                            Deadline

  Plaintiffs' reply in support of                Feb. 25, 2025
  Plaintiffs' motion for class certification:

  Plaintiffs' opposition to the Weir Daubert     Feb. 25, 2025

  Zarbee's Reply in Support of the Weir          Mar. 18, 2025
  Daubert Motion:

  Hearings on (i) Plaintiffs' motion for         Mar. 28, 2025
  class Certification and (ii) Zarbee's
  Weir Daubert Motion:

Zarbee's produces pharmaceutical products.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 25, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=SGKHBQ at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Jonas B. Jacobson, Esq.
          Simon Franzini, Esq.
          DOVEL & LUNER, LLP
          201 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 600
          Santa Monica, CA 90401
          Telephone: (310) 656-7066
          Facsimile: (310) 656-7069
          E-mail: jonas@dovel.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Joshua Kipnees, Esq.
          Steven A. Zalesin, Esq.
          1133 Avenue of the Americas
          New York, NY 10036
          Telephone: (212) 336-2110
          E-mail: jkipnees@pbwt.com

                - and -

          Gary T. Lafayette, Esq.
          Brian H. Chun, Esq.
          1300 Clay Street, Suite 810
          Oakland, CA 94612
          Telephone: (415) 357-4600
          Facsimile: (415) 357-4605
          E-mail: glafayette@lkclaw.com

ZOOMINFO TECHNOLOGIES: Subsidiary Continues to Defend Class Suit
ZoomInfo Technologies Inc. disclosed in its Form 10-Q Report for
the quarterly period ending September 30, 2024 filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 12, 2024, that the
Company's subsidiary, Datanyze LLC, continues to defend itself from
Publicity Act violations class suit in the Circuit Court of Cook
County, Illinois.

On February 10, 2023, a putative class action lawsuit was filed
against Datanyze, LLC, one of the Company's subsidiaries, in the
Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois alleging Datanyze's use of
Illinois residents’ names in a free trial violates the Illinois
Right of Publicity Act, and seeking statutory, compensatory and
punitive damages, costs, and attorneys' fees.

The case is pending in the United States District Court for the
Northern District of Illinois (Eastern Division).

The Company intends to vigorously defend against this lawsuit.

ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc. is a software and data company which
provides data for companies and business individuals.[BN]

Datanyze is the leader in technographics -- real-time insights
based on a company's technology choices and buying signals.


S U B S C R I P T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

Class Action Reporter is a daily newsletter, co-published by
Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania,
USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Washington, D.C., USA.  Rousel Elaine T.
Fernandez, Joy A. Agravante, Psyche A. Castillon, Julie Anne L.
Toledo, Christopher G. Patalinghug, and Peter A. Chapman, Editors.

Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. ISSN 1525-2272.

This material is copyrighted and any commercial use, resale or
publication in any form (including e-mail forwarding, electronic
re-mailing and photocopying) is strictly prohibited without prior
written permission of the publishers.

Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but is not guaranteed.

The CAR subscription rate is $775 for six months delivered via
e-mail. Additional e-mail subscriptions for members of the same
firm for the term of the initial subscription or balance thereof
are $25 each. For subscription information, contact
Peter A. Chapman at 215-945-7000.

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