/raid1/www/Hosts/bankrupt/TCREUR_Public/240610.mbx        T R O U B L E D   C O M P A N Y   R E P O R T E R

                          E U R O P E

          Monday, June 10, 2024, Vol. 25, No. 116



ALTICE FRANCE: S&P Corrects Senior Secured Notes Rating to 'CCC+'


ONE HOTELS: Fitch Assigns 'B+' LongTerm IDR, Outlook Stable


CASTLELAKE AVIATION: Fitch Affirms 'BB' IDR, Outlook Stable
GRIFFIN GLOBAL: Fitch Affirms 'BB' LongTerm IDR, Outlook Stable
PALMER SQUARE 2024-1: Fitch Assigns 'B-sf' Rating on Class F Notes
RRE 12 LOAN: S&P Assign Prelim. BB-(sf) Rating on Cl. D-R Notes
SEGOVIA EUROPEAN 4-2017: Moody's Affirms B2 Rating on Cl. F Notes

TRINITAS EURO III: Fitch Assigns B-(EXP)sf Rating on Cl. F-R Notes


FIBER BIDCO: Fitch Rates EUR430MM Secured Notes 'BB-'
GOLDEN GOOSE: Fitch Alters Outlook on B+ LongTerm IDR to Positive
WEBUILD SPA: Fitch Alters Outlook on 'BB' LongTerm IDR to Positive


LOPAREX MIDCO: $233.9MM Bank Debt Trades at 16% Discount


TBC BANK: Fitch Assigns 'BB-' LongTerm IDR, Outlook Stable


CERVANTES TOPCO: S&P Assigns Preliminary 'B' ICR, Outlook Stable


ISTANBUL: Moody's Affirms 'B3' Issuer & Sr. Unsecured Debt Ratings

U N I T E D   K I N G D O M

BOWIE CONSTRUCTION: Goes Into Administration
BOYD INTERNATIONAL: Goes Into Liquidation, Halts Operations
L1R HB FINANCE: GBP450MM Bank Debt Trades at 22% Discount
MACQUARIE AIRFINANCE: Fitch Hikes IDR to 'BB+', Outlook Stable
MORRISON MCCONNELL: Enters Administration, Seeks Buyer

POP BRIXTON: Falls Into Administration
SALTEES PROPERTIES: Goes Into Administration
SPORTIVE HQ: Enters Administration, Halts Trading
VAGABOND WINES: Bought Out of Administration by Majestic


[*] BOND PRICING: For the Week June 3 to June 7, 2024

                           - - - - -


ALTICE FRANCE: S&P Corrects Senior Secured Notes Rating to 'CCC+'
S&P Global Ratings has corrected its rating on France-based Altice
France S.A.'s senior secured debt -- specifically, the EUR350
million 11.5% notes due 2027 -- to 'CCC+'.

Due to an error, S&P Global Ratings had incorrectly lowered its
rating on the EUR350 million 11.5% notes due 2027 to 'CCC'. The
issue rating on this instrument is 'CCC+', in-line with its
long-term issuer credit rating on Altice France SA and S&P's
ratings on its other senior secured notes. S&P has corrected this


ONE HOTELS: Fitch Assigns 'B+' LongTerm IDR, Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings has assigned One Hotels GmbH (Motel One) a final
Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of 'B+' with a Stable Outlook
and senior secured debt rating of 'BB-' with a Recovery Rating of

The assignment of final ratings follows the issuance of EUR500
million senior secured notes and a EUR800 million senior secured
term loan B (TLB), with documentation conforming to information
previously received.

The 'B+' rating reflects Motel One's moderate business scale and
diversification balanced by superior profitability and expected
positive free cash flow (FCF) generation. It also assumes the
company will deleverage over the next three years as
post-transaction leverage is high and outside of the range
commensurate with a 'B+' rating. This is based on its expectation
of smooth execution of Motel One's growth strategy and the
continuation of strong performance of the existing asset base.


Moderate Scale and Diversification: Fitch assesses Motel One's
business profile as in line with the low 'BB' category rating due
to its business scale and diversification. It operates primarily
under one brand, with some diversification across western Europe,
although the main German market accounted for 65% of revenue in
2023. It had 26,470 rooms in 2023, more in line with the 'B'
category median but has a superior EBITDAR margin, which translates
into EBITDAR of more than EUR400 million, close to the 'BB'
category median.

Material Business Growth: Pro-forma for the carve-out of its
real-estate assets, Fitch estimates that Motel One's revenue grew
by a third in 2023, and Fitch-adjusted EBITDA increased to more
than EUR230 million. This was driven by a post-pandemic business
recovery, pricing power and hotel network expansion. Fitch believes
that growth will decelerate from 2024 but remain high versus other
western European peers due to new hotel openings and its assumption
that Motel One will retain its ability to price rooms above

Furthermore, Fitch expects a positive impact from international
travel to Germany, which lagged other markets in 2023, and is
likely to benefit from the European football championship
competition in 2024.

Manageable Strategy Execution Risks: Motel One's strategy relies on
the expansion of its hotel portfolio through leasing new
properties, which does not require upfront capex, unlike
asset-heavy operators that invest in hotel construction. Its rating
case assumes an increase in the number of hotels to 117 in 2027
(2023: 94), in line with the company's secured pipeline, which
bears limited execution risks as contracts with property owners are
already signed.

Motel One has a record of new hotels quickly reaching
profitability, and the pipeline does not consider any large assets
in new markets. Fitch also assumes that hotels will be opened on
time as delays have mostly been contained to within three months in
the past couple of years.

Superior Profitability: Motel One's EBITDAR margin of around 50% is
the highest in Fitch's global lodging portfolio, with the exception
of Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Inc., for which fully franchised
operations lead to EBITDAR margins of around 80%. Motel One's
superior profitability in comparison with asset-heavy peers results
from its prime locations, standardised rooms and operating
efficiencies. Fitch expects high profit margins to translate into
positive pre-dividend FCF, despite higher interest payments for the
new debt.

EBITDA Margin Improvement: Its rating case assumes a gradual EBITDA
margin improvement over 2024-2027 due to pricing actions and an
increase in the number of fully ramped-up hotels relative to new
openings. Fitch also expects margins to benefit from portfolio
composition changes towards markets with higher rates and
occupancies, such as London and Paris. These strong and mildly
growing operating margins are critical to the company's
deleveraging trajectory, underpinning the 'B+' IDR.

Positive FCF, Self-Funded Growth: The 'B+' IDR reflects Motel One's
sustained positive FCF, supported by strong operating margins, and
its ability to self-fund its medium-term expansion. This inherent
FCF generating capacity balances its limited scale and
diversification, and differentiates it from lower-rated sector
peers. Deteriorating FCF would signal structural weaknesses of
Motel One's operating risk or a more aggressive financial policy,
and would put pressure on the rating.

No Dividend Commitment: The company intends to operate with EUR100
million-EUR150 million of cash on its balance sheet, with excess
cash potentially used for bolt-on M&A, investments in new hotels or
dividends. This capital allocation would generally be neutral for
the ratings as Fitch considers gross leverage in its analysis,
although dividend distributions would affect FCF.

Motel One has been paying dividends from internally-generated cash
but has no dividend commitment to its shareholders. Its analysis
assumes some recurring dividends from 2025, subject to the
limitation provisions of the financing documentation, as well as
taking into account the measured financial policy of the company's

Strong Deleveraging Capacity: Motel One's 'B+' rating is
conditional on rapid deleveraging over the next three years. Fitch
estimates EBITDAR leverage at 6.3x in 2024, which is high for the
rating, but Fitch expects the rating headroom to increase
substantially over 2025-2026 as EBITDAR growth will lead to organic


In terms of number of rooms and business size, Motel One is
significantly smaller than higher-rated globally diversified peers
such as Accor SA (BBB-/Positive), Hyatt Hotels Corporation
(BBB-/Stable), and Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Inc. (BB+/Stable). It
also has a weaker financial structure, with higher leverage and
more limited financial flexibility. This results in significant
rating differential with these peers.

Fitch views Minor Hotels Europe & Americas, S.A. (NH Hotel,
BB-/Stable) as the closest peer of Motel One, due to its
predominantly European operations and similar EBITDAR, despite
having more rooms. Motel One is rated one notch lower than NH
Hotel, which reflects NH Hotel's lower financial leverage and
stronger pre-dividend FCF generation.

Motel One is rated two notches above Greek hotel operator Sani/Ikos
Group Newco S.C.A. (B-/Stable) due to its larger scale, better
diversification, stronger FCF profile and lower leverage.

Motel One has the same rating as Dubai-based operator FIVE Holdings
(BVI) Limited (B+/Stable), despite being larger, more profitable
and better-diversified. This is because Fitch expects stronger
deleveraging for FIVE.


- Sales growth CAGR of around 12% for 2024-2027;

- Organic growth is supported by a steady improvement in occupancy
rates, alongside above-inflation growth in the room daily rate;

- EBITDAR margins steadily improving towards 51.6% in 2027 (2023:
around 50%), supported by a strong focus on cost management, fast
turnaround of new hotels to profitability, and improving occupancy
rates at existing sites;

- No significant working-capital outflows to 2027;

- Capex at 6%-10% of revenue a year, for maintenance of existing
sites including redesign and new site openings; and

- Annual dividend payments of EUR75 million in 2024 (already paid)
followed by assumed payout at 50% of consolidated net income.


Fitch assumse that the company would be reorganised as a
going-concern (GC) in bankruptcy rather than liquidated. In its
bespoke recovery analysis, Fitch estimates GC EBITDA available to
creditors of around EUR180 million. This reflects Fitch's view of a
sustainable, post-reorganisation EBITDA level on which it bases the
enterprise valuation (EV). Distress would likely arise from an
erosion of the brand value, leading to a loss of market share in an
inflationary cost environment. At the GC EBITDA, the company will
generate reduced operating cash flow that would provide limited
room for investments in growth capex.

Fitch has applied a 6.0x EV/EBITDA multiple to the GC EBITDA to
calculate a post-reorganisation EV. This multiple reflects the
company's strong brand and business model concept, prime inner-city
locations and high profitability. This is 0.5x higher than
International Park Holdings' (Portaventura) given the latter's
single-location asset and lower diversification.

Motel One's senior secured debt of EUR1.3 billion consists of
EUR800 million TLB and EUR500 million notes, which rank equally
among themselves and with EUR100 million revolving credit facility
(RCF), which Fitch assumes to be fully drawn in a default. Its
waterfall analysis generates a ranked recovery for Motel One's
senior secured debt in the 'RR3' band, indicating a 'BB-'
instrument rating, one notch above the IDR. The waterfall analysis
output percentage on current metrics and assumptions is 69%.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade:

- Successful growth strategy translating into double-digit revenue
growth and EBITDAR expansion;

- EBITDAR leverage below 5.5x on a sustained basis;

- EBITDAR fixed-charge coverage above 1.8x on a sustained basis;

- Consistently positive FCF.

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade:

- Material slowdown in revenue growth, with the EBITDAR margin
staying flat or decreasing;

- EBITDAR leverage above 6x on a sustained basis;

- EBITDAR fixed-charge coverage below 1.5x on a sustained basis;

- Neutral to negative FCF.


Comfortable Liquidity: Pro-forma to the recent transaction, Fitch
estimates the group has around EUR130 million cash on the balance
sheet, supported by an undrawn RCF of EUR100 million. This
liquidity position, combined with the group's highly
cash-generative business model, is judged sufficient to support the
group's expansion plans and cover financing costs without the need
for external funding. The group also has a negative working capital
position so typically generates cash as it expands.

Fitch restricts EUR20 million of reported cash to account for the
minimum cash required for day-to-day operations, and to cover the
group's intra-year swings in working capital.


Motel One is a hotel operator with a growing market position within
its niche "affordable design" segment in western Europe.


Fitch's latest quarterly Global Corporates Macro and Sector
Forecasts data file which aggregates key data points used in its
credit analysis. Fitch's macroeconomic forecasts, commodity price
assumptions, default rate forecasts, sector key performance
indicators and sector-level forecasts are among the data items


The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt             Rating          Recovery   Prior
   -----------             ------          --------   -----
One Hotels GmbH      LT IDR B+  New Rating            B+(EXP)

   senior secured    LT     BB- New Rating   RR3      BB-(EXP)


CASTLELAKE AVIATION: Fitch Affirms 'BB' IDR, Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of
Castlelake Aviation Limited (CA) and its wholly owned subsidiaries,
Castlelake Aviation Finance DAC (CAF) and Castlelake Aviation One
DAC (CAO) at 'BB'. The Rating Outlook is Stable. Fitch has also
affirmed the ratings on CAO's senior secured term loan B and CAF's
senior secured revolving credit facility at 'BB+' and CAF's senior
unsecured note rating at 'BB'.

These rating actions are being taken in conjunction with Fitch's
global aircraft leasing sector review, covering 10 publicly rated


The ratings affirmation reflects CA's young aircraft fleet, target
leverage commensurate with the risk profile of the portfolio, and
adequate liquidity metrics. In addition, the business profile
benefits from its affiliation with Castlelake LP, its external
manager, which has an established position as a lessor of midlife
and older commercial aircraft.

Rating constraints include the prevailing execution risk arising
from the issuer's aggressive growth strategy and financial targets.
The ratings are also constrained by CA's largely secured funding
profile, an evolving but still concentrated fleet portfolio,
including a lower proportion of narrowbody aircraft relative to
peers, a higher than average exposure to weaker credit airlines,
and a limited standalone operating track record. Fitch also notes
potential governance and conflict of interest risks associated with
CA's externally-managed business model, the limited number of
independent board members and ownership by a fixed-life private
fund structure.

Rating constraints applicable to the aircraft leasing industry more
broadly include the monoline nature of the business, vulnerability
to exogenous shocks, potential exposure to residual value risk,
sensitivity to oil prices, inflation, and unemployment, which
negatively impact travel demand. Constraints also include reliance
on wholesale funding sources and meaningful competition.

CA's fleet increased by 22 aircraft year over year, to 112 aircraft
in 1Q24, with a combined net book value (NBV) of approximately $3.3
billion. With a weighted average (WA) age of five years and a WA
remaining lease term of 8.6 years at March 31, 2024, the firm's
portfolio is relatively young and also benefits from one of the
longest WA remaining lease terms amongst Fitch-rated peers.

Given the business's growth phase, the portfolio is notably
concentrated (two largest combined are approximately 37% of total
NBV) and exposed to weaker credit quality airlines. Including
expected credit losses for doubtful accounts, CA's impairment ratio
was 1.3% in 1Q24 and averaged 1.7% between 2021 and 2023.

Profitability is adequate, but somewhat weighed down by CA's
aggressive growth strategy and historic focus on sale-leaseback
transactions which in the current environment remain strongly
contested. Net spreads (lease yields-funding costs) increased to
5.7% in 1Q24 from 4.4% in 2022 as lease yields trended up in a
higher interest rate environment and also benefited from improved
portfolio seasoning. For 2021 to 2023, net spreads averaged 3.7%,
which is commensurate with Fitch's 'bb' benchmark range for
earnings and profitability of between 1% to 5% for aircraft lessors
with a sector risk operating environment (SROE) score in the 'bbb'

CA's debt-to-tangible common equity increased to 2.4x at March
31,2024 from 1.9x one year ago, driven mainly by an increase in
debt to fund portfolio acquisitions. The company has articulated a
leverage target on a net debt to equity basis in the range of
2.5x-3.0x, which translates to approximately 2.7x-3.2x on the basis
of Fitch's core leverage benchmark metric of gross debt to tangible
equity. Fitch believes CA's leverage target is appropriate in the
context of its fleet quality and business profile evolution.

Unsecured debt represented around 12% of CA's total debt at March
31, 2024, which is below the peer average. Fitch expects CA will
continue to rely on secured borrowings to fund its operations over
the short to medium term but may access unsecured markets
opportunistically should pricing meet economic return targets. The
issuance of any additional unsecured debt would be viewed favorably
by Fitch, as it would enhance financial flexibility.

As at 1Q24, liquidity was adequate, underpinned by $86.5 million in
unrestricted cash and $657 million in undrawn capacity under its
revolving credit facility. Coupled with sound operating cash flows,
this is deemed sufficient to cover near-term debt maturities of $66
million over the next 12 months and to fund opportunistic portfolio

Fitch's sensitivity analysis for CA incorporated quantitative
credit metrics for the company under the agency's base case and
adverse case assumptions. These included slower than projected
growth, lower aircraft disposal gains when compared to 2023,
additional equipment depreciation, and higher interest expenses.
Fitch believes CA will have sufficient liquidity headroom to
withstand near-term reductions in operating income in both
scenarios while maintaining liquidity coverage above Fitch's
threshold of 1.0x. Fitch expects sufficient capitalization headroom
relative to the 4.0x downgrade trigger under both scenarios.

The Stable Rating Outlook reflects Fitch's expectation that CA will
manage its balance sheet growth in order to maintain sufficient
headroom relative to its leverage target and Fitch's negative
rating sensitivities over the Rating Outlook horizon, despite
Fitch's expectation for increased macro challenges including higher
for longer interest rates and elevated inflation. The Stable Rating
Outlook also reflects expectations for the maintenance of
impairments at current levels, enhanced earnings stability, and a
strong liquidity position, given the lack of material orderbook
purchase commitments with aircraft manufacturers.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

- A weakening of the company's projected long-term cash flow
generation and profitability as well as liquidity coverage
sustainably falling below 1.0x and/or a sustained increase in
leverage above 4x would be viewed negatively;

- Macroeconomic and/or geopolitical-driven pressure on airlines,
that lead to additional lease restructurings, rejections, lessee
defaults, and impairments, which negatively impact the company's
cash flow generation, profitability, and liquidity position could
also yield negative rating actions.

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

- CA's ratings could be positively influenced by solid execution
with respect to its planned growth targets and long-term strategic
financial objectives, including maintenance of leverage within the
targeted range. Ratings could also benefit from enhanced scale and
an improved portfolio risk profile, characterized by stronger
lessee diversification, a lower exposure to weaker quality
airlines, an impairment ratio below 1%, and increases in the
proportion of Tier 1 aircraft and narrowbody aircraft.

- An upgrade would be also conditioned upon achieving a sustained
net spread in excess of 5% and unsecured debt approaching or in
excess of 35% of total debt, while achieving and maintaining
unencumbered assets coverage of unsecured debt in excess of 1.0x.

- Any potential upward rating momentum would also be evaluated in
the context of potential governance and conflict of interest risks
associated with CA's externally managed business model, limited
number of independent board members and ownership by a fixed-life
private fund structure.


The senior secured debt ratings are one-notch above CA's Long-Term
IDR and reflect the aircraft collateral backing the obligations,
which suggest good recovery prospects.

The senior unsecured debt rating is equalized with CAF's Long-Term
IDR reflecting expectations for average recovery prospects in a
stressed scenario given the availability of unencumbered assets.


The senior secured debt ratings are primarily sensitive to changes
in CA's IDR and secondarily to the relative recovery prospects of
the instruments.

The senior unsecured debt rating is primarily sensitive to changes
in CAF's Long-Term IDR and secondarily to the relative recovery
prospects of the instruments. A decline in unencumbered asset
coverage, combined with a material increase in secured debt, could
result in the notching of the unsecured debt down from the
Long-Term IDR.


The Long-Term IDRs assigned to CAF and CAO are equalized with that
of CA given they are wholly owned and highly integrated
subsidiaries of the company.


The Long-Term IDRs assigned to CAF and CAO are primarily sensitive
to changes in CA's ratings.


The Standalone Credit Profile (SCP) has been assigned in line with
the implied SCP.

The Business Profile score has been assigned below the implied
score due to the following adjustment reason(s): Business model

The Asset Quality score has been assigned below the implied score
due to the following adjustment reason(s): Concentrations; asset
performance (negative).

The Capitalization & Leverage score has been assigned below the
implied score due to the following adjustment reason(s): Historical
and future metrics (negative).


CA has an ESG Relevance Score of '4' for Management Strategy due to
execution risk associated with the operational implementation of
the company's outlined strategy. This has a negative impact on the
credit profile and is relevant to the ratings in conjunction with
other factors.

CA has an ESG Relevance Score of '4' for Governance Structure due
to potential governance and conflict of interest risks associated
with CA's externally-managed business model, limited number of
independent board members and ownership by a fixed-life private
fund structure. This has a negative impact on the credit profile
and is relevant to the ratings in conjunction with other factors.

The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt              Rating          Prior
   -----------              ------          -----
Castlelake Aviation
One Designated
Activity Company      LT IDR BB  Affirmed   BB

   senior secured     LT     BB+ Affirmed   BB+

Castlelake Aviation
Limited               LT IDR BB  Affirmed   BB

Castlelake Aviation
Finance Designated
Activity Company      LT IDR BB  Affirmed   BB

   senior unsecured   LT     BB  Affirmed   BB

   senior secured     LT     BB+ Affirmed   BB+

GRIFFIN GLOBAL: Fitch Affirms 'BB' LongTerm IDR, Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings
(IDRs) of Griffin Global Asset Management Holdings, Ltd. (Griffin)
and its rated subsidiary, GGAM Finance Ltd., at 'BB'. The Rating
Outlook is Stable. Fitch has also affirmed GGAM Finance Ltd.'s
senior unsecured note rating at 'BB'.

These rating actions are being taken in conjunction with Fitch's
global aircraft leasing sector review, covering 10 publicly rated


The ratings affirmation reflects Griffin's young fleet, one of the
longest weighted average (WA) remaining lease terms amongst peers,
appropriate targeted leverage, the absence of order book purchase
commitments, the lack of near-term debt maturities and solid
expected liquidity metrics. The ratings also consider the senior
management team's depth, experience, and track record in managing
aviation assets and ownership benefits from Bain Capital Credit,
LP, one of the largest alternative investment managers, which
brings aviation investment expertise and banking relationships to
support Griffin's growth.

Rating constraints include execution risks associated with the
company's ambitious growth targets and accompanying financing
objectives, a modest franchise position, a smaller and
significantly concentrated portfolio by customer and geography,
weaker projected profitability metrics over the next two years and
key man risk associated with founder and CEO, Ryan McKenna. Fitch
also notes potential governance and conflict of interest risks
associated with Griffin's externally managed business model,
limited number of independent board members, and ownership by
fixed-life funds.

Rating constraints applicable to the aircraft leasing industry more
broadly include the monoline nature of the business, vulnerability
to exogenous shocks, sensitivity to higher oil prices, inflation
and unemployment, which negatively impact travel demand, potential
exposure to residual value risks, reliance on wholesale funding
sources, and meaningful competition.

Griffin's contracted fleet, as of March 31, 2024 consisted of 67
aircraft leased to 18 airlines across 13 countries, with a WA age
of 1.3 years and a WA remaining lease term of 10 years. This
represents a young portfolio with one of the longest remaining
lease terms among Fitch-rated aircraft lessors, which should
support strong asset quality performance relative to peers over
time. The portfolio had net book value of approximately $4.4
billion as of March 31, 2023.

Griffin has not taken any asset impairments to date and Fitch
considers the company to have one of the higher-quality fleets in
the industry, as the vast majority (81.7%) of owned aircraft are
tier 1 based on the agency's aircraft classification, which Fitch
views to be the most liquid and marketable aircraft in the aviation

Fitch notes the company's current widebody exposure of 42% of net
book value (NBV) is above-average, but it is mitigated by the high
quality of Griffin's portfolio in terms of aircraft types and
customers. All of the company's widebodies comprise the new
technology A330-900neo, A350-900/-1000 and B787-9/-10 aircraft, as
of March 31, 2024. The ability of Griffin to purchase new
technology aircraft at attractive prices, along with relatively
conservative depreciation policies, should reduce impairment risk
over time, which is viewed positively by Fitch.

Fitch anticipates the firm's growing scale amid increased
competition, focus on new technology aircraft and higher funding
costs will have a negative impact on near-term profitability. Fitch
expects the company's net spread (lease yields, less funding costs)
to be 1.5%-2.5% over the near-term, which is commensurate with
Fitch's 'bb' category earnings and profitability benchmark of 1%-5%
for aircraft lessors with a sector risk operating environment score
in the 'bbb' category. Enhanced earnings consistency would be
viewed positively by Fitch.

Griffin's leverage was 2.7x at 1Q24, down from 2.9x at FYE 2023 and
compares favorably to management's target of net debt-to-tangible
equity of 2.75x. Fitch views leverage as appropriate in the context
of current customer concentrations counterbalanced by the liquidity
of the fleet profile, as 100% of the portfolio is expected to be
predominantly Tier 1 aircraft.

In 2023, Griffin issued $1.7 billion in aggregate of senior
unsecured notes and added a three-year, unsecured revolving credit
facility (RCF) provided by a syndicate of 12 banks, which was
subsequently upsized to $575 million in committed capacity. This
brought unsecured debt to 70.2% of total debt, as of March 31,
2024, demonstrating continued funding profile improvement.

Proforma for a further $400 million unsecured issuance concluded in
April 2024, unsecured debt accounted for 74.2% at 1Q24. Fitch
expects that Griffin will opportunistically seek to access the
secured and unsecured debt capital markets to fund its operations,
maintaining greater than 70% unsecured debt on a sustained basis.
Future unsecured debt issuances would be viewed favorably, as it
would increase unencumbered assets and provide enhanced funding

The company is expected to maintain solid liquidity. Resources
included $60 million of unrestricted cash and $642 million of
availability under the committed warehouse facility and RCF at
1Q24. In addition, Griffin is expected to generate annualized
operating cash flow of $301 million over the next 12 months.
Together, this provides 18x liquidity coverage of $57 million of
contracted aircraft purchases over the next 12 months, however,
liquidity coverage might reduce modestly over the year as purchase
opportunities are identified. Fitch believes there is minimal
refinancing risk given the lack of debt maturity walls in the near

Fitch's sensitivity analysis for Griffin incorporated quantitative
credit metrics for the company under the agency's base case and
adverse case assumptions. These included slower than projected
growth, lower aircraft disposal gains, additional equipment
depreciation, and higher interest expenses. Fitch believes Griffin
will have sufficient liquidity headroom to withstand near-term
reductions in operating income in both scenarios while maintaining
liquidity coverage above Fitch's threshold of 1.0x. Fitch expects
sufficient capitalization headroom relative to the 4.0x downgrade
trigger under both scenarios.

The Stable Rating Outlook reflects Fitch's expectation that Griffin
will manage its balance sheet growth in order to maintain
sufficient headroom relative to its targeted leverage range and
Fitch's negative rating sensitivities over the Outlook horizon,
despite Fitch's expectation for increased macro challenges
including higher for longer interest rates and elevated inflation.
The Stable Outlook also reflects expectations for the maintenance
of a strong liquidity position, given the absence of order book
purchase commitments with aircraft manufacturers over the near


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

A weakening of the company's projected long-term cash flow
generation, profitability and liquidity coverage falling below 1.0x
and/or a sustained increase in leverage above 4.0x.

Macroeconomic and/or geopolitical-driven headwinds that pressure
airlines and lead to additional lease restructurings, rejections,
lessee defaults, and increased losses would also be negative for

Griffin's ownership by fixed-life private funds could also
contribute to negative rating action if it leads to elevated
capital extractions, or if a forced sale of the company at fund
maturity impairs Griffin's financial profile, franchise or
long-term strategic direction.

Finally, an abrupt departure of Griffin's founder and CEO could
have negative rating implications if the departure impaired
Griffin's franchise or long-term strategic direction.

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

Griffin's ratings could be positively impacted by solid execution
with respect to planned growth targets and outlined long-term
strategic financial objectives, including maintenance of leverage
below 2.75x. Ratings could also benefit from enhanced scale and an
improved risk profile of the portfolio, as exhibited by greater
diversity of airline customers and maintenance of low impairments.

An upgrade would also be conditioned upon enhanced earnings
consistency, and achieving a sustained net spread above 5%,
unsecured debt funding sustained above 35%, while maintaining
unencumbered asset coverage of unsecured debt in excess of 1.0x.

Any potential upward momentum would also be evaluated in the
context of potential long-term strategic uncertainty, given
Griffin's ownership by fixed-life private funds, and potential
governance and conflicts of interests associated with Griffin's
externally managed business model.


The senior unsecured debt ratings are equalized with Griffin's
Long-Term IDR and reflect expectations for average recovery
prospects in a stress scenario given the availability of
unencumbered assets.


The senior unsecured debt ratings are primarily sensitive to
Griffin's IDR and secondarily to the relative recovery prospects of
the instruments. A decline in unencumbered asset coverage, combined
with a material increase in secured debt, could result in the
notching of the unsecured debt down from the IDR.


The Long-Term IDR assigned to GGAM Finance Ltd. is equalized with
the IDR assigned to Griffin given it is a wholly owned subsidiary
of the company.


The rating assigned to GGAM Finance Ltd. is primarily sensitive to
changes in the IDR assigned to Griffin and is expected to move in


The Standalone Credit Profile (SCP) has been assigned in line with
the implied SCP.

The Asset Quality score has been assigned below the implied score
due to the following adjustment reason(s): Concentrations; asset
performance (negative), Growth (negative).

The Capitalization & Leverage score has been assigned below the
implied score due to the following reason(s): Historical and future
metrics (negative).

The Funding, Liquidity & Coverage score has been assigned below the
implied score due to the following reason(s): Funding flexibility


Griffin has an ESG Relevance Score of '4' for Management Strategy
due to the execution risk associated with the operational
implementation of the company's outlined strategy. This has a
negative impact on the credit profile and is relevant to the
ratings in conjunction with other factors.

Griffin has an ESG Relevance Score of '4' for Governance Structure
due to the potential governance and conflict of interests associate
with Griffin's externally-managed business model, limited number of
independent board members and ownership by a fixed-life private
fund structure. This also reflects key man risk related to its
founder and CEO, Ryan McKenna, who is leading the growth and
strategic direction of the company. This has a negative impact on
the credit profile and is relevant to the ratings in conjunction
with other factors.

The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt              Rating           Prior
   -----------              ------           -----
Griffin Global
Asset Management
Holdings, Ltd.        LT IDR BB  Affirmed    BB

GGAM Finance Ltd.     LT IDR BB  Affirmed    BB

   senior unsecured   LT     BB  Affirmed    BB

PALMER SQUARE 2024-1: Fitch Assigns 'B-sf' Rating on Class F Notes
Fitch Ratings has assigned Palmer Square European CLO 2024-1 DAC
final ratings.

   Entity/Debt        Rating           
   -----------        ------           
Palmer Square
European CLO
2024-1 DAC

   Class A Loan    LT   AAAsf   New Rating
   Class A Note    LT   AAAsf   New Rating
   Class B-1       LT   AAsf    New Rating
   Class B-2       LT   AAsf    New Rating
   Class C         LT   Asf     New Rating
   Class D         LT   BBB-sf  New Rating
   Class E         LT   BB-sf   New Rating
   Class F         LT   B-sf    New Rating
   Sub notes       LT   NRsf    New Rating


Palmer Square European CLO 2024-1 DAC is a securitisation of mainly
senior secured obligations (at least 90%) with a component of
senior unsecured, mezzanine, second-lien loans and high-yield
bonds. Note proceeds were used to purchase a portfolio with a
target par of EUR400 million. The portfolio is actively managed by
Palmer Square Europe Capital Management LLC. The CLO has an
approximately 4.5-year reinvestment period and a 7.5-year weighted
average life (WAL) test. The WAL can step up to the initial 7.5
years subject to conditions one year after closing.


Average Portfolio Credit Quality (Neutral): Fitch places the
average credit quality of obligors in the 'B'/'B-' category. The
Fitch weighted average rating factor (WARF) of the identified
portfolio is 23.78.

High Recovery Expectations (Positive): At least 90% of the
portfolio comprises senior secured obligations. Fitch views the
recovery prospects for these assets as more favourable than for
second-lien, unsecured and mezzanine assets. The Fitch weighted
average recovery rate of the identified portfolio is 64.35%.

Diversified Asset Portfolio (Positive): The transaction will
include four Fitch matrices, two effective at closing and two
forward matrices with a maximum 7.5-year WAL test and 6.5-year WAL
test respectively. They all correspond to a top 10 obligor
concentration limit at 20% and fixed-rate asset limits of 7.5% and
12.5%. The transaction also includes various concentration limits,
including the maximum exposure to the three largest (Fitch-defined)
industries in the portfolio at 40%. These covenants ensure the
asset portfolio will not be exposed to excessive concentration.

WAL Step-Up Feature (Neutral): One year after closing, following
the step-up determination date, the transaction can extend the WAL
by one year if the applicable conditions are met on the step-up
date, including fulfilling the portfolio-profile,
collateral-quality, coverage tests and the adjusted collateral
principal amount being no lower than reinvestment target par, with
defaulted assets at their collateral value.

Portfolio Management (Neutral): The transaction has an
approximately 4.5-year reinvestment period and includes
reinvestment criteria similar to those of other European
transactions. Fitch's analysis is based on a stressed-case
portfolio with the aim of testing the robustness of the transaction
structure against its covenants and portfolio guidelines.

Cash Flow Modelling (Positive): The WAL used for the transaction's
stress portfolio analysis is 12 months less than the WAL test. This
reduction to the risk horizon accounts for the strict reinvestment
conditions envisaged after the reinvestment period. These include
passing both the coverage tests, Fitch WARF test and the Fitch
'CCC' bucket limitation, together with a progressively decreasing
WAL covenant. In Fitch's opinion, these conditions reduce the
effective risk horizon of the portfolio during stress periods.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

A 25% increase of the mean default rate (RDR) across all ratings
and a 25% decrease of the recovery rate (RRR) across all ratings of
the identified portfolio would have no impact on the class A to D
notes, and lead to downgrades of up to one notch for the class E
notes and to below 'B-sf' for the class F notes.

Based on the actual portfolio, downgrades may occur if the loss
expectation is larger than initially assumed, due to unexpectedly
high levels of default and portfolio deterioration. Due to the
better metrics and shorter life of the identified portfolio, the
class C and D notes show a rating cushion of three notches and the
class B, E and F notes of two notches. The class A notes display no
rating cushion as they are already at the highest rating level.

Should the cushion between the identified portfolio and the stress
portfolio be eroded either due to manager trading or negative
portfolio credit migration, a 25% increase of the mean RDR across
all ratings and a 25% decrease of the RRR across all ratings of the
stressed portfolio would lead to downgrades of up to three notches
for the class A to D notes and to below 'B-sf' for the class E and
F notes.

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

A 25% reduction of the mean RDR across all ratings and a 25%
increase in the RRR across all ratings of Fitch's Stress portfolio
would lead to upgrades of up to three notches, except for the
'AAAsf' rated notes, which cannot be upgraded further.

During the reinvestment period, based on Fitch's Stress Portfolio,
upgrades may occur on better-than-expected portfolio credit quality
and a shorter remaining WAL test, leading to the ability of the
notes to withstand larger than expected losses for the remaining
life of the transaction.

After the end of the reinvestment period, upgrades may occur in
case of stable portfolio credit quality and deleveraging leading to
higher credit enhancement and excess spread available to cover for
losses on the remaining portfolio.


Form ABS Due Diligence-15E was not provided to, or reviewed by,
Fitch in relation to this rating action.


The majority of the underlying assets or risk presenting entities
have ratings or credit opinions from Fitch and/or other Nationally
Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations and/or European
Securities and Markets Authority registered rating agencies. Fitch
has relied on the practices of the relevant groups within Fitch
and/or other rating agencies to assess the asset portfolio
information or information on the risk presenting entities.

Overall, and together with any assumptions referred to above,
Fitch's assessment of the information relied upon for the agency's
rating analysis according to its applicable rating methodologies
indicates that it is adequately reliable.


Fitch does not provide ESG relevance scores for Palmer Square
European CLO 2024-1 DAC. In cases where Fitch does not provide ESG
relevance scores in connection with the credit rating of a
transaction, programme, instrument or issuer, Fitch will disclose
in the key rating drivers any ESG factor which has a significant
impact on the rating on an individual basis.

RRE 12 LOAN: S&P Assign Prelim. BB-(sf) Rating on Cl. D-R Notes
S&P Global Ratings assigned its preliminary credit ratings to RRE
12 Loan Management DAC's class B-R, C-1-R, C-2-R, and D-R notes.

On June 24, 2024, the issuer will refinance the original class B,
C-1, C-2, and D notes by issuing replacement notes of the same

The replacement notes are largely subject to the same terms and
conditions as the original notes, except that the replacement notes
will have a lower spread over Euro Interbank Offered Rate than the
original notes.

The ratings reflect S&P's assessment of:

-- The diversified collateral pool, which primarily comprises
broadly syndicated speculative-grade senior-secured term loans and
bonds that are governed by collateral quality tests.

-- The credit enhancement provided through the subordination of
cash flows, excess spread, and overcollateralization.

-- The collateral manager's experienced team, which can affect the
performance of the rated notes through collateral selection,
ongoing portfolio management, and trading.

-- The transaction's legal structure, which S&P expects to be
bankruptcy remote.

-- The transaction's counterparty risks, which S&P expects to be
in line with its counterparty rating framework.

  Portfolio benchmarks

  S&P weighted-average rating factor                    2,772.49

  Default rate dispersion                                 517.25

  Weighted-average life (years)                             4.34

  Obligor diversity measure                               112.29

  Industry diversity measure                               19.46

  Regional diversity measure                                1.26

  Transaction key metrics

  Portfolio weighted-average rating
  derived from S&P's CDO evaluator                             B

  'CCC' category rated assets (%)                           0.38

  Actual 'AAA' weighted-average recovery (%)               37.09

  Actual weighted-average spread (net of floors; %)         3.91

  Actual weighted-average coupon (%)                        3.31

Rating rationale

Under the transaction documents, the rated notes will pay quarterly
interest unless a frequency switch event occurs. Following this,
the notes will switch to semiannual payments.

The portfolio's reinvestment period will end in July 2027.

The portfolio is well-diversified, primarily comprising broadly
syndicated speculative-grade senior-secured term loans and
senior-secured bonds. Therefore, S&P has conducted its credit and
cash flow analysis by applying its criteria for corporate cash flow

S&P said, "In our cash flow analysis, we used a EUR450 million
target par collateral principal amount, the portfolio's actual
weighted-average spread (3.91%), actual weighted-average coupon
(3.31%), and actual weighted-average recovery rates at each rating

"We applied various cash flow stress scenarios, using four
different default patterns, in conjunction with different interest
rate stress scenarios for each liability rating category.

"Elavon Financial Services DAC is the bank account provider and
custodian. We expect that the transaction's documented counterparty
replacement and remedy mechanisms will adequately mitigate its
exposure to counterparty risk under our current counterparty

"Under our structured finance sovereign risk criteria, we consider
that the transaction's exposure to country risk is sufficiently
mitigated at the assigned preliminary ratings.

"At closing, we expect that the transaction's legal structure and
framework will be bankruptcy remote, in line with our legal

"Our credit and cash flow analysis indicates that the available
credit enhancement for the class B-R, C-1-R, C-2-R, and D-R notes
could withstand stresses commensurate with higher ratings than
those assigned. However, as the CLO is still in its reinvestment
phase, during which the transaction's credit risk profile could
deteriorate, we capped our assigned preliminary ratings on these
refinanced notes.

"Following our analysis of the credit, cash flow, counterparty,
operational, and legal risks, we believe our preliminary ratings
are commensurate with the available credit enhancement for the B-R,
C-1-R, C-2-R, and D-R notes.

"In addition to our standard analysis, to provide an indication of
how rising pressures among speculative-grade corporates could
affect our ratings on European CLO transactions, we have also
included the sensitivity of the preliminary ratings on the class
B-R to D-R notes based on four hypothetical scenarios."

The transaction securitizes a portfolio of primarily senior-secured
leveraged loans and bonds, and it is managed by Redding Ridge Asset
Management (UK) LLP.

Environmental, social, and governance

S&P said, "We regard the transaction's exposure to environmental,
social, and governance (ESG) credit factors as broadly in line with
our benchmark for the sector. Primarily due to the diversity of the
assets within CLOs, the exposure to environmental and social credit
factors is viewed as below average, while governance credit factors
are average."

The transaction documents prohibit assets from being related to the
following industries: controversial weapons, nuclear weapons,
thermal coal, speculative extraction of oil and gas,
tobacco/tobacco related products, opioid manufacturing or
distribution, hazardous chemicals, pornography or prostitution,
non-sustainable palm oil production, tar sands extraction, or
speculative transactions of soft commodities.

S&P said, "Accordingly, since the exclusion of assets from these
industries does not result in material differences between the
transaction and our ESG benchmark for the sector, no specific
adjustments have been made in our rating analysis to account for
any ESG-related risks or opportunities."

                              REPLACEMENT  ORIGINAL
                      PRELIM.    NOTES     NOTES

  B-R     A (sf)     41.85    3mE + 2.20%   3mE + 3.50%   20.46

  C-1-R   BBB (sf)   25.75    3mE + 3.00%   3mE + 4.23%   14.73

  C-2-R   BBB (sf)    6.00    3mE + 4.30%   3mE + 4.33%   13.40

  D-R     BB- (sf)   12.90    3mE + 5.75%   3mE + 7.90%   10.53

  Sub.    NR         51.15        N/A           N/A        N/A

*The preliminary ratings assigned to the class B-R, C-1-R, C-2-R,
and D-R notes address ultimate interest and principal payments.
§The payment frequency switches to semiannual and the index
switches to 6mE when a frequency switch event occurs.
3mE--Three-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate.
NR--Not rated.
N/A--Not applicable.

SEGOVIA EUROPEAN 4-2017: Moody's Affirms B2 Rating on Cl. F Notes
Moody's Ratings has upgraded the rating on the following notes
issued by Segovia European CLO 4-2017 Designated Activity Company:

EUR22,250,000 Class C Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2031, Upgraded to Aa3 (sf); previously on Sep 7, 2023
Upgraded to A1 (sf)

Moody's has also affirmed the ratings on the following notes:

EUR193,000,000 (Current outstanding amount EUR136,803,016) Class A
Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2031, Affirmed Aaa (sf);
previously on Sep 7, 2023 Affirmed Aaa (sf)

EUR29,000,000 Class B-1 Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due
2031, Affirmed Aaa (sf); previously on Sep 7, 2023 Upgraded to Aaa

EUR 12,500,000 Class B-2 Senior Secured Fixed Rate Notes due 2031,
Affirmed Aaa (sf); previously on Sep 7, 2023 Upgraded to Aaa (sf)

EUR19,100,000 Class D Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2031, Affirmed Baa2 (sf); previously on Sep 7, 2023
Affirmed Baa2 (sf)

EUR15,500,000 Class E Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2031, Affirmed Ba2 (sf); previously on Sep 7, 2023
Affirmed Ba2 (sf)

EUR10,100,000 Class F Senior Secured Deferrable Floating Rate
Notes due 2031, Affirmed B2 (sf); previously on Sep 7, 2023
Affirmed B2 (sf)

Segovia European CLO 4-2017 Designated Activity Company, issued in
December 2017, is a collateralised loan obligation (CLO) backed by
a portfolio of mostly high-yield senior secured European loans. The
portfolio is managed by Segovia Loan Advisors (UK) LLP. The
transaction's reinvestment period ended in January 2022.


The rating upgrade on the Class C notes is primarily a result of
the deleveraging of the Class A notes following amortisation of the
underlying portfolio since the last review in September 2023.

The affirmations on the ratings on the Class A, B-1, B-2, D, E and
F notes are primarily a result of the expected losses on the notes
remaining consistent with their current ratings after taking into
account the CLO's latest portfolio, its relevant structural
features and its actual over-collateralization (OC) levels.

The Class A notes have paid down by approximately EUR32.03 million
(16.6%) since the last review in September 2023. As a result of the
deleveraging, over-collateralisation (OC) has increased for
tranches A to E. According to the trustee report dated July 2023
[1] the Class A/B, Class C, Class D, Class E and Class F OC ratios
are reported at 138.51%, 125.33%, 115.86%, 109.17% and 105.21%
compared to May 2024 [2] levels of 144.58%, 128.54%, 117.37%,
109.63% and 105.11%, respectively.

The key model inputs Moody's uses in its analysis, such as par,
weighted average rating factor, diversity score and the weighted
average recovery rate, are based on its published methodology and
could differ from the trustee's reported numbers.

In its base case, Moody's used the following assumptions:

Performing par and principal proceeds balance: EUR249.6m

Defaulted Securities: EUR4.4m

Diversity Score: 47

Weighted Average Rating Factor (WARF): 2980

Weighted Average Life (WAL): 3.3 years

Weighted Average Spread (WAS) (before accounting for Euribor
floors): 3.64%

Weighted Average Coupon (WAC): 3.58%

Weighted Average Recovery Rate (WARR): 44.60%

Par haircut in OC tests and interest diversion test: 0%

The default probability derives from the credit quality of the
collateral pool and Moody's expectation of the remaining life of
the collateral pool. The estimated average recovery rate on future
defaults is based primarily on the seniority of the assets in the
collateral pool. In each case, historical and market performance
and a collateral manager's latitude to trade collateral are also
relevant factors. Moody's incorporates these default and recovery
characteristics of the collateral pool into its cash flow model
analysis, subjecting them to stresses as a function of the target
rating of each CLO liability it is analysing.

Methodology Underlying the Rating Action:

The principal methodology used in these ratings was "Moody's Global
Approach to Rating Collateralized Loan Obligations" published in
May 2024.

Counterparty Exposure:

The rating action took into consideration the notes' exposure to
relevant counterparties, such as account bank, using the
methodology "Moody's Approach to Assessing Counterparty Risks in
Structured Finance methodology" published in October 2023. Moody's
concluded the ratings of the notes are not constrained by these

Factors that would lead to an upgrade or downgrade of the ratings:

The rated notes' performance is subject to uncertainty. The notes'
performance is sensitive to the performance of the underlying
portfolio, which in turn depends on economic and credit conditions
that may change. The collateral manager's investment decisions and
management of the transaction will also affect the notes'

Additional uncertainty about performance is due to the following:

-- Portfolio amortisation: The main source of uncertainty in this
transaction is the pace of amortisation of the underlying
portfolio, which can vary significantly depending on market
conditions and have a significant impact on the notes' ratings.
Amortisation could accelerate as a consequence of high loan
prepayment levels or collateral sales by or be delayed by an
increase in loan amend-and-extend restructurings. Fast amortisation
would usually benefit the ratings of the notes beginning with the
notes having the highest prepayment priority.

-- Recovery of defaulted assets: Market value fluctuations in
trustee-reported defaulted assets and those Moody's assumes have
defaulted can result in volatility in the deal's
over-collateralisation levels. Further, the timing of recoveries
and the manager's decision whether to work out or sell defaulted
assets can also result in additional uncertainty. Moody's analysed
defaulted recoveries assuming the lower of the market price or the
recovery rate to account for potential volatility in market prices.
Recoveries higher than Moody's expectations would have a positive
impact on the notes' ratings.

In addition to the quantitative factors that Moody's explicitly
modelled, qualitative factors are part of the rating committee's
considerations. These qualitative factors include the structural
protections in the transaction, its recent performance given the
market environment, the legal environment, specific documentation
features, the collateral manager's track record and the potential
for selection bias in the portfolio. All information available to
rating committees, including macroeconomic forecasts, input from
other Moody's analytical groups, market factors, and judgments
regarding the nature and severity of credit stress on the
transactions, can influence the final rating decision.

TRINITAS EURO III: Fitch Assigns B-(EXP)sf Rating on Cl. F-R Notes
Fitch Ratings has assigned Trinitas Euro CLO III DAC reset notes
expected ratings. The assignment of final ratings is contingent on
the receipt of final documents conforming to information already

   Entity/Debt        Rating           
   -----------        ------           
Trinitas Euro

   A-R            LT AAA(EXP)sf  Expected Rating
   B-1 R          LT AA(EXP)sf   Expected Rating
   B-2 R          LT AA(EXP)sf   Expected Rating
   C-R            LT A(EXP)sf    Expected Rating
   D-R            LT BBB-(EXP)sf Expected Rating
   E-R            LT BB-(EXP)sf  Expected Rating
   F-R            LT B-(EXP)sf   Expected Rating


Trinitas Euro CLO III DAC is a securitisation of mainly senior
secured loans and secured senior bonds (at least 90%) with a
component of senior unsecured, mezzanine and second-lien loans.
Note proceeds will be used to fund a portfolio with a target par of
EUR425 million. The portfolio is actively managed by Trinitas
Capital Management, LLC. The CLO will have an approximately
4.5-year reinvestment period and an approximately 8.5-year weighted
average life test (WAL).


Average Portfolio Credit Quality (Neutral): Fitch assesses the
average credit quality of obligors within the 'B' category. The
Fitch-calculated weighted average rating factor (WARF) of the
identified portfolio is 24.0.

High Recovery Expectations (Positive): At least 90% of the
portfolio will comprise senior secured obligations. Fitch views the
recovery prospects for these assets as more favourable than for
second-lien, unsecured and mezzanine assets. The Fitch-calculated
weighted average recovery rate (WARR) of the identified portfolio
is 63.4%.

Diversified Portfolio (Positive): The transaction will include
various concentration limits in the portfolio, including a
fixed-rate obligation limit at 10% and a top 10 obligor
concentration limit at 20%, and a maximum exposure to the
three-largest Fitch-defined industries at 40%. These covenants
ensure the asset portfolio will not be exposed to excessive

Portfolio Management (Neutral): The transaction will have a
reinvestment period of about 4.5 years and includes reinvestment
criteria similar to those of other European transactions. Fitch's
analysis is based on a stressed case portfolio with the aim of
testing the robustness of the transaction structure against its
covenants and portfolio guidelines.

Cash Flow Modelling (Positive): The WAL for the transaction's
Fitch-stressed portfolio analysis is 12 months less than the WAL
covenant. This is to account for the strict reinvestment conditions
envisaged by the transaction after its reinvestment period, which
include passing the coverage tests, the Fitch WARF test and the
Fitch 'CCC' bucket limitation test after reinvestment as well as a
WAL covenant that progressively steps down, before and after the
end of the reinvestment period. Fitch believes these conditions
would reduce the effective risk horizon of the portfolio during the
stress period.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

A 25% increase of the mean default rate (RDR) and a 25% decrease of
the recovery rate (RRR) across all ratings of the identified
portfolio would have no impact on the rated notes.

Based on the identified portfolio, downgrades may occur if the loss
expectation is larger than initially assumed, due to unexpectedly
high levels of default and portfolio deterioration. Due to the
better metrics and shorter life of the identified portfolio than
the Fitch-stressed portfolio, the class F-R notes display a rating
cushion of four notches, the class C-R notes a cushion of three
notches, and class B-1 R, B-2 R , D-R and E-R notes a cushion of
two notches each.

Should the cushion between the identified portfolio and the
Fitch-stressed portfolio be eroded either due to manager trading or
negative portfolio credit migration, a 25% increase of the mean RDR
and a 25% decrease of the RRR across all ratings of the
Fitch-stressed portfolio would lead to downgrades of up to four
notches for the rated notes.

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

A 25% reduction of the mean RDR and a 25% increase in the RRR
across all ratings of the Fitch-stressed portfolio would lead to
upgrades of up to three notches for the rated notes, except for the
'AAAsf' rated notes.

During the reinvestment period, based on the Fitch-stressed
portfolio, upgrades may occur on better-than-expected portfolio
credit quality and a shorter remaining WAL test, allowing the notes
to withstand larger-than-expected losses for the remaining life of
the transaction. After the end of the reinvestment period, upgrades
may result from stable portfolio credit quality and deleveraging,
leading to higher credit enhancement and excess spread available to
cover losses in the remaining portfolio.


Form ABS Due Diligence-15E was not provided to, or reviewed by,
Fitch in relation to this rating action.


Fitch has checked the consistency and plausibility of the
information it has received about the performance of the asset pool
and the transaction. Fitch has not reviewed the results of any
third-party assessment of the asset portfolio information or
conducted a review of origination files as part of its ongoing

The majority of the underlying assets or risk-presenting entities
have ratings or credit opinions from Fitch and/or other nationally
recognised statistical rating organisations and/or European
securities and markets authority-registered rating agencies. Fitch
has relied on the practices of the relevant groups within Fitch
and/or other rating agencies to assess the asset portfolio
information or information on the risk-presenting entities.

Overall, and together with any assumptions referred to above,
Fitch's assessment of the information relied upon for the agency's
rating analysis according to its applicable rating methodologies
indicates that it is adequately reliable.


Fitch does not provide ESG relevance scores for Trinitas Euro CLO
III DAC. In cases where Fitch does not provide ESG relevance scores
in connection with the credit rating of a transaction, programme,
instrument or issuer, Fitch will disclose in the key rating drivers
any ESG factor which has a significant impact on the rating on an
individual basis.


FIBER BIDCO: Fitch Rates EUR430MM Secured Notes 'BB-'
Fitch Ratings has assigned Fiber Bidco S.p.A.'s (Fedrigoni) EUR430
million senior secured notes a final instrument rating of 'BB-'
with a Recovery Rating of 'RR3'. This follows the completion of its
partial refinancing, with final terms being in line with its prior
expectations. Concurrently, Fitch has affirmed Fedrigoni's
Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'B+' with a Stable

Fedriogoni's 'B+' IDR balances the group's high leverage, which
limits rating headroom, with a solid business profile and sound
profitability. The Stable Outlook mainly reflects expected
improvements to operating profitability, which will support its
leverage profile and interest coverage in the medium term.



Fedrigoni is a specialty paper and packaging producer, which is
smaller in scale than Fitch-rated peers such as Stora Enso Oyj
(BBB-/Stable) and Smurfit Kappa Group plc (BBB-/RWP). Fitch views
Fedrigoni's business profile as modestly stronger than that of
recycled paperboard producer, Reno de Medici S.p.A. (RDM;
B+/Stable), due mainly to stronger product and geographic

Fitch views Fedrigoni's financial profile as weaker than RDM's due
to its higher expected leverage and weaker coverage. Both companies
have sound profitability with expected positive free cash flow
(FCF) generation and moderate operating profitability.


Fitch's Key Assumptions Within Its Rating Case for the Issuer:

-Revenue of around EUR2.0 billion in 2024. Organic revenue to grow
by mid-single digits annually in 2025-2027

- Net M&A spend of around EUR350 million in 2024-2025, and EUR100
million annually in 2026-2027 (no guidance from the group)

- Fitch-defined EBITDA margin of 13.5% in 2024 (including about 1pp
adverse impact of its sale and leaseback transaction), before
gradually increasing to 14.3% by 2027

- Working-capital inflow of about 1% of revenue in 2024 and about
0.5% working-capital outflow in 2025-2027

- Capex at 3.5% of revenue in 2024-2027

- Proportionate consolidation (Fitch's adjustment) of Tageos,
reflecting Fedrigoni's long-term strategic interest in the company

- No dividends to 2027


The recovery analysis assumes that Fedrigoni would be considered a
going-concern (GC) in bankruptcy, and that it would be reorganised
rather than liquidated, given its strong market position and
customer relationships. Fitch has assumed a 10% administrative

The group's GC EBITDA estimate of EUR220 million reflects Fitch's
view of a sustainable, post-reorganisation EBITDA level on which
Fitch bases the group's enterprise valuation (EV). The GC EBITDA
reflects intense market competition resulting in subdued operating

Fitch used a 5.5x EBITDA multiple, reflecting the group's strong
position in growing premium niche markets, established customer
relationships and a well-developed own distribution network. Its
multiple is in line with those of RDM, Titan Holding II B.V. and
Ardagh Group S.A.

The debt structure comprises its EUR665 million floating-rate
notes, new EUR430 million fixed-rate notes, a EUR180 million
revolving credit facility (RCF assumed fully drawn), about EUR320
million factoring (mostly non-recourse), around EUR72 million other
debt (including modest debt at Tageos on proportionate
consolidation), an EUR75 million unsecured government loan (assumed
EUR15 million repayment) and EUR300 million payment-in kind (PIK)
toggle notes.

Its waterfall analysis generates a ranked recovery for senior
secured noteholders in the 'RR3' category, leading to a final 'BB-'
rating for the senior secured notes. The waterfall-generated
recovery computation output percentage is 60%.


Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade:

- EBITDA gross leverage below 4.5x on a sustained basis

- FCF margins above 3% on a sustained basis

Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade:

- EBITDA gross leverage above 6.0x on a sustained basis

- EBITDA interest coverage below 2.0x on a sustained basis

- Inability to generate positive FCF on a sustained basis

- Problems with integration of acquisitions or increased debt


Sufficient Liquidity: Fitch estimates Fedrigoni's liquidity
post-refinancing mainly consisted of about EUR0.2 billion of
readily available cash and with access to an undrawn upsized about
EUR180 million RCF due 2027. Fitch expects positive FCF generation
over the next four years. The partial refinancing has improved the
group's liquidity profile by extending its debt maturity profile
and reducing the average cost of financing.

No Material Maturities Near Term: The group has no significant
short-term debt maturities (apart from an overdraft and
non-recourse factoring) as the debt structure is dominated by
long-dated senior secured notes and the government loan. The group
has repaid its existing about EUR365 million fixed-rate notes due
2027 with the proceeds of the new EUR430 million fixed-rate notes
due 2031. The group's about EUR665 million floating-rate notes are
due in 2030 and its EUR300 million PIK notes are due in 2029.


Fedrigoni is an Italian leading producer of specialty paper and
self-adhesive labels operating in over 130 countries.


Fitch's latest quarterly Global Corporates Macro and Sector
Forecasts data file which aggregates key data points used in its
credit analysis. Fitch's macroeconomic forecasts, commodity price
assumptions, default rate forecasts, sector key performance
indicators and sector-level forecasts are among the data items


Fiber Bidco has an ESG Relevance Score of '4[+]' for Exposure to
Social Impacts due to consumer preference shift to more sustainable
packaging solutions such as paper packaging, which has a positive
impact on the credit profile, and is relevant to the ratings in
conjunction with other factors.

The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt             Rating           Recovery   Prior
   -----------             ------           --------   -----
Fiber Bidco S.p.A.   LT IDR B+   Affirmed              B+

   senior secured    LT     BB-  New Rating   RR3      BB-(EXP)

   senior secured    LT     BB-  Affirmed     RR3      BB-

GOLDEN GOOSE: Fitch Alters Outlook on B+ LongTerm IDR to Positive
Fitch Ratings has revised the Outlook on Golden Goose S.p.A.'s B+
Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to Positive from Stable and
affirmed the IDR at 'B+' and senior secured rating at 'BB-' with a
Recovery Rating of 'RR3'.

The revision of Outlook reflects the potential for Golden Goose's
credit profile to improve as a result of the intention to list the
company and apply the new equity raised to reduce gross debt
together with part of its cash balances, and refinance remaining
debt. Management also stated it plans to pursue further

The company is continuing to successfully deliver its business plan
and post-IPO should display good pre-dividend free cash flow (FCF)
and strong EBITDAR fixed charge cover. Fitch believes that over the
next18-24 months, the company's small size and niche position,
which currently constrain its rating, could be balanced by more
conservative credit metrics and reaching mildly larger scale along
with continuously improving EBITDA and FCF margins.

Subject to continuing strong trading performance, Fitch could
upgrade the IDR by one notch, once the new capital structure
following the planned IPO is completed, leading to lower leverage
and stronger interest cover, as well as continued de-leveraging
resulting from the group's dividend policy.


Outlook Reflects Prospective Deleveraging: Golden Goose intends to
utilise around EUR100 million proceeds from the IPO, together with
some of its EUR132 million cash as of end-2023, to reduce gross
debt to EUR310 million (from EUR480 million). It has also confirmed
it subsequently intends to further de-leverage. Fitch estimates
that the announced debt reduction could lead to gross lease
adjusted leverage strongly improving to around 3.0x (from 4.1x in
2023), a level consistent with its 'bbb' medians.

Other Conditions for Upgrade: Golden Goose's planned IPO launch,
accompanied by a subsequent conservative policy of debt reduction
and continued successful trading, could support an upgrade of its
IDR despite the company's still small size. Under its revised
sensitivities, Fitch could upgrade the IDR to 'BB-', subject to
leverage dropping sustainably below 3.0x and EBITDAR fixed charge
cover increasing above 3.0x. It would also need to demonstrate
clear attributes of a niche but superior-profitability business
model, offsetting scale limitations.

These attributes include EBITDAR margin growing to at least 35%,
translating into high single-digit FCF margins, continued
successful execution of the business plan with maintenance of a
balanced mix of sales by channel and geography and declining
reliance on core models, as its annual EBITDA is approaching EUR300
million over the medium term.

Improving Credit Metrics: The company's conservative financial
policy announced in March 2024 targeting IFRS 16-defined net
debt/adjusted EBITDA of 1.0x-1.5 (according to management this was
2.4x at end-December 2023) in 2024-2029, provides scope for further
deleveraging post IPO. The high end of the company's target net
leverage band corresponds to a 2.4x Fitch lease-adjusted net
debt/EBITDAR, which Fitch projects would be reached in 2025 in the
absence of dividend payments. Combined with the prospective debt
refinancing, this could lead to savings on interest payments and
potentially increase the already strong EBITDAR fixed-charge
coverage towards 3.5x (2.4x in 2023).

Niche Market Position: Golden Goose remains a small company, with
EUR157 million 2023 Fitch-adjusted EBITDA and a niche market
position in the luxury sneakers category. This is despite
increasing control of its supply chain following the
internalisation of part of production in 2023. Its share of the
personal luxury goods market is negligible. Nonetheless, Fitch
believes it is well established in the luxury sneakers category and
has scope to continue expanding faster than the market.

Golden Goose has good sales channel and geographic diversification.
However, the company's luxury profile and niche focus constrain
prospects for substantially scaling up, as this could compromise
its brand positioning, which is reliant on the concept of scarcity,
craftmanship and limited models.

Single Product Focus: Golden Goose's diversification is limited by
heavy reliance on the luxury sneaker category and the core sneaker
model that accounts for about 40% of the company's total sales.
High single-product and price-point concentration is unlikely to
reduce in the short term. This is somewhat mitigated by its
sneakers not being overly reliant on a particular fashion trend,
season, generation or gender and by a strategy that includes
diversifying into apparel and other product categories. This was
recently confirmed by the introduction of adjacent products within
the clothing and accessories categories.

Successful Business Plan Execution: The company's 2021-2023
performance was supported by a cautious but steady roll out of an
average 20 new stores a year. Combined with the active shift of
growth volumes from wholesale to the more profitable online channel
since 2021, this allowed sales and profits to double. The EBITDAR
margin only mildly reduced to 33.4% (2019-2020 average 36%) in
2023. Even in 2020, performance was resilient, with 1% revenue
growth, despite forced store closures.

Casualisation Trends Support Demand: Golden Goose has benefited
from an acceleration in casualisation and digitalisation trends
since 2020 as consumers prioritise comfort in their clothing
choices. Fitch expects these trends to persist over the rating
horizon to 2027, supporting sales growth. Customers appreciate the
combination of high comfort, quality and manufacturing, as well as
the affordable luxury pricing and casual characteristics of Golden
Goose's products. The company has successfully increased customer
loyalty and repeat purchases.

Retail and Digital Channel Expansion: Fitch projects that store
openings and rising online penetration will lead to further
sustained revenue growth over 2024-2027 with a 7%-8% CAGR. Fitch
views execution risks from Golden Goose's plan to open more than 80
stores by end-2027 to increase its presence in Asia, Americas and
Europe as manageable. This is because store formats are small, not
in the highest cost locations, and new openings will mostly be in
countries where the company's brand is already appreciated. Online
growth will be supported by adequate existing infrastructure,
mitigating execution risks from rapid growth.


Golden Goose shares traits with consumer goods and non-food retail
companies, as it sells products under its own brand through
directly operated retail stores, wholesalers, department stores and
online. Fitch uses its Non-Food Retail Navigator to assess Golden
Goose's rating as the company's strategy is predominantly based on
the expansion of its leasehold store network. Fitch therefore
considers lease-adjusted credit metrics for Golden Goose. However,
Fitch also compares Golden Goose with companies in the consumer
goods sector.

The company is rated two notches below its closest peer,
Birkenstock Financing S.a.r.l. (BB/Stable), which also operates in
the shoe sector. It has similar profitability and is concentrated
on one product. Unlike Golden Goose, Birkenstock is not developing
its own retail store network and therefore Fitch does not adjust
its leverage for leases. The two-notch rating differential reflects
Birkenstock's 3x larger scale and a product offering that thanks to
a lower price point and a unique orthopaedic construction, has
historically been less subject to fashion risk, as well as lower
FY23 leverage of 2.7x pro-for Birkenstock's IPO of October 2023 and
its expectation of strong FCF generation of EUR200-280 million from

Golden Goose's credit profile is weaker than that of Levi Strauss &
Co. (BB+/Stable), which also has high concentration on a single
brand, but is much larger in scale and more diversified by product
and geography. Fitch expects Levi Strauss to maintain
lease-adjusted leverage below 3.5x, which will be approximately
0.5x higher than Golden Goose's post-IPO level.

Golden Goose is smaller and has greater concentration risks than
Italian furniture producer -Flos B&B Italia S.p.A. (IDG; B/Stable),
but benefits from lower expected leverage., IDG has made several
acquisitions that constrain its deleveraging trajectory.

Golden Goose is rated in line with THG PLC (B+/Negative), which
operates in the beauty and well-being consumer market. THG is
bigger than Golden Goose in sales, and is not exposed to fashion
risk and product concentration but its profitability was affected
in 2022 by demand, supply chain and input cost headwinds and its
FCF generation remains negative. Unlike Golden Goose, THG has based
its strategy on bolt-on M&A, raising resources from the equity
market. However, Golden Goose's successful execution has enabled it
to deleverage to more conservative levels than THG's approximately
5.5x total debt-to-EBITDA.


Fitch's Key Assumptions within Its Rating Case for the Issuer:

- Retail revenue CAGR of around 6.7% over 2024-2027, driven by
about 20 new store openings a year and direct online sales.

- Strong EBITDAR margin (EBITDA before operating leases) of 34% to

- Working capital outflows of around EUR22 million in 2024 before
reducing to low single digits over the rating horizon.

- Capex at around 7.5% of revenue per year to 2027.

- No dividends.

- Acquisition spending of EUR7 million in 2024 and then about EUR4
million each year.


The recovery analysis assumes that Golden Goose would be
reorganised as a going-concern in bankruptcy rather than
liquidated. Fitch has assumed a 10% administrative claim.

Golden Goose's going-concern EBITDA assumption is EUR70 million.
The going-concern EBITDA estimate reflects Fitch's view of a
sustainable, post-reorganisation EBITDA upon which Fitch bases the
enterprise valuation. It is based on average EBITDA for 2021-2024
under its stress assumption of the company's main product losing
consumer appeal and new stores substantially underperforming
existing stores.

An enterprise value multiple of 5.5x EBITDA is applied to the
going-concern EBITDA to calculate a post-reorganisation enterprise
value. The multiple of 5.5x reflects the company's strong growth
prospects relative to peers as well as its small size.

The company's EUR75 million revolving credit facility (RCF) is
assumed to be fully drawn upon default, and is considered as super
senior, ranking ahead of the senior secured notes (SSN). Reverse
factoring (EUR11.9 million outstanding at end-2023, Fitch's
adjustment to financial debt of EUR2.6 million in accordance with
the corporate rating criteria) is treated as unsecured debt,
ranking after the senior secured creditor claims.

Its waterfall analysis generates a ranked recovery for the SSN in
the 'RR3' band, indicating a 'BB-' rating. The waterfall analysis
output percentage on current metrics and assumptions is 57%.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

- Continued successful execution of the business plan with
maintenance of a balanced composition of sales by channel (between
retail, wholesale and online) and geography (EMEA, Americas and
Asia) and declining reliance on core models, as well as annual
EBITDA approaching EUR300 million over the medium term

- EBITDAR margin of around 35%, translating into high single-digit
FCF margins

- The completion of an IPO with the allocation of proceeds and the
formulation of a financial policy consistent with maintaining
EBITDAR leverage below 3.0x and an EBITDAR fixed charge cover ratio
above 3.0x on a sustained basis

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

- Material slowdown in revenue growth driven by diminishing product
appeal to consumers, reflected in weak like-for-like performance of
existing stores or inability of new stores to reach targeted sales

- FCF margin below 5% due to weakening of EBITDAR margin or
higher-than-expected investments in working capital and capex

- EBITDAR leverage growing above 5.0x


Comfortable Liquidity: At end-2023, Golden Goose had comfortable
liquidity given EUR132 million cash and EUR63.8 million available
under its committed RCF. Refinancing risk is limited as the SSN
will be due only in 2027, by wen Fitch would expect the company to
have steadily deleveraged and accumulated cash on its balance


Golden Goose is a fast-growing luxury footwear brand. It has
operations in Europe, US and Asia through a network of directly
operated stores, wholesalers and online.


Fitch's latest quarterly Global Corporates Macro and Sector
Forecasts data file which aggregates key data points used in its
credit analysis. Fitch's macroeconomic forecasts, commodity price
assumptions, default rate forecasts, sector key performance
indicators and sector-level forecasts are among the data items


The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt              Rating        Recovery   Prior
   -----------              ------        --------   -----
Golden Goose S.p.A.   LT IDR B+  Affirmed            B+

   senior secured     LT     BB- Affirmed   RR3      BB-

WEBUILD SPA: Fitch Alters Outlook on 'BB' LongTerm IDR to Positive
Fitch Ratings has revised the Outlook on Webuild S.p.A.'s Long-Term
Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) to Positive from Stable and affirmed
the IDR at 'BB'.

The revision of the Outlook reflects its expectation of further
improvement in Webuild's Fitch-defined EBITDA gross leverage
metrics to below 2.5x in 2025. This will be mainly driven by strong
nominal EBITDA growth and an assumed gross debt reduction of about
EUR200 million-EUR250 million. The group's revenue growth and
operating margins are mainly supported by robust activity. Fitch
expects that deleveraging will be strongly dependent on its ability
to sustain EBITDA margin improvement.

The rating reflects Webuild's consistent sound net leverage and
solid business profile, which Fitch deems in line with an
investment-grade engineering and construction (E&C) company. The
rating remains limited by the company's moderate gross leverage and
volatile working capital requirement.


Declining Gross Leverage: Fitch expects EBITDA gross leverage to
decrease to around 2.6x in 2024 and 2.3x in 2025, from about 3.4x
in 2023. This will be mainly driven by expected strong EBITDA
growth supported by robust activity combined with the group's gross
debt reduction target of EUR200 million-EUR250 million by 2025.

Sound Net Leverage: Fitch expects EBITDA net leverage in 2024-2027
to remain adequate at about 0.7x-1.0x. Fitch assumes that the
group's high level of Fitch-defined readily available cash of about
EUR2.8 billion at end-2023 is temporary and expect that excess
liquidity will be mainly deployed on increased capex and working
capital requirements in 2024. Webuild targets maintaining the
company-defined net cash position in 2024.

Temporary Cash Consumption: Fitch expects temporary negative FCF of
about EUR1.1 billion for 2024, following high cash inflows of about
EUR1.3 billion in 2023. The temporary cash consumption will be
driven by high growth-related capex and a high working capital
requirement. The latter will be mainly driven by the partial
reversal of the high inflows of advance payments in previous years
and the timing of forecast cash inflows related to claim
collections and payments to subcontractors. Fitch expects
normalised working capital requirements from 2025 and assume modest
negative FCF in 2025 and neutral to positive FCF in 2026-2027.

Strong Revenue Visibility: Webuild's improved revenue visibility is
supported by its robust current order book and healthy pipeline of
opportunities. At end-2023, the group's construction order book
reached about EUR54.9 billion from EUR44.0 billion at end-2022. As
at April 2024, the group recorded around EUR5.5 billion of new
orders. The company is well positioned to continue benefiting from
increasing government investment in infrastructure across core
markets including Central and Northern Europe, Australia, the US
and the Middle East.

Improved Business Profile: The company has improved its business
profile over the last two years, mainly due to improved revenue
visibility, significant increase in scale of operations and
stronger market position, especially in Italy where it is the
largest E&C infrastructure construction company with a record of
high project win rates.

The group's investment-grade business profile is underpinned by
leading market positions in niche markets, a robust order backlog
and sound geographical diversification. These strengths are partly
offset by significant (but declining) project concentration and
working-capital requirements.

High Exposure to Developed Markets: Fitch views the high share of
new projects in lower-risk countries, especially in the US and
Australia, as positive for the credit profile. This is partly
offset by fairly high current share of contracts in Italy,
reflecting geographic concentration risk. However, Fitch expects
increasing exposure to other developed markets in 2024-2027,
including Central and Northern Europe, Australia, the US and the
Middle East. The overall domestic market exposure remains broadly
in line with most Fitch-rated E&C investment-grade peers.


Fitch views Webuild's business profile as broadly in line with Kier
Group Plc S.p.A. (Kier: BB+/Stable). Webuild's larger scale of
operations and better geographic diversification is offset by
Kier's less volatile working capital requirement. Webuild's
business profile is weaker than Ferrovial SE's (Ferrovial:
BBB/Stable) due to lower exposure to mature concessions and more
volatile working capital requirement. Webuild has a limited
presence in concessions. Its strategy focuses on large, complex,
value-added infrastructure projects with high engineering content.
The group has an established strong domestic market position across
its different business segments, coupled with healthy revenue
visibility and good contract risk management in line with other
investment-grade E&C players.

Webuild's financial profile is somewhat weaker than that of Kier
and Ferrovial mainly due to more volatile FCF through-the-cycle and
somewhat higher net leverage


- Revenue of about EUR10.5 billion in 2024 and then growth of
around 5%-8% in 2025-27.

- EBITDA margins to improve to 8.1% in 2024 and then stay at 8.3%
between 2025-2027.

- Working capital outflow of around EUR0.9 billion in 2024 and
inflows from 2025-2027.

- Capex at 6.8%-7.5% of revenue during 2024-2025 and stabilising at
4-4.5% in 2026-2027.

- Annual dividend of around EUR74 million-EUR80 million during


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

- EBITDA leverage below 2.5x on a sustained basis

- EBITDA net leverage below 1.5x on a sustained basis

- Ability to generate positive three-year average FCF

- Reduced concentration of 10 largest contracts to below 40% of the
order book

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

- EBITDA leverage above 3.5x on a sustained basis

- EBITDA net leverage above 2.5x on a sustained basis

- Inability to generate at least neutral FCF on a sustained basis

- Weak performance on major contracts with a material impact on

- Increasing share of high-risk countries


Sufficient Liquidity: At end-2023, Webuild's liquidity was
supported by about EUR2.8 billion readily available cash (excluding
around EUR0.3 billion considered not readily available by Fitch
mainly restricted cash for working capital purposes) and access to
EUR920 million undrawn revolving credit facilities. This is
sufficient to cover expected negative FCF of about EUR1.1 billion
in 2024 and upcoming maturities of about EUR0.7 billion in 2024 and
EUR0.6 billion in 2025

Debt Structure: At end-2023, Webuild's debt structure consisted
mainly of five euro-denominated senior unsecured bonds with a total
nominal amount of about EUR1.9 billion, with maturities between
2024 and 2028. Other debt of about EUR0.5 billion mainly includes
corporate loans, short- and medium-term construction debt at local
subsidiaries as well as modest long-term concession debt


Webuild is an Italian engineering and construction group with
operations spread across the geographies. It is mainly focused on
complex infrastructure civil projects with strong leadership in the
water segment.


Fitch's latest quarterly Global Corporates Macro and Sector
Forecasts data file which aggregates key data points used in its
credit analysis. Fitch's macroeconomic forecasts, commodity price
assumptions, default rate forecasts, sector key performance
indicators and sector-level forecasts are among the data items


The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt              Rating          Prior
   -----------              ------          -----
Webuild S.p.A.        LT IDR BB  Affirmed   BB

   senior unsecured   LT     BB  Affirmed   BB


LOPAREX MIDCO: $233.9MM Bank Debt Trades at 16% Discount
Participations in a syndicated loan under which Loparex Midco BV is
a borrower were trading in the secondary market around 84.3
cents-on-the-dollar during the week ended Friday, June 7, 2024,
according to Bloomberg's Evaluated Pricing service data.

The $233.9 million Term loan facility is scheduled to mature on
February 1, 2027.  The amount is fully drawn and outstanding.

Loparex is a provider of release liners.  Based in the Netherlands,
Loparex Midco B.V. operates as a financial holding company
incorporated in 2019.  The majority of the Company's end market
sales come from graphic arts, tapes, industrial, and medical.
Labelstock, hygiene, and composites accounts for a smaller portion
of end market sales.


TBC BANK: Fitch Assigns 'BB-' LongTerm IDR, Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings has assigned Uzbekistan-based Joint Stock Commercial
Bank "TBC BANK" (TBCU) Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of
'BB-' with Stable Outlooks and a Viability Rating (VR) of 'b'.


TBCU's Long-Term IDRs, as captured by the Shareholder Support
Rating (SSR) of 'bb-', reflect potential ultimate support from
Georgia-based TBC BANK JSC (TBC, BB/Stable), which is the core bank
within TBC BANK Group PLC, TBCU's controlling shareholder. In its
view, any potential extraordinary support would ultimately be
sourced from TBC. TBCU's 'b' VR reflects its reasonable risk
profile and asset quality and good capitalisation. It also
considers the bank's still developing and untested business model
and a limited record of profitable operations.

Shareholder Support Considerations: The SSR is one notch below
TBC's Long-Term IDR, reflecting TBCU's moderate role within the
broader TBC group and considerable management independence. The
bank contributed 9% of the group's total revenue and 5% of net
profit in 2023, although Fitch expects it to increase further in
the medium term.

State-Dominated Economy, Structural Weaknesses: Uzbekistan's
economy remains heavily dominated by the state, despite recent
market reforms and privatisation plans, resulting in weak
governance and generally poor financial transparency. Additional
risks stem from high dollarisation and concentrations of the
banking sector and its reliance on state funding and external

Small Digital Bank, Retail Focus: TBCU was established in 2020 as a
digital bank to focus solely on retail operations, predominantly
unsecured cash lending (95% of gross loans at end-1Q24). It is
controlled by TBC Bank Group PLC, with EBRD and IFC holding
minority stakes. While TBCU currently makes up only about 1% of
sector assets and loans, it has established a stronger position in
the retail segment (2.8% at end-1Q24), which Fitch expects the bank
to gradually improve further.

Fast Loan Growth, Prudent Underwriting: Since its operations began,
TBCU has been growing its loan book rapidly (2023: 148%). Fitch
expects this above-sector growth to continue into 2024-2025 as the
bank continues to expand its business in the higher-risk unsecured
retail segment. However, Fitch assesses TBCU's underwriting
standards as reasonably conservative for the domestic market as the
bank issues granular loans denominated in local currency.

Low Reported Impairments, High Reserves: Impaired loans ratio
equalled a limited 2.2% at end-2023, where Fitch forecasts it will
remain in 2024-2025 due to write-offs and expected high lending
growth. Problem exposures were fully provisioned for, which further
reduces asset-quality risks.

Breakeven Achieved, Performance to Improve: TBCU was loss-making
during the first three years of its operations due to high
operating costs related to establishing its business operations. In
2023, the bank reported its first annual net profit, with a return
on average equity of 7%. High margins and economies of scale should
boost TBCU's profitability in 2024-2025, although it will remain
moderate in its base case due to still substantial operating

Capital Injections from Shareholders: The bank has relied on annual
capital contributions from its shareholders to support its lending
growth and comply with prudential requirements. While Fitch expects
TBCU to receive additional large-scale capital injections in
2024-2025, its Fitch Core Capital (FCC) ratio will moderate to
13%-14% during this period from 15% at end-2023 in its base case.

Deposit-Funded, Increasing Wholesale Debt: TBCU is largely funded
by granular, albeit pricey, retail deposits (86% of end-2023 total
liabilities). However, the bank has recently started to attract
wholesale debt, including from the parent group, and Fitch expects
the share of external borrowings to increase in the medium term.
The bank's liquidity position is modest, with total liquid assets
covering around a quarter of customer deposits at end-2023.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

TBCU's SSR and Long-Term IDRs would be downgraded following a
downgrade of TBC's IDRs. A downgrade could also take place if Fitch
takes the view that TBCU's role for the group has weakened, leading
to a wider notching between the two banks' ratings. A lower Country
Ceiling (currently at 'BB-') would also result in a downgrade of
the ratings. However, Fitch currently views none of these scenarios
as likely.

The VR could be downgraded from sharply lower capitalisation, with
the FCC ratio dropping below 10%. This could be, for example, due
to a material weakening of asset quality resulting in losses, or
due to rapid lending growth not offset by timely capital injections
from the shareholders.

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

An upgrade of TBCU's SSR and Long-Term IDRs would require both an
upgrade of TBC's ratings and an upward revision in Uzbekistan's
Country Ceiling. Fitch could also upgrade TBCU's IDRs and equalise
them with those of TBC in case Fitch assesses that the former's
role for the group has strengthened, leading to a higher support
propensity. However, it is not currently expected by Fitch and
would also require a higher Country Ceiling.

Upgrade prospects for the bank's VR are currently limited and would
require a material improvement of the bank's still narrow franchise
coupled with an extended record of high profitability and


24 May 2024


TBCU's Long-Term IDRs reflect potential ultimate support from TBC.


The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt             Rating           
   -----------             ------           
Joint Stock
Commercial Bank
"TBC BANK"       LT IDR              BB- New Rating
                 ST IDR              B   New Rating
                 LC LT IDR           BB- New Rating
                 LC ST IDR           B   New Rating
                 Viability           b   New Rating
                 Shareholder Support bb- New Rating


CERVANTES TOPCO: S&P Assigns Preliminary 'B' ICR, Outlook Stable
S&P Global Ratings assigned its 'B' preliminary issuer credit
rating to Spain-based holding company Cervantes Topco S.L.U. and
its preliminary 'B' issue rating on the EUR675 million TLB with a
recovery rating of 3 (recovery prospect between 50%-70%: rounded at

S&P said, "The stable outlook reflects our expectation that Europa
Education will demonstrate sound operating performance supported by
the positive enrolment trend and stable EBITDA margin such that
leverage will improve below 6.0x by the end of 2025. We expect cash
flow generation to strengthen in the medium term with FOCF to debt
turning positive in 2025."

n April 2024, EQT announced its intention to acquire a 64% stake in
Europa Education Group via Cervantes Topco S.L.U. The current
shareholder, Permira, will maintain a minority stake of 35% in the
company. The transaction will be financed with a new EUR675 million
term loan B (TLB) maturing in June 2031, and has an equity stake of
EUR1.7 billion.

EQT is in the process of acquiring a 64% stake in Europa Education
from Permira in a buyout transaction. In April 2024, EQT announced
its intention to acquire a 64% stake in Europa Education via the
holding company Cervantes Topco S.L.U. The current shareholder,
Permira, will maintain a minority 35% share in the company. The
transaction will be financed with a new EUR675 million TLB maturing
in June 2031, and has an equity stake of EUR1.7 billion. The
capital structure will also include a EUR85 million revolving
credit facility (RCF) maturing six months ahead of the loan.
Compared with the current capital structure of Europa Education,
this transaction represents a EUR50 million upsize in total debt
quantum, which was standing at EUR625 million, recently upsized
from EUR480 million as of end-2023 through two consecutive dividend
recapitalizations. Pro forma for the transaction, S&P expects
leverage to increase to 6.5x in 2024 compared to 5.6x in 2023.
Nonetheless, it expects the group to deleverage quickly on earnings
growth in the medium term and stand at about 5.2x in 2025.

Europa Education's robust positioning in the Iberian Peninsula,
diversification in degrees offered, and formats of delivery
(constrained by limited scale and geographic diversification)
support the rating. S&P said, "We base our view of Europa
Education's key business strengths on its well-established position
and sound brand recognition as a tier two private higher education
operator in Spain and Portugal. It is the largest operator in Spain
with about 7% of market share and the third largest in Portugal
with about 10% of market share in a highly fragmented market. We
anticipate that Europa Education will increase its market shares as
the group expands its offering in the country over the next two
years, notably with the recent openings of campuses in Alicante and
Madrid and the construction of a sizable campus in Malaga. Europa
Education offers a vast diversity of degrees for undergraduate and
postgraduates in four distinct knowledge areas: Health sciences,
social science, STEAM (science, technology, Engineering, Art and
Math), and Sport Sciences. The group also provides a well-balanced
format of delivery with face-to-face programs, online programs, and
hybrid programs. Nonetheless, our rating is constrained by Europa
Education's limited scale with EUR434 million of revenue and about
EUR100 million of S&P Global Ratings-adjusted EBITDA in 2023. The
group's geographic footprint is heavily tilted toward Spain,
representing 87% of total revenue as of 2023. The high share of
international students, about 35%, somewhat counterbalance this
limited geographic diversification with international students
coming from the EU, the U.S., and Latin America."

The private higher education sector in Iberia exhibits supportive
features for Europa Education but the regulatory landscape could
present a challenge. The private higher education sector has shown
resilience through the cycle and is expected to expand on the back
of structural long-term trends, such as the shift from public to
private education; the increasing demand for master's degrees
considering delayed employment and life-long learning;
internationalization; and the demand for online offerings. The
higher education market in Spain benefits from high barriers to
entry due to regulation, quality of education, and brand
recognition, as well as the need for sizable investments, which
benefits Europa Education considering its well invested campuses.
Europa Education's positioning in the overall supportive
environment leads us to expect the group to capture a high share of
industry growth. Although highly unlikely, the regulatory landscape
could evolve and present a challenge to Europa Education. Higher
education is a key area of concern for governments and often as a
sector faces regulatory changes. Considering the current volatile
political landscape at the regional level in Spain, changes to the
regulatory landscape could occur and, in some way, disrupt Europa
Education's operations. S&P does not expect a sizable effect from
regulatory changes, but it remains an area of risk and high
scrutiny for the rating.

Europa Education's sizable investments in 2023 will fuel growth
above 15% for the next three years. The group recently finalized a
large investment program, which materialized with the opening of a
new campus in Alicante and the extension of the historical campus
in Madrid, as well as the extensions in the Canary Islands and
Valencia, which justifies a considerable increase in capex in 2023.
S&P said, "The group added more than 10,500 students in these
facilities, mostly in undergraduate programs, which we expect to
fuel the above 15% growth of the group for the next three years and
beyond. Additionally, the group is finalizing the authorization
process to open a new university in Malaga, where demand is strong,
but where no private university licenses have been granted by the
local government over the past 20 years. The campus in Malaga will
have a capacity of 6,000 students. The group is expecting to
present a similar offering compared with its historical campus. We
expect Malaga to only start contributing meaningfully to the
group's revenue in 2027. Capex related to the construction of the
university will be recorded mostly in 2024. We expect that Europa
Education's total student base will reach about 54,200 by the end
of the 2024-2025 academic year and revenue to increase to about 19%
in 2024 and 2025. This is similar to the growth recorded in 2023,
reaching EUR407 million in 2024 and EUR485 million in 2025 from
EUR344 million in 2023. The group's service delivery mix continues
to change with an increasing share of lower-fee digital offerings,
although this will be mostly offset by increasing tuition fees in
general due to a higher value proposition. We expect the S&P Global
Ratings-adjusted EBITDA margin to increase in 2024 to 30.6% and
further to 31.6% in 2025 from 28.7% in 2023."

The group exhibits a good degree of earnings visibility, a robust
margin profile, and a high cash conversion rate on a recurring
basis. Europa Education displays a good degree of earning
visibility with a sizable captive audience thanks to its focus on
undergraduate programs with four- to six-year tenures that account
for more than half of total enrollment and 70% of revenues. The
group has 100% visibility of 2024 earnings, 99% visibility for 2025
earnings, and 91% for 2026 earnings, assuming existing enrollment
numbers. That said, in the overall education industry, Europa
Education average tenure and thus earnings visibility is lower
compared to K-12 operators with average tenure between eight and
nine years. Although expanding at a fast pace, Europa Education has
not compromised on its profitability with the S&P Global
Ratings-adjusted EBITDA margin remaining stable in 2022 and 2023 at
about 29%. We forecast S&P Global Ratings-adjusted EBITDA margin
will reach 30.6% in 2024 and 31.6% in 2025 on the back of the
ramping up of recently opened campuses. On the back of limited
working capital variations and maintenance capex, Europa Education
is exhibiting a high level of cash conversion. S&P forecasts FOCF
after leases will, nonetheless, be depressed over the medium term
due to the sizable growth capex program that is aimed at increasing
student capacity considerably.

S&P said, "FOCF after leases will turn significantly negative in
2024 due to one-off items (high transaction costs and expansionary
capex), but we expect it will recover by 2025. We forecast FOCF
after leases will deteriorate to negative EUR67 million in 2024
compared to positive EUR16 million in 2023. This is due to high
interest expenses, elevated transactions costs, and increased capex
to about EUR87 million in 2024. Capex will return to more
normalized levels in 2025 at EUR50 million similar to EUR50 million
in 2023, as the group expands its activities with the construction
of new facilities. We forecast FOCF after leases to recover and
turn positive to about EUR27 million in 2025, on earnings growth,
absent transaction costs, and lower capex.

"The final ratings will depend on our receipt and satisfactory
review of all final documentation and final terms of the
transaction. The preliminary ratings should therefore not be
construed as evidence of final ratings. If we do not receive final
documentation within a reasonable time, or if the final
documentation and final terms of the transaction depart from the
materials and terms reviewed, we reserve the right to withdraw or
revise the ratings. Potential changes include, but are not limited
to, utilization of the proceeds, maturity, size and conditions of
the facilities, financial and other covenants, security, and
ranking within the capital structure.

"Our stable outlook reflects our belief that Europa Education will
manage to quickly deleverage to below 6.0x by the end of 2025 on
the back of robust enrollment and sales growth with a resilient
EBITDA margin fueled by the recent opening of additional
facilities, mostly in the high margin undergraduate programs.
Although pressured by investments and increased debt service in
2024, we expect FOCF after leases to turn positive in 2025."

S&P could lower the rating on Europa Education over the next 12
months if:

-- FOCF after leases turns negative on a sustained basis,
weakening the group's liquidity position and straining its capital
structure. This could occur, for example, as a result of
weaker-than-expected operating performance and/or higher capex than
originally anticipated;

-- S&P Global Ratings-adjusted debt to EBITDA rises above 7x; and

-- A more aggressive financial policy, including material
debt-funded mergers and acquisition (M&A), significant capex, or
dividends above our thresholds.

S&P said, "We see rating upside as remote over the next 12 months,
given that the rating is constrained by Europa Education's highly
leveraged capital structure and financial-sponsor ownership. We
could take a positive rating action if the company demonstrated a
track record leverage declined materially and remained sustainably
below 5x, supported by a commitment by the financial sponsor to
maintain leverage below 5.0x at all times. Ratings upside would
depend on Europa Education's strong operating performance and
substantial EBITDA growth with margins remaining above 30%;
increasing market share; improving business diversification;
generation of sustainably robust and meaningful FOCF; and no
significant debt-funded M&A or exceptional shareholder

"Governance factors are a moderately negative consideration, as is
the case for most rated entities owned by private-equity sponsors.
We think the company's highly leveraged financial risk profile
points to corporate decision-making that prioritizes the interests
of the controlling owners. This also reflects generally finite
holding periods and a focus on maximizing shareholder returns."


ISTANBUL: Moody's Affirms 'B3' Issuer & Sr. Unsecured Debt Ratings
Moody's Ratings has affirmed the B3 long-term issuer and senior
unsecured debt ratings and maintained the positive outlook of the
Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul. At the same time, Moody's
has affirmed Istanbul's Baseline Credit Assessment (BCA) of b3.



The rating action occurs in conjunction with the publication on May
28, 2024 of Moody's rating methodology for Regional and Local

Moody's reassessment of the factors driving extraordinary support
as part of the methodology update results in a more favorable
evaluation of the Legal Framework / Policy factor for Istanbul,
based on the central government's more balanced policy stance. As a
result, Moody's assessment of extraordinary support for the
Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul is now "strong" from
"moderate" previously.

At the same time, under the "Strategic Role" factor of
extraordinary support, Moody's confirmed its assessment of
Istanbul's strategic importance recognizing its economic size.

Given Istanbul's BCA is already on par with the sovereign rating
(Government of Turkiye, B3 positive), the change in extraordinary
support does not have any impact on Istanbul's B3 rating.

In Moody's view, Turkiye's central government's policy stance
towards metropolitan municipalities (MMs) has shifted from being
moderately negative to a more balanced position over the last
several years. The government introduced several changes to the
institutional framework governing MMs, which clarified the scope of
their responsibilities and empowered them with greater financial
resources. In particular, the legislative amendments over the last
several years bolstered MMs' revenues through a higher retention of
income tax receipts as well as enhanced the predictability of the
tax revenue scheme.

Given its wealthy economy and efficient governance practices, the
City of Istanbul is poised to benefit more from the changes made to
the legislative framework than smaller municipalities.

The affirmation of the b3 BCA and the B3 ratings for Istanbul
reflects the city's capacity to maintain consistently robust
operating performance and its adequate liquidity, against a
backdrop of high inflation, tight financial conditions and currency
stress. It also reflects Moody's assessment of the city's
moderately strong governance reflected in the qualitative "baa"
score assigned in the BCA scorecard.

In 2024 and 2025, the municipality's primary operating balance
(POB) to operating revenue will remain very strong, around 40%,
according to Moody's forecasts thanks to strong tax revenue growth
and high revenue generation capacity.

At the same time Istanbul displays relatively high debt, which is
very sensitive to local currency depreciation risks, with 94% of
municipality's debt stock denominated in foreign currency at
year-end 2023. Partially mitigating the pressures associated with
FX fluctuations is Istanbul's sound liquidity position,
representing 12% of operating revenue in 2023, which fully covers
the foreign-currency debt repayments falling due over the next 12
months. In addition, Istanbul's asset base offers a further cushion
in case of further shocks.

According to the preliminary results for 2023, Moody's estimates
Istanbul's net direct and indirect debt levels to be at around 112%
of operating revenue, an increase from 105% in 2022 as a result of
a new 5-year senior unsecured USD715 million bond issued in
November 2023. Under the current exchange rates and most recent
borrowing plan, the city's debt levels will decline to 97% of
projected operating revenue in 2024.

As the most developed city in the country, Istanbul contributes
about 30% of Turkiye's GDP. The city's affluent and diversified
economy consistently outperforms the national average, with a high
value added service-based economy and GDP per capita that is around
160% the national average.

The prospects of decreased systemic pressure, reflected in the
outlook change to positive from stable at the sovereign level
earlier this year, may improve the operating environment for
Istanbul through positive effects on the municipality's tax base.

The Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul displays moderately
strong governance and management practices as reflected in the
"baa" score assigned. The city has a long track record of prudent
budgetary management, contributing to its robust operating and
financial performance. The city regularly discloses its financial
statements further underpinning transparency and accountability.

The B3 ratings of Istanbul incorporates a BCA of b3 and a strong
extraordinary support assumption from the Government of Turkiye.


The positive outlook mirrors the positive outlook on the sovereign
rating. The improved prospects for sustainably lower inflation and
reduced external vulnerability for the Government of Turkiye could
have favorable implications for the Metropolitan Municipality of
Istanbul. The eventual decline in inflation expected to start later
in 2024 reduces the risk of unexpected increases in the cost of
goods and services, improving budget management and planning.
Moreover, the reduced external vulnerability could lead to a more
stable and predictable external funding for the municipality.


Istanbul's CIS-3 indicates that ESG considerations have a moderate
impact on the current credit rating with potential for greater
negative impact over time.

Istanbul's exposure to environmental risks (E-4) stems from
physical climate risks, primarily due to heat stress and water
scarcity. Rapid urbanization and population growth in Istanbul has
increased the demand for water, while climate change has affected
the supply by altering precipitation patterns and reducing
snowfall, which feeds the cities' reservoirs. With rising global
temperatures, Istanbul has been experiencing more frequent and
intense heatwaves.

Istanbul's exposure to social risks (S-3) is moderate and primarily
mirrors demographic pressures. Despite its generally favorable
demographic profile, the city faces issues such as youth
unemployment and a mismatch between the skills of the labor force
and employer needs. The rapid population growth and recent
expansion of the cities' boundaries have strained service
provision, resulting in standards that fall short of those in most
OECD countries.

The (G-3) score assigned to Istanbul is largely influenced by its
riskier attitude toward debt management due to very high exposure
to foreign currency risk. Despite this the city is transparent and
punctual when publishing the financial reports. Additionally, it
has proven ability to manage complex projects and provide services
within the expanded municipality's boundaries, serving population
of more than 15 million.

The specific economic indicators, as required by EU regulation, are
not available for this entity. The following national economic
indicators are relevant to the sovereign rating, which was used as
an input to this credit rating action.

Sovereign Issuer: Turkiye, Government of

GDP per capita (PPP basis, US$): 42,062 (2023) (also known as Per
Capita Income)

Real GDP growth (% change): 4.5% (2023) (also known as GDP Growth)

Inflation Rate (CPI, % change Dec/Dec): 64.8% (2023)

Gen. Gov. Financial Balance/GDP: -6.3% (2023) (also known as Fiscal

Current Account Balance/GDP: -4.1% (2023) (also known as External

External debt/GDP: 45.1% (2023)

Economic resiliency: ba1

Default history: At least one default event (on bonds and/or loans)
has been recorded since 1983.

On May 31, 2024, a rating committee was called to discuss the
rating of the Istanbul, Metropolitan Municipality of. The main
points raised during the discussion were: The issuer's economic
fundamentals, including its economic strength, have not materially
changed. The issuer's institutions and governance strength, have
not materially changed. The issuer's governance and/or management,
have not materially changed. The issuer's fiscal or financial
strength, including its debt profile, has not materially changed.
Reassessment of the factors driving extraordinary support as part
of the methodology update for rating regional and local governments
resulting in a more favorable evaluation of the Legal Framework /
Policy factor.


An upgrade of Istanbul's ratings would require a similar change of
the sovereign rating, provided its operating and financial
performances remain consistently sound over time.

A downgrade of Turkiye's sovereign rating would lead to a downgrade
of Istanbul's ratings given the close institutional, financial and
operational linkages with the central government.

Downward ratings pressure may also arise from a sustained growth in
debt and debt servicing costs, triggered by further currency
depreciation. More limited access to funding sources would also
trigger a negative rating action.


The principal methodology used in these ratings was Regional and
Local Governments published in May 2024.

U N I T E D   K I N G D O M

BOWIE CONSTRUCTION: Goes Into Administration
Business Sale reports that Bowie Construction Limited, a
groundworks specialist based in Linton, fell into administration
last week after filing an NOI at the beginning of April.

Frank Wessely and Jo Leach of Quantuma were appointed as joint
administrators, Business Sale relates.

The company, which had been working on several ongoing projects at
the time of its collapse, reportedly fell into administration as a
result of cashflow issues arising from a major contract that was
not paying, Business Sale discloses.

According to Business Sale, in its accounts for the year to
December 30, 2022, the firm reported turnover of GBP14.6 million,
up from GBP11.5 million a year earlier, but saw its losses more
than double to nearly GBP1 million.  This was attributed to cost
inflation of fixed price jobs that had been agreed prior to the
COVID-19 pandemic, Business Sale states.

BOYD INTERNATIONAL: Goes Into Liquidation, Halts Operations
Business Sale reports that Boyd International Limited, a machinery
supply company based in Arradoul, Buckie, has gone into

Michael Reid, a partner in MHA's Aberdeen office, has been
appointed as liquidator of the company, which has ceased trading
with the loss of seven jobs, Business Sale relates.

Founded in 1997 and incorporated in 1999, the company operated from
a 11,000 sq ft warehouse, surrounded by a 13,000 sq ft yard.  This
property is currently being marketed for sale by FG Burnett,
Aberdeen, Business Sale states.  The company's stock is set to be
disposed of by Thainstone Specialist Auction, Inverurie, Business
Sale notes.

According to Business Sale, MHA Partner Michael Reid said that the
COVID-19 pandemic had been "unkind to the company because much of
its trade was to and from businesses in England and abroad and
travel was severely restricted."

He continued: "The company had effectively ceased trading prior to
my appointment on May 7 but there were seven employees, all of whom
have been made redundant as part of the process. Assistance will be
obtained from the Redundancy Payments Office to process all former
employee claims."

"It is too early to state whether a dividend will be paid to
unsecured creditors because, for example, assets require to be
sold. Steps are being taken to write to all known creditors,
however, I would encourage any potential creditors to contact me at
their earliest convenience."

In the company's most recent accounts at Companies House, for the
year to October 31 2021, its fixed assets were valued at GBP440,112
and current assets at close to GBP1.4 million, Business Sale
relays. Its net assets at the time stood at GBP370,721, Business
Sale discloses.

L1R HB FINANCE: GBP450MM Bank Debt Trades at 22% Discount
Participations in a syndicated loan under which L1R HB Finance Ltd
is a borrower were trading in the secondary market around 77.6
cents-on-the-dollar during the week ended Friday, June 7, 2024,
according to Bloomberg's Evaluated Pricing service data.

The GBP450 million Term loan facility is scheduled to mature on
August 31, 2024.  The amount is fully drawn and outstanding.

L1R HB Finance Limited retails food supplements.  The Company is
domiciled in Jersey.

MACQUARIE AIRFINANCE: Fitch Hikes IDR to 'BB+', Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings has upgraded the Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings
(IDRs) of Macquarie AirFinance Holdings Limited (MAHL) and its
rated subsidiaries, Macquarie Aircraft Leasing Inc. (MAL) and
Macquarie Aerospace Finance UK Limited (MAFU), to 'BB+' from 'BB'.
The Rating Outlook is Stable. Fitch has also upgraded MAHL's senior
unsecured debt to 'BB+' from 'BB'.

These rating actions are being taken in conjunction with Fitch's
global aircraft leasing sector review, covering 10 publicly rated
firms. For more information on the sector review, please see "Fitch
Ratings Completes Aircraft Lessor Peer Review, Sector Outlook
Remains Neutral," available at www.fitchratings.com.


The ratings upgrade reflects MAHL's improved franchise and scale
with the closing of the ALAFCO Aviation Lease and Finance Company
K.S.C.P. (ALAFCO) portfolio acquisition expected for early June
2024. In 1Q24, MAHL agreed to upsize its commitment to purchase an
additional 23 predominately new technology aircraft from ALAFCO,
with an average age of approximately five years, for $1.1 billion.
This is incremental to the existing agreement to purchase a
portfolio of 53 aircraft and an orderbook of 20 Boeing B737 MAX
aircraft for approximately $2.2 billion.

These transactions are expected to accelerate the transition of the
company's fleet to newer technology aircraft, which would reduce
the weighted average (WA) age, improve portfolio liquidity, and
extend the WA remaining lease term, which would reduce remarketing

The issuance of $2 billion of senior unsecured notes since Fitch's
initial rating also supports the current upgrade, which
demonstrates continued funding profile improvement. Unsecured debt
represented 54% of total debt as of Dec. 31, 2023, proforma for
2024 issuance, up from 28% a year ago. MAHL expects to maintain a
funding mix of secured debt to total assets below 30% long term,
which Fitch believes is more consistent with the funding profile of
higher rated peers.

MAHL's ratings continued to reflect its position as a global,
full-service aircraft operating lease platform, portfolio focus on
relatively liquid, narrowbody aircraft, appropriate current and
targeted leverage, lack of near-term debt maturities, and solid
liquidity metrics. The ratings also consider the long-term equity
holders, MAHL's affiliation with Macquarie Group Limited
(A/Stable), its management team's depth, experience, and track
record in managing aircraft assets.

Rating constraints include a weaker earnings profile, elevated
exposure to older aircraft (albeit declining), a focus on the
sale-leaseback market, which is highly competitive, and shorter
(albeit improving following the ALAFCO transaction) average
remaining lease terms relative to higher rated peers. Fitch also
notes potential governance risks relative to larger, public peers,
including lack of independent board members and partial ownership
by pension funds.

Rating constraints applicable to the aircraft leasing industry more
broadly include the monoline nature of the business, vulnerability
to exogenous shocks, potential exposure to residual value risk,
sensitivity to oil prices, inflation and unemployment, which
negatively impact travel demand. Constraints also include a
reliance on wholesale funding sources and meaningful competition.

Fitch views MAHL's asset quality as modestly weaker than peers,
given the older, current technology portfolio, with a WA age of
11.3 years at YE23. The ALAFCO transaction should increase
diversification and scale, reduce the WA age and improve portfolio
liquidity. The expected reduction in age to 9.0 years, which is in
line with management's target of below 10 years, would be more in
line with rated peers.

As at Dec 31, 2023, the company's WA remaining lease term was 4.2
years, which increases remarketing risk. Proforma for the ALAFCO
transaction, the lease maturity profile lengthens to 5.8 years,
which Fitch views positively.

The company took no impairment charges in the nine months ended
Dec. 31, 2023 (9M24). The impairment rate of 0% in 9M24 compared
favorably to the four-year average of 1.6% from FY20-FY23. Given
increased lease and trading activity seen in the market, Fitch does
not expect material ongoing impairment charges on MAHL's core
narrowbody fleet over the near term.

MAHL's results reflected higher finance costs due to increased
borrowing costs incurred on new debt facilities. The company
reported a pre-tax loss on average assets of 1.4% in 9M24, compared
to an average loss of 1.0% from FY20-FY23. MAHL's annualized net
spreads (lease yield-funding costs) were 4.1% in 9M24, below the
four-year average of 9.5%. MAHL is expected to benefit from revenue
expansion, given planned lease growth, enhanced scale, and a
reduction in provision expenses in line with the aviation recovery.
This is partially offset by increased financing costs as the
company issues more expensive senior unsecured debt.

Fitch expects the operating expense ratio to reduce due to improved
economies of scale, while the net margin will remain in the
4.1%-4.5% range over the Outlook horizon. Fitch would view the
enhanced earnings stability as a positive.

Leverage on a gross debt to tangible equity basis was 2.4x at Dec.
31, 2023. With the $600 million capital investment by the company's
shareholders, alongside the $2.3 billion portfolio acquisition
facility for the ALAFCO transaction, leverage is expected to remain
below management's long-term target of 3.0x. Fitch believes this is
appropriate given MAHL's portfolio liquidity profile as 67.5% of
the portfolio (75% proforma) is considered tier 1, which is
relatively consistent with peers.

As of Dec. 31, 2023, unsecured debt increased to 54% of total debt
proforma for the completion of a $1 billion senior unsecured debt
issuance (comprised of two $500 million, five- and seven-year
tranches) and paydown of existing secured debt outstanding. This
compares with 28% in 2022 and is consistent with Fitch's 'bb'
category funding, liquidity, and coverage benchmark range of
25%-75% for balance sheet intensive leasing companies with a sector
risk operating environment (SROE) score in the 'bbb' category.
Fitch views MAHL's ability to access the unsecured markets at
economic terms to increase the pool of unencumbered assets and
further improve funding flexibility favorably.

Liquidity was supported by $362.9 million of cash on hand, and $430
million of undrawn committed capacity under its revolving credit
facility as of Dec. 31, 2023. Fitch projects operating cash flows
of approximately $198 million, over the next 12 months, although
this could vary depending on portfolio expansion, aircraft sales
and collections. Together, liquidity sources provided 1.9x coverage
of purchase obligations of $772.5 million over the next 12 months
as of Dec. 31, 2023, which is above the peer average. Fitch expects
liquidity coverage ratios for MAHL will remain at or above 1.5x
over time.

Fitch's sensitivity analysis for MAHL incorporated quantitative
credit metrics for the company under the agency's base case and
adverse case assumptions. These included slower than projected
growth, lower aircraft disposal gains, additional equipment
depreciation, and higher interest expenses. Fitch believes MAHL
will have sufficient liquidity headroom to withstand near-term
reductions in operating income in both scenarios while maintaining
liquidity coverage above Fitch's threshold of 1.0x. Fitch expects
sufficient capitalization headroom relative to the 4.0x downgrade
trigger under both scenarios.

The Stable Rating Outlook reflects Fitch's expectation that MAHL
will manage its balance sheet growth in order to maintain
sufficient headroom relative to its leverage target and Fitch's
negative rating sensitivities over the Rating Outlook horizon. This
is despite Fitch's expectation for increased macro challenges,
including higher for longer interest rates and elevated inflation.

The Stable Rating Outlook also reflects expectations for the
maintenance of impairments below 1%, enhanced earnings stability,
and a solid liquidity position, given the lack of material
orderbook purchase commitments with aircraft manufacturers.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

- A weakening of the company's long-term cash flow generation,
profitability, and liquidity position, and/or a sustained increase
in leverage above 4.0x would be viewed negatively;

- Macroeconomic and/or geopolitical-driven headwinds that pressure
airlines and lead to additional lease restructurings, rejections,
lessee defaults, and increased losses would be also be negative for
the ratings.

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

- MAHL's ratings could be, over time, positively influenced by
solid execution with respect to planned growth targets and outlined
long-term strategic financial objectives, including maintenance of
leverage below 3.0x and achieving a sustained pre-tax return on
average assets above 1.5%;

- Ratings could also benefit from reduced exposure to weaker
airlines, maintenance of an impairment ratio below 1%, and
increases in the proportion of tier 1 aircraft while maintaining
its new technology, narrowbody focus;

- An upgrade would also be contingent upon further lengthening of
the WA lease profile and a reduction in the WA age of the fleet
more in line with investment-grade peers, and unsecured debt
sustained above 50% of total debt through the cycle, while
achieving and maintaining unencumbered assets coverage of unsecured
debt in excess of 1.0x.


The equalization of the unsecured debt ratings with MAHL's
Long-Term IDR reflects the improved unsecured funding mix, as well
as the availability of sufficient unencumbered assets, which
provide support to unsecured creditors and suggest average recovery
prospects in a stressed scenario.


The senior unsecured debt ratings are primarily sensitive to
changes in MAHL's Long-Term IDR and secondarily to the relative
recovery prospects of the instruments. A decline in unencumbered
asset coverage, combined with a material increase in secured debt,
could result in the notching of the unsecured debt down from the
Long-Term IDR.


The Long-Term IDRs assigned to MAL and MAFU are equalized with that
of MAHL given that they are wholly owned subsidiaries of the


The ratings assigned to MAL and MAFU are primarily sensitive to
changes in MAHL's Long-Term IDR and are expected to move in


- The Standalone Credit Profile (SCP) has been assigned in line
with the implied SCP.

- The Business Profile score has been assigned below the implied
score due to the following adjustment reason: Market position

- The Asset Quality score has been assigned below the implied score
due to the following adjustment reason: Concentrations; asset
performance (negative).

- The Earnings & Profitability score has been assigned below the
implied score due to the following adjustment reason: Earnings
stability (negative).

- The Capitalization & Leverage score has been assigned below the
implied score due to the following adjustment reason: Risk profile
and business model (negative).

- The Funding, Liquidity & Coverage score has been assigned below
the implied score due to the following adjustment reason: Funding
flexibility (negative).


The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt               Rating          Prior
   -----------               ------          -----
Macquarie AirFinance
Holdings Limited       LT IDR BB+  Upgrade   BB

   senior unsecured    LT     BB+  Upgrade   BB

Macquarie Aircraft
Leasing Inc.           LT IDR BB+  Upgrade   BB

Macquarie Aerospace
Finance UK Limited     LT IDR BB+  Upgrade   BB

MORRISON MCCONNELL: Enters Administration, Seeks Buyer
Sam Metcalf at TheBusinessDesk.com reports that BK Plus has been
revealed as the administrator for stricken Derbyshire supplier of

The move follows on from TheBusinessDesk.com exclusively revealing
that Riddings-based Morrison McConnell were set to appoint

Richard Tonks and Kim Richards of BK Plus have named as
administrators for the company, which has been a prominent supplier
of menswear, including the Viyella heritage brand, to independent
shops across the UK and Europe, TheBusinessDesk.com relates.

According to TheBusinessDesk.com, a statement from BK Plus said:
"In response to evolving retail trends and the increasing shift
towards online purchasing, Morrison McConnell Limited made
significant investments in new websites.  However, the company has
faced considerable challenges due to Brexit, with import duties on
EU sales and increased freight and container costs leading many
customers, both wholesale and direct-to-consumer, to seek

The administrators are continuing to trade the company while
actively seeking a buyer, following initial marketing efforts in
early May, TheBusinessDesk.com discloses.  Currently, Morrison
McConnell employs four members of staff, following two redundancies
made immediately after the appointment of the administrators,
TheBusinessDesk.com notes.

POP BRIXTON: Falls Into Administration
Brixton Buzz reports that after nearly 10 years of never making a
profit, Pop Brixton entered into administration.

Quantuma, a firm specialising in helping companies "overcome
operational and financial challenges", has been appointed as the
administrators, Brixton Buzz relates.

Pop Brixton's registered office address has now been transferred
from Brixton to Quantuma's offices in Brighton, Brixton Buzz

It will be Quantuma's job to see if they can save Pop Brixton from
going into liquidation or whether it can find a way to keep Pop
Brixton running, Brixton Buzz states.

The writing had been on the wall for some time.  For many years,
Pop Brixton had been bankrolled by The Collective property empire.

After the Collective collapsed a series of other investors have
tried and failed to make Pop Brixton a going concern, Brixton Buzz

According to Brixton Buzz, Pop Brixton had still not filed its
annual accounts when it entered administration, with the accounts
being over eight months late-never a good sign.  Then Pop Brixton
mysteriously changed its name at Companies House this April to "PBX
(2015) Limited".

In addition, last November, a finance company placed a charge
against Pop Brixton, Brixton Buzz notes.

SALTEES PROPERTIES: Goes Into Administration
Business Sale reports that Saltees Properties Limited, a property
development and construction firm formerly trading as Mizen
Properties Limited, fell into administration last month, with Glyn
Mummery and Emma Priest of FRP Advisory appointed as joint

According to Business Sale, in the company's most recent accounts
at Companies House, for the year to December 31, 2021, it reported
turnover of GBP23.1 million, down from GBP27.3 million a year
earlier, while its post-tax losses widened from GBP570,000 to
nearly GBP4.7 million.

The company said it had been impacted by Brexit and COVID-19, which
"resulted in a subdued property sales market", as well as building
price inflation, supply chain disruption and disputes on social
housing contracts, Business Sale relates.

At the time, its fixed assets were valued at close to GBP541,000
and current assets at GBP5.3 million. Its net assets, meanwhile,
amounted to GBP3.7 million, Business Sale discloses.

SPORTIVE HQ: Enters Administration, Halts Trading
Adwitiya Pal at Road.cc reports that British sportive and cycling
event organiser Sportive HQ has announced that it has entered
administration and ceased trading from Thursday, June 6, with all
upcoming events organised by the company now cancelled.

Sportive HQ was formed by Matthew Porter in 2016, with its team
consisting of staff who had been organising cycling events for the
past 18 years.  The company has also worked with local charities
and cycling clubs, raising over GBP50,000.

According to Road.cc, in an email sent on June 6 to riders who had
signed up for its events, Sportive HQ said that all sportive are
now "cancelled as of this date", as "there are currently no assets
or funds within the business to continue".

Mr. Porter, as cited by Road.cc,: "I am so sorry that this has
happened, I have been fighting for the past 3 years since the
pandemic to keep everything afloat but have failed and run out of
personal funds to keep things going."

As of now, it is unsure that whether cyclists who signed up with
Sportive HQ for the upcoming events will be receiving a refund or
not, Road.cc notes.

VAGABOND WINES: Bought Out of Administration by Majestic
Business Sale reports that administrators from Quantuma have
completed the sale of tap-and-pour wine bar chain Vagabond Wines'
two sites within Gatwick Airport.

Vagabond Wines Limited, which operated across London, the Southeast
and Birmingham, fell into administration in March 2024, with Andrew
Andronikou and Brian Burke of Quantuma appointed as joint
administrators, Business Sale relates.

The joint administrators traded the business while negotiating a
rescue deal and, in April 2024, completed a sale of the bulk of the
firm's sites to wine retailer Majestic, Business Sale discloses.
The deal rescued nine of the company's 12 sites, which continued to
trade under the Vagabond brand, Business Sale notes.

The company's underperfoming site at Canary Wharf was the only
outlet to close as a result of the administration and the two
remaining sites, both located within Gatwick Airport, have now been
acquired by Airport Retail Enterprises (ARE), in a deal that saves
more than 120 jobs, Business Sale recounts.

According to Business Sale, joint administrator and Quantuma
Advisory Managing Director Andrew Andronikou commented: "I am
delighted to have achieved such great outcomes, which all told
means the preservation of in excess of 300 jobs."

Vagabond was founded in 2010 as a single wine shop in Fulham, West
London, with the company's success seeing it expand into an
established chain over the following decade.  In addition to its
tap and pour self-service model, the company also became known for
hosting events such as cheese and wine masterclasses and corporate

This success led to it seeking to invest in diversifying away from
its core operations, Business Sale relays.  However, the closure of
a key expansion site led to the company absorbing significant
losses, which had a direct impact on trading levels. This resulted
in a deterioration of its cash flow position and, ultimately, the
appointment of administrators, Business Sale states.


[*] BOND PRICING: For the Week June 3 to June 7, 2024
Issuer                    Coupon Maturity Currency  Price
------                    ------ -------- --------  -----
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  13.62511/30/2027  USD  1.000
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  11.000 9/30/2026  EUR  34.86
Solocal Group               10.940 3/15/2025  EUR  20.51
Kvalitena AB publ           10.067  4/2/2024  SEK  45.00
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  12.75011/30/2027  EUR  1.000
UkrLandFarming PLC          10.875 3/26/2018  USD  4.195
Sidetur Finance BV          10.000 4/20/2016  USD  0.378
Tinkoff Bank JSC Via TCS F  11.002            USD  42.85
Altice France Holding SA    10.500 5/15/2027  USD  37.26
Teksid Aluminum Luxembourg  12.375 7/15/2011  EUR  0.619
Immigon Portfolioabbau AG   10.258            EUR  9.750
Goldman Sachs Internationa  16.288 3/17/2027  USD  26.54
Marginalen Bank Bankaktieb  12.996            SEK  45.00
Avangardco Investments Pub  10.00010/29/2018  USD  0.108
IOG Plc                     13.428 9/20/2024  EUR  4.917
Bakkegruppen AS             11.720  2/3/2025  NOK  45.37
Plusplus Capital Financial  11.000 7/29/2026  EUR  11.22
Privatbank CJSC Via UK SPV  10.875 2/28/2018  USD  5.267
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  10.500 1/28/2018  USD  0.010
Privatbank CJSC Via UK SPV  10.250 1/23/2018  USD  3.786
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  11.750  2/9/2022  USD  0.635
Bourbon Corp SA             11.652            EUR  1.375
Saderea DAC                 12.50011/30/2026  USD  48.02
Solis Bond Co DAC           10.391 5/31/2024  EUR  50.00
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.00012/20/2017  AUD  0.100
Ilija Batljan Invest AB     10.768            SEK  3.500
Societe Generale SA         11.000 7/14/2026  USD  11.47
Transcapitalbank JSC Via T  10.000            USD  1.450
Societe Generale SA         23.510 6/23/2026  USD  3.943
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  13.62511/30/2027  USD  1.000
Privatbank CJSC Via UK SPV  11.000  2/9/2021  USD  0.749
Altice France Holding SA    10.500 5/15/2027  USD  37.72
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 4/20/2037  UAH  29.19
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  10.500 1/28/2018  USD  0.010
Solocal Group               10.940 3/15/2025  EUR  9.049
Bilt Paper BV               10.360            USD  0.650
Banco Espirito Santo SA     10.000 12/6/2021  EUR  0.058
R-Logitech Finance SA       10.250 9/26/2027  EUR  15.08
YA Holding AB               12.75812/17/2024  SEK  15.02
Oscar Properties Holding A  11.270  7/5/2024  SEK  0.464
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  11.000 9/30/2026  EUR  34.86
NTRP Via Interpipe Ltd      10.250  8/2/2017  USD  1.027
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.000  7/4/2011  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.25012/31/2008  USD  0.100
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  23.000 6/28/2024  EUR  43.97
Swissquote Bank SA          15.74010/31/2024  CHF  42.30
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  25.000  1/3/2025  EUR  48.35
Societe Generale SA         20.000 1/29/2026  USD  15.30
Bank Vontobel AG            14.000  3/5/2025  CHF  41.00
Leonteq Securities AG       24.000  1/9/2025  CHF  47.70
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.800 9/27/2024  EUR  32.42
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.800 9/27/2024  EUR  31.48
UniCredit Bank GmbH         15.800 9/27/2024  EUR  30.67
UniCredit Bank GmbH         16.900 9/27/2024  EUR  29.97
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.000 9/27/2024  EUR  29.09
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.100 9/27/2024  EUR  28.56
Societe Generale SA         14.300 8/22/2024  USD  11.00
Leonteq Securities AG       24.000 1/13/2025  CHF  24.58
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.700 9/27/2024  EUR  35.29
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.800 9/27/2024  EUR  34.12
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  24.00011/22/2024  EUR  40.06
Vontobel Financial Product  20.25012/31/2024  EUR  48.52
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  15.000 3/28/2025  EUR  48.64
Basler Kantonalbank         21.000  7/5/2024  CHF  45.01
Basler Kantonalbank         24.000  7/5/2024  CHF  37.90
Societe Generale SA         15.000 9/29/2025  USD  6.267
Bank Vontobel AG            12.000 9/30/2024  EUR  12.00
Bank Vontobel AG            13.500  1/8/2025  CHF  16.70
Societe Generale SA         20.000 9/18/2026  USD  15.10
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.500 9/27/2024  EUR  46.17
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.50012/31/2024  EUR  49.35
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.900 9/27/2024  EUR  43.88
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  21.000 9/27/2024  EUR  48.89
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  23.000 9/27/2024  EUR  46.76
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  19.000 6/28/2024  EUR  46.87
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  27.000 6/28/2024  EUR  41.50
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.300 8/23/2024  EUR  34.18
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.90011/22/2024  EUR  37.34
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.500 2/28/2025  EUR  40.49
Leonteq Securities AG       23.00012/27/2024  CHF  30.80
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  30.000  8/7/2024  CHF  32.86
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000  8/7/2024  CHF  32.89
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  13.100 9/27/2024  EUR  48.23
Leonteq Securities AG       24.000 7/10/2024  CHF  43.33
Leonteq Securities AG       26.000 7/10/2024  CHF  37.30
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  24.000 7/10/2024  CHF  39.20
Swissquote Bank SA          26.120 7/10/2024  CHF  39.63
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  12.490 7/10/2024  USD  40.32
Vontobel Financial Product  11.00012/31/2024  EUR  47.93
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  20.000  8/7/2024  CHF  9.930
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  20.000  8/7/2024  CHF  36.80
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  16.000 6/28/2024  EUR  30.32
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.200 6/28/2024  EUR  28.86
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.500 6/28/2024  EUR  27.79
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.50012/31/2024  EUR  35.87
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.30012/31/2024  EUR  35.27
Societe Generale SA         20.000  1/3/2025  USD  7.400
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.30012/31/2024  EUR  34.33
Societe Generale SA         16.000 8/30/2024  USD  20.40
Societe Generale SA         16.000 8/30/2024  USD  21.60
Societe Generale SA         18.000 8/30/2024  USD  14.00
Societe Generale SA         15.000 8/30/2024  USD  19.30
Leonteq Securities AG       28.000 8/21/2024  CHF  44.67
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  10.000 8/23/2024  EUR  41.55
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  15.000 8/23/2024  EUR  32.88
Bank Vontobel AG            10.000 8/19/2024  CHF  7.000
Leonteq Securities AG       24.000 8/21/2024  CHF  45.86
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.900 8/23/2024  EUR  46.13
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.700 8/23/2024  EUR  31.36
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.50011/22/2024  EUR  34.70
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.100 2/28/2025  EUR  38.41
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.800 2/28/2025  EUR  37.79
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.500 2/28/2025  EUR  37.04
Corner Banca SA             23.000 8/21/2024  CHF  41.49
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  17.00012/30/2024  EUR  48.70
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  13.000 6/27/2024  EUR  48.54
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  14.000 6/27/2024  EUR  46.26
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  18.000 6/27/2024  EUR  42.49
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  21.000 6/27/2024  EUR  40.95
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   17.500 6/27/2025  EUR  47.94
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   15.500 6/27/2025  EUR  34.98
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  16.000 6/27/2024  EUR  46.41
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  17.000 6/27/2024  EUR  44.36
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  20.000 6/27/2024  EUR  42.64
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  23.000 6/27/2024  EUR  41.10
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  10.75012/27/2024  EUR  48.55
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   22.250 6/27/2025  EUR  45.14
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   11.250 6/27/2025  EUR  37.55
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000 8/28/2024  CHF  42.88
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.800 6/28/2024  EUR  26.72
EFG International Finance   15.000 7/12/2024  CHF  33.08
UBS AG/London               25.000 7/12/2024  CHF  46.70
UniCredit Bank GmbH         15.100 9/27/2024  EUR  41.52
UniCredit Bank GmbH         16.400 9/27/2024  EUR  39.83
UBS AG/London               19.000 7/12/2024  CHF  38.50
Finca Uco Cjsc              13.000 5/30/2025  AMD  0.000
Citigroup Global Markets F  14.650 7/22/2024  HKD  36.69
Swissquote Bank SA          26.040 7/17/2024  CHF  41.26
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  20.000 7/17/2024  CHF  46.44
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   20.000 7/10/2024  CHF  44.51
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.60012/31/2024  EUR  38.21
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   15.10012/30/2024  EUR  33.78
UBS AG/London               18.750 5/31/2024  CHF  27.22
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   12.50012/30/2024  EUR  36.08
Leonteq Securities AG       18.000 9/11/2024  CHF  16.00
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   17.600 9/27/2024  EUR  29.98
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   10.80012/30/2024  EUR  38.32
UniCredit Bank GmbH         15.700 6/28/2024  EUR  44.47
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  20.000 8/28/2024  CHF  11.86
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  24.000  6/5/2024  CHF  41.28
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  19.500  6/6/2024  CHF  43.29
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   19.000 6/28/2024  EUR  25.00
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   11.000 6/28/2024  EUR  33.42
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  22.000 8/14/2024  CHF  32.46
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  21.000 8/14/2024  CHF  41.61
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  22.000  8/6/2024  USD  24.12
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   15.000 6/28/2024  EUR  27.85
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   15.000 6/28/2024  EUR  41.89
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.400 6/28/2024  EUR  25.67
UniCredit Bank GmbH         20.00012/31/2024  EUR  32.65
Bank Vontobel AG            20.500 11/4/2024  CHF  41.00
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.10012/31/2024  EUR  33.33
Vontobel Financial Product  15.500 6/28/2024  EUR  41.71
Vontobel Financial Product  13.250 9/27/2024  EUR  44.57
Bank Vontobel AG            29.000 9/10/2024  USD  48.40
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  28.000  6/5/2024  CHF  28.90
Vontobel Financial Product  18.000 9/27/2024  EUR  24.36
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  24.000 8/14/2024  CHF  36.72
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  21.000  6/5/2024  CHF  43.68
Swissquote Bank SA          26.980  6/5/2024  CHF  34.03
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   17.500 5/30/2024  CHF  43.60
UBS AG/London               14.250 7/12/2024  EUR  15.80
Vontobel Financial Product  11.000 6/28/2024  EUR  45.40
Vontobel Financial Product  10.000 9/27/2024  EUR  47.61
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.700 6/28/2024  EUR  30.53
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.50012/31/2024  EUR  37.46
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.200 6/28/2024  EUR  42.55
UniCredit Bank GmbH         17.800 6/28/2024  EUR  45.50
Finca Uco Cjsc              12.000 2/10/2025  AMD  0.000
Basler Kantonalbank         16.000 6/14/2024  CHF  19.79
EFG International Finance   24.000 6/14/2024  CHF  36.94
UniCredit Bank GmbH         16.10012/31/2024  EUR  45.43
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.90012/31/2024  EUR  41.27
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.80012/31/2024  EUR  40.25
Leonteq Securities AG       20.000  7/3/2024  CHF  9.190
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  20.000  7/3/2024  CHF  45.43
Leonteq Securities AG       26.000  7/3/2024  CHF  35.92
Corner Banca SA             15.000  7/3/2024  CHF  46.74
Swissquote Bank SA          23.990  7/3/2024  CHF  46.31
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.00012/31/2024  EUR  42.47
Vontobel Financial Product  13.500 6/28/2024  EUR  48.55
Vontobel Financial Product  16.000 6/28/2024  EUR  45.69
Vontobel Financial Product  19.000 6/28/2024  EUR  43.23
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.70011/22/2024  EUR  36.17
Swissquote Bank SA          25.390 5/30/2024  CHF  45.26
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  14.000  7/3/2024  CHF  8.340
Leonteq Securities AG       24.000  7/3/2024  CHF  43.13
Bank Vontobel AG            15.50011/18/2024  CHF  47.30
Bank Vontobel AG            21.000 6/10/2024  CHF  40.90
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   20.000 6/19/2024  CHF  41.33
Swissquote Bank SA          20.120 6/20/2024  CHF  9.080
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  16.000 6/20/2024  CHF  20.81
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  19.400 6/28/2024  EUR  40.68
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  15.000 9/12/2024  USD  10.05
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  20.000 6/19/2024  CHF  40.38
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  23.400 6/19/2024  CHF  37.93
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  24.000 6/19/2024  CHF  33.13
Armenian Economy Developme  10.500  5/4/2025  AMD  0.000
UniCredit Bank GmbH         16.550 8/18/2025  USD  29.40
UniCredit Bank GmbH         15.000 8/23/2024  EUR  32.80
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   12.300 8/21/2024  CHF  8.930
Bank Vontobel AG            18.000 6/28/2024  CHF  42.80
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.800 8/23/2024  EUR  47.98
Leonteq Securities AG       20.000 8/28/2024  CHF  11.43
UBS AG/London               14.250 8/19/2024  CHF  33.50
Inecobank CJSC              10.000 4/28/2025  AMD  0.000
Societe Generale SA         24.000  4/3/2025  USD  44.00
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  12.500 6/26/2024  EUR  47.25
Bank Vontobel AG            23.000  6/4/2024  CHF  43.50
Swissquote Bank SA          25.080 6/12/2024  CHF  43.00
Vontobel Financial Product  19.500 6/28/2024  EUR  47.46
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   18.000 6/12/2024  CHF  41.06
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  20.000 6/12/2024  CHF  31.48
Vontobel Financial Product  24.750 6/28/2024  EUR  34.60
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   17.300 9/27/2024  EUR  32.10
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   14.80012/30/2024  EUR  35.99
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   13.40012/30/2024  EUR  37.31
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   11.20012/30/2024  EUR  40.40
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   17.500 9/27/2024  EUR  47.20
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   19.60012/30/2024  EUR  36.50
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   17.40012/30/2024  EUR  38.02
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   15.20012/30/2024  EUR  39.89
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   19.000 3/28/2025  EUR  36.51
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   18.100 3/28/2025  EUR  36.88
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   16.300 3/28/2025  EUR  37.61
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   14.400 3/28/2025  EUR  38.99
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   19.60011/22/2024  EUR  39.31
Vontobel Financial Product  14.000 9/27/2024  EUR  46.77
Vontobel Financial Product  21.000 9/27/2024  EUR  40.73
Vontobel Financial Product  23.500 6/28/2024  EUR  36.12
Bank Vontobel AG            18.000 7/19/2024  CHF  44.00
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   16.000 6/12/2024  CHF  20.48
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  27.000 7/24/2024  CHF  9.020
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  15.000 7/24/2024  CHF  8.460
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  23.000 7/24/2024  CHF  38.65
Bank Vontobel AG            25.000 7/22/2024  USD  27.70
Vontobel Financial Product  15.500 9/27/2024  EUR  45.31
Vontobel Financial Product  17.000 9/27/2024  EUR  44.03
Vontobel Financial Product  18.000 9/27/2024  EUR  42.73
Vontobel Financial Product  19.500 9/27/2024  EUR  41.71
Vontobel Financial Product  24.500 6/28/2024  EUR  35.55
Zurcher Kantonalbank Finan  24.673 6/28/2024  CHF  48.34
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   18.10012/30/2024  EUR  43.44
Vontobel Financial Product  23.000 6/28/2024  EUR  44.24
Bank Vontobel AG            10.000 6/28/2024  USD  49.50
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   15.70012/30/2024  EUR  46.53
Leonteq Securities AG       24.000 7/17/2024  CHF  24.14
UBS AG/London               13.000 9/30/2024  CHF  18.06
Credit Suisse AG/London     28.000 9/23/2024  USD  2.360
Fast Credit Capital UCO CJ  11.500 7/13/2024  AMD  0.000
Bank Vontobel AG            10.500 7/29/2024  EUR  47.20
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  19.000  8/8/2024  CHF  48.44
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  10.00010/25/2024  EUR  39.99
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  11.50010/25/2024  EUR  36.32
Leonteq Securities AG       23.000 6/26/2024  CHF  40.63
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  20.000 9/26/2024  USD  27.32
Corner Banca SA             18.500 9/23/2024  CHF  14.00
UBS AG/London               13.750  7/1/2024  CHF  39.50
UBS AG/London               18.500 6/14/2024  CHF  26.36
Swissquote Bank SA          27.050 7/31/2024  CHF  47.86
Swissquote Bank SA          16.380 7/31/2024  CHF  8.260
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   10.500 7/11/2024  USD  24.62
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.400 9/27/2024  EUR  36.89
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  15.500 9/27/2024  EUR  47.80
Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd/  15.300 6/17/2024  EUR  48.25
Evocabank CJSC              11.000 9/27/2025  AMD  0.000
ACBA Bank OJSC              11.500  3/1/2026  AMD  0.000
National Mortgage Co RCO C  12.000 3/30/2026  AMD  0.000
Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd/  13.600 6/17/2024  CHF  48.20
UniCredit Bank GmbH         15.20012/31/2024  EUR  47.34
UniCredit Bank GmbH         17.00012/31/2024  EUR  43.80
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   12.400 9/27/2024  EUR  46.52
Vontobel Financial Product  21.500 6/28/2024  EUR  46.25
Societe Generale SA         16.000  7/3/2024  USD  20.00
Raiffeisen Switzerland BV   20.000 6/26/2024  CHF  33.41
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   17.000 6/28/2024  EUR  30.68
UniCredit Bank GmbH         17.800 6/28/2024  EUR  40.38
Bank Vontobel AG            22.000 5/31/2024  CHF  22.50
Bank Julius Baer & Co Ltd/  12.720 2/17/2025  CHF  46.25
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  11.200 6/28/2024  EUR  42.76
UBS AG/London               13.500 8/15/2024  CHF  46.40
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   19.700 6/28/2024  EUR  46.68
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  13.000  1/3/2025  EUR  40.14
Societe Generale SA         25.26010/30/2025  USD  9.200
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   18.300 9/27/2024  EUR  36.53
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   15.900 9/27/2024  EUR  39.34
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   13.600 9/27/2024  EUR  43.11
Societe Generale SA         26.64010/30/2025  USD  2.170
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.000 6/28/2024  EUR  35.29
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.800 6/28/2024  EUR  31.99
Societe Generale SA         15.00010/31/2024  USD  28.57
Vontobel Financial Product  10.750 6/28/2024  EUR  47.66
Societe Generale SA         22.75010/17/2024  USD  21.30
UniCredit Bank GmbH         13.200 6/28/2024  EUR  47.36
UniCredit Bank GmbH         17.100 6/28/2024  EUR  37.87
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.900 6/28/2024  EUR  33.55
Evocabank CJSC              11.000 9/28/2024  AMD  0.000
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  19.000  6/3/2024  CHF  42.28
Bank Vontobel AG            10.000  9/2/2024  EUR  48.70
UBS AG/London               10.000 3/23/2026  USD  25.25
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   18.750 9/27/2024  EUR  26.91
Bank Vontobel AG            20.000 6/26/2024  CHF  36.40
Bank Vontobel AG            13.000 6/26/2024  CHF  5.600
UniCredit Bank GmbH         17.800 6/28/2024  EUR  24.58
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.80012/31/2024  EUR  31.59
Basler Kantonalbank         18.000 6/21/2024  CHF  42.74
UniCredit Bank GmbH         15.800 6/28/2024  EUR  22.71
UniCredit Bank GmbH         17.20012/31/2024  EUR  29.04
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   20.250 6/28/2024  EUR  22.60
HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt   17.50012/30/2024  EUR  30.68
Leonteq Securities AG       20.000 9/18/2024  CHF  42.67
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.200 6/28/2024  EUR  21.54
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.60012/31/2024  EUR  28.65
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.200 6/28/2024  EUR  23.87
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.70012/31/2024  EUR  31.39
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  24.100 6/28/2024  EUR  46.93
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentra  23.200 6/28/2024  EUR  46.88
UniCredit Bank GmbH         17.000 6/28/2024  EUR  22.10
UniCredit Bank GmbH         19.500 6/28/2024  EUR  21.04
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.80012/31/2024  EUR  28.74
Bank Vontobel AG            12.250 6/17/2024  CHF  50.50
Vontobel Financial Product  21.000 6/28/2024  EUR  44.70
Vontobel Financial Product  18.000 6/28/2024  EUR  47.34
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  19.000 6/10/2024  CHF  38.76
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  13.000 6/27/2024  EUR  48.58
ACBA Bank OJSC              11.000 12/1/2025  AMD  9.300
Vontobel Financial Product  24.500 9/27/2024  EUR  46.53
Societe Generale SA         16.000  8/1/2024  USD  13.10
Societe Generale SA         16.000  8/1/2024  USD  24.10
Ameriabank CJSC             10.000 2/20/2025  AMD  0.000
Societe Generale SA         15.000  8/1/2024  USD  19.60
UniCredit Bank GmbH         10.700  2/3/2025  EUR  29.55
BNP Paribas Emissions- und  16.000 6/27/2024  EUR  47.21
Societe Generale SA         20.000 7/21/2026  USD  3.940
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  15.500 1/24/2025  EUR  46.73
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  26.000 7/31/2024  CHF  38.12
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  11.000  1/3/2025  EUR  43.25
Basler Kantonalbank         18.000 6/17/2024  CHF  39.10
UBS AG/London               11.250 9/16/2024  EUR  49.60
Citigroup Global Markets F  25.530 2/18/2025  EUR  0.130
UniCredit Bank GmbH         10.700 2/17/2025  EUR  29.59
Vontobel Financial Product  19.500 6/28/2024  EUR  39.45
Vontobel Financial Product  11.000 6/28/2024  EUR  46.35
BNP Paribas Issuance BV     19.000 9/18/2026  EUR  0.980
BNP Paribas Issuance BV     20.000 9/18/2026  EUR  27.75
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  20.000 9/25/2024  CHF  41.23
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genosse  20.000 9/25/2024  CHF  27.76
UniCredit Bank GmbH         18.00012/31/2024  EUR  28.87
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  27.600 6/26/2024  CHF  28.49
Leonteq Securities AG/Guer  21.600 6/26/2024  CHF  6.790
UniCredit Bank GmbH         14.100 6/28/2024  EUR  48.34
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  14.500 6/28/2024  EUR  44.89
Societe Generale SA         20.00012/18/2025  USD  20.67
Vontobel Financial Product  21.500 6/28/2024  EUR  38.06
UniCredit Bank GmbH         15.600 6/28/2024  EUR  46.38
Vontobel Financial Product  16.500 6/28/2024  EUR  42.74
Vontobel Financial Product  15.000 6/28/2024  EUR  44.65
Vontobel Financial Product  18.000 6/28/2024  EUR  41.02
Vontobel Financial Product  23.000 6/28/2024  EUR  36.75
Vontobel Financial Product  13.500 6/28/2024  EUR  46.76
Vontobel Financial Product  14.000 6/28/2024  EUR  46.61
Vontobel Financial Product  12.500 6/28/2024  EUR  46.45
Societe Generale SA         14.000  8/8/2024  USD  38.80
Vontobel Financial Product  16.500 6/28/2024  EUR  44.34
Vontobel Financial Product  14.500 6/28/2024  EUR  47.04
Vontobel Financial Product  19.500 6/28/2024  EUR  42.02
Vontobel Financial Product  11.000 6/28/2024  EUR  39.78
Basler Kantonalbank         17.000 7/19/2024  CHF  45.58
Armenian Economy Developme  11.000 10/3/2025  AMD  0.000
Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemb  11.000 6/28/2024  EUR  25.40
Societe Generale SA         27.30010/20/2025  USD  8.800
Societe Generale SA         18.000 10/3/2024  USD  19.20
Societe Generale SA         18.000 10/3/2024  USD  18.80
Societe Generale SA         20.000 10/3/2024  USD  32.00
Societe Generale SA         20.00011/28/2025  USD  4.500
Societe Generale SA         18.000 5/31/2024  USD  28.70
Societe Generale SA         21.00012/26/2025  USD  28.87
EFG International Finance   11.12012/27/2024  EUR  31.32
UniCredit Bank GmbH         10.500 9/23/2024  EUR  30.22
Finca Uco Cjsc              13.00011/16/2024  AMD  0.000
UBS AG/London               16.500 7/22/2024  CHF  19.88
UBS AG/London               21.600  8/2/2027  SEK  35.12
Finca Uco Cjsc              12.500 6/21/2024  AMD  0.000
Bank Vontobel AG            12.000 6/10/2024  CHF  42.50
EFG International Finance   10.300 8/23/2024  USD  24.09
Credit Suisse AG/London     11.200 8/26/2024  USD  39.30
Societe Generale SA         10.010 8/29/2024  USD  47.40
Societe Generale SA         11.750 9/18/2024  USD  48.70
Credit Suisse AG/London     20.00011/29/2024  USD  16.77
UniCredit Bank GmbH         10.300 9/27/2024  EUR  30.68
KPNQwest NV                 10.000 3/15/2012  EUR  0.797
Ist Saiberian Petroleum OO  14.00012/28/2024  RUB  15.95
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 2/16/2037  UAH  29.23
Privatbank CJSC Via UK SPV  10.875 2/28/2018  USD  5.267
UkrLandFarming PLC          10.875 3/26/2018  USD  4.195
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  14.900 9/15/2008  EUR  0.100
Ukraine Government Bond     11.580  2/2/2028  UAH  49.38
Ukraine Government Bond     11.110 3/29/2028  UAH  47.66
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  15.000 3/30/2011  EUR  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.50011/28/2008  USD  0.100
Ukraine Government Bond     11.570  3/1/2028  UAH  48.94
Bulgaria Steel Finance BV   12.000  5/4/2013  EUR  0.216
Sidetur Finance BV          10.000 4/20/2016  USD  0.378
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.500  8/9/2010  EUR  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 3/27/2009  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.000 6/29/2009  EUR  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.00012/19/2011  USD  0.100
Deutsche Bank AG/London     12.780 3/16/2028  TRY  48.20
Bulgaria Steel Finance BV   12.000  5/4/2013  EUR  0.216
Bilt Paper BV               10.360            USD  0.650
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  10.875 1/13/2020  USD  36.00
Tonon Luxembourg SA         12.500 5/14/2024  USD  0.010
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  10.875 1/13/2020  USD  36.00
Tonon Luxembourg SA         12.500 5/14/2024  USD  0.010
Phosphorus Holdco PLC       10.000  4/1/2019  GBP  0.234
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 4/24/2037  UAH  31.93
BLT Finance BV              12.000 2/10/2015  USD  10.50
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  12.000 7/13/2037  JPY  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 6/11/2038  JPY  0.100
Virgolino de Oliveira Fina  11.750  2/9/2022  USD  0.635
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 3/24/2037  UAH  29.31
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000  4/8/2037  UAH  29.36
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000 4/23/2037  UAH  29.41
Ukraine Government Bond     10.36011/10/2027  UAH  48.61
Codere Finance 2 Luxembour  12.75011/30/2027  EUR  1.000
PA Resources AB             13.500  3/3/2016  SEK  0.124
Phosphorus Holdco PLC       10.000  4/1/2019  GBP  0.234
Tailwind Energy Chinook Lt  12.500 9/27/2019  USD  1.500
Ukraine Government Bond     11.000  4/1/2037  UAH  29.34
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  18.250 10/2/2008  USD  0.100
Ukraine Government Bond     12.500 4/27/2029  UAH  45.94
Ukraine Government Bond     12.50010/12/2029  UAH  44.44
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.000 7/25/2012  EUR  0.100
Petromena ASA               10.85011/19/2018  USD  0.622
Ukraine Government Bond     10.710 4/26/2028  UAH  46.51
Credit Agricole Corporate   10.20012/13/2027  TRY  49.51
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.800 8/21/2009  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.15010/30/2008  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.00012/14/2012  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.750  3/1/2010  EUR  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  14.90011/16/2010  EUR  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.000 10/8/2008  CHF  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.00012/20/2017  AUD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.00012/20/2017  AUD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.000 2/16/2009  CHF  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.000 2/16/2009  CHF  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.00010/23/2008  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.00010/22/2008  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.600 4/22/2014  MXN  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 2/16/2009  CHF  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.000 11/9/2008  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  17.000  6/2/2009  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.00012/26/2008  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.432  1/8/2009  ILS  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.44211/22/2008  CHF  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.00010/28/2008  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  16.200 5/14/2009  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 5/22/2009  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  13.500  6/2/2009  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  23.300 9/16/2008  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  10.000 6/17/2009  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  11.000  7/4/2011  CHF  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  12.000  7/4/2011  EUR  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  14.10011/12/2008  USD  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  15.000  6/4/2009  CHF  0.100
Lehman Brothers Treasury C  12.400 6/12/2009  USD  0.100


S U B S C R I P T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

Troubled Company Reporter-Europe is a daily newsletter co-
published by Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills,
Pennsylvania, USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Washington, D.C., USA.
Marites O. Claro, Rousel Elaine T. Fernandez, Joy A. Agravante,
Julie Anne L. Toledo, Ivy B. Magdadaro, and Peter A. Chapman,

Copyright 2024.  All rights reserved.  ISSN 1529-2754.

This material is copyrighted and any commercial use, resale or
publication in any form (including e-mail forwarding, electronic
re-mailing and photocopying) is strictly prohibited without prior
written permission of the publishers.

Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but is not guaranteed.

The TCR Europe subscription rate is US$775 per half-year,
delivered via e-mail.  Additional e-mail subscriptions for
members of the same firm for the term of the initial subscription
or balance thereof are US$25 each.  For subscription information,
contact Peter Chapman at 215-945-7000.

                * * * End of Transmission * * *