Bankruptcy Law Mailing List

The Bankruptcy Law Mailing List is currently hosted by the University of Illinois. Originated by Professors Bruce A. Markell and Douglass Boshkoff, and now carried on by Professor Robert Lawless, it is open to academics, lawyers, accountants and bankruptcy professionals of all stripes.

The formal name of the list is Bankr-L.

To join or leave the list enter a request by following the instructions from this page: 

To guard against spam and to prevent unrepresented persons from using the list inappropriately, all requests are screened to ensure the potential subscriber has some professional connection with the bankruptcy field. If the e-mail account can easily be traced to a law firm web site or some other professional firm with a web site, request is immediately approved. 

Otherwise, further verifications on the potential subscriber is made.

For more information:

Robert Lawless
Professor of Law
University of Illinois College of Law | Resources for Restructuring Professionals

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