/raid1/www/Hosts/bankrupt/TCREUR_Public/241202.mbx        T R O U B L E D   C O M P A N Y   R E P O R T E R

                          E U R O P E

          Monday, December 2, 2024, Vol. 25, No. 241



ASMODEE GROUP: Fitch Assigns B+(EXP) LongTerm IDR, On Watch Pos.
ASMODEE GROUP: S&P Assigns Prelim 'B' LT ICR, On Watch Positive


RENK GROUP: S&P Upgrades Long-Term ICR to 'BB', Outlook Stable


AURIUM CLO I: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F-RR Notes
AVOCA CLO XI: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F-R-R Notes
BARINGS EURO 2024-1: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F Notes
KINBANE 2024-RPL 2: S&P Assigns B-(sf) Rating to Cl. F-Dfrd Notes
TIKEHAU CLO IX: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F-R Notes


AUTO ABS 2024-2: Fitch Assigns 'BB+sf' Final Rating to Cl. E Notes


AK ALTYNALMAS: S&P Assigns 'B+' Long-Term ICR, Outlook Stable


BANQUE HAVILLAND: Administrators Provide Update on Debt Payments


ABERTIS INFRAESTRUCTURAS: Fitch Rates Hybrid Notes Final 'BB+'


UZEX JSC: Fitch Affirms 'B' Long-Term IDRs, Outlook Stable


HEIMSTADEN BOSTAD: S&P Rates New Subordinated Hybrid Notes 'BB'

U N I T E D   K I N G D O M

CAMSTEAD LIMITED: Interpath Advisory Named as Joint Administrators
HACHE BURGER: Interpath Named as Joint Administrators
HOLBROOK MORTGAGE 2023-1: S&P Affirms B-(sf) Rating on Cl. F Notes
OAT TOPCO: S&P Assigns 'B' Rating, Stable Outlook
SCOTFIELD GROUP: Interpath Advisory Named as Administrators

UNIQUE PUB: S&P Raises Class N Notes Rating to 'BB+ (sf)'


YELCON LIMITED: Interpath Advisory Named as Joint Administrators
[*] BOND PRICING: For the Week November 25 to November 29, 2024

                           - - - - -


ASMODEE GROUP: Fitch Assigns B+(EXP) LongTerm IDR, On Watch Pos.
Fitch Ratings has assigned French tabletop games publisher and
distributor Asmodee Group AB (Asmodee) an expected Long-Term Issuer
Default Rating (IDR) of 'B+(EXP)'. Fitch has also assigned its
upcoming EUR940 million senior secured notes (SSN) issue a
'BB-(EXP)' rating with a Recovery Rating of 'RR3'. All ratings are
on Rating Watch Positive (RWP).

The ratings follow Embracer Group AB's announcement to list Asmodee
in a spin-off. Asmodee's ratings reflects its high leverage, as
well as its free cash flow (FCF)- generative business model, and
its intellectual property (IP) generation capabilities.

The RWP reflects Fitch's deleveraging expectations following the
announced EUR400 million capital injection by Embracer and EUR300
million debt repayment. This is likely to result in an upgrade to
'BB-' on the resolution of the RWP. The final ratings are subject
to the completion of the spin-off and the receipt of the final debt
documentation conforming to information already received.

Key Rating Drivers

Equity Listing: Asmodee, acquired by Embracer in March 2022, is
being carved out to Embracer's shareholders. Embracer will raise
debt on the carved-out entity to refinance a bridge facility raised
to finance an extraordinary dividend payment. Subject to the
closing of the disposal of Easybrain, expected to close in 2025,
Embracer has announced a EUR400 million equity investment in
Asmodee, of which EUR300 million is earmarked for debt prepayment.

Material Deleveraging After Disposal: The repayment of EUR300
million debt will significantly lower its financial risk. Fitch
forecasts the prepayment to take place over 2025, reducing gross
debt to EUR680 million by financial year ending March 2026. Fitch
calculates gross EBITDA leverage of 3.6x in FY26, with a mild
reduction thereafter.

Slow Organic Deleverage Potential: Fitch projects Asmodee's gross
leverage at 5.3x Fitch-adjusted EBITDA for FY25, assuming no debt
prepayments. While high, this level is manageable and aligns with a
'B+' rating in Asmodee's sector. Similarly, fairly strong profit
margins result in an EBITDA interest coverage of about 2.5x or
higher. However, without debt prepayments, the company's organic
cash generation does not indicate a clear potential for net
deleveraging, especially in FY27, when Fitch anticipates
significant deferred consideration payments for previous years'

Distribution Model Prevails: Asmodee has a creative factory that
develops new IP in board games, though this accounted for a minor
share of FY24 sales. Trading cards, which make up 46% of sales, are
almost entirely distributed but published by third-parties. The
remaining sales mainly involve internally published and third-party
published board games. The company faces renewal risk for licenses,
which come with minimum required royalty payments. Asmodee's
expertise in cards and games formats, along with its proven
distribution capabilities, is crucial for retaining licensors.

Concentration on Pokémon: The distribution of Pokémon-related
trading cards represented a meaningful portion of Asmodee's
revenues for FY24, which Fitch expects to continue over the rating
horizon. Its partnership with the brand, owned and published by
Nintendo Co. Ltd and others, dates back to 2003. It exclusively
distributes Pokémon-related cards and games, primarily in Europe.
These are typically distributed across all channels, with a focus
on independent stores.

Steady EBITDA and FCF Margins: Fitch estimates Asmodee's
Fitch-defined EBITDA margins at just below 15% for FY24, with an
improvement of around 1% by FY28. Profitability is supported by an
efficient cost structure that recovers investments in any new
product launch from the first print run. FCF generation is
consistently positive, due largely to limited capex. However, Fitch
expects over EUR10 million in annual cash outflows from working
capital, as growing inventories are essential to fully exploit
sales opportunities during peak seasons.

Strong Access to Independent Stores: Europe accounts for around 70%
of total sales, with France and the UK being the primary markets,
while the Americas contribute 23%. Sales are almost equally
distributed across mass market, online, and independent channels,
with the latter holding a slight edge. Asmodee has established
strong access to independent stores, catering to enthusiasts and
collectors who are repeat and less price-sensitive customers.

Weaker Pricing in Online Channels: In contrast, Fitch expects
weaker pricing power in the online and mass market channels. The
dominant presence of Amazon.com, Inc. (AA-/Stable) in online sales,
alongside mass retailers, including supermarkets, places a strong
emphasis on discounted offers.

Dividend Payments: Embracer has announced a financial policy for
Asmodee to distribute excess liquidity to shareholders after a net
leverage target of 2.0x, as calculated by the company, is achieved
post-listing. Fitch expects dividend payments to commence in FY26,
averaging EUR30 million per year for the following three years.
However, this amount may reduce if significant M&A activity takes

Moderate Growth in Tabletop: Asmodee's target market in its key
countries is valued at over EUR12 billion. Following accelerated
growth during the pandemic, moderate growth is projected for 2024
and an annual CAGR of 4% for 2024-2028, on a combination of volumes
and pricing. Asmodee's market share is around 40% in France and the
UK, below 20% in Germany, and 6% in the US. Fitch projects flat
revenue growth for Asmodee through to FY28 after an almost 3%
decline for FY25. This is due to moderate pricing improvements and
softness in certain European markets, notably Germany.

Derivation Summary

Asmodee's rated peers include multinationals like Hasbro, Inc.
(BBB-/Negative) and Mattel, Inc. (BBB-/Stable), which have larger
scale, stronger and more valuable IP portfolios, and greater
product and geographic diversification.

In the European speculative-grade portfolio, Fitch sees some
comparability with IP content generators in the broader media
sector, such as Mediawan Holdings SAS (B/Stable) and Banijay SAS
(B+/Stable), and in the professional education space with
PeopleCert Wisdom Limited (B+/Stable). While both Mediawan and
Banijay have comparable margins to Asmodee, they have a stronger
foundation in their IP libraries, with Banijay additionally
benefiting from greater scale. PeopleCert has significantly higher
margins but operates on a smaller scale.

Asmodee is also highly comparable with its broader consumer
products speculative-grade portfolio, including leisure and gaming
operators. Pinnacle Bidco plc (B-/Stable) and Deuce Midco Limited
(B/Stable) have comparable scale but benefit from a higher leverage
capacity, due to higher margins and a more recurring revenue model.
Stan Holding SAS (Voodoo, B/RWN) enjoys similar leverage and
profitability but operates on a smaller scale.

Key Assumptions

• Revenue decline of 2.8% in FY25, followed by a low single-digit
growth of 1.1% to FY28

• Fitch-defined EBITDA margin growing from 14.8% in FY25 to 15.8%
by FY28

• Working-capital outflows of EUR10 million-EUR13 million a year

• Capex at 2.0%-2.5% of sales a year

• Dividends payouts of EUR50 million in FY26 and EUR40 million in

• Additional bolt-on M&A of EUR5 million per year, in addition to
expected M&A earn-out outflows

• Equity injection from Embracer of EUR400 million, of which
EUR300 million will be used to repay debt in FY26

Recovery Analysis

Its recovery analysis assumes that Asmodee will be considered a
going concern (GC) in bankruptcy and that it would be reorganised
rather than liquidated. This is because most of its value lies
within its publishing and distribution knowledge in its sector and
its IP rights.

Fitch assesses GC EBITDA at EUR145 million, assuming that
corrective measures and a restructuring of its capital structure
would allow Asmodee to retain minimal FCF generation. Financial
distress leading to a restructuring may be driven by Asmodee losing
some of its licensors or a worsening quality of its IP portfolio,
resulting in declining product volumes and price erosion. These
factors may lead to a reduction in scale and a recalibration of its
capital structure.

Fitch applies a recovery multiple of 5.0x, which is in the
mid-range for consumer and media issuers in EMEA. After deducting
10% for administrative claims, this generates a ranked recovery in
the 'RR3' band, leading to a 'BB-(EXP)' instrument rating for the
new SSNs, ranking below its EUR150 million super senior revolving
credit facility (RCF). This results in a waterfall-generated
recovery computation output percentage of 53%.

Its estimates of creditor claims include fully drawn new EUR940
million SSNs, a EUR150 million super senior RCF, and about EUR30
million of various bilateral facilities.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

- Total debt/Fitch-calculated EBITDA deteriorating to above 5.5x
for EBITDA, due to operational challenges or more debt-funded

- Deterioration of EBITDA margins, led by a higher reliance on
third-party licenses or weakened product appeal

- FCF margins falling to neutral-to-moderately positive levels

- EBITDA interest cover remaining below 2.5x

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

- Revenue growth and EBITDA margins expansion resulting in total
debt/Fitch-calculated EBITDA below 4.5x on a sustained basis with a
conservative funding mix of cash, debt or equity for M&As

- Lower reliance on third-party licenses and consolidation of
internally generated IP leading to sustainably higher EBITDA and
FCF margins

- EBITDA interest cover sustained above 3.5x

Liquidity and Debt Structure

Fitch projects Asmodee to have a strong cash balance of EUR140
million at FYE26. This will be further supported by projected
positive FCF, EUR100 million additional cash from the equity
injection and an undrawn EUR150 million RCF.

Date of Relevant Committee


Sources of Information

Sources of information included pro-forma auditor prepared
accounts, a presentation for rating agency and a meeting with


Fitch's latest quarterly Global Corporates Macro and Sector
Forecasts data file which aggregates key data points used in its
credit analysis. Fitch's macroeconomic forecasts, commodity price
assumptions, default rate forecasts, sector key performance
indicators and sector-level forecasts are among the data items

ESG Considerations

The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt             Rating                    Recovery   
   -----------             ------                    --------   
Asmodee Group AB     LT IDR B+(EXP)  Expected Rating

   senior secured    LT     BB-(EXP) Expected Rating   RR3

ASMODEE GROUP: S&P Assigns Prelim 'B' LT ICR, On Watch Positive
S&P Global Ratings assigned a preliminary 'B' long-term issuer
credit rating to tabletop games publisher and distributor Asmodee
Group AB and preliminary 'B' issue rating to the group's proposed
EUR940 million senior secured notes, with a preliminary '3'
recovery rating, and placed the ratings on CreditWatch with
positive implications.

The CreditWatch placement reflects the likelihood that S&P will
raise the ratings on Asmodee by at least one notch, once the debt
repayment materializes and the spin-off completes, reflecting
strengthened credit metrics, with adjusted leverage sustainably
less than 5x, strong cash generation, and a commitment to a
more-conservative financial policy that would sustain the
improvement in the credit metrics.

S&P said, "Our rating primarily reflects a high debt burden at the
transaction's close, although we expect it to reduce in the first
quarter of 2025, thanks to a significant debt repayment.   Asmodee
Group AB is looking to issue five-year EUR940 million senior
secured notes to repay EUR900 million bridge facility and
transaction fees ahead of its spin-off from Swedish media and video
games Embracer Group. The group also plans to issue a EUR150
million RCF which will remain undrawn at the transaction's close.
Once the spin-off is complete, Asmodee will be separately listed on
Nasdaq Stockholm, with current Embracer founder Lars Wingefors
holding about 20% of Asmodee's shares. Distribution of the
remaining shares to institutional investors will be proportionate
to their current Embracer shareholdings. The capital structure at
the transaction's close will be highly leveraged, with S&P Global
Ratings-adjusted leverage at about 5.5x, from a stand-alone
leverage of 1.5x as of March 31, 2024. That said, on Nov. 19, 2024,
Embracer Group announced it would use the proceeds from the recent
sale of its subsidiary Easybrain to make an equity injection of
EUR400 million into Asmodee, of which EUR300 million will be used
to repay gross debt. Therefore, we expect S&P Global
Ratings-adjusted leverage to decline to about 3.5x after the debt
repayment, improving credit metrics after the transaction's

Asmodee has a very solid market position in the highly fragmented
tabletop industry, supported by established, although not
exclusive, relationship with key market players.   The tabletop
market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of
about 4% between 2024 and 2028, supported by higher volumes of
sales that reflect stronger consumer interests to engage in offline
social activities, but also new product launches in the industry,
oftentimes linked to an existing franchise, tapping into a
pre-existing loyal customer base. As a publisher and a global
distributor of board games and trading card games, Asmodee has a
strong competitive position in its niche market, with leading
market shares in France (37%-41% of tabletop industry) and the U.K.
(40%-44%). With about 64% of revenue derived from distributed
games, S&P believes that Asmodee could benefit from these positive
industry dynamics, thanks to its established relationships with
third-party intellectual property (IP) owners, relying on Asmodee's
creative capabilities and global reach to develop and distributed
tabletop games on renowned franchises, such as 'Star Wars',
'Pokemon', or 'Game of Thrones'. That said, the reliance on
third-party IPs could affect Asmodee's financial performance if the
third-party IP owners were to diminish strategic investments for
the franchise or if the company were to lose any key licensing
agreement with them.

In addition, Asmodee has established a portfolio of IPs it owns and
can expand to other product categories; this strengthens its
business model but is subject to changes in consumer preferences.  
The portfolio of more than 400 fully owned IPs makes Asmodee's
intellectual property catalogue the largest in the industry. It is
constantly refreshed, with more than 1,000 games launched per year.
Innovation requires limited upfront investments, and the company is
able to generate profit from the first print-run of a new tabletop
game. Asmodee's top five ranges of products generate about 50% of
its net sales, with three ranges attributable to games published by
Asmodee ('Exploding Kittens', 'Ticket to Ride', and
'Dobble/Spot-it!'), and two attributable to games published by
partners and distributed by Asmodee ('The Pokemon Trading Card
Game' and 'Magic: The Gathering'). Over the past five years,
Asmodee has been able to expand the reach of its owned IPs, working
with partners to develop ancillary products, such as Netflix's
series on 'Exploding Kittens' or French pay-tv Canal + game
'Werewolves of Miller's Hollow'. S&P said, "While we believe that
the development of owned IPs into other products can strengthen the
company's brands and attract new customers, we also believe that
Asmodee's financial performance could be impacted by changes in
consumers' preferences, if any of their key titles were to become
less popular."

A diversified geographic sales footprint, combined with sales
channel diversity, should help Asmodee withstand macroeconomic
volatility and reinforce the company's established position.  
Asmodee directly distributes tabletop games in 22 countries, with
no single market accounting for more than 30% of total sales,
although with notable contributions from France (19%), the U.S.
(17%), Germany (15%), and the U.K. (14%). S&P said, "The geographic
diversification of revenue is a positive, in our view, since it
helps smooth the volatility of macroeconomic conditions and
consumers' preferences in different locations. The diversity of its
global reach is complemented by a wide client base of various
retailers. Asmodee has a balanced revenue stream by channel across
three main categories: hobby and independent stores, traditional
mass market retailers, and online stores. Hobby and independent
stores account for about 35%-40% of board games sales. We see the
hobby retailers' channel as strategically important for the group,
as it is the main sale channel for high-spending recurring players
and the main market route for innovation in the tabletop industry.
By maintaining strong relationships with these retailers, Asmodee
can ensure that their products reach the targeted players and that
the interest in their catalogue is maintained throughout the year,
alleviating seasonality, and reducing reliance on promotional
activity to some extent."

Improved profitability and free operating cash flow (FOCF) after
leases should cover potential future large earn-out payments.   In
fiscal 2024 Asmodee's S&P Global Ratings-adjusted EBITDA margin
stood at about 13%. S&P said, "This is below what we consider the
average 20%-30% profitability of leisure companies. We expect the
company to be able to increase its profitability over our
three-years forecast period to about 15%-16%, supported by a higher
share of revenue generated from published games, whose
profitability is twice that of distributed games. In spite of lower
EBITDA margins than rated peers in the same sector, Asmodee's FOCF
after leases generation is strong, thanks to the limited capital
expenditure (capex) required for business development and limited
amount of fixed charges for the group. That said, regular and large
earn-outs that the company could be required to pay under its
bolt-on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) strategy could materially
affect earnings and cash flow generation. Our base case includes
earn-out payments for the recent acquisitions of Exploding Kittens
and Venross, but these payments could be larger in the future as
the company will resume its acquisitive strategy once it is listed
as a separate entity from the Embracer group."

A stronger financial policy commitment supports the company's
credit quality and can further enhance its future creditworthiness.
  Asmodee's management recently committed to a net leverage target
of below 3x in the medium terms (three to five years) and below 2x
in the longer term. The latter will be accompanied with regular
shareholders distributions once reached. Although the financial
policy commitment is supportive of a higher creditworthiness for
the group, so far, S&P has limited track record as to how the
financial policy commitment will materialize in conjunction with
the inorganic growth strategy and regular shareholders
distributions. Until 2022, Asmodee has been controlled by financial
sponsors that supported the M&A activity of the group, while the
parent company Embracer partially halted the strategy after the
acquisition of the group.

S&P said, "The final ratings will depend on our receipt and
satisfactory review of all final documentation and final terms of
the transaction.   The preliminary ratings should therefore not be
construed as evidence of final ratings. If we do not receive final
documentation within a reasonable time, or if the final
documentation and final terms of the transaction depart from the
materials and terms reviewed, we reserve the right to withdraw or
revise the ratings. Potential changes include, but are not limited
to, utilization of the proceeds, maturity, size and conditions of
the facilities, financial and other covenants, security, and

"We aim to resolve the CreditWatch placement and will likely raise
the rating by at least one notch when the equity injections and the
spin-off from Embracer materialize and Asmodee repays the EUR300
million senior secured notes as announced. The size of the rating
uplift will also depend on the timing of the IPO, its capital
structure, and the financial policy thereafter.

"We could also remove the rating from CreditWatch and affirm it at
'B' if the final transaction terms differ materially from our base
case, or if the planned spin-off from Embracer and separate listing
of Asmodee do not materialize as planned."


RENK GROUP: S&P Upgrades Long-Term ICR to 'BB', Outlook Stable
S&P Global Ratings raised its long-term issuer credit rating on
RENK Group AG to 'BB' from 'BB-' and the issue rating on the term
loan B (TLB) to 'BB' from 'BB-', with the recovery rating on the
debt unchanged at '3' (about 65% recovery estimated).

The stable outlook reflects S&P's expectation that RENK will
continue to benefit from solid end-market demand and from its
robust order backlog, with S&P Global Ratings-adjusted EBITDA
margins rising to more than 19%, and posting consistently solid
free operating cash flow (FOCF) while following a conservative
financial policy.

The upgrade reflects a solid ongoing operating performance, despite
some political upheaval in the U.S. and potential reprioritization
of U.S. defense spending, spending allocation, and platform
prioritization.  With the recent electoral victory of Donald Trump
in the U.S., which is the world's largest defense market in the
world and where RENK generated about 23% of 2023 revenue, there is
now some uncertainty around potential future changes in U.S.
defense policy, spending allocation, and the prioritization of
defense platforms. S&P said, "However, we believe that any negative
changes in the U.S. for RENK will likely be mitigated by increasing
defense spending in Europe, as NATO members are increasingly
investing to modernize, digitalize, and integrate their armed
forces. Moreover, European governments are replenishing their
national defense stocks and strengthening their borders, as the
Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Hamas wars continue. We note that RENK
generated about 56% of 2023 revenue from Europe, the Middle East,
and Africa and about 20% in Asia-Pacific."

In the first nine months of 2024, RENK's backlog grew steadily
toward EUR5 billion (including fixed, frame, and soft order
backlog), revenue increased by 19.3% year on year to EUR778
million, led by the Vehicle Mobility Solutions (VMS) division.  
RENK's backlog covers around five years of 2023 revenue. In
addition, RENK confirmed its financial guidance for 2024 and for
the medium term. According to management, RENK's total addressable
market in defense should expand at a compound annual growth rate of
13% to EUR4.1 billion in 2027 from EUR1.8 billion in 2021. These
factors, combined with the company's strategy to increase its
capabilities through strategic partnerships, support our revenue
growth expectations of around 19%-20% in 2024 and 14%-16% in 2025.

The upgrade also reflects financial sponsor Triton reducing its
stake in RENK to 33.5%, and RENK's management pursuing a more
conservative financial policy  Financial sponsor Triton has
historically owned a significant portion of RENK's shares (100% in
February 2021). Following RENK's public listing in February 2024,
Triton owned 62% of the shares, which it further reduced to around
52% in May 2024. In October 2024, Triton then placed an additional
18.4% shares through an accelerated book-building process to
institutional investors. S&P said, "As a result, Triton now owns
33.5% of the company's shares and, as such, we no longer view RENK
as a financial sponsor-owned and -controlled company. RENK's free
float now accounts for nearly 55.6% of the share capital, with the
residual 10.9% owned by KNDS (6.7%) and RENK's management through
Rebecca Management SARL (4.2%). Triton is now expected to have a
lower degree of influence on the company's financial policy. We
expect management to maintain a more conservative financial policy,
with a public target of net leverage of 1.5x. We note that Triton
only has a two-member representation in the supervisory board (out
of 12), one of them being the chairman."

S&P said, "We expect RENK's credit metrics and its FOCF to continue
to strengthen in 2024 and 2025.  We forecast RENK will generate S&P
Global Ratings-adjusted EBITDA margins of around 19.4% in 2024 and
close to 20% in 2025, from 18.2% in 2023." The increase in margins
will be supported by continued operational improvements at the
company's production plants (which are expected to lead to output
increases), positive mix effects from the margin-accretive defense
orders and higher-margin aftermarket services, operating leverage
from higher volumes, and procurement saving measures. Capital
expenditure (capex) will remain at about 3% of revenue in
2024-2025, in line with 2023, with forecast working capital
requirements of EUR25 million-EUR30 million in 2024 and EUR10
million-EUR20 million in 2025. This will lead to an S&P Global
Ratings-adjusted FOCF of around EUR94 million in 2024, and about
EUR130 million in 2025.

The increase in the company's profitability could drive the
company's deleveraging over the forecast horizon through 2026.
RENK's S&P Global Ratings-adjusted debt includes EUR525 million of
reported debt, EUR8.5 million of reported lease liabilities, and
EUR3.1 million of unfunded pension obligations, netted by
accessible cash of around EUR103 million in 2024 and an assumed
cash balance of EUR129 million in 2025. This, together with the
increase in profitability will lead to an expected leverage of
about 2.0x in 2024, potentially improving toward 1.6x in 2025. S&P
said, "On the other hand, we note that RENK has historically
operated with a tolerance for higher leverage and, as such, we
would like to see a period of sustained lower leverage before
considering a higher rating. The group's mergers and acquisitions
and shareholder remuneration policy will also play a part on
whether the company will deleverage in line with our base case."
How management navigates these--and the track record it
develops--will be part of any potential higher rating in future.

A higher rating would also depend on RENK increasing its scale and
scope.  S&P notes that RENK's aerospace and defense peers that are
rated in the 'BB+' or 'BBB-' category are typically significantly
larger in terms of their geographic presence, breadth, and depth of
products and services, and exhibit materially higher revenue and
absolute EBITDA bases. Higher-rated corporates also typically
operate as original equipment manufacturers or Tier 1 players, with
some even benefitting from partial or full state ownership. Many
also operate to publicly stated leverage targets. As such, S&P
believes that a further upgrade (of RENK) is unlikely over its
12-month rating horizon but will continue to monitor and assess the
group's business perimeter, operating performance, and credit
metrics to see whether, over the longer term, they grow or
strengthen to a level that supports a higher rating.

The stable outlook reflects S&P's expectation that RENK will
continue to benefit from solid end-market demand and from its
robust order backlog, with profitability continuing to improve as
S&P Global Ratings-adjusted EBITDA margins rise above 19%, and the
group generates consistently solid FOCF and operates under a
conservative financial policy.

S&P could lower the rating if RENK's revenue growth prospects,
profitability, or cash flow performance were to deteriorate due to
factors such as declining end-market demand or supply chain
problems, resulting in:

-- S&P Global Ratings-adjusted EBITDA margin below 18%, alongside
materially weaker FOCF.

- The group's adjusted debt to EBITDA rising significantly above

-- FFO to debt falling below 30% which could happen if, for
example, Triton or another financial sponsor took a larger stake in
the group, and subsequently pursued a more aggressive financial

The potential for an upgrade is limited over the next 12 months. In
the longer term, S&P could raise the ratings if RENK increases its
scale and scope more in line with higher rated peers in the
aerospace and defense industry, along with a clear publicly stated
financial policy. In this scenario, S&P would also expect to see a
consistently conservative financial policy, including:

-- A track record of margins growing or remaining comfortably in
excess of 18%;

-- An S&P Global Ratings-adjusted debt to EBITDA ratio maintained
below 2x;

-- FFO to debt of sustainably more than 45%; and

-- Robust positive FOCF.

S&P said, "Governance factors are a moderately negative
consideration in our credit rating analysis of RENK, as is our
opinion for most rated entities owned by private-equity sponsors.
We believe that this points to corporate decision-making that could
prioritize the interests of the controlling owners. This also
reflects the generally finite holding periods and a focus on
maximizing shareholder returns."


AURIUM CLO I: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F-RR Notes
S&P Global Ratings assigned its credit ratings to Aurium CLO I
DAC's A-1-RR, A-2-RR, B-1-RR, B-2-RR, C-RR, D-RR, E-RR, and F-RR
notes. At closing, the issuer also issued unrated subordinated

This transaction is a reset of the already existing transaction.
The issuance proceeds of the refinancing notes were used to redeem
the refinanced notes (the original transaction's class A-R-R,
B-R-R, C-R-R, D-R-R, E-R, and F-R notes) and the ratings on the
original notes have been withdrawn.

The ratings reflect S&P's assessment of:

-- The diversified collateral pool, which primarily comprises
broadly syndicated speculative-grade senior secured term loans and
bonds that are governed by collateral quality tests.

-- The credit enhancement provided through the subordination of
cash flows, excess spread, and overcollateralization.

-- The collateral manager's experienced team, which can affect the
performance of the rated notes through collateral selection,
ongoing portfolio management, and trading.

-- The transaction's legal structure, which is bankruptcy remote.

-- The transaction's counterparty risks, which are in line with
S&P's counterparty rating framework.

  Portfolio benchmarks

  S&P Global Ratings' weighted-average rating factor    2,778.07

  Default rate dispersion                                 562.71

  Adjusted/actual weighted-average life (years)        5.00/4.21

  Obligor diversity measure                               144.93

  Industry diversity measure                               21.34

  Regional diversity measure                                1.33

  Transaction key metrics

  Portfolio weighted-average rating
  derived from S&P's CDO evaluator                             B

  'CCC' category rated assets (%)                           2.00

  Actual 'AAA' weighted-average recovery (%)               36.67

  Actual weighted-average spread (%)                        3.93

  Actual weighted-average coupon (%)                        4.49

Under the transaction documents, the rated notes will pay quarterly
interest unless a frequency switch event occurs. Following this,
the notes will switch to semiannual payments.

The portfolio's reinvestment period will end approximately five
years after closing.

The portfolio is well-diversified, primarily comprising broadly
syndicated speculative-grade senior secured term loans and senior
secured bonds. Therefore, S&P has conducted its credit and cash
flow analysis by applying its criteria for corporate cash flow

S&P said, "In our cash flow analysis, we used the EUR450 million
target par amount, the portfolio's covenanted weighted-average
spread (3.90%), covenanted weighted-average coupon (4.00%), and
actual weighted-average recovery rates for all rating levels. We
applied various cash flow stress scenarios, using four different
default patterns, in conjunction with different interest rate
stress scenarios for each liability rating category."

This transaction features a principal transfer test, which allows
interest proceeds exceeding the principal transfer coverage ratio
to be paid into either the principal or supplemental reserve
account. The interest proceeds can only be paid into the principal
account senior to the reinvestment overcollateralization test and
into the supplemental reserve account junior to the reinvestment
overcollateralization test. S&P said, "Therefore, we have not
applied a cash flow stress for this. Nevertheless, because the
transfer to principal is at the collateral manager's discretion, we
did not give credit to this test in our cash flow analysis."

S&P said, "Under our structured finance sovereign risk criteria, we
consider that the transaction's exposure to country risk is
sufficiently mitigated at the assigned ratings.

"The transaction's documented counterparty replacement and remedy
mechanisms adequately mitigate its exposure to counterparty risk
under our current counterparty criteria.

"The transaction's legal structure and framework is bankruptcy
remote, in line with our legal criteria.

"Our credit and cash flow analysis indicates that the available
credit enhancement for the class B-1-RR to F-RR notes could
withstand stresses commensurate with higher ratings than those we
have assigned. However, as the transaction will be in its
reinvestment phase starting from closing, during which the
transaction's credit risk profile could deteriorate, we have capped
our ratings assigned to the notes.

"Taking the above factors into account and following our analysis
of the credit, cash flow, counterparty, operational, and legal
risks, we believe that our ratings are commensurate with the
available credit enhancement for the class A-1-RR to F-RR notes.

"In addition to our standard analysis, to provide an indication of
how rising pressures among speculative-grade corporates could
affect our ratings on European CLO transactions, we have also
included the sensitivity of the ratings on the class A-1-RR to E-RR
notes based on four hypothetical scenarios.

"As our ratings analysis makes additional considerations before
assigning ratings in the 'CCC' category, and we would assign a 'B-'
rating if the criteria for assigning a 'CCC' category rating are
not met, we have not included the above scenario analysis results
for the class F-RR notes."

Environmental, social, and governance

S&P said, "We regard the exposure to environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) credit factors in the transaction as being broadly
in line with our benchmark for the sector. Primarily due to the
diversity of the assets within CLOs, the exposure to environmental
credit factors is viewed as below average, social credit factors
are below average, and governance credit factors are average. For
this transaction, the documents prohibit assets from being related
to certain activities, including, but not limited to the following:
illegal activities, child or forced labour, asbestos fibres,
sanctioned products, speculative extraction of oil and gas,
controversial weapons, hazardous chemicals and pesticides, illegal
drugs or narcotics, non-sustainable palm oil production, civilian
weapons or firearms, tobacco, thermal coal, fossil fuels, private
prisons, activities that adversely affect animal welfare, payday
lending, pornography or prostitution, trade in endangered wildlife,
or opioids.

"Accordingly, since the exclusion of assets from these industries
does not result in material differences between the transaction and
our ESG benchmark for the sector, we have not made any specific
adjustments in our rating analysis to account for any ESG-related
risks or opportunities."

Aurium CLO I is a European cash flow CLO securitization of a
revolving pool, comprising euro-denominated senior secured loans
and bonds issued mainly by speculative-grade borrowers. Spire
Management Ltd. manages the transaction.

  Ratings list
                      Amount                     Credit
  Class    Rating*   (mil. EUR)  Interest rate§  enhancement (%)

  A-1-RR   AAA (sf)    279.00     3mE + 1.30%    38.00

  A-2-RR   AAA (sf)     7.875     3mE + 1.60%    36.25

  B-1-RR   AA (sf)     31.625     3mE + 1.90%    27.00

  B-2-RR   AA (sf)      10.00     4.95%          27.00

  C-RR     A (sf)       27.00     3mE + 2.25%    21.00

  D-RR     BBB- (sf)    31.50     3mE + 3.35%    14.00

  E-RR     BB- (sf)     20.25     3mE + 5.90%     9.50

  F-RR     B- (sf)      13.50     3mE + 8.41%     6.50

  Sub notes   NR       32.00     N/A              N/A

*The ratings assigned to the class A-1-RR, A-2-RR, B-1-RR, and
B-2-RR notes address timely interest and ultimate principal
payments. The ratings assigned to the class C-RR, D-RR, E-RR, and
F-RR notes address ultimate interest and principal payments.
§The payment frequency switches to semiannual and the index
switches to 6mE when a frequency switch event occurs.
3mE--Three-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate.
6mE--Six-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate.
NR--Not rated.
N/A--Not applicable.

AVOCA CLO XI: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F-R-R Notes
S&P Global Ratings assigned its credit ratings to Avoca CLO XI
DAC's class X-R, A-R-R-R, B-R-R-R, C-R-R, D-R-R, E-R-R, and F-R-R
notes. There are also unrated subordinated notes from the original

The transaction is a reset of the already existing transaction. The
existing classes of notes were fully redeemed with the proceeds
from the issuance of the replacement notes on the reset date.

The ratings assigned to the notes reflect S&P's assessment of:

-- The diversified collateral pool, which primarily comprises
broadly syndicated speculative-grade senior secured term loans and
bonds that are governed by collateral quality tests.

-- The credit enhancement provided through the subordination of
cash flows, excess spread, and overcollateralization.

-- The collateral manager's experienced team, which can affect the
performance of the rated notes through collateral selection,
ongoing portfolio management, and trading.

-- The transaction's legal structure, which is bankruptcy remote.

-- The transaction's counterparty risks, which are in line with
S&P's counterparty rating framework.

  Portfolio benchmarks

  S&P Global Ratings' weighted-average rating factor    2,785.79

  Default rate dispersion                                 500.49

  Weighted-average life (years)                             4.18

  Weighted-average life (years) extended
  to cover the length of the reinvestment period            4.63

  Obligor diversity measure                               168.78

  Industry diversity measure                               19.51

  Regional diversity measure                                1.30

  Transaction key metrics

  Portfolio weighted-average rating
  derived from S&P's CDO evaluator                             B

  'CCC' category rated assets (%)                           1.18

  Target 'AAA' weighted-average recovery (%)               37.65

  Target weighted-average spread (net of floors; %)         3.79

  Target weighted-average coupon (%)                        4.17

Under the transaction documents, the rated notes will pay quarterly
interest unless a frequency switch event occurs. Following this,
the notes will switch to semiannual payments.


S&P said, "The portfolio is well-diversified, primarily comprising
broadly syndicated speculative-grade senior secured term loans and
senior secured bonds. Therefore, we have conducted our credit and
cash flow analysis by applying our criteria for corporate cash flow

"In our cash flow analysis, we used the EUR500 million target par
amount, the covenanted weighted-average spread (3.70%), the
covenanted weighted-average coupon (4.00%), and the covenanted
weighted-average recovery rates at all rating levels. We applied
various cash flow stress scenarios, using four different default
patterns, in conjunction with different interest rate stress
scenarios for each liability rating category.

"Until the end of the reinvestment period on July 15, 2029, the
collateral manager may substitute assets in the portfolio as long
as our CDO Monitor test is maintained or improved in relation to
the initial ratings on the notes. This test looks at the total
amount of losses that the transaction can sustain--as established
by the initial cash flows for each rating--and compares that with
the current portfolio's default potential plus par losses to date.
As a result, until the end of the reinvestment period, the
collateral manager may through trading deteriorate the
transaction's current risk profile, if the initial ratings are

"Under our structured finance sovereign risk criteria, the
transaction's exposure to country risk is sufficiently mitigated at
the assigned ratings.

"The transaction's documented counterparty replacement and remedy
mechanisms adequately mitigate its exposure to counterparty risk
under our counterparty criteria.

"The transaction's legal structure and framework is bankruptcy
remote, in line with our legal criteria.

"The CLO is managed by KKR Credit Advisors (Ireland) Unlimited Co.,
and the maximum potential rating on the liabilities is 'AAA' under
our operational risk criteria.

"Following our analysis of the credit, cash flow, counterparty,
operational, and legal risks, we believe the ratings are
commensurate with the available credit enhancement for the class
X-R, A-R-R-R, and F-R-R notes.

"Our credit and cash flow analysis indicates that the available
credit enhancement for the class B-R-R-R to E-R-R notes could
withstand stresses commensurate with higher ratings than those
assigned. However, as the CLO will be in its reinvestment phase
starting from closing--during which the transaction's credit risk
profile could deteriorate--we have capped our ratings on the

"In addition to our standard analysis, to indicate how rising
pressures among speculative-grade corporates could affect our
ratings on European CLO transactions, we also included the
sensitivity of the ratings on the class X-R to E-R-R notes based on
four hypothetical scenarios.

"As our ratings analysis makes additional considerations before
assigning ratings in the 'CCC' category, and we would assign a 'B-'
rating if the criteria for assigning a 'CCC' category rating are
not met, we have not included the above scenario analysis results
for the class F-R-R notes.

Environmental, social, and governance

S&P said, "We regard the transaction's exposure to environmental,
social, and governance (ESG) credit factors as broadly in line with
our benchmark for the sector. Primarily due to the diversity of the
assets within CLOs, the exposure to environmental and social credit
factors is viewed as below average, while governance credit factors
are average. The transaction documents prohibit assets from being
related to the following industries: anti-personnel mines, cluster
weapons, depleted uranium, nuclear weapons, white phosphorus,
biological or chemical weapons; civilian firearms; tobacco; thermal
coal or coal extraction; payday lending; thermal coal production,
speculative extraction of oil and gas, oil sands and associated
pipelines industry; endangered or protected wildlife; marijuana;
pornography or prostitution; opioid; and illegal drugs or
narcotics. Accordingly, since the exclusion of assets from these
industries does not result in material differences between the
transaction and our ESG benchmark for the sector, no specific
adjustments have been made in our rating analysis to account for
any ESG-related risks or opportunities."

Avoca CLO XI DAC is a European cash flow CLO securitization of a
revolving pool, comprising mainly euro-denominated leveraged loans
and bonds. KKR Credit Advisors (Ireland) Unlimited Co. manages the

  Ratings list
                      Amount                     Credit
  Class    Rating*   (mil. EUR)  Interest rate§  enhancement (%)

  X-R      AAA (sf)      5.00    Three/six-month EURIBOR   N/A
                                 plus 0.98%

  A-R-R-R  AAA (sf)    310.00    Three/six-month EURIBOR   38.00
                                 plus 1.29%

  B-R-R-R  AA (sf)      54.50    Three/six-month EURIBOR   27.10
                                 plus 1.95%

  C-R-R    A (sf)       28.00    Three/six-month EURIBOR   21.50
                                 plus 2.25%

  D-R-R    BBB- (sf)    35.00    Three/six-month EURIBOR   14.50
                                 plus 3.20%

  E-R-R    BB- (sf)     25.00    Three/six-month EURIBOR    9.50
                                 plus 6.15%

  F-R-R    B- (sf)      15.00    Three/six-month EURIBOR    6.50
                                 plus 8.25%

  Sub notes   NR        58.50    N/A                       N/A

*The ratings assigned to the class X-R, A-R-R-R, and B-R-R-R notes
address timely interest and ultimate principal payments. The
ratings assigned to the class C-R-R, D-R-R, E-R-R, and F-R-R notes
address ultimate interest and principal payments.
§The payment frequency switches to semiannual and the index
switches to six-month EURIBOR when a frequency switch event occurs.

EURIBOR--Euro Interbank Offered Rate.
NR--Not rated.
N/A--Not applicable.

BARINGS EURO 2024-1: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F Notes
S&P Global Ratings assigned its preliminary credit ratings to
Barings Euro Middle Market CLO 2024-1 DAC's class A-1 Loan and A-2
Loan, and class A, B, C, D, E, and F notes. At closing, the issuer
will also issue unrated subordinated notes.

The preliminary ratings assigned to the notes and loans reflect our
assessment of:

-- The static collateral pool, which primarily comprises middle
market senior secured leveraged loans and some broadly syndicated
speculative-grade senior secured term loans.

-- The credit enhancement provided through the subordination of
cash flows, excess spread, and overcollateralization.

-- The transaction's legal structure, which we expect to be
bankruptcy remote.

-- The transaction's counterparty risks, which we expect to be in
line with our counterparty rating framework.

  Portfolio benchmarks

  S&P Global Ratings' weighted-average rating factor   3,587.08

  Default rate dispersion                                456.11

  Weighted-average life (years)                            4.63

  Obligor diversity measure                               53.96

  Industry diversity measure                              14.00

  Regional diversity measure                               1.00

  Transaction key metrics


  Portfolio weighted-average rating
  derived from S&P's CDO evaluator                           B-

  Current 'CCC' category rated assets (%)                  8.33

  'CCC' category rated assets modelled (%)*                12.5

  Actual 'AAA' weighted-average recovery (%)              48.49

  Actual weighted-average spread (net of floors, %)        5.56

*The 'CCC' excess is equal to 20%. Accordingly, we have modelled
12.5% 'CCC' rated assets in the portfolio for purpose of modelling
the scenario default rates (SDRs).

Under the transaction documents, the rated notes and loans pay
quarterly interest unless a frequency switch event occurs.
Following this, the rated notes and loans will switch to semiannual

The portfolio primarily comprises middle market senior secured
leveraged loans and some broadly syndicated speculative-grade
senior secured term loans. Therefore, S&P has conducted its credit
and cash flow analysis by applying its criteria for corporate cash
flow CDOs.

The issuer will purchase the middle market portfolio from
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual, who is
also the originator of these loans) via a sale agreement. In some
instances, the sale will be in the form of a participation, which
may result in the middle market loans settling with the issuer
after the closing date. The transaction documents require that the
issuer and MassMutual use commercially reasonable efforts to
elevate the participations by transferring to the issuer the legal
and beneficial interests in such assets as soon as reasonably

Under the sale agreement, all title and interest of the middle
market assets represent an absolute sale and transfer of ownership
to the issuer. Furthermore, the middle market assets shall not be
part of the MassMutual's bankruptcy estate in the event of its
bankruptcy or insolvency.

  Portfolio Characteristics

  Target collateral obligations

  Target par balance (mil. EUR)                   380.00
  Par balance of middle market loans (mil. EUR)   330.81
  Par balance of BSLs (mil. EUR)                   49.19
  No. of unique obligors                              61
  No. of middle market obligors                       45
  No. of BSL obligors                                 16
  Average obligor holding (%)                       1.64
  Largest obligor holding (%)                       2.15
  Smallest obligor holding (%)                      0.52

  BSL--Broadly syndicated loan

Ratings distribution

The table below shows the credit estimate and ratings distribution
in the portfolio.

  Rating and credit estimate distribution

  S&P Global Ratings' rating/
  implied rating/
  credit estimates        % of portfolio

  AAA                       0.0
  AA+                       0.0
  AA                       0.0
  AA-                       0.0
  A+                        0.0  
  A                         0.0
  A-                        0.0
  BBB+                      0.0
  BBB                       0.0
  BBB-                      0.0
  BB+                       0.0
  BB                        0.9
  BB-                       0.8
  B+                        1.6
  B                        22.7
  B-                       65.7
  CCC+                      4.2
  CCC                       4.1
  CCC-                      0.0

Obligor concentration

The underlying portfolio comprises 61 distinct obligors. The table
below shows the respective industries of the 10 top obligors.

  Top obligor holding

  Obligor                                    Obligor    Cumulative
  Reference   Industry                      (notional   (notional
                                             amount; %) amount; %)

  1     Health care providers and services       2.15     2.15
  2     Health care providers and services       2.12     4.27
  3     Chemicals                                2.11     6.38
  4     Software                                 2.11     8.48
  5     Household products                       2.11    10.59
  6     Chemicals                                2.11    12.69
  7     Professional services                    2.11    14.80
  8     Insurance                                2.11    16.90
  9     IT services                              2.11    19.01
  10    Electronic equipment, instruments
        and components                           2.11    21.11

Industry distribution

The table below shows the top 10 industry distribution in the
portfolio. The portfolio comprises 24 distinct industries as per
the Capital IQ industry - level 3 classification.

  Industry distribution

  S&P Global Ratings' industry classification  % of portfolio

  Software                                      16.29
  Healthcare providers and services              9.98
  IT services                                    7.91
  Pharmaceuticals                                7.38
  Chemicals                                      7.11
  Construction and engineering                   6.79
  Professional services                          5.13
  Insurance                                      4.21
  Aerospace and defense                          4.12
  Healthcare equipment and supplies              3.62
  Other                                         27.46

Country concentration

The table below shows the country distribution in the portfolio.
The portfolio comprises 10 countries.

Country distribution

  S&P Global Ratings' country classification  % of portfolio

  France                                        39.11
  Netherlands                                   21.56
  Germany                                       12.71
  United Kingdom                                 6.84
  Belgium                                        6.32
  Luxembourg                                     4.61
  Ireland                                        3.72
  Austria                                        2.11
  Italy                                          2.11
  Spain                                          0.92

Supplemental tests

S&P said, "We also conduct a largest industry default test, a
largest obligor default test, a largest sovereign default test, and
a largest transfer and convertibility default test according to our
"Global Methodology And Assumptions For CLOs And Corporate CDOs,"
published on June 21, 2019, and "Incorporating Sovereign Risk In
Rating Structured Finance Securities: Methodology And Assumptions,"
published on Jan. 30, 2019. Under these assumptions, the notes can
withstand the loss amounts indicated in the "Supplemental tests"
table at the assigned preliminary ratings."

S&P said, "In our cash flow analysis, we used the EUR380 million
target par amount, the actual weighted-average spread (5.56%), and
the actual weighted-average recovery rate at all rating levels. We
applied various cash flow stress scenarios, using four different
default patterns, in conjunction with different interest rate
stress scenarios for each liability rating category.

"Under our structured finance sovereign risk criteria, we consider
that the transaction's exposure to country risk is sufficiently
mitigated at the assigned preliminary ratings.

"We expect the transaction's documented counterparty replacement
and remedy mechanisms to adequately mitigate its exposure to
counterparty risk under our current counterparty criteria.

"We expect the transaction's legal structure and framework to be
bankruptcy remote, in line with our legal criteria."

Approximately 60% of the portfolio comprises middle market
borrowers whose loan terms include some variation of a
payment-in-kind (PIK) or PIK-toggle feature. This ranges from some
borrowers who have the ability to defer a portion of current cash
margin that is due and payable, to some borrowers who have the
ability to also defer on the floating-rate index that is due and
payable. In all cases, these borrowers are required to pay a
minimum cash margin of interest when due (this also includes
scenarios where the loan includes a step-down feature). Failure to
pay such minimum amount will result in a payment default.

S&P said, "As part of our analysis (including sensitivity
analysis), we considered a scenario where all PIK and PIK-toggle
assets revert to paying the minimum interest rate at the same time.
Under this scenario, all classes of notes continue to pass at the
assigned rating levels, other than the class E notes, where our
analysis indicates a minor negative cushion at the assigned rating

"Following our analysis (including sensitivity analysis) of the
credit, cash flow, counterparty, operational, and legal risks, we
believe our assigned preliminary ratings are commensurate with the
available credit enhancement for the class A-1 Loan and A-2 Loan,
and class A, B, C, D, E, and F notes.

"Our credit and cash flow analysis indicates that the available
credit enhancement for the class D notes could withstand stresses
commensurate with a higher preliminary rating than that we have
assigned. However, as the CLO is static from the closing date, a
faster deleveraging of notes may result in increased concentration
risk at lower rating levels. As a result, we have capped our
preliminary rating assigned to the class D notes.

"The class F notes' current break-even default rate (BDR) cushion
is negative at the current rating level. Nevertheless, based on the
portfolio's actual characteristics and additional overlaying
factors, including our long-term corporate default rates and recent
economic outlook, we believe this class is able to sustain a
steady-state scenario, in accordance with our criteria."

S&P's analysis further reflects several factors, including:

-- The class F notes' available credit enhancement, which is in
the same range as that of other CLOs S&P has rated and that has
recently been issued in Europe.

-- S&P's model-generated BDR, which is at the 'B-' rating level at
32.18% (for a portfolio with a weighted-average life of 4.63 years)
versus 14.34% if it was to consider a long-term sustainable default
rate of 3.1% for 4.63 years.

-- Whether the tranche is vulnerable to nonpayment in the near

-- If there is a one-in-two chance for this note to default.

-- If we envision this tranche to default in the next 12-18

-- Following this analysis, S&P considers that the available
credit enhancement for the class F notes is commensurate with the
assigned preliminary 'B- (sf)' rating.

S&P said, "In addition to our standard analysis, to indicate how
rising pressures among speculative-grade corporates could affect
our ratings on European CLO transactions, we also assessed the
sensitivity of our ratings on the class A-1 Loan and A-2 Loan, and
class A, B, C, D, E notes, based on four hypothetical scenarios.

"As our ratings analysis makes additional considerations before
assigning ratings in the 'CCC' category, and we would assign a 'B-'
rating if the criteria for assigning a 'CCC' category rating are
not met, we have not included the above scenario analysis results
for the class F notes."

Environmental, social, and governance

S&P said, "We regard the exposure to environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) credit factors in the transaction as being broadly
in line with our benchmark for the sector. Primarily due to the
diversity of the assets within CLOs, the exposure to environmental
credit factors is viewed as below average, social credit factors
are below average, and governance credit factors are average. For
this transaction, the documents prohibit assets from being related
to certain activities (non-ESG collateral obligations).

"Accordingly, since the exclusion of assets from such industries
does not result in material differences between the transaction and
our ESG benchmark for the sector, no specific adjustments have been
made in our rating analysis to account for any ESG-related risks or

  Assigned Preliminary Ratings

  Ratings list

            Prelim    Prelim amount                    Credit
  Class     rating*    (mil. EUR)    Interest rate (%) enhancement

  A         AAA (sf)     145.60       3mE + 1.47       38.00

  A-1 Loan  AAA (sf)      40.00       3mE + 1.47       38.00

  A-2 Loan  AAA (sf)      50.00       3mE + 1.47       38.00

  B         AA+ (sf)      26.60       3mE + 2.20       31.00

  C         A+ (sf)       30.40       3mE + 2.70       23.00

  D         BBB (sf)      19.00       3mE + 4.50       18.00

  E         BB- (sf)      28.50       3mE + 7.87       10.50

  F         B- (sf)        9.50       3mE + 9.27        8.00

  Subordinated   NR       31.00        N/A               N/A

*The preliminary ratings assigned to the class A-1 Loan and A-2
Loan and class A and B notes address timely interest and ultimate
principal payments. The preliminary ratings assigned to the class
C, D, E, and F notes address ultimate interest and principal
NR--Not rated.
N/A--Not applicable.
3mE--Three-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate.

KINBANE 2024-RPL 2: S&P Assigns B-(sf) Rating to Cl. F-Dfrd Notes
S&P Global Ratings assigned its credit ratings to Kinbane 2024-RPL
2 DAC's class A, B-Dfrd, C-Dfrd, D-Dfrd, E-Dfrd, and F-Dfrd notes.
At closing, Kinbane also issued unrated class RFN, Z1, Z2, and X

S&P's rating on the class A notes addresses timely payment of
interest and the ultimate payment of principal.

S&P's ratings on the class B-Dfrd to F-Dfrd notes address the
ultimate payment of interest and principal.

A fully funded liquidity reserve fund and non-liquidity reserve
fund are available to meet revenue shortfalls on the most senior
tranche and to provide credit enhancement to all rated notes.

Kinbane 2024-RPL 2 contains EUR427.3 million first-lien residential
mortgage loans located in Ireland. The loans were originated by
multiple lenders, with the main ones being Allied Irish Banks PLC,
Ulster Bank PLC, and EBS DAC. The pool comprises 83.75%
owner-occupied properties and 16.25% buy-to-let loans.

The assets were previously securitized in the Shamrock Residential
2022-1 DAC transaction that closed in early 2022. All of the loans
in pool for Kinbane 2024-RPL 2 were present in Shamrock Residential

The servicers, Cabot Financial Ireland Ltd. and Mars Capital
Finance Ireland DAC, are experienced servicers with
well-established and fully integrated servicing systems and

The application of principal proceeds is fully sequential. Credit
enhancement can therefore build up over time for the rated notes,
enabling the capital structure to withstand performance shocks.

The structure incorporates an arrears provisioning mechanism rather
than being linked solely to the loans' loss status. S&P considers
this more positive for the transaction, given that any excess
spread is trapped as soon as the loan is in arrears rather than
waiting until the recovery process is completed. S&P has considered
this feature in its cash flow analysis.

The interest rate cap hedges exposure to liquidity risks in a
rising interest rate scenario.

Within the securitized pool, 28.34% of the loans are currently at
least one month in arrears, with 22.53% of these borrowers being
more than three months in arrears. Additionally, over
three-quarters of the borrowers (77%) have had their loans
restructured in the past. S&P has accounted for this in its

At closing, the issuer used the issuance proceeds to purchase the
beneficial interest in the mortgage loans from the seller. The
issuer grants security over all its assets in favor of the security
trustee. The issuer is bankruptcy remote under S&P's legal

There are no rating constraints in the transaction under S&P's
structured finance operational, sovereign and counterparty risk


  Class     Rating     Class size (EUR)

  A         AAA (sf)   326,920,000

  B-Dfrd    AA (sf)     20,290,000

  C-Dfrd    A- (sf)      8,540,000

  D-Dfrd    BBB (sf)    10,680,000

  E-Dfrd    BB (sf)      7,470,000

  F-Dfrd    B- (sf)     16,020,000

  RFN       NR           8,550,000

  Z1        NR           8,550,000

  Z2        NR           9,620,000

  X         NR           2,000,000

  NR--Not rated.

TIKEHAU CLO IX: S&P Assigns B- (sf) Rating to Class F-R Notes
S&P Global Ratings assigned its credit ratings to Tikehau CLO IX
DAC's class A-R to F-R European cash flow CLO notes. The issuer has
unrated subordinated notes outstanding from the existing

The transaction is a reset of the already existing transaction
which closed in April 2023. The issuance proceeds of the
refinancing notes were used to redeem the refinanced loan and notes
(the original transaction's class A loan and class A, B, C, D, E,
and F notes). The ratings on the original loan and notes have been

Under the transaction documents, the rated notes pay quarterly
interest unless a frequency switch event occurs. Following this,
the notes will switch to semiannual payments.

The transaction has a one-year non-call period and the portfolio's
reinvestment period will end approximately 2.15 years after

The ratings reflect S&P's assessment of:

-- The diversified collateral pool, which primarily comprises
broadly syndicated speculative-grade senior secured term loans and
bonds that are governed by collateral quality tests.

-- The credit enhancement provided through the subordination of
cash flows, excess spread, and overcollateralization.

-- The collateral manager's experienced team, which can affect the
performance of the rated notes through collateral selection,
ongoing portfolio management, and trading.

-- The transaction's legal structure, which is bankruptcy remote.

  The transaction's counterparty risks, which are in line with
S&P's counterparty rating framework.

  Portfolio benchmarks

  S&P Global Ratings' weighted-average rating factor      2,788.60

  S&P Global Ratings' weighted-average rating factor
  with defaulted assets                                   2,833.34

  Default rate dispersion                                   534.25

  Weighted-average life (years)                               4.34

  Obligor diversity measure                                 149.05

  Industry diversity measure                                 23.89

  Regional diversity measure                                  1.17

  Transaction key metrics

  Portfolio weighted-average rating
  derived from S&P's CDO evaluator                               B

  'CCC' category rated assets (%)                             2.77

  Target 'AAA' weighted-average recovery (%)                 36.44

  Actual target weighted-average spread (net of floors; %)    4.07

  Actual target weighted-average coupon (%)                   4.98

S&P said, "The portfolio is well-diversified, primarily comprising
broadly syndicated speculative-grade senior secured term loans and
senior secured bonds. Therefore, we have conducted our credit and
cash flow analysis by applying our criteria for corporate cash flow

"In our cash flow analysis, we used the EUR400 million target par
amount, the covenanted weighted-average spread (4.07% ), the
covenanted weighted-average coupon (4.98% ), and the covenanted
weighted-average recovery rates at all rating levels. We applied
various cash flow stress scenarios, using four different default
patterns, in conjunction with different interest rate stress
scenarios for each liability rating category.

"Until the end of the reinvestment period on Jan. 20, 2027, the
collateral manager may substitute assets in the portfolio for so
long as our CDO Monitor test is maintained or improved in relation
to the initial ratings on the loan and notes. This test looks at
the total amount of losses that the transaction can sustain as
established by the initial cash flows for each rating, and it
compares that with the current portfolio's default potential plus
par losses to date. As a result, until the end of the reinvestment
period, the collateral manager may through trading deteriorate the
transaction's current risk profile, if the initial ratings are

"Under our structured finance sovereign risk criteria, we consider
that the transaction's exposure to country risk is sufficiently
mitigated at the assigned ratings.

"The transaction's documented counterparty replacement and remedy
mechanisms adequately mitigate its exposure to counterparty risk
under our current counterparty criteria.

"The transaction's legal structure and framework is bankruptcy
remote, in line with our legal criteria.

"Following our analysis of the credit, cash flow, counterparty,
operational, and legal risks, we believe the assigned ratings are
commensurate with the available credit enhancement for the class
A-R, B-1-R, B-2-R, C-R, D-R, E-R, and F-R notes.

"Our credit and cash flow analysis indicates that the available
credit enhancement for the class B-1-R to E-R notes could withstand
stresses commensurate with higher ratings than those we have
assigned. However, as the CLO will be in its reinvestment phase
starting from closing, during which the transaction's credit risk
profile could deteriorate, we have capped our ratings assigned to
the notes.

"For the class F-R notes, our credit and cash flow analysis
indicate that the available credit enhancement could withstand
stresses commensurate with a lower rating. However, we have applied
our 'CCC' rating criteria, resulting in a 'B- (sf)' rating on this
class of notes."

The ratings uplift for the class F-R notes reflects several key
factors, including:

-- The class F-R notes' available credit enhancement, which is in
the same range as that of other CLOs we have rated and that have
recently been issued in Europe.

-- The portfolio's average credit quality, which is similar to
other recent CLOs.

-- Our model generated break-even default rate at the 'B-' rating
level of 19.49% (for a portfolio with a weighted-average life of
4.34 years), versus if we were to consider a long-term sustainable
default rate of 3.1% for 4.34 years, which would result in a target
default rate of 13.45%.

-- S&P does not believe that there is a one-in-two chance of this
note defaulting.

-- S&P does not envision this tranche defaulting in the next 12-18

S&P said, "Following this analysis, we consider that the available
credit enhancement for the class F-R notes is commensurate with the
assigned 'B- (sf)' rating.

"In addition to our standard analysis, we have also included the
sensitivity of the ratings on the class class A-R to E-R notes
based on four hypothetical scenarios.

"As our ratings analysis makes additional considerations before
assigning ratings in the 'CCC' category, and we would assign a 'B-'
rating if the criteria for assigning a 'CCC' category rating are
not met, we have not included the above scenario analysis results
for the class F-R notes."

The transaction securitizes a portfolio of primarily senior secured
leveraged loans and bonds and is managed by Tikehau Capital Europe

Environmental, social, and governance

S&P said, "We regard the exposure to environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) credit factors in the transaction as being broadly
in line with our benchmark for the sector. Primarily due to the
diversity of the assets within CLOs, the exposure to environmental
credit factors is viewed as below average, social credit factors
are below average, and governance credit factors are average. For
this transaction, the documents prohibit assets from being related
to certain activities, including but not limited to, the following:
weapons of mass destruction, illegal drugs or narcotics,
pornography or prostitution, tobacco, and civilian firearms.
Accordingly, since the exclusion of assets from these industries
does not result in material differences between the transaction and
our ESG benchmark for the sector, no specific adjustments have been
made in our rating analysis to account for any ESG-related risks or

                    Amount                        Credit
  Class   Rating*  (mil. EUR)    Interest rate§   enhancement (%)

  A-R     AAA (sf)    244.00      3mE + 1.22%      39.00

  B-1-R   AA (sf)      37.00      3mE + 2.00%      27.00

  B-2-R   AA (sf)      11.00      5.00%            27.00

  C-R     A (sf)       24.00     3mE + 2.45%      21.00

  D-R     BBB- (sf)    28.00      3mE + 3.55%      14.00

  E-R     BB- (sf)     18.00     3mE + 6.06%       9.50

  F-R     B- (sf)      12.00      3mE + 8.34%       6.50

  Sub     NR           35.15      N/A                N/A

*The ratings assigned to the class A-R, B-1-R, and B-2-R notes
address timely interest and ultimate principal payments. The
ratings assigned to the class C-R, D-R, E-R, and F-R notes address
ultimate interest and principal payments.
§The payment frequency switches to semiannual and the index
switches to six-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate (EURIBOR) when a
frequency switch event occurs.
NR--Not rated.
N/A--Not applicable.
3mE--Three-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate.


AUTO ABS 2024-2: Fitch Assigns 'BB+sf' Final Rating to Cl. E Notes
Fitch Ratings has assigned Auto ABS Italian Stella Loans S.r.l.
(Series 2024-2)'s notes final ratings, as detailed below.

   Entity/Debt             Rating             Prior
   -----------             ------             -----
Auto ABS Italian
Stella Loans S.r.l.
(Series 2024-2)

   Class A Notes
   IT0005619694        LT AAsf   New Rating   AA(EXP)sf

   Class B Notes
   IT0005619710        LT AAsf   New Rating   AA(EXP)sf

   Class C Notes
   IT0005619819        LT A+sf   New Rating   A+(EXP)sf

   Class D Notes
   IT0005619827        LT BBB+sf New Rating   BBB+(EXP)sf

   Class E Notes
   IT0005619835        LT BB+sf  New Rating   BB+(EXP)sf

Transaction Summary

The transaction is a six-month revolving period securitisation of
Italian balloon or amortising auto loans originated by Stellantis
Financial Services Italia (SFS), a captive lender resulting from a
joint venture between Stellantis N.V. (BBB+/Negative/F2) and
Santander Consumer Bank S.p.A. (not rated).


Low Expected Defaults: Fitch has observed historical default rates
lower for SFS than for other captive auto loan lenders operating in
Italy. The portfolio comprises loans advanced to private borrowers
(94.8%) and commercial borrowers (5.2%). Fitch derived separate
asset assumptions for the different products, reflecting different
performance expectations and product features. Fitch assumed a
weighted average (WA) base-case lifetime default and recovery rate
of 1.9% and 47.7%, respectively, for the portfolio.

Significant Balloon Risk: The portfolio consists partly of balloon
loans (42% of the pool balance), while the remainder comprises
amortising auto loans. Balloon loan borrowers may face a payment
shock at maturity if they cannot refinance the balloon amount or
return or sell their car. Fitch has considered this additional
default risk by applying a higher default multiple for balloon
loans. The WA default multiple of the portfolio is 5.1x at 'AAsf'.

Strong Excess Spread Supports Mezzanines: Fitch expects the
portfolio to generate approximately 5% excess spread per year, as
the assets earn materially higher yields than the notes' interest
and transaction's senior costs. Fitch tested several stresses on
portfolio yield reduction and prepayments assumptions and concluded
that repayment of the class C and D notes was heavily dependent on
excess spread, currently capping the ratings at 'A+sf' and
'BBB+sf', respectively.

The class E excess spread notes receive principal solely through
the available excess spread in the revenue priority of payments.
Fitch caps excess spread notes' ratings at 'BB+sf'.

'AAsf' Sovereign Cap: Italian structured finance transactions are
capped at six notches above Italy's Issuer Default Rating (IDR,
BBB/Positive/F2), which is the case for the class A and B notes.
The Positive Outlook on these notes reflects that on the


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

At the applicable rating cap, the class A and B notes' ratings are
sensitive to changes to Italy's Long-Term IDR and Outlook. A
revision of the Outlook on Italy's IDR to Stable would trigger
similar action on the notes.

Unexpected increases in the frequency of defaults or decreases in
recovery rates that could produce loss levels larger than the base
case and could result in negative rating action on the notes. For
example, a simultaneous increase in the default base case by 50%
and decrease in the recovery base case by 50% would lead to up to
two-notch downgrades of the class B to D notes.

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

An upgrade of Italy's IDR and revision of the related rating cap
for Italian structured finance transactions could trigger upgrades
of the class A and B notes.

An unexpected decrease in the frequency of defaults or an increase
in the recovery rates could produce loss levels lower than the base
case. For example, a simultaneous decrease in the default base case
by 25% and an increase in the recovery base case by 25% would lead
to upgrades of up to five notches for the class C to D notes,
provided there are no qualitative arising elements that could limit
the ratings.


Form ABS Due Diligence-15E was not provided to, or reviewed by,
Fitch in relation to this rating action.


Auto ABS Italian Stella Loans S.r.l. (Series 2024-2)

Fitch reviewed the results of a third party assessment conducted on
the asset portfolio information, and concluded that there were no
findings that affected the rating analysis.

Overall, and together with any assumptions referred to above,
Fitch's assessment of the information relied upon for the agency's
rating analysis according to its applicable rating methodologies
indicates that it is adequately reliable.

ESG Considerations

The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.


AK ALTYNALMAS: S&P Assigns 'B+' Long-Term ICR, Outlook Stable
S&P Global Ratings assigned its 'B+' long-term issuer credit rating
to Kazakhstan-Based Gold Miner AK Altynalmas JSC (Altynalmas).

The stable outlook reflects S&P's expectation that the company will
meet its production and cost targets, while maintaining funds from
operations (FFO) to debt consistently above 45%.

S&P said, "We assess Altynalmas' business risk profile as weak
because of its moderate scale, limited organic growth
opportunities, and Kazakhstan's high country risk.   We expect
Altynalmas will produce and sell up to 491 koz of gold in 2024, a
3% increase from 476 koz in 2023. This makes Altynalmas a midsize
gold producer that is smaller than most rated peers. We note that
the company's gold output varies annually due to the nature of its
assets, which adds volatility to its performance. For example, we
expect, in line with the company's guidance, that its output will
decline by 15% in 2025 and recover by 15% in 2026. We expect this
volatility will continue, making it difficult for Altynalmas to
maintain its leverage metrics. Importantly, a trough in production
could coincide with a decline in gold prices, resulting in a
particularly weak performance in a given year. Even though the
company's resources are sizeable at 21.6 million ounces (moz), its
reserves are relatively modest at 4.2 moz. Reserve life is about
eight years, which is lower than that of most rated peers. We also
note that the company has limited growth prospects, with its
production likely to decline toward 400 koz in 2028, or by 15%-20%
over the next four years. We understand there are no major projects
in the pipeline to stabilize production through organic growth,
which constrains the rating." A further constraint to our business
risk profile assessment is that the company's business is limited
to Kazakhstan, a high-risk country.

Altynalmas' cost profile is in the middle of the cost curve, which
enables it to benefit from the current price environment.   S&P
said, "Under our midcycle price assumption of $1,800 per ounce
(/oz), however, cash flows would decline sharply. Altynalmas' cost
profile shows an expected total cash cost (TCC) of $1,150/oz and
all-in sustaining costs (AISC) of $1,250/oz in 2024, which is just
below the median for the industry. We expect the TCC will peak at
about $1,300/oz and the AISC at about $1,500/oz in 2025, due to
lower output and declining ore grades. After 2025 higher production
levels and better ore grades should support a slightly better cost
profile. We expect currently high gold prices will enable the
company to generate EBITDA of Kazakhstani tenge (KZT) 245 billion
(about $529 million) to KZT255 billion in 2024, with an average
gold price of $2,300/oz generating solid EBITDA margins of 40%-45%.
We expect gold prices to average $2,300/oz in 2025 and decline to
$2,100/oz in 2026 under our base-case forecast. This will lead to a
decline in Altynalmas' annual EBITDA to KZT180 billion-KZT190
billion in 2025-2026, since lower gold prices will be compensated
by higher output in 2026. However, under our long-term price
assumption of $1,800/oz, we expect the company's EBITDA to fall to
KZT115 billion–KZT125 billion." This corresponds to an EBITDA
decline of about 50% decline from the peak in 2024, which
translates into significant volatility in the company's cash

Altynalmas also has a construction business, AAEG, which adds
volatility to its profile.   AAEG is mainly involved in design,
construction, and maintenance services for the mining industry. S&P
said, "We expect AAEG will generate EBITDA of KZT5 billion-KZT10
billion annually over 2024-2025, with EBITDA margins of 5%-10%.
Because AAEG's margins are materially lower than those of the gold
mining business, it dilutes Altynalmas' consolidated margins by
about 5%. The construction business also generates material working
capital swings, which led us to include in our liquidity
calculation an additional capital swing of KZT15 billion to ensure
the company has sufficient headroom to withstand the volatility
resulting from incorporating this business line."

Similar to most rated gold miners, Altynalmas will deliver strong
credit metrics in 2024 and 2025, but its longer-term leverage
depends on financial policy decisions.   S&P said, "We expect the
company's FFO to debt will exceed 100% this year and debt to EBITDA
will be below 1x (we do not deduct the company's cash from debt).
However, we do not expect these metrics to be maintained at
midcycle prices. Rather, we expect that FFO to debt will decline to
55%-65% and debt to EBITDA will increase to 1.3x-1.7x in 2027, when
we expect gold prices to decline to our midcycle assumption of
$1,800/oz. In the absence of a clear cash-usage strategy, we assume
the company will distribute all of its free cash flow as dividends.
The company will also need to engage in expansion and maintenance
projects to prevent an even sharper decline in production. We
therefore expect capital expenditure (capex) could be increase
materially in the coming years. We note that the company has a
history of debt-funded acquisitions and rapid expansions, although
we do not expect any of these in our current base case. Considering
that the company's current financial policy is to maintain net debt
to EBITDA below 2x, there is room for a leverage increase. We will
therefore observe the company's financial decisions regarding
investments, distributions, and debt."

S&P said, "The company's management of its capital structure and
liquidity is weaker than that of peers, in our view.   Being based
in Kazakhstan, the company has historically relied on bank
financing, specifically from Russian banks. After this financing
source dried up due to U.S. and EU sanctions on Russia's banking
system, Altynalmas switched to Kazakhstani banks, which decreased
the diversification of its lending base. Additionally, the company
had to agree to very strict financial and operational covenants,
which Russian and Kazakhstani banks regularly impose on small to
midsize companies. Altynalmas breached production covenants on a
few occasions, which exposed it to potential default, even though
we realize that banks rarely trigger such clauses. Altynalmas still
has an AISC covenant with its largest lender Halyk Bank, which
could expose it to similar risks. Moreover, we consider the
company's liquidity management to be worse than that of similarly
rated peers; its revolving credit facility (RCF) only allows
nine-month tranches.

"We believe the 'B+' rating places Altynalmas well against peers,
such as Eldorado Gold Corp. (B+/Stable/--).   Like Altynalmas,
Eldorado delivered about 485 koz of gold in 2023. It also has a
similar cost profile, with a TCC of $743/oz and AISC of $1,220/oz
in 2023. At the same time, we expect Eldorado will increase its
production to 630 koz in 2026, compared with an expected decline in
production at Altynalmas. We expect both companies will deliver FFO
to debt exceeding 60% and debt to EBITDA lower than 1.5x in 2025.
We rate Endeavour Mining PLC (BB-/Negative/--) one notch above
Altynalmas. It is larger than Altynalmas, with 1.1 moz of
production and an AISC of $967/oz in 2023. However, Endeavour is
exposed to Burkina Faso and very high-risk countries in West
Africa, and our negative outlook reflects the political unrest in
Burkina Faso and need for Endeavour to reduce its exposure to this
country. Still, the company's leverage is very low, with expected
FFO to debt of close to 100% over the coming years. New Gold Inc.
(B/Stable/--), a Canada-based gold and copper producer, is slightly
smaller than Altynalmas, with 424, koz of gold equivalent
production and slightly higher AISC of $1,545/oz in 2023. It also
had higher leverage, with FFO to debt of 38% in 2023. At the same
time, we view as positive New Gold's exposure to Canada, a
very-low-risk country, and its significantly better access to
capital markets.

"The stable outlook reflects our expectation that Altynalmas will
meet its production and cost targets over 2024-2025, with FFO to
debt consistently exceeding 45%. We expect the company can maintain
FFO to debt of at least 45% under our long-term gold price
assumption of $1,800/oz, irrespective of volatility in its output
over the next few years. We also expect the company can maintain a
consistent financial policy without excessively large acquisitions
and unexpected dividend payments that could increase leverage

Downside scenario

S&P could downgrade Altynalmas if the company suffered a major
operational setback leading to a decline in is operational cash
flows and an increase in leverage, with FFO to debt consistently
below 45% under current market conditions. FFO to debt of 30%-45%
is unlikely to trigger a downgrade if gold prices were to decline

A material liquidity shortage, aggressive acquisitions, and
dividend payments resulting in a material leverage increase could
also lead to a downgrade.

Upside scenario

S&P could raise the rating to 'BB-' if the company strengthened its
reserves and stability of production, with better visibility of how
output and related costs might evolve. S&P would also expect more
diversified funding sources and a much stronger liquidity profile.

A track record of a consistent and sufficiently conservative
financial policy would be key for a higher rating.


BANQUE HAVILLAND: Administrators Provide Update on Debt Payments
By commercial judgment no. 2024TALCH02/01516 (docket
numberTAL-2024-06491) of October 31, 2024, the District Court in
and of Luxembourg-City, second chamber, sitting in commercial
matters, ruling contradictory and in a public hearing, after having
heard in council chamber the public limited company BANQUE HAVILAND
S.A., the administrators and the representatives of the COMMISSION
supplemented judgment no. 2024TALVCOM/00116 of August 9, 2024 as

-- declares that acts of pure daily management over amounts of
less than EUR10,000 -- are not subject to the administrators'
approval, it being clarified that the reimbursement of a deposit is
not an act of daily management;

-- declares that the payment for periodic services provided by the
following providers and co-contractors is not subject to the
administrators' approval:

Contractual benefits to employees and benefits related to the
payment of salaries

   -- (ALD Automotive)
   -- Alphabet :
   -- KBC Lease Luxembourg
   -- Securex

IT systems and their maintenance

   -- FNZ Switzerland
   -- Bloomberg Finance LP
   -- Excellium Services
   -- Wolters Kluwer Financial ServiLuxembourg
   -- Anidris
   -- SIX Financial Information Luxembourg
   -- Swift
   -- LexisNexis Business Inf Solu
   -- Inetum Luxembourg (former Gfi PSF)
   -- Coin Availability Services Luxembourg
   -- Refinitiv Limited
   -- Six Financial Information Suisse
   -- Refinitiv SA Luxembourg Branch
   -- Proximus Luxembourg
   -- Telindus EastNets Europe
   -- Orange Business Luxembourg

Office rent and maintenance costs

   -- Kaytwo/Inowai
   -- Deep Post Telecom
   -- iCleanlux
   -- Leo
   -- G4S Security Solutions

-- declares that it is the responsibility of the public limited
company BANQUE HAVILLAND SA to ensure that only periodic operating
costs, excluding all costs of an exceptional or non periodic
nature, due to these service providers are paid on the basis of
this authorisation; and

-- declares that, with the approval of the administrators, the
public limited company BANQUE HAVILLAND SA is authorised to pay its
debts and commitments having arisen prior to August 2, 2024, to the
extent that such payments are essential for the continuity of the
public limited company BANQUE HAVILLAND SA and its operations.


ABERTIS INFRAESTRUCTURAS: Fitch Rates Hybrid Notes Final 'BB+'
Fitch Ratings has assigned Abertis Infraestructuras Finance B.V.'s
(Abertis Finance) EUR750 million hybrid securities a final 'BB+'
rating with Stable Outlook. The securities qualify for a 50% equity

The new hybrid notes are guaranteed by Abertis Infraestructuras SA
(Abertis) and their proceeds are used for partial repayment of its
outstanding hybrid notes.


The notes are deeply subordinated and coupon payments can be
deferred at the option of the issuer. These features are reflected
in the 'BB+' rating, which is two notches lower than Abertis's
senior unsecured rating. The 50% equity credit reflects their
cumulative interest coupon, a feature that is more debt-like in
nature. The new notes rank equally with Abertis's 'BB+' rated
outstanding EUR2.0 billion hybrids issued during November 2020 and
January 2021.

The final rating is are the same as the expected rating because the
transaction's terms are in line with the draft documentation.

For further information on Abertis's rating, see 'Fitch Affirms
Abertis's IDR at 'BBB'; Stable Outlook', dated 5 July 2024.


Ratings Reflect Deep Subordination: The notes are rated two notches
below Abertis's senior unsecured rating of 'BBB', given their deep
subordination relative to senior obligations. The notes only rank
senior to the claims of equity shareholders. Fitch believes Abertis
intends to maintain a consistent amount of EUR2 billion hybrids in
the capital structure, and therefore apply 50% equity credit to the
full amount of hybrid securities.

Equity Treatment: The new securities qualify for 50% equity credit
as they are deeply subordinated, have a remaining effective
maturity of at least five years, and full discretion to defer
coupons for at least five years and limited events of default.
These are key equity-like characteristics, affording Abertis
greater financial flexibility.

The interest coupon deferrals are cumulative, a feature more
debt-like in nature, resulting in 50% equity treatment and 50% debt
treatment of the hybrid notes by Fitch. Despite the 50% equity
treatment, Fitch treats coupon payments as 100% interest.

Mandatory Interest Payment Possible: Abertis is obliged to make a
mandatory settlement of deferred interest payments under certain
circumstances, including the declaration of a cash dividend. Under
the existing shareholders' agreement, the dividend policy is
flexible and may be adjusted to maintain an investment-grade rating
threshold. However, Fitch notes that perceived deterioration in the
shareholders' agreement, leading to decreasing flexibility in the
dividend policy, could negatively affect the equity credit of the
hybrid notes.

Effective Maturity Date: While the proposed hybrid is perpetual,
Fitch deems its effective remaining maturity as the date from which
the issuer will no longer be subject to replacement language
(second step-up date), which discloses the company's intent to
redeem the instrument at its reset date with the proceeds of a
similar instrument or with equity. This is applicable even if the
coupon step-up is within Fitch's aggregate threshold of 100bp.

The equity credit of 50% will change to 0% five years before the
effective maturity date. The issuer has the option to redeem the
notes in the three months immediately preceding and including the
first reset date, which is 5.25 years from the issue date, and on
any coupon payment date thereafter.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

- Fitch-adjusted leverage above 6.2x by 2025 under the Fitch Rating

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

- Positive rating action is currently unlikely given Abertis's
acquisitive strategy


Abertis is a large Spain-based infrastructure group with network
under management predominantly located in Spain, France, Brazil,
Chile, US and Mexico.

Date of Relevant Committee


ESG Considerations

The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless
otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG
issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on
the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are
being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not
inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the
relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt                 Rating           Prior
   -----------                 ------           -----
Finance B.V.

   S.A./Toll Revenues
   - Second Lien –
   Expected Ratings/1 LT   LT BB+  New Rating   BB+(EXP)


UZEX JSC: Fitch Affirms 'B' Long-Term IDRs, Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings has affirmed JSC UZEX's (or Uzbek Commodity Exchange)
Long-Term Foreign- and Local-Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs)
at 'B'. The Outlooks are Stable.

Key Rating Drivers

Rating Constrained by TrustBank Exposure: UZEX's ratings are
constrained by its high reliance on Private Joint Stock Bank
TrustBank (B/Stable), where UZEX places the bulk of its liquid
assets. As a result, Fitch believes that a default of TrustBank
would trigger a failure and likely a default of UZEX. UZEX has
begun diversifying its bank placements in 2023 with an agreement
with JSC Octobank, a domestic private bank.

UZEX's ratings also consider the absence of corporate debt, its
healthy profitability and established franchise in the small sector
of commodity trade intermediation and market infrastructure in

High Counterparty and Concentration Risk: Until recently, UZEX
utilised a single counterparty for liquidity management purposes,
resulting in very high concentration in TrustBank (73% of total
assets at end-2023). Plans to improve diversification should reduce
credit concentration risk in the long term. Fitch also views
TrustBank, which has an overall 37% stake in UZEX, as a related
party. Positively, within its clearing activities, UZEX is not
directly exposed to counterparty risk as it acts as an agent only.
In case of non-delivery by one of the counterparties, the
transaction is cancelled with no recourse to UZEX.

Credible Niche Franchise: UZEX is Uzbekistan's main commodity
exchange, with an estimated market share of around 90% at end-1H24
and virtually no local competition. Commodities, including cotton
and metals, are a relevant part of the local economy, but UZEX's
franchise is small and concentrated compared with that of more
diversified domestic financial institutions, notably banks. UZEX
offers trading, clearing and settlement in a wide range of
commodities but five groups of commodities (cement, sugar, cotton,
metals, and oil and gas) account for about 70% of total revenue.

Adequate Recurring Profitability and Liquidity: Commodity exchange
trading fees and exchange clearing fees (84% at end-2023) are
UZEX's main sources of revenue. UZEX also services the state tender
process, which is mandatory for government bodies and state-owned
enterprises. This segment contributed 9% to total revenue in 2023.
Profitability (both EBITDA margins and pre-tax income) has
historically been low and volatile but has improved and stabilised
since 2018, resulting in an EBITDA margin of 73% in 2023, which
Fitch views as solid.

UZEX's liquidity profile is supported by its short-dated balance
sheet, which is largely driven by clearing-related margin deposits.
Customers' collateral deposits are normally very short-term and at
end-1H24 were 105% covered by UZEX's liquid and back-to-back

Basic Risk Management Practices: Fitch views UZEX's risk management
practices as acceptable for its business model. Counterparty risk
management is rudimentary, with a flat margin requirement at 10%,
which do not take into account the varying credit quality of
counterparties or differing volatility inherent in various
commodities. However, despite the volatile operating environment,
UZEX's risk controls provide reasonable protection against
operational and indirect market risk, as underlined in a record of
limited clearing-related losses (no more than 2% of pre-tax income
in 2020-2023).

No Corporate Debt: UZEX does not have any outstanding corporate
debt and Fitch understands from management that the company does
not have any plans to raise corporate debt in the medium term. UZEX
distributed 87% of net profit in 2024 and plans to maintain
distribution at around 80% in the medium term, with a minimum
distribution of 50%.

Support Cannot be Relied On: As UZEX is the leading commodity
exchange in Uzbekistan, support from the government cannot be ruled
out. However, UZEX's ratings do not rely on this support because of
its limited importance to the Uzbek financial system or to social
policy. Fitch also views UZEX as too large to be supported by
TrustBank. UZEX's end-1H24 assets amounted to 2.0x the bank's total
capital. With TrustBank controlling only a minority stake in UZEX,
its assessment of propensity to support is limited.

ESG Governance Structure: UZEX's high reliance on TrustBank (direct
and indirect 37% stake), where UZEX keeps majority of its
cash/liquid assets negatively affects its ESG Relevance Score for
Governance Structure.


Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative
Rating Action/Downgrade

A downgrade of TrustBank would result in increased counterparty
risk for UZEX and trigger a downgrade of its Long-Term IDR.

An abrupt deterioration in UZEX's performance, with sizeable losses
threatening the company's solvency, would also result in negative
rating action.

Factors that Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive
Rating Action/Upgrade

An upgrade of TrustBank would result in lower counterparty risk for
UZEX and likely result in an upgrade of its Long-Term IDR.

Over the long term, a large decrease in the reliance on TrustBank,
through a diversification of liquidity placements to higher-rated
bank counterparties, would likely result in positive rating

Greater control by the state (reflected for example in a higher
ownership stake), coupled with higher systemic importance of UZEX,
would result in a positive reassessment of support.

ESG Considerations

UZEX has an ESG Relevance Score of '5' for Governance Structure.
This reflects risks arising from a high reliance on related party,
Trustbank. UZEX keeps all of its cash/liquid assets in Trustbank. A
default of Trustbank would, in its view, trigger a failure of UZEX.
UZEX is in the process of diversifying to other banks but this is
currently constraining UZEX's ratings and highly relevant to the
ratings in conjunction with other factors.

UZEX has an ESG Relevance Score of '4' for Financial Transparency
due to limitations in quality and timeliness of financial
disclosures and auditing processes, which has a negative impact on
the credit profile, and is relevant to the ratings in conjunction
with other factors.

Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of
ESG credit relevance is a score of '3'. This means ESG issues are
credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity,
either due to their nature or the way in which they are being
managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not inputs
in the rating process; they are an observation of the materiality
and relevance of ESG factors in the rating decision.

   Entity/Debt                      Rating          Prior
   -----------                      ------          -----
JSC UZEX         LT IDR              B   Affirmed   B
                 ST IDR              B   Affirmed   B
                 LC LT IDR           B   Affirmed   B
                 LC ST IDR           B   Affirmed   B
                 Government Support  ns  Affirmed   ns
                 Shareholder Support ns  Affirmed   ns


HEIMSTADEN BOSTAD: S&P Rates New Subordinated Hybrid Notes 'BB'
S&P Global Ratings assigned its 'BB' issue rating to the proposed
unsecured subordinated hybrid notes to be issued by Sweden-based
residential property manager, Heimstaden Bostad AB (HSTB;

S&P said, "We understand that the issuances of hybrid bonds would
be approximately benchmark size (about EUR500 million) fixed to the
reset rate, with the first reset date in 5.25 years. The completion
and size of the transaction will be subject to market conditions.
HSTB plans to use the proceeds to repay the full balance of about
EUR589 million of the EUR800 million hybrid notes issued in 2019,
which has a first reset date in February 2025.

"Our 'BB' rating on the proposed notes is two notches lower than
our issuer credit rating on HSTB. The rating difference reflects
our notching methodology, which calls for the deduction of one
notch for subordination, because our long-term rating on HSTB is
investment grade (higher than 'BB+'); and an additional notch is
deducted for payment flexibility, because the option to defer
interest stands with the issuer.

"We assess the proposed notes as having intermediate equity content
until their first reset date. This is because the notes are
subordinated to the company's senior debt obligations, cannot be
called for at least five years, and are not subject to features
that could discourage or materially delay deferral. Overall, we
think the proposed notes' terms and conditions are similar to those
of the outstanding notes. In addition, to reflect our view of the
intermediate equity content of the proposed notes, we treat 50% of
the related payments as interest and 50% as equivalent to a common
dividend. The 50% treatment of principal also applies to our
adjustment of debt. We no longer regard the outstanding EUR589
million hybrid notes as having equity content, in view of the
company's intention to redeem them."

The transaction includes a cash tender component that could reduce
the overall amount of outstanding hybrids by about net EUR89
million, representing about 3%-4% of HSTB's total hybrid
instruments. The cash component would result in a slight decrease
of the hybrid portfolio to about EUR2.3 billion from EUR2.4 billion
as of Sept. 30, 2024. S&P said, "We view this cash component as
immaterial, since it represents only 3%-4% of the total outstanding
hybrids. This is in line with our criteria, where we typically
consider redemptions of up to a maximum of 10% of hybrid
instruments over a 12-month period as immaterial. We understand
that the company is committed to keeping the subordinated perpetual
notes as a permanent part of its capital structure and expect its
capitalization rate to remain below our 15% threshold; the
capitalization rate was 7.2% as of Sept. 30, 2024."

The transaction will not materially affect the company's credit
metrics and by itself is unlikely to lead to an outlook revision.

U N I T E D   K I N G D O M

CAMSTEAD LIMITED: Interpath Advisory Named as Joint Administrators
Camstead Limited was placed into administration proceedings in the
High Court Of Justice Business and Property Courts in Leeds
Insolvency and Companies List (ChD), Court Number:
CR-2024-LDS-001113, and James Richard Clark and Howard Smith of
Interpath Advisory, Interpath Ltd were appointed as joint
administrators on Nov. 19, 2024.  
Camstead Limited specializes in buying and selling of its own real
Its registered office is at Interpath Ltd, 4th Floor, Tailors
Corner, Thirsk Row, Leeds, LS1 4DP.  Its principal trading address
is 3 The Gateway North, Marsh Lane, Leeds, LS9 8AX.
The joint administrators can be reached at:
                  James Richard Clark
                  Howard Smith
                  Interpath Advisory, Interpath Ltd
                  4th Floor, Tailors Corner
                  Thirsk Row, Leeds
                  LS1 4DP
For further details, contact:
                   Becca Sargeant
                   Email: CamsteadCreditors@interpath.com

HACHE BURGER: Interpath Named as Joint Administrators
Hache Burger Connoisseurs Ltd was placed into administration
proceedings in the High Court of Justice, Business and Property
Courts in Birmingham, Insolvency and Companies List (ChD), Court
Number: CR-2024-006774, and Stephen John Absolom of Interpath Ltd,
and Christopher Robert Pole of Interpath Advisory, were appointed
as joint administrators on Nov. 19, 2024.  
Hache Burger Connoisseurs operates licensed restaurants.
Its registered office is at C/o Interpath Ltd, 10 Fleet Place,
London, EC4M 7RB.  Its principal trading address is at 95-97 High
Holburn, London, WC1V 6LF.
The joint administrators can be reached at:
             Stephen John Absolom
             Interpath Ltd
             10 Fleet Place, London
             EC4M 7RB

             -- and  --

             Christopher Robert Pole
             Interpath Advisory
             Interpath Ltd
             2nd Floor, 45 Church Street
             Birmingham, B3 2HB
Further Details Contact:
              Alex Ashley
              Email: Hacheburgersuppliers@interpath.com
              Tel No: 0203 989 2800

HOLBROOK MORTGAGE 2023-1: S&P Affirms B-(sf) Rating on Cl. F Notes
S&P Global Ratings raised its credit ratings on Holbrook Mortgage
Transaction 2023-1 PLC's class B-Dfrd notes to 'AA+ (sf)' from 'AA
(sf)', C-Dfrd notes to 'AA- (sf)' from 'A (sf)', D-Dfrd notes to
'A- (sf)' from 'BBB (sf)', and E-Dfrd notes to 'BBB- (sf)' from 'BB
(sf)'. At the same time, S&P affirmed its 'AAA (sf)' and 'B- (sf)'
ratings on the class A and F-Dfrd notes, respectively.

The rating actions follow S&P's full analysis of the most recent
transaction information we have received and the transaction's
structural features.

S&P said, "As of October 2024, arrears greater than 30 days past
due remain relatively low at 4.42%, below our non-conforming index.
The sequential priority of payments and the notes' swift
amortization has increased the level of available credit
enhancement. The pool factor is 57.7% as of October 2024. The
liquidity reserve fund and the general reserve fund are undrawn.

"We applied our global RMBS criteria to our analysis of this
transaction. Since closing, our weighted-average foreclosure
frequency assumptions decreased at all rating levels. This is
mainly due to the lower effective loan-to-value (LTV) ratio we used
for our foreclosure frequency analysis--which reflects 80% of the
original LTV ratio and 20% of the current LTV ratio.

"Our weighted-average loss severity assumptions decreased at all
rating levels, reflecting the updated house price index assumptions
used in our analysis."

  Credit analysis results

             WAFF (%)   WALS (%)  Credit coverage (%)

  AAA         24.49     41.40     10.14
  AA          16.78     34.79      5.84  
  A           12.88     24.20      3.12
  BBB          8.94     18.07      1.61
  BB           4.98     13.80      0.69
  B            3.99     10.07      0.40

WAFF--Weighted-average foreclosure frequency.
WALS--Weighted-average loss severity

S&P said, "The overall effect of our credit analysis results is a
decrease in the required credit coverage for all rating levels
since closing, reflected in our upgrades of the class B-Dfrd,
C-Dfrd, D-Dfrd, and E-Dfrd notes.

"The affirmation of our rating on the class A notes reflects our
cash flow results, which are unchanged based on the slightly higher
credit enhancement and lower credit results.

"We affirmed our 'B- (sf)' rating on the class F-Dfrd notes as they
do not benefit from increasing credit enhancement." The rating
reflects the high prepayment cashflow runs.

The transaction is backed by a mortgage pool of first-ranking
owner-occupied residential mortgages originated by The Mortgage
Lender Ltd. in England, Wales, and Scotland.

OAT TOPCO: S&P Assigns 'B' Rating, Stable Outlook
S&P Global Ratings assigned its 'B' rating to Oat Topco Ltd. (OCU),
its financing subsidiary Oat Bidco Ltd., the term loan B (TLB) of
EUR530 million and GBP200 million, and the fungible delayed draw
facility of GBP75 million. The '3' recovery rating on the debt
reflects its expectation of meaningful recovery (50-70%; rounded
estimate: 55%) in the event of a payment default.

S&P said, "The stable outlook reflects our view that OCU will
demonstrate healthy organic revenue growth in the next 12-24
months, thanks to its strong orderbook and project pipeline. This
reflects our view that OCU will continue to capitalize on favorable
secular megatrends and rising committed multiyear spending in
regulated markets. Coupled with the earnings contribution of
recently acquired RJ McLeod and good cost discipline, OCU will
improve its adjusted EBITDA margin toward 13% or above, supporting
gradual deleveraging toward debt to EBITDA of 6x or below and
positive free operating cash flow (FOCF) generation from fiscal

"The final ratings assigned are in line with the preliminary
ratings that we assigned on Oct. 15, 2024.   There were no material
changes to the transaction or financial documentation compared with
our original assessment."

OCU is a U.K.-based leading utility infrastructure services
provider and energy transition enabler. It provides end-to-end
service offerings across the entire value chain in multiple
regulated and critical end-markets including energy transition,
telecoms, power, and water. The group benefits from multiyear
framework agreements and long-tenured customer relationships under
strong sector and regulatory tailwinds.

However, OCU's business position is somewhat constrained by its
geographical footprint, scale, customer concentration, and its
operations within a fragmented and competitive market.

OCU has refinanced its existing capital structure.  The group
sought to refinance its existing debt of GBP551 million with a new
TLB of EUR530 million and GBP200 million. This accompanies the
issuance of a new senior secured RCF of GBP150 million, a new
guarantee facility of GBP80 million, and a fungible delayed draw
facility of GBP75 million, all of which remain undrawn at the close
of transaction. OCU intends to use the net proceeds to also repay a
deferred consideration (GBP69 million) due on recent acquisitions,
an acquisition in the pipeline (GBP24 million), and other
liabilities (GBP18 million). S&P said, "We note preference shares
are also present in the capital structure, which sit at an entity
above Oat Topco Ltd. We treat these as equity and exclude them from
our leverage and coverage calculations because we see an alignment
of interest between noncommon and common equity holders."

Under strong sector and regulatory tailwinds, OCU's broad core
service offerings and regional delivery model support its national
leading market position.   OCU provides end-to-end service
offerings in multiple regulated and critical end-markets including
energy transition, telecoms, power, and water. It is currently
established as a one-stop-shop utility infrastructure services
provider and serves the entire value chain, including design,
planning, technical and civil work, connection, and commissioning,
as well as maintenance. These services are provided to customers
via a regional delivery model spanning the national footprint in
the U.K. and Ireland. OCU is located close to a regional operations
team with local demand, which underpins its flexibility and
timeliness of providing bespoke services in response to customer
needs. S&P said, "Relative to peers with few service offerings and
specialization in limited end-markets under a centralized business
model, we view positively OCU's diverse service offerings and
decentralized, regional coverage in multiple end markets and
believe these will offer OCU an edge over competitors. Coupled with
the emerging structural tailwinds like decarbonization and
committed government spending trends through successive regulatory
cycles, we expect these will help develop the orderbook and project
pipeline, supporting the competitive position of the business."

Flexible cost structure and technology-enabled business processes
enhance OCU's operating efficiency.   OCU is structurally
well-positioned to scale with an efficient operation, exhibited
through its flexible cost base, subcontractor usage, and
digitalized business model. Within OCU's cost structure, the
company has a high share of variable or semi-variable costs (over
80%), including labor, materials, plant, and equipment hire costs,
among others. Although labor costs account for the largest cost
base of the business, OCU utilizes a subcontracting arrangement
extensively, with employees only representing about 40% of the
total 4,500-strong workforce. In addition, OCU has progressed well
with its digital transformation journey. S&P said, "We note there
have been significant digital investments in recent years,
including the implementation of an enterprise resource planning
system, workforce management tools, customer risk management
software, and the roll-out of shared services. In our view, the
flexible cost structure, subcontracting model, and
technology-enabled processes will allow OCU to exercise greater
control over its cost base and demonstrate agility in coping with
seasonality trends and fluctuations in demand."

OCU's business risk profile is constrained by its geographical
footprint, scale, and customer concentration.   Following the
acquisition of RJ McLeod, OCU has pro forma annual revenue of over
GBP800 million, of which 100% is generated in the U.K. and Ireland.
It operates with a regional service delivery model through 52 sites
and is supported by a workforce of more than 4,500 including
employees and subcontractors. The group has a high customer
concentration, with its top 10 customers accounting for over 50% of
total revenues. S&P said, "We view OCU's scale and diversification
as largely in line with other rated small-to-midsize,
national-focused multiutility service providers. Although improving
to a certain extent, we believe OCU currently lacks relative scale
and its high customer concentration and limited geographical
diversification put it in a weaker position than sizable,
international rated peers with diversified customer bases, to which
we assign a stronger business risk profile."

OCU operates in a fragmented and competitive market with modest
barriers to entry.   The multiutility marketplace comprises many
players, ranging from established, national one-stop shop service
providers like OCU, to boutique, regional-focused specialists. Once
an attractive project is identified and secured by competitors or
opportunistic entrants due to more favorable commercial terms,
incumbents would need to pursue other contract opportunities to
build a consistently strong orderbook and project pipeline. Without
differentiated, high quality service offerings and a strong
reputation, this fragmented landscape is likely to raise the degree
of competition and reduce project opportunities for any
undifferentiated market participants. That said, S&P acknowledges
that OCU's long-tenured customer relationships, high contract
renewal rate, specialized tangible asset base, agile workforce, and
early positioning in promising end-markets would create barriers to
entry and help protect its market position in a fragmented and
competitive market.

S&P said, "We expect OCU will continue to actively pursue
value-adding opportunities in a fragmented but consolidating
sector.   Since Triton took ownership in 2022, OCU has completed 12
acquisitions, of which RJ McLeod was the most transformational.
Historical acquisitions provided OCU with the strategic
opportunities to widen its footprint, expand capability, and add
capacity to its established and scalable platform. In the coming
12-18 months, OCU will continue to execute its inorganic growth
strategy in a disciplined manner. In our view, any future
acquisitions are likely to be debt-funded through the use of a
delayed draw facility of GBP75 million. To complement its strategic
portfolio, we anticipate OCU will focus on high-growth, dynamic end
markets in untapped regions, in order to fine-tune its regional
presents and end-to-end service capabilities within the U.K. and

"OCU's financial risk profile reflects our expectation that the
company's adjusted leverage and funds from operations (FFO) to debt
will be characterized by high leverage in the next 12-18 months.  
From fiscal year 2025 (ending April 30, 2025), we expect OCU's
portfolio of multiyear framework agreements and short-to-medium
term project-based contracts will help build the orderbook and
project pipeline, reinforcing organic growth prospects over the
medium term. In our base case, we include acquisition spending of
about GBP37.5 million each both fiscal 2025 and 2026, adding
annualized revenue and EBITDA of about GBP90 million and about
GBP15 million in total. Coupled with the earnings contribution of
RJ McLeod and good cost discipline, we forecast OCU will improve
its adjusted EBITDA margin toward 13% or above, supporting gradual
deleveraging toward debt to EBITDA of 6x or below and positive FOCF
generation from fiscal 2026.

"The stable outlook reflects our view that OCU will demonstrate
healthy organic revenue growth in the next 12-24 months, thanks to
its strong orderbook and project pipeline. This reflects our view
that OCU will continue to capitalize on favorable secular
megatrends and growing committed multiyear spend in regulated
markets. Coupled with the earnings contribution of RJ McLeod and
good cost discipline, we expect OCU will improve its adjusted
EBITDA margin toward 13% or above, supporting gradual deleveraging
toward 6x or below and positive FOCF generation from fiscal 2026."

Downside scenario

S&P could lower the rating if:

-- The company underperformed our forecasts, resulting in
sustained negative FOCF absent material earnings growth;

-- FFO cash interest coverage remained persistently below 2x; or

-- The company adopted a more aggressive financial policy, with
debt-funded acquisitions or shareholder friendly returns that push
adjusted debt to EBITDA above 7x.

Upside scenario

S&P could consider taking a positive rating action if OCU
outperformed our forecasts such that adjusted debt to EBITDA fell
below 5x and FFO to debt increased above 12% on a sustained basis.
An upgrade would also require a commitment from shareholders to
demonstrate and sustain a prudent financial policy that supports
maintenance of these credit metrics.

SCOTFIELD GROUP: Interpath Advisory Named as Administrators
Scotfield Group Limited was placed into administration proceedings
in the High Court Of Justice Business and Property Courts in Leeds
Insolvency and Companies List (ChD), Court Number:
CR-2024-LDS-001112, and James Richard Clark and Howard Smith of
Interpath Advisory, Interpath Ltd, were appointed as joint
administrators on Nov. 19, 2024.  
Scotfield Group specializes in the buying and selling of its own
real estate.
Its registered office is at Interpath Ltd, 4th Floor, Tailors
Corner, Thirsk Row, Leeds, LS1 4DP.  Its principal trading address
is at 3 The Gateway North, Marsh Lane, Leeds, LS9 8AX.
The joint administrators can be reached at:
                    James Richard Clark
                    Howard Smith
                    Interpath Advisory
                    Interpath Ltd
                    4th Floor, Tailors Corner
                    Thirsk Row, Leeds
                    LS1 4DP
Further Details Contact:
                    Becca Sargeant
                    Email: ScotfieldCreditors@interpath.com

UNIQUE PUB: S&P Raises Class N Notes Rating to 'BB+ (sf)'
S&P Global Ratings raised to 'BB+ (sf)' from 'BB- (sf)' and removed
from CreditWatch positive its credit rating on Unique Pub Finance
Co. PLC (The)'s class N notes.

Transaction Structure

Unique Pub Finance is a corporate securitization of the U.K.
operating business of the leased and tenanted (L&T) pub estate
operator Unique Pub Properties Ltd. (UPP or the borrower). It
originally closed in June 1999 and was last tapped in February

The transaction initially featured three classes of notes (A, M,
and N), the proceeds of which have been on-lent by Unique Pub
Finance to UPP via issuer-borrower loans. The operating cash flows
generated by UPP are available to repay its borrowings from the
issuer, which, in turn, uses those proceeds to service the notes,
alongside any amounts available under the liquidity facility and
cash reserve.

S&P said, "Since our previous review in August 2024, when we placed
our rating on the class N notes on CreditWatch positive, the class
A4 notes have been fully repaid on the September 2024 interest
payment date. The issuer repaid the class A4 notes using the
proceeds of a subordinate loan to the borrower (UPP), having
received these funds from Stonegate Pub Company, the parent company
of UPP. This subordinate loan ranks junior to the rated note
obligations of the issuer. As a result of this repayment, the
structure has deleveraged significantly. Following this repayment,
the class N notes are now the only outstanding notes in the
transaction. The class N notes will only start to amortize from
September 2027, in line with the existing predefined schedule.
Currently, the issuer does not intend to prepay the class N notes
ahead of their scheduled amortization starting in September 2027.

"Considering our macroeconomic outlook and UPP's asset sale
strategy, we have revised our operating cash flow forecasts
downward slightly through to financial year (FY) 2026. The cash
flow available for debt service benefits from lower capital
expenditure (capex) forecasts, which are revised downward from our
previous forecasts due to the revised strategy for UPP to convert
many fewer of the leased and tenanted pubs into managed pubs, as
well as the gradual reduction in the size of the estate subject to
the disposal covenants.

"Following the repayment of the class A4 notes, the restricted
payment conditions (RPC) continue to be applicable and the issuer
will be able to upstream cash to the borrower (and ultimately to
the parent), provided the RPC conditions are met (the cash reserve
at its required level and the DSCR is at least 1.5x).

"Based on our discussion with UPP, there is no obligation to top up
the fully drawn cash reserve to the previous target level following
the full repayment of the class A4 notes. The cash reserve remains
fully depleted and its account balance after the September 2024
payment date is zero. This would have been topped up from excess
cash if class A4 notes remained outstanding.

"Given the current senior position of the class N notes, they now
feature weaker covenants compared with the senior notes in other
transactions rated at the 'BBB' or 'BB' levels. This now results in
a negative two-notch adjustment under our modifier analysis.

"We also apply a one-notch negative adjustment, primarily because
of the weaker liquidity position.

"As a result of the lower debt-service requirements for the issuer
and reduced leverage, the DSCR for the class N notes has improved.
Therefore, we have raised to 'BB+ (sf)' from 'BB-(sf)' and removed
from CreditWatch positive our rating on Unique Pub Finance's class
N notes following redemption of the class A4 notes. We removed our
CreditWatch placement based on our revised cash flow projections.

"In our opinion, the transaction would qualify for the appointment
of an administrative receiver under the U.K. insolvency regime. An
obligor default would allow the noteholders to gain substantial
control over the charged assets prior to an administrator's
appointment without necessarily accelerating the secured debt, both
at the issuer and borrower levels."

Rating Rationale

S&P said, "Our rating addresses the ultimate payment of interest
and principal on the deferrable class N notes. It is based
primarily on our ongoing assessment of the borrowing group's
underlying business risk profile (BRP), the integrity of the
transaction's legal and tax structure, and the robustness of the
operating cash flows supported by structural enhancements.

"As part of our analysis, we assess whether the operating cash
flows generated by the borrower are sufficient to make the payments
required under the notes' loan agreements by using a DSCR analysis
under a base-case and a downside scenario. Our view of the
borrowing group's potential to generate cash flows is informed by
our base-case operating cash flow projection and our assessment of
its BRP, which we derive using our corporate methodology."

Business risk profile

S&P said, "We continue to assess the borrower's BRP as fair,
supported by the sizable scale of the group's operations as part of
the consolidated Stonegate Pub Company, the largest pub operator in
the U.K., its higher-than-average profitability, and the earnings
stability provided by the L&T model. We believe that the group is
in a good position to continue to benefit from resilient demand in
the industry, despite the macroeconomic challenges, and would be
able to absorb any potential shocks thanks to its position in the
market and its stable earnings base."

Recent performance and events

Since the end of FY2023, UPP has disposed of 28 pubs, ending the
twelve-month period to September 2024 with a securitized estate of
1,720 pubs. Despite the reduction, it is still the largest estate
in our rated U.K. pub universe.

S&P expects UPP to report revenues close to GBP164 million in
FY2024, a 4% increase from FY2023, while it anticipates EBITDA
margins to fall toward 81%-82%, down from 84% in the preceding two
years. This will result in EBITDA of about GBP134 million,
demonstrating the resilience of the business model in a tough
macroeconomic environment as consumers traded down from traditional
restaurants and largely absorbed price increases.

Macroeconomic pressures have started to ease compared with a year
ago, but some constraints remain. These include a reduction in
consumer discretionary spending that could affect demand, and
stubbornly high costs, compared with a year ago, but some
constraints remain. Furthermore, S&P notes that the recent changes
announced on the U.K. budget in relation to national insurance and
minimum living wage could put pressure on the cost base of some of
the publicans.

Given UPP's L&T business model, the company itself is less directly
exposed to increasing costs as these are largely borne by the
publicans. UPP generates revenue mostly from rent and tied-in drink
supply agreements. S&P said, "Although we recognize that the
recovery in earnings and cash generation is faster in the L&T
model, economic conditions remain challenging and may still affect
publicans' ability to pay their rent. This could put pressure on
UPP's ability to collect payments from the publicans. However, we
understand that the group has a pipeline of potential publicans
that could take over the premises and continue with the services."

S&P said, "We believe that UPP is well positioned to weather any
potential macroeconomic shocks and we expect revenue and EBITDA
generation to remain resilient, though potentially affected by a
reduction in the estate in the medium term."

Issuer's liquidity position

The cash reserve remains fully depleted as of September 2024
payment date. As per the transaction documents and confirmed by
Stonegate, the cash reserve target will not be replenished to the
GBP65 million target level. Instead, this target was reduced to
zero following the repayment of the class A4 notes in September
2024, based on the cash reserve required level formula.

The committed liquidity facility remains fully undrawn, with GBP36
million available to the issuer as of September 2024.

Following the repayment of class A4 notes ahead of scheduled
amortization, the liquidity facility available to the class N notes
remains unchanged and the overall size of the liquidity facility
does not amortize immediately. As S&P understands it, the overall
liquidity facility will instead continue to follow the original
schedule (assuming the class A4 and M notes were not amortized),
and will reduce progressively to GBP12.5 million by September

The absence of the cash reserve combined with the class N available
liquidity facility (GBP12.5 million or at about 6.6% of the class N
notes), represents a weaker liquidity position than at our previous

S&P said, "We rate the class N notes on a deferrable basis in line
with the transaction documents. This means that if there are
insufficient funds available to the issuer to pay principal and
interest on the class N notes, the unpaid amounts could be deferred
and ultimately due in March 2032, along with accrued interest on
the deferred amounts. Nonpayment of the class N notes prior to
March 2032 will not lead to an issuer event of default. However,
under the transaction documents, the nonpayment on the secured
issuer-borrower loan would lead to a borrower event of defaults and
the likely enforcement of the security package by the trustee. In
the past, the borrower always had sufficient funds to fulfill its
debt obligations in a timely manner and we expect the UPP to adhere
to the scheduled amortization profile on the outstanding loan."

DSCR analysis

S&P's cash flow analysis serves to both assess whether cash flows
will be sufficient to service debt through the transaction's life,
and to project minimum DSCRs in its base-case and downside

Base-case forecast

S&P said, "Our base-case EBITDA and cash flow projections in the
short term and the company's satisfactory BRP rely on our corporate
methodology. We give credit to growth through to the end of FY2026.
Beyond that, our base-case projections are based on our methodology
and assumptions for corporate securitizations, to which we then
apply assumptions for capex and taxes to arrive at our projections
for the cash flow available for debt service."

UPP's earnings depend largely on general economic activity and
discretionary consumer demand. Considering the economic outlook,
and UPP's financial 2024 results, we have revised our forecasts of
Unique Pub Finance's business performance through to 2026. S&P's
current macroeconomic assumptions are:

-- Macroeconomic pressures have started to ease with inflation
coming closer to the long-term target of 2%. However, recent
macroeconomic challenges and fiscal rules in the U.K. may delay
further decreases in inflation.

-- The labor market remains tight, with wage inflation remaining
high, supported by recurrent increases in the minimum living wage
in the U.K. in the light of the new budget.

S&P said, "We think that the Bank of England will continue lowering
interest rates through 2024 and 2025, bearing in mind the long lags
that monetary policy changes can have and the uncertainty over how
the economy will develop. We expect 100 basis points (bps) to 150
bps of cuts through to the end of 2026.

"Considering our macroeconomic outlook and UPP's signs of recovery
and asset sale strategy going forward, we have revised our
operating cash flow forecasts downward slightly through to FY2026.
The cash flow available for debt service benefits from lower capex
forecasts, which are revised downward from our previous forecasts
due to the revised strategy for UPP to no longer convert the leased
and tenanted pubs into managed pubs, as well as the gradual
reduction in the size of the estate subject to the disposal

"We expect total revenues in FY2025 to be about 1% lower than the
previous year's levels and relatively flat thereafter. This is the
result of a lower number of pubs due to the business' future
disposal profile, despite the marginal increase in revenues per

"We expect retail price index-linked rental income to support
revenue growth, while drink and food income will continue to
increase marginally supported by resilient demand and potential
price increases.

"We typically do not give any credit to disposal proceeds in our
cash flow analysis as we do not consider them to be internal cash
generated by the assets. Equally, we do not consider the buildup of
disposal proceeds in the disposal account as a source of cash for
debt service as we cannot discount the possibility that the
borrower could apply the disposal proceeds to nondebt service

S&P established an anchor of 'bbb-' for the class N notes, based

-- S&P's assessment of UPP's fair BRP, which we associate with a
business volatility score of 4.

-- The minimum DSCR achieved in our base-case analysis.

-- No credit given to issuer-level structural features (such as
the liquidity facility).

Downside DSCR analysis

S&P said, "Our downside DSCR analysis tests whether the
issuer-level structural enhancements improve the transaction's
resilience under a moderate stress scenario. UPP falls within the
pubs, restaurants, and retail industry. Considering U.K. pubs'
historical performance during the financial crisis of 2007-2008, in
our view, a 25% decline in EBITDA from our base case is appropriate
for the tenanted pub subsector.

"We applied the decline to the base case at the point when we
believe the stress on debt service would be greatest.

"Our downside DSCR analysis resulted in a strong resilience score
for the class N notes, higher than the score in our previous review
for the class N notes.

"This reflects the headroom above a 4.0:1.8 DSCR threshold that is
required under our criteria to achieve a strong resilience score
after considering the level of liquidity support available to the
class N notes.

"While the class A4 and M notes were outstanding, there were limits
on the amount of the liquidity facility that could be used to cover
any potential liquidity shortfalls on the class N notes. This limit
remains unchanged following the repayment of the class A4 and M
notes. Therefore, although the size of the liquidity facility
available to the issuer is GBP36 million as of September 2024, in
our downside analysis we only give credit to the limited amount
(GBP12.5 million) available for the class N notes.

"The combination of a strong resilience score and the 'bbb-' anchor
that we derive in our base case results in a resilience-adjusted
anchor of 'bbb+' for the class N notes."

Liquidity facility adjustment

Currently, the liquidity facility amounts available to the issuer
represent a significant level of liquidity support, measured as a
percentage of its total current rated outstanding balance. However,
the liquidity support available specifically to the class N notes
is about 6%, which is unchanged following the redemption of class
A4 and M notes. Therefore, it will be below the 10% threshold in
S&P's corporate securitization criteria.

S&P said, "We have therefore not applied a one-notch increase of
the resilience-adjusted anchor to account for the size of the
available liquidity support relative to the class N notes balance.

"We did not adjust the class N notes' resilience-adjusted anchor.
This is unchanged from our previous review and in line with our
corporate securitization criteria."

Modifiers analysis

S&P said, "We applied a two-notch downward adjustment to the class
N notes to reflect the weak effectiveness of the two main covenant
tests (the restricted payment condition covenant and the lack of
the cash reserve post amortization of class A4 notes), as the class
N notes are now the only outstanding notes in the transaction.
Previously, this adjustment was only applied on the class A4 notes,
which we applied since our Nov. 22, 2019 review. The class N notes
now feature weaker covenants compared with the senior notes in
other transactions rated at the 'BBB' or 'BB' levels. Following the
repayment of the class A4 notes on the September 2024 payment date,
the RPC continues to be applicable and the issuer will be able to
upstream cash to the borrower (and ultimately to the parent)
provided the RPC conditions are met. However, there is no
obligation to top up the fully drawn cash reserve to the previous
target level, weakening the amount of potential liquidity available
to service the debt in case of deteriorating performance."

Comparable rating analysis

S&P said, "Based on our corporate securitization criteria, the
rated notes should benefit from liquidity provisions at the
securitization issuer level to cover for disruption of cash flows
arising from an insolvency of the operating company. We typically
expect 12-18 months of debt service coverage for a sufficient
liquidity position." Under the transaction structure, the cash
reserve at the borrower level, combined with an amortizing tranched
liquidity facility at the issuer level, aimed to cover about 18
months of debt service (including deferrable notes) and constituted
strong liquidity support for the class N notes."

However, since the prepayment of the class A4 and M notes, the
requirement to top up the cash reserve to the required level of
GBP65 million (before amortizing from September 2027) has fallen
away. As the cash reserve is fully drawn already there is no
requirement to fund it to its previous target after the redemption
of the class A4 notes.

The absence of the cash reserve combined with the available
liquidity facility, which represents GBP12.5 million or about 6.6%
of the class N notes' balance, represents a weaker liquidity
position than a year ago.

S&P has therefore applied a one-notch downward adjustment as a
result of the comparable rating analysis.

Counterparty risk

S&P's rating on the notes is not currently constrained by the
long-term issuer credit ratings on any of the counterparties,
including the liquidity facility provider (Barclays Bank PLC) and
bank account providers (National Westminster Bank PLC and Barclays
Bank PLC).


S&P said, "We expect the pub sector's earnings growth to remain
resilient over the next 12-24 months as the sector benefits from
continued demand despite macroeconomic challenges in the U.K.,
where high inflation and pressures on discretionary income could
further affect publicans. An improvement in UPP's profitability in
2023, paired with debt repayments, has helped to continue reducing

"Our expectation of a continuous improvement in profitability and
credit metrics in 2025 and 2026, as well as the improvement in the
group's liquidity profile and debt service, will be key in shaping
our view of the issuer's underlying credit quality, and will be the
main reason for any future rating actions.

"For many rated pub operators, their significant freehold property
portfolios have offered substantial operational and financial
flexibility, but we have yet to see meaningful large-scale
valuation support from conversions or alternative uses for pub
properties. Rather, we expect that their quality of earnings will
be more of a defining factor in the credit profile compared with
the quantum of real estate ownership.

"We expect the L&T model to show more resilience than the managed
model. This is because under the latter, the pub is directly
exposed to increasing costs, which creates higher earnings
volatility and pressure."

Downside scenario

S&P said, "We may consider lowering our rating on the class N notes
if the minimum projected DSCRs in our downside scenario have a
material adverse effect on the respective class N notes'
resilience-adjusted anchor. We may also consider lowering our
rating on the class N notes if the respective minimum forecast DSCR
weakens in our base-case scenario. Additionally, we may consider
lowering our rating if there is a materially higher number of
disposals of the pub estate than predicted in our analysis."

Upside scenario

S&P said, "We could raise our rating on the class N notes if our
minimum DSCR improves to the middle end of the 4.00x-1.80x range in
our base-case scenario. Alternatively, we could take a positive
rating action if UPP's BRP were to increase, although this is
unlikely over the near-to-medium term."


YELCON LIMITED: Interpath Advisory Named as Joint Administrators
Yelcon Limited was placed into administration proceedings in the
High Court Of Justice Business and Property Courts in Leeds
Insolvency and Companies List (ChD), No CR-2024-LDS-001111, and
James Richard Clark and Howard Smith of Interpath Advisory,
Interpath Ltd were appointed as joint administrators on Nov. 19,
Yelcon Limited specializes in the buying and selling of its own
real estate.
Its registered office is at Interpath Ltd, 4th Floor, Tailors
Corner, Thirsk Row, Leeds, LS1 4DP. Its principal trading address
is at 3 The Gateway North, Marsh Lane, Leeds, LS9 8AX.
The joint administrators can be reached at:
                     James Richard Clark
                     Howard Smith
                     Interpath Advisory, Interpath Ltd
                     4th Floor, Tailors Corner
                     Thirsk Row, Leeds
                     LS1 4DP
Further details, contact:

                      Becca Sargeant
                      Email: YelconCreditors@interpath.com

[*] BOND PRICING: For the Week November 25 to November 29, 2024
Issuer             Coupon   Maturity Currency Price
------             ------   -------- -------- -----
Altice France Hold  10.500  5/15/2027  USD  28.586
Cabonline Group Ho  12.487  4/19/2026  SEK  70.750
NCO Invest SA       10.000 12/30/2026  EUR   0.152
Codere Finance 2 L  11.000  9/30/2026  EUR
NCO Invest SA       10.000 12/30/2026  EUR   0.152
Turkiye Government  10.400 10/13/2032  TRY  47.250
Ferralum Metals Gr  10.000 12/30/2026  EUR  29.750
Fastator AB         12.500  9/26/2025  SEK  40.320
Fastator AB         12.500  9/25/2026  SEK  40.405
Saderea DAC         12.500 11/30/2026  USD  51.240
Marginalen Bank Ba  12.039             SEK   7.001
Avangardco Investm  10.000 10/29/2018  USD   0.186
Tinkoff Bank JSC V  11.002             USD  42.875
Ilija Batljan Inve  10.007             SEK  10.000
IOG Plc             12.434  9/22/2025  EUR   1.195
Bilt Paper BV       10.360             USD   0.593
Privatbank CJSC Vi  10.250  1/23/2018  USD   3.670
Plusplus Capital F  11.000  7/29/2026  EUR   8.914
Immigon Portfolioa  10.055             EUR  14.251
Altice France Hold  10.500  5/15/2027  USD  29.423
Instituto de Credi  10.940  12/5/2025  BRL  50.000
UkrLandFarming PLC  10.875  3/26/2018  USD   1.483
Kvalitena AB publ   10.067   4/2/2024  SEK  45.750
Fastator AB         12.500  9/24/2027  SEK  40.313
Societe Generale S  17.800  2/12/2026  USD  42.501
Sidetur Finance BV  10.000  4/20/2016  USD   0.784
Privatbank CJSC Vi  11.000   2/9/2021  USD   0.500
Bulgaria Steel Fin  12.000   5/4/2013  EUR   0.216
Privatbank CJSC Vi  10.875  2/28/2018  USD   4.729
Transcapitalbank J  10.000             USD   1.450
R-Logitech Finance  10.250  9/26/2027  EUR  15.000
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  14.100  3/28/2025  EUR  45.500
Goldman Sachs Inte  16.288  3/17/2027  USD  22.870
Oscar Properties H  11.270   7/5/2024  SEK   0.092
Societe Generale S  18.320  2/26/2026  USD  40.800
UBS AG/London       10.000  3/23/2026  USD  37.120
Tonon Luxembourg S  12.500  5/14/2024  USD   2.216
Phosphorus Holdco   10.000   4/1/2019  GBP   0.216
UniCredit Bank Gmb  12.250  2/28/2025  EUR  40.950
Societe Generale S  20.000  7/21/2026  USD   3.070
Societe Generale S  26.640 10/30/2025  USD   1.300
Societe Generale S  20.000  9/18/2026  USD   5.200
Bilt Paper BV       10.360             USD   0.593
Swissquote Bank Eu  19.340   8/5/2025  USD  47.940
Societe Generale S  23.500   3/3/2025  USD  39.277
Raiffeisen Schweiz  15.000  3/18/2025  CHF  48.690
Societe Generale S  11.000  7/14/2026  USD  14.510
Bank Julius Baer &  12.720  2/17/2025  CHF  15.850
Ameriabank CJSC     10.000  2/20/2025  AMD   9.695
Leonteq Securities  12.500  12/4/2024  CHF  42.630
Societe Generale S  20.000 11/28/2025  USD  11.530
Lehman Brothers Tr  12.400  6/12/2009  USD   0.100
Serica Energy Chin  12.500  9/27/2019  USD   1.500
Sidetur Finance BV  10.000  4/20/2016  USD   0.784
Privatbank CJSC Vi  10.875  2/28/2018  USD   4.729
UkrLandFarming PLC  10.875  3/26/2018  USD   1.483
Deutsche Bank AG/L  14.900  5/30/2028  TRY  49.769
Banco Espirito San  10.000  12/6/2021  EUR   0.058
BLT Finance BV      12.000  2/10/2015  USD  10.500
Ukraine Government  11.000  2/16/2037  UAH  29.672
Bulgaria Steel Fin  12.000   5/4/2013  EUR   0.216
Ukraine Government  11.000  4/24/2037  UAH  32.368
NTRP Via Interpipe  10.250   8/2/2017  USD   1.002
Petromena ASA       10.850 11/19/2018  USD   0.622
Lehman Brothers Tr  14.900 11/16/2010  EUR   0.100
KPNQwest NV         10.000  3/15/2012  EUR   1.151
Bank Vontobel AG    20.000  7/31/2025  CHF  22.400
Bank Vontobel AG    14.000  7/16/2025  CHF  47.800
Basler Kantonalban  14.200  9/17/2025  CHF  43.080
Bank Vontobel AG    12.000  6/17/2025  CHF  15.300
Swissquote Bank Eu  17.590  4/22/2025  USD  43.210
Bank Vontobel AG    14.250  5/30/2025  USD  36.500
Bank Vontobel AG    15.000 10/14/2025  USD  48.800
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  18.500  3/28/2025  EUR  23.600
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  17.600  6/27/2025  EUR  23.770
Vontobel Financial  23.250  6/27/2025  EUR  46.120
Swissquote Bank SA  14.960   7/1/2025  CHF  43.800
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  20.400  3/28/2025  EUR  22.010
Bank Julius Baer &  14.000   6/4/2025  CHF  50.120
Swissquote Bank SA  24.070   5/6/2025  CHF  39.400
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  22.800  3/28/2025  EUR  40.300
Raiffeisen Switzer  16.000   3/4/2025  CHF  11.550
Swissquote Bank Eu  18.530   3/5/2025  CHF  29.550
Vontobel Financial  29.200  1/17/2025  EUR  27.225
Bank Julius Baer &  12.000  5/28/2025  USD  42.050
Swissquote Bank Eu  25.320  2/26/2025  CHF  24.780
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  13.200  3/28/2025  EUR  35.270
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  23.600  3/28/2025  EUR  33.450
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  12.500 12/31/2024  EUR  45.540
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  10.500  3/28/2025  EUR  47.960
Bank Vontobel AG    12.000  4/11/2025  CHF  36.800
Bank Vontobel AG    11.000  4/11/2025  CHF   7.600
Bank Vontobel AG    15.000  4/29/2025  CHF  41.700
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  18.900  3/28/2025  EUR  38.770
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  21.200  3/28/2025  EUR  35.720
Bank Vontobel AG    11.000  4/29/2025  CHF  10.200
Landesbank Baden-W  11.500  4/24/2026  EUR  21.570
Landesbank Baden-W  10.500  4/24/2026  EUR  20.810
Landesbank Baden-W  13.000  4/24/2026  EUR  23.090
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  16.000  6/27/2025  EUR  46.330
JP Morgan Structur  10.000 12/31/2024  EUR   1.003
JP Morgan Structur  20.000 12/31/2024  EUR   1.014
JP Morgan Structur  20.000 12/31/2024  EUR   1.014
JP Morgan Structur  20.000 12/31/2024  EUR   0.983
Bank Vontobel AG    14.500   4/4/2025  CHF  37.500
Leonteq Securities  14.000 10/15/2025  CHF  44.790
Landesbank Baden-W  11.000  2/27/2026  EUR  19.020
Landesbank Baden-W  12.000  2/27/2026  EUR  19.770
Leonteq Securities  14.500  2/27/2025  CHF  35.860
Leonteq Securities  16.000   3/4/2025  CHF  29.460
Leonteq Securities  18.000  5/27/2025  CHF  50.300
Raiffeisen Schweiz  14.500  1/29/2025  CHF  44.280
Raiffeisen Schweiz  16.000  2/19/2025  CHF  29.240
Swissquote Bank SA  20.060  5/22/2025  CHF  42.520
Bank Vontobel AG    14.000   3/5/2025  CHF   4.700
Bank Julius Baer &  18.690   3/7/2025  CHF  40.890
Leonteq Securities  20.000  3/11/2025  CHF  15.600
UBS AG/London       15.000   4/7/2025  USD  42.900
Raiffeisen Switzer  11.000   1/3/2025  CHF  20.660
Bank Vontobel AG    26.000   3/5/2025  CHF  38.100
Bank Vontobel AG    12.000   3/5/2025  CHF  37.800
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  14.300 12/31/2024  EUR  32.250
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  16.500 12/27/2024  EUR  12.030
Bank Julius Baer &  19.400  1/30/2025  CHF  40.190
Raiffeisen Schweiz  16.000   7/4/2025  CHF  44.870
Landesbank Baden-W  11.000   1/2/2026  EUR  18.920
Landesbank Baden-W  16.000   1/2/2026  EUR  22.150
Landesbank Baden-W  16.000  6/27/2025  EUR  17.460
Bank Julius Baer &  17.100  3/19/2025  CHF  44.610
Landesbank Baden-W  13.000  6/27/2025  EUR  17.550
Landesbank Baden-W  15.000   1/3/2025  EUR  19.060
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  19.900 12/31/2024  EUR  43.700
Landesbank Baden-W  10.500  2/28/2025  EUR  46.550
Landesbank Baden-W  11.500  2/28/2025  EUR  17.450
Landesbank Baden-W  15.000  2/28/2025  EUR  15.810
Leonteq Securities  10.500  5/15/2025  CHF  50.050
BNP Paribas Emissi  15.000  9/25/2025  EUR  45.800
Bank Vontobel AG    16.000  2/10/2025  CHF  39.700
Bank Vontobel AG    20.000  3/17/2025  CHF  49.500
Bank Vontobel AG    10.000  12/9/2024  CHF  48.000
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  20.300 12/31/2024  EUR  48.480
Vontobel Financial  20.250 12/31/2024  EUR  38.160
Leonteq Securities  20.800   2/5/2025  CHF  30.100
Vontobel Financial  26.450  1/24/2025  EUR  12.573
Vontobel Financial  13.750 12/31/2024  EUR  46.920
Vontobel Financial  16.500 12/31/2024  EUR  41.230
Vontobel Financial  10.000 12/31/2024  EUR  48.520
Landesbank Baden-W  18.000   1/3/2025  EUR  11.950
Landesbank Baden-W  12.000   1/3/2025  EUR  15.830
Landesbank Baden-W  15.000   1/3/2025  EUR  13.100
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  11.050  5/23/2025  EUR  46.540
Vontobel Financial  16.000  3/28/2025  EUR  17.100
Leonteq Securities  24.000  1/16/2025  CHF  25.030
Vontobel Financial  20.250 12/31/2024  EUR  11.960
Leonteq Securities  20.000 12/11/2024  CHF  36.730
Landesbank Baden-W  10.500  4/28/2025  EUR  18.500
Landesbank Baden-W  16.500  4/28/2025  EUR  17.590
Corner Banca SA     18.400  7/22/2025  CHF  47.580
Zurcher Kantonalba  23.000   3/5/2025  CHF  35.870
Zurcher Kantonalba  14.000  6/17/2025  USD  42.100
Landesbank Baden-W  19.000  2/28/2025  EUR  14.820
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  14.200 12/31/2024  EUR  10.040
UniCredit Bank Gmb  11.200 12/28/2026  EUR  46.100
Leonteq Securities  12.000  12/4/2024  CHF  40.870
Landesbank Baden-W  19.000  4/28/2025  EUR  17.630
Bank Vontobel AG    24.000  4/14/2025  CHF  47.100
Leonteq Securities  24.000  4/23/2025  CHF  46.260
Raiffeisen Switzer  13.000  3/11/2025  CHF  44.600
Raiffeisen Switzer  16.500  3/11/2025  CHF  15.230
Vontobel Financial  11.250 12/31/2024  EUR  47.190
Vontobel Financial  13.000 12/31/2024  EUR  44.990
Vontobel Financial  18.500 12/31/2024  EUR  39.630
Vontobel Financial  14.750 12/31/2024  EUR  43.020
Leonteq Securities  12.000   8/5/2025  CHF  47.220
Vontobel Financial  14.750 12/31/2024  EUR  47.440
Vontobel Financial  16.750 12/31/2024  EUR  45.260
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  17.100 12/31/2024  EUR  34.500
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  15.500 12/31/2024  EUR  39.710
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  18.500 12/31/2024  EUR  49.680
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  23.400 12/31/2024  EUR  28.130
Bank Vontobel AG    13.500   6/3/2025  USD  48.900
Leonteq Securities  21.000 12/18/2024  CHF  32.650
Leonteq Securities  20.000  1/22/2025  CHF  31.140
Landesbank Baden-W  14.000  1/24/2025  EUR  13.830
Leonteq Securities  18.000 12/27/2024  CHF  29.560
Leonteq Securities  20.000  1/22/2025  CHF  11.300
Raiffeisen Schweiz  15.000  1/22/2025  CHF  25.550
Leonteq Securities  16.000  1/15/2025  EUR  43.680
Leonteq Securities  23.000   1/9/2025  CHF  28.350
Leonteq Securities  18.000  2/20/2025  CHF  51.000
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  18.600  3/28/2025  EUR  41.490
Finca Uco Cjsc      12.000  2/10/2025  AMD   0.000
Leonteq Securities  24.000   1/9/2025  CHF  16.080
UniCredit Bank Gmb  10.700  2/17/2025  EUR  12.070
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  16.800 12/31/2024  EUR  46.810
Leonteq Securities  11.000   1/9/2025  EUR  45.120
Leonteq Securities  11.000   1/9/2025  CHF  46.730
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  13.400 12/31/2024  EUR  45.180
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  22.500 12/31/2024  EUR  39.820
Bank Vontobel AG    21.000 12/23/2024  CHF  29.900
Leonteq Securities  20.000  3/21/2025  CHF  31.730
Vontobel Financial  11.000 12/31/2024  EUR  42.310
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  19.100 12/31/2024  EUR  30.860
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  21.300 12/31/2024  EUR  27.990
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  20.900 12/31/2024  EUR  39.380
Societe Generale S  23.510  6/23/2026  USD   6.625
Landesbank Baden-W  11.000  3/28/2025  EUR  13.670
Landesbank Baden-W  13.000  3/28/2025  EUR  12.910
Landesbank Baden-W  15.000  3/28/2025  EUR  12.470
Leonteq Securities  25.000   1/3/2025  CHF  24.090
Corner Banca SA     13.000   4/2/2025  CHF  47.280
Leonteq Securities  21.000   1/3/2025  CHF  16.950
Leonteq Securities  12.000   1/2/2025  EUR  43.420
Raiffeisen Switzer  10.500   4/2/2025  EUR  45.570
Zurcher Kantonalba  10.000  3/27/2025  EUR  44.150
Zurcher Kantonalba  20.000  1/17/2025  CHF  50.020
Raiffeisen Schweiz  13.000  3/25/2025  CHF  43.100
Zurcher Kantonalba  21.000 12/20/2024  CHF  46.770
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  11.500 12/31/2024  EUR  11.810
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  23.100 12/31/2024  EUR  40.140
BNP Paribas Emissi  13.000 12/30/2024  EUR  37.120
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  14.500 12/30/2024  EUR  19.720
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  12.500 12/31/2024  EUR  49.990
Bank Vontobel AG    12.000 12/23/2024  CHF  49.100
Bank Vontobel AG    18.000 12/31/2024  USD  47.000
UniCredit Bank Gmb  10.700   2/3/2025  EUR  11.760
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  10.300  3/28/2025  EUR  48.250
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  12.100  3/28/2025  EUR  48.650
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  20.700 12/31/2024  EUR  48.570
UniCredit Bank Gmb  16.550  8/18/2025  USD  18.400
Finca Uco Cjsc      13.000  5/30/2025  AMD   0.000
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  11.000 12/20/2024  EUR  44.480
UBS AG/London       21.600   8/2/2027  SEK  20.800
BNP Paribas Emissi  10.000 12/30/2024  EUR  39.470
BNP Paribas Emissi  11.000 12/30/2024  EUR  38.040
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  14.000 12/20/2024  EUR  39.400
Erste Group Bank A  14.500  5/31/2026  EUR  42.300
Landesbank Baden-W  22.000   1/3/2025  EUR  11.690
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  17.600 12/31/2024  EUR  42.700
Landesbank Baden-W  25.000   1/3/2025  EUR  10.940
Landesbank Baden-W  16.000  6/27/2025  EUR  15.330
Landesbank Baden-W  21.000  6/27/2025  EUR  16.780
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  14.900 12/31/2024  EUR  46.020
Erste Group Bank A  10.750  3/31/2026  EUR  36.700
Landesbank Baden-W  19.000   1/3/2025  EUR  12.690
Landesbank Baden-W  10.000 10/24/2025  EUR  16.500
Landesbank Baden-W  14.000 10/24/2025  EUR  17.720
Leonteq Securities  10.000  5/26/2025  CHF  40.240
BNP Paribas Emissi  14.000 12/30/2024  EUR  40.250
BNP Paribas Emissi  17.000 12/30/2024  EUR  40.030
BNP Paribas Emissi  13.000 12/30/2024  EUR  38.180
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  17.500  6/27/2025  EUR  11.570
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  15.500  6/27/2025  EUR  46.470
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  22.250  6/27/2025  EUR  13.380
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  12.750  6/27/2025  EUR  10.930
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  11.750  6/27/2025  EUR  44.820
Leonteq Securities  24.000 12/27/2024  CHF  19.420
Leonteq Securities  23.000 12/27/2024  CHF  36.040
Banque Internation  10.000  3/19/2025  EUR  43.000
BNP Paribas Emissi  16.000 12/30/2024  EUR  41.710
BNP Paribas Emissi  12.000 12/30/2024  EUR  46.610
BNP Paribas Emissi  13.000 12/30/2024  EUR  43.840
BNP Paribas Emissi  17.000 12/30/2024  EUR  36.870
UBS AG/London       10.250  3/10/2025  EUR  36.100
Raiffeisen Schweiz  10.000 12/31/2024  CHF  46.900
Corner Banca SA     12.000 12/16/2024  CHF  39.470
Vontobel Financial  18.000 12/31/2024  EUR  45.100
Vontobel Financial  10.000 12/31/2024  EUR  45.880
UBS AG/London       11.750  4/29/2025  EUR  49.250
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  16.300 12/30/2024  EUR  16.780
Landesbank Baden-W  10.000  6/27/2025  EUR  16.500
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  15.200 12/30/2024  EUR  17.430
Landesbank Baden-W  14.000  6/27/2025  EUR  15.470
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  15.700 12/30/2024  EUR  12.880
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  11.600  3/28/2025  EUR  22.450
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  18.100 12/30/2024  EUR  11.470
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  11.100 12/30/2024  EUR  20.960
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  13.100 12/30/2024  EUR  18.990
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  13.400  3/28/2025  EUR  21.110
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  17.500 12/30/2024  EUR  42.540
Landesbank Baden-W  10.000   1/3/2025  EUR  39.480
Landesbank Baden-W  11.000   1/3/2025  EUR  10.520
Landesbank Baden-W  13.000   1/3/2025  EUR   9.410
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  10.250 12/30/2024  EUR  28.110
Inecobank CJSC      10.000  4/28/2025  AMD   0.000
BNP Paribas Issuan  20.000  9/18/2026  EUR  28.570
BNP Paribas Issuan  19.000  9/18/2026  EUR   0.980
BNP Paribas Issuan  16.000  9/18/2026  EUR  44.140
UBS AG/London       11.750  12/9/2024  EUR  34.200
UniCredit Bank Gmb  10.500   4/7/2026  EUR  26.580
Citigroup Global M  25.530  2/18/2025  EUR   0.010
Armenian Economy D  11.000  10/3/2025  AMD   0.000
UniCredit Bank Gmb  10.500 12/22/2025  EUR  31.220
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  11.100 12/30/2024  EUR  19.850
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  15.000  3/28/2025  EUR  19.720
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  11.300  6/27/2025  EUR  23.830
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  16.100 12/30/2024  EUR  16.420
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  15.900  3/28/2025  EUR  19.350
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  13.300  6/27/2025  EUR  22.830
Bank Vontobel AG    10.500  5/12/2025  EUR  37.200
Zurcher Kantonalba  10.500   2/4/2025  EUR  42.940
ACBA Bank OJSC      11.000  12/1/2025  AMD   0.000
Armenian Economy D  10.500   5/4/2025  AMD   0.000
Basler Kantonalban  10.000   2/3/2025  EUR  39.920
Leonteq Securities  10.000  1/20/2025  CHF  46.720
Vontobel Financial  12.500 12/31/2024  EUR  43.000
Leonteq Securities  24.000  1/13/2025  CHF   4.120
Vontobel Financial  12.000 12/31/2024  EUR  47.740
Vontobel Financial  14.250 12/31/2024  EUR  47.400
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  12.100  3/28/2025  EUR  46.290
Landesbank Baden-W  16.000   1/3/2025  EUR  14.040
Landesbank Baden-W  14.000  6/27/2025  EUR  15.200
Landesbank Baden-W  19.000  6/27/2025  EUR  16.260
Landesbank Baden-W  10.500   1/2/2026  EUR  15.700
Vontobel Financial  12.750 12/31/2024  EUR  43.650
UniCredit Bank Gmb  20.000 12/31/2024  EUR  43.700
Leonteq Securities  12.000  12/5/2024  CHF  47.920
UBS AG/London       11.000  2/17/2025  EUR  46.950
National Mortgage   12.000  3/30/2026  AMD   0.000
Evocabank CJSC      11.000  9/27/2025  AMD   9.733
DZ Bank AG Deutsch  10.750 12/27/2024  EUR  10.610
ACBA Bank OJSC      11.500   3/1/2026  AMD   0.000
Leonteq Securities  10.340  8/31/2026  EUR  44.780
UniCredit Bank Gmb  10.400  2/28/2025  EUR  48.530
UniCredit Bank Gmb  11.500  2/28/2025  EUR  46.660
Vontobel Financial  11.000 12/31/2024  EUR  44.810
Vontobel Financial  14.000 12/31/2024  EUR  41.370
Corner Banca SA     10.000  2/25/2025  CHF  41.320
Leonteq Securities  10.000  2/25/2025  CHF  40.980
Bank Vontobel AG    13.500   1/8/2025  CHF   2.900
UBS AG/London       17.400  4/14/2027  SEK  47.140
BNP Paribas Emissi  14.000 12/30/2024  EUR  44.300
BNP Paribas Emissi  14.000 12/30/2024  EUR  36.210
Corner Banca SA     11.000  7/14/2025  EUR  47.440
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  17.400 12/30/2024  EUR  15.090
Leonteq Securities  25.000 12/11/2024  CHF  19.760
Bank Vontobel AG    10.000 12/23/2024  EUR  38.700
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  13.500 12/30/2024  EUR  40.210
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  19.600 12/30/2024  EUR  13.620
Leonteq Securities  10.000  1/21/2025  EUR  40.740
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  11.000  3/28/2025  EUR  22.820
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  11.500  6/27/2025  EUR  24.420
Bank Vontobel AG    11.500  1/14/2025  EUR  48.100
Basler Kantonalban  10.000  1/20/2025  EUR  46.760
UBS AG/London       11.000  1/20/2025  EUR  44.750
Landesbank Baden-W  12.000  1/24/2025  EUR  13.560
Landesbank Baden-W  15.500  1/24/2025  EUR  11.380
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  11.400 12/30/2024  EUR  20.410
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  13.400  6/27/2025  EUR  23.050
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  16.300  3/28/2025  EUR   9.620
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  14.400  3/28/2025  EUR   9.640
Raiffeisen Switzer  10.250  1/21/2025  EUR  40.850
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  14.100 12/30/2024  EUR  18.170
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  16.000  3/28/2025  EUR  19.690
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  15.100  3/28/2025  EUR  20.090
HSBC Trinkaus & Bu  15.200 12/30/2024  EUR  10.610
Raiffeisen Switzer  10.300  6/11/2025  CHF  45.860
Leonteq Securities  11.000   1/3/2025  EUR  40.860
EFG International   11.120 12/27/2024  EUR  39.320
Lehman Brothers Tr  11.750   3/1/2010  EUR   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.000 10/22/2008  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.600  4/22/2014  MXN   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  17.000   6/2/2009  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  13.500   6/2/2009  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.000  6/17/2009  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  11.000   7/4/2011  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  12.000   7/4/2011  EUR   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  13.432   1/8/2009  ILS   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  13.150 10/30/2008  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  16.800  8/21/2009  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  11.250 12/31/2008  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  13.000 12/14/2012  USD   0.100
Teksid Aluminum Lu  12.375  7/15/2011  EUR   0.619
PA Resources AB     13.500   3/3/2016  SEK   0.124
Tonon Luxembourg S  12.500  5/14/2024  USD   2.216
Lehman Brothers Tr  11.000  2/16/2009  CHF   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  13.000  2/16/2009  CHF   0.100
Deutsche Bank AG/L  12.780  3/16/2028  TRY  48.250
Credit Agricole Co  10.200 12/13/2027  TRY  48.415
Credit Agricole CI  29.699 12/29/2031  EUR  49.604
Lehman Brothers Tr  11.000 12/19/2011  USD   0.100
Elli Investments L  12.250  6/15/2020  GBP   0.962
Elli Investments L  12.250  6/15/2020  GBP   0.962
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.500   8/9/2010  EUR   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.000  3/27/2009  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  11.000  6/29/2009  EUR   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  12.000  7/13/2037  JPY   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.000  6/11/2038  JPY   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  15.000  3/30/2011  EUR   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  14.900  9/15/2008  EUR   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  13.500 11/28/2008  USD   0.100
Ukraine Government  11.000  3/24/2037  UAH  29.557
Ukraine Government  11.000  4/20/2037  UAH  29.558
Lehman Brothers Tr  13.000  7/25/2012  EUR   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  18.250  10/2/2008  USD   0.100
Ukraine Government  11.000   4/1/2037  UAH  29.536
Ukraine Government  11.000   4/8/2037  UAH  29.520
Ukraine Government  11.000  4/23/2037  UAH  29.489
Lehman Brothers Tr  16.000  10/8/2008  CHF   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.000  2/16/2009  CHF   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.000 10/23/2008  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  16.000 10/28/2008  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  16.200  5/14/2009  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  16.000  11/9/2008  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.000  5/22/2009  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  15.000   6/4/2009  CHF   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  10.442 11/22/2008  CHF   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  23.300  9/16/2008  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  11.000   7/4/2011  CHF   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  16.000 12/26/2008  USD   0.100
Lehman Brothers Tr  14.100 11/12/2008  USD   0.100
Phosphorus Holdco   10.000   4/1/2019  GBP   0.216


S U B S C R I P T I O N   I N F O R M A T I O N

Troubled Company Reporter-Europe is a daily newsletter co-
published by Bankruptcy Creditors' Service, Inc., Fairless Hills,
Pennsylvania, USA, and Beard Group, Inc., Washington, D.C., USA.
Marites O. Claro, Rousel Elaine T. Fernandez, Joy A. Agravante,
Julie Anne L. Toledo, Ivy B. Magdadaro, and Peter A. Chapman,

Copyright 2024.  All rights reserved.  ISSN 1529-2754.

This material is copyrighted and any commercial use, resale or
publication in any form (including e-mail forwarding, electronic
re-mailing and photocopying) is strictly prohibited without prior
written permission of the publishers.

Information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but is not guaranteed.

The TCR Europe subscription rate is US$775 per half-year,
delivered via e-mail.  Additional e-mail subscriptions for
members of the same firm for the term of the initial subscription
or balance thereof are US$25 each.  For subscription information,
contact Peter Chapman at 215-945-7000.

                * * * End of Transmission * * *