/raid1/www/Hosts/bankrupt/TCREUR_Public/240719.mbx        T R O U B L E D   C O M P A N Y   R E P O R T E R

                          E U R O P E

          Friday, July 19, 2024, Vol. 25, No. 145



BARINGS EURO 2024-1: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F Notes


TRANSPORTES AEREOS: Moody's Ups CFR & Sr. Unsecured Notes to Ba3


HIPOCAT 11: S&P Affirms 'D (sf)' Rating on Class B, C, and D Notes


OPTIGROUP BIDCO: Moody's Affirms 'B2' CFR, Alters Outlook to Neg.


CONSOLIDATED ENERGY: Moody's Cuts LT CFR to B2, Outlook Negative

U N I T E D   K I N G D O M

ARLINGTON LONDON: Quantuma Appointed as Administrators
BLETCHLEY PARK 2024-1: S&P Assigns Prelim 'CCC' Rating to X2 Notes
COGEN LIMITED: Virtual Meeting of Creditors on July 31
FEATHERFOOT HIGH STREET: Opus to Lead Administration Proceedings
PARAMOUNT D&B LTD: Begbies to Lead Administration Proceedings

SIGNATURE LIVING BF: Leonard Curtis Appointed as Administrators
SIRANE LIMITED: Interpath Named as Administrators
TERM HOLDINGS: RSM UK Named as Administrators
ULTROMEX LTD: RSM UK Named as Administrators


[*] BOOK REVIEW: Management Guide to Troubled Companies

                           - - - - -


BARINGS EURO 2024-1: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F Notes
S&P Global Ratings assigned its credit ratings to Barings Euro CLO
2024-1 DAC's class A Loan, and class A, B, C, D, E, and F notes. At
closing, the issuer also issued unrated subordinated notes.

The ratings assigned to the notes and loan reflect S&P's assessment

-- The diversified collateral pool, which primarily comprises
broadly syndicated speculative-grade senior secured term loans and
bonds that are governed by collateral quality tests.

-- The credit enhancement provided through the subordination of
cash flows, excess spread, and overcollateralization.

-- The collateral manager's experienced team, which can affect the
performance of the rated notes and loan through collateral
selection, ongoing portfolio management, and trading.

-- The transaction's legal structure, which is bankruptcy remote.

-- The transaction's counterparty risks, which are in line with
S&P's counterparty rating framework.

  Portfolio benchmarks

  S&P Global Ratings' weighted-average rating factor     2,748.45

  Default rate dispersion                                  583.43

  Weighted-average life (years)                              4.69

  Obligor diversity measure                                112.94

  Industry diversity measure                                22.82

  Regional diversity measure                                 1.29

  Transaction key metrics

  Portfolio weighted-average rating
  derived from S&P's CDO evaluator                              B

  'CCC' category rated assets (%)                            2.00

  Covenanted 'AAA' weighted-average recovery (%)            37.77

  Covenanted weighted-average spread (%)                     4.10

  Covenanted weighted-average coupon (%)                     5.50

Under the transaction documents, the rated notes and loan pay
quarterly interest unless a frequency switch event occurs.
Following this, the rated notes and loan will switch to semiannual
payments. The portfolio's reinvestment period will end 4.51 years
after closing.

The portfolio is well-diversified, primarily comprising broadly
syndicated speculative-grade senior secured term loans and senior
secured bonds. Therefore, S&P has conducted its credit and cash
flow analysis by applying its criteria for corporate cash flow

S&P said, "In our cash flow analysis, we used the EUR400 million
target par amount, the covenanted weighted-average spread (4.10%),
the reference weighted-average coupon (5.50%), and the covenanted
weighted-average recovery rate at all rating levels as indicated by
the collateral manager. We applied various cash flow stress
scenarios, using four different default patterns, in conjunction
with different interest rate stress scenarios for each liability
rating category.

"Under our structured finance sovereign risk criteria, we consider
that the transaction's exposure to country risk is sufficiently
mitigated at the assigned ratings.

"The transaction's documented counterparty replacement and remedy
mechanisms adequately mitigate its exposure to counterparty risk
under our current counterparty criteria.

"The transaction's legal structure and framework is bankruptcy
remote, in line with our legal criteria.

"Following our analysis of the credit, cash flow, counterparty,
operational, and legal risks, we believe our assigned ratings are
commensurate with the available credit enhancement for the class A
Loan, and class A, B, C, D, E, and F notes. Our credit and cash
flow analysis indicates that the available credit enhancement for
the class B, C, D, E, and F notes could withstand stresses
commensurate with higher ratings than those we have assigned.
However, as the CLO will be in its reinvestment phase starting from
closing, during which the transaction's credit risk profile could
deteriorate, we have capped our ratings assigned to these notes.

"As our ratings analysis makes additional considerations before
assigning ratings in the 'CCC' category, and we would assign a 'B-'
rating if the criteria for assigning a 'CCC' category rating are
not met, we have not included the above scenario analysis results
for the class F notes."

The transaction securitizes a portfolio of primarily senior-secured
leveraged loans and bonds, and is managed by Barings (U.K.) Ltd.

Environmental, social, and governance

S&P said, "We regard the exposure to environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) credit factors in the transaction as being broadly
in line with our benchmark for the sector. Primarily due to the
diversity of the assets within CLOs, the exposure to environmental
credit factors is viewed as below average, social credit factors
are below average, and governance credit factors are average. For
this transaction, the documents prohibit assets from being related
to certain activities (non-ESG collateral obligations)."

  Ratings list
                     AMOUNT                       CREDIT

  A       AAA (sf)    165.25     3mE + 1.45       38.00

  A Loan  AAA (sf)     82.75     3mE + 1.45       38.00

  B       AA (sf)      44.00     3mE + 2.10       27.00

  C       A (sf)       23.00     3mE + 2.65       21.25

  D       BBB- (sf)    28.00     3mE + 4.50       14.25

  E   BB- (sf)     18.00     3mE + 7.24        9.75

  F       B- (sf)      12.00     3mE + 8.93        6.75

  Sub     NR           34.85      N/A                N/A

NR--Not rated.
N/A--Not applicable.
3mE--Three-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate.


TRANSPORTES AEREOS: Moody's Ups CFR & Sr. Unsecured Notes to Ba3
Moody's Ratings has upgraded TRANSPORTES AEREOS PORTUGUESES, S.A.'s
(TAP or the company) long-term corporate family rating to Ba3 from
B1 and its probability of default rating to Ba3-PD from B1-PD. The
rating on TAP's EUR375 million senior unsecured notes due 2024 has
been upgraded to Ba3 from B1. Concurrently, the Baseline Credit
Assessment (BCA) has been upgraded to b1 from b2. The outlook
changed to stable from positive.


The upgrade reflects both the continuous strong operating
profitability of the airline since Moody's last upgrade in November
2023 and the concomitant improvement in credit metrics
post-pandemic with a high yield environment that is nevertheless
expected to normalize over the next 12-18 months.

TAP has maintained a strong operating performance supported by its
leisure customer base and its exposure to both the North Atlantic
and the Brazilian route, which are two buoyant routes since 2023.
In the last twelve months until March 2024 TAP increased capacity
as measured by Available Seat Kilometers (ASK) to 101% of 2019
levels and its load factor exceeded pre-pandemic level at 81%.
Coupled with a strong pricing (Revenue per ASK as measured by the
company was 27% above 2019 level and up 5% compared to 2022), a
tight cost control from its restructuring programme (Cost per ASK
up 18% versus 2019 and 12% excluding fuel cost) and despite an
increase in labour costs, the favourable market conditions where
ongoing high demand meets restricted capacity led an Moody's
adjusted EBIT margin of 10.6%, well in excess of the margin of 2.2%
posted in 2019.

The recovery in earnings and the material equity injection that TAP
has received from the Portuguese government (Government of
Portugal, A3 stable) as part of its EU-approved restructuring
program also led to a significant improvement in credit metrics of
TAP. Moody's do not expect a privatization or even partial
divestment to be concluded in the near-term. Moody's adjusted
Debt/EBITDA is expected to be maintained below 4.0x as Moody's see
the possibility for the company to refinance its upcoming EUR375
million senior unsecured bond maturity in December 2024. Its gross
leverage compares also favorably to pre-pandemic levels with a
Moody's adjusted Debt/EBITDA of 6.8x in 2019. The lower gross
leverage is also achieved in the context of a much stronger
liquidity profile with TAP holding around EUR1.1 billion of cash on
balance sheet at March 2024 versus EUR426 million in 2019.

Booking trends remain currently positive from both volume and yield
perspectives. In common with the rest of the industry TAP is
continuing to experience a robust price environment, enabling it to
pass on a large proportion of fuel and other cost increases. This
is driven by strong pent-up demand, excess savings post-pandemic
and capacity discipline. Following the strong recovery of yields,
Moody's expect that the strong price environment will moderately
decline in 2024 and 2025.

Beyond the factors discussed above TAP's Ba3 CFR is supported by
the issuer's (1) strategic location in Lisbon with a strong market
share at the capacity constrained Lisbon hub, (2) competitive cost
structure compared to other European network airlines, and (3)
strong market share in European – Brazilian routes with five
exclusive routes to Brazil. On the other hand, the rating is
constrained by TAP's (1) small size of the operated airline and the
concentrated route network if compared to larger network carriers,
(2) volatile and weak historical operating performance even after
the partial privatization in 2015, (3) low profitability prior to
the pandemic if compared to peers, and (4) negative free cash flow
generation driven by high lease expenses.


The stable outlook is underpinned by Moody's expectation that TAP
will be able to maintain profitability levels in line with the
recent rating category driven by increasing operating efficiency to
compensate the expected decline in yields and labour cost pressure.
This should enable TAP to maintain a gross debt/EBITDA below 4.0x
and to move towards positive free cash flow generation.


TAP's liquidity is good with estimated EUR1.1 billion of cash on
balance sheet as of March 2024. TAP will receive the third and last
cash injections of EUR343 million in December 2024 from the
Portuguese government. This will further strengthen the liquidity
profile of TAP. TAP's liquidity buffer should be sufficient to stem
the high annual lease payments of around EUR550 million.


Most of TAP's capital structure is unsecured and ranks pari passu
with the EUR375 million senior unsecured notes. There is
approximately EUR100 million of debt that is secured by certain
contractual rights.

Moody's treat trade payables as unsecured claims in line with the
EUR375 million senior unsecured notes due to the absence of an all
asset pledge security package for the secured debt instruments. In
light of the relatively low percentage of secured debt in the
capital structure, the rating of the senior unsecured notes is in
line with the CFR at Ba3. The recovery of the corporate family is
assumed to be 50%.


Positive pressure would build on TAP's rating if its gross
debt/EBITDA would be maintained sustainably below 3.5x, evidence
that the company is capable of sustaining existing margins above
12% Moody's adjusted EBIT in the context of the current high margin
environment and potential risks of increased costs and reduced
yields and would generate consistent positive free cash flow.

On the contrary gross debt/EBITDA of TAP increasing sustainably
above 4.5x, persistent negative free cash flow generation, a
deterioration in the group's liquidity profile,
(FFO+Interest)/Interest reducing towards 3.0x and EBIT margin below
10%, would put negative pressure on the ratings.


The Government of Portugal is the sole owner of TAP. Whilst the
Government of Portugal has granted material support during the
pandemic (EUR3.2 billion State aid and damage compensation), the
ownership and governance strategy of the Government of Portugal has
not been consistent over time with strategies of privatisation
followed by reinvestment as during the pandemic. Moody's recently
consider a consistent track record under the public ownership.


The methodologies used in these ratings were Passenger Airlines
published in August 2021.


Headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal, TRANSPORTES AEREOS PORTUGUESES,
S.A. (TAP) is a small Portuguese network carrier. TAP has been a
member of the Star Alliance since 2005 and carried close to 16
million passengers and reported close to EUR4.2 billion of revenue
in 2023. As of March 2024, the company's fleet was composed of 99
aircraft, which included 22 Airbus wide-bodies (of which 19 NEOs),
58 Airbus narrow-bodies (of which 35 NEOs) and 19 regional planes
(Embraer). TAP is wholly owned by the Portuguese State.


HIPOCAT 11: S&P Affirms 'D (sf)' Rating on Class B, C, and D Notes
S&P Global Ratings raised to 'AAA (sf)' from 'AA+ (sf)' its credit
rating on Hipocat 11, Fondo de Titulizacion de Activos' class A2
notes. At the same time, S&P affirmed its 'D (sf)' ratings on the
class B, C, and D notes.

The rating actions reflect its full analysis of the most recent
information that we have received and the transaction's current
structural features.

After applying S&P's global RMBS criteria, its weighted-average
foreclosure frequency assumptions decreased because of the
transaction's reduction in both the effective loan-to-value ratio
and in arrears. In addition, its weighted-average loss severity
assumptions have increased due to an increase in its repossession
market value decline assumptions.

  Table 1

  Credit analysis results


  AAA       20.67       35.52        7.34

  AA        14.04       31.10        4.37

  A         10.76       23.70        2.55

  BBB        7.32       19.64        1.44

  BB         3.85       16.74        0.64

  B          3.02       14.05        0.42

WAFF--Weighted-average foreclosure frequency.
WALS--Weighted-average loss severity.

The transaction is undercollateralized, given that the performing
collateral balance is considerably lower than the asset-backed
notes' outstanding amount. This means available funds are currently
allocated exclusively to senior items, interest payments, and the
class A2 notes' amortization. The reserve fund has been fully
depleted since 2009.

S&P said, "Despite the transaction's overall negative performance,
the class A2 notes' available credit enhancement has increased
since our previous review and is now above 40%. We raised our
rating on the class A2 notes, considering that they can pass our
'AAA' stresses."

Cumulative defaults, defined as loans in arrears for 18 months or
more, represent 25.15% of the closing pool balance, which is well
above the interest deferral thresholds for both the class B and C
notes (13.2% and 8.9% respectively). As a result, these tranches'
interest payments currently rank below the class A2 notes'
amortization. As such, the class B and C notes continue to
experience ongoing interest shortfalls. The class D notes, which
are not asset-backed, also have outstanding interest shortfalls due
to the lack of excess funds available to meet obligations ranking
below the class A2 notes' amortization. As S&P's ratings in Hipocat
11 address the timely payment of interest and ultimate principal
during the transaction's life it affirmed its 'D (sf)' ratings on
the class B, C, and D notes.

S&P said, "Our operational and legal risk analyses remain unchanged
since our previous review. Therefore, these criteria do not cap the
ratings assigned.

"We also applied our counterparty criteria as part of our analysis.
BBVA provides the interest rate swap contract, which is in line
with our previous counterparty criteria. Considering the collateral
arrangement's enforceability, the maximum supported rating is 'A+'.
Our rating on the class A2 notes is delinked from the swap

Hipocat 11 is a Spanish RMBS transaction that closed in March 2007
and securitizes first-ranking owner-occupied mortgage credits,
mainly in Catalonia. Catalunya Banc, which was formerly named Caixa
Catalunya and is now part of BBVA, originated the loans in the


OPTIGROUP BIDCO: Moody's Affirms 'B2' CFR, Alters Outlook to Neg.
Moody's Ratings has changed the outlook to negative from stable on
OptiGroup BidCo AB ("Optigroup" or "the company"), a Sweden-based
European distributor of business-to-business products.
Concurrently, Moody's have affirmed the company's B2 corporate
family rating, B2-PD probability of default rating, and B1
instrument ratings on the first lien facilities, including the
EUR465 million senior secured term loan B (TLB) due 2029 and EUR60
million senior secured revolving credit facility (RCF) due 2028.

"The change of outlook to negative reflects Optigroup's weaker
trading performance in the last few quarters and its limited growth
prospects for the next 12-18 months in the context of a sluggish
macroeconomic backdrop in Europe", said Guillaume Leglise, a
Moody's Ratings Vice President - Senior Analyst and lead analyst
for the company.  "Optigroup's credit profile continues to be
supported by its diversified activities, asset-light business model
and good liquidity", concludes Mr Leglise.


The rating action reflects Optigroup's deterioration in sales and
earnings in the last 12 months, impacted by softer demand for the
company's products, in a difficult macroeconomic context, notably
in the paper and packaging segments. In the last 12 months to March
31, 2024, the company's sales and EBITDA (as adjusted by the
company) declined by 13% and 15% respectively. This translates into
weak credit metrics for the rating category, with Optigroup's
leverage (Moody's-adjusted gross debt to EBITDA) estimated at 6.7x
and its Moody's-adjusted EBITA to interest expense at around 1.0x
as at end-March 2024.  

Despite resilient operating margins, thanks to the company's good
cost control and softening inflation, Optigroup's performance is
affected by lower demand from corporate customers, notably amongst
retailers which currently face adverse trading conditions, while
the company's paper division continues to face declining structural
trends. Moody's expect the company's sales and earnings to remain
sluggish in 2024, constrained by limited economic growth prospects
in Europe, although lower interest rates and softening inflation
should yield stronger economic growth in 2025. Moody's expect the
company's leverage to be around 7.0x in 2024, before trending
towards 6.5x in 2025. Moody's negative outlook reflects the
uncertainty over the company's earnings recovery and the risk that
its leverage remain well above 6.0x in the near term.

The company is weakly positioned in the B2 rating category, owing
to its high leverage and weak interest cover ratio. The CFR is also
constrained by the soft demand in the company's packaging segment
and structurally declining demand in the traditional paper
industry. The company has pursued an acquisitive strategy in recent
years, which Moody's expect to continue, potentially hindering
future deleveraging.

More positively, the affirmation of the B2 CFR considers the
company's good liquidity profile, with an ample cash balance of
EUR124 million at end-March 2024 and full availability under its
€60 million RCF. The company had a good track record of positive
free cash flows (FCF) historically, derived from its asset-light
business model with limited capital spending requirements. While
Moody's expect the company's FCF generation to deteriorate in 2024,
it will remain around breakeven in Moody's base case scenario.

The B2 CFR continues to reflect the company's strong position in
the European B2B distribution of business essentials such as
cleaning, safety or packaging products, with leading market shares
and good product diversification in the Nordics and the


Moody's view Optigroup's liquidity as good, supported by a cash
balance of EUR124 million and a fully available EUR60 million of
revolving credit facility (RCF) as of March 31, 2024. The company
had a good track record of positive FCF generation historically,
with EUR60 million (Moody's-adjusted) generated in 2023. However,
Moody's project FCF to deteriorate and to be around breakeven in
2024, and to improve gradually in 2025. The seasonality of
Optigroup's business is low, although FCF generation is typically
stronger in the second half of the year. However, the company's
working capital can fluctuate throughout the year, with some cash
troughs during the first quarter and some inflows in the second
half of the calendar year.

The company's credit facilities contain a springing covenant
defined as a senior secured net leverage test fixed at 8.1x for the
life of the facilities, and tested every quarter. Moody's expect
the company will continue to have ample headroom under this
covenant going forward (4.5x as of end-March 2024).

There is no material debt maturing before 2028, when the RCF
expires. The first lien term loans and second lien term loan mature
in 2029 and 2030 respectively.


The CFR is assigned to OptiGroup BidCo AB, which is the top entity
of the restricted group and the borrower of the senior secured bank
credit facilities. In 2023, OptiGroup Holding AB, a holding company
above the restricted group, became the reporting entity of the

The TLB and RCF are rated B1. The size of the second lien debt
relative to the total quantum of debt provides loss absorption to
the first lien debt, lifting the first lien instruments one notch
above the CFR. The first lien and second lien facilities benefit
from the same maintenance guarantor package, representing around
80% of the company's consolidated EBITDA. They are also secured by
share pledges in the company and material bank accounts.

Optigroup's PDR is B2-PD, reflecting the use of a 50% family
recovery rate, consistent with a debt structure composed of first
lien and second lien debt.


The negative rating outlook reflects Optigroup's currently weaker
operating performance in a difficult macroeconomic backdrop and
Moody's expectations that its credit metrics will remain weak for
its rating category over the next 12-18 months.

A stabilisation of the outlook will require Optigroup's operating
performance to recover in the next 12-18 months, resulting in a
return of its credit metrics to levels commensurate with the B2
rating, including a leverage below 6.0x.


Upward pressure is unlikely in the short term given the negative
outlook. Positive pressure could arise over time if the company
displays sustained growth in sales and earnings; (i) its
Moody's-adjusted debt/EBITDA ratio falls sustainably below 5.0x;
(ii) its Moody's-adjusted EBITA/Interest Expense approaches 2.5x;
and (iii) its Moody's-adjusted FCF/debt increases to high single
digits (in percentage terms) on a sustainable basis. An upgrade
would also require Optigroup to demonstrate a balanced financial
policy and prudent liquidity management.

Conversely, negative pressure on the rating could materialise if
(i) the company's operating performance does not improve, such that
its Moody's-adjusted debt/EBITDA remains above 6.0x for a prolonged
period; (ii) its Moody's-adjusted EBITA/Interest Expense remains
below 1.75x; (iii) it pursues other debt-funded acquisitions; or
(iv) its FCF and liquidity weakens.


The principal methodology used in these ratings was Distribution
and Supply Chain Services published in February 2023.


Optigroup is a B2B distributor of business essential services.
Based in Molndal, Sweden, the group is organised into four business
areas: Facility, Safety and Food Services (FSF); Packaging; Paper
and Business Supplies (PBS), and Medical. Optigroup operates in 20
European countries and serves over 100,000 customers. In 2023,
Optigroup generated pro forma (PF) revenue and EBITDA (pre-IFRS 16)
of EUR1,5 billion and EUR134 million, respectively.


CONSOLIDATED ENERGY: Moody's Cuts LT CFR to B2, Outlook Negative
Moody's Ratings downgraded Consolidated Energy Limited's (CEL or
the company) long-term corporate family rating and probability of
default rating to B2 from B1 and to B2-PD from B1-PD respectively.
Concurrently Moody's downgraded all existing backed senior secured
term loan B and the rating of the backed senior secured revolving
credit facility to B1 from Ba3 and the rating of the backed senior
unsecured notes to B3 from B2 issued by Consolidated Energy Finance
S.A.(CEF).  The outlook remains negative on both entities.


The downgrade of CEL's rating takes into account an increase of
financial transactions and linkages with its shareholder Proman AG
(Proman), a governance consideration negatively weighing on CEL's
rating. In December 2023 the company  provided a loan of $253
million to  Proman which earns an interest rate of SOFR +250bps.
Proman used the loan to finance a deferred purchase price
consideration of $166 million and other financing needs at the
Proman level. The borrowings to Proman increased by $127 million
bringing the total amount of borrowings to Proman to $416 million
as of the end of Q1-24. In May 2024 the company announced that it
has acquired a 50% controlling stake in Caribbean Petrochemical
Company AG (CPC) from Proman AG. CPC manages critical operations on
behalf of CEL including the offtake of UAN and Melamine volumes.
The consideration for the acquisition of CPC will not be paid in
cash but will reduce the loan receivable from Proman by $60 million
to $356 million. In addition, Consolidated Energy Limited has
issued a guarantee in favor of debt borrowed from third parties by
Proman. CEL does not record a liability on its statement of
financial position as long as Proman AG remains in compliance with
the terms of its loan facility as it does at present. Moody's
consider the guarantee as debt like and hence reflect in Moody's
adjusted debt. The high operational and financial interdependence
with its parent company and the complex group structure with
limited available information on Proman's operations outside of the
CEL perimeter results in a risk that CEL will ultimately have to
continue to support financing needs of its shareholder. Proman
itself is a global leader in methanol, fertilizer and other natural
gas derived products such as melamine using a fully-integrated
approach across the entire supply chain from project development
and production to marketing and logistics. Proman has various
financing arrangements at the holding and its subsidiaries in

CEL's rating furthermore is constrained by its high Moody's
adjusted gross leverage of  above 20x as of Q1-24, which Moody's
expect to decrease to below 7x by year end supported by improving
average selling prices for methanol, ammonia and UAN. The forecast
improvement also assumes no further major production outages, which
have negatively impacted production volumes at Natgasoline LLC and
its AUM production during 2023 and historically have contributed to
the company's pronounced earnings volatility. CEL's liquidity
weakened with  $119.2 million drawn out of $175 million ($140
million committed until 2029 and $35 million committed until 2025)
committed under its revolving credit facility as of the end of Q1
2024, but remains adequate.

CEL's rating reflects its leading market position in methanol,
which is underpinned by its competitive cost position reflected by
high EBITDA margins. The rating furthermore reflects Moody's
expectation that CEL stringently applies FCF generation to gross
debt reduction in the stronger parts of the cycle, as it has
previously done.


CEL's liquidity profile is adequate. As of Q1-24 the company had
$189 million of cash on balance sheet. Furthermore, the group has
access to around $56 million under its $175 million RCF. The
company has a $50 million revolver at the level of Natgasoline LLC,
which matures in August 2025. In combination with Moody's
expectation of FFO generation of around $300 million for 2024,
these sources should be sufficient to accommodate swings in working
capital and capital expenditures of around $120 - $150 million per
annum. Moody's assessment of CEL's liquidity profile takes into
account the expectation that debt maturities including
Natgasoline's upcoming 2025 maturities will be addressed well in


Consolidated Energy Finance, S.A. 's (CEF) outstanding backed
senior unsecured bonds are rated B3, one notch below the B2 CFR,
reflecting the priority ranking of the backed senior secured term
loan B and the $175 million RCF, which are rated B1. The rating of
the backed senior unsecured bonds also reflects the structural
subordination of CEF's creditors to those of its US-based operating
subsidiary, Natgasoline LLC, which is not a guarantor to CEF's
bonds and whose financial debt is largely secured against
respective assets. Natgasoline has total debt of $885m while the
replacement value of the facility is approximately $2.2 bn
(estimate provided by the company). The rating of the backed senior
secured bank credit facilities is B1, one notch above CEL's CFR,
because of their priority ranking in the capital structure.


The negative outlook reflects the risk that the company's cash flow
generation will not be sufficient to reduce gross debt to the
levels commensurate with the rating, be it due to continued weak
earnings or cash outflows to its shareholder.  The negative outlook
also reflects the risk that CEL continues to support the financing
needs of its shareholder.


Moody's could consider upgrading CEL's rating if the company
reduces its Moody's adjusted gross debt to well below $3.1 billion
and its FCF/debt would be in the high single digit. A
simplification of its group and capital structure and transparency
with regards to financing needs of its shareholder will be a
prerequisite for a positive rating action.

Moody's could downgrade CEL's rating if the company fails to reduce
its Moody's adjusted gross debt to below $3.8 billion, ($4.2
billion as of March 2024, which includes $460m in relation to the
guarantee provided by CEL to Proman's debt as part of Moody's
Financial Statement Adjustments in the Analysis of Nonfinancial
Corporations methodology), its liquidity situation worsens  or if
the company supports additional financing needs of its

The principal methodology used in these ratings was Chemicals
published in October 2023.

U N I T E D   K I N G D O M

ARLINGTON LONDON: Quantuma Appointed as Administrators
Arlington London Limited was placed in administration proceedings
in the High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of
England and Wales, Court Number: CR-2024-004090, and Quantuma
Advisory Limited was appointed as administrators on July 11, 2024.

Arlington London Limited, which does business as TINCTURE London,
is a manufacturer of cleaning and home products.  Its registered
office and principal trading address is at 4 Montpellier Street,
London, SW7 1EE and it is in the process of being changed to 1st
Floor, 21 Station Road, Watford, WD17 1AP.

The Administrators may be reached at:

     Nicholas Simmonds
     Chris Newell
     Quantuma Advisory Limited
     1st Floor, 21 Station Road
     Watford, Herts, WD17 1AP

For further details, please contact:

     Clare Vila
     Tel: 01923 954 174
     E-mail: Clare.Vila@quantuma.com

BLETCHLEY PARK 2024-1: S&P Assigns Prelim 'CCC' Rating to X2 Notes
S&P Global Ratings assigned its preliminary credit ratings to
Bletchley Park Funding 2024-1 PLC's class A, B-Dfrd, C-Dfrd,
D-Dfrd, E-Dfrd, X1-Dfrd, and X2-Dfrd notes. At closing, the issuer
will also issue unrated J-VFN notes and residual certificates.

This is an RMBS transaction that securitizes a portfolio of
mortgage loans secured on properties in the U.K. The provisional
mortgage portfolio is approximately GBP223 million as of April 30,

The transaction is composed of buy-to-let mortgages originated by
Quantum Mortgages Ltd. (93.2%; the "Carbon" portfolio) and
owner-occupied mortgages originated by Hey Habito Ltd. (6.8%; the
"Chronos" portfolio).

The issuer will use the issuance proceeds to purchase the full
beneficial interest in the mortgage loans from the seller at
closing. The issuer will grant security over all of its assets in
the security trustee's favor.

S&P considers the originators' lending criteria to be conservative,
given that a very small number of the loans are in arrears or none
are related to borrowers currently under a bankruptcy proceeding.

Credit enhancement for the rated notes will consist of
subordination and excess spread.

A liquidity reserve will provide liquidity support to cover senior
fees, swap payments, and cure interest shortfalls on the class A
and B-Dfrd notes. Principal can be used to pay interest on the
class A and B-Dfrd through E-Dfrd notes, provided that, in the case
of the class B-Dfrd to E-Dfrd notes, they are the most senior class
outstanding or the outstanding principal deficiency ledger is less
than 10%.

There are no rating constraints in the transaction under its
counterparty, operational risk, or structured finance sovereign
risk criteria. S&P considers the issuer to be bankruptcy remote.

  Preliminary ratings


  A              AAA (sf)              87.25

  B-Dfrd         AA (sf)                5.50

  C-Dfrd         A (sf)                 3.75

  D-Dfrd         BBB+ (sf)              2.00

  E-Dfrd         BB+ (sf)               1.50

  X1-Dfrd        B+ (sf)                1.75

  X2-Dfrd        CCC (sf)               1.25

  J-VFN          NR                      TBD

  Residual certs NR                      N/A

NR--Not rated.
TBD--To be determined.
N/A--Not applicable.

COGEN LIMITED: Virtual Meeting of Creditors on July 31
The joint administrators of CG Realisations 2023 Limited,
previously known as CoGen Limited, will hold a virtual meeting of
creditors on July 31, 2024.

CoGen was placed in administration proceedings in the High Court of
Justice, Court Number: CR-2023-6053, and CBW Recovery LLP was
appointed as administrators in December 2023.

CoGen is an end-to-end developer of technically advanced energy
recovery facilities.  Its registered office is at Blythe House,
Blythe Park, Cresswell Lane, Cresswell, Stoke-on-Trent,
Staffordshire.  Its principal trading address is at Third Floor,
4-8 Ludgate Circus, London, EC4M 7LF.

According to a Notice of Meeting, a decision is to be sought from
the Company's creditors at a virtual meeting to be held on July 31,
2024 at 10:00 a.m. The purpose of the virtual meeting is to form a
committee, and if one is not formed, to increase the Joint
Administrators' remuneration.

In order for their votes to be counted, creditors must attend the
meeting and vote either personally or by proxy, and must also have
submitted proof of their debt (if not already lodged) at CBW
Recovery LLP, 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6AF by no later
than 4:00 pm on the business day before the meeting and their proxy
in advance of the meeting. Failure to do so will lead to their
vote(s) being disregarded.

The Joint Administrators may be reached at:

     Joseph Walter Colley
     John Anthony Dickinson
     CBW Recovery LLP
     10 Lower Thames Street
     London, EC3R 6AF

For further details, contact:

     Alice Guyatt
     Tel: 020 4581 7154
     E-mail: Alice.Guyatt@cbwrecovery.co.uk

A petition to wind up the Company was filed in January 2023 by the
Commissioners for HM Revenue and Custom.

FEATHERFOOT HIGH STREET: Opus to Lead Administration Proceedings
Featherfoot High Street WB Limited was placed in administration
proceedings in the High Court of Justice, Court Number:
CR-2024-000924, and Opus Restructuring LLP was appointed as
administrators on July 11, 2024.

Featherfoot High Street WB Limited is a property developer. Its
registered office and principal trading address is at Empire House,
92-98 Cleveland Street, Doncaster, DN1 3DP.

The Joint Administrators may be reached at:

     Frank Ofonagoro
     Mark Nicholas Ranson
     Opus Restructuring LLP
     2nd Floor, 3 Hardman Square
     Spinningfields, Manchester, M3 3EB

For further information, contact:

     Maria Price
     E-mail: Maria.price@opusllp.com

     Amanda Hamlin
     E-mail: Amanda.hamlin@opusllp.com

PARAMOUNT D&B LTD: Begbies to Lead Administration Proceedings
Paramount D&B Ltd was placed in administration proceedings in the
High Court of Justice Business and Property Courts in Bristol
Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) Companies List, Court Number:
CR-2024-BRS-000066, and Begbies Traynor (Central) LLP was appointed
as administrators on July 15.

Paramount D&B Ltd is a building projects developer.  Its registered
office is at Summers House, Pascal Close, St. Mellons, Cardiff, CF3

The Joint Administrators may be reached at:

     Susan Clay
     Huw Morgan Powell
     Begbies Traynor (Central) LLP
     Ground Floor, 16 Columbus Walk
     Brigantine Place
     Cardiff, CF10 4BY

For further information, contact:

     Nadine Romanick
     Begbies Traynor (Central) LLP
     Tel: 029 2089 4270
     E-mail: nadine.romanick@btguk.com

SIGNATURE LIVING BF: Leonard Curtis Appointed as Administrators
Signature Living BF Limited was placed in administration
proceedings in the High Court of Justice, Business and Property
Courts of England and Wales, Court Number: CR-2024-004123, and
Leonard Curtis was named as administrators on July 12, 2024.

Signature Living Bf Limited provides accommodation services.  Its
registered office is at Cavern Court, 1st Floor, 8 Mathew Street,
Liverpool, Merseyside L2 6RE.

The Administrators may be reached at:

     Nick Myers
     Alex Cadwallader
     Leonard Curtis
     5th Floor, Grove House
     248a Marylebone Road
     London, NW1 6BB
     Tel: 020 7535 7000
     E-mail: recovery@leonardcurtis.co.uk

Alternative contact: Toby Gibbons

SIRANE LIMITED: Interpath Named as Administrators
Sirane Limited was placed in administration proceedings in the High
Court of Justice Business and Property Courts in Birmingham
Isolvency and Companies List (ChD), Court Number:
CR-2024-BHM-000415, and Interpath Advisory Ltd was appointed as
administrators on July 15, 2024.

Sirane Limited is a manufacturer of articles of paper and
paperboard.  Its registered office is at Stafford Park 10, Telford,
TF3 3AB.

The Joint Administrators may be reached at:

     Christopher Robert Pole
     Ryan Grant
     Interpath Advisory Ltd
     2nd Floor, 45 Church Street
     Birmingham, B3 2RT

For further details, contact:

     Oliver Trotman
     Tel: 0121 817 8657
     E-mail: sirane@interpath.com

TERM HOLDINGS: RSM UK Named as Administrators
Term Holdings Limited was placed in administration proceedings in
the High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts in Leeds,
Insolvency & Companies List (ChD), Court Number: CR-2024-000668,
and RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP was appointed as
administrators on July 10, 2024.

Term Holdings Limited is in the business of letting and operating
of own or leased real estate.  Its registered office and principal
trading address is at 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ.

The Joint Administrators may be reached at:

     Lee Van Lockwood
     Gareth Harris
     RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP
     Central Square, 5th Floor
     29 Wellington Street
     Leeds, LS1 4DL
     Tel: 0113 285 5000

Correspondence address & contact details of case manager:

     Kirsty Baillie
     RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP
     Third Floor, 2 Semple Street
     Edinburgh, EH3 8BL
     Tel: 0131 659 8382

ULTROMEX LTD: RSM UK Named as Administrators
Ultromex Ltd was placed in administration proceedings in the High
Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts in Manchester,
Insolvency & Companies List (ChD), Court Number: CR-2024-894, and
RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP was appointed as administrators
on July 9, 2024.

Ultromex Ltd creates novel green tech to promote sustainable
aluminium production and the circular economy.  Ultromex's novel
Green Technologies for sustainable aluminium production turn
difficult hazardous wastes from aluminium smelting into valuable
secondary resources for use in other industries such as cement,
steel, ceramics and many others.  Its registered office and
principal trading address is at Mersey Wharf Business Park, Dock
Road South, Wirral, CH62 4SF.

The Administrators may be reached at:

     Christopher Ratten
     RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP
     Landmark, St Peter's Square
     1 Oxford Street
     Manchester, M1 4PB
     Tel: 0161 830 4000

          - and -

     James Miller
     RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP
     Central Square, 5th Floor
     29 Wellington Street
     Leeds, LS1 4DL
     Tel: 0113 285 5000

Correspondence address & contact details of case manager:

     Alex Collier
     Tel: 0161 830 4053
     RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP
     Landmark, St Peter's Square
     1 Oxford Street
     Manchester, M1 4PB


[*] BOOK REVIEW: Management Guide to Troubled Companies
Taking Charge: Management Guide to Troubled Companies and

Author: John O. Whitney
Publisher: Beard Books
Softcover: 283 Pages
List Price: $34.95
Order a copy today at:

Review by Susan Pannell

Remember when Lee Iacocca was practically a national hero? He won
celebrity status by taking charge at a company so universally known
as troubled that humor columnists joked their kids grew up thinking
the corporate name was "Ayling Chrysler." Whatever else Iacocca may
have been, he was a leader, and leadership is crucial to a
successful turnaround, maintains the author.

Mediagenic names merit only passing references in Whitney's book,
however. The author's own considerable experience as a turnaround
pro has given him more than sufficient perspective and acumen to
guide managers through successful turnarounds without resorting to
name-dropping. While Whitney states that he "share[s] no personal
war stories" in this book, it was, nonetheless, written from inside
the "shoes, skin, and skull of a turnaround leader." That sense of
immediacy, of urgency and intensity, makes Taking Charge compelling
reading even for the executive who feels he or she has already
mastered the literature of turnarounds.

Whitney divides the work into two parts. Part I is succinctly
entitled "Survival," and sets out the rules for taking charge
within the crucial first 120 days. "The leader rarely succeeds who
is not clearly in charge by the end of his fourth month," Whitney
notes. Cash budgeting, the mainstay of a successful turnaround, is
given attention in almost every chapter. Woe to the inexperienced
manager who views accounts receivable management as "an arcane
activity 'handled over in accounting.'" Whitney sets out 50
questions concerning AR that the leader must deal with -- not
academic exercises, but requirements for survival.

Other internal sources for cash, including judiciously managed
accounts payable and inventory, asset restructuring, and expense
cuts, are discussed. External sources of cash, among them banks,
asset lenders, and venture capital funds; factoring receivables;
and the use of trust receipts and field warehousing, are handled in
detail. Although cash, cash, and more cash is the drumbeat of Part
I, Whitney does not slight other subjects requiring attention. Two
chapters, for example, help the turnaround manager assess how the
company got into the mess in the first place, and develop
strategies for getting out of it.

The critical subject of cash continues to resonate throughout Part
II, "Profit and Growth," although here the turnaround leader
consolidates his gains and looks ahead as the turnaround matures.
New financial, new organizational, and new marketing arrangements
are laid out in detail. Whitney also provides a checklist for the
leader to use in brainstorming strategic options for the future.

Whitney's underlying theme -- that a successful business requires
personal leadership as well as bricks and mortar, money and
machinery -- is summed up in a concluding chapter that analyzes the
qualities that make a leader. His advice is as relevant in this
1999 reprint edition as it was in 1987 when first published.

John O. Whitney had a long and distinguished career in academia and
industry. He served as the Lead Director of Church and Dwight Co.,
Inc. and on the Advisory Board of Newsbank Corp. He was Professor
of Management and Executive Director of the Deming Center for
Quality Management at Columbia Business School, which he joined in
1986.  He died in 2013.


S U B S C R I P T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

Troubled Company Reporter-Europe is a daily newsletter co-
published by Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills,
Pennsylvania, USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Washington, D.C., USA.
Marites O. Claro, Rousel Elaine T. Fernandez, Joy A. Agravante,
Julie Anne L. Toledo, Ivy B. Magdadaro, and Peter A. Chapman,

Copyright 2024.  All rights reserved.  ISSN 1529-2754.

This material is copyrighted and any commercial use, resale or
publication in any form (including e-mail forwarding, electronic
re-mailing and photocopying) is strictly prohibited without prior
written permission of the publishers.

Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but is not guaranteed.

The TCR Europe subscription rate is US$775 per half-year,
delivered via e-mail.  Additional e-mail subscriptions for
members of the same firm for the term of the initial subscription
or balance thereof are US$25 each.  For subscription information,
contact Peter Chapman at 215-945-7000.

                * * * End of Transmission * * *