/raid1/www/Hosts/bankrupt/TCREUR_Public/240219.mbx        T R O U B L E D   C O M P A N Y   R E P O R T E R

                          E U R O P E

          Monday, February 19, 2024, Vol. 25, No. 36



CGG SA: Moody's Affirms 'B3' LongTerm CFR, Outlook Remains Stable


KAEFER SE: Fitch Hikes LongTerm IDR to 'BB+', Outlook Stable
TUI AG: Moody's Raises CFR to B1, Outlook Remains Positive


BLACKROCK EUROPEAN V: Moody's Affirms B2 Rating on EUR12MM F Notes
CARLYLE GLOBAL 2015-3: Moody's Affirms B1 Rating on Class E Notes
HARVEST CLO XV: Moody's Affirms B1 Rating on EUR13.5MM F-R Notes
OZLME III: Moody's Affirms B2 Rating on EUR12MM Class F Notes


[*] DBRS Puts 23 Tranches on 10 EUR ABS Transactions Under Review


SPRINT BIDCO: EUR700MM Bank Debt Trades at 50% Discount


HURTIGRUTEN GROUP: EUR655MM Bank Debt Trades at 35% Discount


TURKMENISTAN: Fitch Affirms 'B+' LongTerm Foreign Currency IDR


EUTELSAT COMMUNICATIONS: Fitch Lowers IDR to BB-, Outlook Negative
TDA CAM 9: Fitch Affirms CCsf Rating on Class D Debt


QUIMPER AB: Fitch Hikes LongTerm IDR to 'B+', Outlook Stable


PG INVESTMENT 59: Moody's Gives First Time Ba3 Corp. Family Rating

U N I T E D   K I N G D O M

ASPECT FACADES: Administrators Seek Buyers for Assets
FIRST CHOICE: Goes Into Administration
MEADOWHALL FINANCE: Fitch Affirms 'CCC' Ratings on Two Tranches
MILTON THREE: Wear Inns Pub Portfolio Put Up for Sale
NANOSUN LIMITED: Collapses Into Administration

THAMES WATER: Lack of Funding May Prompt Special Administration
WINCANTON DIGITAL: Bought Out of Administration in Pre-pack Deal


[*] BOND PRICING: For the Week February 12 to February 16, 2024

                           - - - - -


CGG SA: Moody's Affirms 'B3' LongTerm CFR, Outlook Remains Stable
Moody's Investors Service affirmed CGG SA's B3 long term corporate
family rating and B3-PD probability of default rating.
Concurrently, Moody's affirmed the B3 ratings of the company's
EUR585 million and $500 million backed senior secured notes due in
April 2027. The outlook remains stable.


The rating affirmation reflects Moody's expectations that over the
next 12-18 months CGG will derive some benefit from slow selective
increases in E&P spending for seismic services, despite some
quarterly volatility, and maintain a good liquidity buffer. The
rating agency also expects the company's growing BTC (beyond the
core) new business segments, although still modest relative to
total revenue and EBITDA, will continue to scale and help diversify
the company away from the highly cyclical oil and gas market while
also providing great revenue stability and visibility.  The
affirmation and stable outlook also assumes CGG addresses the
October 2025 maturity of its revolver well in advance of the 12
month maturity.

For the twelve months ended September 2023, Moody's estimates CGG's
Moody's adjusted debt/EBITDA was around 6.5x and EBITDA/Interest
coverage around 2.0x. These metrics incorporate Moody's standard
adjustments for pensions and leases, and also treat the company's
spending on multi-client surveys as an operating expense. The
rating agency also expects CGG's Moody's adjusted FCF to be
positive in 2024 and to improve in 2025 when the company's idle
vessel compensation payments cease in January of 2025, after
negative Moody's adjusted free cash flow from 2020-2022. A material
weakening of the OFS market and seismic demand represents a risk to
this view.

CGG's ratings primarily reflect its: (1) strong market position
globally in the seismic industry, with high barriers to entry and
leading technology; (2) relatively resilient geoscience sales under
improving E&P market conditions; (3) good liquidity between cash on
hand and super senior revolving credit facility (RCF) availability;
(4) fast growing BTC business lines which will enhance the
company's revenue stability and visibility.

Offsetting these strengths are CGG's: (1) high cyclicality revenue
and EBITDA linked to oil and gas investment cycles; (2) limited
revenue visibility and negative free cash flow in recent years; (3)
high level of Moody's adjusted gross debt and leverage; and (4)
exposure to energy transition risk which will over time reduce
demand for the company's core products and services.


As of September 30, 2023, CGG had good liquidity with about $275
million of cash on hand and $95 million available on its $100
million super senior RCF maturing in October 2025. Based on the
company's preliminary 2023 results release, the company's cash
balance was approximately $325 million at the 2023 fiscal year end.
The company's cash balance typically includes a modest amount of
trapped cash held by subsidiaries that operate in countries where
exchange controls or other legal restrictions prevent these cash
balances from being available for immediate use by the company or
one of its subsidiaries. Over the past several years, trapped cash
has declined, but ranged between $30 million-$60 million.

The super senior RCF has a springing senior secured net leverage
ratio at 3.5x, which will be tested if the super senior RCF is
drawn at more than 40%.


Positive rating pressure would likely result from: (i) a sustained
improvement in oil & gas industry spending on seismic services,
leading to an adjusted debt/EBITDA (excl. multi-client capex) below
4.5x on a consistent basis, (ii) EBITDA/Interest consistently above
2.25x, (iii) positive Moody's adjusted free cash flow and, (iv)
maintenance of a good liquidity position.

Negative rating pressure would likely result from: (i) a
deterioration in oil & gas industry spending on seismic services
leading to an adjusted debt/EBITDA (excl. multi-client capex)
materially and consistently above 6.0x, (ii) EBITDA/Interest
consistently below 1.75x, (iii) sustained negative free cash flow
leading to a deterioration in the company's liquidity profile, or
(iv) a failure of the company to address its RCF and backed senior
secured bond maturities well in advance of becoming current.


The principal methodology used in these ratings was Oilfield
Services published in January 2023.


Headquartered in France, and listed on the Euronext Paris, CGG SA
is an international geoscience company ranking among the top three
companies in the seismic industry. For the twelve months ended
September 30, 2023, the company had revenue of $1.1 billion and
Moody's adjusted EBITDA of $200 million.


KAEFER SE: Fitch Hikes LongTerm IDR to 'BB+', Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings has upgraded KAEFER SE & Co. KG (KAEFER) Long-Term
Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to 'BB+' from 'BB'. The Outlook on the
IDR is Stable.

The upgrade reflects a stronger financial profile, in line with its
previous positive sensitivities, including margins and leverage,
following equity injection by new shareholders in 2022 and
well-managed inflationary cost pressures. The rating further
reflects the group's defensive and diversified business risk
profile, but its small scale remains a constraint.

Fitch believes a high share of maintenance services ensures revenue
and earnings stability, while the conservative financial policy
under the new ownership underpins a sustainable improvement in
leverage with sufficient headroom for further organic and inorganic
growth. This also supports its Stable Rating Outlook.


Stronger Leverage, Sufficient Headroom: Fitch views KAEFER's
leverage profile as strong and supportive of organic and
acquisition growth. Fitch forecasts sustainable earnings growth to
help reduce EBITDA gross leverage to 1.4x in 2024 from an estimated
1.6x in 2023, which represents a significant improvement from the
peak of over 5.0x in 2020.

Fitch believes the cash injected by the new shareholders in 2022
and subsequent debt repayment have provided KAEFER with sufficient
leverage headroom under the higher rating to undertake small to
medium-sized acquisitions or invest in organic growth, mostly
scaffolding that requires upfront investments. The leverage profile
is supported by management's and owners' commitment to a
conservative capital structure with an internally defined net
debt/EBITDA of below 2.0x (0.6x at end-2023), which Fitch views as

Improved FCF Generation: KAEFER's free cash flow (FCF) margin
turned positive in 2023 at 1.6% mostly on working-capital release,
despite non-recurring costs. Fitch expects working-capital cash
flows to broadly mirror the company's revenue trajectory following
improved inventory management. FCF generation will also depend on
capex, which Fitch estimates at around 3.0% of revenues in 2023 and
3.2% in 2024 on higher investments in scaffolding to service new
contracts, before it normalises at around 2% in following two

EBITDA Margins to Improve: Fitch forecasts EBITDA margins to
improve to around 7.7% in 2025 from 6.7% in 2023. This will be
driven by margin-accretive acquisitions, an exit from loss-making
or low profitability contracts/branches, cost restructuring and
better fixed-cost absorption (on revenue growth), bidding
discipline on new-build projects and a contractual ability to pass
on higher costs to customers. Fitch believes the margin improvement
will not compromise the high share of lower-margin maintenance
services in revenue (compared with new-build) as such services are
lower risk, and provide high revenue visibility.

Aligned Growth Strategy: Fitch believes the strategy of organic and
acquisitive business expansion is aligned between KAEFER and all
shareholders and allows the group to continue with its current
conservative financial policy. The strategy is supported by a
EUR144 million cash contribution by SMS Group and Altor Fund, which
was used to redeem bonds and will support future growth. It is also
supported by compliance with its leverage target, a continued 50%
stake of the family shareholding in KAEFER, and an M&A strategy,
which emphasises discipline with balanced organic growth

Defensive Diversified Business Profile: KAEFER's business profile
benefits from a wide array of services, with around 200 different
offering and industry combinations, across new-build (around
25%-30% of revenue) and maintenance services (around 70%-75%). It
also has good end-market diversification and a strong geographical
mix with a meaningful regional presence.

Its comparatively low-pricing-risk contract portfolio, primarily
comprising contracts based on unit rates or reimbursable costs,
supports earnings predictability in a cost-inflationary environment
(staff and material costs respectively at around 50% and 30% of

Growth to Accelerate: The new funds injected by SMS and Altor will
facilitate acquisitions in the fragmented market of insulation,
access solutions, surface protection and passive fire protection,
while a focus on LNG and renewable energy projects taps into
current decarbonisation trends. Fitch expects acquisitions to
accelerate revenue growth in 2023-2024. Fitch forecasts KAEFER's
revenue will grow to around EUR2.6 billion by end-2025 (2019:
EUR1.7 billion), but it nevertheless remains small in the broader
engineering and construction (E&C) services sector, which
constrains its ratings.


KAEFER's defensive business model shows strong 'BB' category
attributes, with an emphasis on its broadly diversified operations
across geographies, end-markets and customers, which Fitch views as
positive for the credit profile, counterbalancing its lack of scale
in the sector.

Fitch benchmarks KAEFER against E&C peers, including Petrofac
Limited (B-/RWN) and Webuild S.p.A. (BB/Stable), Skanska AB,
Ferrovial SE (BBB/Stable), and Enter Engineering PTE. Ltd., while
acknowledging differences in the risk profiles between KAEFER and
its E&C peers. Many of them are considerably larger with a varied
profitability profile. KAEFER's EBITDA margin at 6.7%-7.7% is
somewhat similar to Webuild's 7%-8% and Skanska's but stronger than
Ferrovial's 3%-3.5% and should be considered in the context of the
company's overall lower contract risk than a typical E&C company, a
lower risk of working capital unwinding, a high share of recurring
revenues and a more diversified contract portfolio, which has
historically led to more resilient profitability.

Lower-rated Webuild has a weaker leverage profile than KAEFER with
an estimated EBITDA gross leverage of around 3.4x in 2023 and below
that in subsequent years compared with 1.6x and below that at
KAEFER in the same period. Petrofac has much weaker leverage
metrics in the medium term with expected high near-term liquidity
pressures, and issues with contracts execution due to difficulties
in obtaining performance guarantees from banks for major new
awards, as underlined in its Rating Watch Negative.


- Revenue to grow 4.9% in 2024 and 10.7% in 2025 from an estimated
8.6% in 2023

- EBITDA margin 7.1% in 2024 and 7.7% in 2025, up from estimated
6.7% in 2023

- Capex at 3.2% of revenue in 2024 and 2.2% in 2025, down from 3.0%
in 2023

- Working-capital changes to follow the revenue trajectory

- Dividend policy to remain stable

- Two acquisitions forecast for 2024

- Non-recurring costs of EUR3 million a year in 2024-2025, down
from EUR6.5 million in 2023


Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade:

- Further rating upside is limited without a significant increase
in scale, together with EBITDA gross leverage below 1.5x and FCF
margins sustained in mid-single digits

Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade:

- EBITDA gross leverage above 2.5x

- EBITDA interest coverage below 6x

- Evidence of deterioration in the business profile risk, leading
to increasing proportion of high-risk projects and/or
customer/contract losses

- Volatile FCF


Sufficient Liquidity: Fitch estimates around EUR117 million of
unrestricted cash on KAEFER's balance sheet at end- 2023 (after
restricting EUR30 million of cash deemed as not readily available
for debt service). This was supported by the availability of EUR145
million under a EUR150 million revolving credit facility due in
March 2026 with two one-year extension options.

Fitch forecasts an FCF margin of 1.6% in 2023 and 1.3% in 2024,
improving to 2.7% in 2025 on working-capital and capex
normalisation and limited non-recurring cash outflows. Fitch
assumes acquisitions in 2024 are self-funded, but the company
benefits from incremental acquisition funding available under an
existing syndicated facility.

Debt Structure: The refinancing of KAEFER's EUR250 million bonds in
2022 with a EUR150 million term loan extended debt maturities by
three years to March 2026 with two one-year extension options.
Fitch views refinancing risk as low, given KAEFER's high financial
flexibility, a stronger capital structure after the equity
injection and its conservative financial policy.


KAEFER is a leading service provider of insulation, access
solutions, surface protection and passive fire protection as well
as aftersales services. KAEFER's operations span western Europe,
central and eastern Europe, APAC, Middle East and Latin America and
South Africa.


The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt                 Rating           Prior
   -----------                 ------           -----
KAEFER SE & Co. KG   LT IDR     BB+    Upgrade    BB

TUI AG: Moody's Raises CFR to B1, Outlook Remains Positive
Moody's Investors Service upgraded TUI AG's corporate family rating
to B1 from B2 and the probability of default rating to B1-PD from
B2-PD. The outlook remains positive.


The rating action reflects TUI's strong results in fiscal year
2023, leading to sustainable improvement of its credit metrics with
a Moody's adjusted leverage of 2.6x in fiscal year-ended September
2023. The company benefited from growth in all segments reflecting
continued strong pricing and leisure travel demand, which were
stronger than expected during the 2023 summer season. The
year-to-date bookings and the first quarter results suggest demand
to remain resilient with bookings for the summer season ahead of
last year bookings at the same period. Delivery of new vessels and
TUI's implementation of its asset light and digitalized business
model will also help generate growth, despite deteriorating
macroeconomic conditions and weakening consumer confidence which
expose TUI to cutbacks in discretionary spending such as holidays.

TUI's profitability as measured by Moody's adjusted EBITA recovered
to 5.8%, slightly below its pre-pandemic level in fiscal 2023.
Wider use of hedging instruments to cover for rising fuel price and
adverse forex rates movements combined with easing inflationary
pressure on cost will help TUI to maintain its profitability at par
with pre-pandemic level. TUI's coverage metrics improved to 2.6x by
fiscal 2023 reflecting better margin but also lower debt load and
reduced utilization of its Revolving Credit Facilities (RCFs).
Moody's expect that Moody's adjusted net leverage will reduce over
the next 12 to 18 months, while interest coverage will gradually
improve closer to 3x over the next 12 to 18 months on robust
operations and reduced use of RCFs.

Moody's adjusted retained cash flow improved in fiscal year 2023 to
EUR654 million. However Moody's adjusted Free Cash Flow (FCF) was
slightly negative at - EUR80 million because of capex investments
and lease payments. Over the next 12 to 18 months, Moody's expects
to see adjusted FCF gradually shift back into the positive range,
particularly if revenue growth results in positive working capital


The positive outlook reflects Moody's expectation that TUI's
leverage will sustainably stay below 3x, and revenue growth will
lessen its dependence to revolvers, thereby enhancing coverage
metrics. The outlook also reflects Moody's expectation that TUI
will maintain solid liquidity throughout the year, maintaining
available liquidity above EUR1.5 billion at all times.


Moody's expects TUI to continuously meet its leverage target (gross
leverage less than 3x) and to keep gradually reducing its leverage
to meet its long term target of net leverage well below 1x.
Furthermore, Moody's expects TUI to refrain from any re-initiation
of dividend payments before 2026.


Moody's views TUI's liquidity as adequate. As of fiscal 2023, TUI
had around EUR3.8 billion liquidity comprising EUR1.3 billion of
unrestricted cash and EUR2.5 billion of undrawn RCFs out of EUR2.5
billion total commitments. Due to the high seasonality of its
operation, TUI is exposed to very large working capital swings
during the low season ranging historically towards EUR2 billion.
This is why TUI's liquidity relies on large RCFs which mature in
July 2026.

The company complies with its financial covenants and Moody's
expect it will continue to do so in the next 12 to 18 months.


Positive rating pressure could develop if

-- Moody's adjusted EBITA/Interest improves to 3x

-- The company maintains solid available liquidity of at least
EUR1.5 billion, with a track record of prudent liquidity

-- Positive Moody's adjusted FCF with FCF/debt improving toward 5%
on a sustained basis

-- And Moody's adjusted gross debt/EBITDA declines to below 2.5x
on a sustained basis

Negative pressure could arise if

-- Moody's adjusted gross debt/EBITDA increased to 3.5x

-- Moody's adjusted EBITA/Interest remains well below 2.5x

-- Liquidity deteriorates with sustainably negative Moody's
adjusted FCF and negative working capital movement over the full
fiscal year.


The principal methodology used in these ratings was Business and
Consumer Services published in November 2021.


TUI AG, based in Hannover, Germany, is a leading global tourism
group with divisions in Holiday Experiences and Markets and
Airlines, serving 21 million customers in 180 regions pre-pandemic.
With listings on the Frankfurt, Hannover, and London stock
exchanges, TUI reported revenue of EUR20.7 billion and underlying
EBIT of EUR977 million for the fiscal year ending September 30,


BLACKROCK EUROPEAN V: Moody's Affirms B2 Rating on EUR12MM F Notes
Moody's Investors Service has upgraded the ratings on the following
notes issued by BlackRock European CLO V Designated Activity

EUR42,000,000 Class B Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2031,
Upgraded to Aaa (sf); previously on Oct 7, 2022 Upgraded to Aa1

EUR24,000,000 Class C Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2031, Upgraded to Aa2 (sf); previously on Oct 7, 2022
Upgraded to A1 (sf)

EUR21,000,000 Class D Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2031, Upgraded to A3 (sf); previously on Oct 7, 2022
Upgraded to Baa1 (sf)

Moody's has also affirmed the ratings on the following notes:

EUR216,000,000 (Current outstanding amount EUR154,611,457) Class
A-1 Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2031, Affirmed Aaa (sf);
previously on Oct 7, 2022 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR32,000,000 (Current outstanding amount EUR22,905,401) Class A-2
Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due 2031, Affirmed Aaa (sf);
previously on Oct 7, 2022 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR25,000,000 Class E Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2031, Affirmed Ba2 (sf); previously on Oct 7, 2022
Affirmed Ba2 (sf)

EUR12,000,000 Class F Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2031, Affirmed B2 (sf); previously on Oct 7, 2022
Affirmed B2 (sf)

BlackRock European CLO V Designated Activity Company, issued in May
2018, is a collateralised loan obligation (CLO) backed by a
portfolio of mostly high-yield senior secured European loans. The
portfolio is managed by Blackrock Investment Management (UK)
Limited. The transaction's reinvestment period ended in October


The rating upgrades on the Class B, Class C and Class D notes are
primarily a result of the deleveraging of the Class A-1 and Class
A-2 notes following amortisation of the underlying portfolio since
the last review in June 2023.

The affirmations on the ratings on the Class A-1, Class A-2, Class
E and Class F notes are primarily a result of the expected losses
on the notes remaining consistent with their current rating levels,
after taking into account the CLO's latest portfolio, its relevant
structural features and its actual over-collateralisation ratios.

The Class A-1 and Class A-2 notes have paid down by approximately
EUR59.1 million (23.83%) since the last review in June 2023. As a
result of the deleveraging, over-collateralisation (OC) has
increased for Class A/B. According to the trustee report dated
January 2024 [1] the Class A/B OC ratio is reported at 141.53%
compared to May 2023 [2] level of 139.99%.

Moody's notes that the January 2024 principal payments are not
reflected in the reported OC ratios. Moody's also observed that in
the most recent payment date report EUR21.4m was used to repay
Class A-1 and Class A-2 notes, further deleveraging the
transaction. Consequently, Moody's anticipate an increase in the OC
ratios for the other classes compared to the levels reported in
January 2024.

In light of reinvestment restrictions during the amortisation
period, and therefore the limited ability to effect significant
changes to the current collateral pool, Moody's analysed the deal
assuming a higher likelihood that the collateral pool
characteristics would maintain an adequate buffer relative to
certain covenant requirements. In particular, Moody's assumed that
the deal will benefit from a shorter amortisation profile than it
had assumed at the last review in June 2023.

The key model inputs Moody's uses in its analysis, such as par,
weighted average rating factor, diversity score and the weighted
average recovery rate, are based on its published methodology and
could differ from the trustee's reported numbers.

In its base case, Moody's used the following assumptions:

Performing par and principal proceeds balance: EUR313.9m

Defaulted Securities: EUR14.4m

Diversity Score: 54

Weighted Average Rating Factor (WARF): 2935

Weighted Average Life (WAL): 3.26 years

Weighted Average Spread (WAS) (before accounting for Euribor
floors): 3.87%

Weighted Average Coupon (WAC): 2.68%

Weighted Average Recovery Rate (WARR): 42.85%

The default probability derives from the credit quality of the
collateral pool and Moody's expectation of the remaining life of
the collateral pool. The estimated average recovery rate on future
defaults is based primarily on the seniority of the assets in the
collateral pool. In each case, historical and market performance
and a collateral manager's latitude to trade collateral are also
relevant factors. Moody's incorporates these default and recovery
characteristics of the collateral pool into its cash flow model
analysis, subjecting them to stresses as a function of the target
rating of each CLO liability it is analysing.

Methodology Underlying the Rating Action:

The principal methodology used in these ratings was "Moody's Global
Approach to Rating Collateralized Loan Obligations" published in
December 2021.

Counterparty Exposure:

The rating action took into consideration the notes' exposure to
relevant counterparties, such as account bank, using the
methodology "Moody's Approach to Assessing Counterparty Risks in
Structured Finance methodology" published in October 2023. Moody's
concluded the ratings of the notes are not constrained by these

Factors that would lead to an upgrade or downgrade of the ratings:

The rated notes' performance is subject to uncertainty. The notes'
performance is sensitive to the performance of the underlying
portfolio, which in turn depends on economic and credit conditions
that may change. The collateral manager's investment decisions and
management of the transaction will also affect the notes'

Additional uncertainty about performance is due to the following:

-- Portfolio amortisation: The main source of uncertainty in this
transaction is the pace of amortisation of the underlying
portfolio, which can vary significantly depending on market
conditions and have a significant impact on the notes' ratings.
Amortisation could accelerate as a consequence of high loan
prepayment levels or collateral sales by the collateral manager or
be delayed by an increase in loan amend-and-extend restructurings.
Fast amortisation would usually benefit the ratings of the notes
beginning with the notes having the highest prepayment priority.

-- Recovery of defaulted assets: Market value fluctuations in
trustee-reported defaulted assets and those Moody's assumes have
defaulted can result in volatility in the deal's
over-collateralisation levels.  Further, the timing of recoveries
and the manager's decision whether to work out or sell defaulted
assets can also result in additional uncertainty.  Moody's analysed
defaulted recoveries assuming the lower of the market price or the
recovery rate to account for potential volatility in market prices.
Recoveries higher than Moody's expectations would have a positive
impact on the notes' ratings.

In addition to the quantitative factors that Moody's explicitly
modelled, qualitative factors are part of the rating committee's
considerations. These qualitative factors include the structural
protections in the transaction, its recent performance given the
market environment, the legal environment, specific documentation
features, the collateral manager's track record and the potential
for selection bias in the portfolio. All information available to
rating committees, including macroeconomic forecasts, input from
other Moody's analytical groups, market factors, and judgments
regarding the nature and severity of credit stress on the
transactions, can influence the final rating decision.

CARLYLE GLOBAL 2015-3: Moody's Affirms B1 Rating on Class E Notes
Moody's Investors Service has upgraded the ratings on the following
notes issued by Carlyle Global Market Strategies Euro CLO 2015-3
Designated Activity Company:

EUR57,600,000 Class B Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Upgraded to Aa2 (sf); previously on Sep 28, 2023
Upgraded to A1 (sf)

EUR16,400,000 Class C-1 Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Upgraded to Baa1 (sf); previously on Sep 28, 2023
Affirmed Baa2 (sf)

EUR10,000,000 Class C-2 Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Upgraded to Baa1 (sf); previously on Sep 28, 2023
Affirmed Baa2 (sf)

Moody's has also affirmed the ratings on the following notes:

EUR344,000,000 (Current outstanding amount EUR217,038,652) Class
A1-A Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2030, Affirmed Aaa
(sf); previously on Sep 28, 2023 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR10,000,000 (Current outstanding amount EUR6,309,263) Class A1-B
Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due 2030, Affirmed Aaa (sf);
previously on Sep 28, 2023 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR52,200,000 Class A2-A Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due
2030, Affirmed Aaa (sf); previously on Sep 28, 2023 Affirmed Aaa

EUR15,000,000 Class A2-B Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due 2030,
Affirmed Aaa (sf); previously on Sep 28, 2023 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR33,600,000 Class D Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Affirmed Ba2 (sf); previously on Sep 28, 2023
Affirmed Ba2 (sf)

EUR18,600,000 Class E Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Affirmed B1 (sf); previously on Sep 28, 2023
Affirmed B1 (sf)

Carlyle Global Market Strategies Euro CLO 2015-3 Designated
Activity Company, issued in December 2015 and refinanced in January
2018, is a collateralised loan obligation (CLO) backed by a
portfolio of mostly high-yield senior secured European loans. The
portfolio is managed by CELF Advisors LLP. The transaction's
reinvestment period ended in January 2022.


The rating upgrades on the Class B, Class C-1 and Class C-2 notes
are primarily a result of the deleveraging of the Class A1-A and
Class A1-B notes following amortisation of the underlying portfolio
since the last rating action in September 2023.

The affirmation on the ratings on the Class A1-A, Class A1-B, Class
A2-A, Class A2-B, Class D and Class E notes are primarily a result
of the expected losses on the notes remaining consistent with their
current rating levels, after taking into account the CLO's latest
portfolio, its relevant structural features and its actual
over-collateralisation ratios.

The Class A1-A and A1-B notes have paid down by approximately
EUR48.1 million (13.6%) since the last rating action in September
2023 and EUR130.6 million (36.9%) since closing. As a result of the
deleveraging, over-collateralisation (OC) has increased across the
capital structure. According to the trustee report dated August
2023 [1] the Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Class E OC
ratios are reported at 140.86%, 123.17%, 116.47%, 108.92% and
105.15% compared to January 2024 [2] levels of 145.73%, 125.29%,
117.72%,109.31% and 105.16%, respectively. Moody's notes that the
January 2024 principal payments are not reflected in the reported
OC ratios.

Key model inputs:

The key model inputs Moody's uses in its analysis, such as par,
weighted average rating factor, diversity score and the weighted
average recovery rate, are based on its published methodology and
could differ from the trustee's reported numbers.

In its base case, Moody's used the following assumptions:

Performing par and principal proceeds balance: EUR448.7m

Defaulted Securities: EUR7.3m

Diversity Score: 47

Weighted Average Rating Factor (WARF): 3053

Weighted Average Life (WAL): 3.11 years

Weighted Average Spread (WAS) (before accounting for Euribor
floors): 3.72%

Weighted Average Coupon (WAC): 4.4%

Weighted Average Recovery Rate (WARR): 44.42%

The default probability derives from the credit quality of the
collateral pool and Moody's expectation of the remaining life of
the collateral pool. The estimated average recovery rate on future
defaults is based primarily on the seniority of the assets in the
collateral pool. In each case, historical and market performance
and a collateral manager's latitude to trade collateral are also
relevant factors. Moody's incorporates these default and recovery
characteristics of the collateral pool into its cash flow model
analysis, subjecting them to stresses as a function of the target
rating of each CLO liability it is analysing.

Methodology Underlying the Rating Action:

The principal methodology used in these ratings was "Moody's Global
Approach to Rating Collateralized Loan Obligations" published in
December 2021.

Counterparty Exposure:

The rating action took into consideration the notes' exposure to
relevant counterparties, such as account bank and swap providers,
using the methodology "Moody's Approach to Assessing Counterparty
Risks in Structured Finance methodology" published in October 2023.
Moody's concluded the ratings of the notes are not constrained by
these risks.

Factors that would lead to an upgrade or downgrade of the ratings:

The rated notes' performance is subject to uncertainty. The notes'
performance is sensitive to the performance of the underlying
portfolio, which in turn depends on economic and credit conditions
that may change. The collateral manager's investment decisions and
management of the transaction will also affect the notes'

Additional uncertainty about performance is due to the following:

-- Portfolio amortisation: The main source of uncertainty in this
transaction is the pace of amortisation of the underlying
portfolio, which can vary significantly depending on market
conditions and have a significant impact on the notes' ratings.
Amortisation could accelerate as a consequence of high loan
prepayment levels or collateral sales by the collateral manager or
be delayed by an increase in loan amend-and-extend restructurings.
Fast amortisation would usually benefit the ratings of the notes
beginning with the notes having the highest prepayment priority.

-- Recovery of defaulted assets: Market value fluctuations in
trustee-reported defaulted assets and those Moody's assumes have
defaulted can result in volatility in the deal's
over-collateralisation levels. Further, the timing of recoveries
and the manager's decision whether to work out or sell defaulted
assets can also result in additional uncertainty. Moody's analysed
defaulted recoveries assuming the lower of the market price or the
recovery rate to account for potential volatility in market prices.
Recoveries higher than Moody's expectations would have a positive
impact on the notes' ratings.

In addition to the quantitative factors that Moody's explicitly
modelled, qualitative factors are part of the rating committee's
considerations. These qualitative factors include the structural
protections in the transaction, its recent performance given the
market environment, the legal environment, specific documentation
features, the collateral manager's track record and the potential
for selection bias in the portfolio. All information available to
rating committees, including macroeconomic forecasts, input from
other Moody's analytical groups, market factors, and judgments
regarding the nature and severity of credit stress on the
transactions, can influence the final rating decision.

HARVEST CLO XV: Moody's Affirms B1 Rating on EUR13.5MM F-R Notes
Moody's Investors Service has upgraded the ratings on the following
notes issued by Harvest CLO XV DAC:

EUR41,600,000 Class B-1-R Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due
2030, Upgraded to Aaa (sf); previously on Apr 6, 2022 Upgraded to
Aa1 (sf)

EUR 5,000,000 Class B-2-R Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due
2030, Upgraded to Aaa (sf); previously on Apr 6, 2022 Upgraded to
Aa1 (sf)

EUR 31,500,000 Class C-R Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Upgraded to Aa3 (sf); previously on Apr 6, 2022
Upgraded to A1 (sf)

Moody's has also affirmed the ratings on the following notes:

EUR 233,400,000 (Current outstanding amount EUR183,677,626) Class
A-1A-R Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2030, Affirmed Aaa
(sf); previously on Apr 6, 2022 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR30,000,000 (Current outstanding amount EUR23,608,949) Class
A-1B-R Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due 2030, Affirmed Aaa (sf);
previously on Apr 6, 2022 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR15,000,000 Class A-2-R Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due
2030, Affirmed Aaa (sf); previously on Apr 6, 2022 Affirmed Aaa

EUR24,200,000 Class D-R Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Affirmed Baa2 (sf); previously on Apr 6, 2022
Affirmed Baa2 (sf)

EUR23,100,000 Class E-R Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Affirmed Ba2 (sf); previously on Apr 6, 2022
Affirmed Ba2 (sf)

EUR13,500,000 Class F-R Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Affirmed B1 (sf); previously on Apr 6, 2022
Affirmed B1 (sf)

Harvest CLO XV DAC, originally issued in May 2016 and refinanced in
May 2018, is a collateralised loan obligation (CLO) backed by a
portfolio of mostly high-yield senior secured European loans. The
portfolio is managed by Investcorp Credit Management EU Limited.
The transaction's reinvestment period ended in May 2022.


The upgrades to the ratings on the Class B-1-R, Class B-2-R and
Class C-R notes are primarily a result of the deleveraging of the
Class A-1A-R and Class A-1B-R notes following amortisation of the
underlying portfolio since the last rating review in September

The affirmations of the ratings on the Class A-1A-R, Class A-1B-R,
Class A-2-R , Class D-R, Class E-R and Class F-R notes are
primarily a result of the expected losses on the notes remaining
consistent with their current rating levels, after taking into
account the CLO's latest portfolio, its relevant structural
features and its actual over-collateralisation ratios.

The Class A-1A-R and Class A-1B-R notes have paid down by
approximately EUR56 million (21%) since the last rating action in
April 2022. As a result of the deleveraging, senior note
over-collateralisation (OC) has increased. According to the trustee
report dated December 2023 [1] the Class A/B, Class C, Class D,
Class E and Class F OC ratios are reported at 142.48%, 127.54%,
118.03%, 110.19% and 106.07% compared to December 2022 [2] levels
of 137.45%, 125.20%, 117.18%, 110.43% and 106.83%, respectively.

The key model inputs Moody's uses in its analysis, such as par,
weighted average rating factor, diversity score and the weighted
average recovery rate, are based on its published methodology and
could differ from the trustee's reported numbers.

In its base case, Moody's used the following assumptions:

Performing par and principal proceeds balance: EUR382.0m

Defaulted Securities: EUR4.4m

Diversity Score: 54

Weighted Average Rating Factor (WARF): 3024

Weighted Average Life (WAL): 3.40 years

Weighted Average Spread (WAS) (before accounting for Euribor
floors): 3.72%

Weighted Average Coupon (WAC): 3.98%

Weighted Average Recovery Rate (WARR): 44.02%

Par haircut in OC tests and interest diversion test:  None

The default probability derives from the credit quality of the
collateral pool and Moody's expectation of the remaining life of
the collateral pool. The estimated average recovery rate on future
defaults is based primarily on the seniority of the assets in the
collateral pool. In each case, historical and market performance
and a collateral manager's latitude to trade collateral are also
relevant factors. Moody's incorporates these default and recovery
characteristics of the collateral pool into its cash flow model
analysis, subjecting them to stresses as a function of the target
rating of each CLO liability it is analysing.

Methodology Underlying the Rating Action:

The principal methodology used in these ratings was "Moody's Global
Approach to Rating Collateralized Loan Obligations" published in
December 2021.

Counterparty Exposure:

The rating action took into consideration the notes' exposure to
relevant counterparties, such as account bank, using the
methodology "Moody's Approach to Assessing Counterparty Risks in
Structured Finance methodology" published in October 2023. Moody's
concluded the ratings of the notes are not constrained by these

Factors that would lead to an upgrade or downgrade of the ratings:

The rated notes' performance is subject to uncertainty. The notes'
performance is sensitive to the performance of the underlying
portfolio, which in turn depends on economic and credit conditions
that may change. The collateral manager's investment decisions and
management of the transaction will also affect the notes'

Additional uncertainty about performance is due to the following:

-- Portfolio amortisation: The main source of uncertainty in this
transaction is the pace of amortisation of the underlying
portfolio, which can vary significantly depending on market
conditions and have a significant impact on the notes' ratings.
Amortisation could accelerate as a consequence of high loan
prepayment levels or collateral sales by the collateral manager or
be delayed by an increase in loan amend-and-extend restructurings.
Fast amortisation would usually benefit the ratings of the notes
beginning with the notes having the highest prepayment priority.

-- Recovery of defaulted assets: Market value fluctuations in
trustee-reported defaulted assets and those Moody's assumes have
defaulted can result in volatility in the deal's
over-collateralisation levels.  Further, the timing of recoveries
and the manager's decision whether to work out or sell defaulted
assets can also result in additional uncertainty.  Moody's analysed
defaulted recoveries assuming the lower of the market price or the
recovery rate to account for potential volatility in market prices.
Recoveries higher than Moody's expectations would have a positive
impact on the notes' ratings.

In addition to the quantitative factors that Moody's explicitly
modelled, qualitative factors are part of the rating committee's
considerations. These qualitative factors include the structural
protections in the transaction, its recent performance given the
market environment, the legal environment, specific documentation
features, the collateral manager's track record and the potential
for selection bias in the portfolio. All information available to
rating committees, including macroeconomic forecasts, input from
other Moody's analytical groups, market factors, and judgments
regarding the nature and severity of credit stress on the
transactions, can influence the final rating decision.

OZLME III: Moody's Affirms B2 Rating on EUR12MM Class F Notes
Moody's Investors Service has upgraded the ratings on the following
notes issued by OZLME III Designated Activity Company:

EUR35,500,000 Class B-1 Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due
2030, Upgraded to Aaa (sf); previously on Feb 15, 2022 Upgraded to
Aa1 (sf)

EUR20,000,000 Class B-2 Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due 2030,
Upgraded to Aaa (sf); previously on Feb 15, 2022 Upgraded to Aa1

EUR26,500,000 Class C Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Upgraded to Aa3 (sf); previously on Feb 15, 2022
Affirmed A2 (sf)

EUR21,000,000 Class D Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Upgraded to Baa1 (sf); previously on Feb 15, 2022
Affirmed Baa2 (sf)

Moody's has also affirmed the ratings on the following notes:

EUR225,000,000 (Current outstanding amount EUR200,801,230) Class
A-1 Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2030, Affirmed Aaa (sf);
previously on Feb 15, 2022 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR10,000,000 (Current outstanding amount EUR8,924,499) Class A-2
Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due 2030, Affirmed Aaa (sf);
previously on Feb 15, 2022 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR22,000,000 Class E Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Affirmed Ba2 (sf); previously on Feb 15, 2022
Affirmed Ba2 (sf)

EUR12,000,000 Class F Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2030, Affirmed B2 (sf); previously on Feb 15, 2022
Affirmed B2 (sf)

OZLME III Designated Activity Company, issued in January 2018 is a
collateralised loan obligation (CLO) backed by a portfolio of
mostly high-yield senior secured European loans. The portfolio is
managed by Sculptor Europe Loan Management Limited. The
transaction's reinvestment period ended in February 2022.


The upgrades to the ratings on the Class B-1, Class B-2, Class C
and Class D notes are due to the deleveraging of the senior notes
following amortisation of the underlying portfolio since last
review in April 2023 and a shorter weighted average life of the
portfolio which reduces the time the rated notes are exposed to the
credit risk of the underlying portfolio.

The affirmations on the ratings on the Class A-1, Class A-2, Class
E and Class F notes are primarily a result of the expected losses
on the notes remaining consistent with their current rating levels,
after taking into account the CLO's latest portfolio, its relevant
structural features and its actual over-collateralisation ratios.

The Class A-1 and Class A-2 notes (the "Class A" Notes) have in
aggregate paid down by approximately EUR20.7 million (8.8% on the
initial closing balance) since last review. According to the
trustee report dated December 2023 [1] the Class A/B, Class C,
Class D and Class E and Class F OC ratios are reported at 138.04%,
125.50%, 117.08% 109.38% and 105.60% compared to April 2023 [2]
levels of 137.42%, 125.77%, 117.84%, 110.55% and 106.95%,

Key model inputs:

The key model inputs Moody's uses in its analysis, such as par,
weighted average rating factor, diversity score and the weighted
average recovery rate, are based on its published methodology and
could differ from the trustee's reported numbers.

In its base case, Moody's used the following assumptions:

Performing par and principal proceeds balance: EUR362.96m

Defaulted Securities: EUR10.06m

Diversity Score: 50

Weighted Average Rating Factor (WARF): 2777

Weighted Average Life (WAL): 3.21 years

Weighted Average Spread (WAS) (before accounting for Euribor
floors): 3.77%

Weighted Average Coupon (WAC): 3.49%

Weighted Average Recovery Rate (WARR): 43.71%

Par haircut in OC tests and interest diversion test:  N/A

The default probability derives from the credit quality of the
collateral pool and Moody's expectation of the remaining life of
the collateral pool. The estimated average recovery rate on future
defaults is based primarily on the seniority of the assets in the
collateral pool. In each case, historical and market performance
and a collateral manager's latitude to trade collateral are also
relevant factors. Moody's incorporates these default and recovery
characteristics of the collateral pool into its cash flow model
analysis, subjecting them to stresses as a function of the target
rating of each CLO liability it is analysing.

Moody's notes that the January 2024 trustee report was published at
the time it was completing its analysis of the December 2023 data.
Key portfolio metrics such as WARF, diversity score, weighted
average spread and life, and OC ratios exhibit little or no change
between these dates.

Methodology Underlying the Rating Action:

The principal methodology used in these ratings was "Moody's Global
Approach to Rating Collateralized Loan Obligations" published in
December 2021.

Counterparty Exposure:

The rating action took into consideration the notes' exposure to
relevant counterparties, such as account bank and swap provider,
using the methodology "Moody's Approach to Assessing Counterparty
Risks in Structured Finance methodology" published in October 2023.
Moody's concluded the ratings of the notes are not constrained by
these risks.

Factors that would lead to an upgrade or downgrade of the ratings:

The rated notes' performance is subject to uncertainty. The notes'
performance is sensitive to the performance of the underlying
portfolio, which in turn depends on economic and credit conditions
that may change. The collateral manager's investment decisions and
management of the transaction will also affect the notes'

Additional uncertainty about performance is due to the following:

-- Portfolio amortisation: The main source of uncertainty in this
transaction is the pace of amortisation of the underlying
portfolio, which can vary significantly depending on market
conditions and have a significant impact on the notes' ratings.
Amortisation could accelerate as a consequence of high loan
prepayment levels or collateral sales by the collateral manager or
be delayed by an increase in loan amend-and-extend restructurings.
Fast amortisation would usually benefit the ratings of the notes
beginning with the notes having the highest prepayment priority.

-- Recovery of defaulted assets: Market value fluctuations in
trustee-reported defaulted assets and those Moody's assumes have
defaulted can result in volatility in the deal's
over-collateralisation levels.  Further, the timing of recoveries
and the manager's decision whether to work out or sell defaulted
assets can also result in additional uncertainty.  Moody's analysed
defaulted recoveries assuming the lower of the market price or the
recovery rate to account for potential volatility in market prices.
Recoveries higher than Moody's expectations would have a positive
impact on the notes' ratings.

In addition to the quantitative factors that Moody's explicitly
modelled, qualitative factors are part of the rating committee's
considerations. These qualitative factors include the structural
protections in the transaction, its recent performance given the
market environment, the legal environment, specific documentation
features, the collateral manager's track record and the potential
for selection bias in the portfolio. All information available to
rating committees, including macroeconomic forecasts, input from
other Moody's analytical groups, market factors, and judgments
regarding the nature and severity of credit stress on the
transactions, can influence the final rating decision.


[*] DBRS Puts 23 Tranches on 10 EUR ABS Transactions Under Review
DBRS Ratings GmbH and DBRS Ratings Limited (together, Morningstar
DBRS) placed their credit ratings on 23 tranches in 10 European ABS
transactions Under Review with Positive Implications (UR-Pos.)
following the release of an updated ABS methodology.

The Ratings are:

   Debt            Rating           Action
   ----            ------           ------
Auto ABS Spanish Loans 2022-1 FT

Class A Notes    AA (low) (sf)     UR-Pos.
Class B Notes    A (sf)            UR-Pos.
Class C Notes    BBB (sf)          UR-Pos.
Class D Notes    BB (high) (sf)    UR-Pos.
Class E Notes    B (sf)            UR-Pos.

  ** (UR-Pos.) - Under Review with
             Positive Implications

Brignole CQ 2022 S.r.l.

Class A Notes    AA (low) (sf)     UR-Pos.
Class B Notes    A (sf)            UR-Pos.
Class C Notes    A (low) (sf)      UR-Pos.
Class D Notes    BBB (low) (sf)    UR-Pos.

Eridano II SPV S.r.l.

Class A Asset-Backed
Floating-Rate Notes   AA (low) (sf)  UR-Pos.

Class B Asset-Backed
Floating-Rate Notes   A (high) (sf)  UR-Pos.

First Swiss Mobility 2023-1 AG

Class B Notes    AA (sf)             UR-Pos.
Class C Notes    A (low) (sf)        UR-Pos.

Golden Bar (Securitisation) S.r.l.
- Series 2022-1

Class A Notes    A (sf)             UR-Pos.
Class B Notes    A (low) (sf)       UR-Pos.

Marzio Finance S.r.l.
- Series 10-2022

Class A Notes    AA (low) (sf)     UR-Pos.

Marzio Finance S.r.l.
- Series 9-2022

Class A Notes     AA (low) (sf)     UR-Pos.

Pelmo S.r.l.

Class A Notes     AA (low) (sf)     UR-Pos.
Class B Notes     A (sf)            UR-Pos.
Class C Notes     A (low) (sf)      UR-Pos.

Progetto Quinto S.r.l.

Class A Notes     AA (low) (sf)     UR-Pos.

Quinto Sistema Sec. 2017 S.r.l.

Class A Notes    AA (low) (sf)     UR-Pos.
Class B1 Notes   A (sf)            UR-Pos.


On January 8, 2024, Morningstar DBRS updated its methodology for
"Rating European Consumer and Commercial Asset-Backed

The ABS Methodology presents the criteria for which European
consumer loan, credit card, auto loan, auto lease, and
consumer/commercial lease asset-backed securities transaction
credit ratings are assigned and/or monitored.

The material changes made to the ABS Methodology introduced a
revision of the approach to assessing residual value (RV) risk and
a revision of the application of stresses to salary-assignment
loans (SALs).

The changed approach to determining RV risk revises the
multiple-based approach to specify the contribution of the contract
remaining term and improve the accuracy of how stresses are
determined, particularly with reference to the applicable RV
haircut. The revision of the application of stresses to SALs
clarifies that stresses would take a period of time to unfold,
sometimes allowing the transaction to deleverage. However, the
magnitude of the stresses and the overall framework remain

Overall, the impact of the changes is positive. Morningstar DBRS
has identified 23 tranches in 10 transactions that could be
upgraded by one or two notches, ceteris paribus, and consequently
placed them UR-Pos. The affected transactions are listed at the end
of this press release and are predominantly Italian SALs

Morningstar DBRS' credit ratings on the notes address the credit
risk associated with the identified financial obligations in
accordance with the relevant transaction documents.

Morningstar DBRS' credit ratings do not address nonpayment risk
associated with contractual payment obligations contemplated in the
applicable transaction documents that are not financial

Morningstar DBRS' long-term credit ratings provide opinions on risk
of default. Morningstar DBRS considers risk of default to be the
risk that an issuer will fail to satisfy the financial obligations
in accordance with the terms under which a long-term obligation has
been issued.

Notes: All figures are in euros unless otherwise noted.


SPRINT BIDCO: EUR700MM Bank Debt Trades at 50% Discount
Participations in a syndicated loan under which Sprint Bidco BV is
a borrower were trading in the secondary market around 49.8
cents-on-the-dollar during the week ended Friday, Feb. 16, 2024,
according to Bloomberg's Evaluated Pricing service data.

The loans traded in the secondary market around 58.9
cents-on-the-dollar the previous week ended Feb. 9.

The EUR700 million facility is a Term loan that is scheduled to
mature on September 16, 2029.  The amount is fully drawn and

Sprint Bidco B.V. is a special purpose vehicle that owns the
Dutch-based bicycle company Accell. The Company's country of
domicile is the Netherlands.


HURTIGRUTEN GROUP: EUR655MM Bank Debt Trades at 35% Discount
Participations in a syndicated loan under which Hurtigruten Group
AS is a borrower were trading in the secondary market around 64.6
cents-on-the-dollar during the week ended Friday, Feb. 16, 2024,
according to Bloomberg's Evaluated Pricing service data.

The loans traded in the secondary market around 62.8
cents-on-the-dollar the previous week ended Feb. 9.

The EUR655 million facility is a Term loan that is scheduled to
mature on February 28, 2027.  The amount is fully drawn and

Hurtigruten is a Norwegian cruise ship operator that offers cruises
along the Norwegian coast, expedition cruises and land-based Arctic
experience tourism in Svalbard. In the first nine months of 2023,
Hurtigruten reported revenue of EUR512 million (2022: EUR441
million) and company-defined adjusted EBITDA of EUR58 million
(2022: EUR46 million). The Company's country of domicile is


TURKMENISTAN: Fitch Affirms 'B+' LongTerm Foreign Currency IDR
Fitch Ratings has affirmed Turkmenistan's Long-Term
Foreign-Currency (LTFC) Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'B+' with a
Positive Outlook.


Fundamental Rating Strengths and Weaknesses: The rating is
supported by Turkmenistan's extremely strong sovereign balance
sheet, with the highest sovereign net foreign assets (SNFA)/GDP and
lowest public debt in the 'B' peer group, underpinned by the
world's fourth-largest gas reserves. These factors are balanced by
weak governance, unconventional and opaque economic policy,
particularly the exchange-rate framework, a challenging business
environment, high commodity dependence and export market
concentration. The Positive Outlook reflects its expectation of
further balance-sheet strengthening on high energy prices and
contained expenditure.

External Finances Further Improve: SNFA rose 6pp in 2023 to 51.5%
of GDP, compared with the 'B' median of minus 22.5%. Fitch
estimates the current account surplus narrowed 2pp in 2023 to 5.9%
of GDP, and forecasts it to shrink further to 1.9% in 2025 on lower
energy prices and strong imports boosted by capex, slowing SNFA
growth. Liquidity metrics have also improved, and Fitch forecasts
external debt service remains below 9% of current external receipts
through 2025, well below the 2021 level of 14.8%, and the current
peer group median of 18.8%. While balance of payments data has
steadily improved, significant gaps remain.

Broadly Flat Gas Production Expected: The volume of gas exports
(which account for two-thirds of total exports) fell 2.3% in 2023,
and Fitch projects gas production will be broadly flat in 2024-2025
due to constrained pipeline infrastructure capacity. Eighty per
cent of its gas exports in 2023 were to China, and the market share
is set to remain heavily concentrated, despite recent discussion of
a potential gas deal with Iraq that could be met through lower
exports to Russia, and exploration of longer-term routes to Europe
through Turkiye. Plans are at a more advanced stage on a fourth gas
pipeline to lift capacity to China to 65bcm from around 40bcm but
Fitch does not expect the project to complete before 2029.

Weakness in Exchange Rate Regime: There continues to be a very
large differential between the official exchange rate, fixed at 3.5
against the US dollar since 2015, and the parallel market rate,
which appears broadly stable at just above 19 since mid-2022. FX
policy is opaque and constrains foreign investment, surrender
requirements for SOEs remain in place, and the parallel market rate
is near its level in early 2020 despite the sharp improvement in
external liquidity since. It is unclear whether the authorities
will employ foreign-exchange (FX) reserves to tackle the gap with
the parallel rate and associated economic distortions, and its
forecast assumes that the official exchange rate is unchanged
through 2025.

Slightly Narrowing Fiscal Surplus: The state budget surplus
narrowed 0.4pp in 2023 to 0.6% of GDP, as tax revenue fell 2.2%,
including a 21% drop in natural resource tax receipts (gas exports
are made under long-term contracts that frequently link revenue to
the oil price). Expenditure rose 1.9%, and capex from the state
budget picked up to 0.7% of GDP. Fitch forecasts the fiscal surplus
to narrow to 0.1% of GDP in 2024 and move into a deficit of 0.5% in
2025, reflecting lower energy prices (including Fitch's forecast
fall in the oil price to average USD70/barrel in 2025) and a
moderate increase in capex.

Growing Fiscal Buffer: Public debt fell to 4.3% of GDP at end-2023
from 10% at end-2021, and Fitch projects a further reduction to
3.5% at end-2025. The Turkmenistan Stabilisation Fund (TSF),
entirely local currency-denominated, rose TMT5.5 billion in 2023,
to TMT32 billion, of which TMT17.2 billion (6.1% of GDP) was the
fiscal reserves held at the central bank. This was driven by TMT5.3
billion of interest and SOE profits at the "Tier 2" level not
captured in the state budget. Tier 2 public finances are
approximately twice the size of the state budget and lack
transparency, which complicates its fiscal assessment but Fitch
does not see evidence of additional public debt.

Broad Policy Continuity: Fitch continues to observe a fairly high
degree of policy continuity since President Serdar Berdimuhamedov
was elected in March 2022. The administration has played a somewhat
more active role over the last year in international relations, the
climate- transition agenda, and in promoting investment
opportunities, although the presence of foreign companies outside
the energy sector remains very small, reflecting a highly
challenging business environment. Turkmenistan is making progress
in the early stages of the WTO accession process, but Fitch
anticipates completion would be to a long-term timetable, even with
strong political commitment.

Limited Economic Diversification: Fitch estimates economic growth
picked up to 2.4% in 2023, from 1.6% in 2022 (IMF data, which
contrasts with the government's official figure of 6.2%), on
stronger investment and real incomes. Fitch forecasts GDP growth to
edge down to 2.3% in 2024 and 2.1% in 2025, which balances a
further rise in public investment partly due to the second phase of
Arkadag "smart" city, and development of downstream energy products
and the transportation corridor, with limited progress elsewhere in
diversifying the economy, alongside stable gas production volumes.

Inflation Falls, But Structurally High: Inflation fell to 1.4% at
end-2023, from 3.0% at end-2022 (and 21.1% at end-2021), with
non-food inflation of just 0.1%, due to base effects, easing
supply-chain disruptions, greater domestic food production, a fall
in international prices, and ongoing control of administered
prices. However, Turkmenistan has a record of relatively high
inflation, averaging 11% in 2018-2022, and monetary policy is
underdeveloped, with credit-targeting its main tool. Fitch projects
inflation rises to average 7% in 2024-2025, as temporary
disinflationary factors dissipate, which compares unfavourably with
the peer group median of 4.4%.

ESG - Governance: Turkmenistan has an ESG Relevance Score (RS) of
'5' for both Political Stability and Rights and for the Rule of
Law, Institutional and Regulatory Quality and Control of
Corruption. Theses scores reflect the high weight that the World
Bank Governance Indicators (WBGI) have in its proprietary Sovereign
Rating Model (SRM). Turkmenistan has a low WBGI ranking at the
11.5th percentile, reflecting the centralisation of power, and a
low World Bank assessment of voice and accountability, regulatory
quality, rule of law and control of corruption.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

- Public/External Finances: A deterioration in the public and
external balance sheets driven, for example, by lower energy
prices, disruption to key export contracts, a very large and
sustained increase in government spending or crystallisation of
contingent liabilities.

- Macro: Greater risk that weak credibility of economic policy
undermines the durability of sovereign balance-sheet

- Structural: Destabilising political or geopolitical developments
that have an adverse impact on the economy and sovereign balance

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

- Public/External Finances: Confidence that the strengthening of
the public and external balance sheet will be sustained, for
example, reflecting persistently high prices of key hydrocarbon
exports or greater export capacity and/or greater transparency of
fiscal policy and the public-sector balance sheet.

- Macro: An improvement in the credibility and consistency of
economic policy that reduces macroeconomic distortions and enhances
the capacity of the economy to absorb shocks.

- Structural: An improvement in governance standards, the
availability and reliability of key official economic data, and/or
the business environment, likely underpinned by policies to open
the economy.


Fitch's proprietary SRM assigns Turkmenistan a score equivalent to
a rating of 'BB+' on the Long-Term Foreign-Currency (LT FC) IDR

Fitch's sovereign rating committee adjusted the output from the SRM
to arrive at the final LT FC IDR by applying its QO, relative to
SRM data and output, as follows:

- Macro: -1 notch, to reflect an opaque and inconsistent economic
policy framework, and use of the official exchange rate highly
flattering key GDP metrics, as well as a boost to SRM indicators
from high energy prices and post-pandemic recovery that may be

- Public Finances: -1 notch, to reflect the distortion of key
public debt ratios by the official exchange rate, the large and
highly interconnected public sector, revenue and expenditure
rigidities, and uncertainty over the size and remit of off-budget

- External Finances: -1 notch, to reflect the inconsistency between
large FX reserves and FX rationing in the domestic economy and the
heavy reliance on exports of a single commodity to a single

Fitch's SRM is the agency's proprietary multiple regression rating
model that employs 18 variables based on three-year centred
averages, including one year of forecasts, to produce a score
equivalent to a LT FC IDR. Fitch's QO is a forward-looking
qualitative framework designed to allow for adjustment to the SRM
output to assign the final rating, reflecting factors within its
criteria that are not fully quantifiable and/or not fully reflected
in the SRM.


The Country Ceiling for Turkmenistan is 'B+', in line with the LTFC
IDR. This reflects the absence of constraints and incentives,
relative to the IDR, against capital or exchange controls being
imposed that would prevent or significantly impede the private
sector from converting local currency into foreign currency and
transferring the proceeds to non-resident creditors to service debt

Fitch's Country Ceiling Model produced a starting-point uplift of
zero notches above the IDR. Fitch's rating committee did not apply
a qualitative adjustment to the model result.


Data on the financial account of the balance of payments (BoP) is
incomplete. Available balance of payments data is consistent with
trends in external debt and FX reserves, outweighing the
uncertainty created by incomplete BoP data and giving Fitch
sufficient confidence in the balance of payments information. Its
assessment of the balance of payments data provides us with
sufficient confidence in its analysis of the credit profile to
maintain the rating.


Turkmenistan has an ESG Relevance Score of '5' for Political
Stability and Rights as WBGI have the highest weight in Fitch's SRM
and are therefore highly relevant to the rating and a key rating
driver with a high weight. As Turkmenistan has a percentile rank
below 50 for the respective governance indicator, this has a
negative impact on the credit profile.

Turkmenistan has an ESG Relevance Score of '5' for Rule of Law,
Institutional & Regulatory Quality and Control of Corruption as
WBGI have the highest weight in Fitch's SRM and are therefore
highly relevant to the rating and are a key rating driver with a
high weight. As Turkmenistan has a percentile rank below 50 for the
respective governance indicators, this has a negative impact on the
credit profile.

Turkmenistan has an ESG Relevance Score of '4' for Human Rights and
Political Freedoms as the Voice and Accountability pillar of the
WBGI is relevant to the rating and a rating driver. As Turkmenistan
has a percentile rank below 50 for the respective governance
indicator, this has a negative impact on the credit profile.

Turkmenistan has an ESG Relevance Score of '4[+]' for Creditor
Rights as willingness to service and repay debt is relevant to the
rating and is a rating driver for Turkmenistan, as for all
sovereigns. As Turkmenistan has track record of 20+ years without a
restructuring of public debt and captured in its SRM variable, this
has a positive impact on the credit profile.

Turkmenistan has an ESG Relevance Score of '4' for International
Relations and Trade, reflecting its heavy reliance on sales of a
single commodity to a single customer, which has a negative impact
on the credit profile, is relevant to the rating and a rating

Except for the matters discussed above, the highest level of ESG
credit relevance, if present, is a score of '3'. This means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or to the way in which they
are being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are
not inputs in the rating process; they are an observation of the
materiality and relevance of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt                  Rating           Prior
   -----------                  ------           -----
Turkmenistan      LT IDR          B+  Affirmed   B+
                  ST IDR          B   Affirmed   B
                  LC LT IDR       B+  Affirmed   B+
                  LC ST IDR       B   Affirmed   B
                  Country Ceiling B+  Affirmed   B+


EUTELSAT COMMUNICATIONS: Fitch Lowers IDR to BB-, Outlook Negative
Fitch Ratings has downgraded Eutelsat Communications S.A.'s
(Eutelsat) Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to 'BB-' from
'BB'. The Outlook on the IDR is Negative.

Fitch has also downgraded Eutelsat's senior unsecured rating to
'B+' from 'BB-' and Eutelsat S.A.'s senior unsecured debt to 'BB-'
from 'BB'. Their Recovery Ratings remain at 'RR5' and 'RR4',

The downgrade reflects Eutelsat's significantly higher leverage and
slower progress with monetising OneWeb infrastructure following the
company's downward revision of its FY24 (financial year ending June
2024) revenue and EBITDA guidance. The Negative Outlook reflects
high execution risks and continuing challenges around meeting the
medium-term financial targets at OneWeb with low revenue
visibility, along with some refinancing risks by October 2025.


Higher Leverage: Fitch estimates Eutelsat's Fitch-defined EBITDA
net leverage to increase to around 4x on significantly lower EBITDA
generation in FY24, and up to 4.5x over the medium term. The
company revised its FY24 EBITDA guidance to EUR650 million-EUR680
million from EUR725 million-EUR825 million previously, which is
lower by about 15%. Eutelsat also temporarily suspended its FY25
guidance on lower visibility of OneWeb performance. The company
expects its GEO (geostationary equatorial orbit)-reliant segments
to remain unaffected.

Slower Deleveraging: Delayed capex will likely contribute to
leverage increase in FY25-FY26. The company estimated its FY24
capex at EUR600 million-EUR650 million, but confirmed its overall
capex for OneWeb's generation two constellation roll-out on average
at EUR725 million-EUR875 million per year in FY25-FY30. Capex is
likely to be front-loaded, implying higher capex in FY25-FY28. This
will push free cash flow (FCF) generation deep into negative
territory, driving leverage up in the medium term. Eutelsat's
medium-term target is to reduce net debt/EBITDA
(company-definition) to 3x.

High Execution Risks: Eutelsat's guidance revision highlights
significant execution risks around its OneWeb strategy and low
visibility on its future revenue streams. Demand for low earth
orbit (LEO), and in combination with GEO B2B services, Eutelsat's
targeted market niche, remains largely untested and competition may
be intense. Eutelsat reported an increase in OneWeb's third-party
revenue backlog to approximately USD0.9 billion over a period of
five years but it corresponds to only a fraction of the revenue
that would allow sustained positive EBITDA generation at this

LEO Constellations Competition: Delays with rolling-out new
infrastructure may weaken Eutelsat's longer-term competitive
positions as other operators are active in the market. LEO
infrastructure competition will be stiff as a few LEO
constellations are being rolled out, supported by multi-billion
capex commitments. On top of this, SES S.A., in partnership with
Starlink has started offering integrated medium earth orbit
(MEO)/LEO maritime services in direct competition with Eutelsat's
LEO/GEO solutions.

In addition to a fully operational Starlink, which continues
launching new satellites, Amazon's Kuiper announced plans to launch
customer pilots in 2H24 while Canada-based Telesat plans to start
providing a global service in 2027, reportedly having secured
funding and launches for its LEO project. This is likely to be
followed by the EU-sponsored IRIS constellation.

Two-Tier Debt Structure: Fitch estimates that Eutelsat may need to
raise significant new capex financing to roll out OneWeb generation
two constellation even after assuming continuing strong cash flow
generation at Eutelsat's profitable segments (effectively key
operating subsidiary Eutelsat S.A.).

A significant amount of debt at Eutelsat S.A. leads to structural
subordination for Eutelsat (holdco) creditors. At FYE23 Fitch
estimates the amount of debt at Eutelsat S.A was more than 3x the
group's EBITDA. Under Fitch's methodology, given the lack of any
guarantees from Eutelsat S.A., debt issued by Eutelsat is rated one
notch below its IDR.

Strong Contribution of Incumbent Segments: Fitch expects continuing
strong cash flow generation of the incumbent segments, with
structural decline in the video segment mitigated by growth in the
mobile and fixed connectivity divisions. Video is likely to remain
under pressure, reflecting declining popularity of traditional
linear TV. This is likely to be at least partially remedied by up
to double-digit growth in the mobile and fixed connectivity
segments, supported by higher broadband capacity from new
high-throughput satellites (HTS) and robust demand for mobility
services in both maritime and airplane applications.

OneWeb's Competitive Edge: OneWeb has a first-mover advantage in
the LEO segment as it benefits from the number one priority
position in Ku-Band spectrum used for customer download
connections, and has high priority position in the Ka-Band that is
used for upload gateway links. The burden of coordination to avoid
interference, particularly in the Ku-Band, lies with other

Coupled with a higher orbital position, this allows Eutelsat to
operate fewer satellites and provide connection services on more
reliable service-level agreement (SLA) terms fit for
quality-sensitive B2B and government customers, Eutelsat's key
targeted segments. However, the size of the potential B2B SLA
market is limited and is exposed to substitution risk by
mass-market services if B2B customers find them of acceptable


Eutelsat's rating reflects its capital-intensive business model
with some infrastructure qualities, supported by significant
barriers to entry due to substantial required investments to
satellite launches and the limited availability of regulated
orbital positions and spectrum. However, the industry also faces
risks related to technology-driven increases in industry capacity,
obsolescence and substitution. Demand for B2B LEO services remains
largely untested, and these services face strong competition from
pay-as-you-go LEO solutions without longer-term contractual
off-take commitments.

Eutelsat's strategy of developing a LEO constellation through its
merger with OneWeb contrasts with SES S.A.'s (BBB/Stable) focus on
building a high capacity medium-earth orbit constellation with
reasonably low latency to allow for time delay-sensitive
applications such as video conferencing.

Eutelsat's leverage thresholds for the rating are somewhat tighter
than single-country integrated European telecoms operators, such as
Royal KPN N.V. (BBB/Stable), reflecting a stronger contribution of
nascent LEO services with lower revenue visibility and negative FCF
driven by investments into OneWeb's generation two LEO
constellation. Eutelsat has lower leverage than lower-rated
Intelsat Jackson Holdings S.A. (B+/Positive) and higher leverage
than SES.


- Revenue growth for FY24-FY27 of up to 2% at Eutelsat pre-merger,
with mid-single-digit decline in video compensated by growth in
other segments

- Modest EBITDA margin erosion at pre-merger Eutelsat segments in

- OneWeb operations achieving positive EBITDA generation by FY26

- Receipt of C-band spectrum proceeds in FY24

- Capex at above the EUR875 million upper end of the company's
longer-term guidance, assuming higher front-loaded investments in

- No dividends


Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Upgrade:

- EBITDA net leverage sustained at below 4x

- Visibility on cash flow turning positive through the cycle and
that revenue and EBITDA will not be adversely affected by changes
in sector trends and market structure

Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Revision
of Outlook to Stable:

- EBITDA net leverage sustained at below 4.5x

- Progress with addressing upcoming refinancing needs and funding
OneWeb development, coupled with evidence of improving OneWeb

Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to

- EBITDA net leverage above 4.5x on a sustained basis

- Significant pressure on FCF driven by EBITDA erosion as a result
of pricing pressure, protracted contraction of segments, increasing
global overcapacity or new competitive entrants, and
higher-than-expected capital intensity and shareholder

- Slow progress with achieving sustained strong EBITDA generation
at OneWeb

- Higher refinancing risk with weaker access to financial markets
and bank financing


Weakening Liquidity: Eutelsat had adequate liquidity with EUR482
million of cash on its balance sheet, supported by EUR1 billion
available credit lines at FYE23, of which EUR650 million matures in
September 2025 (following a recent one-year extension). This is
sufficient to cover EUR978 million debt maturing in 2H23-2025;
however, additional funding may be required to finance OneWeb's
capex. Fitch assumes that the company would retain access to new
financing and will manage its refinancing requirements prudently.


Eutelsat is a global satellite operator operating a GEO and LEO
constellation with most of its revenues generated in the non-US DTH


The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt              Rating          Recovery   Prior
   -----------              ------          --------   -----
Eutelsat S.A.

   senior unsecured   LT     BB- Downgrade    RR4      BB

Communications S.A.   LT IDR BB- Downgrade             BB

   senior unsecured   LT     B+  Downgrade    RR5      BB-

TDA CAM 9: Fitch Affirms CCsf Rating on Class D Debt
Fitch Ratings has upgraded eight tranches of 15 TdA CAM RMBS in
Spain, and removed seven of them from Rating Watch Positive (RWP).
The rest has been affirmed. All Outlooks are Stable.

   Entity/Debt                 Rating           Prior
   -----------                 ------           -----

   Class A3 ES0377993029   LT AAAsf  Affirmed   AAAsf
   Class B ES0377993037    LT BBB+sf Affirmed   BBB+sf


   Class A2 ES0377994019   LT AAAsf  Affirmed   AAAsf
   Class A3 ES0377994027   LT AAAsf  Affirmed   AAAsf
   Class B ES0377994035    LT BBB+sf Upgrade    BB+sf


   Class A ES0377966009    LT AAAsf  Affirmed   AAAsf
   Class B ES0377966017    LT Asf    Upgrade    BB+sf
   Class C ES0377966025    LT BBB+sf Upgrade    BB+sf
   Class D ES0377966033    LT CCsf   Affirmed   CCsf


   Class A1 ES0377955002   LT AA+sf  Upgrade    A+sf
   Class A2 ES0377955010   LT AA+sf  Upgrade    A+sf
   Class A3 ES0377955028   LT AA+sf  Upgrade    A+sf
   Class B ES0377955036    LT AA-sf  Upgrade    BB+sf
   Class C ES0377955044    LT BB+sf  Upgrade    Bsf
   Class D ES0377955051    LT CCsf   Affirmed   CCsf


The transactions comprise fully amortising Spanish residential
mortgages serviced by Banco de Sabadell S.A. (BBB-/Positive/F3).


Updated Rating Approach: In the update of its Global Structured
Finance Rating Criteria on 19 January 2024, Fitch has revised its
analytical approach in the interest deferability of notes. Fitch
may assign ratings up to 'AA+sf' to notes where Fitch assesses that
interest deferrals will be fully repaid pursuant to the terms of
the documents and by the legal final maturity. This change has an
indirect impact on how Fitch assesses payment interruption risk
(PIR), which Fitch now views as immaterial for bonds up to 'AA+sf'
(versus prior 'A+sf') when interest payments on the bonds can be
deferred without causing an event of default.

The upgrades of TDA CAM 9 class A and B notes reflect the new PIR
assessment, as interest deferability is permitted under transaction
documentation for all rated classes and does not constitute an
event of default. Other mitigants against PIR include collections
being transferred to the transaction account bank (TAB) within two
days and the collection account bank being also an operational
continuity bank. The transaction is still not compatible with a
'AAAsf' rating, as is still exposed to PIR in case of servicer
disruption, as its reserve fund (RF) has been volatile in the past
and it is only at 62% of its target amount.

Rating Cap Lifted: Other relevant changes to the criteria include
the removal of a condition from its base case related to the
'excessiveness' of the deferral interest amount, which had capped
the ratings of notes with such deferrals at 'BB+sf'. The upgrades
of CAM 7 class B notes, and CAM 8 and 9 class B and C notes reflect
the removal of the deferral cap under the new criteria, as their
deferrals are fully recoverable by their legal maturity date, are a
common structural feature in the Spanish RMBS market and the
prospectus includes a defined mechanism for the repayment of
deferred amounts.

Neutral Asset Performance Outlook: The rating actions reflect its
expectation of a neutral asset performance, consistent with low
levels of unemployment and expected gradual reduction in inflation.
Moreover, the transactions have a low share of loans in arrears
over 90 days (less than 0.7% according to the last trustee investor
reports) and are protected by the substantial seasoning of the
portfolios (more than 17 years). However, volatility in asset
performance is still expected due to the currently weaker
affordability of the underlying borrowers.

Adequate Credit Enhancement (CE) Protection: The rating actions
reflect Fitch's view that the notes are sufficiently protected by
CE to absorb the projected losses commensurate with their ratings.
For CAM 7 and 9, Fitch expects CE ratios to continue increasing due
to the prevailing sequential amortisation of the notes, although in
CAM 9 the built-up trend of the RF may reduce the RF target to its
floor level (subject to certain performance-based triggers). For
CAM 6 and 8, Fitch expects CEs to materially increase as their
respective RFs are at their floor level and their amortisation
system will switch to sequential once their portfolio balances fall
below 10% of their initial balances.

ESG Factor: CAM 9 is still exposed to PIR due to its volatile RF in
the past not providing enough liquidity to cover PIR amounts, which
has resulted in a change to the rating of at least one category.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

- For 'AAAsf' notes, a downgrade to Spain's Long-Term Issuer
Default Rating (IDR) that could decrease the maximum achievable
rating for Spanish structured finance transactions

- CE ratios unable to fully compensate the credit losses and cash
flow stresses associated with the current ratings, all else being
equal, will also result in downgrades. An increase in the weighted
average foreclosure frequency (WAFF) and a decrease in the WA
recovery rate (RR) each by 15% would result in downgrades of up to
three notches in CAM 6 and 7 class B notes, of no more than one
notch for CAM 9 class C notes, and up to two notches for CAM 8
class C notes

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

- Notes rated at 'AAAsf' are rated at the highest level on Fitch's
scale and cannot be upgraded

- For CAM 9 class A notes, improved liquidity protection against
payment interruption risk

- Increases in CE ratios as the transactions deleverage to fully
compensate the credit losses and cash flow stresses commensurate
with higher ratings may result in upgrades. A decrease in the WAFF
of 15% and an increase in the WARR of 15% would result in upgrades
of up to three notches in CAM 6 and 7 class B notes, two and six
notches for CAM 9 class B and C notes, respectively, and four
notches in CAM 8 class B and C notes


Form ABS Due Diligence-15E was not provided to, or reviewed by,
Fitch in relation to this rating action.


Fitch has checked the consistency and plausibility of the
information it has received about the performance of the asset
pools and the transactions. Fitch has not reviewed the results of
any third- party assessment of the asset portfolio information or
conducted a review of origination files as part of its ongoing

Fitch did not undertake a review of the information provided about
the underlying asset pools ahead of the transactions' initial
closing. The subsequent performance of the transactions over the
years is consistent with the agency's expectations given the
operating environment and Fitch is therefore satisfied that the
asset pool information relied upon for its initial rating analysis
was adequately reliable.

Overall, and together with any assumptions referred to above,
Fitch's assessment of the information relied upon for the agency's
rating analysis according to its applicable rating methodologies
indicates that it is adequately reliable.


TDA CAM 9, FTA has an ESG Relevance Score of '5' for Transaction &
Collateral Structure due to PIR, which has a negative impact on the
credit profile, and is highly relevant to the rating, resulting in
a rating cap of 'AA+sf'.

The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.


QUIMPER AB: Fitch Hikes LongTerm IDR to 'B+', Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings has upgraded Quimper AB's (Ahlsell) Long-Term Issuer
Default Rating (IDR) to 'B+' from 'B'. The Rating Outlook is
Stable. Concurrently, Fitch has upgraded its senior secured rating
to 'BB-' from 'B+'. Its Recovery Rating remains at 'RR3'.

The IDR upgrade mainly reflects Fitch's Ahlsell's structurally
improved leverage profile, with EBITDA gross leverage to be
sustained below 5.0x to 2026, despite a challenging market
environment partly due to limited exposure to continued steep
volume declines in the new-build residential end-market in 2024.
The upgrade also considers the group's resilient profitability as
underscored by a record of sound operating margins and consistently
positive free cash flow (FCF).

The Stable Outlook reflects leverage headroom and expected
resilient profitability in 2024, and assumed volume recovery in


Structurally Improved Leverage: Fitch forecasts that Ahlsell's
EBITDA gross leverage will remain below its 5x previous positive
sensitivity in 2023-2026, driven by its resilient profitability.
Fitch expects EBITDA gross leverage of about 4.3x in 2024 and 4.0x
in 2025, notwithstanding assumed continued short-term volume
pressures in 2024. Ahlsell reduced its EBITDA gross leverage to
about 4x in 2022-2023E (from above 6x in 2020) on strong EBITDA
generation that was partly supported by completed cash-funded
acquisitions, and also full repayment of its second-lien term loans
of about SEK4 billion in 2021 (partly offset by about EUR250
million term loan add-on).

Resilient Operating Profitability: Fitch expects resilient
operating profitability in 2024 despite continued temporary volume
pressures. Fitch anticipates mid-single-digit decline in the
group's nominal Fitch-defined EBITDA in 2024 on declining activity
levels across most construction end-markets, especially new-build

However, Fitch expects profitability to be defended by increased
contributions from recently completed cash-funded acquisitions as
well as the group's strong pricing power supported by its market
position, efficient logistics system plus healthy customer and
end-market diversification. This is despite some EBITDA margin
dilution as the group grows more quickly in lower-margin regions
outside their home market of Sweden.

Solid Cash Flow Generation: Fitch expects about 3%-4% free cash
flow (FCF) margin annually in 2024-2026, despite increasing capex
and a growing interest-rate burden. Fitch assumes total cumulative
capex of about SEK2.2 billion in 2024-2026, mainly due to new
warehouse investments. The upcoming maturity of the group's
interest-rate hedging instruments will lead to sharply higher
average cost of financing. Fitch estimates about a SEK0.5 billion
increase in interest paid in 2024 and about a SEK0.2 billion
further increase in 2025.

Nonetheless Ahlsell has a good record of converting EBITDA into
cash flow due to the asset-light nature of the business and its
focus on working-capital management. Its continued delivery of
strong cash flow has further allowed Ahlsell to fund acquisitions
with internally generated excess cash.

Strong Business Profile: Fitch views Ahlsell's business profile as
solid, supported by its position as the leading Nordic distributor
of installation products, tools and supplies to professional
customers as well as its market-leading position in Sweden.
Ahlsell's products, customers and suppliers are well-diversified
although there is significant geographic concentration to Sweden.
Its products are available through branches, online and unmanned
solution channels. Fitch views Ahlsell's efficient logistics system
as a competitive advantage with short delivery lead-times in the
Nordic region.

End-Market Diversification: Ahlsell is exposed to cyclical
end-markets as its main customers include construction, industrial
and infrastructure companies. This is partly mitigated by its
limited exposure (about 10% of revenue) to new residential
construction, high exposure to more resilient renovation,
industrial and infrastructure end-markets (about 75% of revenue),
the group's increasing scale, and its broad product offering. Fitch
expects performance to be supported by resilient demand in the
Nordic distribution market, driven by larger infrastructure and
water and sewage projects in the medium- to long-term.

Active M&A Strategy: Fitch expects continued acquisition activity
in 2024-2026, driven by Ahlsell's sound liquidity and expected
strong FCF generation. For 2024-2026, Fitch expects the group to
spend around SEK600 million annually on bolt-on acquisitions.
Execution risk is mitigated by the group's successful integration
record and prudent policy to acquire companies with a clear
strategic fit. Nevertheless, the M&A pipeline, deal considerations
and post-merger integration remain important rating drivers.

Danish Acquisition Aids Diversification: In December 2022, Ahlsell
completed the acquisition of Danish industrial and installation
distributor Sanistal A/S, which has revenue of about SEK5.2
billion. The cash-funded transaction aids geographic
diversification and has a positive impact on the group's leverage
profile through additional EBITDA contribution. This is partly
offset by modest EBITDA margin dilution resulting from the Danish
operations' significantly lower margins versus its core Swedish
operations. Fitch estimates that Denmark will account for about 10%
of the group's total revenue in 2024-2026.


Ahlsell has a solid business profile, with market-leading positions
and strong products and customer diversification, albeit with
geographical concentration to Sweden. It compares well with
building materials distributor Winterfell Financing S.a.r.l. (Stark
Group; B/Positive), which, however, has a broader geographical
reach in the Nordics, Germany and the UK. Stark Group's broader
geographic footprint is partly offset by Ahlsell's stronger
end-market diversification given its higher exposure to
infrastructure and industry end-markets.

Both companies' ratings are constrained by leverage which has,
however, improved since their respective refinancings in 2021.
Ahlsell's financial profile is stronger than that of Stark Group
based on lower expected leverage and stronger profitability
supported by higher EBITDA margins and FCF generation.


Fitch's Key Assumptions Within Its Rating Case for the Issuer:

- Revenue at SEK50.2 billion in 2024 and mid-single digit annual
growth in 2025-2026, from about SEK50.7 billion in 2023

- Net M&A at SEK0.6 billion annually in 2024-2026 versus about
SEK1.1 billion in 2023

- EBITDA margin of 9.4%-9.8% in 2023-2026

- Interest paid increasing to SEK1.4 billion in 2024 and SEK1.6
billion-SEK1.7 billion annually in 2025-2026 from about SEK0.9
billion in 2023

- Capex to increase to 1.3% of revenue in 2024 and 1.4% annually in
2025-2026, from 1.1% in 2023, mainly due to investments in
warehouses in Sweden and Norway

- Working-capital requirement at 0.1% of revenue in 2024 and 0.3%
annually in 2025-2026, down from 0.4% in 2023


The recovery analysis assumes that Quimper would be reorganised as
a going-concern (GC) in bankruptcy rather than liquidated.

Fitch has assumed a 10% administrative claim.

Its GC EBITDA estimate of SEK2.9 billion reflects Fitch's view of a
sustainable, post-reorganisation EBITDA level on which Fitch bases
the enterprise valuation (EV). The GC EBITDA reflects intense
market competition and a failure to broadly pass on raw-material
cost inflation together with an inability to extract acquisition

Fitch applies a distressed EBITDA multiple of 5.5x to calculate a
post-reorganisation EV. The multiple reflects Quimper's strong
brand value in the Nordics, coupled with its leading market
position and strong stable margins. The multiple is in line with
that of Nordic building material distributor Stark Group.

Fitch assumes that debt comprises about a SEK20.8 billion
first-lien term loan at end-September 2023 and about a SEK2.3
billion revolving credit facility (RCF; assumed fully drawn)

Its waterfall analysis generates a ranked recovery for the senior
secured RCF and notes in the 'RR3' category, leading to a 'BB-'
rating. The waterfall-generated recovery computation is 62%.


Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade:

- EBITDA gross leverage below 4.0x EBITDA on a sustained basis

- Maintaining FCF margin above 3% on a sustained basis

- EBITDA interest coverage above 4.0x on a sustained basis

- Increased geographical diversification outside of Sweden

Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade:

- EBITDA gross leverage above 5.0x on a sustained basis

- EBITDA interest coverage below 3.0x on a sustained basis

- Aggressive acquisitions leading to FCF margin below 2% on a
sustained basis


Solid Liquidity: At end-September 2023, Ahlsell had about SEK3.5
billion of readily available cash (excluding SEK0.3 billion Fitch's
adjustment for intra-year working-capital swings) and the group had
access to a fully undrawn committed RCF of about SEK2.3 billion
maturing in August 2025. Fitch estimates positive FCF in 4Q23 and

Concentrated Debt Structure: Ahlsell's total debt of about SEK21
billion at end-September 2023 was concentrated on its first-lien
term loan with a maturity in February 2026. Fitch views refinancing
risk as manageable considering no significant short-term debt
maturities and the group's record of through-the-cycle stable


Ahlsell is a leading Nordic distributor of installation products
for the professional sector with product assortments across the
three sectors heating & plumbing, electrical and tools & supplies.


The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt             Rating       Recovery   Prior
   -----------             ------       --------   -----
Quimper AB           LT IDR B+  Upgrade            B

   senior secured    LT     BB- Upgrade   RR3      B+


PG INVESTMENT 59: Moody's Gives First Time Ba3 Corp. Family Rating
Moody's Investors Service has assigned Ba3 corporate family rating
and Ba3 -PD probability of default rating to PG Investment Company
59 S.a r.l. (Rosen). Concurrently Moody's assigned Ba3 to the
proposed USD equivalent 1,150 million senior secured 1st lien term
loan due 2031 (TLB) issued by Rosen and the USD300 million senior
secured 1st lien revolving credit facility due 2030 (RCF) issued by
Ursa Minor US Bidco, LLC, a fully owned subsidiary of Rosen. The
outlook is stable.

The rated debt facilities support the acquisition of Rosen by
Partners Group, agreed in November 2023 and expected to close in
the coming months. Partners Group is to invest $880 million in cash
equity for a majority stake of the company while the company's
founder and owner, Mr. Hermann Rosen, reinvested into the
transaction to retain a significant minority shareholding.


"Rosen benefits from an very strong business profile and an
established management team who have consistently delivered solid
organic growth over the last 10 years. This combined with
favourable trends developing from changes in regulation for the
in-line inspection market will support fast deleveraging in line
with Ba3 rating category " says Stefano Cavalleri Vice President -
Senior Analyst and lead analyst for Rosen.

The assigned Ba3 CFR to Rosen reflects its (1) good revenue
visibility, supported by recurring stringent regulatory maintenance
requirements for all pipeline operators; (2) established leading
market position in the pipeline testing, inspection and
certification (TIC) market and a 90% ownership of electro-magnetic
acoustic transducer (EMAT) fleet, the most advanced testing
equipment available worldwide; (3) better-than-peer in-house
technology capabilities in advanced testing equipment, and (4) a
conservative financial profile and governance for a primary
leverage buy-out (LBO), combined with potential rapid deleveraging
and the founder/owner retaining significant ownership in the

Concurrently, Rosen's CFR is constrained by (1) its significant
necessary annual investments and developments to maintain its
leading edge technology and reputation; (2) estimated negative
Moody's adjusted free cash flow (FCF)  in 2023 because of working
capital outflow and relatively low FCF forecasted in 2024; (3)
customer concentration, which is inherent to its business model of
being a niche player serving oil & gas pipelines  largely located
in North America; (4) its technology differentiation being focused
on a rather small subsegment of the pipeline inspection service
market, and (5) a financial policy that leaves open to the
possibility to a future re-leveraging event.

The transaction opening leverage calculated with Moody's financial
statements adjustments and based on expected 2023 EBITDA is 5.3x.
The difference from the marketed opening leverage of 4.1x is
largely due Moody's not capitalizing R&D expenses and existing
financial and operating leases. Moody's expects fast deleveraging
from EBITDA growth, which would lead to a Moody's adjusted debt to
EBITDA below 4.0x by 2026 year end.


Rosen liquidity is adequate.

In the first year after closing of the LBO, liquidity is provided
by the $300 million RCF that  Moody's expects Rosen to use to
support intra-year working capital swings. Rosen's net working
capital is sizeable and will grow about 30% in 2023 because of
increasing volumes and investment into the production of its
diagnostic systems. Moody's expects net working capital as
percentage of revenue to peak in 2023 at about 41%, but  it will
continue to absorb cash from operations in the medium term as the
business grows.

Rosen's liquidity will also be supported by its positive Moody's
adjusted free cash flow and Moody's assumptions of  no dividends or
merger and aquisition (M&A) activity in the next 18-24 month.
Moody's expects the company to start building a sizeable cash
buffer on the balance sheet over time.


Moody's assessed that Governance risk was a relevant factor in
assigning the rating. The company has a concentrated ownership and
a financial policy without a leverage target creating a risk of
potential re-leverage. On the other hand Moody's views a number of
mitigating factors that support a G-3 score on governance risk
which is better than most LBO. Key mitigating factors, amongst
others, are the presence of independent non-executive directors on
the board, the strong influence and continuity provided by Mr Rosen
(significant minority shareholding and a number of board seats),
the established management with a strong track record of delivering
top line growth and stable margins.

Rosen is exposed to social risks, such as cybersecurity, data
security, talent retention and its personnel health & safety among
others. Rosen's reputation as a trusted provider is critical to its
success and any decline in its standing could have a significant

Moody's environmental risk assessment considered a tail risk from
energy transition as Rosen's clients are oil & gas pipeline
operators and a moderate risk from waste & pollution derived from
Rosen's plant and manufacturing of its own diagnostic systems.


The Ba3 ratings assigned to the TLB and the RCF are in line with
the CFR, reflecting a senior only financing structure and the
facilities ranking pari-passu. The probability of default rating
(PDR) is Ba3-PD, reflecting Moody's standard 50% recovery rate for
senior secured debt with weak documentation and limited covenants
typical of an LBO.

The only financial maintenance covenant has a springing nature and
is tested only if the RCF is more than 40% drawn; if applicable,
net leverage test is set at 9.1x and Moody's expect the company to
be able to retain ample capacity. The security package is in line
with market standard in leverage finance (share pledges,
intercompany loan receivables, bank accounts).


Moody's has reviewed the marketing draft terms for the new credit
facilities. Notable terms include the following:

Guarantor coverage will be at least 80% of consolidated EBITDA
(determined in accordance with the agreement) and include all
companies representing 5% or more of consolidated EBITDA. Only
companies incorporated in the USA, Canada, Germany, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands and Switzerland are required to provide guarantees and
security. Security will be granted over key shares, bank accounts
and receivables, and all assets security shall be granted in the

Unlimited pari passu debt is permitted up to a first lien net
leverage ratio (FLNLR and determined in accordance with the
agreement) of 4.10x, and unlimited and unsecured debt is permitted
subject up to a total net leverage ratio of 5.10x or to a 2.00x
fixed charge coverage ratio. Any permitted senior secured debt may
be incurred as an incremental facility. Any restricted payment is
permitted if FLNLR is below 3.85x, and any restricted investment is
permitted if FLNLR is below 4.10x. Asset sale proceeds are only
required to be applied in full (subject to exceptions) where first
lien net leverage is above 3.85x. Opening leverage, as determined
in accordance with the documents, is disclosed in the documents as
being 4.10x

Adjustments to consolidated EBITDA include the full run rate of
cost savings and synergies, on an uncapped basis and with no
deadline for realization.

The proposed terms, and the final terms may be materially


The stable rating outlook reflects Moody's expectations that the
company will successfully roll-out its new EMAT-C Ultra technology
to clients and continue to maintain its technological leadership.
Moody's also expects Rosen to maintain a conservative financial
policy, deleveraging the balance sheet below 4.5x in terms of
Moody's adjusted debt to EBITDA and to retain cash generated within
the business to improve its liquidity.


Although a rating upgrade is unlikely in next 18-24 months,
positive pressure on the rating could develop over time. A rating
upgrade would require a commitment by the company to a leverage
target consistent with sustained credit metric, including (1)
Moody's adjusted debt  to EBITDA below 3.75x; (2) Moody's adjusted
Retained Cash Flow to Net Debt above 15% and (3) Moody's adjusted
EBITA margins trending towards 30%. An upgrade would also require
the company to have good liquidity.

A rating downgrade could occur if Moody's adjusted debt to EBITDA
remain sustainably above 5.0x or the Moody's adjusted Retained Cash
Flow to Net Debt is below 10%. Negative pressure on the rating
could also develop if Moody's assesses that Rosen's financial
policy has become aggressive or its Moody's adjusted Free Cash Flow
turns negative.


The principal methodology used in these ratings was Business and
Consumer Services published in November 2021.


Rosen offers mission critical diagnostic services to pipeline
operators and energy suppliers which are integral to the asset
owners' compliance to regulatory and safety standards. The company
is headquartered in Switzerland with most of its research &
development (R&D) operations based in Lingen, Germany. Rosen is
serving its blue-chip client base across more than 120 countries
through over 25 locations, 3,800 employees and with a portfolio of
highly advanced proprietary diagnostic technologies and
industry-leading software solutions.

Rosen is expected to report for the full year ending December 2023,
revenue of $742 million and company adjusted EBITDA of $277

U N I T E D   K I N G D O M

ASPECT FACADES: Administrators Seek Buyers for Assets
Business Sale reports that administrators are seeking buyers for
the assets of a Durham-based roofing and cladding firm following
its collapse.

According to Business Sale, Aspect Facades Limited had experienced
rapid growth over recent years, but fell into administration in the
face of external factors including delayed projects and rising

Founded in 2017, the company specialised in the design, supply,
installation and maintenance of cladding and roofing, operating
across the North of England.

The company attracted GBP150,000 in funding via the North East Loan
Fund and North East Growth Capital Fund and had discussed its
ambitions of reaching turnover of GBP2.5 million and breaking into
the Scottish and Yorkshire cladding and roofing markets, Business
Sale discloses.

However, it subsequently suffered as a result of challenging
trading conditions, which resulted in cash flow difficulties,
impacting the company's ability to operate and ultimately leading
to it falling into administration, Business Sale notes.

Martyn Pullin and David Willis of FRP Advisory were appointed as
joint administrators on February 2, 2024, with the company ceasing
trading, resulting in 30 jobs being lost, Business Sale relates.

According to Business Sale, FRP Advisory partner and joint
administrator Martyn Pullin commented: "Unfortunately, mounting
external pressures, most notably delayed projects and rising costs,
resulted in the business being unable to meet its financial
obligations.  Regrettably, this meant the necessary closure of the

BPI Asset Advisory has been engaged to lead a sale of the company's
assets, with
Martyn Pullin urging any interested parties to make contact with
the joint administrators as soon as possible, Business Sale states.

In the firm's accounts to the year ending March 31, 2022, its fixed
assets were valued at GBP254,367 and current assets at over GBP2
million, with net assets amounting to GBP258,574, according to
Business Sale.

FIRST CHOICE: Goes Into Administration
Business Sale reports that First Choice Facilities Services
Limited, trading as 1st Choice Facilities Services Limited, fell
into administration earlier this month, with Chris Newell and
Duncan Beat of Quantuma appointed as joint administrators.

According to Business Sale, in its accounts for the year to
February 28, 2022, the Colnbrook-based company reported turnover of
GBP13.4 million, up from GBP11.2 million a year earlier, but fell
from a post-tax profit of just under GBP183,000 to a loss of almost

First Choice Facilities Services Limited is a provider of
facilities management services.

MEADOWHALL FINANCE: Fitch Affirms 'CCC' Ratings on Two Tranches
Fitch Ratings has revised Meadowhall Finance PLC's Outlook to
Stable from Negative while affirming its ratings.

   Entity/Debt                 Rating           Prior
   -----------                 ------           -----
Finance PLC

   Class A1 Tap
   Issue XS0278325476      LT A+sf   Affirmed   A+sf

   Class A2 Floating
   Notes Tap Issue
   XS0278327415            LT A+sf   Affirmed   A+sf

   Class B Tap Issue
   XS0278326441            LT BBB-sf Affirmed   BBB-sf

   Class C1 Floating
   Rate Tap Issue
   XS0278329890            LT CCCsf  Affirmed   CCCsf

   Class M1 Floating
   Notes XS0278328496      LT CCCsf  Affirmed   CCCsf


The transaction is a 2006 securitisation of a loan backed by rental
income from the Meadowhall Shopping Centre located near Sheffield.
The securitisation is a 50:50 joint venture between The British
Land Company PLC and Norges Bank Investment Management. The
long-dated loan financing is tranched into four series (two
undrawn), with a combination of bullets and scheduled amortisation
arranged non-sequentially and mirrored by the CMBS.

Fitch has assumed the class M1 and C1 notes are in issue only for
their rating analysis. By assuming that the corresponding financing
is undrawn in the rating cases associated with the class A and B
notes, its analysis calibrates projected drawdowns of the liquidity
facility according to the differing cash flow scenarios assumed.


Improving Asset Performance: Meadowhall has seen operating
performance gradually improve since the end of pandemic, with sales
volumes now above pre-pandemic levels, occupancy close to 100% and
estimated rental value (ERV) up 6.8% from March 2022's. Since its
review in February 2023, passing rent has increased to GBP67.1
million from GBP66.5 million, and occupancy to 99.4% from 94.8%.
Company voluntary arrangements (CVAs) only affected two tenants,
down from eight, while overdue rent is also down, to GBP5 million
from GBP9 million.

Beneficial Principal Amortisation: The cumulative weight of
amortisation has helped soften the impact on credit quality from
significant declines in property values since 2018. Although
amortisation has peaked, signs of a thaw in the UK retail property
market as well as ongoing amortisation provide positive credit
momentum as reflected in the Stable Rating Outlook.

Liquidity Reliance: Passing rent is GBP67.1 million, higher than
annual debt service (GBP60.7 million, falling to about GBP40
million in 2027) plus non-recoverable costs. Fitch expects passing
rent to fall given ERV is GBP56.2 million and the weighted average
lease term to break is only 3.4 years. At investment grade, Fitch
assumes GBP23.3 million trapped cash is depleted before the loan
defaults, triggering drawdowns from the liquidity facility. The
facility can cover up to GBP52.5 million in junior interest, but
Fitch assumes senior noteholders would seek a protracted workout to
preserve fixed funding costs.

Given the strong dependency on the liquidity facility provider to
support the transaction, Fitch has capped the notes rating at that
of the provider; Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets PLC (A+/Stable). The
transaction previously drew on the liquidity facility on both the
July and October 2020 interest payment dates (IPDs) during a fall
in collections caused by the pandemic. These drawdowns were fully
repaid by the January 2021 IPD and the liquidity facility is fully


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

Increases in retail property yields, which reduce collateral value,
could result in negative rating action.

The change in model output that would apply with cap rate
assumptions at 1pp higher produces the following ratings:

'A-sf' / 'B-sf' / 'CCCsf' / 'CCCsf'

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

Increases in collateral value driven by falling retail property
yields could result in positive rating action.

The change in model output that would apply with cap rate
assumptions at 1pp lower produces the following ratings:

'A+sf' / 'BBBsf' / 'CCCsf' / 'CCCsf'


ERV: GBP56.2 million

Operating expense: GBP11.2 million

Depreciation: 7.5%

'Bsf' cap rate: 8.0%

'Bsf' structural vacancy: 14.0%

'Bsf' rental value decline: 6.5%

'BBsf' cap rate: 8.1%

'BBsf' structural vacancy: 15.0%

'BBsf' rental value decline: 8.5%

'BBB-sf' cap rate: 8.2%

'BBB-sf' structural vacancy: 16.0%

'BBB-sf' rental value decline: 9.9%

'A+sf' cap rate: 8.5%

'A+sf' structural vacancy: 18.0%

'A+sf' rental value decline: 13.8%


Form ABS Due Diligence-15E was not provided to, or reviewed by,
Fitch in relation to this rating action.


Fitch has checked the consistency and plausibility of the
information it has received about the performance of the asset
pool[s] and the transaction[s]. Fitch has not reviewed the results
of any third- party assessment of the asset portfolio information
or conducted a review of origination files as part of its ongoing

Fitch did not undertake a review of the information provided about
the underlying asset pool ahead of the transaction's initial
closing. The subsequent performance of the transaction[s] over the
years is consistent with the agency's expectations given the
operating environment and Fitch is therefore satisfied that the
asset pool information relied upon for its initial rating analysis
was adequately reliable.

Overall, and together with any assumptions referred to above,
Fitch's assessment of the information relied upon for the agency's
rating analysis according to its applicable rating methodologies
indicates that it is adequately reliable.


The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

MILTON THREE: Wear Inns Pub Portfolio Put Up for Sale
Emma Lake at The Caterer reports that twenty-five pubs that made up
the Wear Inns portfolio have been brought to the market after
falling into administration.

Wear Inns was acquired by real estate firm Apriprose for GBP22.4
million in 2018 which said it was aiming to build "a pub group of
scale", The Caterer recounts.

However, administrators Interpath Advisory was appointed to the
pubs' operator Milton Three Pub Group in November, The Caterer
relates.  The firm said at the time all 264 members of staff had
been retained to assist with trading, The Caterer notes.

The 25 north-east and Yorkshire-based pubs, which remained open
throughout the Christmas period, have now been brought to market by
Avison Young and Watling Real Estate.

The pubs comprise 21 freeholds and four long leaseholds, The
Caterer states.

According to The Caterer, agents have said they anticipate
receiving multiple offers and welcome interest for the group as a
whole as well as smaller packages or individual sites.

NANOSUN LIMITED: Collapses Into Administration
Business Sale reports that NanoSUN Limited fell into administration
earlier this month, with Patrick Lannagan and Conrad Pearson of
Mazars appointed as joint administrators.

According to Business Sale, in the company's accounts for the year
ending December 31, 2022, its fixed assets were valued at over GBP1
million and current assets at GBP12.3 million.  At the time, its
total equity was around GBP7 million, Business Sale discloses.

NanoSUN Limited is a Lancashire-based engineering firm specialising
in hydrogen fuel storage and distribution services.

THAMES WATER: Lack of Funding May Prompt Special Administration
Ben Marlow at The Telegraph reports that the debt crisis at Thames
Water risks a bill for taxpayers running into the billions of
pounds, according to contingency plans being drawn up to avert
disruption to supplies.

It is feared that regulatory rulings will prompt the company's
shareholders to pull the plug in the coming months, The Telegraph

According to The Telegraph, sources close to the situation said
that by refusing to invest they would force Thames Water into
special administration, where it would immediately require a hefty
slug of public money to keep contractors on the job and supplies

The concerns are being stoked by the belief that the industry
regulator Ofwat is poised to block a request from Thames Water to
hit one in four homes with a 40% jump in bills, The Telegraph

The company's shareholders, which are led by the Canadian pensions
giant Omers and the Universities Superannuation Scheme, have made
further investment dependent on approval, The Telegraph discloses.

Thames Water has asked its backers for a cash injection of GBP3.3
billion, The Telegraph relates.  Ofwat could also hit the company
with hundreds of millions of pounds of fines, however, The
Telegraph says.

Without the shareholder cash, there are concerns that Thames Water
would be unable to service its giant debt pile at a time when the
beleaguered utility must find billions of pounds to repair its
leaky network of pipes and sewers, according to The Telegraph.

If Thames Water is put into special administration, it is estimated
that as much as GBP5 billion of financial support would be needed
from the outset "just to keep the lights on", The Telegraph relays,
citing a Whitehall source.  Without immediate Treasury guarantees,
critical contractors could down tools, it is feared, The Telegraph

According to The Telegraph, sources close to the discussions
cautioned that they remain at the contingency planning stage and
administration could be averted if Ofwat gives the green light to
ramp up bills over the next five-year cycle, starting in 2025.

A decision is expected by June, The Telegraph states.

Thames Water is struggling under the weight of borrowings of nearly
GBP19 billion, The Telegraph discloses.  Last year, its auditor
warned it could run out of cash by April, The Telegraph recounts.

Thames Water previously announced that it had secured an initial
GBP750 million of new equity into the company by 2025 subject to
conditions, The Telegraph relays.  However, in December, finance
director Alastair Cochran was forced to admit that the funds were
still to be confirmed, The Telegraph notes.

Investors have also asked Ofwat to agree to less punitive fines for
missing pollution and other performance targets, according to The

WINCANTON DIGITAL: Bought Out of Administration in Pre-pack Deal
Business Sale reports that Wincanton Digital Print Limited, a
Somerset printing firm, has been sold out of administration in a
pre-pack acquisition.

The Salisbury-based company fell into administration earlier this
month, with Andrew Hook and Julie Palmer of Begbies Traynor
appointed as joint administrators, Business Sale relates.

The company had been trading for more than 40 years and was a
specialist in digital, litho, large format and prepress print.  It
fell into administration after struggling, like many printing
companies, with challenging trading conditions over recent years,
Business Sale discloses.

The firm had previously entered administration after being forced
to cease trading as a result of government restrictions during the
COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, before resuming operations after a
rescue deal was agreed, Business Sale notes.

However, more recently, the company has suffered a downturn in
sales, while soaring interest rates impacted its debt, Business
Sale states.  This forced the company's directors to once again
seek insolvency advice, with joint administrator Andrew Hook saying
the decision to seek advice early had been crucial in securing a
rescue deal, Business Sale relays.

Following their appointment, the joint administrators completed a
pre-packaged sale of the business and its assets to Wincanton
Creative Print, a subsidiary of the Remous Group Limited, in a deal
that secures 16 jobs at the company.

According to Business Sale, commenting on the sale, joint
administrator and Begbies Traynor partner Andrew Hook said:
"Although this business has encountered a series of financial
challenges since the pandemic, it is clear that it has the ability
to trade profitably with new backing."

"Through a prepackaged sale, we have been able to allow the
business to escape the burden of historic debts while maximising
the value for creditors.  We're confident that the firm is now on a
strong footing from which to grow."


[*] BOND PRICING: For the Week February 12 to February 16, 2024
Coupon                   Maturity   Currency Issuer  Price
------                   ------   -------- ------    -----
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  12.75011/30/2027  EUR    1.924
Solocal Group               10.925 3/15/2025  EUR   19.863
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  13.62511/30/2027  USD    2.274
Oscar Properties Holding A  11.317  7/5/2024  SEK    5.426
Saderea DAC                 12.50011/30/2026  USD   43.437
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  13.62511/30/2027  USD    2.274
Ilija Batljan Invest AB     10.797            SEK    3.975
IOG Plc                     13.438 9/20/2024  EUR   10.000
Tinkoff Bank JSC Via TCS F  11.002            USD   37.000
Caybon Holding AB           10.550  3/3/2025  SEK   45.999
Plusplus Capital Financial  11.000 7/29/2026  EUR    9.705
Bakkegruppen AS             11.700  2/3/2025  NOK   46.353
R-Logitech Finance SA       10.250 9/26/2027  EUR   15.250
YA Holding AB               12.78912/17/2024  SEK   15.000
Bourbon Corp SA             11.652            EUR    1.289
Offentliga Hus I Norden AB  10.924            SEK   44.406
UkrLandFarming PLC          10.875 3/26/2018  USD    3.469
Privatbank CJSC Via UK SPV  10.250 1/23/2018  USD    0.645
Bilt Paper BV               10.360            USD    1.750
Avangardco Investments Pub  10.00010/29/2018  USD    0.108
Immigon Portfolioabbau AG   10.258            EUR    9.813
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  11.750  2/9/2022  USD    0.633
Solocal Group               10.925 3/15/2025  EUR   19.212
Transcapitalbank JSC Via T  10.000            USD    0.805
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  10.500 1/28/2018  USD    0.010
Phosphorus Holdco PLC       10.000  4/1/2019  GBP    0.373
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  10.500 1/28/2018  USD    0.010
Privatbank CJSC Via UK SPV  10.875 2/28/2018  USD    8.717
Sidetur Finance BV          10.000 4/20/2016  USD    0.275
Privatbank CJSC Via UK SPV  11.000  2/9/2021  USD    1.000
UBS AG/London               16.500 7/22/2024  CHF   26.400
Goldman Sachs Internationa  16.288 3/17/2027  USD   27.550
Santander Consumer Finance  10.757            EUR   92.858
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  10.875 1/13/2020  USD   36.000
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  12.75011/30/2027  EUR    1.924
Societe Generale SA         21.00012/26/2025  USD   27.300
JP Morgan Structured Produ  15.500 11/4/2024  USD   30.480
Bulgaria Steel Finance BV   12.000  5/4/2013  EUR    0.216
Bilt Paper BV               10.360            USD    1.750
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  15.000 2/23/2024  EUR   41.300
Societe Generale SA         16.000  7/3/2024  USD   30.000
Societe Generale SA         16.000  7/3/2024  USD   24.400
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  22.000  8/6/2024  USD   46.530
Credit Suisse AG/London     20.00011/29/2024  USD   15.480
Societe Generale SA         13.01011/14/2024  USD   27.000
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  10.875 1/13/2020  USD   36.000
EFG International Finance   11.12012/27/2024  EUR   32.450
Tailwind Energy Chinook Lt  12.500 9/27/2019  USD    1.500
ACBA Bank OJSC              11.500  3/1/2026  AMD    0.000
Converse Bank               10.500 5/22/2024  AMD   10.033
BNP Paribas SA              10.000 7/26/2027  USD   10.350
Banco Espirito Santo SA     10.000 12/6/2021  EUR    0.063
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  11.750  2/9/2022  USD    0.633
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 3/24/2037  UAH   26.062
Societe Generale SA         11.000 7/14/2026  USD   22.450
Finca Uco Cjsc              13.000 5/30/2025  AMD    0.000
Societe Generale SA         18.000 5/31/2024  USD   21.000
National Mortgage Co RCO C  12.000 3/30/2026  AMD    0.000
BNP Paribas Issuance BV     20.000 9/18/2026  EUR   47.600
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  12.490 7/10/2024  USD   46.810
EFG International Finance   10.300 8/23/2024  USD   38.780
KPNQwest NV                 10.000 3/15/2012  EUR    0.890
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 4/20/2037  UAH   25.840
Tonon Luxembourg SA         12.500 5/14/2024  USD    0.010
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  14.900 9/15/2008  EUR    0.100
NTRP Via Interpipe Ltd      10.250  8/2/2017  USD    0.906
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  18.250 10/2/2008  USD    0.100
Fast Credit Capital UCO CJ  11.500 7/13/2024  AMD    0.000
Ukraine Government Bond     10.570 5/10/2027  UAH   46.796
UkrLandFarming PLC          10.875 3/26/2018  USD    3.469
Sintekom TH OOO             13.000 1/23/2025  RUB   19.230
Societe Generale SA         16.260  8/1/2024  USD   40.200
UniCredit Bank GmbH         10.500 9/23/2024  EUR   33.390
Societe Generale SA         20.000 1/29/2026  USD   34.000
UBS AG/London               17.400 4/14/2027  SEK   45.380
BLT Finance BV              12.000 2/10/2015  USD   10.500
Citigroup Global Markets F  25.530 2/18/2025  EUR    3.350
Bank Vontobel AG            25.000 7/22/2024  USD   42.100
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  28.000  6/5/2024  CHF   26.870
Privatbank CJSC Via UK SPV  10.875 2/28/2018  USD    8.717
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.750  3/1/2010  EUR    0.100
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   14.000  3/6/2024  CHF   29.390
Ukraine Government Bond     12.500 4/27/2029  UAH   40.838
Ukraine Government Bond     12.50010/12/2029  UAH   39.513
Sidetur Finance BV          10.000 4/20/2016  USD    0.275
Bulgaria Steel Finance BV   12.000  5/4/2013  EUR    0.216
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000  4/8/2037  UAH   26.002
Petromena ASA               10.85011/19/2018  USD    0.622
Ameriabank CJSC             10.000 2/20/2025  AMD    0.000
Swissquote Bank SA          17.200 2/13/2024  CHF   38.470
PA Resources AB             13.500  3/3/2016  SEK    0.124
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 2/16/2037  UAH   26.238
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000  8/7/2024  CHF   47.620
Armenian Economy Developme  10.500  5/4/2025  AMD    0.000
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  20.200 3/22/2024  EUR   46.710
Phosphorus Holdco PLC       10.000  4/1/2019  GBP    0.373
Evocabank CJSC              11.000 9/28/2024  AMD    0.000
ACBA Bank OJSC              11.000 12/1/2025  AMD    0.000
Societe Generale SA         15.000 8/30/2024  USD #N/A N/A
UBS AG/London               16.000 3/11/2024  CHF    8.270
UBS AG/London               12.250 3/11/2024  CHF    7.980
UBS AG/London               12.250 3/11/2024  EUR   36.550
Societe Generale SA         20.00012/18/2025  USD   28.000
Societe Generale SA         18.000  7/3/2024  USD   23.839
UniCredit Bank GmbH         10.300 9/27/2024  EUR   33.140
Societe Generale SA         20.00011/28/2025  USD   13.500
Societe Generale SA         16.000  8/1/2024  USD   16.900
Societe Generale SA         18.000  8/1/2024  USD   20.954
Societe Generale SA         18.000  8/1/2024  USD   20.950
Societe Generale SA         20.000 7/21/2026  USD   16.000
Societe Generale SA         16.000  7/3/2024  USD   15.400
Societe Generale SA         15.000  7/3/2024  USD   22.500
UBS AG/London               10.000 3/23/2026  USD   23.410
Societe Generale SA         16.750 3/22/2024  USD    8.000
Bank Vontobel AG            13.000 3/18/2024  CHF   24.300
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  11.000 3/22/2024  EUR   34.480
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  12.500 3/22/2024  EUR   31.590
UniCredit Bank GmbH         16.550 8/18/2025  USD   36.610
UBS AG/London               18.000 2/26/2024  CHF   52.150
UBS AG/London               10.000 5/14/2024  USD    9.975
ObedinenieAgroElita OOO     13.750 5/22/2024  RUB   17.810
Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd/  18.400 3/20/2024  CHF   49.450
UBS AG/London               16.000 4/19/2024  CHF   29.100
Inecobank CJSC              10.000 4/28/2025  AMD    0.000
Societe Generale SA         25.26010/30/2025  USD   10.000
Societe Generale SA         26.64010/30/2025  USD    5.000
UniCredit Bank GmbH         10.700  2/3/2025  EUR   25.720
UniCredit Bank GmbH         10.700 2/17/2025  EUR   25.980
Credit Suisse AG/London     29.000 3/28/2024  USD   16.748
UBS AG/London               14.250 8/19/2024  CHF   55.250
Leonteq Securities AG       20.000  7/3/2024  CHF   27.860
Leonteq Securities AG       26.000  7/3/2024  CHF   32.320
Corner Banca SA             15.000  7/3/2024  CHF   48.520
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   12.300 8/21/2024  CHF   32.520
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  20.000 9/26/2024  USD   41.940
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   20.000 6/26/2024  CHF   29.520
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  27.000 3/21/2024  EUR   50.900
Citigroup Global Markets F  14.650 7/22/2024  HKD   35.665
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  24.000 7/10/2024  CHF   33.760
Bank Vontobel AG            10.000 8/19/2024  CHF   25.800
Corner Banca SA             23.000 8/21/2024  CHF   40.100
Swissquote Bank SA          26.120 7/10/2024  CHF   34.320
Bank Vontobel AG            20.500 11/4/2024  CHF   35.600
Bank Vontobel AG            28.000  9/9/2024  CHF   46.200
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  14.000  7/3/2024  CHF   26.080
Societe Generale SA         15.000 9/29/2025  USD   10.750
Swissquote Bank SA          27.700  9/4/2024  CHF   46.700
UBS AG/London               13.000 9/30/2024  CHF   16.760
Corner Banca SA             13.000  4/3/2024  CHF   30.980
Societe Generale SA         15.00010/31/2024  USD   25.900
Bank Vontobel AG            11.000 2/23/2024  CHF    9.100
Societe Generale SA         22.75010/17/2024  USD   19.400
Societe Generale SA         15.000  4/3/2024  USD   14.250
Societe Generale SA         14.000  4/3/2024  USD   19.000
Leonteq Securities AG       20.000 8/28/2024  CHF   37.350
Societe Generale SA         20.000 9/18/2026  USD   11.750
Russian Railways JSC        12.940 2/28/2040  RUB   50.000
Derzhava-Garant OOO         19.000 6/12/2030  RUB   44.000
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000 8/28/2024  CHF   41.040
Swissquote Bank SA          22.760  3/6/2024  CHF   31.890
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   10.500 7/11/2024  USD   23.270
Societe Generale SA         18.000 5/31/2024  USD   13.400
Bank Vontobel AG            19.000  4/9/2024  CHF   13.300
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  20.000  8/7/2024  CHF   30.050
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  30.000  8/7/2024  CHF   34.790
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  15.300  8/7/2024  CHF   48.550
UBS AG/London               18.000  4/8/2024  CHF   41.700
Finca Uco Cjsc              12.000 2/10/2025  AMD    0.000
Russian Railways JSC        12.940 2/28/2040  RUB   50.000
Finca Uco Cjsc              12.500 6/21/2024  AMD    0.000
Bank Vontobel AG            13.500  1/8/2025  CHF   41.300
Bank Vontobel AG            12.000 9/30/2024  EUR   36.700
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  18.000 4/17/2024  CHF   18.160
Swissquote Bank SA          26.980  6/5/2024  CHF   31.370
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  30.000 4/24/2024  CHF   21.460
Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd/  17.200 2/16/2024  CHF   40.250
Armenian Economy Developme  11.000 10/3/2025  AMD    0.000
Evocabank CJSC              11.000 9/27/2025  AMD   10.300
Ukraine Government Bond     10.36011/10/2027  UAH   43.048
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 6/17/2009  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.432  1/8/2009  ILS    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  12.000  7/4/2011  EUR    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.000  7/4/2011  CHF    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.00012/26/2008  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  14.10011/12/2008  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.800 8/21/2009  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 5/22/2009  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  12.400 6/12/2009  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.000  7/4/2011  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.00010/23/2008  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.000 11/9/2008  USD    0.100
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   16.000 5/22/2024  CHF   33.750
Bank Vontobel AG            10.000 5/28/2024  CHF   22.000
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  27.000 2/16/2024  CHF   13.910
Vontobel Financial Product  24.000 3/22/2024  EUR   50.750
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  21.600 2/20/2024  CHF   17.310
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  21.000 5/17/2024  CHF   37.070
Vontobel Financial Product  25.000 3/22/2024  EUR   49.640
Vontobel Financial Product  24.500 3/22/2024  EUR   45.840
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  14.000 2/23/2024  EUR   50.320
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  20.000 2/20/2024  CHF   16.950
UniCredit Bank GmbH         16.800 3/22/2024  EUR   45.360
UniCredit Bank GmbH         15.200 3/22/2024  EUR   46.860
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  12.000 2/14/2024  CHF   35.140
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  12.500  3/8/2024  CHF   44.830
Vontobel Financial Product  16.000 3/22/2024  EUR   46.610
Vontobel Financial Product  10.000 3/22/2024  EUR   39.690
Bank Vontobel AG            15.000 3/11/2024  CHF   41.600
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   20.000 2/20/2024  CHF   16.980
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  18.000 2/15/2024  CHF   29.390
UBS AG/London               16.750 2/15/2024  EUR   44.450
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  27.000 5/30/2024  CHF   28.720
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  28.000 3/20/2024  CHF   42.990
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  15.000 4/30/2024  CHF   38.490
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  14.000 4/30/2024  CHF   22.730
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  30.000 3/20/2024  CHF   16.690
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  19.000  6/3/2024  CHF   45.370
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  24.000  3/1/2024  USD   40.320
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  23.000 3/27/2024  CHF   17.950
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  18.000 3/27/2024  CHF   33.630
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  25.000 3/27/2024  CHF   18.360
UniCredit Bank GmbH         17.900 3/22/2024  EUR   47.850
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.600 3/22/2024  EUR   46.460
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.500 6/28/2024  EUR   50.010
Bank Vontobel AG            13.000 6/26/2024  CHF   23.900
BNP Paribas Issuance BV     19.000 9/18/2026  EUR    0.820
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  24.000 3/27/2024  CHF   31.880
Leonteq Securities AG       25.00012/18/2024  CHF   49.780
Vontobel Financial Product  11.000 6/28/2024  EUR   41.260
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   22.750 3/22/2024  EUR   48.150
Vontobel Financial Product  19.500 6/28/2024  EUR   46.420
Bank Vontobel AG            23.500 4/29/2024  CHF   19.900
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  18.400  5/2/2024  CHF   19.880
Bank Vontobel AG            10.500 7/29/2024  EUR   48.500
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.300 6/28/2024  EUR   46.870
Bank Vontobel AG            22.000 5/31/2024  CHF   22.000
Bank Vontobel AG            13.000  3/4/2024  CHF   41.300
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   15.000  3/6/2024  CHF   41.030
UBS AG/London               18.750 5/31/2024  CHF   23.760
Leonteq Securities AG       24.000 7/17/2024  CHF   43.600
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  25.000  3/6/2024  CHF   12.760
Basler Kantonalbank         24.000  7/5/2024  CHF   32.530
UniCredit Bank GmbH         16.400 3/22/2024  EUR   49.370
Erste Group Bank AG         14.500  8/2/2024  EUR   48.250
Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd/  14.900 2/28/2024  CHF   41.150
Swissquote Bank SA          21.060 4/11/2024  CHF   22.590
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  17.000 3/13/2024  CHF   45.880
Vontobel Financial Product  13.500 3/22/2024  EUR   39.910
Vontobel Financial Product  23.000 3/22/2024  EUR   52.080
Vontobel Financial Product  12.000 3/22/2024  EUR   42.710
Vontobel Financial Product  18.500 3/22/2024  EUR   39.950
Vontobel Financial Product  22.000 3/22/2024  EUR   35.670
Vontobel Financial Product  25.000 3/22/2024  EUR   33.470
UniCredit Bank GmbH         16.000 3/22/2024  EUR   50.680
Bank Vontobel AG            25.500  4/3/2024  CHF   19.400
Vontobel Financial Product  16.250 3/22/2024  EUR   28.460
Vontobel Financial Product  23.500 3/22/2024  EUR   34.510
Vontobel Financial Product  21.000 3/22/2024  EUR   37.120
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  25.000  5/2/2024  CHF   21.070
UBS AG/London               18.750 4/26/2024  CHF   19.320
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  26.000 3/13/2024  CHF   12.160
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  30.000 3/13/2024  CHF   17.630
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   20.000 3/13/2024  CHF   16.050
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  23.000 7/24/2024  CHF   32.730
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  20.000 7/24/2024  CHF   35.980
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  20.000  5/2/2024  CHF   29.530
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  27.500  5/2/2024  CHF   21.450
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  23.000 3/13/2024  USD   36.140
Swissquote Bank SA          14.560 3/13/2024  CHF   39.990
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   14.000 2/27/2024  CHF   42.350
Bank Vontobel AG            21.000 2/26/2024  CHF   17.000
Swissquote Bank SA          16.380 7/31/2024  CHF   25.940
Swissquote Bank SA          13.230 2/27/2024  CHF   40.560
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  26.000 7/31/2024  CHF   33.440
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  30.000  5/8/2024  CHF   24.390
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   23.250 3/22/2024  EUR   45.160
Basler Kantonalbank         26.000  5/8/2024  CHF   23.210
Leonteq Securities AG       25.00012/11/2024  CHF   46.570
Leonteq Securities AG       18.000 9/11/2024  CHF   42.340
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  17.400 4/19/2024  USD   46.660
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  21.600 6/26/2024  CHF   29.040
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  27.600 6/26/2024  CHF   28.470
Bank Vontobel AG            18.50012/16/2024  CHF   33.800
UBS AG/London               19.000 7/12/2024  CHF   29.740
UBS AG/London               14.250 7/12/2024  EUR   22.340
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000 4/24/2024  USD   45.360
Leonteq Securities AG       26.000 7/10/2024  CHF   31.920
UniCredit Bank GmbH         15.900 3/22/2024  EUR   48.730
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.800 3/22/2024  EUR   48.010
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  27.000 7/24/2024  CHF   32.180
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  10.300 4/26/2024  EUR   47.880
UBS AG/London               18.750 4/15/2024  CHF   17.940
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000 4/17/2024  CHF   33.170
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  26.000 4/17/2024  CHF   20.220
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  15.000 7/24/2024  CHF   25.920
Basler Kantonalbank         24.000  3/8/2024  CHF   16.330
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  12.500 3/22/2024  EUR   47.100
Bank Vontobel AG            20.000 4/15/2024  CHF   56.100
Vontobel Financial Product  12.500 3/22/2024  EUR   39.950
Vontobel Financial Product  10.000 3/22/2024  EUR   39.690
Vontobel Financial Product  11.000 3/22/2024  EUR   39.790
Vontobel Financial Product  23.500 3/22/2024  EUR   33.240
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  24.000 5/17/2024  CHF   45.720
Finca Uco Cjsc              13.00011/16/2024  AMD    0.000
Swissquote Bank SA          26.040 7/17/2024  CHF   35.260
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  11.500  3/1/2024  CHF   50.040
Basler Kantonalbank         16.000 6/14/2024  CHF   34.090
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  21.000 5/22/2024  USD   35.540
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   20.000 5/22/2024  CHF   30.050
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000 9/18/2024  CHF   46.180
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   16.000 6/12/2024  CHF   34.780
Vontobel Financial Product  14.000 6/28/2024  EUR   46.550
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  26.000 5/22/2024  CHF   25.780
Swissquote Bank SA          28.320 9/18/2024  CHF   50.550
Corner Banca SA             18.500 9/23/2024  CHF   32.360
Vontobel Financial Product  12.000 3/22/2024  EUR   47.750
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  22.900 3/22/2024  EUR   45.590
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  18.900 3/22/2024  EUR   49.600
Vontobel Financial Product  16.500 6/28/2024  EUR   47.820
EFG International Finance   24.000 6/14/2024  CHF   28.290
UBS AG/London               10.50012/16/2024  CHF   50.000
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  16.000 3/21/2024  EUR   47.800
Vontobel Financial Product  17.500 3/22/2024  EUR   46.500
Vontobel Financial Product  19.000 6/28/2024  EUR   47.460
Vontobel Financial Product  21.000 3/22/2024  EUR   44.150
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  20.000 6/12/2024  CHF   29.900
Societe Generale SA         27.30010/20/2025  USD   11.000
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  15.000  4/3/2024  CHF   23.160
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000  4/3/2024  CHF   32.530
Corner Banca SA             24.000  4/3/2024  CHF   19.630
Bank Vontobel AG            20.750 6/24/2024  CHF   20.300
Vontobel Financial Product  20.500 3/22/2024  EUR   45.400
Vontobel Financial Product  18.500 3/22/2024  EUR   46.590
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  23.600 3/22/2024  EUR   42.500
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  18.000 2/27/2024  CHF   29.980
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000 2/27/2024  CHF   17.720
Vontobel Financial Product  17.000 3/22/2024  EUR   47.930
Vontobel Financial Product  22.000 3/22/2024  EUR   44.250
UBS AG/London               21.250  4/2/2024  CHF   16.440
Swissquote Bank SA          17.200 2/27/2024  CHF   41.420
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  19.000 5/24/2024  CHF   25.900
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  22.700 3/22/2024  EUR   46.620
Bank Vontobel AG            12.000 6/10/2024  CHF   38.500
Swissquote Bank SA          20.120 6/20/2024  CHF   27.560
Bank Vontobel AG            24.000 3/25/2024  CHF   17.600
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  20.000  4/3/2024  CHF   19.090
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  16.500 3/27/2024  CHF   44.420
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   20.000 3/20/2024  CHF   17.060
UBS AG/London               17.500 3/15/2024  CHF   41.100
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  14.700 3/22/2024  EUR   45.870
Vontobel Financial Product  22.000 3/22/2024  EUR   42.200
Bank Vontobel AG            12.250 6/17/2024  CHF   46.100
UBS AG/London               26.000 3/22/2024  CHF   14.380
Vontobel Financial Product  23.000 3/22/2024  EUR   44.540
Vontobel Financial Product  17.500 3/22/2024  EUR   42.530
Vontobel Financial Product  14.500 3/22/2024  EUR   44.770
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.500 6/28/2024  EUR   48.110
Vontobel Financial Product  21.500 3/22/2024  EUR   47.390
Vontobel Financial Product  21.750 3/22/2024  EUR   25.530
Vontobel Financial Product  25.000 3/22/2024  EUR   37.910
Vontobel Financial Product  24.000 3/22/2024  EUR   39.230
Vontobel Financial Product  20.000 3/22/2024  EUR   45.770
Vontobel Financial Product  21.500 3/22/2024  EUR   46.350
Vontobel Financial Product  20.000 3/22/2024  EUR   48.350
UniCredit Bank GmbH         11.800 6/28/2024  EUR   50.950
UBS AG/London               19.000 2/15/2024  CHF   34.700
Vontobel Financial Product  12.500 3/22/2024  EUR   47.450
Vontobel Financial Product  23.000 3/22/2024  EUR   40.650
Vontobel Financial Product  21.000 3/22/2024  EUR   43.900
Vontobel Financial Product  20.000 3/22/2024  EUR   40.530
Vontobel Financial Product  24.500 3/22/2024  EUR   42.900
Vontobel Financial Product  25.000 3/22/2024  EUR   42.110
UniCredit Bank GmbH         12.600 6/28/2024  EUR   49.450
Societe Generale Effekten   13.500 2/23/2024  EUR   47.320
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000 2/23/2024  CHF   56.800
Bank Vontobel AG            23.000 2/12/2024  CHF   14.100
Bank Vontobel AG            25.000 2/12/2024  CHF   14.600
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  12.800 3/22/2024  EUR   43.570
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  21.100 6/28/2024  EUR   40.320
Bank Vontobel AG            21.750 3/18/2024  CHF   13.400
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  16.000 6/20/2024  CHF   35.610
UBS AG/London               18.500 6/14/2024  CHF   22.720
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  24.000  4/3/2024  CHF   17.460
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  28.000 4/11/2024  CHF   18.690
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   15.000 3/20/2024  CHF   29.010
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  11.000 5/13/2024  CHF   34.790
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  11.200 6/28/2024  EUR   45.110
UBS AG/London               13.500 2/22/2024  EUR   46.800
Bank Vontobel AG            10.000 2/19/2024  CHF   39.300
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   17.000 2/13/2024  CHF   13.790
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   14.000 2/13/2024  CHF   36.270
Ist Saiberian Petroleum OO  14.00012/28/2024  RUB   15.960
Corner Banca SA             22.000 3/20/2024  CHF   17.250
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  24.250 3/28/2024  USD   43.960
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.00010/22/2008  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.00010/28/2008  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.25012/31/2008  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.15010/30/2008  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.200 5/14/2009  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.600 4/22/2014  MXN    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.44211/22/2008  CHF    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  23.300 9/16/2008  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  15.000  6/4/2009  CHF    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  17.000  6/2/2009  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.500  6/2/2009  USD    0.100
Ukraine Government Bond     10.710 4/26/2028  UAH   41.182
Ukraine Government Bond     11.580  2/2/2028  UAH   44.139
Ukraine Government Bond     11.570  3/1/2028  UAH   43.660
Ukraine Government Bond     11.110 3/29/2028  UAH   42.350
Teksid Aluminum Luxembourg  12.375 7/15/2011  EUR    0.619
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.500  8/9/2010  EUR    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 3/27/2009  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.000 6/29/2009  EUR    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.00012/20/2017  AUD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.00012/20/2017  AUD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 2/16/2009  CHF    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.00012/14/2012  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 6/11/2038  JPY    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  12.000 7/13/2037  JPY    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.00012/19/2011  USD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  15.000 3/30/2011  EUR    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.50011/28/2008  USD    0.100
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 4/24/2037  UAH   28.685
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.000 10/8/2008  CHF    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.00012/20/2017  AUD    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.000 2/16/2009  CHF    0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.000 2/16/2009  CHF    0.100
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000  4/1/2037  UAH   26.029
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.000 7/25/2012  EUR    0.100
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 4/23/2037  UAH   25.949
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  14.90011/16/2010  EUR    0.100
Tonon Luxembourg SA         12.500 5/14/2024  USD    0.010


S U B S C R I P T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

Troubled Company Reporter-Europe is a daily newsletter co-
published by Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills,
Pennsylvania, USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Washington, D.C., USA.
Marites O. Claro, Rousel Elaine T. Fernandez, Joy A. Agravante,
Julie Anne L. Toledo, Ivy B. Magdadaro, and Peter A. Chapman,

Copyright 2024.  All rights reserved.  ISSN 1529-2754.

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Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
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members of the same firm for the term of the initial subscription
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contact Peter Chapman at 215-945-7000.

                * * * End of Transmission * * *