What is the Bankruptcy Prospector?

Bankruptcy Prospector profiles every business-related Chapter 11 filing in the U.S. with assets of less than $20 million and is emailed to you every
Monday morning. It is the essential tool for bankruptcy professionals and dealmakers for building your business by reaching out to those
people who have an immediate need and would benefit from your help.

Bankruptcy Prospector is easy to use.

You determine your own trade area. The index is sorted by state and then by city. Ascertain your geographic service area and reach out to the
prospects appropriate for you.

Case profiles enable you to evaluate prospects.

You get the company name, address, phone, NAICS number, case details, business description, officers, attorneys (name, firm, phone and email),
total assets, total liabilities, and a link to a free copy of the petition. We give you everything you need to determine whether to pursue a prospect
and the contact information you'll need.

Choose your own tactics.

Every case is different. You may know someone involved and contact them. You may contact the debtor or send a brochure describing your services.
You may know the attorney, and maybe youve worked with him before. A call, note or a brochure is used by many to indicate an interest
in providing services. You need to reach out. Marketing consistency and discipline is an effective strategy.

What does it cost?

The first subscription is $289 for six months. Your introductory price is $224, a $65 savings. Are there additional people involved in the marketing?
Additional subscriptions to the same company are $28 each. Your price is $20 each. Involve your partners and associates who have client contacts.
How many new matters do you need to cover the cost? One every few years? Maybe just one deal. Period.

The price is right, but I am still hesitant.

Okay. Okay. If you will reach out to your market, we will prove Bankruptcy Prospector works and is one of the best and easiest marketing tools for
your real estate professional services. We will spot you a 30-day free trial. Click Here