/raid1/www/Hosts/bankrupt/CAR_Public/241210.mbx               C L A S S   A C T I O N   R E P O R T E R

              Tuesday, December 10, 2024, Vol. 26, No. 247


121FIFTEEN DIAMONDS: Court Grants Garnishee's Motion to Quash
7-ELEVEN INC: Court Awards McNelley's Counsel $34K in Fees & Costs
ABBOTT LABORATORIES: Thompson Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois
AGC CHEMICALS: Firefighters Exposed to Toxic Chemicals, Hart Says
ALAMEDA COUNTY, CA: Dec. 20 Deadline to Oppose Dismissal Sought

AMAZON RETAIL: Chicas Suit Removed to C.D. California
AMAZON.COM SERVICES: Martinez Lawsuit Obtains Class Certification
AMERICA'S PLUMBING: McNutt Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
AMERICAN BANKERS: Oral Argument on Class Cert Bid Set for Dec. 10
AMERICAN EXPRESS: Bid to Block Overcharging Class Suit Denied

AMERICAN GOLF: Perez Sues Over Unpaid Minimum, Overtime Wages
AMERICAN HONDA: Faces Class Suit Over Defective Paints
AMERICAN NEIGHBORHOOD: Long Sues Over Unauthorized Info Access
ANN T. TATJE: Plaintiffs' Motions in Duhon, et al. Suit Denied
ASTRAZENECA PHARMA: Bobnar Wins Partial Summary Judgment

ATHENA BITCOIN: Removes S.M. Class Suit to N.D. Ohio
ATKORE INTERNATIONAL: Hickman Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois
BCBSM INC: Court Grants Settlement Class Counsel's Fee Request
BELONG HOME: Gupta Suit Removed to N.D. California
BIG Y FOODS: Belozerov Files Suit in Mass. Super. Ct.

BIO-LAB INC: Hounds Town Sues Over Contaminated Air
BIOLAB INC: Davidson Sues Over Toxic Fumes Due to Fire
BLACK BOX SECURITY: Calvera Sues Over Failure to Pay Wages
BLACKBAUD INC: Court Remands 39 of 40 Atlas Suits to Superior Court
BLOCKCHAIN COINVESTORS: Sued Over Attempt to Appropriate Assets

BOJANGLES' RESTAURANTS: Dougherty Files Suit in E.D. North Carolina
BRAVANTE FARM: Faces Santiago Class Suit in Cal. Super.
BRITISH COLUMBIA: Female Cops Sue Over Gender Discrimination
C&S LOGISTICS: Court Remands Tercero Case to State Court
CASCADE LIVING: Collin Suit Removed from State Court to E.D. Cal.

CAVENDISH FARMS: Filonek's Inc. Sues Over Illegal Scheme
CAVENDISH FARMS: Gladys' Sues Over Unlawful Fixing of Prices
CEFCO STORES: Etienne Sues Over Unsolicited Text Messaging
CHIQUITA CANYON: Court Narrows Claims in Howse, et al. Suit
CINMAR LLC: Greben Sues Over Untrue or Misleading Statements

CITIBANK NA: Court Narrows Claims in Letidas Logistics Lawsuit
CLOUDERA INC: 9th Cir. Affirms Dismissal of Securities Fraud Suit
CMS-NY/PA LLC: Fails to Timely Pay Wages, Smalt Suit Alleges
COMMUNITY CLINIC: Faces Johnson Class Suit in D. Hawaii
CSX TRANSPORTATION: Bell Suit Transferred to N.D. West Virginia

CSX TRANSPORTATION: Bell Suit Transferred to W.D. Pennsylvania
CSX TRANSPORTATION: Gales Suit Transferred to W.D. New York
CUSTOMERS BANCORP: Faces Securities Class Action Lawsuit
CYBER NOW: Unlawfully Withheld Instructors' Wages, Clifton Alleges
DELAWARE: Franchise Group Files Adversary Proceeding to D. Delaware

DENTSPLY SIRONA: North Collier Sues Over 28% Drop of Stock Price
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WATER: Richards Files Suit in D.C. Super. Ct.
DOHMAN AKERLUND: Hauf Sues Over Failure to Secure Information
DOMINO'S PIZZA: Removes Banuelos Suit to N.D. of Calif.
DOWN RIGHT: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, DelaCruz Alleges

DRUM CONNECTION: Thorne Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
E.I. DU PONT: Plaintiffs Must Refile Bid to Certify Class
EL RANCHERO: Faces Santiago Wage-and-Hour Suit in E.D.N.Y.
EMIRATES: Seeks More Time to File Discovery
ETZ HAYIM: Class Settlement in Cimino Suit Has Final Approval

FARMERS UNION: Evans Files Suit in Okla. Dist. Ct.
FARMERS UNION: McAtee Files Suit in Okla. Dist. Ct.
FARMERS UNION: Vanspyker Files Suit in Okla. Dist. Ct.
FILMSUPPLY LLC: Trimboli Suit Transferred to N.D. Texas
FOUR SEASONS: Shalakhti Sues Over Unpaid OT & Breach of Contract

GATEWAYCDI INC: Martinez Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
GENE BY GENE: Saathoff Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois
GENTING NEW YORK: Seeks to Depose Roberts & Shaw
GO NEW YORK: Court Refuses to Certify Order for Appeal in Teta Suit
GOOGLE LLC: Maurice Blackburn Probes Anti-Competitive Conduct

GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE: Shelton Suit Removed to C.D. California
GREEN ANT: Romero Sues Over Failure to Pay Hours Worked
GULLY TRANSPORTATION: Bid to Certify Collective Action Denied
H. MART COMPANIES: Harrell Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
HABIT RESTAURANTS: Garcia Sues Over Failure to Pay Proper Wages

HAMPDEN COUNTY, MA: Kirchner Files Suit in Mass. Super. Ct.
HAPPY TIMES: Web Site Not Accessible to the Blind, Picon Says
HCL TECHNOLOGIES: Kent's EPOA Lawsuit Remanded to State Court
HERSHEY COMPANY: Mohamed Suit Removed to C.D. California
HOME PARTNERS: Court Narrows Claims in Sheard, et al. Lawsuit

HOME PARTNERS: Plaintiffs' Class Certification Bid Denied in Part
IME RESOURCES: Whips Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION: Suit Transferred to C.D. Illinois
IRON MOUNTAIN: Melendez Sues Over Breaches of Fiduciary Duties
J DAVID TAX: Iverson's Bid to Produce Information Granted in Part

JAGR LLC: Zhang Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
JERSEY FIRESTOP: Class Certification Denied in Covachuela Suit
JRA TRADEMARK: Martinez-Graciano Suit Removed to C.D. California
LABOR SOURCE: Bid to Reconsider Sept. 23 Class Cert Order Denied
LAMB WESTON: Controls Frozen Potato Product Prices, BW-SS Suit Says

LAMPO GROUP: Hood Files TCPA Suit in S.D. Florida
LANDS' END: Spector Suit Removed to D. Arizona
LASIKMD USA: Ramirez Sues Over Unlawful Disclosure of Information
LENS.COM INC: Fitzpatrick Suit Transferred to D. Nevada
LENS.COM INC: Two Claims in Martin Suit Transferred to Nevada Court

LIBERTY MEDIA: Faces Fishel Suit Over Improper Business Conduct
LINKEDIN CORPORATION: L. W. A. Suit Removed to N.D. California
LITTLE GREENE: Blind Users Can't Access Online Store, Jones Claims
LIVE HYDRATION: Agnone Sues Over Website's Barriers to the Blind
LOREES LITTLE: Faces Rhyne Employment Suit in Cal. Super.

LOWE'S HOME: Gershfeld Balks at Defective Wpstbrass Air Gap Cap
LUSH HANDMADE: Keskinen Suit Removed to C.D. California
M.R.V.L. INVESTMENTS: Settles Underpayments Class Suit for $19.25MM
MARCUS SAMUELSSON: Blind Users Can't Access Website, Sumlin Claims
MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC: Carey Files Suit in Mass. Super. Ct.

MATCH GROUP: Bids for Lead Plaintiff Deadline Set for January 24
MATCH GROUP: Faruqi Investigates Potential Securities Claims
MEAD JOHNSON & COMPANY: Taylor Suit Transferred to N.D. Illinois
MERCK & CO: Gardiner Sues Over Asbestos-Containing Talc Products
MERRILL LYNCH: Bid to Seal Confidential Info in Vallely Granted

MG FREESITES: Plaintiffs File Class Notice, Creates Claims Website
MICROSOFT CORP: Faces First UK Class Action Over AI Data
MIELLE ORGANICS: Faces Class Action Over Hair Oil Side Effects
MK DRAYAGE: Seeks to Strike Vasquez Class Certification Bid
MONEYGRAM PAYMENT: Fails to Protect Customers' Info, Krayzman Says

MONEYGRAM PAYMENT: Namata Files Suit in N.D. Texas
MONTANA UNIVERSITY: Niman Bid for Class Certification Tossed
MORTGAGEPROS LLC: Chen Files TCPA Suit in C.D. California
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS: Burnett Seeks Settlement Approval
NESTLE PURINA: Most Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois

NEVADA: Olteanu Must File Complete Amended Complaint by Dec. 23
NEW YORK, NY: Plaintiffs Submit Memorandum in Support of Settlement
NEWARK GROUP: Motion for Leave to Amend in Ryan, et al Suit Denied
NEWREZ LLC: Moody Files Suit in N.D. Georgia
NOBULL LLC: Jones Sues Over Blind Users' Equal Access to Website

NORDSEC LTD: Court Dismisses Hanscom Class Action
OPTICS FORCE: Fernandez Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
ORTHOFIX MEDICAL: O'Hara Suit Transferred to E.D. Texas
OUTOKUMPU STAINLESS: Osborne Seeks Unpaid Overtime for Operators
PDR NETWORK: Court Grants Bid for Summary Judgment in Carlton Suit

PEACOCK TV: Class Settlement in Winston Suit Has Final Approval
PHH MORTGAGE: Knapp FDCPA Suit Removed to D. Oregon
PIERCE COUNTY, WA: Court Stays Carter-Shabazz Civil Rights Case
PIERCE COUNTY, WA: Court Stays Fullington Prison Civil Rights Case
PIERCE COUNTY, WA: Court Stays McKenzie Prison Civil Rights Case

PILLOW CUBE: Hogan Seeks More Time to File Class Cert. Bid
PILLOW CUBE: Plaintiffs Must Renew Class Cert Bid by Feb. 14, 2025
POST MEDS: Class Settlement in Data Breach Suit Gets Initial Nod
PROTECTIVE LIFE: Court Stays Allen Class Suit
PUNDIR GROUP INC: Gamino Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.

PURPOSE FUNDING: Moyer Files TCPA Suit in N.D. Florida
RECKITT BENCKISER: Modified CMO Entered in Beckles Class Suit
RENTOKIL INITIAL: Artificially Inflated Stock Price, Suit Alleges
RENTOKIL NORTH AMERICA: Wright Sues Over Civil Rights Violation
ROBINHOOD MARKETS: Hammonds Sues Over Failure to Safeguard PII

RON HIBACHI: Court OK's Settlement Agreement in Chen Suit
RSCR CALIFORNIA: Chevalier Removed from State Court to C.D. Cal.
SABA UNIVERSITY: Court Decertifies Class of Enrollees
SAFEWAY INC: Mislabels Avocado Oil Products, Smith Suit Says
SAINT JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY: Cantave Settlement Gets Final Court Okay

SAINT JOSEPH'S: Court Cuts Attorneys' Fees in Cantave Suit
SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS: Wins Bid to Dismiss Barrett, et al. Suit
SAZERAC COMPANY: Rodriguez Sues Over Deceptive Advertising
SCP DISTRIBUTORS: Phillips Sues Over Employment Law Violation
SECURE PARKING: Williams Sues Over Unlawful Use of Information

SERVICE MANAGEMENT: Larios Sues to Recover Full Compensation
SET FORTH INC: Bellefeuille Files Suit in N.D. Illinois
SET FORTH: McCluskey Sues Over Failure to Secure Customers' Info
SET FORTH: Ossler Sues Over Unauthorized Access of Customers' Info
SEYBOTH TEAM: Court Extends Time to File Class Cert Bid

SPIRE GLOBAL: Court Consolidates Bousso & Tagawa Securities Suits
STANCE INC: Agostini Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
STARBUCKS CORP: Union Funds' Lead Plaintiff Motion Granted
STERLING FARM: Enderson Sues Over Unpaid Overtime Compensation
SWIFT TRANSPORTATION: Gibbs Suit Removed to S.D. California

TARGET CORP: Payton Sues Over iPhones Deceptive Marketing
THEO CHOCOLATE: Class Cert Bid Filing Due June 20, 2025
TRANS UNION: Saucedo Seeks to Certify Class Action
TRANSWORLD SYSTEMS: Silberstein Sues Over Alleged FDCA Violation
UBER TECHNOLOGIES: Supreme Court OKs Taxi Drivers' Suit Settlement

ULTA INC: Class Settlement in Chan Suit Gets Final Court Nod
UNISYS CORP: Rosen Law Probes Potential Securities Claims
US POSTAL SERVICE: Ewings Sues to Recover Unpaid Overtime
USC: Favell Suit Seeks Leave to File Confidential Docs Under Seal
USHEALTH ADVISORS: Williams TCPA Suit in S.D. Georgia

VAJIRA SAMARARATNE: Order to Show Cause Issued in Morales Suit
VGW HOLDINGS: Removes Saulny Class Suit to S.D. Miss.
VISA INC: Faces Cai Class Action Suit Over Corrective Disclosure
VISIONS TREATMENT: Chaimungkla Sues Over Failure to Pay Wages
WESTERN DIGITAL: Knowles Sues Over Blind's Equal Access to Website

WESTLAKE SERVICES: Class Cert Bid Filing Reset to Jan. 16, 2025
WORLD SPA: Layne Seeks Blind Users' Equal Access to Online Store
YAHOO! INC: Settles Data Breach Class Suit in Canada for $20-Mil.
YOUNG CONSULTING: Martin Sues Over Failure to Secure PII & PHI
YOUNG CONSULTING: Montero Sues Over Failure to Safeguard PII & PHI


121FIFTEEN DIAMONDS: Court Grants Garnishee's Motion to Quash
In the case captioned as TIMOTHY SIMMS, Plaintiff, v. 121FIFTEEN
4:23-CV-813 HEA (E.D. Mo.), Judge Henry Edward Autrey of the United
States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri granted
Garnishee's Motion to Quash.

Plaintiff opposes the motion.

On June 23, 2023, Plaintiff filed a class action lawsuit against
Defendant 12Fifteen Diamonds, LLC. On September 19, 2023, the Clerk
of Court entered an Entry of Default against 12Fifteen. On February
1, 2024, the Court entered a Default Judgment against 12Fifteen on
Plaintiff's Second Claim for Relief in the amount of $301,500.00.

On June 17, 2024, Plaintiff filed an Application for Writ of
Garnishment seeking to issue the Garnishment on Garnishee, Forever
Companies, Inc. The Court issued the Writ of Execution of
Garnishment on June 18, 2024. The Garnishment listed a return date
of July 31, 2024.

Forever brought this Motion to Quash the Garnishment on July

Garnishee argues the Court does not have jurisdiction over it to
enforce the garnishment. It has provided evidence that it is
located outside the jurisdictional boundaries of the Eastern
District of Missouri. In Response, Plaintiff directs the Court to
Mem'l Hosp. of Martinsville v. D'Oro, No. 4:10MC00001, 2011 WL
2679593 (W.D. Va. July 8, 2011) for the proposition that the
location of wages is where a garnishment proceeding should be
filed. As Garnishee correctly points out, however, it is a
corporate entity and Plaintiff is not attempting to garnish wages,
the Court finds.

The Court is of the opinion that because the proposed garnishee is
not located in this district, it has no authority to order that the
company pay money into the Court or to Plaintiff, even if it is
indeed indebted to Defendant. The usual procedure is for the
judgment creditor to register a judgment in a separate federal
district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1963 and then seek to enforce
the judgment within that district.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

7-ELEVEN INC: Court Awards McNelley's Counsel $34K in Fees & Costs
Judge Allison D. Burroughs of the U.S. District Court for the
District of Massachusetts issued a Memorandum and Order granting in
part and denying in part the Plaintiff's motion to recover
attorneys' fees and costs the lawsuit titled THOMAS MCNELLEY AND
KAREN PARIS, Plaintiffs v. 7-ELEVEN, INC., Defendant, Case No.
1:22-cv-10046-ADB (D. Mass.).

The Defendant opposes the motion and disputes the reasonableness of
the amount requested. For the reasons set forth in this Memorandum
and Order, the motion is granted in part and denied in part, and
the Court awards $34,459.71 in attorneys' fees and costs to the
Plaintiff's counsel.

Plaintiff McNelley and Co-Plaintiff Karen Paris brought this action
against the Defendant alleging that 7-Eleven discriminated against
McNelley and Paris because of their disabilities, in violation of
the Massachusetts public accommodation law, Massachusetts General
Laws Chapter 272, Section 98, and the Massachusetts consumer
protection law, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 93A.

Following a trial, the jury found the Defendant liable for
discrimination in a place of public accommodation solely as to
McNelley and that the Defendant had violated Chapter 93A, but had
not done so willfully or knowingly. The jury awarded McNelley
$5,000 in emotional distress damages and $15,000 in punitive
damages and awarded no damages to Plaintiff Paris.

The Plaintiffs' counsel initially filed a motion for attorneys'
fees and costs on April 13, 2024, which the Defendant opposed on
April 29, 2024. The Court denied the motion without prejudice on
the basis that the documents submitted by the Plaintiffs' counsel
included fees and costs associated with representing both McNelley
and Paris, when only McNelley prevailed.

In response to the Court's order, the Plaintiffs' counsel
subsequently filed a renewed motion on July 7, 2024, and the
Defendant submitted a supplemental opposition on July 22, 2024.

The Counsel, on behalf of Plaintiff McNelley, now seeks fees for
the work of Attorneys Walter Jacobs ("W. Jacobs") and Alexandria
Jacobs ("A. Jacobs"). In support of the request, W. Jacobs
submitted an affidavit and one single invoice outlining the fees
incurred between Sept. 8, 2020, and April 1, 2024. W. Jacobs'
hourly rate is $400 and A. Jacobs' is $325, and combined both
attorneys billed over 150 hours in the course of representing

In response to the Court's order to supplement the request for
attorneys' fees and costs with a more detailed breakdown of fees
incurred in representing McNelley, counsel for the Plaintiffs
reduced the total amount of fees/costs sought in the original fee
petition from $69,748.37 to $53,932.79. Specifically, W. Jacobs
subtracted $1,520 in legal fees devoted solely to Paris' claims and
further reduced the overall fee request by 21.05% to reflect as
reasonably as possible the time devoted to McNelley's claims for
which he prevailed.

Mr. McNelley's counsel now seeks an award of $53,616.92 in
attorneys' fees and $315.87 for costs, for a total of $53,932.79.

The Defendant challenges the request on the following grounds: it
(1) fails to provide detailed billing descriptions sufficient to
allow the determination of a lodestar amount; (2) seeks to
improperly recover fees incurred in separate proceedings before the
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination ("MCAD"); (3)
includes Attorney A. Jacobs' legal fees for attending the trial but
whose role in the trial is unclear as she "provided no argument to
the Court and questioned no witnesses"; and (4) still requests fees
accrued from litigating Plaintiff Paris' and McNelley's
unsuccessful claims despite the revised calculation in the renewed

Judge Burroughs notes that during the course of the litigation,
however, Plaintiff McNelley asserted additional claims that were
ultimately unsuccessful, including negligence, disability
discrimination and retaliation under Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 151B, violation of 940 Mass. Code Reg. 316, and declaratory
relief in connection to each claim.

Separately, the lawsuit was initially brought as a class action,
although the Plaintiffs did not move for or obtain class
certification. In sum, Judge Burroughs explains, out of a total
seven claims, McNelley prevailed on two. Nonetheless, the
unsuccessful claims, liberally construed, are sufficiently
intertwined with the successful claims as they arose from a common
core of facts. That is, they all concerned "a common core of facts
regarding" the Defendant's actions which impacted McNelley's
ability to access and move in the store on account of his

Judge Burroughs points out that McNelley, however, is not entitled
to recover any fees related to costs in pursuing the class action,
given that he did not even move for class certification. Based on
the invoice submitted, McNelley spent a total of $160 on legal fees
related to the class certification.

In the revised request for attorneys' fees, McNelley deducted
21.05% in legal fees on the basis that out of 133 paragraphs in the
Complaint, only 28 paragraphs (that is, 21.05%) refer to Plaintiff
Paris' hearing disability. The Defendant contends that because only
McNelley prevailed on his claims, the Court should deduct 50% of
the total legal fees.

Although the Court is not satisfied that a 50% split is appropriate
here given how closely intertwined McNelley and Paris' claims are,
it is also not persuaded by McNelley's approach, which does not
adequately reflect that only McNelley's legal relationship with the
Defendant was altered. The Court will, therefore, deduct an
additional 10% from the claimed attorneys' fees in the amended

The Defendant further asserts that McNelley's fee request
improperly contains entries starting on Sept. 8, 2020, when this
action did not commence until a year later, on Sept. 27, 2021.
Specifically, the Defendant argues that legal fees incurred in the
MCAD proceeding, which preceded the instant action, should be
excluded from any lodestar amount.

The Court observes that Chapter 151B, Section 4 requires that an
aggrieved party file a timely complaint with MCAD before bringing
an action to court. Accordingly, because MCAD filings are a
prerequisite to a discrimination claim under Chapter 151B, Section
4, the hours spent on MCAD proceedings may appropriately and
reasonably be included in a fee request, Judge Burroughs opines.

In relation to Chapter 272, Section 98 claims, however, Judge
Burroughs notes that district courts are divided on whether the
statute similarly requires exhaustion of remedies before MCAD.

In light of the uncertainty as to whether a public accommodation
claim must first be brought before MCAD, and, more importantly,
given that Chapter 151B and Chapter 272, Section 98 claims are
sufficiently interconnected, the Court is not persuaded that an
additional subtraction of attorneys' fees is warranted or feasible.
Beyond the deduction of $1,520.00, the Court, therefore, leaves W.
Jacobs' request for legal fees prior to the state-court proceeding

In sum, in order to adequately reflect that a prevailing party is
only able to recuperate legal fees on successful claims, the Court
will deduct all legal fees related to the class certification which
total $160 and subtract 10% from the claimed attorneys' fees.

Upon review of the time records submitted by McNelley's counsel,
the Court will not award fees associated with A. Jacobs' billing
entries related to her trial attendance. Judge Burroughs points
out, among other things, that McNelley offered no information from
which the Court could evaluate the reasonableness of A. Jacobs'
rate, including that the Court lacks basic resume information, such
as how long she has practiced law and her relative seniority within
the firm.

The fees may well have been compensable had counsel taken the time
to explain her role, but given the paucity of information, the
Court will subtract the fees associated with A. Jacobs' trial
attendance, which totals $4,680.

Separately, the Defendant urges the Court to reduce McNelley's fee
request because the billing entries lack specificity. The Court
notes that the invoice submitted by McNelley provides mostly vague
descriptions, such as "email from client," "email to client," or
"phone call with client," which offer little guidance in assessing
the reasonableness of the McNelley's request.

Given the lack of detail and use of generic billing entries, the
Court will apply an additional across-the-board lodestar reduction
of 20%. Given the lack of detail in the single invoice submitted,
the Court would be well within its rights to discount the fees
further but declines to do so given that the overall reasonableness
of the total legal fees accrued in this case and the Court's
interest in not disincentivizing counsel from taking on these types
of cases.

Judge Burroughs notes that the Defendant seemingly does not
challenge attorney W. Jacobs' proposed rate ($400), and considering
his education, credentials, and relevant professional experience,
the Court finds no reason to dispute the reasonableness of his
hourly rate. As to Attorney A. Jacobs' hourly rate ($325), the
Defendant similarly does not contest the reasonableness of her rate
or the fact that she worked on the case.

Accordingly, for the reasons noted, the Court rules that McNelley's
motion is denied in part and granted in part. The Plaintiff will be
awarded $34,459.71 in attorneys' fees and costs.

A full-text copy of the Court's Memorandum and Order is available
at https://tinyurl.com/4ve9993m from PacerMonitor.com.

ABBOTT LABORATORIES: Thompson Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois
The case styled as Lakeena Thompson, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. ABBOTT LABORATORIES EMPLOYEES
CREDIT UNION, Case No. 2024LA00000814 was removed from the Circuit
Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit, Lake County, Illinois, to the
United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
on Nov. 27, 2024, and assigned Case No. 1:24-cv-12283.

The Plaintiff brings claims for negligence, breach of implied
contract, unjust enrichment, and breach of fiduciary duty based on
a data incident involving ALEC's network on or around August 2,
2024 (the "Incident").[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Dmitry Shifrin, Esq.
          150 N. Riverside Plaza, Suite 3000
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Phone: (312) 819-1900
          Facsimile: (312) 819-1910
          Email: DShifrin@Polsinelli.com

               - and -

          John C. Cleary, Esq.
          600 Third Avenue, 42nd Floor
          New York, NY 10016
          Phone: (212) 413-2837
          Facsimile: (212) 684-0197
          Email: john.cleary@polsinelli.com

               - and -

          Shundra C. Manning, Esq.
          501 Commerce Street, Suite 1300
          Nashville, TN 37203
          Phone: (615) 259-1567
          Facsimile: (615) 259-1573
          Email: scmanning@polsinelli.com

AGC CHEMICALS: Firefighters Exposed to Toxic Chemicals, Hart Says
FRANKLIN HART, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
PRODUCTS LP, as successor-in-interest to The Ansul Company; UNITED
INC. (f/k/a GE Interlogix, Inc.; a, W.L. GORE & ASSOCIATES INC.;
and 3M COMPANY (f/k/a Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company,
Defendants, Case No. 2:24-cv-05764-RMG (D.S.C., Oct. 9, 2024) is an
action resulting from Plaintiff's exposure to the Defendants'
aqueous film-forming foams ("AFFF") containing the toxic chemicals
collectively known as per and polyfluoroalkyl substances ("PFAS"),
which includes, but is not limited to, perfluorooctanoic acid
("PFOA") and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid ("PFOS") and related
chemicals including those that degrade to PFOA and/or PFOS.

According to the complaint, the Defendants collectively designed,
marketed, developed, manufactured, distributed, released, trained
users, produced instructional materials, promoted, sold, and
otherwise released into the stream of commerce AFFF with knowledge
that it contained highly toxic and bio persistent PFASs, which
would expose end users of the product to the risks associated with
PFAS. Further, defendants designed, marketed, developed,
manufactured, distributed, released, trained users, produced
instructional materials, promoted, sold and/or otherwise handled
and used underlying chemicals and/or products added to AFFF which
contained PFAS for use in firefighting.

The Plaintiff was unaware of the dangerous properties of the
Defendants' AFFF products and relied on the Defendants'
instructions as to the proper handling of the products. The
Plaintiff's consumption, inhalation and dermal absorption of PFAS
from Defendant's AFFF products caused Plaintiff to develop the
serious medical conditions and complications alleged herein, says
the suit.

AGC Chemicals Americas, Inc. manufactures specialty chemicals. The
Company offers glass, electronic displays, and chemical products
including resins, water and oil repellants, greenhouse films,
silica additives, and various fluorointermediates. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Eric W. Cracken, Esq.
          Steven D. Davis, Esq.
          210 S. Main Street
          Edwardsville, IL 62025
          Telephone: (618) 656-4400
          Facsimile: (618) 656-4401

ALAMEDA COUNTY, CA: Dec. 20 Deadline to Oppose Dismissal Sought
In the class action lawsuit captioned as ARMIDA RUELAS; DE’ANDRE
REYNOLDS; MONICA MASON; SCOTT ABBEY; and all others similarly
CORRECTIONAL SERVICES, LLC; and DOES 1 through 10, Case No.
4:19-cv-07637-JST (N.D. Cal.), the Parties ask the Court to enter
an order as follows:

   1. Plaintiffs' oppositions to Defendants' motions to dismiss
      be due Dec. 20, 2024.

   2. Defendants' replies in support of the motions to dismiss
      be due Jan. 10, 2025.

   3. Plaintiffs' motion for class certification shall be due 30
      after the Court resolves Defendants' motions to dismiss.

The parties have conferred and agree that, in light of the holidays
and other pending commitments, they propose a brief extension of
the briefing schedule for the motions to dismiss.

Extending the deadlines associated with Defendants' motions to
dismiss and Plaintiffs' upcoming motion for class certification
would affect only the current Dec. 12, 2024 deadline for
Plaintiffs' motion for class certification.

On Oct. 8, 2024, this Court held a Case Management Conference at
which it set a Nov. 8, 2024 deadline for Plaintiffs to file an
Amended Complaint "to conform their pleading to the decisions of
this Court and of the Ninth Circuit"; and a Dec. 12, 2024 deadline
for Plaintiffs to file a renewed motion for class certification.

On Oct. 22, 2024, the Court entered the parties' stipulation and
order dismissing with prejudice plaintiffs' Labor Code claims.

Alameda County is home to over 1.5 million people living in 14
incorporated cities as well as in six unincorporated communities
and rural areas.

A copy of the Parties' motion dated Dec. 2, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=84I1Qj at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Dan Siegel, Esq.
          475 14th St 500
          Oakland, CA 94612
          Telephone: (510) 839-1200

The Defendants are represented by:

          Cortlin H. Lannin, Esq.
          Isaac D. Chaput, Esq.
          Salesforce Tower
          415 Mission Street, Suite 5400
          San Francisco, CA 94105-2533
          Telephone: (415) 591-6000
          Facsimile: (415) 591-6091
          E-mail: clannin@cov.com

                - and -

          Gilbert J. Tsai, Esq.
          777 S. Figueroa StreetSuite 4200
          Los Angeles, CA 90017

AMAZON RETAIL: Chicas Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case styled as Jonathan Chicas, an individual; and Darrius
Parrish, an individual, on behalf of themselves and all others
similarly situated v. AMAZON RETAIL LLC, a Delaware limited
liability company; and DOES 1 to 10, inclusive, Case No.
24STCV24915 was removed from the Los Angeles County Superior Court,
to the United States District Court for the Central District of
California on Nov. 27, 2024, and assigned Case No. 2:24-cv-10306.

In their Complaint, Plaintiffs allege nine causes of action against
Amazon Retail: Failure to Provide Required Meal Periods; Failure to
Provide Required Rest Periods; Failure to Pay Overtime Wages;
Failure to Pay Minimum Wages; Failure to Pay All Wages Due to
Discharged and Quitting Employees; Failure to Furnish Accurate
Itemized Wage Statements; Failure to Indemnify Employees for
Necessary Expenditures Incurred in Discharge of Duties; Unfair and
Unlawful Business Practices; and Penalties under the Labor Code
Private Attorneys General Act of 2004.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Lauren M. Blas, Esq.
          333 South Grand Avenue
          Los Angeles, CA 90071-3197
          Phone: 213.229.7000
          Facsimile: 213.229.7520
          Email: lblas@gibsondunn.com

               - and -

          Megan Cooney, Esq.
          Katie M. Magallanes, Esq.
          Jessica M. Pearigen, Esq.
          3161 Michelson Drive
          Irvine, CA 92612-4412
          Phone: 949.451.3800
          Facsimile: 949.451.4220
          Email: mcooney@gibsondunn.com

               - and -

          Joseph R. Rose, Esq.
          One Embarcadero Center, Suite 2600
          San Francisco, CA 94111-3715
          Phone: 415.393.8277
          Facsimile: 415.374.8422
          Email: jrose@gibsondunn.com

AMAZON.COM SERVICES: Martinez Lawsuit Obtains Class Certification
Judge Brendan A. Hurson of the United States District Court for the
District of Maryland granted the plaintiff's motion for class
certification in the case captioned as ESTEFANY MARTINEZ, Plaintiff
v. AMAZON.COM SERVICES LLC, Defendant, Civil No. 22-00502-BAH (D.

Plaintiff Estefany Martinez brings this action against Amazon.com
Services LLC, alleging on a class wide basis, that she and putative
class members have worked compensable time under Maryland law for
Defendant for which they have not been paid. Pending before the
Court are two motions: (1) Plaintiff's Motion for Class
Certification, and (2) Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment.

Plaintiff, a former warehouse employee of Amazon, seeks
certification of this lawsuit as a class action on behalf of all
individuals who, between November 18, 2018, and March 31, 2020,
were employed by Defendant as hourly non-exempt workers at: its
BWI2 (2010 Broening Highway, Baltimore, MD 21224), DCA1 (1700
Sparrows Point Boulevard, Sparrows Point, MD 21219), and MDT2 (600
Principio Parkway West, North East, MD 21901) Maryland fulfillment
centers. Plaintiff challenges the legality of standardized pay
policies that Amazon has imposed on all putative class members
under the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law, and under the
doctrine of unjust enrichment.

Specifically, Plaintiff challenges Amazon's practice of requiring
mandatory security screenings at the end of each workday while
failing to compensate employees for the time associated with the
screening, such as "time spent waiting in security lines and going
through the security screening process." It is undisputed that
Defendant did not compensate workers for this time. Rather, Amazon
asserts that this time is simply not compensable under Maryland
Wage Laws.

Defendant primarily argues that Plaintiff has failed to satisfy the
commonality, typicality, predominance, and superiority requirements
for class certification.

The Court turns to the Rule 23 class certification requirements and
finds that they are met in this case.

Having certified a class, the Court appoints as class counsel the
law firms of Joseph, Greenwald, & Laake, PA. and Winebrake &
Santillo, LLC.

Plaintiff's Motion is granted. The question of whether a de minimis
exception exists for claims under the Maryland Wage Payment and
Collection Law and the Maryland Wage and Hour Law is certified to
the Supreme Court of Maryland. The District Court reserves decision
on Defendant's summary judgment motion until the state court
resolves the de minimis question of law.

A copy of the Court's Memorandum Opinion is available at

AMERICA'S PLUMBING: McNutt Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against AMERICA'S PLUMBING
CO., INC., et al. The case is styled as Thomas B. McNutt, on behalf
of all others similarly situated employees v. America's Plumbing
Co., Inc., Bryan Hopkins, Kelly Hopkins, Does 1-100, Does 1-100,
Case No. 24CV020622 (Cal. Super. Ct., Sacramento Cty., Oct. 11,

The case type is stated as "Other Employment Complaint Case."

America's Plumbing Company -- https://plumbingsacramento.com/ -- is
a home town plumber located in Bloomington, Illinois and serves
Bloomington, Normal, and all of McLean County.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Justin Rodriguez, Esq.
          106 1/2 Judge John Aiso St, # 412
          Los Angeles, CA 90012-3805
          Phone: 213-280-8908
          Email: justicelawpartners@gmail.com

AMERICAN BANKERS: Oral Argument on Class Cert Bid Set for Dec. 10
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Brendan Dahl, v. American
Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, Case No. 3:23-cv-08584-DLR
(D. Ariz.), the Hon. Judge Douglas Rayes entered an order regarding
class certification oral argument topics as follows:

-- At issue is Defendant American Bankers Insurance Company of
    Florida's ("American Bankers") motion to deny class

-- The motion is scheduled for oral argument on Dec. 10, 2024.

-- To facilitate a productive argument, the Court offers the
    its tentative thoughts on the issues presented, along with some

    questions the parties should prepare to address.

The dispute arises from actual cash value ("ACV) payments American
Bankers, an insurer, made to Dahl, an insured, and a putative class
of similarly situated insureds to compensate for losses to property
covered by their policies.

Dahl alleges that American Bankers calculated its ACV payments to
him and the putative class members using a "replacement cost less
depreciation" ("RCLD") methodology.

When American Bankers calculated those ACV benefits, it "withheld
costs for both materials and future repair labor as depreciation."
Dahl alleges that, in so doing, American Bankers breached the
policy by paying him less than he was entitled to receive.

The Court tentatively agrees with American Bankers that Dahl's
claim is, at bottom, a valuation dispute within the ambit of the
appraisal provision. And although American Bankers's seems to have
failed to timely invoke the appraisal process as to Dahl's
individual claim, the FAC contains no plausible allegation that
American Bankers failed to timely invoke this appraisal process as
to the claims of yet-unidentified putative class members.

American Bankers provides specialty credit-related insurance

A copy of the Court's order dated Dec. 3, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=ByI1l5 at no extra

AMERICAN EXPRESS: Bid to Block Overcharging Class Suit Denied
Mike Scarcella of Reuter reports that American Express has failed
to persuade a federal judge in Rhode Island to block a proposed
class action accusing the financial industry giant of overcharging
thousands of merchants for credit and debit card fees on consumer

U.S. District Judge Mary McElroy for now rejected, opens new tab
arguments by American Express that the merchants should be forced
to pursue their claims individually rather than sue as a class.

Ten small merchants alleged in their lawsuit in March that American
Express is violating U.S. antitrust law through its use of
"non-discrimination provisions" that prohibit businesses from
encouraging customers to use payment cards with lower transaction

American Express did not immediately respond to a request for
comment on Monday, December 2.

Lawyers for the plaintiffs welcomed the ruling in a statement. "The
court's order means that these small businesses will finally be
able to have their day in court," the attorneys said.

The merchants had valid arbitration agreements with American
Express, and more than 5,000 had sought to arbitrate their claims
against the company before the lawsuit was filed.

But American Express balked at paying more than $17 million in
filing fees for the so-called mass arbitration, McElroy said, and
so an arbitrator closed the proceeding for the company's

Responding to the lawsuit, American Express urged McElroy to strike
the merchants' class action claims and also to compel the
allegations to be arbitrated.

"For over a decade, courts across this country -- all the way to
the U.S. Supreme Court -- have held that Amex's arbitration
provisions with merchants are valid and must be enforced," the
company argued.

American Express in a court filing, opens new tab said the
merchants "engineered an administrative closure of their individual
arbitrations." It denied that it was refusing to pay filing fees.

McElroy has not yet ruled on whether to certify the case as a class
action comprising as many as 5,155 merchants.

The merchants' lawsuit seeks a declaration from the judge that
American Express' practices have violated federal antitrust law.
Such a ruling would let individual merchants pursue future monetary
damages claims.

The case is 5-Star General Store v. American Express Co, U.S.
District Court for the District of Rhode Island, No.

For plaintiffs: Deepak Gupta of Gupta Wessler; Scott Harris and
Peggy Wedgworth of Milberg Coleman Phillips Bryson Grossman; Tracey
Kitzman of Song; and Robert Cohen of Law Offices of Robert W.

For defendant: Peter Barbur and Kevin Orsini of Cravath, Swaine &
Moore [GN]

AMERICAN GOLF: Perez Sues Over Unpaid Minimum, Overtime Wages
Federico Palomera Perez, individually and on behalf of similarly
situated former and current aggrieved employees v. AMERICAN GOLF
CORPORATION, and DOES 1 to 50, Case No. 24LBCV02212 (Cal. Super.
Ct., Los Angeles Cty., Oct. 11, 2024), is brought against the
Defendants' failure to pay overtime, failure to pay minimum wages,
meal period violations, rest break violations, failure to pay
vested vacation benefits, sick and covid period/benefits
violations, unreimbursed business expenses, release of claims for
wage violations, reporting time violations, untimely payment of
wages, failure to timely pay wages at separation, wage statement
violations, misclassification, failure to pay regular rate of pay,
failure to pay owed tips & collected service charges, Unfair
Business Practices, pursuant to Labor Code and the applicable
Industrial Wage Orders.

The Defendants were required to pay Plaintiff as well as other
non-exempt employees overtime pay as follows: For works in excess
of 8 hours in one workday, no less than one and one-half times the
employee's regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 8
hours up to and including 12 hours in one workday. For work in
excess of 12 hours in one workday, no less than twice the
employee's regular rate of pay. For work in excess of 40 hours in
any one workweek, no less than one and one half times the
employee's regular rate of pay for all hours in excess of 40

The Defendants, and each of them, willfully, knowingly, and
intentionally failed to calculate and compensate the Plaintiff the
overtime wages per Labor Code and/or applicable Industrial Wage
Order. Specifically, Defendants unfairly rounded the Plaintiff's
work hours and/or otherwise failed to include all the time the
Plaintiff worked in calculating the wages that were owed for each
pay period. Hence, Plaintiff was denied overtime wages, says the

The Plaintiff was hired by the Defendants as a cook to work as a
non-exempt hourly wage employee in the State of California.

The Defendants operate 40 golf courses in premier golfing
destinations, including: Los Angeles, Long Beach, Orange County,
San Diego and in the Bay Area.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Zorik Mooradian, Esq.
          Andrina G. Hanson, Esq.
          Nanor C. Kamberian, Esq.
          24007 Ventura Blvd., Suite 210
          Calabasas, CA 91302
          Phone: (818) 487-1998
          Facsimile: (888) 783-1030
          Email: zorik@mooradianlaw.com

AMERICAN HONDA: Faces Class Suit Over Defective Paints
Beverly Braga, writing for Yahoo! Autos, reports that a sad but
true reality is that a staggering 80 percent of vehicles sold are
sheathed in grayscale colors: white, black, silver, and gray -- in
that order. White takes the color(less) cake with a 34-percent
share of the pie.

With that many white cars being purchased, you'd think the finishes
would be of the premium high-tech paint variety. Honda owners feel
the opposite is true and have sued the automaker for low-quality

A class-action suit was filed this month against American Honda
Motor Company alleging defective paint was used in 2013 and newer
model-year Honda and Acura vehicles. Filed with the U.S. District
Court for the Central District of California, the lawsuit alleges
that some white paints are so poor that the finishes "inevitably
fail, peel, delaminate (that is, the separate paint layers separate
due to adhesion issues), bubble, and flake." Indeed, there are
examples all over the internet on places like the Ody Club owner
forum and Reddit. [GN]

AMERICAN NEIGHBORHOOD: Long Sues Over Unauthorized Info Access
SEAN LONG, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
1:24-cv-10813 (D.N.J., November 27, 2024) is a class action against
the Defendant for negligence, negligence per se, breach of
fiduciary duty, breach of confidence, intrusion upon
seclusion/invasion of privacy, unjust enrichment, and declaratory

The case arises from the Defendant's failure to properly secure and
safeguard the personally identifiable information of the Plaintiff
and similarly situated consumers stored within its network systems
following a data breach between August 21, 2024, and August 23,
2024. The Defendant also failed to timely notify the Plaintiff and
similarly situated individuals about the data breach. As a result,
the private information of the Plaintiff and Class members was
compromised and damaged through access by and disclosure to unknown
and unauthorized third parties.

American Neighborhood Mortgage Acceptance Company, LLC, doing
business as Annie Mac Home Mortgage, is a home mortgage company
based in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Liberato P. Verderame, Esq.
         Marc H. Edelson, Esq.
         411 S. State Street, Suite N300
         Newtown, PA 18940
         Telephone: (215) 867-2399
         Email: lverderame@edelson-law.com

ANN T. TATJE: Plaintiffs' Motions in Duhon, et al. Suit Denied
Judge Jay C. Zainey of the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Louisiana ruled on the motions filed by the
plaintiffs in the case captioned as KATHY R. DUHON, ET AL. VERSUS

1) Motion for Further Relief, Discovery, and Evidentiary Hearing;
2) Motion to Substitute Named Plaintiffs

Both motions are opposed.

The motions were filed by counsel with the NAACP Legal Defense and
Educational Fund, Inc. and local counsel, Mr. Gideon Carter, on
behalf of "Plaintiffs," who purport to be the original plaintiffs
(Hermon Harris, Jr., et al. ) from a desegregation case that was
first initiated in 1963 -- over 61 years ago -- and resulted in
certain consent decrees/orders that remain in effect today. But
given that no person who was a plaintiff in the 1963 case is
participating in the matters currently before the Court, and given
that no new plaintiff has been added to the Harris case since 1963,
the St. John the Baptist School Board has raised legitimate
questions about who exactly is driving the recent resurgence of
litigation in this case.

The docket sheet includes the United States of America as a
plaintiff-intervenor in the case but the United States is not a
signatory to the pending motions and has not assumed an active role
in recent events.

The Court denies the Motion to Substitute Named Plaintiffs because
the proposed new plaintiffs do not have legal standing to pursue
the relief being sought. Granting the motion would be futile.

The Motion for Further Relief, Discovery, and Evidentiary Hearing
Motion for Further Relief, Discovery, and Evidentiary Hearing is
denied as moot, and alternatively denied without prejudice at this
time because the Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to

Even if some aspect of the LDF's Motion for Further Relief,
Discovery, and Evidentiary Hearing survived mootness, the Court
remains persuaded that it lacks subject jurisdiction to proceed to
act on the motion because the LDF filed the Motion for Further
Relief, Discovery, and Evidentiary Hearing without having an actual
plaintiff before the Court.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

ASTRAZENECA PHARMA: Bobnar Wins Partial Summary Judgment
In the class action lawsuit captioned as JONATHAN BOBNAR, v.
Ohio), the Hon. Judge Pamela Barker entered an order:

-- granting Bobnar's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, and

-- granting in part and denying in part AstraZeneca's motion for
    Summary Judgment.

On Dec. 15, 2022, Bobnar filed a Complaint alleging six Counts
against AstraZeneca:

-- Religious Discrimination/Failure to Accommodate in Violation of

    O.R.C. Chapter 4112 and Title VII (Count One);

-- Religious Discrimination/Retaliation in Violation of O.R.C.
    Chapter 4112 and Title VII (Count Two);

-- Violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA")

-- Family and Medical Leave Act Interference (Count Four); and

-- Breach of Contract and/or Failure to Pay Wages in Violation of
O.R.C. 4113.15 (Counts Five and Six).

Bobnar began employment with AstraZeneca as a Diabetes Sales
Specialist in February 2014. Bobnar was promoted to Respiratory
Specialty Representative in November 2017, and then to Biologics
Sales Specialist in May 2021.

AstraZeneca is a global pharmaceutical company that, in pertinent
part, markets and sells pharmaceutical products.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 26, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=EsB8ED at no extra

ATHENA BITCOIN: Removes S.M. Class Suit to N.D. Ohio
The Defendant in the case of S.M., individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated, Plaintiff v. ATHENA BITCOIN, INC.;
filed a notice to remove the lawsuit from the Court of Common Pleas
of the State of Ohio, County of Cuyahoga (Case No. CV 24 103506) to
the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio on Oct.
9, 2024.

The clerk of court for the Northern District of Ohio assigned Case
No. :24-cv-01755-DAR. The case is assigned to Judge David A. Ruiz.

Athena Bitcoin Global operates as a digital asset technology
company. The Company mines cryptocurrencies, with a focuses on the
blockchain ecosystem and the generation of digital assets. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Brian D. Flick, Esq.
          15000 Madison Avenue
          Lakewood, OH 44107
          Telephone: (513) 645-3488
          Facsimile: (216) 373-0536
          Email: bflick@dannlaw.com

               - and -

          Marita I. Ramirez, Esq.
          DANN LAW
          15000 Madison Avenue
          Cleveland, OH 44107
          Telephone: (614) 500-4395
          Facsimile: (216) 373-0536
          Email: mramirez@dannlaw.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Kendall C. Kash, Esq.
          Sam A. Camardo, Esq.
          Terry M. Brennan, Esq.
          Ste. 2000 127 Public Square
          Cleveland, OH 44114
          Telephone: (216) 861-6689
          Email: kkash@bakerlaw.com

ATKORE INTERNATIONAL: Hickman Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois
The case styled as Craig Hickman, individually, and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. ATKORE INTERNATIONAL, INC., Case
No. 2024 CH 09683 was removed from the Circuit Court of Cook
County, Illinois, Chancery Division, to the United States District
Court for the Northern District of Illinois on Nov. 27, 2024, and
assigned Case No. 1:24-cv-12294.

On October 23, 2024, Plaintiff commenced the State Court Action,
asserting claims against Defendant for alleged violations of the
Illinois Genetic Information Privacy Act ("GIPA").[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Chad W. Moeller, Esq.
          Alissa J. Griffin, Esq.
          2 N. LaSalle St. Suite 1700
          Chicago, IL 60602
          Phone: (312) 269-8000
          Email: cmoeller@nge.com

BCBSM INC: Court Grants Settlement Class Counsel's Fee Request
The Honorable Denise L. Cote of the United States District Court
for the Southern District of New York granted the Settlement Class
Counsel's Motion for Supplemental Attorneys' Fees and Reimbursement
of Litigation Expenses in the case captioned as BCBSM, INC., d/b/a
BLUE CROSS and BLUE SHIELD OF MINNESOTA, on behalf of itself and
those similarly situated, Plaintiff, v. VYERA PHARMACEUTICALS, LLC,
Case No. 1:21-cv-1884-DLC (S.D.N.Y.).

After considering the six factors set forth in Goldberger v.
Integrated Resources, Inc., 209 F.3d 43, 50 (2d Cir. 2000), the
Court finds that Settlement Class Counsel's current request for
attorneys' fees equal to 10% of the money paid into the Class
Settlement Fund between June 17, 2022 and October 27, 2023 is fair
and reasonable and satisfies all criteria for compensating
Settlement Class Counsel for the work they performed in this
litigation. Settlement Class Counsel's fee request is unopposed,
and a lodestar cross check confirms that the fee request is
reasonable. The Court awards Settlement Class Counsel $122,643.61
in attorneys' fees from the Class Settlement Fund, equal to 10% of
the $1,226,436.08 paid into the Class Settlement Fund between June
17, 2022 and October 27, 2023.

As previously ordered by the Court, to the extent additional
contingent settlement payments are paid into the Class Settlement
Fund in the future, Settlement Class Counsel may request additional
attorneys' fees of up to 10% of any additional funds received. The
Court reserves exclusive jurisdiction over any additional requests
for attorneys' fees in this litigation.

Reimbursement of Litigation Expenses

The Court also grants Settlement Class Counsel's request to be
reimbursed for $36,740.56 in litigation expenses from the Class
Settlement Fund. These expenses are reasonable in size and scope
and are the type of expenses that courts routinely reimburse in
class action litigation.

As agreed to in the Settlement Agreement and as previously ordered
by the Court, Settlement Class Counsel may continue to pay from the
Class Settlement Fund the actual costs of notice, settlement
administration, and taxes without further order of the Court.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

BELONG HOME: Gupta Suit Removed to N.D. California
The case styled as Akash Gupta, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. BELONG HOME, INC.; and DOES 1-10,
inclusive, Case No. 24CV089919 was removed from the Superior Court
of California for the County of Alameda, to the United States
District Court for the Northern District of California on Oct. 17,
2024, and assigned Case No. 3:24-cv-07239-JSC.

The State Court Action asserts the following causes of action:
False Advertising; Unfair Competition and violation of the
California Consumer Legal Remedies Act.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Marissa Nebenzahl Sinha, Esq.
          Mark V. Boennighausen, Esq.
          Megan Lee, Esq.
          70 South First Street
          San Jose, CA 95113
          Phone: 408.286.9800
          Facsimile: 408.998.4790
          Email: marissa.sinha@lathropgpm.com

BIG Y FOODS: Belozerov Files Suit in Mass. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Big Y Foods, Inc. The
case is styled as Serge Belozerov, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. Massachusetts Electric Company,
Case No. 2479CV00622 (Mass. Super. Ct., Hampden Cty., Oct. 17,

The case type is stated as "Torts."

Big Y -- https://www.bigy.com/ -- is one of the largest
independently owned supermarket chains in New England.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          James J. Reardon, Jr., Esq.
          45 South Main Street, 3rd Floor
          West Hartford, CT 06107
          Phone: (860) 955-9455

BIO-LAB INC: Hounds Town Sues Over Contaminated Air
Hounds Town – Atlanta - Conyers and Amanda Mcdowell, individually
and on behalf of all others similarly situated v. BIO-LAB, INC., a
Delaware Corporation, and KIK CUSTOM PRODUCTS INC., a Delaware
Corporation, Case No. 1:24-cv-04636-SEG (N.D. Ga., Oct. 11, 2024),
is brought seeking redress for residents living or working and
businesses operating in proximity to Defendants' chemical
production facility in Rockdale County, Georgia (the "Facility")
and the impact of the Plume and contaminated the air after the
Facility chemical fire.

In the early morning of September 29, 2024, a fire broke out in the
Facility after water from a "malfunctioning sprinkler head 'came in
contact with a "water reactive chemical.'" The fire and a resulting
days-long chemical reaction caused a plume of smoke laden with
toxic chemicals to rise from the Facility (the "Plume"). The Plume
contaminated the air in Rockdale County, across the Atlanta metro
area and surrounding counties, and exposed Plaintiffs to massive
amounts of toxic chemicals, including chlorine gas, bromine vapor,
hydrochloric acid, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen bromide, phosgene
gas, and other volatile and semi-volatile compound byproducts.

The fire and resulting Plume necessitated a mandatory evacuation of
surrounding residents, and emergency orders to shelter in place,
remain indoors, and caused the shut-down of local businesses. As a
result of the Facility fire and the impact of the Plume and
Defendants' actions afterwards, the Classes have all suffered,
among other things, loss of use and enjoyment of property, property
damage, exposure to toxic material, inconvenience, disruption, loss
of business revenues, and economic damages, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff and her one-year-old child have suffered damages in
connection with the September 29, 2024, chemical fire and resulting

Bio-Lab packages and sells pool and spa chemicals under brands
including BioGuard, SpaGuard, Spa Essentials, Natural Chemistry,
SeaKlear, and AquaPill.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Kyle G.A. Wallace, Esq.
          3490 Piedmont Road, Suite 640
          Atlanta, GA 30305
          Phone: (404) 593-0020

               - and -

          R. Brian Strickland, Esq.
          2200 Keys Ferry Court
          P. O. Box 10
          McDonough, GA 30253
          Phone: (770) 957-3937
          Email: bstrickland@smithwelchlaw.com

               - and -

          Nicholas A. Migliaccio, Esq.
          Jason S. Rathod, Esq.
          Bryan Faubus, Esq.
          412 H St NE
          Washington D.C. 20002
          Phone: (202) 470-3520
          Facsimile: (202) 800-2730
          Email: nmigliaccio@classlawdc.com

               - and -

          Jeffrey S. Goldenberg, Esq.
          Todd B. Naylor, Esq.
          Robert B. Sherwood, Esq.
          4445 Lake Forest Drive, Suite 490
          Cincinnati, OH 45242
          Phone: 513.345.8297
          Email: jgoldenberg@gs-legal.com

               - and -

          Charles E. Schaffer, Esq.
          Daniel Levin, Esq.
          Nicholas J. Elia, Esq.
          510 Walnut Street, Suite 500
          Philadelphia, PA 19106
          Phone: (215) 592-1500
          Email: cschaffer@lfsblaw.com

BIOLAB INC: Davidson Sues Over Toxic Fumes Due to Fire
Nadia Davidson, Switzerlanzer Hamilton, Maurice Miller, Marie
Quartney, Cortlandt Williams, Grady Williams, Grantleigh Williams,
and Shemariah Williams, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. BIOLAB INC., and KIK CUSTOM PRODUCTS INC.
d/b/a KIK CONSUMER PRODUCTS, (Ga. Super. Ct., Rockdale Cty., Oct.
11, 2024), is brought against the Defendant due to the fire which
released toxic chemicals, fumes, and carcinogens and caused various
health issues to the Plaintiff.

Biolab's Conyers Plant has been a public nuisance for years. There
have been at least 3 separate fires or explosions that have
inflicted significant harm on the local community. The latest fire
broke out on September 29, 2024 (the "Bio Lab Fire"). The fire was
initially extinguished, but later reignited triggering the
building's sprinkler system. The water from the sprinkler system
sprayed water onto chemicals in the facility, triggering an
explosive chemical reaction.

This latest BioLab Fire released massive amounts of poisonous smoke
into the air. This poisonous smoke contained toxic chemicals such
as chlorine, chloramine, bromine, and other chlorine compounds.
News reports called the smoke "very, very toxic."

Rockdale County officials issued an evacuation order, requiring
17,000 residents of Conyers, Georgia to evacuate and an additional
90,000 more told to shelter in place. All residents of Rockdale
County were ordered to shelter in place. Neighboring counties were
similarly affected with reports of noxious fumes throughout Metro
Atlanta, including in the counties of Fulton, DeKalb and Gwinnett.
Schools were closed throughout Metro Atlanta, says the complaint.

The Plaintiffs suffered various health issues including
respiratory, skin, eye, and cardiovascular issues as a result of
the fire.

Bio-Lab, Inc. is a Delaware company engaged in the business of
manufacturing and/or supplying swimming pool and spa water care

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          John C. Herman, Esq.
          3424 Peachtree Road, N.E., Suite 1650
          Atlanta, GA 30326
          Phone: 404-504-6500
          Facsimile: 404-504-6501
          Email: jherman@hermanjones.com

               - and -

          Peter A. Law, Esq.
          Denise Hoying, Esq.
          LAW & MORAN
          563 Spring St NW
          Atlanta, GA 30308
          Phone: 404-814-3700
          Email: pete@lawmoran.com

BLACK BOX SECURITY: Calvera Sues Over Failure to Pay Wages
Gabriel Calvera, individually, and on behalf of aggrieved employees
v. BLACK BOX SECURITY, INC., a California Corporation; EDAN YEMINI,
an individual; and DOES 1 through 50, Inclusive, Case No.
24STCV26611 (Cal. Super. Ct., Los Angeles Cty., Oct. 11, 2024), is
brought pursuant to the Private Attorneys General Act ("PAGA") and
Unfair Business Practices as a result of the Defendants failure to
pay wages.

The Defendants failed to pay wages, waiting time penalties; failed
to pay wages; failed to pay overtime compensation; failed to
furnish accurate wage and hour statements; failed to provide meal
and rest periods. During his employment the Defendants, Plaintiff
Was only provided one meal period per day and his meal periods
were: not off duty; less than 30 minutes; and not timely. The
Plaintiff was never provided a second meal period despite working
12-hour shifts. The Plaintiff was not paid overtime for all of his
hours worked. The Plaintiff was also not provided accurate wage
statements and was not paid all of his wages due upon his
termination, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff worked as a private security guard for Black Box from
January 2022 to April 2024.

BLACK BOX SECURITY, INC. was and is a California Corporation doing
business located in Calabasas, California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Zack Broslavsky, Esq.
          1500 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 500
          Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
          Phone: (310) 575-2550
          Facsimile: (310) 464-3550
          Email: zbroslavsky@bwcounsel.com

               - and -

          Boris Dalis, Esq.
          2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 800
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Phone: (310) 402-2224
          Facsimile: (310) 307-3750
          Email: bdalis@dalislaw.com

BLACKBAUD INC: Court Remands 39 of 40 Atlas Suits to Superior Court
Judge Harvey Bartle, III, of the U.S. District Court for the
District of New Jersey remands to the Superior Court 39 of the 40
INC., et al., Case No. 1:24-cv-03993-HB (D.N.J.), et al.

The Plaintiffs in these 40 actions allege violations of a New
Jersey statute known as Daniel's Law. The actions were originally
filed in the Superior Court in a number of different counties in
New Jersey. The Defendants, thereafter, removed them to the United
States District for the District of New Jersey under 28 U.S.C.
Sections 1441 and 1446 on the ground that subject matter
jurisdiction exists either under 28 U.S.C. Section 1332(a) as a
result of complete diversity of citizenship or under the Class
Action Fairness Act ("CAFA"), 28 U.S.C. Section 1332(d).

The Defendants assert that the Plaintiffs have collusively
attempted to defeat federal jurisdiction. In two of the cases, the
Defendants maintain that the Plaintiffs' joinder of non-diverse
defendants was fraudulent.

Before the Court is the consolidated motion of the Plaintiffs to
remand to the state court under 28 U.S.C. Section 1447(c) on the
ground that this Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction. All
judges in the District of New Jersey have recused. The Chief Judge
of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
reassigned these and all related actions to Judge Bartle pursuant
to 28 U.S.C. Section 292(b).

Daniel's Law provides that New Jersey judges, prosecutors, law
enforcement officers, and their immediate families ("covered
persons") may request that persons and businesses ("entities") not
disclose or make available their home addresses or unlisted
telephone numbers.

The Plaintiffs in all of the actions are Atlas Data Privacy
Corporation ("Atlas"), Jane Doe-1, Jane Doe-2, Edwin Maldonado,
Scott Maloney, Justyna Maloney, Patrick Colligan, Peter Andreyev,
and William Sullivan. Atlas, a Delaware corporation with its
principal place of business in New Jersey, has filed lawsuit as the
assignee of the Daniel's Law claims of over 19,000 New Jersey
covered persons.

The named individual Plaintiffs, all current or former law
enforcement officers, are also citizens of New Jersey. They have
brought their own claims for violations of Daniel's Law. In each of
these forty cases, there is a named defendant which, like Atlas, is
a citizen of Delaware. Upon the filing of the motions to remand,
the Court authorized limited discovery on the issue of subject
matter jurisdiction.

Atlas provides a range of services for persons covered under
Daniel's Law, who sign up for Atlas's platform ("users"). Before a
Daniel's Law claim ever arises, Atlas monitors the internet for
data brokers, who are potentially disclosing the users' home
addresses and unlisted telephone numbers. Atlas, then, identifies
those data brokers for its users. Additionally, Atlas provides each
user with an individual e-mail address, from which the user may
request that the data brokers remove his or her personal

To do so, users may send either the form e-mail that Atlas provides
or their own personalized e-mail. Atlas, then, schedules the
delivery dates of the takedown notices. After takedown notices are
sent, Atlas continues to monitor the recipients to see if they have
complied with the requests.

Upon signing up for Atlas's platform, users agree to Atlas's terms
of service ("the terms"). In so doing, users agree that "upon
written notice from Atlas," the users assign their right to bring
civil enforcement actions for violations of their rights under
Daniel's Law.

Atlas may choose to send an assignment confirmation and litigate
the Daniel's Law claim itself, or it may choose not to send a
confirmation, in which case the users may litigate their own
claims. In either case, the terms provide that Atlas will keep 35%
of any recovery from the action with the user receiving the
remaining 65%. Users also pay a subscription fee, whether or not a
Daniel's Law claim arises.

In early February 2024, following an alleged failure of the
Defendants to comply with users' takedown requests, Atlas sent
assignment confirmations to over 19,000 of its users. Shortly
thereafter, it filed lawsuits on these assigned claims in the state

The Plaintiffs contend, among other things, that remand is required
because complete diversity of citizenship has not been satisfied
under 28 U.S.C. Section 1332(a). The statute requires that the
citizenship of each plaintiff must be different from the
citizenship of each defendant.

The Defendants first maintain that diversity jurisdiction is
lacking because Atlas as an assignee is not a real party in
interest and, accordingly, its citizenship should be disregarded.
The real parties in interest, the Defendants contend, are the users
as assignors.

Because Atlas is a citizen of Delaware, Judge Bartle opines that
complete diversity of citizenship under Section 1332(a) is lacking
in all these cases absent proof of collusion to destroy diversity
or proof of fraudulent joinder.

The Defendants also argue, among other things, that even if Atlas
is a real party in interest, the assignments and the joinder of
Atlas as a plaintiff were collusive. If so, diversity of
citizenship exists under 28 U.S.C. Section 1332(a).

Judge Bartle notes that there are sound legal and business reasons
unrelated to federal diversity jurisdiction for the assignments in
question and for the joinder of Atlas as a plaintiff. The Court
finds there was good faith and no collusion or improper motive or
purpose. Accordingly, Judge Bartle holds that Defendants have not
established the existence of diversity of citizenship under 28
U.S.C. Section 1332(a) based on collusion of Atlas, its assignors,
or anyone else.

The Defendants in two of these 40 actions filed notices of removal
from the Superior Court of New Jersey on the additional ground that
the Plaintiffs fraudulently joined non-diverse Defendants whose
presence would destroy complete diversity of citizenship between
the Plaintiffs and the remaining Defendants.

The first action is Atlas Data Privacy Corp. v. Thomson Reuters
Corp., Civil Action No. 24-4269 (D.N.J. filed Mar. 27, 2024). There
the named Defendants are Thomson Reuters Corporation, Thomson
Reuters Holdings Inc. ("Holdings"), Thomas Reuters Canada Limited,
and Thomson Reuters Applications Inc. ("Applications"). Plaintiff
Atlas, a corporation, is a citizen of both Delaware and New Jersey.
Defendants Thomson Reuters Corporation and Thomson Reuters Canada
Limited have citizenship, which is diverse from all named
Plaintiffs. However, Holdings is a citizen of Delaware and New
York, and Applications is a citizen of Delaware and Minnesota.
Judge Bartle opines that the citizenship of these two Defendants
destroys subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. Section
1332(a) unless they are improperly joined.

The second action is Atlas Data Privacy Corp. v. MyHeritage Ltd.,
Civil Action No. 24-4392 (D.N.J. filed Mar. 28, 2024). There the
named Defendants are MyHeritage Ltd. and MyHeritage (USA), Inc.
MyHeritage Ltd. is incorporated and has its principal place of
business in Israel. MyHeritage (USA), like Plaintiff Atlas, is
incorporated in Delaware.

If MyHeritage (USA) is a proper defendant, complete diversity is
absent, Judge Bartle says. MyHeritage (USA) has established that it
was fraudulently joined and will be dismissed, Judge Bartle holds.
There is complete diversity under 28 U.S.C. Section 1332(a) in
Civil Action No. 24-4392.

The Defendants urge that the jurisdictional requirements have been
met for a class action under the Class Action Fairness Act,
("CAFA"). Again, Judge Bartle points out, these 40 actions bear no
similarity to class actions under CAFA. Accordingly, the Court does
not have subject matter jurisdiction under the class action
provisions of CAFA.

Finally, the Defendants assert that subject matter jurisdiction
exists, regardless of the citizenship of Atlas, under the "mass
action" provisions of the Class Action Fairness Act. As with a CAFA
class action, Judge Bartle says only minimal diversity is required.
Jurisdiction exists if any plaintiff has different citizenship from
any defendant. It is undisputed that minimal diversity is satisfied
in all pending cases.

Even if the 19,000 unnamed covered persons are real parties in
interest, Judge Bartle points out that this fact does not satisfy
the criteria for a mass action under CAFA. Nor is the difference
between a parens patriae action in Hood and the claims here
relevant. There is nothing in CAFA providing that the number of
named plaintiffs may vary depending on the nature of the underlying

Since there are not a hundred named Plaintiffs in any of the
complaints, Judge Bartle finds the Defendants' argument that
subject matter jurisdiction exists because these lawsuits are mass
actions under 28 U.S.C. Section 1332(d)(11) is without merit.

Judge Bartle holds that the Plaintiffs' motions to remand these
actions will be granted except for Atlas Data Privacy Corp. v.
MyHeritage Ltd., Civil Action No. 24-4392, as to which the motion
to remand will be denied. Defendant MyHeritage (USA) Ltd. in that
action will be dismissed because it is fraudulently joined.

The Court concludes that: (1) Atlas is a real party in interest;
(2) the assignments to and joinder of Atlas are not collusive; (3)
there is no fraudulent joinder except as noted; (4) complete
diversity of citizenship is lacking under 28 U.S.C. Section 1332(a)
except for the one action noted; and (5) subject matter
jurisdiction is absent under the class action and mass action
provisions of the Class Action Fairness Act, 28 U.S.C. Section

A full-text copy of the Court's Memorandum is available at
https://tinyurl.com/fjth4zax from PacerMonitor.com.

BLOCKCHAIN COINVESTORS: Sued Over Attempt to Appropriate Assets
Gabi Gliksberg, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
ALISON DAVIS, Case No. 2024-1202- (Del. Chancery Ct., Nov. 22,
2024), is brought arising from a SPAC sponsor's attempt to
appropriate the residual assets of the SPAC--over $8 million in
corporate assets--solely for itself to the detriment of public

The Defendants operate the SPAC and raised money from public
shareholders in a November 2021 initial public offering ("IPO") of
Class A shares (the "Public Shares"). Prior to the IPO, Defendants
issued to themselves millions of Class B shares for less than a
penny per share, which were designed to have value only if the SPAC
successfully closed a business combination, and which were later
converted into Class A shares without redemption rights (the
"Founder Shares").

The Defendants twice attempted to complete a business combination,
but both transactions failed to close. In November 2022, the SPAC
announced a business combination with Qenta Inc. However, the SPAC
terminated the agreement following the counterparty's failure to
provide financials and the SPAC received, in turn, 50 shares of
Qenta common stock (the "Qenta Shares") with a value of
approximately $4 million.

In April 2024, the SPAC announced a business combination with
Linqto, Inc., but Linqto subsequently terminated that transaction
and paid to the SPAC a termination fee of $5 million (the "Break-Up
Fee") in exchange for the SPAC's agreement not to enforce the
merger agreement. In October 2024, the SPAC announced that it would
not be able to complete a business combination by its deadline and
would liquidate. In connection with raising public money through
the IPO, Defendants contractually waived any entitlement to the
SPAC's assets in connection with a liquidation, and repeatedly
represented that the Sponsor and Defendants would "lose their
entire investment" and their Founder Shares would "be worthless" if
they failed to complete a business combination.

Nevertheless, after failing to complete a business combination,
Defendants caused the SPAC to redeem all Public Shares without
distributing the Break-Up Fee or Qenta Shares. Rather, those
corporate assets were reserved for distribution exclusively to
Defendants as holders of the Founder Shares. Each Defendant has a
direct and substantial financial interest in the Break-Up Fee and
the Qenta Shares, and the decision to distribute the SPAC's assets
exclusively to themselves was a self-interested and disloyal
decision that breached the Defendants' contractual obligations and
fiduciary duties, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff was a holder of Class A Public Shares of the SPAC.

BCSA is a special purpose acquisition company, sometimes called a
"blank check company," organized as a Cayman Islands

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          William M. Alleman, Jr., Esq.
          Sean A. Meluney, Esq.
          1143 Savannah Road, Suite 3-A
          Lewes, DE 19958
          Phone: (302) 551-6740
          Email: bill.alleman@maslawde.com

               - and -

          Aaron T. Morris, Esq.
          Andrew W. Robertson, Esq.
          William H. Spruance, III, Esq.
          305 Broadway, 7th Floor
          New York, NY 10007
          Phone: (212) 431-7473

BOJANGLES' RESTAURANTS: Dougherty Files Suit in E.D. North Carolina
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Bojangles'
Restaurants, Inc. The case is styled as Alexis Dougherty,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v.
Bojangles' Restaurants, Inc., Case No. 5:24-cv-00672-M (E.D.N.C.,
Nov. 26, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Other P.I. for Personal Injury.

Bojangles -- https://www.bojangles.com/ -- is an American regional
chain of fast food restaurants that specializes in Cajun-seasoned
fried chicken and buttermilk biscuits and primarily serves the
Southeastern United States.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Scott C. Harris, Esq.
          900 W. Morgan Street
          Raleigh, NC 27603
          Phone: (919) 600-5000
          Fax: (919) 600-5035
          Email: sharris@milberg.com

BRAVANTE FARM: Faces Santiago Class Suit in Cal. Super.
An action has been filed against Bravante Farm Management, LLC. The
case is captioned as MAYRA LOPEZ SANTIAGO, individually and on
behalf of all others similarly situated, Plaintiff v. BRAVANTE FARM
MANAGEMENT, LLC, Defendant, Case No. MCV093262 (Cal. Super., Madera
Cty., Oct. 14, 2024).

Bravante Farm Management, LLC is a family-owned agricultural
management business with over thirty years of experience. We
specialize in managing farm operations for landowners. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          David Lucas Clapp, Esq.
          237 California St.
          El Segundo, CA 90245-4310
          Telephone: (424) 290-3095

BRITISH COLUMBIA: Female Cops Sue Over Gender Discrimination
Catherine Urquhart, writing for Global News, reports that a
proposed class action lawsuit against a number of B.C.
municipalities is the topic of hearings this week in B.C. Supreme

The lawsuit was filed by six female police officers alleging they
faced harassment and discrimination on the job because of their

Outside the Vancouver Law Courts, lawyer Kyle Bienvenu prepared his
clients, all current and former officers, telling them, "Let's get
in there and see what the judge wants to do and get ourselves to

Central Saanich Officer Ann Piper told Global News, "we're getting
this in front of a judge right now which is what we want, which is
what we're striving for and we're motivated for."

Former Delta Police officer Helen Irvine added, "I think every time
we come to court, we feel more and more motivated to be here and
keep showing up and pushing forward."

Some of the women have previously shared their stories.

One of them, who can't be identified due to a court-ordered
publication ban, was sexually assaulted by a fellow officer, who
was later convicted and jailed.

"What ends up happening with someone like me is you either quit
your job or you kill yourself," she told Global News in October

At least a dozen lawyers are representing the defendants.

The defendants include municipalities, police boards, the Office of
the Police Complaint Commissioner and B.C.'s solicitor general and
public safety minister.

The court will hear an application from the OPCC, which is
attempting to be excluded from the case.

Former Vancouver police officer Tammy Hammell described the
proceedings, saying there was "definitely some intense emotion,"

"There's a lot of people with a lot of story in that room and if
that story is suppressed, then the public is not going to know what
is happening in the rank and file and that needs to change."

The proposed class action case is booked for the entire week, with
additional dates set in May. [GN]

C&S LOGISTICS: Court Remands Tercero Case to State Court
Judge Dena Coggins of the United States District Court for the
Eastern District of California granted the plaintiff's motion to
remand the case captioned as TENIAH TERCERO, Plaintiff, v. C&S
2:24-cv-00963-DC-JDP (E.D. Calif.). This action is remanded to the
Sacramento County Superior Court for all further proceedings.

On February 26, 2024, Plaintiff Teniah Tercero filed a class action
complaint against Defendant C&S Wholesale Grocers, LLC and
specially appearing Defendant C&S Logistics of Sacramento/Tracy,
LLC in Sacramento County Superior Court. Plaintiff's complaint
alleges nine causes of action: (1) failure to pay minimum and
straight time wages in violation of California Labor Code Secs.
204, 1194, 1194.2, 1197; (2) failure to pay overtime wages in
violation of Secs. 1194, 1198; (3) failure to provide meal periods
in violation of Secs. 226.7, 512; (4) failure to authorize and
permit rest periods in violation of Sec. 226.7; (5) failure to
timely pay final wages at termination in violation of Secs.
201-203; (6) failure to provide accurate itemized wage statements
in violation of Sec. 226; (7) failure to indemnify employees for
expenditures in violation of Sec. 2802; (8) failure to produce
requested employment records in violations of Secs. 226 and 1198.5;
and (9) unfair business practices in violation of California's
Unfair Competition Law, Business & Professions Code Secs. 17200, et
seq. Plaintiff seeks to represent a proposed class defined as:

All persons who worked for any Defendant in California as an
hourly-paid or non-exempt employee at any time during the period
beginning four years and 178 days before the filing of the initial
complaint in this action and ending when notice to the Class is

Plaintiff alleges she worked for Defendants as an hourly-paid,
non-exempt employee from approximately July 2021 to approximately
August 2022 in Sacramento County, California.

On March 28, 2024, Defendants removed this action to this federal
district court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1446, alleging diversity
jurisdiction under the Class Action Fairness Act (28 U.S.C. Sec.
1332(d)), traditional diversity jurisdiction (28 U.S.C. Sec.
1332(a)), and federal question jurisdiction (28 U.S.C. Sec. 1331)
arising from the complete preemption of Plaintiff's state law wage
and hours claims by Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations
Act, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 185(a). Defendants' notice of removal alleges
Plaintiff was represented by General Teamsters Local #150 at all
times during her employment, and therefore her employment was
governed by collective bargaining agreements between Defendant C&S
Wholesale Grocers, LLC and the Union.

On June 13, 2024, Plaintiff filed the pending motion to remand this
action back to Sacramento County Superior Court. On June 27, 2024,
Defendant C&S Wholesale filed an opposition to the pending motion.

Plaintiff seeks remand of this action to the Sacramento County
Superior Court on the grounds that Defendants have failed to
satisfy their burden of establishing (1) the amount in controversy
for putative class members exceeds the $5,000,000 threshold for
CAFA jurisdiction, (2) the amount in controversy for her individual
claims exceeds the $75,000 threshold for traditional diversity
jurisdiction, or (3) federal question jurisdiction exists based on
preemption under Section 301 of the LMRA.

The District Court finds Defendants have failed to meet their
burden of proving the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000 for
traditional diversity jurisdiction because their future attorneys'
fees estimate is speculative.

The District Court also finds Defendants' attorneys' fees
assumptions are also flawed because they fail to account for the
impact of class claims.  As Plaintiff notes, Defendants have not
attempted to estimate her pro-rata share of attorneys' fees.

The District Court concludes Defendants have not met their burden
to show by a preponderance of the evidence that the amount in
controversy requirement is satisfied. Even if the court were to
adopt the rest of Defendants' calculations in full, the total would
still fall below the $75,000 threshold. Therefore, the inadequacy
of Defendants' attorneys' fees estimate is fatal to removal on
traditional diversity jurisdiction grounds.

Defendants assert that the District Court has federal question
jurisdiction because Plaintiff's overtime and meal and rest break
claims are preempted by Section 301 of the LMRA.

Defendants assert that Plaintiffs' claims are predicated on the
theory that Defendant failed to pay for overtime hours and meal and
rest breaks, and California law requires the payment of overtime
wages and premium pay for non-compliant meal and rest breaks at the
"regular rate of pay." The CBAs state that the overtime rate shall
be "one and one-half times the straight time rate," but do not
define the "straight time rate" or "regular rate of pay" for
purposes of calculating overtime wages and break premiums.
Therefore, Defendants argue that the court will have to analyze
forms of pay provided by the CBAs and decide if they should have
been included in employees' "regular rate."

The District Court finds Defendants fail to identify any active
dispute between the parties regarding the regular rate of pay used
to calculate premiums.

Because Defendants have not established that interpretation of the
CBAs is required to adjudicate Plaintiff's claims, the court finds
that LMRA preemption does not apply.

Having found that none of Defendants' asserted bases for subject
matter jurisdiction exist, the court will grant Plaintiff's motion
to remand

Defendant C&S Wholesale Grocers, LLC's motion to compel arbitration
is denied as having been rendered moot by this order.

Defendant C&S Logistics of Sacramento/Tracy LLC's motion to dismiss
is denied as having been rendered moot by this order.

Defendant C&S Wholesale Grocers, LLC's motion to dismiss is denied
as having been rendered moot by this order.

A copy of the Court's Memorandum and Order is available at

CASCADE LIVING: Collin Suit Removed from State Court to E.D. Cal.
KELLY COLLIN, an individual, on behalf of herself and all others
Washington Limited Liability Company; CASCADE LIVING GROUP-GRASS
VALLEY, LLC, a Washington Limited Liability Company; and DOES 1 TO
50, Case No. CU0001671 (Filed Oct. 18, 2024) was removed from the
Superior Court of the State of California, County of Nevada, to the
United States District Court for the Eastern District of California
on November 20, 2024.

The Eastern District of California Court Clerk assigned Case No.
2:24-at-01464 to the proceedings.

The Plaintiff's complaint asserts the following eleven causes of

    (1) Failure to Pay All Minimum Wages;

    (2) Failure to Pay All Overtime Wages;

    (3) Failure to Provide Rest Periods and Pay Missed Rest Period


    (4) Failure to Provide Meal Periods and Pay Missed Meal Period


    (5) Failure to Maintain Accurate Employment Records;

    (6) Failure to Pay Wages Timely during Employment;

    (7) Failure to Pay All Wages Earned and Unpaid at Separation,

    (8) Failure to Reimburse Business Expenses;

    (9) Failure to Furnish Accurate Itemized Wage Statements;

   (10) Failure to Pay Sick Pay Accurately; and,

   (11) Unfair Competition Law.

Cascade owns and operates, senior housing communities that offer
senior living options.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Diane Marie O'malley, Esq.
          Samantha A. Botros, Esq.
          425 Market Street, 26th Floor
          San Francisco, CA 94105
          Telephone: (415) 777-3200
          Facsimile: (415) 541-9366
          E-mail: domalley@hansonbridgett.com

CAVENDISH FARMS: Filonek's Inc. Sues Over Illegal Scheme
Filonek's, Inc., d/b/a Filonek's Bar and Grill, on behalf of itself
and others similarly situated v. CAVENDISH FARMS LTD.; CAVENDISH
FOODS LTD; and MCCAIN FOODS USA, INC., Case No. 1:24-cv-12240 (N.D.
Ill., Nov. 26, 2024), is brought to put an end to Defendants'
illegal scheme, to recover damages, and to restore competition in
the Frozen Potato marketplace.

Starting as early as January 1, 2021 and continuing to the present
("Class Period"), Defendants and their co-conspirators conspired to
fix, raise, maintain, and stabilize the price of Frozen Potatoes in
the United States. Defendants implemented and executed their
conspiracy by increasing the price of Frozen Potatoes at nearly
identical times, leveraging a temporary spike in input costs to
justify permanent industry-wide price increases, and utilizing
other available means to exploit their collective market power and
artificially increase prices of Frozen Potatoes.

The Defendants' anticompetitive conspiracy has led to record
profits and revenues during the Class Period. Defendant Lamb Weston
reported that its first quarter fiscal year 2024 net income
increased 111% year-over-year. From July 2023 to June 2024,
although sales volume remained flat, Frozen Potato sales in dollars
increased by 14.6%. Likewise, between July 2022 and July 2024,
Frozen Potato prices jumped 47%.

The Defendants have been able to increase the price of their Frozen
Potatoes even after their input costs significantly declined.
Starting in 2021, while facing increased input costs, Defendants
collectively imposed price hikes with no worry their customers
could defect to competitors. Frozen Potato Product prices climbed
47% from July 2022 to July 2024. In contrast, Defendants' input
costs peaked in 2022 and fell steadily after that. Even today,
Defendants' prices continue to climb and remain uncompetitively

The Defendants' wrongful and anticompetitive actions had the
intended purpose and effect of artificially fixing, raising,
maintaining, and stabilizing the price of Frozen Potatoes to
Plaintiff and members of the Classes (as defined herein) to
overpay. As a direct result of Defendants' concerted pricing and
supply side decision making, Frozen Potato prices in the United
States have been artificially inflated since at least January 1,
2021, causing consumers such as Plaintiff and members of the
Classes to pay more for Frozen Potatoes than they would have but
for the Defendants' agreement, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff purchased Frozen Potatoes for commercial use in its
operation during the Class Period.

The Defendants are the largest producers and sellers of frozen
French fries, hash browns, tater tots and other frozen potato
products (collectively, "Frozen Potato" or "Frozen Potatoes") in
the United States.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Steven A. Hart, Esq.
          Julie A. Murphy, Esq.
          One South Dearborn, Suite 1400
          Chicago, IL 60603
          Phone: (312) 955-0545
          Fax: (312) 971-9243
          Email: shart@hmelegal.com

               - and -

          Andrew M. Stroth, Esq.
          One South Dearborn, Suite 1400
          Phone: (844) 878-4529
          Fax: (312) 641-6866
          Email: astroth@actioninjurylawgroup.com

CAVENDISH FARMS: Gladys' Sues Over Unlawful Fixing of Prices
Gladys' Restaurant d/b/a Gladys', El Jarocho Mexican Restaurant,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v.
d/b/a/ POTATOES USA and CIRCANA, LLC, Case No. 1:24-cv-12089 (N.D.
Ill., Nov. 22, 2024), is brought against NPPB, a major potato
industry trade association, and the four largest frozen potato
processors--Lamb Weston, McCain, JRS, and Cavendish--("Defendants")
for entering an unlawful conspiracy to raise, stabilize, fix or
otherwise manipulate the prices of frozen potato products in the
United States (the "Relevant Market").

A conspiracy which resulted in Plaintiffs and other similarly
situated commercial indirect purchasers and class members paying
supracompetitive prices for FPPs. By at least the start of 2021,
Defendants conspired to fix the prices of their Frozen Potato
Products above competitive levels. Defendants affected this
price-fixing conspiracy through implementation of lockstep price
increases that allowed them to realize unprecedented margins. This
conspiracy continues to the present.

One vehicle through which Defendants implemented their conspiracy
is through potato price data aggregation services by Defendant
Circana LLC and their market data aggregator "Potato Trac," and
collectively through trade associations such as NPPB. These avenues
granted Defendants access to each other's data and a direct line of
communication with each other, enabling NPPB and its members to
maintain supracompetitive prices, drive out discounters, and
inflict other harms.

The Defendants were able to implement these price increases and
collectively raise prices in part because their industry is
structurally susceptible to collusion. The Frozen Potato Products
Market features highly concentrated sellers, high entry barriers,
fragmented buyers, repetitive purchases, inelastic demand, and
opportunities to collude through common trade associations events
and other information exchange mechanisms. FPPs are also a
commodity product that lacks substitutes, which further makes
collusion more likely. The four dominant processors of FPPS control
97% or more of the $68-billion-per-year Frozen Potato Products

The Defendants' agreements individually and collectively
unreasonably restrain trade in violation of the Sherman Act and the
Clayton Act, state antitrust laws; state consumer protection laws;
and common law. Plaintiffs on behalf of themselves, and all
similarly situated commercial and institutional indirect purchasers
and class members who bought FPPs from January 1, 2021, through the
present day, bring this action against Defendants for these
violations. Plaintiffs seek actual and treble damages, declaratory
and injunctive relief, reasonable costs and attorney's fees, pre-
and post-judgment interest, and any other relief the Court deems
just and proper, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff purchased FPPs indirectly from one of the Defendants
for use in their commercial kitchen.

National Potato Promotion Board d/b/a Potatoes USA is a business
entity with its principal place of business located in Denver,

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Robert A. Clifford, Esq.
          Shannon M. McNulty, Esq.
          120 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 3100
          Phone: (312) 899-9090
          Email: rac@cliffordlaw.com

               - and -

          Michael J. Flannery, Esq.
          Two CityPlace Drive
          Second Floor
          St. Louis, MO 63141
          Phone: (314) 226-1015
          Email: mflannery@cuneolaw.com

               - and -

          Evelyn Riley, Esq.
          Daniel Cohen, Esq.
          Cody McCracken, Esq.
          DaJonna Richardson, Esq.
          2445 M St. NW, Suite 740
          Washington, D.C. 20037
          Phone: (202) 789-3960
          Fax: (202) 789-1813
          Email: evelyn@cuneolaw.com

               - and -

          Sterling Aldridge, Esq.
          John W. "Don" Barrett, Esq.
          Katherine Barrett Riley, Esq.
          David McMullan, Esq.
          404 Court Square N
          Lexington, MS 39095
          Phone: (662) 834-2488
          Fax: (662) 834-2628
          Email: saldridge@barrettlawgroup.com

               - and -

          Arthur N. Bailey, Esq.
          Marco Cercone, Esq.
          1600 Liberty Building
          424 Main Street
          Buffalo, New York 14202
          Email: bailey@rupppfalzgraf.com

CEFCO STORES: Etienne Sues Over Unsolicited Text Messaging
Rodney Etienne, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. CEFCO STORES, LLC, Case No. 2:24-cv-01077-JLB-NPM (M.D.
Fla., Nov. 22, 2024), is brought pursuant to the Telephone Consumer
Protection Act (the "TCPA") as a result of the Defendants'
unsolicited text messaging.

To promote its goods and services, Defendant engages in unsolicited
text messaging and continues to text message consumers after they
have opted out of Defendant's solicitations. Defendant also engages
in telemarketing without the required policies and procedures, and
training of its personnel engaged in telemarketing.

Through this action, Plaintiff seeks injunctive relief to halt
Defendant's unlawful conduct, which has resulted in the invasion of
privacy, harassment, aggravation, and disruption of the daily life
of Plaintiff and the Class members. Plaintiff also seeks statutory
damages on behalf of Plaintiff and members of the Class, and any
other available legal or equitable remedies, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff listed his telephone number on the National
Do-Not-Call Registry on June 5, 2021, and has not removed it from
the Registry since that time.

The Defendant directs, markets, and provides its business
activities throughout the state of Florida.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Avi R. Kaufman, Esq.
          Rachel E. Kaufman
          KAUFMAN P.A.
          237 S Dixie Hwy, 4th Floor
          Coral Gables, FL 33133
          Phone: (305) 469-5881
          Email: kaufman@kaufmanpa.com

CHIQUITA CANYON: Court Narrows Claims in Howse, et al. Suit
In the case captioned as STEVEN HOWSE, et al., Plaintiffs, v.
CHIQUITA CANYON, LLC, et al., Defendants, Case No.:
2:23-cv-08380-MEMF-MAR (C.D. Calif.), Judge Maame Ewusi-Mensah
Frimpong of the United States District Court for the Central
District of California ruled on the following motions:

   (1) a Motion to Consolidate Cases filed by Defendants Chiquita
Canyon Inc.; Chiquita Canyon, LLC; and Waste Connections US, Inc.;

   (2) a Motion to Dismiss filed by Defendants Chiquita Canyon
Inc.; Chiquita Canyon, LLC; and Waste Connections US, Inc.; and

   (3) a Request for Judicial Notice filed by Defendants Chiquita
Canyon Inc.; Chiquita Canyon, LLC; and Waste Connections US, Inc.

Defendant Chiquita Canyon, LLC is a Delaware limited liability
company with its principal place of business in Texas. Defendant
Chiquita Canyon, Inc. is a Delaware Corporation with its principal
place of business in Texas. Defendant Waste Connections US, Inc. is
also a Delaware Corporation with its principal place of business in

Defendants operate a landfill located in Castaic, California.
Plaintiffs in this Action are approximately 946 residents living
around the Landfill.

Waste Connections is the sole owner of Chiquita Inc. Chiquita Inc.
is the sole member of Chiquita LLC. Waste connections exercises
significant control over Chiquita LLC and Chiquita Inc. These
entities had a unity of ownership and share their principal office
and executive management team. The three Defendants present
themselves to the public as one entity.

The Howse Plaintiffs suffered various harm from numerous issues at
the Landfill. The Howse Plaintiffs suffered headaches, nosebleeds,
respiratory issues, heart issues, and other health issues. The
Howse Plaintiffs were forced at times to remain inside and forgo
use of the yards to avoid noxious odors and health effects. The
Howse Plaintiffs were forced to keep windows and doors closed to
remain safe. The Howse Plaintiffs experienced distress on a regular
basis regarding possible exposure, and worried that small stints
outside (e.g., to mow a lawn) would have unknown health impacts.
The Howse Plaintiffs were embarrassed and unable to invite guests
to their homes. The value of the Howse Plaintiffs' homes has
decreased. These harms continue on a daily basis.

The Howse Plaintiffs filed suit in Los Angeles County Superior
Court on August 25, 2023. The Howse Plaintiffs' initial complaint
brought four causes of action against the Landfill Defendants and
the County: private nuisance, public nuisance, negligence, and
trespass. The Howse Plaintiffs brought a class action on behalf of
themselves and others similarly situated. Per the Howse Plaintiffs'
initial complaint, the putative class was: "All persons who rented
or were owner-occupants of any housing unit located in whole or in
part within the Class Area at any time since 1972."

Defendants removed to this Court on October 4, 2023. Defendants
asserted this Court has subject matter jurisdiction over the action
based on the Class Action Fairness Act, 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1332(d).

On December 4, 2023, after the action had been removed, the Howse
filed a First Amended Complaint. The FAC included only three causes
of action against the Landfill Defendants and the County (dropping
the trespass claim): private nuisance, public nuisance, and
negligence. The FAC also changed the class definition—per the
FAC, the putative class was: "Residents in the Class Area who
rented or were owner-occupants of any housing unit located in whole
or in part within the Class Area during 2023 who have had Landfill
gases interfere with their use and enjoyment of their home."

The Howse Plaintiffs filed a Motion to Remand on January 9, 2024,
which Defendants opposed. The Howse Plaintiffs withdrew their
Motion to Remand on April 17, 2024. The Howse Plaintiffs then filed
a Second Amended Complaint pursuant to stipulation. The SAC
included three causes of action: (1) private nuisance, (2)
negligence, and (3) negligence per se. See id. The SAC was brought
as an individual action on behalf of the then 731 named plaintiffs
and was not brought as a class action, and so it included no class

The Howse Plaintiffs filed their operative TAC on June 19, 2024.
The TAC includes two causes of action, the second of which has two
subparts: (1) private nuisance, (2)(A) negligence, and (2)(B)
negligence per se. The TAC was brought by approximately 946

Many other plaintiffs have filed actions that appear to have some
degree of factual overlap with this action, and that are now
pending before this Court. The Court will note each such action

1. Mariam Siryani et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-03531. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on March
27, 2024, and removed to this Court on April 29, 2024.

2. Robert Aleksanyan et al v. Chiquita Canyon LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-04188. Filed in this Court on May 20, 2024.

3. Claudia Rivera et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-06127. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on June
24, 2024, and removed to this Court on July 22, 2024.

4. Quaiden Fenstermaker et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case
No. 2:24-cv-05910. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on
May 29, 2024, and removed to this Court on July 13, 2024.

5. Geon Hwang et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-05715. Filed in this Court on July 8, 2024.

6. Briana Mejia et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-05921. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on May
30, 2024, and removed to this Court on July 15, 2024.

7. John Suggs et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-02444. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on
February 2, 2024, and removed to this Court on March 25, 2024.

8. Jolene Acosta et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-05885. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on May
29, 2024, and removed to this Court on July 12, 2024.

9. Scott Benjamin Siegal et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case
No. 2:24-cv-09152. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on
July 16, 2024, and removed to this Court on October 23, 2024.

10. Isabell Dolores Palomino et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al,
Case No. 2:24-cv-05883. Filed in this Court on July 12, 2024.

11. Adams T. Evans et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-05679. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on April
15, 2024, and removed to this Court on July 5, 2024.

12. Anabel Austin et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-06966. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on July
9, 2024, and removed to this Court on August 16, 2024.

13. Melineh Gasparians et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case
No. 2:24-cv-07519. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on
June 10, 2024, and removed to this Court on September 4, 2024.

14. Kaden Alim et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, 2:24-cv-08342.
Filed in this Court on September 27, 2024. See Kaden Alim et al v.
Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, 2:24-cv-08342, ECF No. 1 (C.D. Cal.
Sep. 27, 2024).

15. Alejandra Suarez et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-06358. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on June
20, 2024, and removed to this Court on July 29, 2024.

16. In Re Serieddine Consolidated Actions, Case No. 2:24-cv-09296.
359 complaints were filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court and
all served on September 30, 2024.

17. Alina Hakopyan et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-09421. Filed in
Los Angeles County Superior Court on August 6, 2024, and removed to
this Court on
October 31, 2024.

18. Nicholas Difatta et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case
2:24-cv-08582. Filed in this Court on October 4, 2024.

19. Serenity Araiza et al v. Chiquita Canyon, LLC et al, Case No.
2:24-cv-04600. Filed in this Court on June 3, 2024.

Pursuant to the Court's procedures for managing related cases, all
of the actions listed above were transferred to Judge Frimpong
after being filed in or removed to this Court.

On May 20, 2024, Defendants filed a Request for a Status
Conference, seeking to discuss "(1) the setting of a uniform
pleading and responsive pleading schedule for the Related Actions;
and (2) potential further consolidation and/or coordination of the
Related Actions."

Defendants filed the instant Motion to Dismiss on July 3, 2024.
Defendants also filed a Request for Judicial Notice in support of
the Motion to Dismiss the same day

Defendants filed the instant Motion to Consolidate on July 11,
2024. The Motion to Consolidate requests (1) that the Court
consolidate the Howse Action (Case No. 23-cv-08380), the Suggs
Action (Case No. 2:24-cv-02444), the Siryani Action (Case No.
2:24-cv-03531), and "any future related cases" ; (2) that the Court
coordinate the pleading and discovery schedule in the consolidated
case; (3) as part of (2), that the Court order the adoption of a
master complaint; and (4) as part of (2), that the Court
temporarily stay discovery. The Howse Plaintiffs filed an
Opposition to the Motion to Consolidate on July 25, 2024.

Defendants also filed Motions to Consolidate in parallel in the
Siryani Action (Case No. 2:24-cv-03531) and Suggs Action (Case No.

The Court held a hearing on the Motion to Consolidate and Motion to
Dismiss on November 14, 2024.

The Court grants in part the Motion to Consolidate Cases, grants
the Request for Judicial Notice, and grants in part the Motion to

The Court finds it appropriate to consolidate all of the actions
regarding the Landfill listed above for pretrial purposes. The
actions meet the standard of Rule 42(a), and the Court finds that
consolidation for pretrial purposes will be efficient to conserve
the resources of the Court and all parties.

The Court will grant the Motion to Dismiss in part. The Court finds
that the Howse Plaintiffs have not sufficiently alleged alter ego
liability, and so will dismiss the claims to the extent they rely
on this theory and grant the Howse Plaintiffs leave to amend. The
Court will not dismiss any claim based on the other arguments
Defendants raise.

The Request for Judicial Notice is granted.

The Motion is denied as to the request for a master complaint.

The Motion is granted in part as to the request for a stay of

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

CINMAR LLC: Greben Sues Over Untrue or Misleading Statements
Melanie Greben, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
2:24-cv-10140 (C.D. Cal., Nov. 22, 2024), is brought as a result of
the Defendants' violation of the California's False Advertising Law
which prohibits businesses from making statements they know or
should know to be untrue or misleading.

On their website, Defendants list purported regular prices and
advertise purported discounts from those listed regular prices.
These include time-limited discounts offering "up to X% off" and
"X% off" sitewide. Defendants also advertise that their Products
have a lower discount price as compared to a higher, regular price
shown in grey and/or strikethrough font.

But in fact, Defendants' discounts are routinely available. As a
result, everything about Defendants' price and purported discount
advertising is false. The regular prices Defendants advertise are
not actually Defendants' regular prices, because Defendants'
Products are routinely available for less than that. The purported
discounts Defendants advertise are not the true discount the
customer is receiving, and are often not a discount at all. Nor are
the purported discounts time-limited and limited to a certain
period of time (for example, Presidents' Day).

When the Plaintiff made her purchase, Defendants advertised that a
sale was going on, and so Defendants represented that the Product
the Plaintiff purchased was being offered at a steep discount from
the purported regular price that Defendants advertised. And based
on Defendants' representations, the Plaintiff believed that she was
purchasing a Product whose regular price and market value were the
purported regular price that Defendants advertised, and that she
was receiving a substantial discount. These reasonable beliefs are
what caused the Plaintiff to buy from Defendants when she did.

The representations the Plaintiff relied on, however, were not
true. The purported regular price was not the true regular price
that Defendants sell the Product for, the purported discount was
not a true discount, and the discount was ongoing—not
time-limited. Had Defendants been truthful, the Plaintiff and other
consumers like her would not have purchased the Products, or would
have paid less for them, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff bought a Product from Defendants from their website,

The Defendants sell and market furniture and home decor products
online through the Frontgate brand and website,

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Christin Cho, Esq.
          Simon Franzini, Esq.
          Martin E. Brenner, Esq.
          Grace Bennett, Esq.
          DOVEL & LUNER, LLP
          201 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 600
          Santa Monica, CA 90401
          Phone: (310) 656-7066
          Facsimile: (310) 656-7069
          Email: christin@dovel.com

CITIBANK NA: Court Narrows Claims in Letidas Logistics Lawsuit
Judge David S. Leibowitz of the United States District Court for
the Southern District of Florida granted in part and denied in part
Citibank, N.A.'s motion to dismiss the case captioned as LETIDAS
LOGISTICS, LLC, Plaintiff, v. CITIBANK, N.A., Defendant, and ROYAL
BENGAL LOGISTICS, INC., Nominal Defendant, CASE NO. 0:24-cv-61469
(S.D. Fla.).

A Ponzi scheme was orchestrated and carried out by Defendant
Citibank's bank customer-Nominal Defendant, Royal Bengal Logistics,
Inc. At the time of the Ponzi scheme, RBL was a transportation and
logistics company registered as a common carrier with the U.S.
Department of Transportation and located in Coral Springs, Florida.
From at least August 2019, through June 21, 2023, RBL defrauded
hundreds of people, purporting to offer high-yield investment
opportunities that generate 12.5% to 325% of "guaranteed" returns.
RBL's Ponzi scheme was two-fold. The first involved the "fictional
sale of a semi-truck or trailer." The second "centered on a
long-term or short-term investment with a guaranteed fictional
return." Plaintiff invested in RBL's Equipment Scheme and wired
$35,000.00 "start-up" funds to the RBL account. More than 1,500
persons invested in RBL's Equipment and Loan Schemes, providing
approximately $112 million in total investment funds.

Fast forward to the present day, the Ponzi scheme music has
stopped, and RBL is out of business. RBL's assets are currently
being liquidated by a court-appointed receiver in a securities
fraud lawsuit brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

In the Complaint, Plaintiff asserts state law claims against
Citibank, alleging that Citibank knew or should have known about
the alleged fraud. Plaintiff also alleges that Citibank provided
substantial assistance in furtherance of the Ponzi scheme by
permitting RBL to use its "banking platform to engage in the
transactions that were the subject of the Ponzi Scheme[]," for
months after Citibank flagged the account for fraud. Plaintiff
seeks to represent a class of investors who both invested in RBL's
Schemes and whose investment funds were held by Citibank in the RBL
bank account.

Counts II, IV, and VI against Citibank are grounded in "aiding and
abetting" liability and Count VII alleges unjust enrichment. For
relief, Plaintiff seeks "damages against Citibank in the amount of
all investments, together with interests and costs," and "other
relief as the Court may deem just and proper."

Citibank's argument for dismissal is two-fold. First, Citibank
argues Plaintiff cannot establish aiding and abetting liability
(Counts II, IV, and VI), because Plaintiff fails to plead facts
showing that Citibank (1) knew RBL was engaged in a Ponzi scheme;
or (2) provided substantial assistance to RBL in furtherance of the
scheme. Second, Citibank challenges Plaintiff's unjust enrichment
claim (Count VII) for failure to show Plaintiff conferred a direct
benefit on Citibank, and because Citibank provided adequate
consideration for the banking fees RBL paid. Because Plaintiff has
not alleged facts that show Citibank actually knew about the fraud,
dismissal of the aiding and abetting claims is warranted.

Counts II, IV, and VI are dismissed without prejudice. The Motion
is denied as to Count VII.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

CLOUDERA INC: 9th Cir. Affirms Dismissal of Securities Fraud Suit
In the case captioned as MARIUSZ J. KLIN, Lead Plaintiff; THE
ARTHUR P. HOFFMAN, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. CLOUDERA, INC.; THOMAS J.
KEVIN KLAUSMEYER,  Defendants-Appellees, No. 22-16807 (9th Cir.),
the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed
the United States District Court for the Northern District of
California's dismissal of the putative securities-fraud class
action against Cloudera for failure to state a claim.

Cloudera, Inc. is a data management and analytics software company.

On April 28, 2017, Cloudera held an initial public offering. Just
over two years later, on June 5, 2019, the company announced
negative quarterly earnings, and the next day its stock price fell
more than 40 percent.

Klin, who had purchased Cloudera stock between the initial public
offering and the price drop, brought this putative class action in
the Northern District of California against Cloudera and several of
its officers and directors. After Klin's case was consolidated with
cases filed by other shareholders, the district court appointed
Klin as the lead plaintiff, and he filed an amended class action

On behalf of the putative class, Klin asserted claims under
sections 11(a), 12(a)(2), and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933
(Securities Act), 15 U.S.C. Secs. 77k(a), 77l(a)(2), 77o, as well
as under sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, 15 U.S.C. Secs. 78j(b), 78t(a), and Securities and Exchange
Commission Rule 10b5, 17 C.F.R. Sec. 240.10b-5. He alleged that
Cloudera and the individual defendants "made materially false and
misleading public statements and omissions that exaggerated the
Company's technological capabilities." The gravamen of the
complaint was that Cloudera misled investors by claiming "that it
possessed an 'original cloud native architecture' and 'cloud-native
platform.'" Klin claimed that Cloudera's software "was not a
cloud-native offering" and was instead "widely panned by Cloudera's
existing and potential customers for lacking the key attributes of
cloud products."

The district court dismissed the complaint for failure to state a
claim. The court held that the complaint was deficient because it
did "not explain what it meant to have 'cloud-native' products or
'cloud-native architecture' at the time Cloudera Defendants made
the challenged statements," adding that "[w]ithout a
contemporaneous definition or explanation for what 'cloud-native'
technology meant when Cloudera Defendants made the challenged
statements, the Court has no basis to find that Plaintiffs have
adequately pled that Cloudera Defendants' statements were false."

Klin then filed a second amended complaint. That complaint
challenged 42 Cloudera statements in total: 32 under the Exchange
Act and Rule 10b-5 and 10 under the Securities Act. It alleged that
"cloud-native" and "cloud architecture" had fixed meanings during
the class period—namely, that they "meant to reasonable investors
that such offerings or capabilities had specific material
attributes such as the use of containers, ease-of-use, seamless
scalability, security and elasticity, none of which the Company's
Class Period product offerings provided."

The district court again dismissed. Although Klin alleged that the
risks noted by Cloudera had already materialized at the time of the
disclosures, the court determined that Klin had not provided any
facts showing that the statements were false when they were made.

Klin appeals.

The panel affirmed the district court's determination that Klin had
not adequately pleaded the falsity of Cloudera's statements when
made. The panel explained that, because fraud was involved, Klin's
claims were subject to a heightened pleading standard requiring
that he state with particularity the circumstances constituting
fraud or mistake. However, because certain terms in Cloudera's
allegedly misleading statements lacked a plain or ordinary meaning,
Klin had to, but did not, plead facts supporting his definitions of
those terms.

Reviewing the futility of amendment de novo, the panel also
affirmed the district court's conclusion that further amendment of
the complaint would be futile, where the district court warned Klin
that failure to cure the deficiencies of a previous amended
complaint would result in dismissal with prejudice, and Klin had
not identified, even on appeal, the specific facts he would plead
in a future complaint to remedy the previous complaint's

A copy of the Ninth Circuit's Opinion is available at

CMS-NY/PA LLC: Fails to Timely Pay Wages, Smalt Suit Alleges
STACY SMALT, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. CMS-NY/PA, LLC, Defendant, Case No.
3:24-cv-01441-BKS-ML (N.D.N.Y., November 27, 2024) is a class
action against the Defendant for late payment of wages in violation
of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York Labor Law.

The Plaintiff worked for the Defendant as a stylist at its Painted
Post, New York SmartStyle location from in or around January 2020
until in or around July 2020.

CMS-NY/PA, LLC is an owner and operator of salons, headquartered in
Binghamton, New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Matthew D. Carlson, Esq.
         3959 N. Buffalo Road, Suite 29
         Orchard Park, NY 14127
         Telephone: (716) 242-1234
         Email: mdcarlson@mdcarlsonlaw.com

COMMUNITY CLINIC: Faces Johnson Class Suit in D. Hawaii
A class action has been filed against Community Clinic of Maui,
Inc. The case is captioned as TANYA L. JOHNSON; and WILLIAM R.
TORRES, JR., individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. COMMUNITY CLINIC OF MAUI, INC. doing
business as: Malama I Ke Ola Health Center, Case No.
1:24-cv-00443-JMS-RT (D. Haw., Oct. 9, 2024).

The case is assigned to Judge J. Michael Seabright and referred to
Magistrate Judge Rom Trader.

Community Clinic of Maui Inc provides healthcare services. The
Company provides primary health care, dental, health promotion, and
disease prevention services to residents. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          David Andrew Robyak, Esq.
          500 Ala Moana Blvd Ste 3-480
          Honolulu, HI 96813
          Telephone: (808) 591-8822
          Facsimile: (650) 232-0999
          Email: dar@kleinlg.com

               - and -

          James M. Yuda, Esq.
          500 Ala Moana Blvd.
          Waterfront Plaza Suite 3-480
          Honolulu, HI 96813
          Telephone: (808) 591-8822
          Facsimile: (808) 427-9761
          Email: jmy@kleinlg.com

               - and -

          Jason W. Jutz, Esq.
          500 Ala Moana Blvd.
          Waterfront Plaza Suite 3-480
          Honolulu, HI 96813
          Telephone: (808) 591-8822
          Email: jwj@kleinlg.com

               - and -

          Liberato P. Verderame, Esq.
          411 S. State Street, Suite N300
          Newtown, PA 18940
          Telephone: (215) 867-2399
          Facsimile: (267) 685-0676
          Email: LVerderame@edelson-law.com

               - and -

          Mallorie Chiemi Aiwohi, Esq.
          Klein Law Group, LLLC
          500 Ala Moana Blvd.
          Waterfront Plaza Suite 3-480
          Honolulu, HI 96813
          Telephone: (808) 639-7010
          Email: mca@kleinlg.com

               - and -

          Marc H. Edelson, Esq.
          411 S. State Street, Suite N300
          Newtown, PA 18940
          Telephone: (215) 867-2399
          Facsimile: (267) 685-0676
          Email: medelson@edelson-law.com

               - and -

          Robert G. Klein, Esq.
          500 Ala Moana Blvd.
          Honolulu, HI 96813
          Telephone: (808) 591-8822
          Facsimile: (808) 427-9761
          Email: rgk@kleinlg.com

CSX TRANSPORTATION: Bell Suit Transferred to N.D. West Virginia
The case captioned as Daniel Bell, Jeremy Bright, Andrew Brown,
Jared Brown, Jeff Burgess, Hank Crossman Jr., Nathan Dove, Ken
Enlow, Jason Ewing, Justin Foringer, Scott Gales, Barry Gillum,
Lamont Paulk, Joseph Richardson, Moussa Sayed, Chris Scott, Jason
Siewert, William Wasdin, Cleatis Webb, and Jeffrey Whisner,
individually and on behalf of others similarly situated v. CSX
Transportation, Inc., Case No. 1:18-cv-00744 was transferred from
the United States District Court for the District of Maryland, to
the United States District Court for the Northern District of West
Virginia on Nov. 27, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 3:24-cv-00156-GMG to the

The nature of suit is stated as Labor for Family and Medical Leave

CSX -- https://www.csx.com/ -- is a leading supplier of rail-based
freight transportation in North America.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Perry Matthew Darby, Esq.
          201 International Circle, Ste. 500
          Hunt Valley, MD 21030
          Phone: (833) 601-7245
          Fax: (667) 770-6660
          Email: pmdarby@bsgfdlaw.com

               - and -

          Adam W. Hansen, Esq.
          APOLLO LAW LLC
          333 Washington Avenue North, Suite 300
          Minneapolis, MN 55401
          Phone: (612) 927-2969
          Fax: (419) 793-1804
          Email: adam@apollo-law.com

               - and -

          Jonathan L. Stone, Esq.
          500 Crawford Street, Suite 200
          Portsmouth, VA 23704
          Phone: (757) 393-4093
          Email: jstone@moodyrrlaw.com

               - and -

          Mark E. Thomson, Esq.
          Nicholas D Thompson, Esq.
          323 N Washington Ave, Ste 200
          Minneapolis, MN 55401
          Phone: (612) 293-5249
          Email: mthomson@caseyjones.law

The Defendant is represented by:

          Donald J. Munro, Esq.
          Michelle Barineau, Esq.
          Nikki L McArthur, Esq.
          Thomas R Chiavetta, Esq.
          JONES DAY
          51 Louisiana Avenue, Nw
          Washington, DC 20001
          Phone: (202) 879-3922
          Email: dmunro@jonesday.com

               - and -

          Joshua Ian Hammack, Esq.
          1055 Thomas Jefferson Street NW, Suite 540
          Washington, VA 20007
          Phone: (202) 463-2101
          Email: jhammack@baileyglasser.com

               - and -

          Lindsay M. Cogley, Esq.
          JONES DAY
          325 John H McConnell Blvd. Ste. 600
          Columbus, OH 43215
          Phone: (614) 469-3939
          Fax: (614) 461-4198
          Email: lcogley@jonesday.com

CSX TRANSPORTATION: Bell Suit Transferred to W.D. Pennsylvania
The case captioned as Daniel Bell, Jeremy Bright, Andrew Brown,
Jared Brown, Jeff Burgess, Hank Crossman Jr., Nathan Dove, Ken
Enlow, Jason Ewing, Justin Foringer, Scott Gales, Barry Gillum,
Lamont Paulk, Joseph Richardson, Moussa Sayed, Chris Scott, Jason
Siewert, William Wasdin, Cleatis Webb, and Jeffrey Whisner,
individually and on behalf of others similarly situated v. CSX
Transportation, Inc., Case No. 1:18-cv-00744 was transferred from
the United States District Court for the District of Maryland, to
the United States District Court for the Western District of
Pennsylvania on Dec. 2, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 2:24-cv-01631-WSH to the

The nature of suit is stated as Labor for Family and Medical Leave

CSX -- https://www.csx.com/ -- is a leading supplier of rail-based
freight transportation in North America.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Perry Matthew Darby, Esq.
          201 International Circle, Ste. 500
          Hunt Valley, MD 21030
          Phone: (833) 601-7245
          Fax: (667) 770-6660
          Email: pmdarby@bsgfdlaw.com

               - and -

          Adam W. Hansen, Esq.
          APOLLO LAW LLC
          333 Washington Avenue North, Suite 300
          Minneapolis, MN 55401
          Phone: (612) 927-2969
          Fax: (419) 793-1804
          Email: adam@apollo-law.com

               - and -

          Jonathan L. Stone, Esq.
          500 Crawford Street, Suite 200
          Portsmouth, VA 23704
          Phone: (757) 393-4093
          Email: jstone@moodyrrlaw.com

               - and -

          Mark E. Thomson, Esq.
          Nicholas D Thompson, Esq.
          323 N Washington Ave, Ste 200
          Minneapolis, MN 55401
          Phone: (612) 293-5249
          Email: mthomson@caseyjones.law

The Defendant is represented by:

          Donald J. Munro, Esq.
          Michelle Barineau, Esq.
          Nikki L McArthur, Esq.
          Thomas R Chiavetta, Esq.
          JONES DAY
          51 Louisiana Avenue, Nw
          Washington, DC 20001
          Phone: (202) 879-3922
          Email: dmunro@jonesday.com

               - and -

          Joshua Ian Hammack, Esq.
          1055 Thomas Jefferson Street NW, Suite 540
          Washington, VA 20007
          Phone: (202) 463-2101
          Email: jhammack@baileyglasser.com

               - and -

          Lindsay M. Cogley, Esq.
          JONES DAY
          325 John H McConnell Blvd. Ste. 600
          Columbus, OH 43215
          Phone: (614) 469-3939
          Fax: (614) 461-4198
          Email: lcogley@jonesday.com

CSX TRANSPORTATION: Gales Suit Transferred to W.D. New York
The case captioned as Susan Gales, Michael Allen, Ricky Anderson,
John Barnett, Daniel Bell, Don Biemer, Jason Billingsley, Andrew
Brown, Jared Brown, Keith Burger, Jeff Burgess, Jeremy Clifford,
Hank Crossman Jr., Adam Dallas, Mitchell Davidson, Steven Delles,
Kirk Diehl, Nathan Dove, Bradley Downey, Faron Elliott, Julie
Enlow, Jason Ewing, Justin Foringer, Robert Garrett, Barry Gillum,
Josh Hull, Mark Ingham, Richard Janosz, Jeremy D. Johnson, Jeremy
M. Johnson, Justin King, Lewis Kirchner, Scott Lawton, Lester
Lovelady, Dion McGee, Chris McShee, Robert Miller, Jason Monroe,
Matthew Morgan, James Morton Jr., Toby Pack, Rennie Pankoski,
Lamont Paulk, Denver Peterson, Michael Rafferty, Joseph Richardson,
Mike Robbins, Moussa Sayed, Chris Scott, Corey Secrest, Joseph
Shultz, Jason Siewert, Kenneth Stover, Brian Stutz, Nathan Taylor,
Kevina Thomas, Kevin Van Wagenen, John Varecka, Derick Walker,
William Wasdin III, Cleatis Webb, Jeffrey Whisner, and Kyle Wood,
individually and on behalf of others similarly situated v. CSX
Transportation, Inc., Case No. 1:18-cv-00744 was transferred from
the United States District Court for the District of Maryland, to
the United States District Court for the Western District of New
York on Nov. 27, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 1:24-cv-01160-JLS to the

The nature of suit is stated as Labor for Family and Medical Leave

CSX -- https://www.csx.com/ -- is a leading supplier of rail-based
freight transportation in North America.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Perry Matthew Darby, Esq.
          201 International Circle, Ste. 500
          Hunt Valley, MD 21030
          Phone: (833) 601-7245
          Fax: (667) 770-6660
          Email: pmdarby@bsgfdlaw.com

               - and -

          Adam W. Hansen, Esq.
          APOLLO LAW LLC
          333 Washington Avenue North, Suite 300
          Minneapolis, MN 55401
          Phone: (612) 927-2969
          Fax: (419) 793-1804
          Email: adam@apollo-law.com

               - and -

          Mark E. Thomson, Esq.
          Nicholas D Thompson, Esq.
          323 N Washington Ave, Ste 200
          Minneapolis, MN 55401
          Phone: (612) 293-5249
          Email: mthomson@caseyjones.law

The Defendant is represented by:

          Donald J. Munro, Esq.
          Thomas R Chiavetta, Esq.
          JONES DAY
          51 Louisiana Avenue, Nw
          Washington, DC 20001
          Phone: (202) 879-3922
          Email: dmunro@jonesday.com

               - and -

          Lindsay M. Cogley, Esq.
          JONES DAY
          325 John H McConnell Blvd. Ste. 600
          Columbus, OH 43215
          Phone: (614) 469-3939
          Fax: (614) 461-4198
          Email: lcogley@jonesday.com

CUSTOMERS BANCORP: Faces Securities Class Action Lawsuit
Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces it has
filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of purchasers of the
securities of Customers Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE: CUBI) between March 1,
2024 and August 8, 2024, both dates inclusive (the "Class Period").
The lawsuit seeks to recover damages for Customers Bancorp
investors under the federal securities laws.

To join the Customers Bancorp class action, go to
https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=28067 or call Phillip
Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email case@rosenlegal.com
for information on the class action.

According to the lawsuit, defendants throughout the Class Period
made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose
that: (1) Customers Bancorp had inadequate anti-money laundering
practices; (2) as a result, it was not in compliance with its legal
obligations, which subjected it to heightened regulatory risk; and
(3) as a result, defendants' statements about Customers Bancorp's
business, operations, and prospects were materially false and
misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis at all times. When the
true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors
suffered damages.

A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve
as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than January
31, 2025. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on
behalf of other class members in directing the litigation. If you
wish to join the litigation, go to
https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=28067 or to discuss
your rights or interests regarding this class action, please
contact Phillip Kim, Esq. of Rosen Law Firm toll free at
866-767-3653 or via e-mail at case@rosenlegal.com.


Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe,
concentrating its practice in securities class actions and
shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1
by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities
class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the
top 4 each year since 2013. Rosen Law Firm achieved the largest
ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company
at the time. Rosen Law Firm's attorneys are ranked and recognized
by numerous independent and respected sources. Rosen Law Firm has
secured hundreds of millions of dollars for investors.

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar


     Laurence Rosen, Esq.
     Phillip Kim, Esq.
     The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
     275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
     New York, NY 10016
     Tel: (212) 686-1060
     Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
     Fax: (212) 202-3827
     www.rosenlegal.com [GN]

CYBER NOW: Unlawfully Withheld Instructors' Wages, Clifton Alleges
KHRISTEN CLIFTON, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
situated v. CYBER NOW LABS, LLC, Case No. 1:24-cv-02081 (E.D. Va.,
Nov. 20, 2024) alleges that CNL unlawfully withheld payment of full
and timely wages earned by and owed to Plaintiff and other
similarly situated Cyber Security Team Lead training instructors
employed by CNL in violation of the Federal Fair Labor Standards
Act and Virgina Wage Payment Act.

Class Members eligible to participate in the VWPA Class Actions in
this case include Class Members performing Cyber Security Team Lead
training instructor duties for the benefit of CNL and its clients
during the relevant period:

    (a) who, for any pay period during the relevant period, CNL
        failed to fully or timely pay all promised and earned wages


    (b) who, for any week during the relevant, CNL failed to pay
        fully or timely pay overtime premium wages for
        work exceeding 40 hours at the Virginia required time-and-
        one-half overtime premium rate.

From August 26, 2024, until November 19, 2024, CNL employed Named
Plaintiff to perform Cyber Security Team Lead training instructor
employment duties for the benefit of CNL and its clients, the
lawsuit says.

CNL offers web-based classes to nationwide clients seeking
cybersecurity training and certification.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gregg C. Greenberg, Esq.
          8757 Georgia Avenue, Suite 400
          Silver Spring, MD 20910
          Telephone: (301) 587-9373
          E-mail: ggreenberg@zagfirm.com

DELAWARE: Franchise Group Files Adversary Proceeding to D. Delaware
An adversary complaint has been filed against Brian Gale, et al.
The case is captioned as FRANCHISE GROUP, et al., individually and
on behalf of all others similarly situated v. BRIAN GALE, et al.,
Lead Case No. 24-50237 (D. Del., November 27, 2024).

The adversary proceeding seeks (i) enforcement of the automatic
stay; (ii) extension of the automatic stay under section 362(a) of
the Bankruptcy Code; and (iii) injunctive relief under section
105(a) of the Bankruptcy Code and/or Bankruptcy Rule 7065, to
enjoin, for the duration of the Chapter 11 cases, the Defendants
from asserting claims, commencing or continuing actions, and/or
from otherwise attempting to exercise remedies against Andrew M.
Laurence, president, chief executive officer, and director of
certain of the Debtors, because such actions threaten to interfere
with and impair the administration of the Debtors' reorganization

Franchise Group, Inc. is a holding company headquartered in
Delaware, Ohio. [BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:                
         Edmon L. Morton, Esq.
         Matthew B. Lunn, Esq.
         Allison S. Mielke, Esq.
         Shella Borovinskaya, Esq.
         1000 North King Street
         Wilmington, DE 19801
         Telephone: (302) 571-6600
         Facsimile: (302) 571-1253
         Email: emorton@ycst.com
                 - and -

         James C. Dugan, Esq.
         Stuart R. Lombardi, Esq.
         787 Seventh Avenue
         New York, NY 10019
         Telephone: (212) 728-8000
         Email: jdugan@willkie.com

DENTSPLY SIRONA: North Collier Sues Over 28% Drop of Stock Price
RETIREMENT PLAN, on behalf of itself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. DENTSPLY SIRONA INC., SIMON D. CAMPION,
GLENN COLEMAN, and ANDREAS G. FRANK, Defendants, Case No.
1:24-cv-09083 (S.D.N.Y., November 26, 2024) is a class action
against the Defendants for violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated

According to the complaint, the Defendants made materially false
and misleading statements regarding Dentsply's business,
operations, and prospects in order to trade Dentsply common stock
at artificially inflated prices between December 1, 2022, and
November 6, 2024. Specifically, the Defendants failed to disclose
that: (1) Dentsply targeted low-income people who did not have
access to good oral hygiene education, a dentist, or dental
insurance, which often meant patients signing up for Byte had
underlying dental issues that would have made them ineligible for
treatment; (2) the push for Byte growth and sales commissions
caused sales employees to sell to contraindicated patients; (3) as
a result of the above, the Byte patient onboarding workflow did not
provide adequate assurance that contraindicated patients did not
enter treatment; (4) before and during the Class Period, reports of
Byte patient injuries were pouring in; (5) Dentsply knew that its
Byte aligners were causing severe patient injuries for years but
did little to investigate those injuries or notify the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA); (6) Dentsply had no systems in place to
notify the FDA of these injuries, which the company is required to
do within 30 days of learning of a problem; (7) the FDA had
received a sharp uptick in reports of serious injuries from Byte
patients; (8) as a result of the above, Dentsply materially
overstated the goodwill value of Byte; (9) as a result of the
above, the Defendants' positive statements about the company's
business, operations, and prospects were materially false and
misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis at all relevant times.

When the truth emerged, the price of Dentsply stock fell $6.72 per
share, or more than 28 percent, from a closing price of $23.98 per
share on November 6, 2024, to a closing price of $17.26 per share
on November 7, 2024, on extraordinary trading volume. As a result
of the Defendants' fraudulent statements and omissions, the
Plaintiff and similarly situated investors who had purchased
Dentsply common stock at artificially inflated prices during the
Class Period have sustained economic losses, says the suit.

North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District Firefighters'
Retirement Plan is a provider of retirement, death, and disability
benefits to firefighters and their beneficiaries based in Fort
Myers, Florida.

Dentsply Sirona Inc. is a manufacturer of professional dental
products, with its principal executive offices in Charlotte, North
Carolina. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Marco A. Duenas, Esq.
         SAXENA WHITE P.A.
         10 Bank Street, Suite 882
         White Plains, NY 10606
         Telephone: (914) 437-8551
         Facsimile: (888) 631-3611
         Email: mduenas@saxenawhite.com

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WATER: Richards Files Suit in D.C. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against District of Columbia
Water & Sewer Authority. The case is styled as Victoria Richards,
individually and on behalf of all other persons similarly situated
v. District of Columbia Water & Sewer Authority, Case No.
2024-CAB-007383 (D.C. Super. Ct., Nov. 22, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Statutory Claim for the Consumer
Protection Act.

The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) --
https://www.dcwater.com/ -- provides drinking water, sewage
collection, and sewage treatment for Washington, D.C.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Randolph T. Chen, Esq.
          412 H. St. Northeast, Ste. 302
          Washington, DC 20002
          Phone: 202-727-3400
          Email: randolph.chen@dc.gov

DOHMAN AKERLUND: Hauf Sues Over Failure to Secure Information
Terry Hauf, on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated
v. Dohman, Akerlund & Eddy, LLC, Case No. 4:24-cv-03182-JMG-RCC (D.
Neb., Oct. 13, 2024), is brought against Defendant for its failure
to properly secure and safeguard sensitive information of its
clients' plan members.

The Plaintiff's and Class Members' sensitive personal
information--which they entrusted to Defendant on the mutual
understanding that Defendant would protect it against
disclosure--was targeted, compromised and unlawfully accessed due
to the Data Breach.

On February 28, 2024, Defendant experienced a network disruption
(the "Data Breach"). The investigation determined that certain
files may have been acquired without authorization on or about
February 28, 2024. Through the investigation, Defendant determined
the impacted information included the following: name and Social
Security number (collectively, "PII" or "Personally Identifiable
Information"). The PII compromised in the Data Breach was
exfiltrated by cyber-criminals and remains in the hands of those
cyber-criminals who target PII for its value to identity thieves.

The Data Breach was a direct result of Defendant's failure to
implement adequate and reasonable cyber-security procedures and
protocols necessary to protect its clients' plan members' PII from
a foreseeable and preventable cyber-attack. Moreover, Defendant was
targeted for a cyber-attack due to its status as a healthcare
entity that collects and maintains highly valuable PII on its

The Defendant maintained, used, and shared the PII in a reckless
manner. In particular, the PII was used and transmitted by
Defendant in a condition vulnerable to cyberattacks. Upon
information and belief, the mechanism of the cyberattack and
potential for improper disclosure of Plaintiff's and Class Members'
PII was a known risk to Defendant, and thus, Defendant was on
notice that failing to take steps necessary to secure the PII from
those risks left that property in a dangerous condition

The Defendant disregarded the rights of Plaintiff and Class Members
by, inter alia, intentionally, willfully, recklessly, or
negligently failing to take adequate and reasonable measures to
ensure its data systems were protected against unauthorized
intrusions; failing to take standard and reasonably available steps
to prevent the Data Breach; and failing to provide Plaintiff and
Class Members prompt and accurate notice of the Data Breach. The
Plaintiff's and Class Members' identities are now at risk because
of Defendant's negligent conduct because the PII that Defendant
collected and maintained has been accessed and acquired by data
thieves, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff was a plan member at Defendant's clients.

The Defendant is a full-service accounting firm headquartered in
Kearney, Nebraska.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Bryan L. Bleichner, Esq.
          Philip J. Krzeski, Esq.
          100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 1700
          Minneapolis, MN 55401
          Phone: (612) 339-7300
          Fax: (612) 336-2940
          Email: bbleichner@chestnutcambronne.com

DOMINO'S PIZZA: Removes Banuelos Suit to N.D. of Calif.
The Defendant in the case of BENJAMIN BANUELOS, individually and on
behalf of all others similarly situated, Plaintiff v. DOMINO'S
PIZZA LLC; and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, Defendants, filed a
notice to remove the lawsuit from the Superior Court of the State
of California, County of Santa Clara (Case No. 24CV446082) to the
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California on Oct.
9, 2024.

The clerk of court for the Northern District of California assigned
Case No. 5:24-cv-07085. The case is assigned to Judge Beth Labson

Domino's Pizza, Inc. operates a network of company-owned and
franchise Domino's Pizza stores, located throughout the United
States and in other countries. The Company also operates regional
dough manufacturing and distribution centers in the contiguous
United States and outside the United States. [BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

           Taylor Wemmer, Esq.
           DLA PIPER LLP (US)
           4365 Executive Drive, Suite 1100
           San Diego, California 92121-2133
           Telephone: (858) 677-1400
           Facsimile: (858) 677-1401
           Email: taylor.wemmer@us.dlapiper.com

DOWN RIGHT: Website Inaccessible to the Blind, DelaCruz Alleges
EMANUEL DELACRUZ, on behalf of himself and all other persons
similarly situated v. DOWN RIGHT MERCHANDISE LLC, Case No.
1:24-cv-08820 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 20, 2024) alleges that Down Right
failed to design, construct, maintain, and operate its interactive
website to be fully accessible to and independently usable by the
Plaintiff and other blind or visually-impaired persons.

Accordingly, the Defendant's denial of full and equal access to its
website, and therefore denial of its products and services offered
thereby, is a violation of Plaintiff's rights under the Americans
with Disabilities Act. Because Defendant's interactive website,
https://downrightmerch.com/, including all portions thereof or
accessed thereon, is not equally accessible to blind and
visually-impaired consumers, it violates the ADA, the lawsuit

The Plaintiff seeks a permanent injunction to cause a change in
Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and procedures so that
Defendant's Website will become and remain accessible to blind and
visually-impaired consumers.

The Defendant operates the Down Right Merch online retail store, as
well as the Down Right Merch interactive Website and advertises,
markets, and operates in the State of New York and throughout the
United States.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Dana L. Gottlieb, Esq.
          Jeffrey M. Gottlieb, Esq.
          Michael A. LaBollita, Esq.
          150 East 18th Street, Suite PHR
          New York, NY 10003
          Telephone: (212) 228-9795
          Facsimile: (212) 982-6284
          E-mail: Dana@Gottlieb.legal

DRUM CONNECTION: Thorne Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
Braulio Thorne, on behalf of himself and all other persons
similarly situated, v. DRUM CONNECTION, INC., Case No.
1:24-cv-09033 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 25, 2024), is brought against the
Defendant for its failure to design, construct, maintain, and
operate its interactive website to be fully accessible to and
independently usable by Plaintiff and other blind or
visually-impaired persons.

The Defendant's denial of full and equal access to its website, and
therefore denial of its products and services offered thereby, is a
violation of Plaintiff's rights under the Americans with
Disabilities Act ("ADA"). Because Defendant's interactive website,
www.soultonecymbals.com, including all portions thereof or accessed
thereon (collectively, the "Website" or "Defendant's Website"), is
not equally accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers, it
violates the ADA. Plaintiff seeks a permanent injunction to cause a
change in Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and procedures
so that Defendant's website will become and remain accessible to
blind and visually impaired consumers. By failing to make its
Website available in a manner compatible with computer screen
reader programs, Defendant deprives blind and visually-impaired
individuals the benefits of its online goods, content, and
services--all benefits it affords nondisabled individuals--thereby
increasing the sense of isolation and stigma among those persons
that Title III was meant to redress, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who
requires screen-reading software to read website content using his

The Defendant operates the Soultone Cymbals online retail store, as
well as the Soultone Cymbals interactive Website and advertises,
markets, and operates in the State of New York and throughout the
United States.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Dana L. Gottlieb, Esq.
          Michael A. LaBollita, Esq.
          Jeffrey M. Gottlieb, Esq.
          150 East 18th Street, Suite PHR
          New York, NY 10003
          Phone: 212.228.9795
          Fax: 212.982.6284
          Email: Dana@Gottlieb.legal

E.I. DU PONT: Plaintiffs Must Refile Bid to Certify Class
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Banks, et al., v. E.I. du
Pont de Nemours & Company, et al., Case No. 1:19-cv-01672 (D. Del.,
Filed Sept. 6, 2019), Hon. Judge Jennifer L. Hall entered an order
that the Plaintiffs shall refile on the docket their Motion to
Certify Class at the time the briefing is complete.

-- The briefing deadlines are unchanged.

-- The Plaintiffs' Motion to Certify Class was filed on Aug. 26,

-- The parties stipulated to amend the scheduling order and
    Plaintiffs' Motion will not be fully briefed until May 2,

The nature of suit states Torts -- Personal Injury -- Product

DuPont is an American multinational chemical company first formed
in 1802 by French-American chemist and industrialist Eleuthere
Irenee du Pont de Nemours.[CC]

EL RANCHERO: Faces Santiago Wage-and-Hour Suit in E.D.N.Y.
KAREN BACILIA RUIZ SANTIAGO, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated, Plaintiff v. EL RANCHERO RESTAURANT,
INC. and PEDRO VELASQUEZ and BALBINA ZACA, Defendants, Case No.
1:24-cv-08243 (E.D.N.Y., November 27, 2024) is a class action
against the Defendants for violations of the Fair Labor Standards
Act and the New York Labor Law including failure to pay overtime
wages, failure to pay minimum wages, failure to pay spread-of-hours
compensation, failure to provide wage notice, and failure to
provide wage statements.

The Plaintiff worked for the Defendanst as a server from in or
around May 2023 until in or around November 2023, and from in or
around July 2024 until in or around November 2024.

El Ranchero Restaurant, Inc. is a restaurant company based in
Flushing, New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Roman Avshalumov, Esq.
         80-02 Kew Gardens Road, Suite 601
         Kew Gardens, NY 11415
         Telephone: (718) 263-9591
         Facsimile: (718) 263-9598

EMIRATES: Seeks More Time to File Discovery
In the class action lawsuit captioned as FARAH et al., v. Emirates,
et al., Case No. 1:21-cv-05786-LTS-SN (S.D.N.Y.), the Defendants
ask the Court to enter an order granting request for a two-week
extensions of the discovery and filing deadlines set forth in Order
dated Nov. 19, 2024 (the "Scheduling Order").

To preserve the alignment of the remaining discovery and filing
deadlines in the Scheduling Order, Defendants request corresponding
two-week extensions of those deadlines as follows:

    (i) the deadline for Plaintiffs to complete depositions of
        Defendants' corporate representatives from Jan. 15, 2025,
        Jan. 29, 2025;

   (ii) the deadline to complete fact discovery from March 10,
        to March 24, 2025; and

  (iii) the deadline for Plaintiffs to move for class certification

        from March 17, 2025, to March 31, 2025.

This is Defendants' first request, and the Plaintiffs consent to
this request.

The Defendants have been working diligently to complete their
review of potentially responsive ESI collected from Emirates'
servers in Dubai.

To date, the Defendants have reviewed approximately 15,000
potentially responsive documents, and anticipate producing
approximately 800 documents (totaling approximately 3,200 pages) by
Friday, November 29, 2024.

Despite that progress, the volume of potentially responsive
documents collected from Dubai significantly exceeded initial
estimates, and Defendants are still reviewing the remaining
documents. Given the scope of that work and Defendants’ projected
timeline for completion, Defendants respectfully request a two-week
extension of their ESI production deadline from November 29, 2024,
until December 13, 2024.

A copy of the Defendants' motion dated Nov. 27, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=B0KmQu at no extra

The Defendants are represented by:

          Evan B. Citron, Esq.
          JACKSON LEWIS P.C.
          666 Third Avenue
          New York NY 10017-4030
          Telephone: (212) 545-4069
          Facsimile: (212) 972-3213
          E-mail: evan.citron@jacksonlewis.com

ETZ HAYIM: Class Settlement in Cimino Suit Has Final Approval
Magistrate Judge Jolie A. Russo of the U.S. District Court for the
District of Oregon, Portland Division, grants final approval of the
class action settlement in the lawsuit captioned DEBORAH CIMINO and
CONOR MANCONE, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiffs v. ETZ HAYIM HOLDINGS, S.P.C., d/b/a LAZARUS
NATURALS, Defendant, Case No. 3:23-cv-01185-JR (D. Or.).

The matter comes before the Court on the Plaintiffs' Unopposed
Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement. The Court has
reviewed the Motion, and the Settlement Agreement and Release
("Settlement Agreement") entered into between Plaintiffs Deborah
Cimino and Conor Mancone, and Defendant ETZ Hayim Holdings, S.P.C.,
d/b/a Lazarus Naturals.

The Court finds that the Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable,
and adequate. The Court also finds the Settlement Agreement was
entered into in good faith, at arm's length, and without collusion.
The Court approves and directs consummation of the Settlement

The Court approves the Release provided in Section 6 of the
Settlement Agreement and orders that, as of the Effective Date, the
Released Claims will be released by the Releasing Parties as to
Released Parties.

The Court has and reserves jurisdiction over the Settlement and
this Settlement Agreement, and for purposes of the Settlement and
Settlement Agreement, the Court has and reserves jurisdiction over
the Parties to the Settlement.

The Court dismisses with prejudice all claims of the Settlement
Class against ETZ in the Action, without costs and fees except as
explicitly provided for in the Settlement Agreement.

On June 18, 2024, the Court entered an Order Granting Preliminary
Approval of Class Action Settlement that preliminarily approved the
Settlement Agreement and established a hearing date to consider the
final approval of the Settlement Agreement and Class Counsel's
Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Litigation Expenses.

On Sept. 11, 2024, the Court entered an Order Granting Plaintiffs'
Unopposed Motion for Attorneys' Fees Award, Expense Reimbursement,
and Service Awards. The Court awarded Class Counsel $75,000 in
attorneys' fees and $17,491.35 in expenses, as well as service
awards of $5,000 to each of the Class Representatives, totaling

The Court's Preliminary Approval Order approved the Settlement
Notices and Claim Form, and the Court found the mailing,
distribution, and publishing of the various notices as proposed met
the requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 and due process, and was the
best notice practicable under the circumstances, constituting due
and sufficient notice to all persons entitled to notice.

The Court finds that the distribution of the Notices has been
achieved pursuant to the Preliminary Approval Order and the
Settlement Agreement, and that the Notice to Settlement Class
Members complied with Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 and due process.

The Court finds ETZ has complied with the requirements of 28 U.S.C.
Section 1715 regarding the CAFA Notice.

The Court grants final approval to its appointment of Deborah
Cimino and Conor Mancone as the Class Representatives of the Class.
The Court finds for settlement purposes that the Class
Representatives are similarly situated to absent Settlement Class
Members, are typical of the Settlement Class, and are adequate
Class Representatives, and that Class Counsel and the Class
Representatives have fairly and adequately represented the
Settlement Class.

The Court grants final approval to its appointment of Class Counsel
as provided in the Preliminary Approval Order, appointing Mason A.
Barney and Tyler J. Bean of Siri & Glimstad LLP.

The Court certifies the following Settlement Class for settlement
purposes only under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a) and 23(b)(3), subject to
the Settlement Class exclusions set forth in the Settlement

All persons in the United States whose information may have
been impacted in the Data Incident, including persons to
whom ETZ mailed a notification that their information may
have been impacted in the Data Incident.

The Settlement Class specifically excludes: (i) ETZ and its
respective officers and directors; (ii) all members of the
Settlement Class who timely and validly request exclusion from the
Settlement Class; (iii) the Judge and Magistrate Judge assigned to
evaluate the fairness of this settlement; and (iv) any other Person
found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be guilty under
criminal law of initiating, causing, aiding, or abetting the Data
Incident or who pleads nolo contendere to any such charge.

The Court finds that the Settlement Class defined above satisfies
the requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a) and (b)(3) for settlement

Pursuant to Rule 23(e), the terms of the Settlement Agreement are
finally approved as fair, reasonable, and adequate as to, and in
the best interest of, the Settlement Class and each of the
Settlement Class Members. Settlement Class Members, who did not
opt-out of the Settlement, are bound by this Final Approval Order.

The Court approves the distribution and allocation of the
Settlement Fund under the Settlement Agreement pursuant to the
terms of the Settlement Agreement.

Judge Russo explains that this Final Approval Order, and all
statements, documents, or proceedings relating to the Settlement
Agreement are not, and will not be construed as, used as, or deemed
to be evidence of, an admission by or against ETZ of any claim, any
fact alleged in the Action, any fault, any wrongdoing, any
violation of law, or any liability of any kind on the part of ETZ
or of the validity or certifiability for this Litigation or other
litigation of any claims or class that have been, or could have
been, asserted in the Action.

The Settlement Agreement and Final Approval Order will not be
construed or admissible as an admission by ETZ that the Plaintiffs'
claims or any similar claims are suitable for class treatment.

A full-text copy of the Court's Order is available at
https://tinyurl.com/33zf83r3 from PacerMonitor.com.

Paul B. Barton -- paul@olsenbarton.com -- OLSEN BARTON LLC, in Lake
Oswego, OR 97035; Mason A. Barney -- mbarney@sirillp.com -- Tyler
J. Bean -- tbean@sirillp.com -- SIRI & GLIMSTAD LLP, in New York,
New York 10151, Attorneys for the Plaintiffs, on behalf of
themselves and on behalf of all others similarly situated.

FARMERS UNION: Evans Files Suit in Okla. Dist. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Farmers Union
Hospital Association, et al. The case is styled as Christopher
Evans, on behalf of all others similarly situated v. Farmers Union
Hospital Association d/b/a Great Plains Regional Medical Center,
Case No. CJ-2024-00123 (Okla. Dist. Ct., Beckham Cty., Nov. 22,

The case type is stated as "Civil Relief More Than $10,000:
Negligence General."

Farmers Union Hospital Association provides health care services to
patients who meet certain criteria under its charity policy without
charge or amounts less than established rates.[BN]

FARMERS UNION: McAtee Files Suit in Okla. Dist. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Farmers Union
Hospital Association, et al. The case is styled as Jennifer McAtee,
on behalf of all others similarly situated v. Farmers Union
Hospital Association d/b/a Great Plains Regional Medical Center,
Case No. CJ-2024-00122 (Okla. Dist. Ct., Beckham Cty., Nov. 22,

The case type is stated as "Civil Relief More Than $10,000:
Negligence General."

Farmers Union Hospital Association provides health care services to
patients who meet certain criteria under its charity policy without
charge or amounts less than established rates.[BN]

FARMERS UNION: Vanspyker Files Suit in Okla. Dist. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Farmers Union
Hospital Association, et al. The case is styled as Jake Vanspyker,
on behalf of all others similarly situated v. Farmers Union
Hospital Association d/b/a Great Plains Regional Medical Center,
Case No. CJ-2024-00121 (Okla. Dist. Ct., Beckham Cty., Nov. 22,

The case type is stated as "Civil Relief More Than $10,000:
Negligence General."

Farmers Union Hospital Association provides health care services to
patients who meet certain criteria under its charity policy without
charge or amounts less than established rates.[BN]

FILMSUPPLY LLC: Trimboli Suit Transferred to N.D. Texas
The case is styled as Jonathan Trimboli, on behalf of himself and
all others similarly situated v. FilmSupply, LLC, Case No.
3:24-cv-06752 was transferred from the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of California, to the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of Texas on Nov. 27, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 4:24-cv-01156-P to the

The nature of suit is stated as Anti-Trust.

Filmsupply -- https://www.filmsupply.com/ -- is the global leader
in cinematic footage licensing, representing filmmakers from M ss
ng P eces, Biscuit, Anonymous Content, and more.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Adrian John Barnes, Esq.
          Ari Nathan Cherniak, Esq.
          Julian Ari Hammond, Esq.
          Polina Brandler, Esq.
          HAMMONDLAW P.C.
          1201 Pacific Avenue, Ste. 600
          Tacoma, WA 98402
          Phone: (510) 316-9926
          Fax: (310) 295-23
          Email: abarnes@hammondlawpc.com

               - and -

          John J. Nelson, Esq.
          402 W Broadway, Suite 1760
          San Diego, CA 92101
          Phone: (858) 209-6941
          Fax: (865) 522-0049
          Email: jnelson@milberg.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Ronald Irvin Raether, Jr., Esq.
          100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 1500
          Irvine, CA 92614
          Phone: (949) 622-2722
          Fax: (949) 622-2739
          Email: ron.raether@troutman.com

               - and -

          Andrick Zeen, Esq.
          350 South Grand Avenue
          Two California Plaza, Suite 3400
          Los Angeles, CA 90071
          Phone: (213) 928-9866
          Email: andrick.zeen@troutman.com

FOUR SEASONS: Shalakhti Sues Over Unpaid OT & Breach of Contract
SARI SHALAKHTI, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
Defendants, Case No. 1:24-cv-12277 (N.D. Ill., November 27, 2024)
is a class action against the Defendants for failure to pay
overtime wages in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the
Illinois Minimum Wage Law, and the Illinois Wage Payment and
Collection Act and for breach of contract.

The Plaintiff worked as a non-exempt Service Technician at the
Defendants' Bedford Park office in Cook County, Illinois from
approximately March 20, 2022, through February 5, 2024.

Four Season Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. is a provider of
heating and air conditioning services, doing business in Illinois.

Four Seasons Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC is a provider of
heating and air conditioning services, doing business in Illinois.

Four Season Heating, Air Conditioning, Plumbing, and Electric, LLC
is a provider of heating, air conditioning, plumbing, and
electrical services, doing business in Illinois. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Jesse L. Young, Esq.
         141 East Michigan Avenue, Suite 600
         Kalamazoo, MI 49007
         Telephone: (269) 250-7500
         Email: jyoung@sommerspc.com

                 - and -

         Kevin J. Stoops, Esq.
         One Towne Square, 17th Floor
         Southfield, MI 48076
         Telephone: (248) 355-0300
         Email: kstoops@sommerspc.com

                 - and -

         Jonathan Melmed, Esq.
         Meghan Higday, Esq.
         1801 Century Park E., Suite 850
         Los Angeles, CA 90067
         Telephone: (310) 824-3828
         Email: mh@melmedlaw.com

GATEWAYCDI INC: Martinez Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
Pedro Martinez, individually and as the representative of a class
of similarly situated persons v. GATEWAYCDI, INC. and BRAND
ADDITION, LLC, Case No. 1:24-cv-08252 (E.D.N.Y., Nov. 27, 2024), is
brought against the Defendant for their failure to design,
construct, maintain, and operate their website to be fully
accessible to and independently usable by Plaintiff and other blind
or visually-impaired persons.

The Defendant is denying blind and visually-impaired persons
throughout the United States with equal access to the goods and
services Courreges provides to their non-disabled customers through
http//:www.Theintelstore.com (hereinafter "Theintelstore.com" or
"the website"). The Defendants' denial of full and equal access to
its website, and therefore denial of its products and services
offered, and in conjunction with its physical locations, is a
violation of Plaintiff's rights under the Americans with
Disabilities Act (the "ADA").

Because the Defendant's website, Theintelstore.com, is not equally
accessible to blind consumers, it violates the ADA. Plaintiff seeks
a permanent injunction to cause a change in Gatewaycdi's policies,
practices, and procedures so that Defendant's website will become
and remain accessible to blind and visually impaired consumers.
This complaint also seeks compensatory damages to compensate Class
members for having been subjected to unlawful discrimination, says
the complaint.

The Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who
requires screen reading software to read website content using the

Intel Stores provide to the public important and enjoyable goods
and services including the ability to browse and purchase a variety
of Intel branded products including apparel, technology products,
gifts and memorabilia, promotional and education material, and
related products which are offered for sale at the Stores.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Dan Shaked, Esq.
          SHAKED LAW GROUP, P.C.
          14 Harwood Court, Suite 415
          Scarsdale, NY 10583
          Phone: (917) 373-9128
          Email: ShakedLawGroup@gmail.com

GENE BY GENE: Saathoff Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois
The case styled as Joshua Saathoff, and others similarly situated
v. GENE BY GENE, LTD., d/b/a FAMILY TREE DNA, Case No. 2024 CH
09556 was removed from the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois,
to the United States District Court for the Northern District of
Illinois on Nov. 25, 2024, and assigned Case No. 1:24-cv-12118.

The Plaintiff further alleges that FamilyTreeDNA discloses to a
third-party marketing company the identities of individuals on whom
a genetic test was performed, but not the genetic testing results.
FamilyTreeDNA denies the violation of the Illinois Genetic
Information Privacy Act (GIPA) alleged in the Complaint.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Benjamin Berkowitz, Esq.
          Matan Shacham, Esq.
          Christina Lee, Esq.
          Spencer McManus, Esq.
          Robyn Pariser, Esq.
          Jonhatan A. Aragon, Esq.
          633 Battery Street
          San Francisco, CA 94111-1809
          Phone: 415 391 5400
          Facsimile: 415 397 7188
          Email: bberkowitz@keker.com

GENTING NEW YORK: Seeks to Depose Roberts & Shaw
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Roberts et al., v. Genting
New York LLC, Case No. 1:14-cv-00257-KAM-VMS (E.D.N.Y.), the
Defendant asks the Court to enter an order to depose Roberts and

Had Plaintiffs' counsel limited the class representatives to four
identified and specific individuals, Defendant would have deposed
each of them.

The Defendants should not be denied an opportunity to depose
Roberts and Shaw now because Plaintiffs inexcusably waited a decade
to modify the number of class representatives.

On Nov. 6, 2024, ten years after filing their Amended Complaint
seeking to certify 63 class representatives, the Plaintiffs
unilaterally and without authorization reduced the number of
putative class representatives to four.

The Plaintiffs' untimely disclosure has indisputably prejudiced
Defendant warranting the depositions of two of those class
representatives who were not previously deposed.

Genting New York owns and operates casino.

A copy of the Defendant's motion dated Dec. 2, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=7sQVID at no extra

The Defendant is represented by:

          Jonathan M. Sabin, Esq.
          KANE KESSLER, P.C.
          600 Third Avenue
          New York, NY 10016
          Telephone: (212) 541-6222
          Facsimile: (212) 245-3009
          E-mail: jsabin@kanekessler.com

GO NEW YORK: Court Refuses to Certify Order for Appeal in Teta Suit
Judge Edgardo Ramos of the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York denies the Plaintiffs' motion to certify an
order for interlocutory appeal in the lawsuit captioned CINDY TETA
and MOTTY STEIN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiffs v. GO NEW YORK TOURS, INC., d/b/a TOPVIEW
Case No. 1:24-cv-01614-ER (S.D.N.Y.).

Plaintiffs Cindy Teta and Motty Stein bring this class action on
behalf of all similarly situated consumers against Go New York
Tours, Inc., d/b/a Topview Sightseeing and Event Cruises NYC ("Go
New York") for a violation of New York Arts & Cultural Affairs Law
Section 25.07. Before the Court is the Plaintiffs' motion to
certify an order for interlocutory appeal based on this Court's
July 1, 2024 Order compelling arbitration between the parties.

Go New York is a New York City tour company that is incorporated in
New York and maintains its principal place of business in New York,
New York. Go New York sells, among other things, cruise tickets
from its website,

Plaintiffs Teta and Stein were purchasers of tickets for Go New
York's sightseeing cruise. During the purchasing process, the
Plaintiffs allege that Go New York's website did not disclose the
additional fees that were to be added to the initially displayed
ticket price before checkout.

At the final checkout step, customers must agree to the terms and
conditions of Go New York's website via a clickwrap agreement
before they are able to purchase tickets. The clickbox is next to a
line of text that reads "I have read and agree to
eventcruisenyc.com terms and conditions." "Terms and conditions" is
in light blue text with a hyperlink to the terms.

When customers click the hyperlink, the first paragraph of the
terms and conditions includes a statement that Go New York's "terms
and conditions contain a mandatory arbitration provision that
requires the use of arbitration on an individual basis and limits
the remedies available to you in the event of certain disputes."
The terms also include a section titled "Liability and Warranties

Plaintiffs Teta and Stein filed suit individually and on behalf of
all purchasers of tickets to City Lights Cruise on March 1, 2024,
asserting that Go New York's website did not disclose the total
cost of the ticket prior to the ticket being selected for purchase
and increased the ticket price during the purchase process in
violation of the New York Arts and Cultural Affairs Law Section

On May 10, 2024, Go New York moved to compel arbitration pursuant
to the mandatory arbitration clause in their terms and conditions,
and on July 1, 2024, the Court issued an order granting Go New
York's motion to compel arbitration and instructed the parties to
inform the Court no later than July 15, 2024, if they wished for
the action to be stayed rather than dismissed.

Subsequently, the Plaintiffs filed a letter with the Court
indicating their intent to seek an interlocutory appeal and
pursuant to approval from both parties, the Court stayed the case
pending resolution of arbitration on June 23, 2024. The Plaintiffs
filed the instant motion for leave to appeal the Court's July 1,
2024 order on Aug. 13, 2024.

Specifically, the Plaintiffs argue that an interlocutory appeal is
appropriate because: (1) the issue of whether an arbitration clause
governing a contract and its services also covers pre-marketing
conduct is a controlling question of law; (2) there is substantial
ground for difference of opinion; and (3) an immediate appeal would
materially advance the litigation.

The Plaintiffs allege that the July 1, 2024 Order contains a
controlling question of law pertaining to whether an arbitration
clause governing a contract and its services also covers
pre-agreement marketing conduct. Go New York contends that the
Order concerns a mixed question of law and fact, which should
proceed to final judgment, before the Plaintiff is granted an
opportunity to appeal.

The Court agrees that granting certification pursuant to Section
1292(b) would require consideration by the Second Circuit of a
mixed question of law and fact. Here, the question that the
Plaintiffs present in their petition is whether an arbitration
clause governing a contractual agreement and its services covers
pre-marketing conduct.

Judge Ramos says the question presented does not pose an issue of
pure law and "mixed questions of law and fact are not appropriate
for certification under Section 1292(b)," citing Retirement Board
of the Policemen's Annuity v. Bank of New York, No. 11 Civ. 05459,
2016 WL 2744831, at *2 (S.D.N.Y. May 9, 2016) (quoting Freeman v.
National Broadcasting Co., Inc., No. 85 Civ. 3302 (LBS), 1993 WL
524858, at *2 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 15, 1993)).

Even if the Court were to construe the Plaintiffs' question as one
of pure law, Judge Ramos holds it is not controlling as to warrant
interlocutory review. Here, a reversal of the Order would not
immediately terminate the Plaintiffs' claim and availability for
relief against Go New York.

Judge Ramos points out that the instant appeal simply seeks to
determine the appropriate forum for the proceeding, either in this
Court or through arbitration. The Plaintiffs are not seeking a
final judgment on the merits of the underlying claim. Accordingly,
the Court finds that the Plaintiffs do not present a controlling
question of law and fail to satisfy the first prong.

The Court finds that there is no substantial ground for difference
of opinion as to the enforcement of the arbitration clause.
Accordingly, there is no substantial ground for difference of
opinion that would allow for certification.

The Court concludes that certification is not guaranteed to speed
up the progression of this case and rather may be the cause of
further delays. Accordingly, the Court says this case does not
present a set of facts that merits certification of an
interlocutory appeal.

For these reasons, the Court denies Teta and Stein's motion for
certification of interlocutory appeal. The Clerk of Court is
directed to terminate the motion.

A full-text copy of the Court's Opinion & Order is available at
https://tinyurl.com/mryz6jue from PacerMonitor.com.

GOOGLE LLC: Maurice Blackburn Probes Anti-Competitive Conduct
Simon Thomsen, writing for StartUp Daily, reports that law firm
Maurice Blackburn is wading into an issue that's vexed the federal
government, competition watchdog the ACCC, as well as the media,
investigating a potential class action against Google for alleged
anti-competitive conduct in Australia's digital advertising

The idea is likely to be tempting to publishers Google has not
struck deals with under the government's News Media Bargaining Code
offering compensation for lost revenue in being forced to use
Google's adtech services.

In June the tech giant struck new agreements running 1-to-5 years
with Nine, Seven West Media, News Corp and smaller publishers such
as Times News Group, Private Media and The Conversation. It's worth
an estimated $130 million, so while publishers who missed out on
Google striking agreements have nothing to lose, those receiving
cash will have to weigh up if there's more money on the table once
the lawyers have taken their cut if successful.

This week, the Victorian Supreme Court ratified a $271.8 million
settlement from US ride-sharing giant Uber following a five-year
class action by Maurice Blackburn on behalf of the Australian taxi

The law firm pocketed $38.7 million from the settlement, including
its uplift fee (for winning), launched the case against Uber in
2019. Litigation funder, Harbour Fund scored around 30% of the
settlement, $81.54 million, as its funding commission, leaving $152
million in the kitty for the taxi industry.

Meanwhile, the government is trying to figure out how to deal with
Meta after pulling out of the Code.

The class action would seek compensation for publishers of digital
ad inventory who received less revenue than otherwise for the space
they sell, due to Google's role.

Maurice Blackburn argues Google has a dominant position at all
points of the adtech supply chain, providing adtech services to
both the advertisers and publishers through programmatic

The potential class action follows similar proceedings in the US,
including a Department of Justice prosecution that went to trial in
September this year, as well as legal actions by both advertisers
and publishers, plus class actions in the UK Competition Tribunal
and Canada.

The ACCC's 2021 inquiry into digital advertising raised competition
concerns, concluding that Google's conflicts of interest had "led
to poor outcomes" for publishers.

"Over more than a decade, Google's vertical integration and
strength in ad tech services has allowed it to engage in a range of
conduct which has lessened competition over time and entrenched its
dominant position," the ACCC Digital advertising services inquiry
final report said.

Maurice Blackburn said that anyone who has a website and/or mobile
phone app that displays digital advertising (ie. sells ad space)
directed at Australian consumers at some point in the past six
years may have suffered financial loss because of Google's conduct
and, if the action proceeds, be eligible for compensation.

The ad space needs to have been sold programmatically using AdTech
services and you need to have used a Google product to sell your ad
space. [GN]

GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE: Shelton Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case styled as Sheri Shelton, and all others similarly situated
TRUST; and DOES 1-50, inclusive, Case No. 2024-01434532-CU-CO-CXC
was removed from the Superior Court of California, County of
Orange, to the United States District Court for the Central
District of California on Nov. 27, 2024, and assigned Case No.

In her complaint, Shelton alleges claims against GAIC for false
advertising, breach of contract, bad faith, negligence, and
violation of California's Unfair Competition Act.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Alexander E. Potente, Esq.
          Joshua J. Bettencourt, Esq.
          CLYDE & CO US LLP
          150 California Street, 15th Floor
          San Francisco, CA 94111
          Phone: (415) 365-9800
          Fax: (415) 365-9801
          Email: alex.potente@clydeco.us

GREEN ANT: Romero Sues Over Failure to Pay Hours Worked
Wendy Vanessa Romero, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. THE GREEN ANT LLC AND TRINITY MA INC. D.B.A.
HAPPY LEAF COLLECTIVE; and DOES 1 through 100, Case No. 24LBCV02218
(Cal. Super. Ct., Los Angeles Cty., Oct. 11, 2024), is brought
against the Defendants' Failure to Provide Compliant Meal Periods;
Failure to Provide Compliant Rest Periods; Failure to Pay for All
Hours Worked; Failure to Pay All Overtime Owed; Failure To
Reimburse Work-Related Expenses; Wage Statement Penalties; Waiting
Time Penalties; Violation of Unfair Competition Law; Private
Attorneys General Act; Violation of California Government Code –
Sex Harassment; Violation of California Government Code –
Discrimination based on Sex; Violation of California Government
Code – Retaliation; Wrongful Termination in Violation of Public

The Defendants failed to provide Plaintiff with compliant meal
breaks because Plaintiff was required to remain on call and on duty
during meal breaks, and Plaintiff would frequently receive work
call to her personal cell phone from vendors and suppliers during
meal breaks. Despite not being provided with compliant meal breaks,
Defendant did not pay premium pay for these missed breaks at
Plaintiff's regular rate of pay.

The Defendant failed to provide Plaintiff with compliant rest
breaks because Plaintiff was not allowed to leave the work premises
during rest breaks. Despite not being provided with compliant rest
breaks, Defendant did not pay premium pay for these missed breaks
at Plaintiff's regular rate of pay. Defendants failed to pay
Plaintiff for all hours worked because Defendant required Plaintiff
to perform work off the clock for an average of five hours per

The Defendants failed to pay Plaintiff all overtime owed because
Plaintiff regularly worked in excess of eight hours in a day and 40
hours in a workweek while also performing work off the clock, which
therefore yielded an incorrect rate of pay for the hours actually
paid. The Defendants failed to correctly calculate Plaintiff's
regular rate of pay, and as a result, underpaid Plaintiff's
overtime. Specifically, Defendants did not include all
non-discretionary pay that Plaintiff earned when calculating
Plaintiff's regular rate of pay.

The Defendants failed to reimburse Plaintiff for all work-related
expenses because Plaintiff was required to purchase fish tank
supplies in order to perform their work duties, but Defendants did
not reimburse Plaintiff for these expenses. The Defendants failed
to provide Plaintiff with accurate wage statements because the wage
statements issued to Plaintiff did not accurately list total wages
owed and hours worked, among other things.

Due to Defendants' failure to pay all wages due to Plaintiff during
their employment, it follows that Defendant failed to pay all wages
due at the conclusion of Plaintiff's employment as well. Therefore,
Defendants are liable to Plaintiff for waiting time penalties, says
the complaint.

The Plaintiff was employed by Defendants from September 1, 2022,
until October 20, 2023.

are California a limited liability company and a California
corporation with principal places of business located in Los
Angeles County, California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Manny Starr, Esq.
          Daniel Ginzburg, Esq.
          23901 Calabasas Road, Suite 1084
          Calabasas, CA 91302
          Phone: (818) 914-3433
          Facsimile: (818) 914-3433
          Email: manny@frontierlawcenter.com

GULLY TRANSPORTATION: Bid to Certify Collective Action Denied
In the class action lawsuit captioned as SHAWN SEALS, ON BEHALF OF
GULLY TRANSPORTATION, INC., Case No. 4:23-cv-00824-RK (W.D. Mo.),
the Hon. Judge Roseann Ketchmark entered an order denying without
prejudice the amended consent motion to certify a collective action
and approve the parties' Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA")
settlement agreement.

Accordingly, while the Court finds a bona fide dispute exists, it
does not find the settlement agreement to be fair and reasonable as

The Plaintiff seeks relief on behalf of himself and a putative
collective consisting of Gully Transportation employees who worked
as "yard hostlers," asserting they worked overtime hours without

On March 4, 2024, the Parties mediated the case, and the matter
resolved at mediation.

Gully offers truckload, temperature controlled transportation, and
trailer leasing services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Dec. 2, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=KdtN5b at no extra

H. MART COMPANIES: Harrell Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
Alfonso Harrell, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. H. Mart Companies, Inc., Case No. 2:24-cv-10789
(D.N.J., Nov. 27, 2024), is brought arising from Defendant's
failure to make its digital properties accessible to legally blind
individuals, which violates the effective communication and equal
access requirements of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities
Act ("ADA").

Because Defendant's website, https://hmart.com, (the "Website" or
"Defendant's website"), is not equally accessible to blind and
visually-impaired consumers, it violates the ADA. Plaintiff seeks a
permanent injunction to cause a change in Defendant's corporate
policies, practices, and procedures so that Defendant's website
will become and remain accessible to blind and visually-impaired
consumers. Defendants Website, and its online information, is
heavily integrated with its brick-and-mortar locations.

Upon visiting Defendant's website, Hmart.com, Plaintiff quickly
became aware of Defendant's failure to maintain and operate its
website in a way to make it fully accessible for himself and for
other blind or visually-impaired people. The access barriers make
it impossible for blind and visually-impaired users to enjoy and
learn about the services at Hmart.com prior to entering Defendant's
physical location, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff is a blind, visually-impaired person.

The Defendant operates the Hmart.com online retail store and
advertises, markets, and operates in the State of New Jersey and
throughout the United States.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Uri Horowitz, Esq.
          14441 70th Road
          Flushing, NY 11367
          Phone: 718.705.8706
          Fax: 718.705.8705
          Email: Uri@Horowitzlawpllc.com

HABIT RESTAURANTS: Garcia Sues Over Failure to Pay Proper Wages
Itzel Garcia, individually and on behalf of similarly situated
former and current aggrieved employees v. THE HABIT RESTAURANTS,
LLC, dba THE HABIT BURGER GRILL, and DOES 1 to 50, Case No.
24VECV05032 (Cal. Super. Ct., Los Angeles Cty., Oct. 11, 2024), is
brought against the Defendants violation of the California Labor
Codes as a result of the Defendants' failure to pay proper wages.

The Defendants failed to pay overtime, failed to pay minimum wages,
meal period violations, rest break violations, failed to pay vested
vacation benefits, sick and covid period/benefits violations,
failed to maintain & produce employee records as well as
unreimbursed business expenses, release of claims for wage
violations, reporting time violations, untimely payment of wages,
failed to timely pay wages at separation wage statements violations
misclassification failed to pay regular rate of pay failed to pay
owed tips unfair business practices, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff worked as a cook for the Defendants.

The Defendants operate as a restaurant and food and beverage

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Zorik Mooradian, Esq.
          Andrina G. Hanson, Esq.
          Nanor C. Kamberian, Esq.
          24007 Ventura Blvd., Suite 210
          Calabasas, CA 91302
          Phone: (818) 487-1998
          Facsimile: (888) 783-1030
          Email: zorik@mooradianlaw.com

HAMPDEN COUNTY, MA: Kirchner Files Suit in Mass. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Hampden County
Sheriff's Department. The case is styled as Nicholas Kirchner,
Morgan Wanzer, Jen Assad, Nicholas Moutinho, Kristopher Grimshaw,
Dan Willemain, Chase LaPorte, Chris Lempke, individually and on
behalf of all other persons similarly situated v. Hampden County
Sheriff's Department, Case No. 2479CV00722 (Mass. Super. Ct.,
Hampden Cty., Nov. 27, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Contract / Business."

Hampden County Sheriff's Department -- https://hcsoma.org/ --
offers education and opportunity to people in custody while helping
the Western Mass community.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Jeffrey Morneau, Esq.
          273 State St., Second Floor
          Springfield, MA 01103
          Phone: (413) 455-1730

HAPPY TIMES: Web Site Not Accessible to the Blind, Picon Says
YELITZA PICON, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiffs v. HAPPY TIMES CAFE, LLC, Defendant, Case No.
1:24-cv-09054 (S.D.N.Y., Nov. 26, 2024) alleges violation of the
Americans with Disabilities Act.

The Plaintiff alleges in the complaint that the Defendant's Web
site, https://www.eckhauslatta.com, is not fully or equally
accessible to blind and visually-impaired consumers, including the
Plaintiff, in violation of the ADA.

The Plaintiff seeks a permanent injunction to cause a change in the
Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and procedures so that
the Defendant's Web site will become and remain accessible to blind
and visually-impaired consumers.

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gabriel A. Levy, Esq.
          GABRIEL A. LEVY, P.C.
          1129 Northern Blvd, Suite 404
          Manhasset, NY 11030
          Telephone: (347) 941-4715
          Email: Gevyfirm@gmail.com

HCL TECHNOLOGIES: Kent's EPOA Lawsuit Remanded to State Court
Senior Judge Marsha J. Pechman of the United States District Court
for the Western District of Washington granted the plaintiff's
motion to remand the case captioned as STEPHEN KENT, Plaintiff, v.
HCL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED, et al., Defendants, CASE NO. C24-1332 MJP
(W.D. Wash.).

Kent filed this proposed class action in King County Superior Court
against Defendants HCL Technologies Limited, HCL America, Inc., HCL
America Solutions, Inc. and Does 1-20, claiming they violated the
pay transparency requirements of Washington's Equal Pay and
Opportunities Act, RCW 49.58.110. HCL timely removed the action to
the the United States District Court for the Western District of
Washington. Kent now moves to remand the case, asserting that HCL's
removal was improper.

Kent resides in King County and applied for a job opening to work
with HCL in July 2024. Kent claims to have been"qualified to
perform the position for which he applied. He alleges the posting
for the job opening he applied to did not disclose the wage scale
or salary range being offered. Kent does not allege that he
received any response to his application. But he alleges that as a
result of Defendants' refusal to disclose the wage scale or salary
range in the job posting, he remains unable to evaluate the pay for
the position and compare that pay to other available positions in
the marketplace, which negatively impacts Plaintiff's current and
lifetime wages.

Kent alleges that he and the members of a proposed class of
similarly-situated individuals lost valuable time applying for jobs
with Defendants for which the wage scale or salary range was not
disclosed. But he alleges only that he applied for the job, not
that he spent time preparing for and participating in an interview
or that he lost the ability to apply for other positions.

The District Court finds that Kent lacks standing because he fails
to identify a concrete injury-in-fact from HCL's failure to provide
statutorily-required salary information.

Although the EPOA protects concrete interests of job applicants,
the District Court finds that the alleged violation Kent identifies
did not cause actual harm or present a material risk of harm to
that interest.

The District Court separately notes that jurisdictional discovery
would not be appropriate in this matter, notwithstanding HCL's
request. It is apparent on the face of the Complaint that Kent
lacks standing, and none of the jurisdictional discovery HCL seeks
or would be entitled to would alter that calculus.

The District Court finds that Kent has failed to allege an injury
to a concrete interest sufficient to satisfy Article III standing.
It therefore lacks subject matter jurisdiction, and it may not
preside over this matter. It remands this matter to the King County
Superior Court.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

HERSHEY COMPANY: Mohamed Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case styled as Abraham Mohamed, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. THE HERSHEY COMPANY, doing
business as BUBBLE YUM, and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, Case No.
24STCV27893 was removed from the Superior Court of the State of
California, County of San Diego, to the United States District
Court for the Central District of California on Nov. 26, 2024, and
assigned Case No. 2:24-cv-10248.

The Plaintiff seeks monetary damages, penalties, injunctive relief,
and other relief from Hershey, asserting the following causes of
action: violation of California's Unfair Competition Law ("UCL"),
violation of California's False Advertising Law ("FAL"), and
violation of California's Consumers Legal Remedies Act

The Defendants are represented by:

          Ron Rothstein, Esq.
          35 West Wacker Drive
          Chicago, IL 60601-9703
          Phone: +1 312-558-5600
          Email: RRothste@winston.com

               - and -

          Jared Kessler, Esq.
          200 S. Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 2400
          Miami, Florida 33131
          Phone: +1 305-910-0500
          Email: JRKessler@winston.com

               - and -

          Shui Sum Lau, Esq.
          333 S. Grand Ave. Ste 3800
          Los Angeles, CA 90071
          Phone: +1 213-615-1700
          Email: SSLau@winston.com

HOME PARTNERS: Court Narrows Claims in Sheard, et al. Lawsuit
Chief Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel of the United States District
Court for the Southern District of Illinois granted in part the
defendants' motion to dismiss the second amended complaint in the
JOHNSON, and LIONEL JOHNSON, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated,  Plaintiff, v. HOME PARTNERS HOLDINGS
LLC, Defendants, Case No. 3:23-CV-4012-NJR (S.D. Ill.). Plaintiffs'
claims in Counts I and VIII are dismissed without prejudice. The
Court reserves ruling on the remainder of Defendants' motion to

The Plaintiffs in this case claim they were deceived into renting
"quality," "move-in ready" homes from Defendant Home Partners
Holdings LLC only to discover problems like a leaky gas line, a
sewage-leaking toilet, mold, no running water, a broken water
heater, and a faulty furnace that spewed carbon monoxide. A tree
fell on one of the homes and stayed there for three weeks.
Plaintiffs further claim that when they notified Defendants about
these issues, Defendant Pathlight Property Management failed to
make repairs in a timely manner, if at all.

Plaintiffs filed the Second Amended Class Action Complaint in this
action on behalf of a nationwide class and an Illinois class. The
proposed nationwide class (or, alternatively, an Illinois subclass)
brings one count alleging Defendants charged multiple illegal fees
in violation of the Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business
Practices Act (Count I), and one count for declaratory judgment
under 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2201 (Count VIII). On behalf of the Illinois
class, Plaintiffs allege a violation of the ICFA (Count II),
violation of the Illinois Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act
(Count III), violation of the Illinois Landlord Tenant Act (Count
IV), breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing (Count V),
unjust enrichment (Count VI), and rescission (Count VII). They seek
declaratory relief, injunctive relief, compensatory damages, and
attorneys' fees and costs. Defendants have now moved to dismiss the
Second Amended Class Action Complaint for failure to state a claim
under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).

Defendants are corporate landlords who collectively own, lease, and
manage approximately 17,000 homes in more than 80 markets across
the United States. Defendants operate as alter egos of each other
and as a joint entity. Home Partners purchases homes through
separately incorporated LLCs, including  Defendant HPA US1 LLC,
while Pathlight handles the property management aspect of
Defendants' rental business. The Plaintiffs in this case all signed
leases with HPA US1 LLC.

Defendants operate two rental programs: a "right-to-purchase"
program and a "non-right-to-purchase" program. Under the NRTP
program, homes already owned by Defendants are rented to tenants
for one-year terms. Under the RTP program, a prospective customer
finds a home listed on the market, Defendants buy the home, then
the customer leases the home from Defendants for up to five years
with the option to purchase it at any point.

Plaintiffs assert that Defendants' marketing is designed to induce
prospective customers to believe that they are renting a specially
chosen and quality home that is different than a traditional
rental. Defendants then convince consumers to take on substantial
maintenance burdens through their form leases, which illegally
shift repair and maintenance obligations onto tenants.

Plaintiffs also claim that Defendants do not fully disclose the
additional fees that tenants will be required to pay under the

In Count I, Plaintiffs, on behalf of a nationwide class or,
alternatively, an Illinois class, allege that the MRLP, the UBSF,
and the HVAC filter fee are illegal fees under the ICFA.

The Court finds that the MRLP fee is not deceptive or unfair under
the ICFA.

In Count I, Plaintiffs aver that the UBSF is deceptive because
Defendants' websites and their "Anticipated Terms" represent the
UBSF is to "reimburse for utilities and service paid for by

In this case, Plaintiffs were made aware of the UBSF within the
first few pages of their leases, and they agreed to pay it. The
Court finds nothing deceptive about the UBSF.

Finally, Plaintiffs claim that the HVAC filter fee is deceptive
because it misleads tenants into believing it is their
responsibility to keep the homes in compliance with state and
municipal law when it is actually Defendants' responsibility.

Because the terms of the lease clearly provide that the Owner is
responsible for maintaining the home as required by law, Plaintiffs
have failed to allege sufficient facts to demonstrate that the HVAC
Filter Fee constitutes an unfair practice, the Court concludes.

Finally, Plaintiffs claim that the MRLP, UBSF, and HVAC filter fees
are unfair because they have no choice but to pay them or risk
eviction or non-renewal of their lease. This argument lacks merit
because Plaintiffs chose to rent their homes through

In Count VIII, the only other count brought on behalf of a
nationwide class, Plaintiffs seek a declaration pursuant to 28
U.S.C. Sec. 2201 that Defendants' practices are unlawful. Because
the Court has determined that Plaintiffs have not adequately
alleged the MRLP, USBF, and HVAC Filter Fee are deceptive or unfair
under Illinois law, the nationwide class is not entitled to
declaratory relief. Count VIII is dismissed as to the nationwide

A copy of the Court's Memorandum and Order is available at

HOME PARTNERS: Plaintiffs' Class Certification Bid Denied in Part
Judge Robert J. Bryan of the United States District Court for the
Western District of Washington granted in part and denied in part
the plaintiffs' motion for class certification in the case
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
2020-2 LLC, Defendants, CASE NO. 22-5704-DGE-RJB (W.D. Wash.),

The tenant-Plaintiffs in this case allege that the Defendants, a
national real estate investment and property management
conglomerate, use illegal leases and engage in practices that
violate the Plaintiffs' rights under Washington's Residential
Landlord Tenant Act, RCW 59.18, et. seq. The Plaintiffs also
contend that the Defendants breached their duty of good faith and
fair dealing. They seek damages, declaratory relief, and
prospective injunctive relief.

Plaintiffs asserted additional claims which have been dismissed.
Certain grounds for their claims under the RLTA, and for the breach
of the duty of good faith and fair dealing, were dismissed.
Additionally, their claims for violations of the Washington
Consumer Protection Act, RCW 19.86, et. seq., unjust enrichment,
retrospective injunctive relief, rescission, restitution, and
disgorgement have also been dismissed.

After their first motion to certify a class was denied without
prejudice, the Plaintiffs now move for a second time for class
certification, appointment of class representatives, and
appointment of class counsel. Defendants move to exclude
Plaintiffs' damages expert.

The Plaintiffs seek certification of a "Damages Class" under Fed.
R. Civ. P. 23(a) and 23 (b)(3) comprising of:

A. All persons who have leased from Defendants in Washington under
a written rental agreement that was active or in effect as of
September 21, 2016, and who (1) were required by Defendants' leases
and policies to perform or pay for routine repairs or maintenance
or for wear resulting from ordinary use of the premises,
specifically HVAC filter replacement, lawn/yard or irrigation
system maintenance, snow or ice removal, or appliance, fireplace,
chimney repair or replacement, (2) made a maintenance or repair
request that was denied as "resident responsibility" or "as-is", or
(3) made a maintenance or repair request to Defendants in which
remediation was not commenced or promptly completed within the time
limits specified by RCW 59.18.070 (the "Maintenance and Repair

B. All persons who have leased from Defendants under a rental
agreement in effect on or after September 21, 2016, and who were
charged late fees (the "Late Fee Subclass");

C. All persons who have leased from Defendants under a rental
agreement in effect on or after September 21, 2016, and who were
charged attorneys' fees (the "Attorneys' Fee Subclass");

D. All persons who moved in on or after September 21, 2019, and
from whom Defendants collected a security deposit without providing
a move-in written statement or checklist conform

E. All persons who moved out on or after September 21, 2019, and to
whom Defendants mailed a statement without providing a full and
specific statement for  the reason for withholding in the time and
manner specified by RCW 59.18.280 (the "Move-out Subclass").

The Plaintiffs also seek certification of an "Injunctive Class"
under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(a) and 23(b)(2) of:

All persons who are leasing with Defendants within the State of

Defendants oppose the motion to certify a class.

The Defendants move to exclude the Opinions of Robert Kneuper,
Ph.D., Plaintiffs' damages expert. The Plaintiffs oppose the

The Plaintiffs' motion should be granted, in part, and denied, in
part. Defendants' motion should be granted.

The Plaintiffs' motion for certification of a maintenance and
repair subclass should be denied, the Court finds. According to the
Court, the Plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate that Fed. R. Civ.
P. 23(a)'s prerequisites of commonality and typicality are met.
Further, they have not shown that "questions of law or fact common
to class members predominate over any  questions affecting only
individual members" as required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3), the
Court adds. The remaining requirements under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23
need not be addressed.

The Court finds, Plaintiffs have met Rule 23's requirements for
certification of both the Late Fee Subclass and Attorneys' Fees
Subclass. Accordingly, the motion to certify both the Late Fee
Subclass and Attorneys' Fees Subclass should be granted.

The Court also finds Plaintiffs have met Rule 23's requirements for
certification of a Move-In Subclass for RLTA claims based on Home
Partners' collecting a deposit contrary to RCW 59.18.260(2). The
Plaintiffs' motion to certify the Move-In Subclass should be

Plaintiffs have met Rule 23's requirements for certification of a
Move-Out Subclass for RLTA violations, the Court finds. The motion
to certify the Move-Out Subclass should be granted.

Current-tenant Plaintiffs Gallo and Nasilasila's motion for an
Injunctive Class should be granted, the Court holds.

Dr. Kneuper's August 15, 2023 opinion was on the putative
maintenance and repair subclass's damages. The putative maintenance
and repair subclass and its claims are not suitable for class
certification. Accordingly, Dr. Kneuper's opinion on Plaintiffs'
classwide RLTA repair and maintenance damages claims is not
"relevant to the task at hand" relating to those claims and so
should be excluded, the Court concludes.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

IME RESOURCES: Whips Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against IME Resources, LLC.
The case is styled as Arden Whips, on behalf of herself and on
behalf of all persons similarly situated v. IME Resources, LLC,
Examworks Compliance Solutions, LLC, Examworks, LLC, Examworks
Group, LLC, Does 1-50, Case No. 24CV023863 (Cal. Super. Ct.,
Sacramento Cty., Nov. 22, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Other Employment Complaint Case."

IME Resources LLC is a reputable company based in Atlanta Georgia
specializing in providing a range of professional services to
clients in various industries.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Norman B. Blumenthal, Esq.
          2255 Calle Clara
          La Jolla, CA 92037-3107
          Phone: 858-551-1223
          Fax: 858-551-1232
          Email: norm@bamlawca.com

INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION: Suit Transferred to C.D. Illinois
The case is styled as Jane Doe, Joy Zelikovsky, Individually and on
behalf of others similarly situated v. International Association of
Eating Disorder Professionals Foundation Inc., Bonnie Harken, Joel
Jahraus, Dena Cabrera, Ralph Carson, Case No. 3:23-cv-02624 was
transferred from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District
of Texas, to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of
Illinois on Nov. 22, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 1:24-cv-01474-MMM to the

The nature of suit is stated as Anti-Trust.

International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals
Foundation Inc. is an organization that offers education and
training classes for practitioners in the field of eating

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Steven R Dunn, Esq.
          THE DUNN FIRM
          5830 Preston Fairways Dr
          Dallas, TX 75252-4957
          Phone: (214) 769-7810

The Defendant is represented by:

          James Joseph Sipchen, Esq.
          John H. Scheid, Esq.
          200 S Wacker Drive, Suite 2600
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Phone: (312) 578-7422
          Fax: (312) 346-8242
          Email: dbloomfield@porterwright.com

               - and -

          Carson James Henderson, Esq.
          1900 N Pearl Street, Suite 1500
          Dallas, TX 75201
          Phone: (214) 978-3000
          Fax: (214) 978-3099

               - and -

          William N. Radford, Esq.
          700 N Pearl St 25th Floor
          Dallas, TX 75201-2832
          Phone: (214) 871-8212
          Fax: (214) 871-8209

               - and -

          Matthew T. McLain, Esq.
          100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 500
          Fort Worth, TX 76102
          Phone: (817) 945-8025
          Fax: (817) 753-3232

IRON MOUNTAIN: Melendez Sues Over Breaches of Fiduciary Duties
Arnulfo Melendez, Danielle Bathrick, Joshua Bressler, Kristophor
Johnson, and Terrance Mott, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. IRON MOUNTAIN INCORPORATED, THE BOARD
1:24-cv-12613 (D. Mass., Oct. 15, 2024), is brought pursuant to the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), against
the Plan's fiduciaries, which include Iron Mountain Incorporated
("Iron Mountain" or "Company") and the Board of Directors of Iron
Mountain Incorporated and its members during the Class Period
("Board") and the Retirement Plan Committee of Iron Mountain
Incorporated and its members during the Class Period ("Committee")
for breaches of their fiduciary duties.

To safeguard Plan participants and beneficiaries, ERISA imposes
strict fiduciary duties of loyalty and prudence upon employers and
other plan fiduciaries. Fiduciaries must act "solely in the
interest of the participants and beneficiaries," with the "care,
skill, prudence, and diligence" that would be expected in managing
a plan of similar scope.

At all times during the Class Period, the Plan had over $600
million in assets under management. At the Plan's fiscal year end
in 2021 and 2020, the Plan had over $800 million and $700 million,
respectively, in assets under management that were/are entrusted to
the care of the Plan's fiduciaries. The Plaintiffs allege that
during the putative Class Period, Defendants, as "fiduciaries" of
the Plan, as that term is defined under ERISA, breached the duties
they owed to the Plan, to Plaintiffs, and to the other participants
of the Plan by, inter alia, failing to control the Plan's RKA

Another way in which Defendants breached their duty to Plan
participants was in failing to defray reasonable expenses of
administering the Plan.  Their failure stems from the use of Plan
participant forfeited funds to reduce Company contributions to the
Plan instead of using the funds to reduce or eliminate the amounts
charged to Plan participants for RKA services. This action by the
Company was a clear breach of the duty of loyalty to Plan
participants and cost Plan participants millions of dollars.

The Defendants' mismanagement of the Plan, to the detriment of
participants and beneficiaries, constitutes a breach of the
fiduciary duty of prudence, in violation of the ERISA. Their
actions were contrary to actions of a reasonable fiduciary and cost
the Plan and its participants millions of dollars.

Based on this conduct, Plaintiffs assert claims against Defendants
for breach of the fiduciary duty of prudence (Count I), breach of
the fiduciary duty of loyalty (Count II), breach of ERISA's
Anti-Inurement Provision (Count III) and failure to monitor
fiduciaries (Count IV), says the complaint.

The Plaintiffs participated in the Plan.

Iron Mountain describes itself as "A global leader in storage and
information management services and trusted by more than 225,000
organizations around the world, including over 90% of the Fortune

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Jeffrey Hellman, Esq.
          195 Church Street, 10th Floor
          New Haven, CT 06510
          Phone: 203-691-8762
          Fax: (203) 823-4401
          Email: jeff@jeffhellmanlaw.com

               - and -

          Mark K. Gyandoh, Esq.
          James A. Maro, Esq.
          CAPOZZI ADLER, P.C.
          312 Old Lancaster Road
          Merion Station, PA 19066
          Phone: (610) 890-0200
          Fax: (717) 233-4103
          Email: markg@capozziadler.com

J DAVID TAX: Iverson's Bid to Produce Information Granted in Part
Magistrate Judge Anita Marie Boor of the U.S. District Court for
the Western District of Wisconsin grants in part and denies in part
the Plaintiffs' motion to compel the Defendant to produce
information in the lawsuit entitled LARRY R. IVERSON, et al.,
Plaintiffs v. J. DAVID TAX LAW, LLC, Defendant, Case No.
3:23-cv-00718-jdp (W.D. Wis.).

The Plaintiffs in this proposed class action were clients of
Defendant J. David Tax Law, LLC. The Plaintiffs sued their former
firm, claiming the Defendant engaged in unfair trade practices and
committed malpractice by misrepresenting its lawyers' legal
qualifications and falling below the standard level of care.

Now before the Court is the Plaintiffs' motion to compel the
Defendant to produce information they contend is necessary for
class certification. The court initially stayed briefing on this
motion to compel to focus on the Defendant's motion to dismiss and
the Plaintiffs' motion to amend. The Court has now resolved those
motions, defining the scope of the Plaintiffs' claims and setting
the stage to resolve this discovery dispute.

For reasons set forth in this Opinion and Order, the Court grants
in part and denies in part the Plaintiffs' motion. The Defendant
has two weeks from the date of this order to supplement its
discovery responses.

The Plaintiffs are Wisconsin residents, who engaged the Defendant,
a tax law firm in Florida, to represent them in tax-related
proceedings. They allege that the Defendant charged unreasonable
and illegal fees, committed malpractice, and engaged in unfair
trade practices. They sued the Defendant on these legal theories
and asserted class action allegations.

The Defendant removed this case from Wisconsin state court to this
Court under 28 U.S.C. Sections 1446 and 1332(d). The Court has
since ruled on two motions that affect the scope of the case. The
Court granted the Defendant's motion to dismiss the Plaintiffs'
claim for unreasonable and illegal fees, denied the Defendant's
motion to strike the class allegations, and allowed the Plaintiffs
to proceed on their two remaining claims.

In doing so, the Court identified a common question for each. On
the unfair-trade-practices claim, the common question is whether
the Defendant falsely represented that its lawyers were licensed to
practice in Wisconsin. On the malpractice claim, the common
question is whether the Defendant fell below the standard of care
by representing Wisconsin clients without being licensed to
practice in Wisconsin.

The Court also denied the Plaintiffs' motion for leave to amend. It
rejected the Plaintiffs' request to add back the previously
dismissed claim for unreasonable and illegal fees. It also rejected
their request to amend the scope of the proposed class to include
not just the Defendant's Wisconsin clients but all of its
clientele, ultimately finding the request unnecessary and
premature. The Court noted that the Plaintiffs were free to reraise
the scope of the class at a later stage in the case.

In and around the briefing on these motions on the pleadings, the
parties completed briefing the instant motion to compel. The
Plaintiffs move to compel responses to six interrogatories and 17
requests for production, which the Plaintiffs sorted into five
"categories of discovery."

The Defendant adopted these categories in its briefing as well, so
the Court uses them here: (A) J. David's retention agreements; (B)
Contact information: names and addresses; (C) Case information:
case names, numbers, and jurisdictions of any judicial or
quasi-judicial or administrative matter or case involved; (D)
Filings and communications to third parties made for such clients,
such as to WDOR (Wisconsin Department of Revenue), the IRS
(Internal Revenue Service), or other taxing authorities; and (E)
Invoices or accountings and details of time worked, for the named
Plaintiffs and each class member.

After the motion was filed, the Defendant provided the Plaintiffs
with supplemental discovery responses and additional documents,
including templates of retainer forms it used for Wisconsin clients
and information on when they were used and by approximately how
many clients. On reply, the Plaintiffs contend that the
supplemental responses and documents did not fully satisfy their

At the parties' request, the Court moved the deadline for Rule 23
class certification motions to Jan. 15, 2025.

The Defendant argues that Florida Bar Rule 4-1.6 (Rule 4-1.6)
precludes it from disclosing documents or information relating to
its clients other than the Plaintiffs. Judge Boor holds that the
Defendant's reliance on Rule 4-1.6 does not provide a bar to
ordering appropriate discovery in this case.

The Defendant argues, among other things, that the Plaintiffs'
discovery requests cover information that is protected by
attorney-client privilege, work-product protections, or both. Judge
Boor notes that neither side provides any guidance as to the choice
of law that governs the Defendant's privilege claims; nor do they
explain how choice of law would matter.

Judge Boor finds the Defendant has offered only general assertions
of privilege. Consequently, it cannot carry its burden to establish
the existence of any applicable privilege. The Court will overrule
the Defendant's blanket assertions of privilege but will allow the
Defendant to assert more particularized privilege claims as
discovery progresses. To properly assert the claims over documents,
the Defendant must log any information withheld in a privilege log
that complies with Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(5).

Accordingly, the Court rules that the Plaintiffs' motion to compel
discovery is granted in part and denied in part in accordance with
this Opinion. The Defendant will supplement its production of
requested documents in line with this Opinion within two weeks of
the date of this order. The parties bear their own costs in
litigating this motion.

A full-text copy of the Court's Opinion and Order is available at
https://tinyurl.com/56d2z5ek from PacerMonitor.com.

JAGR LLC: Zhang Files ADA Suit in S.D. New York
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Jagr, LLC. The case
is styled as Andrew Zhang, on behalf of himself and all others
similarly situated v. Jagr, LLC, Case No. 1:24-cv-09109 (S.D.N.Y.,
Nov. 27, 2024).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Americans with
Disabilities Act.

JAGR Construction specializes in quality and affordable interior
residential & light commercial demo.[BN]

The Plaintiff appears pro se.

JERSEY FIRESTOP: Class Certification Denied in Covachuela Suit
Judge Zahid N. Quraishi of the United States District Court for
District of New Jersey will deny the plaintiff's motion for class
certification in the case captioned as ORBIN COVACHUELA,
individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
Plaintiff, v. JERSEY FIRESTOP, LLC, et al., Defendants, Civil
Action No. 20-8806 (ZNQ) (TJB) (D.N.J.) pursuant to Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure 23.

Plaintiff Orbin Covachuela was employed as a laborer by Defendant
Jersey Firestop LLC. Jersey Firestop is a New Jersey-based
mechanical insulation and firestop contractor that provides
firestop and insulation products and installs those products in
various homes and businesses throughout the tristate area. The
individual defendants, Daniel and David Hinojosa, are officers,
shareholders, and directors of Jersey Firestop and were Plaintiff's
direct supervisors.

Plaintiff brings this putative class action lawsuit on behalf of
himself and others similarly situated, alleging violations of the
Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 201, et seq., the New
Jersey Wage and Hour Law, N.J. Stat. Ann. Secs. 34:11-56a to
-56a41, the New Jersey Wage Payment Law, N.J. Stat. Ann. Secs.
34:11-4.1 to -4.15, and the  New Jersey Conscientious Employee
Protection Act, N.J. Stat. Ann. Secs. 34:19-1, et seq. The Court
has federal question jurisdiction over Plaintiff's FLSA claim under
28 U.S.C. Sec. 1331, and supplemental jurisdiction over Plaintiff's
state law claims under 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1367(a).

Plaintiff filed his initial Complaint on July 13, 2020 to which
Defendants answered. Plaintiff then filed an Amended Complaint on
February 19, 2021. On April 9, 2021, the Honorable Anne E.
Thompson, entered an opinion and order granting Plaintiff's Motion
for Conditional Class Certification and approved Plaintiff's
conditions for notice and dissemination under the FLSA.

Plaintiff brought three causes of action against Defendants. First,
is an FLSA collective action involving himself and similarly
situated persons "who were employed since the date thre years prior
to the filing of th[e] Complaint and who elect to opt-in."
Plaintiff contends that under provisions of the FLSA, Plaintiff and
the Collective Plaintiffs were entitled to overtime compensation.
The Collective Plaintiffs in the FLSA action include "no less than
twelve similarly situated current and former drivers and/or
laborers employed by Defendants." As alleged, these Collective
Plaintiffs were not paid overtime rates for all hours worked in
excess of forty hours per week, and Defendants engaged in an
unlawful pattern of minimizing labor costs and denying employees

The second and third causes of action are brought by Plaintiff on
behalf of himself and similarly situated persons who were employed
by Defendants since the date six years prior to the filing of the
Complaint. They are: (1) a NJWHL action for overtime violations,
and (2) a NJWPL action for failure to timely pay wages. Given that
the parties are unable to resolve the underlying dispute, the Court
now considers whether certification of Plaintiff's proposed class
for the causes of action is appropriate.

The Plaintiff seeks class certification under Rule 23 for
non-exempt laborers employed by Defendants between July 13, 2014,
and June 28, 2021, arguing that the class meets all Rule 23
requirements. Plaintiff asserts the class is sufficiently numerous,
with approximately 140 easily identifiable members, and that
commonality is satisfied as all members experienced the same
injury—working without pay before arriving at their worksites due
to Defendants' policies. Plaintiff claims his experiences are
typical of the class, with a shared pattern of wrongdoing and
evidence. He further argues adequacy, highlighting his counsel's
experience and the absence of conflicts of interest. Lastly,
Plaintiff contends a class action is the superior method for
resolving the claims, given the financial constraints individual
members face, and emphasizes that common liability issues
predominate, particularly whether Defendants violated New Jersey
wage and hour laws.

Defendants argue that class certification is inappropriate because
(1) Plaintiff "cannot meet his burden to establish commonality
under Rule 23(a)(2), or predominance under Rule 23(b)(3)," and (2)
Plaintiff cannot show that a class action is superior to other
methods of adjudication." Defendants contend that commonality is
not satisfied because "the vast
majority of putative class members undisputedly did not participate
in the activity at the center of this case," i.e., driving to the
office, loading the company vehicle, and then driving to the

The Court finds that Plaintiff has demonstrated by a preponderance
of the evidence that Defendants employed approximately 140 laborers
during the Class Period. It is alleged that many of these laborers
engaged in the same type of conduct as the representative
Plaintiff. That fact is more than mere speculation. Therefore, the
Court is satisfied that Plaintiff has satisfied Rule 23(a)'s
numerosity requirement.

According to the Court, the claims of the representative plaintiff
and the class members are based on the NJWPL and NJWHL, and present
the exact legal issues, elements, and there are common defenses.
The Court is convinced that Plaintiff has proven typicality by a
preponderance of the evidence.

The Court finds that the representative Plaintiff has the ability
and incentive to represent the putative class, and the record does
not disclose any conflicts between Plaintiff and the putative class
members. Plaintiff's counsel contends that he is experienced to
litigate this case, and the Court agrees with Plaintiff that "there
is nothing to suggest that the representative Plaintiff has any
interest antagonistic to the vigorous pursuit of the Class claims
against Defendants." Defendants do not dispute that class counsel
is adequate to represent the interests of the class. The Court
further agrees that counsel is experienced to litigate this matter
and will adequately represent the class.

With that background of the relevant claims, the evidence in this
case establishes that Plaintiff cannot satisfy his burden to
establish commonality and predominance, the Court finds. Judge
Quraishi explains, "Although the putative class members are likely
ascertainable and identifiable, it is unclear from the record
whether the putative class members participated in the activity at
the center of this case. The record illustrates that (1) some
putative class members went to the office before work while others
did not, and (2) some putative class members worked overtime while
others did not. There is no evidence in the record that discusses
which putative class members had a car independent of the company
vehicle, and which putative class members went to the office prior
to or after a job at a worksite, and for how long they were at the

He adds, "Although the general common questions in this case relate
to whether there are violations of the NJWPL and NJWHL, and whether
Defendants had a policy that violated these statutes, whether the
putative class members will be able to prove the essential elements
of the claims depends on individualized evidence related to each
specific putative class members' daily job duties and personal
responsibilities, not common evidence. The evidence may be similar,
but it is too individualized for class certification to be proper.
And although Plaintiff might meet Rule 23(a)'s commonality
requirement, that requirement is subsumed in the predominance
requirement of Rule 23(b)(3)."

Because the Court concludes that Plaintiff fails commonality and
predominance under Rule 23(b)(3), the Court need not address
superiority or ascertainability.

A copy of the Court's Opinion dated November 19, 2024, is available
at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=4jUGXI

JRA TRADEMARK: Martinez-Graciano Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case styled as Adilene Martinez-Graciano, on behalf of herself,
the general public, and all others similarly situated v. JRA
TRADEMARK COMPANY, LTD., a New York corporation; and JOHN DOES
1–10, Case No. CVRI2405399 was removed from the Superior Court of
California, County of Riverside, to the United States District
Court for the Central District of California on Nov. 26, 2024, and
assigned Case No. 5:24-cv-02529-CAS-SP.

Specifically, Graciano is seeking to turn the State Court Case into
a class action; requests restitution of all unjust enrichment that
that JRA allegedly obtained from Graciano and the alleged class
members; seeks public injunctive relief against JRA from
"continuing their false reference pricing scheme in California in
the future; and attorneys' fees and costs."[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          David L. Jordan, Esq.
          Jack A. Reitman, Esq.
          315 Pacific Avenue
          San Francisco, CA 94111
          Phone: (415) 986-5900
          Facsimile: (415) 986-8054
          Email: dljordan@grsm.com

LABOR SOURCE: Bid to Reconsider Sept. 23 Class Cert Order Denied
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Speight v. Labor Source,
LLC, Case No. 4:21-cv-00112 (E.D.N.C., Filed Aug. 12, 2021), Hon.
Judge Louise Wood Flanagan entered an order denying the part of the
instant motion seeking reconsideration of the part of the Court's
Sept. 23, 2024, Order denying plaintiffs' motion to certify class.

-- The Plaintiffs have not demonstrated the court misapplied the
    standard for class certification in light of the evidence
    presented in support of their motion to certify class.

-- However, the court grants in part the alternative part of
    plaintiffs' instant motion.

-- The court allows plaintiffs leave to file a renewed motion to
    certify class, within 14 days of the date of this order, which

    seeks to certify the narrower proposed class as set forth in
    memorandum in support of the instant motion.

-- Consistent with the parties' joint status report, the court
    in abeyance scheduling deadlines for the remainder of the case

    until after adjudication of the renewed motion.

The suit alleges violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Labor Source is a nationwide staffing agency.[CC]

LAMB WESTON: Controls Frozen Potato Product Prices, BW-SS Suit Says
BW-SS, INC., individually and on behalf of all others similarly
Defendants, Case No. 1:24-cv-12241 (N.D. Ill., November 26, 2024)
is a class action against the Defendants for violations of the
Sherman Act, state antitrust statutes, and state consumer
protection statutes, and unjust enrichment.

The case arises from the Defendants' alleged use of their market
power to leverage a temporary spike in input costs to impose
lockstep price increases on their frozen potato products at
supra-competitive levels. The Defendants synchronized their price
increases multiple times per year since at least early-2021. As a
result of the Defendants' combination and conspiracy, frozen potato
product prices in the United Stats have been artificially inflated
through the Class Period, from January 1, 2021, to the present,
causing the Plaintiff and other commercial, industrial, and
institutional indirect purchasers to suffer damages, says the

BW-SS, Inc. is a commercial business owner, with its principal
place of business in Mandan, North Dakota.

Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. is a producer, distributor, and marketer
of frozen potato products, headquartered in Eagle, Idaho.

Lamb Weston, Inc. is a subsidiary of Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc.

Lamb Weston BSW, LLC is a subsidiary of Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc.

Lamb Weston/Midwest, Inc. is a subsidiary of Lamb Weston Holdings,

Lamb Weston Sales, Inc. is a subsidiary of Lamb Weston Holdings,

McCain Foods Limited is a producer of frozen potato products, with
its corporate headquarters in Toronto, Canada.

McCain Foods USA, Inc. is a subsidiary of McCain Foods Limited
based in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois.

J.R. Simplot Co. is a producer of frozen potato products, with its
headquarters in Boise, Idaho.

Cavendish Farms Ltd. is a producer of frozen potato products, with
its headquarters in Dieppe, New Brunswick, Canada.

Cavendish Farms, Inc. is a subsidiary of Cavendish Farms Ltd., with
its principal place of business in North Dakota.

National Potato Promotion Board, doing business as Potatoes USA, is
a trade association, with its principal place of business in
Denver, Colorado.

Circana, LLC is a consumer behavior advisor, with its principal
place of business in Chicago, Illinois. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         David M. Cialkowski, Esq.
         Ian F. McFarland, Esq.
         Zachary J. Freese, Esq.
         Giselle M. Webber, Esq.
         1100 IDS Center
         80 S. 8th St.
         Minneapolis, MN 55402
         Telephone: (612) 341-0400
         Facsimile: (612) 341-0844
         Email: david.cialkowski@zimmreed.com

LAMPO GROUP: Hood Files TCPA Suit in S.D. Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against The Lampo Group, LLC.
The case is styled as BretMichael Hood, individually and on behalf
of all others similarly situated v. The Lampo Group, LLC doing
business as: Ramsey Solutions, Case No. 0:24-cv-62232-XXXX (S.D.
Fla., Nov. 22, 2024).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act for Restrictions of Use of Telephone

The Lampo Group, LLC doing business as Ramsey Solutions --
https://www.ramseysolutions.com/ -- provides biblically based,
commonsense education and empowerment that give HOPE to everyone in
every walk of life.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Andrew John Shamis, Esq.
          SHAMIS & GENTILE, PA
          14 NE 1st Ave., Ste. 1205
          Miami, FL 33132
          Phone: (305) 479-2299
          Fax: (786) 623-0915
          Email: ashamis@sflinjuryattorneys.com

LANDS' END: Spector Suit Removed to D. Arizona
The case is styled as Karen Spector, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. Lands' End Incorporated, Case No.
CV2024-024984 was removed from the Maricopa County Superior Court,
to the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona on Oct. 11,

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 2:24-cv-02775-ROS to the

The nature of suit is stated Other Personal Injury.

Lands' End, Inc. -- http://investors.landsend.com/-- is a leading
digital retailer of solution-based apparel, swimwear, outerwear,
accessories, footwear, home products and uniforms.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gerald Barrett, Esq.
          3838 N Central Ave., Ste. 1720
          Phoenix, AZ 85012
          Phone: (602) 279-1717
          Fax: (602) 279-8908
          Email: gbarrett@wardkeenanbarrett.com

               - and -

          Yitzchak Kopel, Esq.
          1330 Avenue of the Americas, 32nd Fl.
          New York, NY 10019
          Phone: (917) 776-6740
          Email: ykopel@bursor.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Catherine North Hounfodji, Esq.
          1000 Louisiana St., Ste. 4000
          Houston, TX 77002
          Phone: 890-5120
          Email: catherine.hounfodji@morganlewis.com

LASIKMD USA: Ramirez Sues Over Unlawful Disclosure of Information
Juan Ramirez, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. LASIKMD USA INC. d/b/a LASIK MD VISION, Case No.
3:24-cv-02221-MMA-DDL (S.D. Cal., Nov. 26, 2024), is brought on
behalf of all patients who visited us.lasikmd.com (the "Website")
to book consultations for laser vision correction procedures as a
resuld ot the Defendant's breach in its duties of confidentiality
by unlawfully disclosing Plaintiff Ramirez's personally
identifiable information and protected health information and
failure to receive the requisite consent.

When booking medical services online, patient privacy is crucial.
Patients expect, as they should, that their information will be
held in confidence and not shared with third parties without their
knowledge or consent. Moreover, information concerning an
individual's healthcare, including medical procedures, is protected
by state and federal law. Despite these protections and Defendant's
duty as a healthcare provider, Defendant aided, employed, agreed,
and conspired with Facebook4 to intercept communications sent and
received by Plaintiff and Class Members, including communications
containing protected medical information. Plaintiff brings this
action for legal and equitable remedies resulting from these
illegal actions, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff used Defendant's Website and he maintained an active
Facebook account.

LasikMD is one of the largest providers of Laser-Assisted In Situ
Keratomileusis ("LASIK") in the United States, with its surgeons
performing "over 2 million procedures in North America."[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Sarah N. Westcot, Esq.
          BURSOR & FISHER, P.A.
          701 Brickell Ave., Suite 2100
          Miami, FL 33131
          Phone: (305) 330-5512
          Facsimile: (305) 679-9006
          Email: swestcot@bursor.com

LENS.COM INC: Fitzpatrick Suit Transferred to D. Nevada
The case captioned as Mary Agrella Fitzpatrick, both individually
and on behalf of all others similarly situated v. LENS.COM, INC., a
Nevada Corporation, Case No. 1:24-cv-02700 was transferred from the
United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois,
to the United States District Court for the District of Nevada on
Nov. 26, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 2:24-cv-02203-JAD-EJY to
the proceeding.

The nature of suit is stated as Other Statutory Actions for
Contract Dispute.

Lens.com -- https://www.lens.com/ -- is an online website that
supplies a wide variety of contact lenses from different

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          James Matthew Stephens, Esq.
          Robert G. Methvin, Jr., Esq.
          2201 Arlington Avenue South
          Birmingham, AL 35205
          Phone: (205) 939-0199
          Fax: (205) 939-0399
          Email: mstephens@mtattorneys.com

               - and -

          Matthew J. Herman, Esq.
          3 North Second Street, Suite 300
          St. Charles, IL 60134
          Phone: (630) 232-6333
          Fax: (630) 845-8982

The Defendant is represented by:

          Theodore J. Folkman, Esq.
          53 State St.
          Boston, MS 02109
          Phone: (617) 330-7135
          Email: tfolkman@rubinrudman.com

               - and -

          Mark Bettilyon, Esq.
          Jed Hansen, Esq.
          The Walker Center
          175 S. Main Street, Suite 900
          Salt Lake City, UT 84111
          Phone: (801) 566-6633
          Email: mark.bettilyon@tnw.com

LENS.COM INC: Two Claims in Martin Suit Transferred to Nevada Court
Judge David S. Leibowitz of the United States District Court for
the Southern District of Florida ruled on the motions filed by the
parties in the case captioned as captioned as RICKEY MARTIN, on
behalf of himself and others similarly situated, Plaintiff, v.
LENS.COM, INC., Defendant, CASE NO. 24-cv-60489-DSL (S.D. Fla.).

Pending before the Court are the three motions:

   (1) Defendant's Motion to Change Venue;
   (2) Defendant's Motion to Dismiss; and
   (3) Plaintiff's Motion to Strike.

Plaintiff Rickey Martin is a Florida resident who purchased
corrective contact lenses from Defendant Lens.com's website on five
separate occasions between January and October, 2021. When making
these online purchases, Martin alleges that Lens.com charged him an
undisclosed, unreasonable, and unlawful processing fee in violation
of the FDUPTA. Martin further alleges that Lens.com advertised one
price for its contact lenses but charged 50% more than the
advertised price at checkout. According to Martin, purchasers can
only recoup the additional 50% charge by completing a mail-in
rebate which is disclosed at checkout for the first time.

Martin also alleges that Lens.com charged Florida customers "Taxes
and Fees," even though the State of Florida exempts contact lens
purchases from sales tax. Martin claims that the "Taxes and Fees"
are unlawfully deceptive because the charge is "entirely a
'Processing' fee, which Defendant only discloses when a customer
requests and receives a 'Full Receipt' from the Defendant's
customer service, after the sale and payment have been finalized."
From all this, Martin seeks to represent a class of "all Florida
residents and consumers who, within the applicable statute of
limitations preceding the filing of this action to the date of
class certification, purchased products from Defendant and paid a
charge labeled "Taxes & Fees" (known to Defendant as a "Processing"
fee)." Martin wants the trial of this matter to occur in South

Lens.com argues by clicking certain buttons in these transactions,
Martin agreed that any dispute like this would be handled in Nevada
and governed by Nevada law -- not in Florida. Lens.com moves to
transfer this case to Nevada pursuant to that forum-selection
clause it says Plaintiff agreed to when he purchased the contact
lenses online.

On February 21, 2024, Martin filed his Class Action Complaint in
the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in and for
Broward County, Florida, asserting a FDUPTA claim (Count I); a
breach of contract claim (Count II); and a claim for unjust
enrichment (Count III). For relief, Martin seeks a declaration that
Lens.com's practices constitute deceptive or unfair trade practices
under the FDUPTA, as well as actual damages, restitution,
injunctive relief, interest, attorney's fees and costs.  

Lens.com removed the case on March 27, 2024, invoking this Court's
original jurisdiction under the Class Action Fairness Act, 28
U.S.C. Sec. 1332(d). Shortly after removal, Lens.com moved to
dismiss and transfer this action to Nevada pursuant to the
forum-selection clause.

On October 25, 2024, the Court held a hearing on the enforceability
of a forum-selection clause embedded within a hyperlink, upon which
Defendant moves to dismiss and transfer this Florida-filed case to

Having examined all factors (color, size, positioning, language,
and overall design of the hyperlink and its accompanying text) in
their totality, the Court finds Lens.com's Terms of Use hyperlink
sufficiently conspicuous to put a prudent internet user on inquiry
notice. Having so found, the Court considers whether Plaintiff
unambiguously manifested his consent.

The Court concludes that Lens.com's hybrid-wrap agreement is
enforceable. As a result, the Court will enforce the
forum-selection clause against Plaintiff as to his common law
claims for breach of contract (Count II) and unjust enrichment
(Count III). The Court, however, declines to exercise its
discretion to transfer Plaintiff's FDUPTA class claims to Nevada.

After considering the law on this point, it is clear that the
FDUPTA class claim should not be transferred, the Court finds.
Judge Leibowitz explains, "First and most fundamentally, the FDUPTA
claim is an independent statutory claim completely severable,
distinct, and independent of any claims arising from a contract.
So, notwithstanding the Court's ruling on the enforceability of the
forum-selection clause (which is a determination made under
contract law principles), Plaintiff's statutory tort claim need
not, and the Florida legislature and Florida courts have declared
should not, travel in lockstep with his contract or quasi-contract
law claims."

After due consideration of the Motions, the parties' papers and
arguments, the record, and the relevant law, the Court grants in
part and denies in part Defendant's Motions to Change Venue and
Dismiss. Plaintiff's common law claims for breach of contract
(Count II) and unjust enrichment (Count III) are transferred to the
United States District Court for the District of Nevada, pursuant
to 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1404(a). However, this Court retains jurisdiction
over Plaintiff's claim brought pursuant to the Florida Deceptive
and Unfair Trade Practices Act, Fla. Stat. Sec. 501.201, et seq.
(Count I). Finally, and in light of the other rulings, the Court
denies Plaintiff's Motion to Strike as moot.

A copy of the Court's Memorandum Opinion and Omnibus Order is
available at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=sW2RjI

LIBERTY MEDIA: Faces Fishel Suit Over Improper Business Conduct
AKTIEINDEKS ENHANCED, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION; JOHN
E. VOGEL; and DAVID ZASLAV, Defendants, Case No. 2024-1057-KSJM
(Del. Ch., Oct. 21, 2024) is an action arising from the improper
business conduct of SiriusXM and Liberty Media's controlling
interest (the "Transaction").

According to the complaint, Liberty Media separated Liberty
SiriusXM Group ("Liberty SiriusXM Group") -- which comprised
Liberty Media's ownership of SiriusXM 2 -- into a new company
holding all of Liberty SiriusXM Group's assets and liabilities,
which in turn acquired SiriusXM in an all-stock transaction to form
"New Sirius." Former SiriusXM minority stockholders are left
holding roughly 19% of New Sirius, with LSXM stockholders holding
the remaining 81%.

The complaint says that the transaction is palpably unfair to the
SiriusXM minority stockholders and unduly favors the Company's
controller, Liberty Media. The Transaction allowed Liberty Media to
offload potentially massive (and largely unrelated) potential tax
liabilities of Liberty Media onto New Sirius; caused New Sirius to
assume almost two billion dollars of LSXM debt; and enabled Liberty
Media to appoint a majority of New Sirius' board of directors with
staggered terms to give Liberty Media at least three years of
board-level control, despite trumpeting in public disclosures that
New Sirius would not have a controlling stockholder, says the

Liberty Media Corporation provides broadcasting services. The
Company offers media, communications, and entertainment businesses,
as well as releases press. [BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Gregory V. Varallo, Esq.
          Benjamin M. Potts, Esq.
          Daniel E. Meyer, Esq.
          500 Delaware Avenue, Suite 901
          Wilmington, DE 19801
          Telephone: (302) 364-3600

               - and -

          Jeroen van Kwawegen, Esq.
          Thomas G. James, Esq.
          Margaret Sanborn-Lowing, Esq.
          1251 Avenue of the Americas
          New York, NY 10020
          Telephone: (212) 554-1400

               - and -

          Lee D. Rudy, Esq.
          J. Daniel Albert, Esq.
          Lauren C. Lummus, Esq.
          Nakib A. Kabir, Esq.
          CHECK, LLP
          280 King of Prussia Road
          Radnor, PA 19087
          Telephone: (610) 667-7706

LINKEDIN CORPORATION: L. W. A. Suit Removed to N.D. California
The case styled as L. W. A., individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. LINKEDIN CORPORATION, Case No.
24CV450084 was removed from the Superior Court of the State of
California for the County of Santa Clara, to the United States
District Court for the Northern District of California on Nov. 25,
2024, and assigned Case No. 5:24-cv-08436.

The Plaintiff alleges violations of the California Invasion of
Privacy Act ("CIPA"), as well as invasion of privacy under the
California Constitution.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Benjamin Berkowitz, Esq.
          Matan Shacham, Esq.
          Christina Lee, Esq.
          Spencer McManus, Esq.
          Robyn Pariser, Esq.
          Jonhatan A. Aragon - # 338756
          633 Battery Street
          San Francisco, CA 94111-1809
          Phone: 415 391 5400
          Facsimile: 415 397 7188
          Email: bberkowitz@keker.com

LITTLE GREENE: Blind Users Can't Access Online Store, Jones Claims
CLAY LEE JONES, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. LITTLE GREENE CORPORATION, Defendant, Case
No. 1:24-cv-09072 (S.D.N.Y., November 26, 2024) is a class action
against the Defendant for violations of Title III of the Americans
with Disabilities Act and the New York City Human Rights Law, and
declaratory relief.

According to the complaint, the Defendant has failed to design,
construct, maintain, and operate its website to be fully accessible
to and independently usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or
visually impaired persons. The Defendant's website,
www.littlegreene.us, contains access barriers which hinder the
Plaintiff and Class members to enjoy the benefits of its online
goods, content, and services offered to the public through the
website. The accessibility issues on the website include, but not
limited to: missing alt-text, hidden elements on web pages,
incorrectly formatted lists, unannounced pop ups, unclear labels
for interactive elements, and the requirement that some events be
performed solely with a mouse.

The Plaintiff and Class members seek permanent injunction to cause
a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and
procedures so that the Defendant's website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals.

Little Greene Corporation is a company that sells online goods and
services, doing business in New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
       Mark Rozenberg, Esq.
       One University Plaza, Suite 620
       Hackensack, NJ 07601
       Telephone: (201) 282-6500
       Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
       Email: mrozenberg@steinsakslegal.com

LIVE HYDRATION: Agnone Sues Over Website's Barriers to the Blind
PASQUALE AGNONE, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. LIVE HYDRATION SPA IP, LLC, Defendant, Case
No. 2:24-cv-08196 (E.D.N.Y., November 26, 2024) is a class action
against the Defendant for violations of Title III of the Americans
with Disabilities Act, the New York State Human Rights Law, the New
York State Civil Rights Law, and the New York City Human Rights
Law, and declaratory relief.

According to the complaint, the Defendant has failed to design,
construct, maintain, and operate its website to be fully accessible
to and independently usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or
visually impaired persons. The Defendant's website,
https://www.livehydrationspa.com, contains access barriers which
hinder the Plaintiff and Class members to enjoy the benefits of its
online goods, content, and services offered to the public through
the website. The accessibility issues on the website include, but
not limited to: inaccurate heading hierarchy, hidden elements on
the web page, inadequate focus order, ambiguous link texts,
changing of content without advance warning, lack of alt-text on
graphics, inaccessible drop-down menus, the denial of keyboard
access for some interactive elements, redundant links where
adjacent links go to the same URL address, and the requirement that
transactions be performed solely with a mouse, says the suit.

The Plaintiff and Class members seek permanent injunction to cause
a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and
procedures so that the Defendant's website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals.

Live Hydration Spa IP, LLC is a company that sells online goods and
services, doing business in New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
       Uri Horowitz, Esq.
       14441 70th Road
       Flushing, NY 11367
       Telephone: (718) 705-8706
       Facsimile: (718) 705-8705
       Email: Uri@Horowitzlawpllc.com

LOREES LITTLE: Faces Rhyne Employment Suit in Cal. Super.
A class action has been filed against Lorees Little Shack, Inc. The
case is captioned as Rachel Rhyne, on behalf of herself and all
similarly situated individuals v. LOREES LITTLE SHACK, INC., a
California Corporation, Loree Lamoureaux, and Does 1-20, inclusive,
Case No. 24CV020464 (Cal. Super., Sacramento Cty., October 8,

The lawsuit is brought over Defendants' alleged violation of
employment law.

The case is assigned to Hon. Christopher E. Krueger.

A case management conference is scheduled on November 7, 2025.

Lorees Little Shack, Inc. is a restaurant based in California.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Drew Lewis, Esq.
          DREW LEWIS, PC
          2999 Douglas Blvd., Suite 180
          Roseville, CA 95661-4219
          Telephone: (650) 665-9000

LOWE'S HOME: Gershfeld Balks at Defective Wpstbrass Air Gap Cap
JACK GERSHFELD, individually, and on behalf of a class of similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. LOWE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC, and DOES 1 through
100, inclusive, Defendants, Case No. 30-2024-01430552-CU-MT-CXC
(Cal. Super., Orange Cty., October 8, 2024) arises from the
Defendants' alleged violation of the California Unfair Competition

The Plaintiff bring this action individually and on behalf of all
similarly situated, namely, all California customers of Lowe's Home
Centers, LLC who purchased or caused to be purchased the Westbrass
Model D201 air gap cap. The air gaps are used to connect a waste
discharge water to a drain line. Their primary purpose is to
prevent non-potable water from flowing backward, mixing with and
contaminating potable (drinking) water.

According to the complaint, the Westbrass Air Gap Caps suffer from
a design defect, namely, lack of the flood level (FL) marking. This
defect makes the Westbrass Air Gap Caps dangerous because without
knowing the FL, it is impossible to know whether the FL has been
exceeded in case of flood, thus, permitting contamination by the
non-potable/waste water. The foreseeable risks of harm, i.e.
contamination by the non-potable/waste water, posed by the lack of
the FL marking could have been avoided by the adoption of a
reasonable alternative design, namely, placing the FL marking on
the Westbrass Air Gap Caps.

Lowe's Home Centers, LLC retails home improvement, building
materials, and home appliances.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

         Vladi Khiterer, Esq.
         KHITERER, INC.
         2901 W. Coast Hwy., Suite 200
         Newport Beach, CA 92663
         Telephone: (949) 631-6161
         E-mail: vladi@khiterer.com

LUSH HANDMADE: Keskinen Suit Removed to C.D. California
The case styled as Kelly Keskinen, on behalf of herself and all
others similarly situated v. LUSH HANDMADE COSMETICS LLC, an
Arizona limited liability company; LUSH HANDMADE COSMETICS LTD, a
Canadian corporation; and DOES 1 through 10, Case No. 24STCV23268
was removed from the Superior Court of California for the County of
Los Angeles, to the United States District Court for the Central
District of California on Oct. 11, 2024, and assigned Case No.

The Plaintiff alleges: "Lush violated Section 632.7 by routinely
and intentionally recording conversations with consumers on their
cellular telephones, without their knowledge or consent."[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Ana Tagvoryan, Esq.
          Victor Sandoval, Esq.
          BLANK ROME LLP
          2029 Century Park East | 6th Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Phone: 424.239.3400
          Facsimile: 424.239.3434
          Email: ana.tagvoryan@blankrome.com

M.R.V.L. INVESTMENTS: Settles Underpayments Class Suit for $19.25MM
Vanessa Cavasinni of Australian Hotelier reports that Merivale has
agreed to settle the underpayments class action brought against it
in 2019, for $19.25m.

The Merivale Class Action was commenced against M.R.V.L.
Investments Pty Ltd (Merivale) in the Federal Court of Australia on
24 December 2019 on behalf of Merivale employees that were employed
at any time during the period from 25 December 2013 to 24 December

On Friday 29 November, Merivale agreed to pay $19.25m to resolve
the case, without the admission of any liability. The funder of the
class action, ICP, will receive $6.34m, $3.7m of which will be
their commission and management fee, with the rest to cover
expenses. Additionally, Adero Law will receive over $800,000. The
rest will be divvied out to the Merivale employees in the
aforementioned time period who registered for the class action.

The case

The claim alleged that throughout that period, a number of Merivale
employees were paid less than the minimum amounts to which they
were entitled under the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010.
These employees included salaried workers who alleged that they
were paid for 38 hours per week while being required to work at
least 50-hour weeks without any overtime payments, as well as
casual and salaried workers who allege that the rates that they
were paid were less than their minimum entitlements.

As part of the claim, Adero Law also contended that Merivale's
employee agreement, created in 2007 and amended in 2009, varied
from the Hospitality Award, and was not a valid one.

In early 2020, a spokesperson for Merivale told TheShout: "Merivale
categorically denies that any of its employees have been required
to work unreasonable additional hours against their will.

"Full time Merivale employees have been paid annualised salaries
with hours averaged over 52 weeks as permitted under the enterprise
agreement that applied to Merivale employees from 2007 until 2019
and in accordance with the Hospitality Industry (General) Award
2010 since the agreement was terminated by consent."

However on 30 March 2021 the Merivale case suffered a blow when
Justice Thawley made orders that the Merivale Agreement was beyond
power. In an Adero notice to group members, it argued that this
judgment meant that the workers should have been paid according to
the Award not the Merivale Agreement, from 25 December 2013 instead
of from 4 March 2019.

Merivale declined to comment on the settlement. [GN]

MARCUS SAMUELSSON: Blind Users Can't Access Website, Sumlin Claims
DENNIS SUMLIN, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. MARCUS SAMUELSSON GROUP, LLC, Defendant,
Case No. 1:24-cv-09093 (S.D.N.Y., November 27, 2024) is a class
action against the Defendant for violations of Title III of the
Americans with Disabilities Act, the New York State Human Rights
Law, the New York State Civil Rights Law, and the New York City
Human Rights Law, and declaratory relief.

According to the complaint, the Defendant has failed to design,
construct, maintain, and operate its website to be fully accessible
to and independently usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or
visually impaired persons. The Defendant's website,
https://www.redroosterharlem.com, contains access barriers which
hinder the Plaintiff and Class members to enjoy the benefits of its
online goods, content, and services offered to the public through
the website. The accessibility issues on the website include, but
not limited to: inaccurate landmark structure, inaccurate heading
hierarchy, changing of content without advance warning, lack of
alt-text on graphics, the lack of adequate labeling of form fields,
the denial of keyboard access for some interactive elements, the
lack of navigation links, and the requirement that transactions be
performed solely with a mouse.

The Plaintiff and Class members seek permanent injunction to cause
a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and
procedures so that the Defendant's website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals.

Marcus Samuelsson Group, LLC is a company that sells online goods
and services, doing business in New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
       Asher Cohen, Esq.
       2377 56th Dr.
       Brooklyn, New York 11234
       Telephone: (718) 914-9694
       Email: acohen@ashercohenlaw.com

MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC: Carey Files Suit in Mass. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Massachusetts
Electric Company. The case is styled as James Carey, on behalf of
Himself and all others similarly situated v. Massachusetts Electric
Company, Case No. 2479CV00607 (Mass. Super. Ct., Hampden Cty., Oct.
11, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Contract / Business."

Massachusetts Electric Company is a full-service electrical

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Raymond Dinsmore, Esq.
          Ryan B. Guers, Esq.
          One Monarch Place, Suite 1340
          Springfield, MA 01144
          Phone: (413)785-1400

               - and -

          Nathan Andrew Olin, Esq.
          76 Masonic St
          Northampton, MA 01060
          Phone: (413)203-0010

MATCH GROUP: Bids for Lead Plaintiff Deadline Set for January 24
WHY: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces
it has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of purchasers of
securities of Match Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: MTCH) between May 2, 2023
and November 6, 2024, both dates inclusive (the "Class Period"). A
class action has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead
plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than January 24, 2025
in the securities class action first filed by the Firm.

SO WHAT: If you purchased Match Group securities during the Class
Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any
out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement.

WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the Match Group class action, go to
https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=12766 or call Phillip
Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email case@rosenlegal.com
for information on the class action. A class action lawsuit has
already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you
must move the Court no later than January 24, 2025. A lead
plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class
members in directing the litigation.

WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel
with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms
issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or
any meaningful peer recognition. Be wise in selecting counsel. The
Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe,
concentrating its practice in securities class actions and
shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm achieved the
largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese
Company at the time. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS
Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class
action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4
each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of
dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438
million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was
named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the
firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super

DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, defendants
throughout the Class Period made materially false and/or misleading
statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) Match Group
materially understated the challenges affecting Tinder and, as a
result, understated the risk that Tinder’s monthly active user
count would not recover by the time the Company reported its
financial results for the third quarter of 2024; and (2) as a
result, defendants’ statements about Match Group’s business,
operations and prospects were materially false and misleading
and/or lacked a reasonable basis at all relevant times. When the
true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors
suffered damages.

To join the Match Group class action, go to
https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=12766 call Phillip Kim,
Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email case@rosenlegal.com for
information on the class action.

No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are
not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select
counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member
and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in
any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar

Contact Information:

        Laurence Rosen, Esq.
        Phillip Kim, Esq.
        The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
        275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
        New York, NY 10016
        Tel: (212) 686-1060
        Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
        Fax: (212) 202-3827
        www.rosenlegal.com [GN]

MATCH GROUP: Faruqi Investigates Potential Securities Claims
On November 30, 2024, Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP, a prominent national
securities law firm, announced an investigation into potential
claims against Match Group Inc (MTCH, Financial). The firm is
encouraging investors who suffered losses exceeding $50,000 between
May 2, 2023, and November 6, 2024, to contact them to discuss their
legal options. The investigation centers on allegations that Match
Group and its executives made false or misleading statements
regarding the company's business operations, particularly
concerning Tinder's user metrics and financial outlook. Investors
have until January 24, 2025, to seek the role of lead plaintiff in
the federal securities class action.

Positive Aspects

Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP is a well-established law firm with a strong
track record in securities litigation.

The firm has successfully recovered hundreds of millions of dollars
for investors since its inception.

Negative Aspects

Match Group's stock price fell by 17.8% following disappointing
financial results and outlook.
Allegations of misleading statements by Match Group could damage
investor trust and company reputation.

Financial Analyst Perspective

The announcement of a securities class action investigation against
Match Group Inc (MTCH, Financial) highlights significant concerns
about the company's transparency and financial disclosures. The
sharp decline in stock price following the disappointing
fourth-quarter outlook suggests that investors were caught off
guard by the company's performance, particularly with Tinder's
declining user metrics. This situation could lead to increased
volatility in Match Group's stock as the legal proceedings unfold
and more information becomes available.

Market Research Analyst Perspective

From a market research standpoint, the issues facing Match Group
Inc (MTCH, Financial) underscore the challenges in the competitive
online dating industry. The decline in Tinder's monthly active
users and revenue per payer indicates potential market saturation
or ineffective user engagement strategies. This could prompt Match
Group to reassess its product offerings and marketing strategies to
regain user growth and investor confidence. The outcome of the
legal investigation may also influence the company's strategic
direction and market positioning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the deadline for investors to seek the role of lead
plaintiff in the class action?

A: The deadline is January 24, 2025.

Q: What are the allegations against Match Group Inc?

A: The allegations include making false or misleading statements
about Tinder's user metrics and financial outlook.

Q: How much did Match Group's stock price fall on November 7,

A: The stock price fell by 17.8% to close at $31.11 per share.

Q: How can affected investors contact Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP?

A: Investors can contact Josh Wilson directly at 877-247-4292 or
212-983-9330 (Ext. 1310). [GN]

MEAD JOHNSON & COMPANY: Taylor Suit Transferred to N.D. Illinois
The case is styled as Christina Taylor, on her own behalf and as a
Parent and Natural Guardian of I.H., a Minor v. Mead Johnson &
Company LLC, Mead Johnson Nutrition Company, Abbott Laboratories,
Case No. 2:24-cv-05835 was transferred from the U.S. District Court
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to the U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of Illinois on Nov. 22, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 1:24-cv-11764 to the

The nature of suit is stated as Personal Inj. Prod. Liability.

Mead Johnson & Company, LLC -- https://www.meadjohnson.com/ -- is
an American company that is a leading manufacturer of infant
formula, both domestically and globally, with its flagship product

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Tracy Ann Finken, Esq.
          ANAPOL WEISS
          130 North 18th. Street, Suite 1600
          Philadelphia, PA 19103
          Phone: (215) 735-0773
          Email: tfinken@anapolweiss.com

The Defendants are represented by:

          Catherine M. Recker, Esq.
          Richard D. Walk, III, Esq.
          WELSH & RECKER, P.C.
          306 Walnut Street
          Philadelphia, PA 19106
          Phone: (215) 972-6430
          Email: CMRecker@welshrecker.com

               - and -

          Joseph E. O'Neil, Esq.
          190 N Independence Mall West
          6th & Race Sts, Suite 500
          Philadelphia, PA 19106
          Phone: (215) 627-0303

               - and -

          Marques Hillman Richeson, Esq.
          JONES DAY
          901 Lakeside Avenue
          Cleveland, OH 44114
          Phone: (216) 586-7195

               - and -

          Ronni Ellen Fuchs, Esq.
          3000 Two Logan Square
          18th & Arch Streets
          Philadelphia, PA 19103
          Phone: (215) 981-4000

               - and -

          Sean P. Fahey, Esq.
          3000 Two Logan Square
          Eighteenth & Archer Streets
          Philadelphia, PA 19103-2799
          Phone: (215) 981-4335

MERCK & CO: Gardiner Sues Over Asbestos-Containing Talc Products
Sargent Gardiner and Aimee Gardiner, and others similarly situated
190272/2024 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York Cty., Oct. 11, 2024), is
brought for pain and suffering suffered as a proximate result of
the Plaintiff's regular and prolonged use of, inhalation,
ingestion, absorption, and/or exposure to asbestos-containing talc
and talcum powder products ("Products") including but not limited
to, Desenex body and foot powders, Dr. Scholl's foot powders, and
Johnson & Johnson body powders.

The Plaintiff was exposed to asbestos from asbestos-containing talc
in the PRODUCTS from 1979 to 2019. During this time he repeatedly
inhaled, ingested, absorbed, and was regularly exposed to asbestos
dust emanating from the asbestos-containing talc within the
PRODUCTS. This was an intended and foreseeable use of the PRODUCTS
based on the advertising, marketing, and labeling of the PRODUCTS.

The Plaintiff was exposed on numerous and frequent occasions to the
PRODUCTS which were mined, milled, produced, processed, designed,
manufactured, marketed, tested, compounded, mixed, supplied,
delivered, distributed, sold and/ or lobbied for by the

As a direct and proximate result of the Defendants' reckless,
callous, calculated, and reprehensible conduct, Plaintiff was
injured and suffered damages, namely Mesothelioma, which required
or will require surgeries and treatments. At the time of his
diagnosis, Plaintiff was 53 years old, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff was diagnosed with Mesothelioma on January 2022 as a
result of his exposure to talc products containing asbestos.

MERCK & CO. INC. is a duly organized foreign corporation doing
business and/or transacting business in the State of New York.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Benjamin T. Clinton, Esq.
          WEITZ & LUXENBERG, P.C.
          700 Broadway
          New York, NY 10003
          Phone: (212) 558-5500

MERRILL LYNCH: Bid to Seal Confidential Info in Vallely Granted
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Sarah Valelly, v. Merrill
Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Case No.
1:19-cv-07998-VEC (S.D.N.Y.), the Hon. Judge Valerie Caproni
entered an order granting the Plaintiff and Defendant's motion to
seal and/or redact confidential information, in accordance with the
dates and procedures identified below, which are intended to
supplement Rule 5(B) of the Court's Individual Practices in Civil

Similar to the approach that the parties and the Court took in
connection with the earlier summary judgment briefing, as well as
the Daubert, class certification, and reconsideration briefing, in
order to minimize the number of court filings and disputes
regarding confidentiality that the Court will need to resolve, and
to allow counsel sufficient time to confer with their clients about
proposed redactions, the parties propose as follows:

   1) The parties will serve, by email rather than on ECF, their
      papers by the deadlines reflected in the Scheduling Order.

   2) The parties will meet and confer within four business days
      service to discuss the need to redact or seal any portions
      their papers.

   3) The party seeking redaction or sealing with respect to papers
      be efiled by another party shall provide the other party
      proposed public versions of all such papers, with metadata

   4) Within ten business days after service by email reflected
      the parties who had served the papers by email will file on
      both the confidential and public versions of the papers
      originally served by email, however, with respect to reply
      papers, the parties will work collaboratively and in good
      to e-file such papers promptly after the email service date,
      order to expedite the formal submission date of the motion.

   5) Contemporaneous with these ECF filings, the parties will file

      joint letter(s) pursuant to Rule 5(B)(iii) of Your Honor’s

      Individual Rules reflecting the parties’ respective
positions on
      whether the material should be sealed or redacted.

Merrill Lynch is an American investment management and wealth
management division of Bank of America.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 26, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=1egIdI at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Robert C. Finkel, Esq.
          Adam J. Blander, Esq.
          Philip M. Black, Esq.
          845 Third Avenue
          New York, NY 10022
          Telephone: (212) 759-4600

The Defendant is represented by:

          Paul S. Mishkin, Esq.
          Lara Samet Buchwald, Esq.
          Cristina M. Rincon, Esq.
          450 Lexington Avenue
          New York, NY 10017
          Telephone: (212) 450-400

MG FREESITES: Plaintiffs File Class Notice, Creates Claims Website
Levin Law reports that the class action lawsuit Doe #1 v. MG
Freesites LTD et al., has reached an important milestone with the
filing of the official class notice and the launch of the MindGeek
Claims Administrator website, VictimImageLawsuit.com. The case,
filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District
of Alabama, marks a pivotal effort to address allegations of child
sexual abuse material (CSAM) on popular pornographic platforms
operated by MindGeek, including Pornhub, Redtube, and YouPorn.

"If you were under the age of 18 and appeared in a photo or video
on sites like Pornhub, Redtube, YouPorn, XTube, Tube8, or others,
your rights are affected by this lawsuit," the Doe vs. MindGeek
website states.

Background on the MindGeek Class Action

The lawsuit, originally filed in 2021, alleges that MindGeek and
its affiliated entities knowingly benefited from the possession and
distribution of CSAM on their platforms. The suit claims violations
under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act
(TVPRA) and other federal laws prohibiting the receipt and
distribution of child pornography.

Judge L. Scott Coogler, who oversees the case, has certified the
lawsuit as a class action. This certification enables individuals
who fit the class definition to participate collectively in seeking
justice. Specifically, the class includes anyone who appeared in a
video or image on the defendants' platforms while under the age of
18, from February 12, 2011, to the present.

"This lawsuit sheds light on the pervasive exploitation occurring
on these platforms. It's a fight not just for justice for the
victims but for systemic change in how online platforms operate."

  -- Kim Adams, Attorney, Levin Papantonio

Scope of the Class Action

The notice outlines the extensive scope of the lawsuit, targeting
numerous websites, including:

  -- Pornhub.com
  -- Pornhubpremium.com
  -- Redtube.com
  -- Redtubepremium.com
  -- YouPorn.com
  -- YouPornpremium.com
  -- Tube8.com
  -- Mofosex.com
  -- ExtremeTube.com
  -- Spankwire.com
  -- Keezmovies.com
  -- Thumbzilla.com
  -- Xtube.com

According to the lawsuit, the defendants created a business model
that allowed for the rampant uploading and monetization of CSAM,
while allegedly failing to implement sufficient safeguards to
prevent this exploitation.

This case represents a groundbreaking effort to hold MindGeek
accountable for allegedly profiting from illegal content. Levin
Papantonio, one of the law firms the Court has appointed as "Class
Counsel," emphasizes the broader impact of this litigation.

Your Legal Rights and Options

Affected individuals have until December 6, 2024, to decide their
course of action. The notice provides two primary options:

     1. Do Nothing and Stay in the Class

         Remaining in the class allows individuals to benefit from
any potential monetary award or injunctive relief resulting from a
trial or settlement. However, this option also means relinquishing
the right to sue MindGeek independently over similar claims.

     2. Exclude Yourself from the Class (Opt-Out)

          Those who opt out retain the ability to pursue individual
claims against the defendants but forfeit any potential benefits
from this lawsuit. To opt out, individuals must complete and submit
the provided exclusion form by the deadline.

Class Counsel will need to present evidence to prove the
Plaintiff's claims during a trial. The trial date has not yet been
set. At the trial, the judge and jury will review all the evidence
to determine whether the Plaintiff or the Defendants are correct
regarding the legal claims in the case.

Launch of the MindGeek Claims Administrator Website

To streamline communication and provide resources for potential
class members, the MindGeek Claims Administrator has launched
VictimImageLawsuit.com. The website serves as a centralized hub for
affected individuals to:

  -- Verify their eligibility for the class.

  -- Access the complete list of MindGeek-owned websites involved
in the case.

  -- Review the official notice and other important documents.

  -- Learn how to exercise their legal rights, whether by remaining
in the class or opting out.

The website also features a comprehensive FAQ section addressing
common questions, including details about the lawsuit's claims, the
potential timeline for resolution, and what participants can expect
moving forward. For additional support, individuals can contact the
claims administrator directly via a toll-free hotline or email.

Implications of the Lawsuit

This case represents a groundbreaking effort to hold MindGeek
accountable for allegedly profiting from illegal content. Levin
Papantonio, one of the law firms the Court has appointed as "Class
Counsel," emphasizes the broader impact of this litigation.

"This lawsuit sheds light on the pervasive exploitation occurring
on these platforms," said Kim Adams, attorney at Levin Papantonio.
"It's a fight not just for justice for the victims but for systemic
change in how online platforms operate."

The class action lawsuit and the establishment of
VictimImageLawsuit.com come in response to mounting concerns over
the inadequacy of content moderation practices on adult websites.
Advocacy groups and legal experts have long criticized the apparent
ease with which harmful content, including CSAM, can be uploaded
and shared. By bringing these issues into the courtroom, the
plaintiffs aim to secure both financial compensation for victims
and enforce stricter industry regulations.

Next Steps for Potential Class Members

If you or someone you know fits the criteria of the class
definition, it is crucial to review the information available on
VictimImageLawsuit.com. Potential class members should carefully
weigh their options, keeping in mind the upcoming deadlines and the
possibility of a trial.

Those who choose to participate in the class action will be
represented collectively by the legal team appointed by the court,
which includes seasoned attorneys experienced in complex litigation
involving corporate accountability and human rights violations.

Looking Ahead

While the outcome of this lawsuit remains uncertain, its
implications are far-reaching. The case underscores the urgent need
for reform in the adult content industry and serves as a stark
reminder of the devastating impact of online exploitation. For the
plaintiffs, this class action represents a unified stand against
systemic abuse and a call for justice that has long been overdue.

For more information, visit VictimImageLawsuit.com or contact the
claims administrator at 1-888-897-1858. [GN]

MICROSOFT CORP: Faces First UK Class Action Over AI Data
Decision Marketing reports that Manchester-based Barings Law is
aiming to sign up Brits to the legal claim for a myriad of data
misuses, including collecting extensive information about users'
voices, demographics, time spent on apps, personal details such as
email addresses, contents of emails and more.

The legal firm claims to have been investigating the issue for
almost two years and insists that a large array of data is being
stored and shared to develop large language models.

The firm has now launched a national marketing campaign targeting
anyone with a Microsoft or Google account or those who have used
their services, potentially tens of millions of Brits.

These platforms include but are not limited to YouTube, Gmail,
Gmail messages, Google Docs, browsing history, map searches, docs,
LinkedIn, OneDrive, Outlook, Microsoft 365, Xbox and more.

Data Protection authorities across Europe have been quick to stamp
out this data grab. In September, LinkedIn caved into pressure over
its AI scheme following an intervention from the UK's Information
Commissioner's Office. The company joined Meta, X, and Google to
either suspend or scrap their programmes on the back of claims they
have been using user data without consent.

Privacy organisation NOYB, backed by Austrian lawyer Max Schrems,
has also lodged complaints about ChatGPT pioneer OpenAI, claiming
it is in breach of GDPR.

Barings Law plans to issue court proceedings at the beginning of

The cyber security specialist firm has extensive experience in
high-profile data breach cases, including the Capita cyber-attack,
and it recently settled a high-profile data protection claim.

Barings Law head of data breach Adnan Malik said the team are well
prepared to take on the mammoth tech companies.

He explained: "This case is the Everest of data collection, but we
are ready to fight for the right of secure privacy for Microsoft
and Google users throughout the UK. We are shocked and disgusted to
learn about the level of data that has been and continues to be

"Both companies are collecting data such as the sports teams you
follow, the programming languages you prefer, the stocks you track,
your local weather or traffic, the route you take to work and what
your voice sounds like.

Malik emphasised that the development of AI must not come at the
cost of privacy. He added: "Individuals have the right to know what
data of theirs is being stored and what it is being used for. They
also have the right to opt out of their behaviours, voice,
likeness, habits and knowledge being used to train AI -- for the
profit of tech giants.

"As technologies continue to develop, individual data has become
the most valuable commodity in the world. We know that it's illegal
to steal commodities like money, gold, oil. As a society we cannot
accept that it's acceptable to steal the commodity of personal

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, and Microsoft are already
facing a $3bn class action in the US, over so-called "data

Malik concluded: "If you are shocked, upset, appalled, or annoyed
that your data is being used without your knowledge and consent, my
message to you is simple -- do something about it by joining the
fight. Let's take the future of our data and AI into our own
hands." [GN]

MIELLE ORGANICS: Faces Class Action Over Hair Oil Side Effects
Jessy Edwards of Top Class Actions reports that a hair oil consumer
is suing Mielle Organics LLC and The Procter & Gamble Company.

Why: The plaintiff claims the companies' Mielle Organics Rosemary
Mint Scalp & Strengthening Hair Oil causes hair loss.

Where: The Mielle Organics class action was filed in Illinois
federal court.

Mielle Organics and its parent company have been hit with a class
action lawsuit alleging their popular Mielle Organics Rosemary Mint
Scalp & Strengthening Hair Oil causes hair loss.

Plaintiff Georgina Gomes filed the class action complaint against
Mielle Organics LLC and The Procter & Gamble Company on Nov. 21 in
an Illinois federal court, alleging violations of state and federal
consumer laws.

According to the lawsuit, the companies are misleading consumers by
promoting the hair oil as safe while failing to disclose harmful
side effects.

Gomes alleges that the hair oil contains ingredients that have
caused her and other users significant hair loss.

According to the lawsuit, neither the product's labeling nor
marketing materials disclose these risks. Instead, the companies
allegedly marketed the product as safe and effective for hair

Gomes states that she would not have purchased the product -- or
would have paid significantly less for it -- had she known about
the potential harm.

Companies didn't properly test the hair oil, lawsuit alleges

The lawsuit says the companies neglected their duty to test the
product adequately to ensure it was free of harmful ingredients.
"Defendants knowingly, or at least negligently, introduced a
harmful and/or misbranded product into the U.S. market," the
complaint says.

Gomes claims the hair oil has left her and other consumers with
financial losses and emotional distress over hair damage.

"No reasonable consumer would have paid any amount for a cosmetic
product that contained ingredients causing hair loss or containing
a high risk of causing hair loss," the lawsuit says.

As a result, Gomes is looking to represent anyone who bought the
hair oil nationwide.

She is suing for violations of the Illinois Consumer Fraud and
Deceptive Trade Practices Act, fraud, unjust enrichment, and
violations of state consumer fraud laws and is seeking
certification of the class action, damages, fees, costs and a jury

Meanwhile, L'Oreal is facing a class action lawsuit claiming that
its CeraVe benzoyl peroxide cleanser contains a dangerous level of
the carcinogenic chemical benzene.

The plaintiff is represented by James M. Dore and Daniel I. Schlade
of the Dore Law Offices LLC.

The Mielle Organics class action is Georgina Gomes v. Mielle
Organics LLC et al., Case No. 1:24-cv-12019 in the U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of Illinois. [GN]

MK DRAYAGE: Seeks to Strike Vasquez Class Certification Bid
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Edwin Vasquez, et al., v.
MK Drayage Inc. and Best Inc., Case No. 2:24-cv-09983-SDW-MAH
(D.N.J.), the Defendants ask the Court to enter an order granting
their motion to strike Class Certification.

   1. The Plaintiffs filed a complaint alleging they worked
      but were not paid for the same such that they are due back
      overtime pay, among other losses.

   2. Plaintiffs contend there are other claimants and therefore a

      class should be certified regarding this issue.

   3. To that end, Plaintiffs make numerous assertions regarding
      dates, the nature of their job, the terms of their
      and their job responsibilities and assert the same are
      applicable to other potential class members.

   4. A class action may only be maintained under Fed. R. Civ. P.
      23(b)(3) where “the court finds that questions of law or
      common to class members predominate over any questions
      only individual members, and that a class action is superior
      other available methods for fairly and efficiently
      the controversy.”

   5. A court may strike a class when the issues are “plain
      from the pleadings.” Gen Tel. Co. of S.W. v. Falcon, 457
      147 (1982). See also Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(d)(1)(D).

   6. It is clear from the record that the class members either
      dates wherein they did not work for MK Drayage because MK
      Drayage was not operating in New Jersey at the time or
      misrepresented their job titles and hours worked in order to

      make a class certification seem proper under the law.

A copy of the Defendants' motion dated Dec. 2, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=h0YuEg at no extra

The Defendants are represented by:

          William M. Brennan, Esq.
          CIPRIANI & WERNER, P.C.
          Attorney ID# 015232009
          450 Sentry Parkway, Suite 200
          Blue Bell, PA 19422
          Telephone: (610) 567-0700
          E-mail: wbrennan@c-wlaw.com

MONEYGRAM PAYMENT: Fails to Protect Customers' Info, Krayzman Says
LARION KRAYZMAN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. MONEYGRAM PAYMENT SYSTEMS, INC., Defendant,
Case No. 3:24-cv-02974-E (N.D. Tex., November 26, 2024) is a class
action against the Defendant for negligence, declaratory relief,
and violation of California's Unfair Competition Law.

The case arises from the Defendant's failure to properly secure and
safeguard the personally identifiable information of the Plaintiff
and similarly situated consumers stored within its network systems
following a data breach in September 2024. The Defendant also
failed to timely notify the Plaintiff and similarly situated
individuals about the data breach. As a result, the private
information of the Plaintiff and Class members was compromised and
damaged through access by and disclosure to unknown and
unauthorized third parties, says the suit.

MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. is a money transfer and payment
services provider with its principal place of business in Dallas,
Texas. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Edward J. Wynne, Esq.
         80 E. Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Ste. 3G
         Larkspur, CA 94939
         Telephone: (415) 461-6400
         Email: ewynne@wynnelawfirm.com

                 - and -

         James F. Clapp, Esq.
         701 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 300
         Carlsbad, CA 92011
         Telephone: (760) 209-6565
         Email: jclapp@clapplegal.com

MONEYGRAM PAYMENT: Namata Files Suit in N.D. Texas
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Moneygram Payment
Systems Inc. The case is styled as Mosima Namata, individually and
on behalf of all others similarly situated v. Moneygram Payment
Systems Inc., Case No. 3:24-cv-02571-X (N.D. Tex., Oct. 11, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Other Personal Injury.

MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. -- https://www.moneygram.com/ --
provides money transfer and payment services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          W. Mark Lanier, Esq.
          10940 W. Sam Houston Pkwy N
          Houston, TX 77064
          Phone: (713) 659-5200
          Facsimile: (713) 659-2204
          Email: Mark.Lanier@LanierLawFirm.com

               - and -

          Lisa A. Blue, Esq.
          BARON & BLUE
          3811 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 800
          Dallas, TX 75219
          Phone: (214) 969-7373
          Fax: (214) 969-7648
          Email: lblue@baronandblue.com

MONTANA UNIVERSITY: Niman Bid for Class Certification Tossed
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Bethany Niman, et. al. v.
Montana University System and Clayton Christian, Case No.
9:23-cv-00079-DWM (D. Mont.), the Hon. Judge Donald Molloy entered
an order:

-- denying Plaintiffs' motion for class certification, and

-- granting Defendants' motion to deny class certification.

The Defendants are correct that certification is not appropriate
"because individual issues of causation will predominate over
common ones when evaluating whether" putative class members qualify
as Montana residents.

The Plaintiffs' "waiver" argument ignores the fact that the
Plaintiff have not shown-nor it is likely that they can ever
show-that every single putative class member would have qualified
for in-state tuition but-for the professional student provisions.
Certification is therefore not appropriate under Rule 23(b)(3).

The Plaintiffs have sued the Montana Commissioner of Higher
Education Clayton Christian, as well as individual members of the
Montana Board of Regents and UM registrars, alleging civil rights
violations under 42 U.S.C. sections 1983 and 1988 based on a
residency policy that denies bona fide residents of Montana
in-state tuition at its universities.

The Plaintiffs seek to certify a class consisting of:

    "all professional students charged out-of-state tuition from
    years before the filing of the complaint to present."

University of Montana is a public flagship research university in
Missoula known for academic rigor, experiential learning, and
inclusive culture.

A copy of the Court's order dated Dec. 2, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=dsDC8X at no extra

MORTGAGEPROS LLC: Chen Files TCPA Suit in C.D. California
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Mortgagepros, LLC, et
al. The case is styled as Richard Chen, individually and on behalf
of all others similarly situated v. Mortgagepros, LLC, Does 1
through 10, inclusive, and each of them, Case No.
2:24-cv-08763-JLS-E (C.D. Cal., Oct. 11, 2024).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act for Restrictions of Use of Telephone

Mortgagepros, LLC -- https://mtgpros.com/ -- is a a leading
mortgage company who specialize in refinance, traditional home
loans, FHA loans, and VA loans and provide competitive HELOC

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Todd M. Friedman, Esq.
          Adrian Robert Bacon, Esq.
          Matthew R. Snyder, Esq.
          21031 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 340
          Woodland Hills, CA 91364-6522
          Phone: 323-306-4234
          Fax: 866-633-0228
          Email: tfriedman@toddflaw.com

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS: Burnett Seeks Settlement Approval
In the class action lawsuit captioned as RHONDA BURNETT, JEROD
themselves and all others similarly situated, v. THE NATIONAL
LLC, and KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY, INC., Case No. 4:19-cv-00332-SRB
(W.D. Mo.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court to enter an order granting
motion and suggestions in support of final approval of

The Settlement Agreements in this action with NAR, HomeServices,
and opting in entities achieve the goals of the litigation, benefit
the Settlement Class, and account for the risks and uncertainties
of continued, vigorously contested nationwide litigation.

The Settlements are fair, reasonable, and adequate, and merit final
approval. Plaintiffs therefore request that the Court certify the
Settlement Class, consider and overrule all objections to the
Settlements, grant final approval of the Settlements, approve the
requested attorneys' fees and expenses, and enter a final judgment
as to the Settling Defendants. The Plaintiffs will also submit a
Proposed Final Approval Order for consideration by the Court.

The Settlement Class definition satisfies the requirements of Rule
23(a) and 23(b)(3). Accordingly, Plaintiffs request that the Court
certify the Settlement Class for settlement purposes.

The Plaintiffs seek final approval of proposed settlements with the
Defendants. These Settlements together comprise a total settlement
fund of almost $700 million.

The proposed Settlement Class in the NAR Settlement Agreement
includes all persons who sold a home that was listed on a multiple
listing service anywhere in the United States where a commission
was paid to any brokerage in connection with the sale of the home
in the following date ranges:

-- Homes listed on Moehrl MLSs: March 6, 2015 to date of Class

-- Homes listed on Burnett MLSs: April 29, 2014 to date of Class

-- Homes listed on MLS PIN: Dec. 17, 2016 to date of Class

-- Homes in Arkansas, Kentucky, and Missouri, but not on the
    MLSs, the Burnett MLSs, or MLS PIN: Oct. 31, 2018 to date of

-- Homes in Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota,

    New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, Wisconsin, and
    Wyoming, but not on the Moehrl MLSs, the Burnett MLSs, or MLS
    Oct. 31, 2017 to date of Class Notice;

-- For all other homes: Oct. 31, 2019 to date of Class Notice.

The proposed Settlement Class in the HSA Settlement Agreement
includes all persons who sold a home that was listed on a multiple
listing service anywhere in the United States where a commission
was paid to any brokerage in connection with the sale of the home
in the following date ranges:

    a. Moehrl MLSs: March 6, 2015 to date of notice;

    b. Burnett MLSs: April 29, 2014 to date of notice;

    c. MLS PIN: Dec. 17, 2016 to date of notice

    d. All other MLSs: Oct. 31, 2019 to date of notice.

Settlement Amounts

The proposed Settlements provide that the Settling Defendants will
pay the following amounts for the benefit of the Settlement Class,
for a total of $698,587,754.00:

-- NAR: $418 million

-- HomeServices Defendants: $250 million

-- NAR Settlement Opt-ins: $30,587,754

National Association is an American trade association for those who
work in the real estate industry.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Nov. 20, 2024 is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=FypgEW at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Steve W. Berman, Esq.
          Rio S. Pierce, Esq.
          Jeannie Evans, Esq.
          Nathan Emmons, Esq.
          1301 Second Avenue, Suite 2000
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Telephone: (206) 623-7292
          E-mail: steve@hbsslaw.com

                - and -

          Robert A. Braun, Esq.
          Benjamin D. Brown, Esq.
          Sabrina Merold, Esq.
          Daniel Silverman, Esq.
          TOLL PLLC
          1100 New York Ave. NW, Fifth Floor
          Washington, DC 20005
          Telephone: (202) 408-4600
          E-mail: bbrown@cohenmilstein.com

                - and -

          Marc M. Seltzer, Esq.
          Steven G. Sklaver, Esq.
          Beatrice C. Franklin, Esq.
          Matthew R. Berry, Esq.
          Floyd G. Short, Esq.
          Alexander W. Aiken, Esq.
          1900 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1400
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Telephone: (310) 789-3100
          E-mail: mseltzer@susmangodfrey.com

                - and -

          Michael Ketchmark, Esq.
          Scott McCreight, Esq.
          11161 Overbrook Rd. Suite 210
          Leawood, KS 66211
          Telephone: (913) 266-4500
          E-mail: mike@ketchmclaw.com

                - and -

          Eric L. Dirks, Esq.
          Michael A. Williams
          1100 Main Street, Suite 2600
          Kansas City, MO 64105
          Telephone: (816) 945-7110
          Facsimile: (816) 945-7118
          E-mail: mwilliams@williamsdirks.com

                - and -

          Brandon J.B. Boulware, Esq.
          Jeremy M. Suhr, Esq.
          1600 Genessee, Suite 416
          Kansas City, MO 64102
          Telephone: (816) 492-2826
          E-mail: brandon@boulware-law.com

NESTLE PURINA: Most Suit Removed to N.D. Illinois
The case styled as Ryan Most, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated v. NESTLE PURINA PETCARE COMPANY, Case
No. 2024LA001255 was removed from the Circuit Court for DuPage
County, Illinois, to the United States District Court for the
District of Illinois on Nov. 26, 2024, and assigned Case No.

This case is a putative class action alleging violations of the
Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Businesses Practices Act
("ILCFA"), common law fraud, and unjust enrichment, based on
Plaintiff's allegations that Purina labels certain of its Friskies
Party Mix Natural Yums products as containing "No Artificial
Flavors Colors or Preservatives," when in fact they contain
phosphoric acid and citric acid, which Plaintiff contends are
artificial preservatives.[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Keri E. Borders, Esq.
          Rebecca B. Johns, Esq.
          633 W. Fifth St., 16th Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90071
          Phone: (213) 443-4355
          Email: kborders@kslaw.com

               - and -

          Livia M. Kiser, Esq.
          110 N Wacker Drive, Suite 3800
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Phone: (312) 995-6333
          Email: lkiser@kslaw.com

NEVADA: Olteanu Must File Complete Amended Complaint by Dec. 23
In the lawsuit entitled Andreea Melissa Olteanu, Plaintiff v. Louis
Schneider, et al., Defendants, Case No. 2:23-cv-02006-RFB-DJA (D.
Nev.), Magistrate Judge Daniel J. Albregts of the U.S. District
Court for the District of Nevada gives the Plaintiff until Dec. 23,
2024, to file a complete amended complaint.

Under 28 U.S.C. Section 1915, the Plaintiff is proceeding in this
action pro se and in forma pauperis. On Sept. 27, 2024, the Court
gave the Plaintiff until Oct. 28, 2024, to file an amended
complaint. The Plaintiff filed an amended complaint on Oct. 11,
2024. She filed another, slightly different amended complaint that
same day. On Oct. 17, 2024, she filed exhibits to her amended
complaints. On Oct. 21, 2024, she filed more exhibits to her
amended complaints. On Oct. 25, 2024, she filed an addendum to her
amended complaints.

On Nov. 8, 2024, the Plaintiff moved to join additional Defendants.
On Nov. 13, 2024, she moved to join the Estate of Mark
Porcelli--for which Estate she claims she is the executrix--as a
party. She also filed an "emergency motion for execution of writ of
mandamus and enforcement of interim payment due."

Judge Albregts notes that the Plaintiff attempts to bring her
claims and add parties through various filings and motions. But the
Court will not piecemeal documents together to determine whether
the Plaintiff states a colorable claim in her complaint. Therefore,
the Court will not screen the Plaintiff's amended complaints,
exhibits, and addendum and will deny her motions to join additional
Defendants and to join the estate of Mark Porcelli.

The Court will give the Plaintiff one more opportunity to submit a
complete amended complaint. The Plaintiff's complaint must contain
all defendants; all factual allegations that she wishes to include
in this lawsuit; and if she brings the action as executrix of the
Estate of Mark Porcelli, the legal basis for her to do so. The
Plaintiff is not required to file exhibits with her amended
complaint, but if she does, they must be filed with the amended

The Court also denies the Plaintiff's "emergency motion for
execution of writ of mandamus and enforcement of interim payment
due." As the Honorable District Judge Richard F. Boulware explained
in his order denying the Plaintiff's previously-filed requests for
writ of mandamus, because there is no operative complaint, the
Court cannot consider her submissions seeking mandamus.

The Plaintiff's remaining requests--that the Court sanction the
Defendants, to include the Estate of Mark Porcelli as a
co-plaintiff, for the Court to permit a class action, for a
temporary restraining order, for a preliminary injunction, for
declaratory judgment, for damages, and for an investigation--have
either already been addressed by the Court, are more appropriately
brought in an amended pleading, or are not supported by any
legitimate legal basis.

The Court, therefore, orders that the Plaintiff will have until
Dec. 23, 2024, to file a complete amended complaint. Failure to
timely comply with this order will result in the recommended
dismissal of this case. The Clerk of Court is directed to send the
Plaintiff a copy of this order.

The Plaintiff's motions to join additional defendants, to join the
Estate of Mark Porcelli, and for execution of writ of mandamus and
enforcement of interim payment due are denied.

A full-text copy of the Court's Order is available at
https://tinyurl.com/3df4x9r4 from PacerMonitor.com.

NEW YORK, NY: Plaintiffs Submit Memorandum in Support of Settlement
In the case captioned as DAHKEEM MILLER, et al., Plaintiffs,
-against- CITY OF NEW YORK, et al., Defendants, Case No. 21-cv-2616
(PKC) (S.D.N.Y.), the United States District Court for the Southern
District of New York has received from plaintiffs' counsel a
Supplemental Memorandum in Support of the Motion to Certify the
Class, Grant Final Approval of Proposed Class Action Settlement,
Appoint Class Counsel, Approve Class Representative Service Awards,
and Approve Award of Attorneys' Fees and Costs.

The Court allows further submissions regarding the requested

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

NEWARK GROUP: Motion for Leave to Amend in Ryan, et al Suit Denied
Judge Margaret R. Guzman of the United States District Court for
the District of Massachusetts denied the motions filed by the
parties in the case captioned as THOMAS RYAN, SUSAN RYAN, SEAN
and LAUREN LAUDE, individually and on behalf of others similarly
situated, Plaintiffs, v. THE NEWARK GROUP, INC., MASSACHUSETTS
Action No. 4:22-cv-40089-MRG (D. Mass.)

On August 2, 2022, Plaintiffs Thomas Ryan, Susan Ryan, Sean
Gallagher, Ashley Sultan Gallagher, Michele Burt, Nancy Donovan,
and Lauren Ladue filed this putative class action against
Defendants Greif, Inc., Caraustar Industries, Inc., The Newark
Group, Inc., Massachusetts Natural Fertilizer Company, Inc., Otter
Farm, Inc., and Seaman Paper Company of Massachusetts, Inc. to
recover damages for the contamination of their groundwater, which
was allegedly caused by the decades-long improper disposal of
wastes containing per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances and their
constituents at the MassNatural recycling and composting facility
in Westminster, Massachusetts. On February 13, 2023, Plaintiffs
filed their Second Amended Complaint adding 3M Company for its role
as an upstream manufacture of PFAS.

Before the Court are several motions from the Moving Defendants
(Newark, Seaman Paper, and Otter Farm) and 3M to join over fifteen
(15) new entities as crossclaim defendants. Additionally, the
Plaintiffs have moved for leave to file a Third Amended Complaint
seeking to join several new parties.

All parties' motions for leave to amend are denied.

The Court denies the Plaintiffs' motion to amend their complaint
and denies each of the Moving Defendants' motions to amend their
answers to join crossclaim defendants. The Court's decision is
based on multiple considerations, but most salient are:

   (1) the motions to amend are untimely,
   (2) the Moving Defendants' allegations against some of the
proposed entities do not derive from the same transaction or
occurrence as the Plaintiffs' claims, and
   (3) some of the crossclaims would be futile as they would not
withstand a 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss.

A copy of the Court's Memorandum and Order is available at

NEWREZ LLC: Moody Files Suit in N.D. Georgia
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Newrez, LLC. The case
is styled as Janice Moody, on behalf of herself and all others
similarly situated v. Newrez, LLC doing business as: Shellpoint
Mortgage Servicing, Case No. 1:24-cv-05406-ELR-CMS (N.D. Ga., Nov.
22, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Consumer Credit for the Real Estate
Settlement Procedures Act.

Newrez LLC (Newrez) -- https://www.newrez.com/ -- is a leading
nationwide mortgage lender and servicer.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Matthew G. Rosendahl, Esq.
          KELLY GUZZO, PLC
          3925 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 202
          Fairfax, VA 22030
          Phone: (703) 434-3901
          Email: matt@kellyguzzo.com

NOBULL LLC: Jones Sues Over Blind Users' Equal Access to Website
CLAY LEE JONES, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. NOBULL, LLC, Defendant, Case No.
1:24-cv-09072 (S.D.N.Y., November 26, 2024) is a class action
against the Defendant for violations of Title III of the Americans
with Disabilities Act and the New York City Human Rights Law, and
declaratory relief.

According to the complaint, the Defendant has failed to design,
construct, maintain, and operate its website to be fully accessible
to and independently usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or
visually impaired persons. The Defendant's website,
www.nobullproject.com, contains access barriers which hinder the
Plaintiff and Class members to enjoy the benefits of its online
goods, content, and services offered to the public through the
website. The accessibility issues on the website include, but not
limited to: missing alt-text, hidden elements on web pages,
incorrectly formatted lists, unannounced pop ups, unclear labels
for interactive elements, and the requirement that some events be
performed solely with a mouse.

The Plaintiff and Class members seek permanent injunction to cause
a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and
procedures so that the Defendant's website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals.

Nobull, LLC is a company that sells online goods and services,
doing business in New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
       Mark Rozenberg, Esq.
       One University Plaza, Suite 620
       Hackensack, NJ 07601
       Telephone: (201) 282-6500
       Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
       Email: mrozenberg@steinsakslegal.com

NORDSEC LTD: Court Dismisses Hanscom Class Action
Judge Kenneth D. Bell of the United States District Court for the
Western District of North Carolina granted the defendants' motion
to dismiss the case captioned as DENNIS HANSCOM, Plaintiff, v.
NORDVPN S.A., Defendants, CIVIL ACTION NO. 3:24-CV-00277-KDB-DCK

Defendant Nordvpn S.A. and its affiliates NordSec Ltd, NordSec
B.V., Nord Security Inc., and Tefincom S.A. are broadly engaged in
the business of selling internet security products and services to
consumers in North Carolina and  across the United States,
including a virtual private network, a password manager, and
encrypted cloud storage.

Plaintiff filed this proposed class action under Rules 23(b)(2) and
(b)(3) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on March 5, 2024,
asserting claims for violation of the North Carolina Automatic
Renewal Law, N.C.G.S. Sec. 75-41, et seq. and the North Carolina
Unfair and Deceptive Practices Act, N.C.G.S. Sec. 75-1.1, et seq.
as well as common law claims for conversion, unjust enrichment and
negligent misrepresentation. The class Plaintiff seeks to
represent includes "all Nord customers in the United States who
were subjected to Defendants' misleading subscription practices"
and subclasses of North Carolina residents who were
"automatically enrolled into and charged for at least one month of
Nord membership." Plaintiff alleges that this Court has
jurisdiction over his claims pursuant to the Class Action Fairness
Act of 2005, 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1332(d), because the aggregate claims
of the class exceed $5,000,000, the class has more than 100
members, and diversity of citizenship exists between at least one
member of the class and Defendants. Also, to the extent Plaintiff
lacks jurisdiction under CAFA, he asks the Court to exercise
supplemental jurisdiction over Plaintiff's claims under 28 U.S.C.
Sec. 1367. With respect to damages, Plaintiff seeks an award of
compensatory damages of at least $100,000,000; an injunction or
other appropriate equitable relief requiring Defendants to refrain
from engaging in the deceptive practices alleged; an award of
punitive damages and other related relief.

On July 3, Defendants filed a Motion to Dismiss the Complaint,
arguing, in part, that Plaintiff lacked standing because he had
canceled his subscription before it "auto renewed" and thus had
suffered no concrete harm. . Plaintiff obtained an extension of
time to respond to the motion and then, on July 31, 2024, filed an
Amended Complaint instead of defending the initial version. In the
FAC, Plaintiff dropped his claim for negligent misrepresentation
and acknowledged, for the first time, that Nord had refunded all
the payments he had made. However, he alleged that Nord "wrongfully
retained Plaintiff's funds from August 15, 2023, until September
28, 2023" and "Plaintiff was further damaged by the lost time value
of his funds between August 15, 2023 and September 28, 2023." The
FAC does not allege when (or if) Plaintiff actually paid the credit
card bill on which the initial charge appeared. Otherwise, the FAC
asserted the same causes of action on behalf of the same proposed
classes with the same alleged damages. The assertion of federal
diversity jurisdiction under CAFA also remained the same.

Defendants filed a second Motion to Dismiss on August 21, 2024,
requesting that Plaintiff's claims be dismissed pursuant to Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure 12(b)(1), 12(b)(2) and 12(b)(6).

Plaintiff argues that he has standing to pursue all his claims
based on his alleged loss of the "time value" of not receiving the
refund of his subscription payment immediately upon canceling his
subscription on August 15, 2023 (i.e., the 44-day period until
September 28, 2023, when the refund was made). The Court disagrees.
According to the Court, even without the benefit of any allegations
detailing if/when Plaintiff actually paid for the subscription and
ignoring any reasonable period during which Nord would presumably
be entitled to process refunds without legal jeopardy, Plaintiff's
maximum "time value" loss (generously calculated with a 5% discount
rate) would be less than a dollar (44/365 x 132 x .05 = .80). This
alleged "injury" is insufficient to support standing.

The Court notes Plaintiff canceled his subscription before it
renewed and he was given a refund of his initial payment months
before this action was initiated. The Court finds that Plaintiff
has not suffered a concrete injury sufficient to give him standing
to pursue this action and that he has not established that a class
of similarly situated Plaintiffs would meet the required monetary
threshold to support diversity jurisdiction. Therefore, the Court
lacks subject matter jurisdiction over this matter and will grant
Defendants' motion to dismiss under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1).
However, the Court does not reach and expresses no opinion on the
lawfulness of Defendants' business practices or Defendants' other

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

OPTICS FORCE: Fernandez Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
Felipe Fernandez, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. OPTICS FORCE, LLC,, Case No. 1:24-cv-09002 (S.D.N.Y.,
Nov. 25, 2024), is brought against Defendant for the failure to
design, construct, maintain, and operate Defendant's website,
www.opticsforce.com (the "Website"), to be fully accessible to and
independently usable by Plaintiff and other blind or
visually-impaired people.

The Defendant's denial of full and equal access to the Website, and
therefore denial of the goods and services offered thereby, is a
violation of Plaintiff's rights under the Americans with
Disabilities Act ("ADA"). The Defendant's website is not equally
accessible to blind and visually impaired consumers; therefore,
Defendant is in violation of the ADA. The Plaintiff now seeks a
permanent injunction to cause a change in Defendant's corporate
policies, practices, and procedures so that the Defendant's Website
will become and remain accessible to blind and visually-impaired
consumers, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who
requires screen-reading software to read website content using the

The Defendant is a company that owns and operates the Website,
offering features which should allow all consumers to access the
goods and services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Rami Salim, Esq.
          One University Plaza, Suite 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Phone: (201) 282-6500
          Fax: (201) 282-6501
          Email: rsalim@steinsakslegal.com

ORTHOFIX MEDICAL: O'Hara Suit Transferred to E.D. Texas
The case captioned as Tommy O'Hara, Individually and on Behalf of
All Others Similarly Situated v. ORTHOFIX MEDICAL INC., JON C.
KIMBERLEY A. ELTING, and PATRICK L. KERAN, Case No. 3:24-cv-01593
was transferred from the United States District Court for the
Southern District of California, to the United States District
Court for the Eastern District of Texas on Nov. 27, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 2:24-cv-00979-JRG to the

The nature of suit is stated as Securities/Commodities.

Orthofix Medical Inc. -- https://orthofix.com/ -- operates as a
spine and orthopedics company in the United States, Italy, Germany,
the United Kingdom, France, Brazil, and internationally.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Adam E. Polk, Esq.
          601 California Street, Suite 1400
          San Francisco, CA 94108
          Phone: (415) 981-4800
          Facsimile: (415) 981-4846
          Email: apolk@girardsharp.com

               - and -

          David W. Hall, Esq.
          THE HALL FIRM, LTD.
          Four Embarcadero Center, Suite 1400
          San Francisco, CA 94104
          Phone: (415) 766-3534
          Facsimile: (415) 402-0058
          Email: dhall@hallfirmltd.com

OUTOKUMPU STAINLESS: Osborne Seeks Unpaid Overtime for Operators
KINGSTON OSBORNE and DAVID SMITH, individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. OUTOKUMPU STAINLESS USA,
LLC, Defendant, Case No. 1:24-cv-00439 (S.D. Ala., November 26,
2024) is a class action against the Defendant for unpaid overtime
wages in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Mr. Osborne and Mr. Smith were employed by the Defendants as a
logistics operator and an operator since 2014 and 2011,

Outokumpu Stainless USA, LLC is a stainless steel production
company in Alabama. [BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:                
       Brian Clark, Esq.
       The Kress Building
       301 19th Street North
       Birmingham, AL 35203
       Telephone: (205) 314-0500
       Facsimile: (205) 254-1500
       Email: bclark@wigginschilds.com

               - and -

       Ian D. Rosenthal, Esq.
       27180 Pollard Road
       Daphne, AL 36526
       Telephone: (251) 621-1555
       Email: ian@ddalawfirm.com

PDR NETWORK: Court Grants Bid for Summary Judgment in Carlton Suit
Judge Robert C. Chambers of the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of West Virginia, Huntington Division grants the
Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment in the lawsuit styled
CARLTON & HARRIS CHIROPRACTIC, INC., a West Virginia corporation,
individually and as a representative of a class of
similarly-situated persons, Plaintiff v. PDR NETWORK, LLC, PDR
Case No. 3:15-cv-14887 (S.D.W. Va.).

Pending before the Court is a Motion for Summary Judgment on behalf
of Defendants PDR Network, LLC, and PDR Distribution, LLC, and PDR
Equity, LLC (collectively referred to as "PDR Network"). Plaintiff
Carlton & Harris Chiropractic, Inc., opposes the motion.

On Sept. 6, 2023, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals issued its
most recent decision in this case's lengthy procedural history. In
vacating and remanding this Court's dismissal of the First Amended
Complaint Class Action Complaint, the Fourth Circuit found that the
Plaintiff adequately alleged that an unsolicited fax from PDR
Network offering a free eBook with information about prescription
drugs had the necessary commercial character to make it an
"unsolicited advertisement" under the Telephone Consumer Protection
Act of 1991 (TCPA) (Carlton & Harris Chiropractic, Inc. v. PDR
Network, LLC, 80 F.4th 466, 470 (4th 2023) (PDR VI)).

In its decision, the Fourth Circuit stated that the key issue is
whether a fax that touts the "quality" of a "good" that is offered
for free, rather than at a price, can fall within the TCPA's
definition of an "unsolicited advertisement."

As explained in prior opinions, the fax at issue was sent to the
Plaintiff, a chiropractic office, in 2013 by PDR Network, the
publishers of the Physicians' Desk Reference(R) (PDR). The PDR
lists certain prescription drugs with the prescribing information,
and pharmaceutical companies pay the PDR Network for their drugs to
be included as a listing. PDR Network then distributes the
pharmaceutical companies' listings to healthcare providers.

In March 2021, the Plaintiff filed its First Amended Class Action
Complaint, alleging new theories of recovery. One theory is "that
PDR Network effectively earned a commission for each successful
promotion of an eBook by way of fax, because the amount paid by
drug companies to have their products included in the Physicians'
Desk Reference turned on the number of eBook versions

Upon motion of PDR Network, the Court dismissed these claims by
Memorandum Opinion and Order entered on Feb. 8, 2022 (Carlton &
Harris Chiropractic, LLC v. PDR Network, LLC, Civ. Act. No.
3:15-14887, 2022 WL 386097 (S.D. W. Va. Feb. 8, 2022)).

In deciding whether dismissal was proper, the Fourth Circuit held
the term "advertisement" under the TCPA "is limited to faxes that
are 'commercial in nature.'" The Fourth Circuit explained that an
advertisement is more than something just transmitting information,
it is transmitting information with a "commercial nexus" to the
sender's business.

Applying this definition to the First Amended Class Action
Complaint's new theories of recovery, the Fourth Circuit found the
Plaintiff's claim that PDR Network is paid a commission based upon
how many eBooks are distributed, assuming its truth, sufficiently
alleges a commercial component to survive a motion to dismiss. The
Fourth Circuit highlighted the fact the fax promoted the "quality"
of the eBook to benefit a recipient's medical practice and, under
the Plaintiff's theory, if a medical provider accepts the "pitch"
in the fax and accepts an eBook, it benefits the PDR Network's
business of distributing the PDR and an associated "suite of

The Fourth Circuit stated the TCPA does not limit the commercial
aspect of an "unsolicited advertisement" to a direct sale and it
maintains a "'commercial' character" if PDR Network is paid by a
drug company when a medical provider orders a free eBook after
receiving a fax. It is the combination of the fax touting the
"quality" of the eBook and a commission if the pitch is successful
"that makes the fax in question sufficiently commercial to qualify
as an 'advertisement' under the TCPA."

Turning next to the Plaintiff's second theory that the fax is mere
"'pretext' to future advertising," the Fourth Circuit agreed with
this Court in holding that the Plaintiff cannot establish pretext
by arguing that, whether it accepts the eBook or not, it will
continue to receive promotional faxes as established in the fax's
opt-out notice. Rather, under the pretext theory, the Plaintiff
must show its acceptance of the free eBook will result in a
subsequent sale pitch, thereby, creating a commercial nexus. If, as
the Plaintiff asserts, it does not matter if it accepts the eBook
then the commercial character under the pretext theory is missing
and fatal to the claim.

Following the Fourth Circuit's decision to vacate and remand this
case for further proceedings on the Plaintiff's commission theory,
this Court entered an Order allowing six months of discovery on
that limited issue. At the conclusion of discovery, PDR Network
filed the pending motion for summary judgment. With briefing
complete, the Court considers whether summary judgment should be

After nine years of litigation, Judge Chambers says this action has
been whittled down to a single issue: whether the Plaintiff is able
to offer more than a scintilla of evidence from which a reasonable
juror could find PDR Network receives a commission from
pharmaceutical companies when a healthcare provider accepts a free

During discovery, PDR Network produced a copy of a Services
Agreement it had with Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a
company whose drug information is contained in the 2014 edition of
the PDR. In the Services Agreement, Bayer agreed to pay PDR Network
for a subscription to PDR Network's Drug Information Services
("DIS") from Aug. 1, 2013, until July 31, 2014, for a listing of
two of its drugs.

Judge Chambers finds the Services Agreement does not contain any
provision in which Bayer agrees to pay PDR Network any additional
funds based on how many eBooks are distributed. In fact, the
Services Agreement does not mention the eBook at all.

During discovery, the Plaintiff deposed Barbara A. Senich, who
served as Senior Vice President of Marketing and Product Line
Management for PDR Network from late 2013 to early 2014. In her
deposition, Ms. Senich explained that PDR Network sold products and
services to pharmaceutical companies and that the eBook was a brand
new method PDR Network used to get Product Information to
healthcare providers. When specifically questioned about the Bayer
Services Agreement, PDR Network objected to this testimony as the
Services Agreement was outside the scope of Ms. Senich's
designation under Rule 30(b)(6) of the Rules of Civil Procedure.

The Plaintiff asserts Ms. Senich's statements show that the fax
benefitted PDR Network directly because the distribution of the
eBook was part of PDR Network's business model. However, following
her deposition, Ms. Senich submitted a Declaration in which she
expounded upon her deposition testimony. Ms. Senich stated that the
PDR Network generally "made money by providing the DIS (among many
other services) to pharmaceutical companies."

According to Ms. Senich, the "PDR Network did not make money based
on the number of eBooks distributed" or the number of faxes sent.
"Instead, PDR Network was paid at the time of contract for the
listing of the FDA-approved drug label information in DIS including
the PDR." She further stated that PDR Network did not even track
the number of eBooks downloaded during the relevant period in the
First Amended Class Action Complaint.

Given this evidence, PDR Network argues it is entitled to summary
judgment because there is no evidence that the fax's pitch--the
availability of the eBook--resulted in a commission when the pitch
was successful and a healthcare provider downloaded the eBook. As
the pharmaceutical companies paid upfront at the time of the
contract for a DIS subscription, PDR Network insists it received no
monetary benefit from downloaded eBooks. Thus, PDR Network argues
there is no "commercial nexus" as required under the TCPA.

To the contrary, the Plaintiff argues a fact finder easily could
find a commercial nexus exists when a recipient accepts a fax's
pitch and downloads an eBook to PDR Network's business model.

Judge Chambers notes that the Plaintiff has not pointed to any
language in the Services Agreement or the Appendix showing Bayer
was even aware that PDR Network intended to release its first
edition of the eBook. Moreover, Ms. Senich definitively stated in
her Declaration that if she "had been asked about 'commissions' or
monies earned either directly or indirectly from the number of
eBooks distributed at [her] deposition, [she] would have testified,
and do so here testify, that PDR Network did not make money based
on the number of eBooks distributed."

Despite discovery, Judge Chambers points out the Plaintiff has
uncovered no evidence that PDR Network has any kind of payment
arrangement with a pharmaceutical company based upon on how many
copies of the 2014 PDR eBook were distributed. Instead, the Bayer
Services Agreement only shows the cost for listing Bayer's two
drugs with a subscription to the 2014 DIS suite of products, which
does not include the eBook among the subscription "Services"
provided under the contract.

Judge Chambers also finds there is nothing in the Services
Agreement that contemplates Bayer paying additional sums based on
the distribution of an eBook, and the amount due was calculated
before any eBooks were even distributed. Likewise, while the
Plaintiff argues the Court should infer that Bayer would have paid
less if its listings were not distributed in the eBook, such an
inference would be purely speculative as Plaintiff has presented
not a scintilla of evidence to support it.

Shortly after the motion for summary judgment became ripe in this
case, the Fourth Circuit issued its decision in Family Health
Physical Medicine, LLC v. Pulse8, LLC, 105 F.4th 567 (4th Cir.
2024), which repeatedly references PDR VI. In supplemental briefing
ordered by this Court, the Plaintiff argues Pulse8 makes it clear
that it need not show PDR Network received a direct profit when a
fax recipient accepts a free eBook. Rather, it can prove a
commercial nexus exists because PDR Network gets paid to distribute
Product Information and the eBook was one of its distribution

However, Judge Chambers opines, this assertion is substantially
different than the commission allegation the Plaintiff actually
makes in paragraph 20 of its First Amended Class Action Complaint,
where it alleges PDR Network is paid by pharmaceutical companies
based on how many copies of the 2014 PDR e-Book the Defendants
distribute. In addition, the Court agrees with PDR Network that the
language the Plaintiff relies upon in Pulse8 is premised on a
pretext theory, which the Fourth Circuit rejected as a theory in
this case.

Accordingly, the Court finds the Plaintiff has failed to produce
sufficient evidence upon which a reasonable juror could find that
the fax sent by PDR Network had the necessary commercial character
to make it an "unsolicited advertisement" under the TCPA.

The Court, therefore, grants PDR Network's Motion for Summary
Judgment. As the only Defendants now remaining in this matter are
John Does 1-10 and the Plaintiff has not identified any John Does
throughout the long course of this litigation, the Court finds the
time to identify them has passed and also dismisses them from this

The Court directs the Clerk to send a copy of this Order to counsel
of record and any unrepresented parties.

A full-text copy of the Court's Memorandum Opinion and Order is
available at https://tinyurl.com/y5uhwtt6 from PacerMonitor.com.

PEACOCK TV: Class Settlement in Winston Suit Has Final Approval
Judge Andrew L. Carter, Jr., of the U.S. District Court for the
Southern District of New York issued a Final Approval Order and
Judgment approving a class action settlement agreement in the
lawsuit styled HOLLY WINSTON, on behalf of herself and all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. PEACOCK TV LLC, Defendant, Case
No. 1:23-cv-08191-ALC (S.D.N.Y.).

On Aug. 1, 2024, the Court granted preliminary approval of the
proposed class action settlement agreement between the parties (the
"Settlement Agreement" or "Settlement"). The Court also
provisionally certified a Settlement Class for settlement purposes,
approved the procedure for giving notice and forms of Notice, and
set a final approval hearing to take place on Nov. 21, 2024.

The Court finds that the prerequisites for a settlement class under
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 23(a) and (b)(3) have been
satisfied, for purposes of settlement only. The Court finds that
the requirements of Rule 23(e) and other laws and rules applicable
to final settlement approval of class actions have been satisfied,
and the Court approves the settlement of this Action as
memorialized in the Settlement Agreement as being fair, just
reasonable and adequate to the Settlement Class and its members.

Pursuant to Rule 23, the Court finally certifies this action, for
purposes of settlement, a class action on behalf of all Persons
who, from Sept. 15, 2019, to and through Feb. 27, 2024, enrolled in
an automatically renewing Peacock Subscription directly through
Peacock using a California billing and/or delivery address, and who
were charged and paid an automatic renewal fee(s) in connection
with such subscription. Excluded from this definition are the
Released Parties. Settlement Class Members, who exclude themselves
from the Settlement, pursuant to the procedures set forth in
Paragraph 4.5 of the Settlement Agreement, will no longer
thereafter be Settlement Class Members and will not be bound by the
Settlement Agreement and will not be eligible to make a claim for
any benefit under the terms of this Settlement Agreement.

The Court appoints the law firms of Bursor & Fisher, P.A., and
Gucovschi Rozenshteyn, PLLC, as Class Counsel for the Settlement
Class. The Court designates Plaintiff Holly Winston as the Class

The Court has considered and finds Class Counsel and the Class
Representative have adequately represented the Class. The Court
finds that the Settlement Agreement was reached in the absence of
collusion, is the product of informed, good-faith, arms-length
negotiations between the parties and their capable and experienced

The Court finds that the Settlement is effective in appropriately
distributing relief to the Settlement Class in light of the claims
and defenses asserted, that the method of processing Settlement
Class Member claims is reasonable and appropriate, and that the
Settlement Agreement treats all Settlement Class Members equitably
relative to each other.

The Parties are directed to consummate the Settlement Agreement in
accordance with its terms and conditions.

As set forth at Paragraph 2.2 of the Settlement Agreement, the
Defendant has agreed to provide automatic renewal terms on its
checkout pages in a manner that is consistent with the requirements
of California's Automatic Renewal Law ("ARL"). The Defendant
further agrees to disclose to subscribers with a California billing
address, in a manner that substantially complies with the ARL, how
to cancel in an acknowledgment email that is capable of being
retained by consumers.

Epiq Class Action & Claims Solutions, Inc., is finally appointed to
continue to serve as the Claims Administrator as provided in the
Settlement Agreement. The Claims Administrator is directed to
process all Authorized Claims in accordance with the Settlement
Agreement. The Claims Administrator will administer the Escrow
Account, which is a Qualified Settlement Fund within the meaning of
Treasury Regulation Section 1.468B-1.

There will be no recourse to any Defendant, Releasee, Released
Party or their counsel, or to the Class Representative or Class
Counsel, or to the Claims Administrator or to this Court, for any
determination made by the Claims Administrator pursuant to its
responsibilities under the Settlement Agreement.

Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(h), the Court awards Class Counsel
attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses in the amount of
$1,247,545.71. The Court also orders payment of an incentive award
in the amount of $5,000 to Plaintiff Holly Winston.

The Action is dismissed with prejudice and without costs as against
the Defendant and the Released Parties.

Class Representative and all Settlement Class Members (except any
such person who has filed a proper and timely request for
exclusion) and all persons acting on behalf of or in concert with
any of them, are permanently barred and enjoined from instituting,
commencing or prosecuting, either directly or in any other
capacity, any and all of the Released Claims against any of the
Released Parties.

A full-text copy of the Court's Final Approval Order and Judgment
is available at https://tinyurl.com/3t2ktka6 from

PHH MORTGAGE: Knapp FDCPA Suit Removed to D. Oregon
The case is styled as Cindy Knapp, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. PHH Mortgage Corporation assumed
business name PHH Mortgage Services, Case No. 24CV51025 was removed
from the Mulnomah County Circuit Court, to the U.S. District Court
for the District of Oregon on Nov. 27, 2024.

The District Court Clerk assigned Case No. 3:24-cv-01990-AR to the

The nature of suit is stated Consumer Credit.

PHH Mortgage -- https://www.phhmortgage.com/ -- a wholly owned
subsidiary of Ocwen Financial Corporation, is one of the largest
subservicers of residential mortgages in the United States.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Benjamin A. Schwartzman, Esq.
          950 West Bannock Street, Suite 940
          Boise, ID 83702
          Phone: (208) 342-4411
          Fax: (208) 342-4455
          Email: bschwartzman@baileyglasser.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Thomas N. Abbott, Esq.
          100 SW Main Street, Suite 1000
          Portland, OR 97204
          Phone: (503) 290-2322
          Email: Thomas.Abbott@troutman.com

PIERCE COUNTY, WA: Court Stays Carter-Shabazz Civil Rights Case
Magistrate Judge S. Kate Vaughan of the United States District
Court for the Western District of Washington stayed the case
COUNCIL, et al., Defendants, Case No. C23-6045-TSZ-SKV (W.D.

This is a civil rights action proceeding under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983.
The instant action is one of a number of cases filed by present and
former Pierce County Jail inmates asserting claims concerning the
plumbing and sewage system at the Jail. The Court has appointed
counsel in one such case, Wolfclan v. Washington State DSHS,
C23-5399-TSZ-SKV, which was filed as a proposed class action.
Plaintiffs in the Wolfclan case are seeking class-wide declaratory
and injunctive relief. Plaintiff in this case is a potential member
of the proposed class in Wolfclan, though a decision on whether the
proposed class will ultimately be certified is not likely to occur
before the spring of 2025 at the earliest.

Judge Vaughan says regardless of whether this action ends up
proceeding in whole or in part independently of Wolfclan, decisions
made in that case are likely to have some impact on the manner in
which this case proceeds. Moreover, the discovery currently being
collected in the Wolfclan case is likely to be relevant to issues
raised in this action, particularly that which goes to issues of
liability. It is more efficient at this juncture for discovery to
proceed in a single case rather than in each of the individual
actions that are currently pending, including the instant action.

The parties are advised that any depositions taken and any written
discovery and documents exchanged in Wolfclan, which pertain to
class-wide liability issues, may be used in this action and will be
deemed taken or exchanged for purposes of this action, subject to
entry of an appropriate protective order consistent with the
Stipulated Protective Order entered in Wolfclan, Case No.
C23-5399-TSZ-SKV, Dkt. 138. Should Plaintiff's deposition be taken
as a part of the Wolfclan litigation, that deposition may be used
for all purposes in the instant action.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

PIERCE COUNTY, WA: Court Stays Fullington Prison Civil Rights Case
Magistrate Judge S. Kate Vaughan of the United States District
Court for the Western District of Washington stayed the case
captioned as SHAWN MATHEW FULLINGTON, Plaintiff, v.
PIERCE COUNTY, et al., Defendants, Case No. C24-5190-TSZ-SKV (W.D.

This is a civil rights action proceeding under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983.
The instant action is one of a number of cases filed by present and
former Pierce County Jail inmates asserting claims concerning the
plumbing and sewage system at the Jail. The Court has appointed
counsel in one such case, Wolfclan v. Washington State DSHS,
C23-5399-TSZ-SKV, which was filed as a proposed class action.
Plaintiffs in the Wolfclan case are seeking class-wide declaratory
and injunctive relief. Plaintiff in this case is a potential member
of the proposed class in Wolfclan, though a decision on whether the
proposed class will ultimately be certified is not likely to occur
before the spring of 2025 at the earliest.

Judge Vaughan says regardless of whether this action ends up
proceeding in whole or in part independently of Wolfclan, decisions
made in that case are likely to have some impact on the manner in
which this case proceeds. Moreover, the discovery currently being
collected in the Wolfclan case is likely to be relevant to issues
raised in this action, particularly that which goes to issues of
liability. It is more efficient at this juncture for discovery to
proceed in a single case, rather than in each of the individual
actions that are currently pending, including the instant action.

The parties are advised that any depositions taken and any written
discovery and documents exchanged in Wolfclan, which pertain to
class-wide liability issues, may be used in this action and will be
deemed taken or exchanged for purposes of this action, subject to
entry of an appropriate protective order consistent with the
Stipulated Protective Order entered in Wolfclan, Case No.
C23-5399-TSZ-SKV, Dkt. 138. Should Plaintiff's deposition be taken
as a part of the Wolfclan litigation, that deposition may be used
for all purposes in the instant action.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

PIERCE COUNTY, WA: Court Stays McKenzie Prison Civil Rights Case
Magistrate Judge S. Kate Vaughan of the United States District
Court for the Western District of Washington stayed the case
captioned as TANAR McKENZIE, Plaintiff, v. PIERCE COUNTY,
Defendant, Case No. C24-5509-TSZ-SKV (W.D. Wash.).

This is a civil rights action proceeding under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983.
The instant action is one of a number of cases filed by present and
former Pierce County Jail inmates asserting claims concerning the
plumbing and sewage system at the Jail. The Court has appointed
counsel in one such case, Wolfclan v. Washington State DSHS,
C23-5399-TSZ-SKV, which was filed as a proposed class action.
Plaintiffs in the Wolfclan case are seeking class-wide declaratory
and injunctive relief. Plaintiff in this case is a potential member
of the proposed class in Wolfclan, though a decision on whether the
proposed class will ultimately be certified is not likely to occur
before the spring of 2025 at the earliest.

Judge Vaughan says regardless of whether this action ends up
proceeding in whole or in part independently of Wolfclan, decisions
made in that case are likely to have some impact on the manner in
which this case proceeds. Moreover, the discovery currently being
collected in the Wolfclan case is likely to be relevant to issues
raised in this action, particularly that which goes to issues of
liability. It is more efficient at this juncture for discovery to
proceed in a single case, rather than in each of the individual
actions that are currently pending, including the instant action.

The parties are advised that any depositions taken and any written
discovery and documents exchanged in Wolfclan, which pertain to
class-wide liability issues, may be used in this action and will be
deemed taken or exchanged for purposes of this action, subject to
entry of an appropriate protective order consistent with the
Stipulated Protective Order entered in Wolfclan, Case No.
C23-5399-TSZ-SKV, Dkt. 138. Should Plaintiff's deposition be taken
as a part of the Wolfclan litigation, that deposition may be used
for all purposes in the instant action.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

PILLOW CUBE: Hogan Seeks More Time to File Class Cert. Bid
In the class action lawsuit captioned as ROBERT HOGAN and ELLIOTT
HOGAN, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
v. PILLOW CUBE, INC., Case No. 2:24-cv-00403-JPS (E.D. Wis.), the
Plaintiffs ask the Court to enter an order extending the deadline
for the Plaintiffs to file their renewed motion for class
certification by an additional 60 days, from Dec. 16, 2024, until
Feb. 14, 2025.

The Plaintiffs have been diligently conducting discovery but
require additional time to receive discovery documents back from
the Defendant Pillow Cube, Inc., and from non-parties with relevant
information. Counsel for Plaintiffs and the putative class have
been in email and phone communications with the Defendant and their
production in this case should be received by Dec. 6, 2022.

Discovery and information from non-parties should be received

The Plaintiffs request the extension to allow sufficient time for
return and examination of discovery.

Pillow Cube specializes in side sleeper pillows, ice cube cooling
pillows, side sleeper mattresses and pillows cube-shaped and made
of rebound foam.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Dec. 2, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=3uHowm at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Nathan E. DeLadurantey, Esq.
          136 E. Saint Paul Ave.
          Waukesha, WI 53188
          Telephone: (414) 377-0515
          E-mail: nathan@dela-law.com

PILLOW CUBE: Plaintiffs Must Renew Class Cert Bid by Feb. 14, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Hogan, et al., v. Pillow
Cube Inc., Case No. 2:24-cv-00403 (E.D. Wisc., Filed April 3,
2024), Hon. Judge J.P. Stadtmueller entered an order granting the
Plaintiffs' motion for extension of time to renew their motion for
class certification:

-- The deadline for Plaintiffs to renew their motion for class
    certification is extended to February 14, 2025.

-- No further extension of this deadline will be considered or

The nature of suit states Consumer Credit.

The Defendant specializes in side sleeper pillows, ice cube cooling
pillows, side sleeper mattresses and pillows cube-shaped and made
of rebound foam.[CC]

POST MEDS: Class Settlement in Data Breach Suit Gets Initial Nod
In the class action lawsuit Re: Post Meds, Inc. Data Breach
Litigation, Case No. 4:23-cv-05710-HSG (N.D. Cal.), the Hon. Judge
Haywood Gilliam, Jr. entered an order granting the Plaintiffs'
motion for preliminary approval of class action settlement.

The parties are directed to meet and confer and stipulate to a
schedule of dates for each event listed below, which shall be
submitted to the Court within seven days of the date of this Order:


  Deadline for Settlement Administrator to send
  email notice

  Deadline for Settlement Administrator to send
  mail notice to all non-email accessible Class

  Filing deadline for attorneys' fees and costs
  motion and requests for service awards

  Deadline for Class Members to opt-out or object
  to settlement

  Deadline for Class Members to object to any
  motions for attorneys' fees

  Filing deadline for final approval motion

  Final fairness hearing and hearing on motions

Class Definition:

The class is defined as "all U.S. residents who were sent notice
that their Private Information was potentially compromised as a
result of the Data Incident experienced by PostMeds, Inc., on Oct.
30, 2023."
The proposed class comprises approximately two million

PostMeds provides online pharmacy delivery services.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 26, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=Q1m7yL at no extra

PROTECTIVE LIFE: Court Stays Allen Class Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as BEVERLY R. ALLEN, et al.,
1:23-cv-00026-JLT-CDB (E.D. Cal.), the Court entered an order
granting the Defendants' motion to stay pending resolution by the
Ninth Circuit of important and potentially dispositive issues
germane to this case:

   1. Defendants' motion to stay is granted;

   2. This action is stayed pending issuance of an opinion by the
      Ninth Circuit in the Moriarty action. If no determinative
      decision is rendered in Moriarty within one year of the date
      this Order, the Plaintiffs may seek relief through a motion
      lift stay; and

   3. No later than 14 days following the issuance of such
      the parties shall file a joint status report in which they
      forth their positions on whether the stay in this case should

The Plaintiffs initiated this action on Sept. 26, 2022, in the
Superior Court for the State of California, County of San
Francisco, asserting six claims for relief against Defendants.

The Plaintiffs seek to collect insurance benefits allegedly owed
under a $200,000 life insurance policy. The Defendants removed the
action to the Northern District of California on Oct. 27, 2022.

Protective offers life insurance, annuity and asset protection

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 27, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=FXMTvL at no extra

PUNDIR GROUP INC: Gamino Files Suit in Cal. Super. Ct.
A class action lawsuit has been filed against PUNDIR GROUP, INC.,
et al. The case is styled as Guadalupe R. Gamino, individually and
on behalf of all others similarly situated v. PUNDIR GROUP, INC.,
Does 1-10, Case No. 24CV023955 (Cal. Super. Ct., Sacramento Cty.,
Nov. 22, 2024).

The case type is stated as "Other Employment Complaint Case."

Pundir Group, Inc. (PGI) offers Operations & Maintenance,
Construction, and Energy Efficiency services to federal and private
sector clients.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Seung Lyun Yang, Esq.
          355 S Grand Ave., Ste. 1450
          Los Angeles, CA 90071-3152
          Phone: 213-985-1150
          Email: seung.yang@thesentinelfirm.com

PURPOSE FUNDING: Moyer Files TCPA Suit in N.D. Florida
A class action lawsuit has been filed against Purpose Funding, Inc.
The case is styled as Richard Moyer, individually and on behalf of
all others similarly situated v. Purpose Funding, Inc., Case No.
4:24-cv-00480-WS-MAF (N.D. Fla., Nov. 26, 2024).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act for Restrictions of Use of Telephone

Purpose Funding -- https://www.purposefunding.com/ -- specializes
in home refinance, reverse mortgage, VA home loans, FHA Loans and
other home mortgage options.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Andrew John Shamis, Esq.
          SHAMIS & GENTILE, PA
          14 NE 1st Ave., Ste. 1205
          Miami, FL 33132
          Phone: (305) 479-2299
          Fax: (786) 623-0915
          Email: ashamis@sflinjuryattorneys.com

RECKITT BENCKISER: Modified CMO Entered in Beckles Class Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Beckles v. Reckitt
Benckiser LLC, et al., Case No. 1:24-cv-06412 (E.D.N.Y., Filed
Sept. 12, 2024), Hon. Judge Hector Gonzalez entered a modified case
management order on Rule 23 class certification for:

-- The opening motion to be due 90 days after a decision on
    Defendants' motion to dismiss;

-- The opposition to be due 45 days after the opening motion; and

-- The reply to be due 21 days after the opposition.

Finally, the modified case management plan shall provide for fact
discovery to be completed 90 days after the Court's decision on
class certification, and expert discovery to be completed 90 days
after the close of fact discovery.

The nature of suit states Torts -- Personal Property -- Other

Reckitt manufactures cleaning products.[CC]

RENTOKIL INITIAL: Artificially Inflated Stock Price, Suit Alleges
LABORERS LOCAL #235 PENSION FUND, on behalf of itself and all
others similarly situated, Plaintiff v. RENTOKIL INITIAL PLC,
Defendants, Case No. 2:24-cv-02932-MSN-tmp (W.D. Tenn., November
26, 2024) is a class action against the Defendants for violations
of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder.

According to the complaint, the Defendants made materially false
and misleading statements regarding Rentokil's business,
operations, and prospects in order to trade Rentokil American
Depositary Shares (ADSs) at artificially inflated prices between
December 1, 2023, and September 10, 2024. Specifically, the
Defendants failed to disclose that: (1) Rentokil experienced levels
of disruption in the early pilots of the Terminix integration; (2)
Rentokil experienced significant, ongoing, self-inflicted execution
challenges integrating Terminix; (3) the disruption and execution
challenges imperiled Rentokil's integration plan for Terminix; (4)
Rentokil and Terminix were still two separate businesses that were
not yet integrated; (5) Rentokil's failure to integrate Terminix
negatively impacted the company's business and operations,
particularly organic revenue growth in North America; and (6) as a
result of the above, the Defendants' positive statements about the
company's business, operations, and prospects were materially false
and misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis at all relevant

When the truth emerged, the price of Rentokil ADSs fell $6.65 per
ADS, or more than 21 percent, from a closing price of $31.60 per
ADS on September 10, 2024, to a closing price of $24.95 per ADS on
September 11, 2024. As a result of the Defendants' fraudulent
statements and omissions, the Plaintiff and similarly situated
investors who had purchased Rentokil common stock at artificially
inflated prices during the Class Period have sustained economic
losses, the suit says.

Laborers Local #235 Pension Fund is a pension fund based in
Elmsford, New York.

Rentokil Initial PLC is a provider of pest control, hygiene, and
wellness services, headquartered in Crawley, England. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         J. Gerard Stranch IV, Esq.
         The Freedom Center
         223 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, Suite 200
         Nashville, TN 37203
         Telephone: (615) 254-8801
         Email: gstranch@stranchlaw.com

                 - and -

         Marco A. Duenas, Esq.
         SAXENA WHITE P.A.
         10 Bank Street, Suite 882
         White Plains, NY 10606
         Telephone: (914) 437-8551
         Facsimile: (888) 631-3611
         Email: mduenas@saxenawhite.com

RENTOKIL NORTH AMERICA: Wright Sues Over Civil Rights Violation
Katherine Wright, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. RENTOKIL NORTH AMERICA, INC., a foreign
profit corporation doing business as TERMINIX, TERMINIX COMMERCIAL,
foreign limited partnership doing business as TERMINIX
and DOES 1-20, as yet unknown Washington entities, Case No.
24-2-23501-9 SEA (Wash. Super. Ct., King Cty., Oct. 11, 2024), is
brought to remedy Defendants' ongoing violation of Plaintiff and
the Class members' civil rights.

Effective January 1, 2023, all Washington employers with 15 or more
employees are required to disclose, in each posting for each job
opening, the wage scale or salary range, and a general description
of all of the benefits and other compensation being offered to the
hired applicant. (RCW 49.58.110.).

Despite RCW 49.58.110 becoming effective January 1, 2023,
Defendants continue to withhold pay information in some, if not
all, of their job postings for Washington-based positions. As of
the date of this filing, Defendants continue to employ
discriminatory hiring practices as a result of their ongoing
refusal to comply with RCW 49.58.110. the Defendants' refusal to
post a wage scale or salary range in job postings is a violation of
Plaintiff and the Class members' civil rights.

On October 1, 2024, Plaintiff applied for a job opening in
Washington with Defendants. The posting for the job opening
Plaintiff applied to did not disclose the wage scale or salary
range being offered. In working through the application, Plaintiff
expected that at some point she would learn the rate of pay for the
open position. However, Defendants withheld the rate of pay for the
open position in the job posting and throughout the application
process, forcing Plaintiff to complete the entire application
without learning the rate of pay.

As a result of Defendants' refusal to publish the wage scale or
salary range within the job posting, Plaintiff was unable to
determine the rate of pay for the position. As a result of
Defendants' refusal to disclose the wage scale or salary range in
the job posting, Plaintiff remains unable to evaluate the pay for
the position and compare that pay to other available positions in
the marketplace, which negatively impacts Plaintiff's current and
lifetime wages. As a result of Defendants' refusal to disclose the
wage scale or salary range in the job posting, Plaintiff's ability
to negotiate pay remains adversely affected, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff applied for a position with Defendants in the State
of Washington.

Rentokil North America, Inc. is a foreign profit corporation doing
business as Terminix, Terminix Commercial, Western Exterminator
Company, Rentokil Steritech, Rentokil North America, Pratt Pest
Management, Ambius, and Target Specialty Products.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Timothy W. Emery, Esq.
          Patrick B. Reddy, Esq.
          Paul Cipriani, Esq.
          Hannah M. Hamley, Esq.
          600 Stewart Street, Suite 1100
          Seattle, WA 98101
          Phone: (206) 442-9106
          Fax: (206) 441-9711
          Email: emeryt@emeryreddy.com

ROBINHOOD MARKETS: Hammonds Sues Over Failure to Safeguard PII
Tyrone Hammonds, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. ROBINHOOD MARKETS, INC., Case No. 3:24-cv-08321 (N.D.
Cal., Nov. 22, 2024), is brought against Defendant for its failure
to properly secure and safeguard sensitive information of its

The Plaintiff's and Class Members' sensitive personal information
which they entrusted to Defendant on the mutual understanding that
Defendant would protect it against disclosure--was targeted,
compromised and unlawfully accessed due to the Data Breach.

The Defendant collected and maintained certain personally
identifiable information of Plaintiff and the putative Class
Members, who are (or were) customers at Defendant. The PII
compromised in the Data Breach included Plaintiff's and Class
Members' personally identifiable information ("PII"), including,
upon information and belief, their Social Security numbers. The PII
compromised in the Data Breach was exfiltrated by cyber-criminals
and remains in the hands of those cyber-criminals who target PII
for its value to identity thieves.

As a result of the Data Breach, Plaintiff and Class Members
suffered concrete injuries in fact including, but not limited to:
invasion of privacy; theft of their PII; lost or diminished value
of PII; lost time and opportunity costs associated with attempting
to mitigate the actual consequences of the Data Breach; loss of
benefit of the bargain; lost opportunity costs associated with
attempting to mitigate the actual consequences of the Data Breach;
nominal damages; and the continued and certainly increased risk to
their PII, which: remains unencrypted and available for
unauthorized third parties to access and abuse; and remains backed
up in Defendant's possession and is subject to further unauthorized
disclosures so long as Defendant fails to undertake appropriate and
adequate measures to protect the PII.

The Data Breach was a direct result of Defendant's failure to
implement adequate and reasonable cyber-security procedures and
protocols necessary to protect consumers' PII from a foreseeable
and preventable cyber-attack, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff is a customer at Defendant.

The Defendant is a financial services company that offers stock
trading and investment services to its customers.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          John J. Nelson, Esq.
          402 Broadway, Suite 1760
          San Diego, CA 92101
          Phone: (858) 209-6941
          Email: jnelson@milberg.com

               - and -

          Jeff Ostrow, Esq.
          1 West Las Olas Blvd., Ste. 500
          Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
          Phone: 954-332-4200
          Email: ostrow@kolawyers.com

RON HIBACHI: Court OK's Settlement Agreement in Chen Suit
In the class action lawsuit captioned as DAN DAN CHEN, on behalf of
themselves and others similarly situated, et al., v. RON HIBACHI
GRILL SUPREME BUFFET INC., et al., Case No. 1:23-cv-02591-EAP
(D.N.J.), the Hon. Judge Elizabeth Pascal entered an order finding
that the proposed Settlement Agreement is a fair and reasonable
resolution of a bona fide dispute over FLSA provisions.

-- The Plaintiffs' counsel's request for attorneys' fees in the
    amount of $164,833.98 is appropriate, and $5,496.42 of
    counsel's requests for costs is reasonable and supported by
    itemized receipts.

-- Accordingly, the Motion for Settlement is granted and the
    settlement is approved. An appropriate Order follows.

The Plaintiffs' claims for wage-and-hour claims under the Fair
Labor Standards Act ("FLSA"), and the New Jersey Wage and Hour Law

Hibachi is a restaurant in Atlantic County offering a wide
selection of over two hundred and fifty buffet items of Chinese,
Japanese, American, Italian, and Mexican cuisines.

A copy of the Court's memorandum opinion dated Nov. 27, 2024, is
available from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=hclHeL
at no extra charge.[CC]

RSCR CALIFORNIA: Chevalier Removed from State Court to C.D. Cal.
MARSHA CHEVALIER, individually, and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, v. RSCR CALIFORNIA, INC., a Delaware
corporation; and DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Case No. 24STCV27261
(Filed Oct. 17, 2024) was removed from the Superior Court of the
State of California for the County of Los Angeles to the United
States District Court for the Central District of California on
Nov. 20, 2024.

The Central District of California Court Clerk assigned Case No.
2:24-cv-10061 to the proceedings.

The complaint alleges the following purported causes of action
against Defendant:

    (1) failure to provide meal periods;

    (2) failure to provide rest breaks;

    (3) failure to pay overtime wages;

    (4) failure to pay all wages due upon termination;

    (5) failure to provide accurate wage statements;

    (6) failure to maintain records;

    (7) failure to reimburse for necessary business expenditures;

    (8) failure to provide sick pay and COVID-19 sick pay; and

    (9) unfair business practices.

RSCR was founded in 2007. The Company's line of business includes
providing employment services.[BN]

The Defendant is represented by:

          Alex M. Barfield, Esq.
          515 Flower Street
          Forty-Second Floor
          Los Angeles, CA 90071-2223
          Telephone: (216) 430-3400
          Facsimile: (216) 430-3409
          E-mail: alex.barfield@tuckerellis.com

SABA UNIVERSITY: Court Decertifies Class of Enrollees
In the class action lawsuit captioned as NATALIA ORTIZ, on behalf
of herself and a class of similarly situated persons, v. SABA
1:23-cv-12002-WGY (D. Mass.), the Hon. Judge William Young entered
an order that certification of the nationwide class is precluded
and the class must be decertified because the laws of multiple
jurisdictions apply to thus putative worldwide class of consumers,
the difference in state and national laws predominate over common
issues, leaving the predominance requirement of 23(b)3

-- The Court decertifies the class of:

    "All individuals who enrolled at Saba from Sept. 2017 to the
    of the certification order in this matter who:

    1) are no longer enrolled at Saba and

    2) did not sit for the USMLE Step 1 exam."

    Excluded from the class are:

    Students who transferred credit to another school, or failed to

    pass a majority of the classes that they took;

    Defendants, any entity in which Defendants have a controlling
    interest, and Defendants' officers, directors, legal
    representatives, successors, and assigns.

-- Ortiz's motion for class notice is denied as moot.

-- Saba's motion to stay proceedings pending the resolution of the

    appeal is likewise denied as moot.

Saba University is a private for-profit offshore medical school
located on Saba, a special municipality of the Netherlands in the

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 26, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=AaKab2 at no extra

SAFEWAY INC: Mislabels Avocado Oil Products, Smith Suit Says
KEVIN SMITH, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. SAFEWAY, INC., a corporation; and DOES 1
through 10, inclusive, Defendant, Case No. 24CV095037 (Cal. Super.,
Alameda Cty., October 8, 2024) is a class action against the
Defendant arising from its alleged false and deceptive advertising
and labeling of its Avocado Oil Products in violation of the
California's False Advertising Law, California's Unfair Competition
Law, and California's Consumers Legal Remedies Act.

During the statute of limitations period, Safeway has marketed,
labeled, advertised, and sold its Avocado Oil under the label
"Signature Select" to consumers, including Plaintiff, with
packaging that has prominently represented that it is avocado oil.
The packaging of the Class Products unequivocally states that the
oil is "100% Avocado Oil." Reasonable consumers believe, based on
the Avocado Oil Representation, that the Class Products are pure
avocado oil. However, unbeknownst to consumers, the Class Products
are adulterated with other oils, says the suit.

Safeway, Inc. operates as a supermarket. The Company offers
grocery, pharmacy, bread, bakery, snacks, flowers, pet, personal
care, beverages, and other food products. Safeway serves customers
in the United States.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Neal J. Deckant, Esq.
          Brittany S. Scott, Esq.
          BURSOR & FISHER, P.A.
          1990 North California Blvd., 9th Floor
          Walnut Creek, CA 94596
          Telephone: (925) 300-4455
          Facsimile: (925) 407-2700
          E-mail: ndeckant@bursor.com

               - and -

          Yeremey O. Krivoshey, Esq.
          166 Geary Street, Ste. 1500-1507
          San Francisco, CA 94108
          Telephone: (415) 839-7000
          E-mail: yeremey@skclassactions.com

               - and -

          Joel D. Smith, Esq.
          867 Boylston Street, 5th Floor, Ste. 1520
          Boston, MA 02116
          Telephone: (617) 377-7404
          E-mail: joel@skclassactions.com  

               - and -

          Lisa T. Omoto, Esq.
          FARUQI & FARUQI, LLP
          1901 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1060
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Telephone: (424) 256-2884
          E-mail: lomoto@faruqilaw.com

SAINT JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY: Cantave Settlement Gets Final Court Okay
Judge Michael M. Baylson of the United States District Court for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania granted the plaintiff's
unopposed motion for settlement in the case captioned Cantave
Individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated,
Plaintiff, v. Saint Joseph's University, Defendant, CIVIL ACTION
NO. 23-3181 (E.D. Pa.). Plaintiff's unopposed motion for attorney
fees, costs, and case contribution award to settlement class
representative is granted in part and denied in part.

Plaintiff Jaulie Cantave brings this putative class action alleging
that Defendant, Saint Joseph's University, breached an
implied-in-fact contract and was unjustly enriched when it
transitioned to a remote format during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Plaintiffs seeks to recover tuition for the remote portion of the
Spring 2020 semester. The parties have entered a Class Action
Settlement Agreement pursuant to which Defendant will pay
$1,153,880.00 in a non-reversionary cash payment to resolve this
action. Settlement Agreement. Plaintiffs request that attorneys'
fees, litigation costs, including fees and expenses for the
Settlement Administrator, and a case Contribution Award to named
Plaintiff be deducted from the Settlement Amount.

On June 10, 2024, the Court entered an Order granting preliminary
approval of the Class Action Settlement, conditionally certifying
the Settlement Class pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
23(a) and 23(b)(3), appointing the class representative, appointing
class counsel, and approving the proposed notice plan. The
Settlement Class is defined as:

All undergraduate students enrolled at SJU who satisfied their
tuition payment obligation and attended at least one in-person
class on campus during the Spring 2020 semester but had their
class(es) moved to online learning.

Excluded from the Settlement Class is: (i) any person who withdrew
from SJU on or before March 19, 2020; (ii) any person enrolled for
the Spring 2020 semester solely in a program that was originally
delivered as an online program without regard to any changes in
modality resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic; or (iii) any person
who received Financial Aid equal to or exceeding the applicable
tuition for the Spring 2020 Semester.

The Court held a final approval hearing on October 30, 2024, giving
the parties an opportunity to be heard.

No settlement class members objected to the Settlement and no
settlement class members opted out of the Settlement.

The Court finds that the Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable,
adequate, and in the best interests of the Settlement Class.
Accordingly, pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(e), the
Court now gives final approval to the Settlement Agreement.

The Court finds the Class Representative and Class Counsel
adequately represented the Settlement Class for the purposes of
litigating this matter and entering into and implementing the
Settlement Agreement. According to the Court, the Settlement
Agreement was the product of arms' length negotiations between the
parties, and the settlement amount is reasonable, considering the
novel legal issues raised by COVID-19 disruptions, particularly
whether impossibility or impracticability are valid defenses, and
the potential risks and likelihood of success in pursuing
litigation on the merits.

The Court approves the request for a $2,500 Contribution Award for
named Plaintiff.

The Court finds that the request for $384,588.20 in attorneys'
fees, representing 33.3% of the settlement fund and a lodestar
multiplier of 3.07 is unreasonable.

A copy of the Court's Memorandum is available at

SAINT JOSEPH'S: Court Cuts Attorneys' Fees in Cantave Suit
In the case captioned as Cantave Individually and on behalf of all
others similarly situated, Plaintiff, v. Saint Joseph's University,
Defendant, CIVIL ACTION NO. 23-3181 (E.D. Pa.), Judge Michael M.
Baylson of the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania will award class counsel attorneys' fees
worth nineteen percent (19%) of the settlement fund.

Plaintiff Jaulie Cantave brings this putative class action alleging
that Defendant, Saint Joseph's University, breached an
implied-in-fact contract and was unjustly enriched when it
transitioned to a remote format during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Plaintiffs seeks to recover tuition for the remote portion of the
Spring 2020 semester. The parties have entered a Class Action
Settlement Agreement pursuant to which Defendant will pay
$1,153,880.00 in a non-reversionary cash payment to resolve this
action. Settlement Agreement. Plaintiffs request that attorneys'
fees, litigation costs, including fees and expenses for the
Settlement Administrator, and a case Contribution Award to named
Plaintiff be deducted from the Settlement Amount.

On June 10, 2024, the Court entered an Order granting preliminary
approval of the Class Action Settlement, conditionally certifying
the Settlement Class pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
23(a) and 23(b)(3), appointing the class representative, appointing
class counsel, and approving the proposed notice plan. The
Settlement Class is defined as:

All undergraduate students enrolled at SJU who satisfied their
tuition payment obligation and attended at least one in-person
class on campus during the Spring 2020 semester but had their
class(es) moved to online learning.

Excluded from the Settlement Class is: (i) any person who withdrew
from SJU on or before March 19, 2020; (ii) any person enrolled for
the Spring 2020 semester solely in a program that was originally
delivered as an online program without regard to any changes in
modality resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic; or (iii) any person
who received Financial Aid equal to or exceeding the applicable
tuition for the Spring 2020 Semester.

The Court held a final approval hearing on October 30, 2024, giving
the parties an opportunity to be heard.

No settlement class members objected to the Settlement and no
settlement class members opted out of the Settlement.

The Court finds that the Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable,
adequate, and in the best interests of the Settlement Class.

The Court approves the request for a $2,500 Contribution Award for
named Plaintiff.

The Court finds that the request for $384,588.20 in attorneys'
fees, representing 33.3% of the settlement fund and a lodestar
multiplier of 3.07 is unreasonable.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS: Wins Bid to Dismiss Barrett, et al. Suit
The Honorable Fred W. Slaughter of the United States District Court
for the Central District of California ruled on the motions filed
by the parties in the case captioned as Rosalety Avila Barrett et
al. v. Saint-Gobain Glass Corporation et al., Case No.
8:24-cv-01844-FWS-DFM (C.D. Calif.):

(1) Plaintiff Rosaley Avila Barrett and Plaintiff Joshua Barrett's
Motion for Order Remanding Action to State Court; and
(2) Defendant Saint-Gobain Glass Corporation's Motion to Dismiss

On July 19, 2024, Plaintiffs filed the Complaint in Orange County
Superior Court, asserting individual and putative class claims for
violations of the California Labor Code and California's Unfair
Competition Law, Cal. Bus. and Prof. Code Sec. 17200, et seq.
Plaintiffs assert eight wage-and-hour claims, generally alleging
that Defendant failed to pay minimum, straight time, and overtime
wages, provide meal and rest periods, pay timely wages at
termination, provide accurate itemized wage statements, and
indemnify employees for business expenditures.

On August 22, 2024, Defendant removed pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Secs.
1332, 1441, 1446, and 1453. Defendant alleged the court has
jurisdiction over this suit under the Class Action Fairness Act of
2005, 28 U.S.C. Secs. 1332(d) & 1453, because the number of
potential class members exceeds 100, the parties meet minimum
diversity requirements, and the amount in controversy exceeds
$5,000,000. On September 11, 2024, Defendant filed the Motion to
Dismiss all of Plaintiffs' claims. On September 20, 2024,
Plaintiffs filed the Motion to Remand, arguing Defendant failed to
demonstrate that the amount in controversy exceeds $5,000,000.

Generally, Plaintiffs challenge Defendant's amount-in-controversy
calculations as unreasonable, speculative, and inconsistent with
the Complaint's allegations.

Defendant urges the District Court to construe Plaintiffs'
arguments as a facial attack, in part because Plaintiffs did not
submit any evidence rebutting Defendant's assumptions or
alternative calculations.

The District Court finds Defendant's assumptions regarding the
various violation rates at issue are reasonable.

Even before adding in attorney's fees, Defendant's estimates
stemming from the violation rates the court found reasonable total
$5,499,259.76. When viewed in conjunction with attorney's fees, the
District Court concludes Defendant has sufficiently demonstrated
that the amount in controversy exceeds $5,000,000 by a
preponderance of the evidence.

Defendant seeks to dismiss all of Plaintiff's claims for failure to
state a claim and strike all references to California Labor Code
Sec. 204 and requests for injunctive or declaratory relief.

Plaintiffs first and second claims allege that Defendant failed to
pay Plaintiffs minimum, straight, and overtime wages for all hours
worked. Defendant argues that the Complaint lacks sufficient facts
demonstrating that Plaintiffs were not paid all wages for off-the
clock work and fails to meet the pleading standard set out in
Landers v. Quality Communications, Inc., 771 F.3d 638 (9th Cir.

The District Court finds the Complaint fails to allege claims for
unpaid minimum, straight, and overtime wages. Accordingly, the
District Court grants the Motion to Dismiss as to Plaintiffs' first
and second claim.

Defendant next argues that Plaintiffs' claims for failure to
provide meal and rest periods fail because the Complaint alleges
only conclusory statements unsupported by facts regarding, for
example, "when or how often Plaintiffs or other putative class
members were allegedly forced to forego compliant meal or rest
breaks," "how any particular rest breaks failed to comply with
California law," and "when or how Plaintiffs or other putative
class members were denied premium pay."

The District Court finds Plaintiffs' meal period and rest break
claims fail to state a plausible claim for relief.  The Complaint
generally alleges that Defendant "regularly failed to provide
Plaintiffs and the Class with both meal periods" and "failed to
authorize Plaintiffs and the Class to take rest breaks, regardless
of whether employees worked more than four hours in a workday" by
"requiring, pressuring, or encouraging them to perform work tasks
which could not be completed without working in lieu of taking
mandatory meal and rest periods, or by denying Plaintiffs and the
Class permission to take a meal or a rest period."

Plaintiffs recite the statutory standard but fail to allege facts
in support of these conclusory statements, including, for example,
"a specific corporate policy prohibiting those breaks or a specific
instance or instances in which they were denied a required break.
Thus, the District Court grants the Motion to Dismiss as to
Plaintiffs' third and fourth claims for failure to provide meal and
rest periods.

Plaintiffs' fifth claim alleges that Defendant failed to pay timely
wages, including payment for all expenditures, minimum wages,
straight-time wages, overtime wages, and meal and rest period
premiums, upon separation of employment in violation of California
Labor Code Secs. 201, 202, and 203.

The District Court finds the Complaint fails to plausibly allege a
claim for waiting time penalties. Accordingly, the Motion to
Dismiss is granted as to Plaintiffs' fifth claim.

Plaintiffs' sixth claim alleges that Defendant failed to provide
accurate, itemized wage statements in violation of California Labor
Code Sec. 226(a). Defendant argues that Plaintiffs pleaded a
derivative wage statement claim and thus Plaintiffs' sixth claim
fails for the same reasons as Plaintiffs' wage, meal period, and
rest break claims. The District Court agrees that Plaintiffs bring
a derivative wage claim in that the Complaint alleges that
Defendant provided inaccurate wage statements as part and parcel of
Defendant's underlying failure to compensate Plaintiffs for their
hours worked, overtime wages, and meal
and rest period premium wages.

Plaintiffs seek injunctive relief under the UCL and declaratory
relief under the UCL and the California Labor Code. The District
Court finds Plaintiffs lack standing to seek injunctive relief. It
also finds Plaintiffs' argument that they may represent putative
class members seeking injunctive relief unpersuasive.  Accordingly,
the District Court dismisses Plaintiffs' request for injunctive and
declaratory relief.

In this case, Plaintiffs' allegations related to section 204 are
predicated wholly on Plaintiffs' claims for unpaid wages.
Therefore, the District Court concludes the Complaint fails to
allege a plausible violation of section 204 and grants the Motion
Dismiss as to any claim brought under California Labor Code Sec.

Plaintiffs' Motion to Remand is denied and Defendant's Motion to
Dismiss is granted. The District Court dismisses the Complaint with
leave to amend. Plaintiffs are ordered to file an amended
complaint, if any, that is limited to addressing the deficiencies
identified above within fourteen (14) days of the date of this
Order. Failure to file an amended complaint on or before the
deadline set by the District Court will result in the dismissal of
this action without further notice for failure to prosecute and/or
comply with a court order.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

SAZERAC COMPANY: Rodriguez Sues Over Deceptive Advertising
Teresa Rodriguez, individually and on behalf of other similarly
situated individuals v. SAZERAC COMPANY, INC. d/b/a STIRRINGS, Case
No. 2:24-cv-08206-ST (E.D.N.Y., Nov. 26, 2024), is brought as a
consumer protection action seeking redress for, and a stop to,
Defendant's unfair and deceptive practice of advertising and
marketing of its line of cocktail mixers (the "Products" or
"Product") that are sold under the "Stirrings" brand name with
representations that the Products contain "No Preservatives," in
violation of the New York General Business Law.

The Defendant's "No Preservatives" representations are false,
deceptive and misleading because the Products contain the synthetic
preservative, citric acid. This labeling deceives consumers into
believing that they are receiving healthier, preservative—free
cocktail mixers even though these Products cannot live up to these

Consumers rely on Defendant's labeling advertising of the Product
as containing "No Preservatives" to the truthful and would not know
that the products actually contain preservatives. Reasonable
consumers such as Plaintiff do not have specialized knowledge
necessary to identify ingredients in the Products as Iring
inconsistent with Defendant's advertised claims of the containing
"No Preventatives."

The Plaintiff relied on Defendant's misrepresentations that the
Products contain "No Preservatives" when purchasing the Products.
Plaintiff and Class Members paid premium for the Products Over
comparable products that did not purport to contain "No
Preservatives." Given that Plaintiff and Class Members paid a
premium for the Products based on Defendant's misrepresentations
that they contain "No Preservatives," Plaintiff and Class Members
suffered an injury in the amount of the premium paid., says the

The Plaintiff purchased the Defendant's Products on numerous
occasions at a Kings Food Market located in Garden City, New York.

The Defendant manufactures, markets, and distributes the Products
throughout the United States.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Michael J. Gabrielli
          2426 Eastchester Road, Suite 201
          Bronx; NY 10469
          Phone: (718) 708-5322
          Facsimile: (7 IS) 708-5966
          Email: michael@gabriellilaw.ecm

SCP DISTRIBUTORS: Phillips Sues Over Employment Law Violation
A class action has been filed against SCP Distributors, LLC. The
case is captioned as Danny Phillips, on behalf of himself and all
others similarly situated, Plaintiff v. SCP Distributors, LLC,
Defendant, Case No. 24CV020406 (Cal. Super., Sacramento Cty.,
October 8, 2024).

The suit arises from the Defendant's alleged employment law

The case is assigned to Hon. Christopher E. Krueger.

A case management conference is scheduled on November 7, 2025.

SCP Distributors, LLC is a wholesale distributor of swimming pool
supplies, equipment and related leisure products.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Joshua S. Falakassa, Esq.
          FALAKASSA LAW, P.C.
          1901 Avenue of the Stars, Ste 450
          Los Angeles, CA 90067-6006   
          Telephone: (818) 456-6168

SECURE PARKING: Williams Sues Over Unlawful Use of Information
Shanika Williams, individually and on behalf of herself and all
others similarly situated v. SECURE PARKING USA, LLC, Case
2:24-cv-01532-BHL (E.D. Wis., Nov. 26, 2024), is brought against
Defendant for unlawfully obtaining and using personal information
of drivers from their Driver Motor Vehicle records ("DMV records")
in violation of the Driver's Privacy Protection Act (the "DPPA").

When Defendant captures a vehicle on the cameras that, according to
them, has not properly paid for parking, Defendant accesses the
motor vehicle records associated with that license plate to obtain
the personal information, including the name and address, of the
individual to whom the vehicle is registered to. The Defendant then
sends a Parking Violation Notice ("Notice") in the mail to the
registered owner's home address informing them that they are
required to pay Defendant for the parking.

The Defendant mails these Notices to both drivers who never paid
for parking, and to drivers who did in fact pay for parking, yet
Defendant alleges they still owe payment. Regardless, both drivers
who pay and drivers who do not pay never supply Defendant with
their mailing address. At most, paying drivers supply Defendant
only with their license plate number and their payment information.
Therefore, the only way Defendant is able to claim "a vehicle
registered in your name" parked at one of Defendant's facilities is
by accessing the driver's motor vehicle records.

Thus, in blatant disregard of Plaintiff and Class members' privacy
rights, and the DPPA, Defendant is illegally obtaining drivers'
personal information through their DMV records. Specifically,
Defendant is obtaining their mailing address listed on their DMV
record associated with the registered license plate/vehicle.

The Defendant's parking facilities do not inform drivers that their
personal information will be collected through the use of license
plate photography and unlawfully obtained through DMV records. The
Defendant unlawfully obtains and uses drivers' DMV record
information to mail parking citations to both vehicle owners who
did not pay for parking, and to vehicle owners that Defendant
accuses of still owing money.

The Plaintiff and Class members were never informed that their
personal information would be obtained by Defendant through their
DMV records or otherwise. Defendant obtains drivers' personal
information, including their name and address, from their DMV
records without the lawful consent of drivers, and without a
lawfully permitted reason under the DPPA. In doing so, Defendant
uses predatory tactics to obtain unlawful payments from drivers,
says the complaint.

The Plaintiff parked at Defendant's parking facility,

Secure Parking USA, LLC provides parking management services to
businesses worldwide and is currently utilized in nine states,
including Wisconsin.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Brittany S. Scott, Esq.
          BURSOR & FISHER, P.A.
          1990 North California Blvd., 9th Floor
          Walnut Creek, CA 94596
          Phone: (925) 300-4455
          Facsimile: (925) 407-2700
          Email: bscott@bursor.com

SERVICE MANAGEMENT: Larios Sues to Recover Full Compensation
Salvador Flores Larios, on behalf of himself s and all other
similarly situated v. SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC., Case No.
2:24-at-01481 (E.D. Cal., Nov. 22, 2024), is brought against the
Defendant seeking to recover full compensation including unpaid
wages, unpaid overtime, noncompliant meal and rest periods, waiting
time penalties, and premium pay, as a result of the Defendant's
violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 ("FLSA"); the
applicable California Labor Code provisions; the applicable
Industrial Welfare Commission ("IWC") Wage Order; the Unfair
Business Practices Act; and California Business and Professions
Code ("UCL").

This action stems from the Defendant's policies and practices of:
failing to pay Plaintiff and putative Collective and Class Members
minimum wage for all hours worked; failing to pay Plaintiff and
putative Collective and Class Members overtime wages; failing to
provide or make available to Plaintiff and putative Class Members
the meal periods to which they are entitled by law, and failing to
pay premium compensation payment for non-compliant meal breaks;
failing to authorize and permit rest periods, and failing to pay
premium compensation payment for non-compliant rest periods;
failing to reimburse Plaintiff and putative Class Members for
business expenditures; failing to provide Plaintiff and putative
Class Members with accurate, itemized wage statements; failing to
timely pay all wages upon separation from employment to Plaintiff
and putative Class Members; and engaging in unfair business
practices, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Carolyn H. Cottrell, Esq.
          Ori Edelstein, Esq.
          2000 Powell Street, Suite 1400
          Emeryville, CA 94608
          Phone: (415) 421-7100
          Facsimile: (415) 421-7105
          Email: ccottrell@schneiderwallace.com

SET FORTH INC: Bellefeuille Files Suit in N.D. Illinois
A class action lawsuit has been filed against SET FORTH, INC. The
case is styled as Joel Bellefeuille, Jr., individually and on
behalf of all others similarly situated v. SET FORTH, INC., Case
No. 1:24-cv-12188 (N.D. Ill., Nov. 26, 2024).

The nature of suit is stated as Other P.I. for Personal Injury.

SET FORTH, INC. has been serving consumers who are exiting

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gary M. Klinger, Esq.
          227 W. Monroe Street, Suite 2100
          Chicago, IL 60606
          Phone: (866) 252-0878
          Email: gklinger@milberg.com

SET FORTH: McCluskey Sues Over Failure to Secure Customers' Info
BOBBIE MCCLUSKEY, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated, Plaintiff v. SET FORTH, INC., Defendant, Case
No. 1:24-cv-12203 (N.D. Ill., November 26, 2024) is a class action
against the Defendant for negligence, unjust enrichment, and
violation of Illinois Consumer Fraud Act.

The case arises from the Defendant's failure to properly secure and
safeguard the personally identifiable information (PII) of the
Plaintiff and similarly situated consumers stored within its
network systems following a data breach discovered in May 2024. The
Defendant also failed to timely notify the Plaintiff and similarly
situated individuals about the data breach. As a result, the
private information of the Plaintiff and Class members was
compromised and damaged through access by and disclosure to unknown
and unauthorized third parties, says the suit.

Set Forth, Inc., is a debt relief services provider based in
Schaumburg, Illinois. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Gary M. Klinger, Esq.
         227 W. Monroe Street, Suite 2100
         Chicago, IL 60606
         Telephone: (866) 252-0878
         Email: gklinger@milberg.com

                 - and -

         James J. Pizzirusso, Esq.
         888 16th Street, N.W., Suite 300
         Washington, DC 20006
         Telephone: (202) 540-7200
         Email: jpizzirusso@hausfeld.com

                 - and -

         Steven M. Nathan, Esq.
         33 Whitehall Street, 14th Floor
         New York, NY 10004
         Telephone: (646) 357-1100
         Email: snathan@hausfeld.com

SET FORTH: Ossler Sues Over Unauthorized Access of Customers' Info
STEVEN OSSLER, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. SET FORTH, INC. and CENTREX SOFTWARE, INC.,
Defendants, Case No. 1:24-cv-12244 (N.D. Ill., November 26, 2024)
is a class action against the Defendants for negligence, breach of
implied contract, unjust enrichment/quasi-contract, violation of
Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act
(ICFA), and invasion of privacy.

The case arises from the Defendants' failure to properly secure and
safeguard the personally identifiable information of the Plaintiff
and similarly situated consumers stored within their network
systems following a data breach discovered as early as May 21,
2024. The Defendants also failed to timely notify the Plaintiff and
similarly situated individuals about the data breach. As a result,
the private information of the Plaintiff and Class members was
compromised and damaged through access by and disclosure to unknown
and unauthorized third parties.

Set Forth, Inc., is a debt relief services provider based in
Schaumburg, Illinois.

Centrex Software, Inc., is a software company based in Costa Mesa,
California. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
         Philip L. Fraietta, Esq.
         BURSOR & FISHER, P.A.
         1330 Avenue of the Americas, 32nd Floor
         New York, NY 10019
         Telephone: (646) 837-7150
         Facsimile: (212) 989-9163
         Email: pfraietta@bursor.com

                 - and -

         Thiago M. Coelho, Esq.
         Shahin Rezvani, Esq.
         9701 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor
         Los Angeles, CA 90212
         Telephone: (213) 381-9988
         Facsimile: (213) 381-9989
         Email: thiago@wilshirelawfirm.com

                 - and -

         Chumahan B. Bowen, Esq.
         Jennifer M. Leinbach, Esq.
         Reuben Aguirre, Esq.
         3055 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor
         Los Angeles, CA 90010
         Telephone: (213) 381-9988
         Facsimile: (213) 381-9989
         Email: chumahan.bowen@wilshirelawfirm.com

SEYBOTH TEAM: Court Extends Time to File Class Cert Bid
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Iudiciani v. The Seyboth
Team Real Estate Inc., Case No. 1:23-cv-00443 (D.R.I., Filed Oct.
26, 2023), Hon. Judge Mary S. Mcelroy entered an order granting the
plaintiffs motion for an extension of time to file a motion for
class certification.

The suit alleges violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act

SPIRE GLOBAL: Court Consolidates Bousso & Tagawa Securities Suits
Judge Michael S. Nachmanoff of the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division issued a
Memorandum Opinion and Order consolidating these two lawsuits:
MICHAL BOUSSO, Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly
Situated, Plaintiff v. SPIRE GLOBAL, INC., et al., Defendants, Case
No. 1:24-cv-01458-MSN-WEF (E.D. Va.); and KOHEI TAGAWA,
Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated,
Plaintiff v. SPIRE GLOBAL, INC., et al., Defendants, Case No.
1:24-cv-01810-MSN-LRV (E.D. Va.).

The matter comes before the Court on several competing motions to
consolidate and appoint lead counsel in these securities class
actions. For reasons set forth in this Memorandum Opinion and
Order, the Court consolidates the cases, appoints Plaintiff Michal
Bousso lead plaintiff in the consolidated action, and approves his
selection of counsel.

The Complaints in these cases allege that the Defendant, Spire
Global, Inc., violated federal securities laws and defrauded its
investors. On Aug. 15, 2024, Spire--a publicly traded company--made
an announcement that it would not timely file its second quarter
2024 financial report because it was reviewing accounting practices
with respect to one of its business segments, and may have been
overstating that segment's recognized revenue. Its shares fell
$3.41 (33.56%) on this news.

Then, on Aug. 27, 2024, Spire announced that in light of its
accounting practices, it would need to restate previously-issued
financial statements going back to the first quarter of 2022, the
financial statement for which was originally released on May 11,
2022. Spire's shares fell $0.12 (about 2%) on this news.

The Plaintiffs allege that they were defrauded in violation of the
securities laws because Spire filed financial statements that did
not conform to generally accepted accounting principles, and filed
false statements certifying that Spire's financial statements were
correct and that it had sufficient internal controls, among other
things. They allege that they suffered damages from their purchases
and sales of Spire's securities as a result of these false and
misleading statements or omissions.

Plaintiff Michael Bousso filed a class action complaint on Aug. 20,
2024, after the first of Spire's disclosures. Bousso's Complaint
alleged a class period beginning on March 6, 2024, when Spire
reported its financial results for 2023, and ending on Aug. 14,
2024, the date it announced it could not release further financial
results. Also on Aug. 20, 2024, in compliance with the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 ("PSLRA"), Bousso's
counsel published notice of his lawsuit in the Business Wire. The
notice reported Bousso's proposed class period, as well as the
subject matter of the class action: Spire's review of its
accounting practices and internal control measures regarding
revenue recognition in its "Space Services" business segment.

On Oct. 14, 2024, Plaintiff Kohei Tagawa filed a similar class
action complaint, which included allegations regarding the Aug. 27,
2024 notice from Spire and a class period of May 11, 2022, to Aug.
27, 2024.

On Oct. 21, 2024, both Boussou and Tagawa filed motions to
consolidate the two actions and to be appointed lead plaintiff
under the PSLRA. Another class plaintiff, who had not filed a
complaint, Wojchiech Sokolowski, also filed a motion to consolidate
the cases and appoint himself lead counsel.

All three movants have asked the Court to consolidate the two
actions. Judge Nachmanoff opines that where consolidation in a
securities class action context is "uncontested" and all complaints
claim securities fraud arising out of the same alleged
misrepresentations, consolidation under Rule 42 is appropriate. The
Court, therefore, consolidates the two actions.

The competing Plaintiffs disagree as to whether the Court should
assess financial loss based on the longer class period from May 11,
2022, to Aug. 27, 2024 or the shorter period covering March 6,
2024, to August 14, 2024. Tagawa and Bousso have each adopted the
longer class period in their filings, while Sokolowski argues that
the Court should look at losses only over the shorter period.

Judge Nachmanoff holds that the longer class period is the
appropriate period for calculating losses. As Tagawa and Bousso
point out, the "prevailing view" is that when calculating the
financial interest of potential plaintiffs, it is proper to look to
the longest alleged class period among the cases to be

Only two of the moving Plaintiffs (Bousso and Tagawa) have provided
the Court with a calculation of their financial interest over the
course of the longer class period. Tagawa reports a net loss of
$51,856, while Bousso reports a net loss of $23,131. The Court
finds that Tagawa is the moving plaintiff with the largest
financial loss over the appropriate class period.

In his initial filings, Tagawa stated his loss amount over the
longer class period as $149,470.09. As Sokolowski points out in his
response, however, that calculation does not make sense given a 1:8
reverse stock split of Spire's shares on Aug. 31, 2023. In his
reply memorandum, Tagawa claims his counsel made an inadvertent
error as a result of failing to account properly for the 1:8
reverse stock split, thus multiplying the relevant share prices for
some transactions by eight, in his preliminary loss chart. Tagawa's
actual loss, he claims, was $51,856.

The Court accepts Tagawa's contention that the incorrect loss
calculation was an innocent error rather than a deliberate effort
to mislead the Court. Nevertheless, Judge Nachmanoff says that
error raises serious concerns about Tagawa and his counsel's
ability to adequately litigate this case. The error is one that
Tagawa or his counsel should have caught, as it related to a stock
split they were aware of and resulted in an overstatement of
Tagawa's loss by a factor of three.

To put it bluntly, Judge Nachmanoff says the Court is not buying
Tagawa's effort to brush his serious errors under the rug, and
cannot find that he would adequately represent the class of
plaintiff shareholders. For this reason, Judge Nachmanoff holds
that Tagawa does not meet the statutory requirements of a
presumptive lead plaintiff under the PSLRA and cannot represent the

Having found that Tagawa does not meet the requirements of a
presumptive class plaintiff under 15 U.S.C. Section
78u-4(B)(iii)(I), the Court must look elsewhere. Adopting the
longer class means that Sokolowski is not an option. For one, he
has not provided any calculation of his loss amount across the
longer class period, so it is impossible to determine that he has
the largest financial interest in this litigation.

That leaves Bousso. As the only eligible remaining movant, Judge
Nachmanoff finds he indisputably has the largest financial interest
in this litigation. Bousso has also demonstrated to the Court's
satisfaction (and without any contestation from the other movants)
that he satisfies the requirements of Rule 23. Bousso's claims, as
outlined in his Complaint, are "typical" of the class as he alleges
that he purchased Spire securities in reliance on the fraud that
both he and Tagawa allege. His submissions show that he purchased
10,001 shares of Spire securities before the alleged fraud was
revealed, and sold all but one of those shares in batches between
August 23 and August 29, thus, selling shares after each of the
alleged reports that alerted the Plaintiffs to the fraud.

Judge Nachmanoff also finds, among other things, that Bousso is
adequate and does not appear to have any interests adverse to the
class. His selected counsel, who have litigated numerous securities
class actions, are sufficiently competent to manage this
litigation. The Court, therefore, finds that Bousso meets the
statutory requirements for a presumptive lead plaintiff under the

The Court will approve the Plaintiff's selection of counsel based
solely on that counsel's competence, experience, and resources. The
Court is satisfied based on Bousso's motion and exhibits that his
counsel and liaison counsel are sufficiently competent and
experienced and that both have the resources to serve effectively
as co-lead counsel.

For these reasons, the Court consolidates the actions, appoints
Plaintiff Michael Bousso as lead plaintiff, and appoints Glancy
Prongay & Murray LLP as lead counsel with Butler Curwood PLC as
local counsel. The Court grants Plaintiff Michal Bousso's Motion.

The Court denies Plaintiff Kohei Tagawa's Motion and Plaintiff
Wojciech Sokolowski's Motion, except to the extent that their
requests to consolidate this action are granted.

The cases are consolidated pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 42(a) and
this case is renamed In re Spire Global, Inc. Securities
Litigation, Master File No. 1:24-cv-01458-MNS-WEF.

A full-text copy of the Court's Memorandum Opinion and Order is
available at https://tinyurl.com/2cp3nhfz from PacerMonitor.com.

STANCE INC: Agostini Sues Over Blind-Inaccessible Website
Lunique Agostini, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated v. Stance, Inc., Case No. 1:24-cv-09061 (E.D.N.Y., Nov.
26, 2024), is brought against the Defendant for their failure to
design, construct, maintain, and operate their website to be fully
accessible to and independently usable by Plaintiff and other blind
or visually-impaired persons.

The Defendant is denying blind and visually impaired persons
throughout the United States with equal access to services Stadium
Enterprises provides to their non-disabled customers through
https://www.stance.com (hereinafter "Stance.com" or "the website").
Defendant's denial of full and equal access to its website, and
therefore denial of its services offered, and in conjunction with
its physical locations, is a violation of Plaintiff's rights under
the Americans with Disabilities Act (the "ADA").

Because Defendant's website, Stance.com, is not equally accessible
to blind and visually-impaired consumers, it violates the ADA.
Plaintiff seeks a permanent injunction to cause a change in
Stance's policies, practices, and procedures to that Defendant's
website will become and remain accessible to blind and
visually-impaired consumers. This complaint also seeks compensatory
damages to compensate Class members for having been subjected to
unlawful discrimination, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff is a visually-impaired and legally blind person who
requires screen-reading software to read website content using the

Stance provides to the public a website known as Stance.com which
provides consumers with access to an array of goods and services,
including, the ability to view a wide selection of socks and
apparel, including T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets, pants,
shorts, boxers, caps.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Gabriel Levy, Esq.
          GABRIEL A. LEVY, P.C.
          1129 Northern Blvd., Suite 404
          Manhasset, NY 11030
          Phone: +1 347-941-4715
          Email: glevy@glpcfirm.com

STARBUCKS CORP: Union Funds' Lead Plaintiff Motion Granted
Judge John H. Chun of the United States District Court for the
Western District of Washington ruled on the motions filed by the
parties in the case captioned as CHARLES GARBACCIO, Individually
and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated, Plaintiff, v.
STARBUCKS CORPORATION, et al., Defendants, Case No.
2:24-cv-01362-JHC (W.D. Wash.).

Having considered Pavers & Road Builders District Council Pension
Fund, Teamsters Local 237 Additional Security Benefit Fund, and
Teamsters Local 237 Supplemental Fund for Housing Authority
Employees' (collectively, the Union Funds) Motion for Appointment
as Lead Plaintiff and Approval of Lead Plaintiff's Selection of
Lead Counsel, and good cause appearing, the Court orders as

1. The Union Funds' Motion, which is unopposed, is granted.
Plaintiff Foley's Motion for Appointment as Lead Plaintiff and
Approval of Counsel is denied.

2. The Union Funds are appointed as Lead Plaintiff for the class
pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Sec. 78u-4(a)(3)(B)(iii).

3. The Union Funds' selection of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP
as Lead Counsel and Keller Rohrback L.L.P. as Liaison Counsel for
the class is approved, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Sec.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

STERLING FARM: Enderson Sues Over Unpaid Overtime Compensation
Robyn Enderson, on behalf of herself and all others similarly
No. 2:24-cv-01520 (E.D. Wis., Nov. 25, 2024), is brought pursuant
to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 ("FLSA"), the Illinois
Minimum Wage Law ("IMWL"), for unpaid overtime compensation,
liquidated damages, costs, attorneys' fees, declaratory and/or
injunctive relief, and/or any such other relief the Court may deem

The Defendant operated an unlawful compensation system that
deprived and failed to properly compensate Plaintiff and all other
current and former hourly-paid employees for all overtime hours
worked each workweek by failing to include all forms of
nondiscretionary compensation, such as sales incentives and shift
differentials, in said employees' regular rates of pay for overtime
calculation and compensation purposes, in violation of the FLSA and
IMWL. The Defendant's failure to compensate its hourly paid
employees for all overtime compensation owed was intentional,
willful, and violated federal law as set forth in the FLSA and
state law as set forth in the IMWL, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff was a non-exempt employee during the entirety of
Plaintiff's employment with Defendants.

Sterling Farm & Fleet, Inc is an Illinois corporation with a
principal office address located in Sterling, Illinois.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          James A. Walcheske, Esq.
          235 N. Executive Drive, Suite 240
          Brookfield, WI 53005
          Phone: (262) 780-1953
          Fax: (262) 565-6469
          Email: jwalcheske@walcheskeluzi.com

SWIFT TRANSPORTATION: Gibbs Suit Removed to S.D. California
The case styled as Joshua Gibbs, as an individual and on behalf of
himself and all others similarly situated v. SWIFT TRANSPORTATION
CO. OF ARIZONA, LLC; and DOES 1 through 10 inclusive, Case No.
37-2024-00015349-CU-OE-CTL was removed from the Superior Court of
the State of California for the County of San Diego, to the United
States District Court for the Southern District of California on
Nov. 25, 2024, and assigned Case No. 3:24-cv-02209-LL-DEB.

The Plaintiff's putative class claims arise from allegations that
Defendant failed to comply with California's wage and hour laws in
compensating drivers as follows: failing to pay proper sick wages;
failing to provide accurate itemized wage statements; violation of
California's Unfair Competition Act ("UCL").[BN]

The Defendants are represented by:

          Paul S. Cowie, Esq.
          Andrea L. Fellion, Esq.
          John Ellis, Esq.
          A Limited Liability Partnership
          Including Professional Corporations
          Four Embarcadero Center, 17th Floor
          San Francisco, CA 94111-4109
          Phone: 415.434.9100
          Facsimile: 415.434.3947
          Email: pcowie@sheppardmullin.com

TARGET CORP: Payton Sues Over iPhones Deceptive Marketing
Jessy Edwards of Top Class Actions reports that an iPhone customer,
plaintiff Jonathan Payton, is suing Target.

Why: The plaintiff claims the company falsely marketed Target
iPhones as "unlocked" -- meaning they can be used with any

Where: The Target iPhones lawsuit was filed in a New York federal

Target falsely advertises certain iPhones as "unlocked" when they
are, in fact, locked and restricted to specific carriers, a new
class action lawsuit alleges.

Plaintiff Jonathan Payton filed the lawsuit against Target
Corporation on Nov. 21 in a New York federal court, alleging
violations of state and federal consumer laws.

The Target iPhones lawsuit alleges that Target's deceptive
marketing practices led thousands of consumers to pay a premium for
phones they believed could be used with any carrier.

Lawsuit accuses Target of bait-and-switch scheme

Payton claims he purchased an iPhone 11 advertised as unlocked from
a Target store in New York City last November.

However, when he attempted to activate the phone with AT&T, he
discovered it was locked to Verizon's network, he says. This forced
him to make additional payments at a Verizon-affiliated store to
unlock the phone, he says.

"If Plaintiff had known that the Phone advertised as being unlocked
was actually locked requiring the payment of additional funds to
ultimately unlock the Phone, he would not have purchased the
allegedly unlocked Phone," the lawsuit says.

According to the complaint, Target's advertisements for unlocked
iPhones -- both online and in stores -- mislead customers into
believing these devices are compatible with all carriers, offering
flexibility for users switching providers or traveling

The complaint alleges that locked phones require software and
hardware specific to one carrier, limiting their usability.
Consumers must often pay additional fees to unlock such phones,
further adding to their frustration, it says.

As a result, Payton is looking to represent a nationwide class of
consumers who purchased an iPhone advertised as unlocked from a
Target store between November 2016 and the present day.

He's suing for violations of New York's General Business Law,
breach of contract and unjust enrichment and seeks certification of
the class action, damages, fees, costs and a jury trial.

Meanwhile, consumers recently filed other class action lawsuits
against Target Corp. over claims involving false advertising,
product misrepresentation and biometric data collection. Click here
for more information.

The plaintiff is represented by Ross H. Schmierer of Kazerouni Law
Group A.P.C. and Todd M. Friedman and Adrian Bacon of the Law
Offices Of Todd M. Friedman PC.

The Target class action lawsuit is Jonathan Payton v. Target
Corporation, Case No. 1:24-cv-08116 in the U.S. District Court for
the Eastern District of New York. [GN]

THEO CHOCOLATE: Class Cert Bid Filing Due June 20, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as PAMELA CHESAVAGE, et al.,
v. THEO CHOCOLATE, INC., Case No. 4:23-cv-02739-HSG (N.D. Cal.),
the Hon. Judge Haywood Gilliam, Jr. entered a schedulig order as

                   Event                               Deadline

  Substantial completion of document productions      May 5, 2025
  by both parties:

  Deadline to File Motion to Amend Pleadings:         May 30, 2025

  Deadline to file Motion for Class Certification,    June 20,
  including expert reports supporting motion:

  Deadline to Complete Non-Expert Discovery:          July 21,

  Deadline for Theo to file Opposition to Class       Aug. 19,
  Certification Motion, including expert reports
  supporting opposition and Daubert motions
  pertaining solely to Class Certification issues:

  Deadline for Plaintiffs to file Reply in Support    Sept. 18,
  of Class Certification Motion, including
  rebuttal expert reports, Daubert motions and
  opposition to any Daubert motions filed by Theo
  pertaining solely to Class Certification issues:

  Hearing on Plaintiffs' motion for class             Nov. 6, 2025

Theo Chocolate is an American chocolate maker.

A copy of the Court's order dated Nov. 20, 2024 is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=pULjpI at no extra

TRANS UNION: Saucedo Seeks to Certify Class Action
In the class action lawsuit captioned as VALERIANO SAUCEDO,
individually, and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v.
TRANS UNION LLC, Case No. 5:22-cv-04891-EKL (N.D. Cal.), the
Plaintiff asks the Court to enter an order granting motion for
class certification pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure

The Court should certify Plaintiff’s proposed California identity
theft/fraud dispute class for injunctive relief under Rule
23(b)(2), the Plaintiff contends.

The case is a proposed class action arising from Trans Union's
(TU's) ongoing violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA").
TU refuses to reasonably investigate complaints of identity theft
by California consumers.

The Plaintiff seeks injunctive relief for California consumers who
report identity thefts to TU, only to have TU parrot the computer
statement of the furnisher that the disputed charge belongs to the
consumer, without reasonably investigating as required by the Fair
Credit Reporting Act.

In 2021, the Plaintiff Valeriano Saucedo was the victim of a data
breach by Flagstar Bank, with which he had refinanced his home. He
received notice of this data breach from Flagstar in or about June

TransUnion is an American consumer credit reporting agency.

A copy of the Plaintiff's motion dated Nov. 26, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=p3fzjZ at no extra

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Stan S. Mallison, Esq.
          Hector R. Martinez, Esq.
          Dan Keller, Esq.
          1939 Harrison Street, Suite 730
          Oakland, CA 94612
          Telephone: (510) 832-9999
          Facsimile: (510) 832-1101
          E-mail: StanM@TheMMLawFirm.com

                - and -

          Michael F. Ram, Esq.
          Marie N. Appel, Esq.
          Shelby Serig
          MORGAN & MORGAN
          711 Van Ness Ave., Ste. 500
          San Francisco, CA 94102
          Telephone: (415) 846-3862
          Facsimile: (415) 358-6923
          E-mail: mram@forthepeople.com

TRANSWORLD SYSTEMS: Silberstein Sues Over Alleged FDCA Violation
A class action has been filed against Transworld Systems Inc. The
case is captioned as Mayer Silberstein, individually and on behalf
of all other similarly situated v. Transworld Systems Inc., Case
No. 7:24-cv-07652-CS (S.D.N.Y., October 8, 2024).

The case is brought over Defendant's alleged violation of the Fair
Debt Collection Act.

The suit is assigned to the Hon. Judge Cathy Seibel.

Transworld Systems Inc. is a debt collection company.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Rami Salim, Esq.
          One University Plaza, Suite 620
          Hackensack, NJ 07601
          Telephone: (201) 282-6500
          E-mail: rsalim@steinsakslegal.com

The Defendant is represented by:

          Aaron R. Easley, Esq.
          3 Cross Creek Drive
          Flemington, NJ 08822
          Telephone: (908) 237-1660
          Facsimile: (908) 237-1663
          E-mail: aeasley@sessions.legal

UBER TECHNOLOGIES: Supreme Court OKs Taxi Drivers' Suit Settlement
Laurel Henning, writing for Capital Brief, reports that the Supreme
Court of Victoria has rubber stamped an agreed on settlement
reached between Uber and more than 8,000 taxi drivers.

The context: The night before the class action lawsuit had been
scheduled to go to trial in March, Uber agreed on the settlement
with the taxi drivers who had alleged the company set up in
Australia illegally and in doing so, caused them financial harm.
The settlement was reached without admission of liability by Uber.

In announcing her decision on the payout Tuesday morning, December
3, Supreme Court of Victoria Judge Patricia Matthews said she had
found "the settlement is fair and reasonable and in the interest of
group members". [GN]

ULTA INC: Class Settlement in Chan Suit Gets Final Court Nod
The Honorable Andre Birotte Jr. of the United States District Court
for the District of California granted final approval of the class
settlement in the case captioned as NANG CHAN, on behalf of
himself, all others similarly situated, and on behalf of the
general public, Plaintiffs, v. ULTA INC., a Delaware corporation,
Defendant, Case No. 2:23-cv-00650-AB-PLA (C.D. Calif.).

On November 15, 2024, a hearing was held on the motion of Plaintiff
Nang Chan for final approval of the class settlement with Defendant
Ulta Inc., and payments to the Class, the Plaintiff, Class Counsel,
and the Settlement Administrator.

In the Preliminary Approval Order, the Court certified the Class
for settlement purposes only. For settlement purposes only, the
Court confirms the certification of the Class which is defined as:
All of Defendant's non-exempt current and former employees working
or who worked in the State of California in Defendant's
distribution center(s) from January 27, 2019 through and including
May 29, 2024, which is the date the Court granted preliminary
approval of the Settlement Agreement. The time period applicable to
Class Members' release of claims under the Settlement Agreement is
January 27, 2019 through the date of this Order granting Final
Approval of the Settlement Agreement.

For the reasons stated in the Preliminary Approval Order, the Court
finds and determines that the terms of the Settlement are fair,
reasonable and adequate to the Class and to each Class Member and
that the Settlement Class Members will be bound by the Settlement,
that the Settlement is ordered finally approved, and that all terms
and provisions of the Settlement should be and hereby are ordered
to be consummated.

The Court finds and determines that the all-inclusive Gross
Settlement Fund in the maximum amount of Three Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($300,000.00) and the Individual Settlement Payments to be
paid to the Settlement Class Members as provided for by the
Settlement are fair and reasonable. It grants final approval to and
orders the payment of those amounts be distributed to the
Settlement Class Members out of the Net Settlement Fund in
accordance with the Agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the
Agreement, the Settlement Administrator is directed to make the
payments to each Settlement Class Member in accordance with the

The Court finds and determines that the fees and expenses of
Simpluris, Inc. in administrating the settlement, in the amount of
$16,000.00, are fair and reasonable. It grants final approval to
and orders that the payment of that amount be paid out of the Gross
Settlement Fund in accordance with the Agreement.

The Court approves the PAGA Payment of $15,000, which shall be
allocated $11,250.00 to the LWDA as the LWDA's share of the
settlement of civil penalties paid under this Agreement pursuant to
the PAGA, and $3,750.00 to the Net Settlement Fund for distribution
to the Settlement Class Members.

The Court finds and determines that the request by Plaintiffs and
Class Counsel to the Class Representative Enhancement Payments and
the attorneys' fees and costs pursuant to the Agreement are fair
and reasonable. It grants final approval to and orders that the
payment of the amount of $5,000 to Plaintiff Nang Chang for his
Class Representative Enhancement Payment, $100,000.00 (33.3% of the
GSA) for attorneys' fees to Class Counsel, and $11,481.85 for
reimbursement of costs be paid out of the Gross Settlement Fund in
accordance with the Settlement.

By means of this Order, the Court enters final judgment in this
action, as defined in Rule 58(a)(1), Federal Rules of Civil

The Parties are ordered to comply with the terms of the Agreement.

This action is dismissed with prejudice.

A copy of the Court's Order is available at

UNISYS CORP: Rosen Law Probes Potential Securities Claims
Why: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces
an investigation of potential securities claims on behalf of
shareholders of Unisys Corporation (NYSE: UIS) resulting from
allegations that Unisys may have issued materially misleading
business information to the investing public.

So What: If you purchased Unisys securities you may be entitled to
compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs
through a contingency fee arrangement. The Rosen Law Firm is
preparing a class action seeking recovery of investor losses.

To join the prospective class action, go to
https://rosenlegal.com/submit-form/?case_id=9648 or call Phillip
Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email case@rosenlegal.com
for information on the class action.

What is this about: On October 22, 2024, the Securities and
Exchange Commission announced that it had charged four companies,
including Unisys, with "making materially misleading disclosures
regarding cybersecurity risks and intrusions." Further, the SEC
also charged Unisys with disclosure controls and procedures

On this news, Unisys stock fell 8.6% on October 22, 2024.

Why Rosen Law: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel
with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms
issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or
any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not
actually litigate securities class actions. Be wise in selecting
counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the
globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and
shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm achieved the
largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese
Company at the time. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS
Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class
action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4
each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of
dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438
million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was
named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the
firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super

Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar

Contact Information:

      Laurence Rosen, Esq.
      Phillip Kim, Esq.
      The Rosen Law Firm, P.A.
      275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor
      New York, NY 10016
      Tel: (212) 686-1060
      Toll Free: (866) 767-3653
      Fax: (212) 202-3827
      www.rosenlegal.com [GN]

US POSTAL SERVICE: Ewings Sues to Recover Unpaid Overtime
Daisha Ewings, Brian Bauska, Camron Paige, Mellany Thomas, for
themselves and on behalf of those similarly situated v. UNITED
STATES POSTAL SERVICE, Case No. 1:24-cv-10732 (D.N.J., Nov. 25,
2024), is brought pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act, as
amended ("FLSA") to recover unpaid overtime, an additional equal
amount as liquidated damages, and reasonable attorneys' fees and

Full time "City Carrier Assistants" generally do not have set
schedules but are available to work 7 days a week for shifts
ranging from 4 to 12 plus hours per day, and generally work at
least 40 hours in each week that they work.

The Defendant automatically deducts 30 minutes of time every day
worked by a City Carrier Assistant for a lunch break, regardless of
whether any lunch break is/was taken, reducing the hours credited
as hours worked by 30 minutes for each day worked. The improperly
deducted meal periods constitute hours over 40, also known as
overtime hours, in one or more workweeks of Plaintiffs' employment
during the applicable statute of limitations.

As a result of deducting, and not paying, these hours over 40,
Defendant's practice of automatically deducting meal periods, even
where meal periods were not taken, caused Plaintiffs to be deprived
of owed overtime compensation, says the complaint.

The Plaintiffs were employed by the Defendant as Full Time USPS
City Carrier Assistants ("CCAs").

USPS is an independent entity of the United States government
responsible for providing postal service in the United States.[BN]

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Andrew R. Frisch, Esq.
          Angeli Murthy, Esq.
          MORGAN & MORGAN, P.A.
          8151 Peters Road
          Plantation, FL 33324
          Phone: (954) WORKERS
          Fax: (954) 327-3013
          Email: AFrisch@forthepeople.com

USC: Favell Suit Seeks Leave to File Confidential Docs Under Seal
In the class action lawsuit captioned as IOLA FAVELL, SUE
themselves and all others similarly situated, v. UNIVERSITY OF
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (USC), Case No. 2:23-cv-00846-GW-MAR (C.D.
Cal.), the Plaintiffs ask the Court to enter an order granting
their application for leave to file under seal certain confidential
documents, including an unredacted version of the Plaintiffs'
motion for class certification and thirty accompanying exhibits.

Pursuant to the Court's guidance at the Nov. 7, 2024 hearing on
Defendant's motions to exclude, the Plaintiffs understand that the
Court anticipates ordering provisional sealing prior to the
deadline for Defendant or 2U to file a declaration demonstrating
compelling reasons justifying sealing.

In the event that the Court orders provisional sealing pursuant to
that timeline, the Plaintiffs intend to file a motion to unseal at
an appropriate future time.

The Plaintiffs have reviewed and complied with the Stipulated
Protective Order in this case along with Local Rule 79-5.2.2.

The Plaintiffs do not agree that "the strong presumption of public
access in civil cases [is] overcome" for the exhibits that USC has
designated as confidential.

Because the underlying motion for class certification is "more than

tangentially related to the merits" of this case, only compelling
reasons can justify sealing the documents and excerpts.

University of Southern California is a private institution that was
founded in 1880.

A copy of the Plaintiffs' motion dated Dec. 2, 2024, is available
from PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=8irl9l at no extra

The Plaintiffs are represented by:

          Anna C. Haac, Esq.
          Shilpa Sadhasvisam, Esq.
          Annick M. Persinger, Esq.
          Sabita J. Soneji, Esq.
          2000 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Suite 1010
          Washington, DC 20006
          Telephone: (202) 973-0900
          Facsimile: (202) 973-0950
          E-mail: ahaac@tzlegal.com

                - and -

          Eric Rothschild, Esq.
          Tyler Ritchie, Esq.
          Chris Bryant, Esq.
          Madeline Wiseman, Esq.
          1701 Rhode Island Avenue Northwest
          Washington, DC 20036
          Telephone: (202) 734-7495
          E-mail: eric@defendstudents.org

The Defendant is represented by:

          Mark D. Campbell, Esq.
          Michael L. Mallow, Esq.
          Nalani Lin Crisologo, Esq.
          Holly Pauling Smith, Esq.
          Taylor B. Markway, Esq.
          2049 Century Park, East Suite 3000
          Los Angeles, CA 90067
          Telephone: (424) 324-3412
          Facsimile: (424) 204-9093
          E-mail: mdcampbell@shb.com

USHEALTH ADVISORS: Williams TCPA Suit in S.D. Georgia
A class action lawsuit has been filed against USHealth Advisors,
LLC, et al. The case is styled as Celia Williams, individually and
on behalf of all others similarly situated v. USHealth Advisors,
LLC, The Montague Agency, LLC, Case No. 4:24-cv-00267-LGW-BWC (S.D.
Ga., Nov. 26, 2024).

The lawsuit is brought over alleged violation of the Telephone
Consumer Protection Act for Restrictions of Use of Telephone

USHEALTH Advisors -- https://www.ushealthgroup.com/ --  is a
wholly-owned national sales and distribution subsidiary of USHEALTH
Group, Inc.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Andrew John Shamis, Esq.
          SHAMIS & GENTILE P.A.
          26 Grand Georgian Ct
          Cartersville, GA 30121
          Phone: (305) 479-2299
          Fax: (786) 623-0915
          Email: ashamis@sflinjuryattorneys.com

VAJIRA SAMARARATNE: Order to Show Cause Issued in Morales Suit
In the lawsuit titled KURT MORALES II, et al., Plaintiff(s) v.
VAJIRA SAMARARATNE, Defendant, Case No. 8:24-mc-00010-FWS-DFM (C.D.
Cal.), Magistrate Judge Douglas F. McCormick of the U.S. District
Court for the Central District of California, Southern Division,
issued a certification of facts and order to show cause why the
Defendant should not be held in contempt.

Defendant Vajira Samararatne has failed to comply with the Court's
July 8, 2024 order requiring further responses to the Plaintiffs'
Subpoena to Produce Documents, Information, or Objects or to Permit
Inspection of Premises in a Civil Action. The Court certifies
certain facts and orders Samararatne to appear before the assigned
district judge to show cause why he should not be adjudged in
contempt for failure to comply with a subpoena and associated

Mr. Samararatne is warned that his failure to comply with this
Order may result in contempt sanctions, including attorney's fees
and his arrest by the United States Marshals Service.

This subpoena enforcement action arises out of a Telephone Consumer
Protection Act class action filed in the United States District
Court for the District of Delaware, Morales v. Sunpath Ltd., et
al., No. 20-01376-JLH-SRF (D. Del.). In that action, the Plaintiffs
allege that various companies conspire to sell vehicle service
contracts through illegal robocalling (Fifth Amended Class Action

The Plaintiffs allege that third-party Vajira Samararatne
participates in the placement of unlawful robocalls by co-owning
and running call centers.

On Nov. 22, 2023, the Plaintiffs served a Subpoena to Produce
Documents, Information, or Objects or to Permit Inspection of
Premises in a Civil Action on Samararatne via email to his counsel,
Stephen Dargitz. On Jan. 24, 2024, Dargitz served via email
Samararatne's objections to the subpoena.

On Feb. 21, 2024, the Plaintiffs' counsel emailed a letter to
Dargitz requesting to meet and confer via telephone to discuss
Samararatne's objections. Dargitz declined to schedule a telephone
conference and instead served amended responses to the subpoena,
asserting additional objections.

On April 12, 2024, the Plaintiffs filed with this Court a Motion to
Compel Compliance with Rule 45 Subpoena Duces Tecum Against Third
Party Vajira Samararatne. On July 2, 2024, the Magistrate Judge
held a hearing on the Plaintiffs' motion to compel; both the
Plaintiffs' counsel and Dargitz were present via teleconference. On
July 8, 2024, the Court entered an Order Granting Motion to Compel
Further Discovery Responses, overruling Samararatne's objections.

On July 10, 2024, the Plaintiffs' counsel emailed a copy of the
Court's order to Dargitz. Dargitz did not respond. Samararatne
failed to take any action to comply with the Court's July 8, 2024
order. Accordingly, on Sept. 26, 2024, the Plaintiffs filed a
Motion for Contempt Against Vajira Samararatne, set for hearing on
Nov. 12, 2024, before the Magistrate Judge.

In their contempt motion, the Plaintiffs request the Court certify
the facts underlying Samararatne's failure to comply with the
Court's Order on July 8, 2024, so that the district judge can
proceed with a hearing on whether Samararatne should be held in
contempt for refusing a direct and clear Order of the Court.
Samararatne neither filed anything nor appeared at the Nov. 12,
2024 hearing.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 636(e)(6)(B)(iii), Judge McCormick
certifies 12 facts to the district judge assigned to this matter,
including the facts that Samararatne did not appear at the Nov. 12,
2024 hearing, or otherwise respond to the Plaintiffs' contempt
motion, and that Samararatne has made no attempt to provide an
explanation for his noncompliance with Court orders.

Based on these facts, Judge McCormick says the Plaintiff has shown
by clear and convincing evidence that Samararatne failed to comply
with clear and definite court orders--both the Nov. 22, 2023
subpoena and the Court's July 8, 2024 order.

Judge McCormick orders Samararatne to appear before the assigned
district court to show cause why he should not be adjudged in
contempt by reason on these facts.

Accordingly, Judge McCormick directs Vajira Samararatne to appear
before the Honorable Fred W. Slaughter in Courtroom 10D, Tenth
Floor, United States District Court, 411 West 4th Street, in Santa
Ana, California 92701-4516, on Feb. 27, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., to
show cause why he should not be adjudged in contempt by reason of
the facts certified here.

The United States Marshals Service is directed to personally serve
a signed copy of this Order on Vajira Samararatne as soon as
practicable at 26 Blue Grass, in Irvine California 92603, or any
other address where he may be located. The United States Marshals
Service will promptly file a return of service upon service of this

Mr. Samararatne will have thirty (30) days from the date of service
of this Order to fully comply with the Court's July 8, 2024 order
or show by clear and convincing evidence why compliance is
impossible. The Plaintiff's counsel's information is as follows:
Mark L. Javitch, Javitch Law Office, 3 East 3rd Avenue, Suite 200,
in San Mateo, CA 94401, Tel: (650) 781-8000, Email:

The Plaintiffs will immediately inform the Court if Samararatne
complies with the Court's July 8, 2024 order. Samararatne is again
warned that his failure to comply with this Order may result in
contempt sanctions including attorney's fees and/or his arrest by
the United States Marshals Service.

A full-text copy of the Court's Order is available at
https://tinyurl.com/mthw5f4k from PacerMonitor.com.

VGW HOLDINGS: Removes Saulny Class Suit to S.D. Miss.
The Defendant in the case of MAKAYLA DARRIELLE SAULNY, individually
and on behalf of all others similarly situated, Plaintiff v. VGW
filed a notice to remove the lawsuit from the Circuit Court of the
State of Mississippi, County of Hinds (Case No.
25CI1:24-cv-00578-AHW) to the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of Mississippi on Oct. 9, 2024.

The clerk of court for the Southern District of Mississippi
assigned Case No. 3:24-cv-00619-HTW-LGI. The case is assigned to
Judge Henry T. Wingate and referred to Magistrate LaKeysha Greer

VGW Holdings Limited, doing business as Virtual Gaming Worlds,
operates an online gaming portal. The Company offers an online
casino that allows players to interact with one another via social
gaming and multiplayer online game designs. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          J. Carter Thompson , Jr., Esq.
          & BERKOWITZ, PC
          Jackson One Eastover Center
          100 Vision Drive, Suite 400
          P. O. Box 14167 (39236-4167)
          Jackson, MS 39211
          Telephone: (601) 351-8942
          Facsimile: (601) 974-8942
          Email: cthompson@bakerdonelson.com

VISA INC: Faces Cai Class Action Suit Over Corrective Disclosure
BEIBEI CAI, Individually and on behalf of all others similarly
ANDRESKI, Case No. 3:24-cv-08220 (N.D. Cal., Nov. 20, 2024) is a
class action on behalf of persons or entities who purchased or
otherwise acquired publicly traded Visa securities between November
16, 2023, and September 23, 2024.

The Plaintiff seeks to recover compensable damages caused by
Defendants’ violations of the federal securities laws under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The action alleges that Visa
materially misled investors as to the risk of damaging antitrust
investigations being conducted by federal regulators, choosing to
downplay the risk despite its high likelihood of manifesting.

On Sept. 24, 2024, these risks came to fruition, as the United
States Department of Justice sued Visa in federal court for
monopolizing the debit card payment processing market.

As a result of Defendants' wrongful acts and omissions, and the
decline in the market value of the Company's securities, the
Plaintiff and other Class members have suffered significant losses
and damages.

On this news, Visa's stock price fell $1.48, or 5.38%, to close at
$26.03 per share on September 24, 2024, on unusually heavy trading
volume, contends the suit.

The Plaintiff purchased the Company's securities at artificially
inflated prices during the Class Period and was damaged upon the
revelation of the alleged corrective disclosure.

Visa processes and facilitates debit and credit card transactions.
Both businesses and consumers utilize its services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Laurence M. Rosen, Esq.
          THE ROSEN LAW FIRM, P.A.
          355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2450
          Los Angeles, CA 90071
          Telephone: (213) 785-2610
          Facsimile: (213) 226-4684
          E-mail: lrosen@rosenlegal.com

VISIONS TREATMENT: Chaimungkla Sues Over Failure to Pay Wages
Kristine Chaimungkla, and others similarly situated v. VISIONS
TREATMENT CENTERS, LLC; and DOES 1 to 25, inclusive, Case No.
24STCV31234 (Cal. Super. Ct., Los Angeles Cty., Nov. 26, 2024), is
brought against the Defendants' violation of the Private Attorneys
General Act ("PAGA") and violation of Business And Professions Code
as a result of the Defendants' failure to pay wages.

The Defendant violated Labor Code because it failed to pay
Plaintiff and other similarly situated aggrieved employees for all
hours worked, including the statutory minimum wage for all hours
worked and for "off the clock" work. This is so because VISIONS had
a company policy wherein they would disproportionately round down
the number of hours worked, resulting in "time shaving" and further
resulting in aggrieved employees not being paid for all hours
worked. Moreover, VISIONS failed to provide its employees with
proper and accurate reporting time pay. In addition, Plaintiff and
others consistently worked "off the clock" in that she would
consistently text and email after work hours as there was not
enough time during the scheduled shifts to get work done, including
the paperwork, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff started working at VISIONS on October 2021 and was
classified as an hourly, non-exempt employee and her latest job
title is programmer.

VISIONS TREATMENT CENTERS, LLC is a California limited liability
company, doing business in the County of Los Angeles, State of

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Harout Messrelian, Esq.
          500 N. Central Ave., Suite 840
          Glendale, CA 91203
          Phone: (818) 484-6531
          Facsimile: (818) 956-1983

WESTERN DIGITAL: Knowles Sues Over Blind's Equal Access to Website
CARLTON KNOWLES, on behalf of himself and all others similarly
situated, Plaintiff v. WESTERN DIGITAL CORPORATION, Defendant, Case
No. 1:24-cv-09146 (S.D.N.Y., November 27, 2024) is a class action
against the Defendant for violations of Title III of the Americans
with Disabilities Act, the New York State Human Rights Law, and the
New York City Human Rights Law.

According to the complaint, the Defendant has failed to design,
construct, maintain, and operate its website to be fully accessible
to and independently usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or
visually impaired persons. The Defendant's website,
https://shop.sandisk.com, contains access barriers which hinder the
Plaintiff and Class members to enjoy the benefits of its online
goods, content, and services offered to the public through the
website. The accessibility issues on the website include, but not
limited to: lack of alternative text (alt-text) or a text
equivalent, empty links that contain no text, redundant links, and
linked images missing alt-text.

The Plaintiff and Class members seek permanent injunction to cause
a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and
procedures so that the Defendant's website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals.

Western Digital Corporation is a company that sells online goods
and services, doing business in New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
       Michael A. LaBollita, Esq.
       Jeffrey M. Gottlieb, Esq.
       Dana L. Gottlieb, Esq.
       150 East 18th Street, Suite PHR
       New York, NY 10003
       Telephone: (212) 228-9795
       Facsimile: (212) 982-6284
       Email: Jeffrey@Gottlieb.legal

WESTLAKE SERVICES: Class Cert Bid Filing Reset to Jan. 16, 2025
In the class action lawsuit captioned as Michael Klare v. Westlake
Services, LLC et al., Case No. 2:23-cv-06386-FMO-AGR (C.D. Cal.),
Hon. Judge Fernando Olguin entered an order that:

   1. The Stipulation is granted as set forth in this Order.

   2. Plaintiff's motion for class certification shall be reset for

      hearing on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.

Westlake offers auto finance, equity loans, and other financial

A copy of the Court's order dated Dec. 2, 2024, is available from
PacerMonitor.com at https://urlcurt.com/u?l=Xj7A8c at no extra

WORLD SPA: Layne Seeks Blind Users' Equal Access to Online Store
DALE LAYNE, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated,
Plaintiff v. WORLD SPA ENTERTAINMENT, LLC, Defendant, Case No.
1:24-cv-08250 (E.D.N.Y., November 27, 2024) is a class action
against the Defendant for violations of Title III of the Americans
with Disabilities Act and the New York City Human Rights Law, and
declaratory relief.

According to the complaint, the Defendant has failed to design,
construct, maintain, and operate its website to be fully accessible
to and independently usable by the Plaintiff and other blind or
visually impaired persons. The Defendant's website,
www.worldspa.com, contains access barriers which hinder the
Plaintiff and Class members to enjoy the benefits of its online
goods, content, and services offered to the public through the
website. The accessibility issues on the website include, but not
limited to: missing alt-text, hidden elements on web pages,
incorrectly formatted lists, unannounced pop ups, unclear labels
for interactive elements, and the requirement that some events be
performed solely with a mouse.

The Plaintiff and Class members seek permanent injunction to cause
a change in the Defendant's corporate policies, practices, and
procedures so that the Defendant's website will become and remain
accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals.

World Spa Entertainment, LLC is a company that sells online goods
and services, doing business in New York. [BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:                
       Mark Rozenberg, Esq.
       One University Plaza, Suite 620
       Hackensack, NJ 07601
       Telephone: (201) 282-6500
       Facsimile: (201) 282-6501
       Email: mrozenberg@steinsakslegal.com

YAHOO! INC: Settles Data Breach Class Suit in Canada for $20-Mil.
Andy Takagi of Toronto Star reports that your Yahoo account might
be collecting some digital dust but it could earn you some extra

Some Canadian Yahoo customers, including Rogers Yahoo email users,
are eligible to make a claim in a $20 million data breach class
action suit.

The tech company used to be a dominant force in the early internet,
contending with Google for search engine and email supremacy,
though its name recognition and use has waned in recent years.

What is the Yahoo class action about?

The class action stems from a series of data breaches between 2013
and 2016, with plaintiffs alleging that Yahoo did not have adequate
data security measures in place. Yahoo announced two of the data
breaches, which happened in 2013 and 2014, years later in 2016. A
third breach happened in 2015 and 2016 and was later announced in
2017. Yahoo confirmed that the first two data breaches exposed the
information of more than 1 billion users, cost the company $350
million and was the biggest ever hack of an email provider.

Yahoo, in settling the class action, has denied any wrongdoing.

Who can apply for the class action?

Canadian residents with a Yahoo account at any time during the
period Jan. 1, 2012 through Dec. 31, 2016.

The class action also covers Rogers customers in Canada who used
the telecom's Rogers Yahoo email service during that time frame.

To apply for the class action, you'll need to show that the data
breaches led to time wasted responding to each breach and
documentation of your Yahoo email address.

How much can I get?

Eligible users with a Yahoo account who apply for the class action
can receive up to $375.

Yahoo users who subscribed to the company's paid services
(including ad-free, premium or small business services) can apply
for an extra amount up to $25,000 to cover their costs, but must
provide payment documentation.

Those users must submit: an attestation that costs were incurred
due to the data breaches, documentation of your costs,
documentation of your Yahoo account and related statements if you
suffered from identity theft.

However, claims may be reduced if the number of claims exceeds the
settlement funds.

The deadline for making a claim is Dec. 27 and claim forms can be
completed online on the settlement website. [GN]

YOUNG CONSULTING: Martin Sues Over Failure to Secure PII & PHI
William Martin, individually and on behalf of all others similarly
situated v. YOUNG CONSULTING, LLC, d/b/a CONNEXURE, Case No.
1:24-cv-04638-TWT (N.D. Ga., Oct. 11, 2024), is brought against the
Defendant for its failure to properly secure and safeguard
individuals' highly valuable personally identifiable information
("PII") and protected health information ("PHI") including, inter
alia, individuals' names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth,
insurance policy information, and insurance claim information.

In order to provide these services to its clients, Young Consulting
is entrusted with the PII and PHI of its clients' insureds. As
Defendant is or should have been aware, these types of personal and
sensitive data are highly targeted by hackers who seek to exploit
that data for nefarious purposes. In the wrong hands, these types
of sensitive data may be wielded to cause significant harm to
Plaintiff and Class Members.

By collecting and storing individuals' PII and PHI, Young
Consulting has a resulting duty to secure, maintain, protect, and
safeguard the PII and PHI with which it has been entrusted against
unauthorized access and disclosure through reasonable and adequate
data security measures. Defendant is also well-aware that PII and
PHI are highly valuable to cybercriminals, making it highly
foreseeable that Young Consulting would be the target of a

Despite Young Consulting's duty to safeguard the PII and PHI with
which it is entrusted, and the foreseeability of a data breach,
Plaintiff's and Class Members' sensitive information stored by
Young Consulting was accessed and acquired by unauthorized third
parties during a data breach that occurred on or around April
10–13, 2024 (the "Data Breach" or "Breach").

As a direct and proximate result of Defendant's failure to
implement and follow basic, standard security procedures,
Plaintiff's and Class Members' PII and PHI is now in the hands of
cybercriminals and has been exposed to an untold number of
unauthorized individuals, says the complaint.

The Plaintiff directly or indirectly entrusted Young Consulting
with their sensitive and confidential PII and PHI.

Young Consulting is a company that provides "software solutions for
the marketing, underwriting and administering of medical stop loss

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Roy E. Barnes, Esq.
          Kristen Tullos Oliver, Esq.
          J. Cameron Tribble, Esq.
          31 Atlanta Street
          Marietta, GA 30060
          Phone: (770-227-6375
          Facsimile: (770) 227-6373
          Email: roy@barneslawgroup.com

               - and -

          Gary F. Lynch, Esq.
          1133 Penn Avenue, 5th Floor
          Pittsburgh, PA 15222
          Phone: (412) 322-9243
          Email: gary@lcllp.com

YOUNG CONSULTING: Montero Sues Over Failure to Safeguard PII & PHI
Kevin Chinchilla Montero, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. YOUNG CONSULTING, LLC, Case No.
1:24-cv-04637-TWT (N.D. Ga., Oct. 11, 2024), is brought against the
Defendant for its failure to secure and safeguard patients'
personally identifiable information ("PII" protected health
information ("PHI") (collectively "Private Information") and for
failing to provide timely, accurate, and adequate notice to
Plaintiff and Class Members that their Private Information had been

As a result of Young Consulting's negligence and insufficient data
security, cybercriminals easily infiltrated Defendant's
inadequately protected computer systems and stole the Private
Information of Plaintiff and the Class (approximately 954,177
individuals) (the "Data Breach" or "Breach"). Now, Plaintiff's and
the Class's Private Information is in the hands of cybercriminals
who will undoubtedly use their Private Information for nefarious
purposes for the rest of their lives.

On August 26, 2024, Young Consulting began notifying state
attorneys general and victims that it had sustained a massive data
breach. As a result of Young Consulting's failure to protect the
sensitive information it was entrusted to safeguard, Plaintiff and
Class members have already suffered harm and have been exposed to a
significant and continuing risk of identity theft, financial fraud,
and other identity-related fraud for years to come, says the

The Plaintiff was notified via letter from Young Consulting dated
August 26, 2024, that he was a victim of the Data Breach.

Young Consulting is a Georgia-based risk management company that
provides services to Blue Shield of California and receives
information from Blue Shield relating to these services.[BN]

The Plaintiff is represented by:

          Roy E. Barnes, Esq.
          Kristen Tullos Oliver, Esq.
          J. Cameron Tribble, Esq.
          31 Atlanta Street
          Marietta, GA 30060
          Phone: (770-227-6375
          Facsimile: (770) 227-6373
          Email: roy@barneslawgroup.com

               - and -

          Norman E. Siegel, Esq.
          J. Austin Moore, Esq.
          Tanner J. Edwards, Esq.
          460 Nichols Road, Suite 200
          Kansas City, MO 64112
          Phone: 816-714-7100
          Email: siegel@stuevesiegel.com


S U B S C R I P T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

Class Action Reporter is a daily newsletter, co-published by
Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania,
USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Washington, D.C., USA.  Rousel Elaine T.
Fernandez, Joy A. Agravante, Psyche A. Castillon, Julie Anne L.
Toledo, Christopher G. Patalinghug, and Peter A. Chapman, Editors.

Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. ISSN 1525-2272.

This material is copyrighted and any commercial use, resale or
publication in any form (including e-mail forwarding, electronic
re-mailing and photocopying) is strictly prohibited without prior
written permission of the publishers.

Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but is not guaranteed.

The CAR subscription rate is $775 for six months delivered via
e-mail. Additional e-mail subscriptions for members of the same
firm for the term of the initial subscription or balance thereof
are $25 each. For subscription information, contact
Peter A. Chapman at 215-945-7000.

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