On-line since Dec. 16, 1994, bankrupt.com hosts the largest collection of free resource materials for corporate restructuring professionals.
Bankrupt.com helps Beard Group, Inc., publish and produce:
- Turnarounds & Workouts -- the oldest and most respected publication serving the global insolvency market and distressed investors;
- Troubled Company Reporter -- sharing business, legal and financial news seven days each week about a list of more than 3,000 companies on
a rolling basis whose credit quality is deteriorating and
who are reorganizing their balance sheets and operations in court-supervised proceedings or otherwise (and to which subscribers have free and unrestricted access to our -year news archive at no additional charge);
- Troubled Company Prospector -- profiling companies where predefined trigger events suggest change is giving rise to opportunity for corporate
restructuring professionals' business development managers to
market and sell their firms' services; and
- Class Action Reporter -- providing class action professionals with definitive, timely, accurate and quality news and
information about fresh class action lawsuits filed and proceeding through the federal and state courts.
All of our news and research is available via LexisNexis, Thomson Reuters'
WestLaw service, The Bloomberg Professional Service, Dow Jones' Factiva service and
Refinitiv, an LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group) business -- and we're extraordinarily honored to contribute third-party content to these important,
market-moving syndication outlets.
The world's largest law firms, financial professionals, risk managers and business consultants subscribe to Beard Group's newsletter titles, and we're ecstatic to help supply those firms' news, information and
data needs so they can serve their clients more effectively and efficiently.
Beard Group publishes more than 300 business, law and finance books, all of which are available at BeardBooks.com or through your favorite book
retailer, and we're proud to help promote those titles.
Beard Group also serves the corporate restructuring and complex litigation markets by hosting the annual Distressed Investing Conference, Class Action Money & Ethics Conference and Intellectual Property Money & Ethics Conference in Midtown
Manhattan. These are stellar get-togethers gathering the sharpest top-tier professionals we know, and we're thrilled and delighted to both support and attend those events.
Beard Group's Privacy Policy as of Aug. 25, 2017, is posted at http://beardgroup.com/BeardGroupPrivacyPolicy.htm if you need that for any reason.
We'd be delighted to hear from you:
Peter A. Chapman
(215) 945-7000